How to clean crystal from grease. How to wash crystal to make it shine? How to wash a crystal chandelier to make it shine

Until recently, crystal products could be seen in almost every home. These were numerous glasses of various shapes, bizarre items resembling the shape of animals and various shapeless objects, vases and small bowls, and stacks.

Today, crystal is still popular, if not to say that it is even more “fashionable”, because not only tableware, but also all kinds of chandeliers and lamps were made from crystal.

Gradually, these products acquire a yellowish tint, which is often simply impossible to get rid of. And all because crystal is an unusual glass and in order to return it to its original shine and amazing ringing, you need to know how to clean it correctly.

Methods for cleaning crystal at home

  • The most acceptable and affordable cleaning option is the use of chemicals. Fortunately, today it’s easy and quick to get them - just go to any store. However, if you are fundamentally “against chemistry,” then this method will not suit you.
  • For three liters of water take 2 tsp. soda (baking soda) and pour 30 g acetic acid, mix. This solution can clean even old stains and seemingly hopelessly ingrained yellowness. It will perfectly remove food debris from salad bowls and internal streaks from flowers in vases.
  • Baking soda is sprinkled with water and applied evenly to the entire surface of the crystal product. Leave it like that for a couple of hours, then wash off the soda.
  • Boil half a kilogram of jacket potatoes. Drain off the remaining cooking water. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the most contaminated areas with it. Then rinse with clean warm water, to which add half a glass of vinegar or 10 grams of blue.
  • If the crystal appears clean (it just has a slightly visible yellow coating), then wipe it with raw potatoes, cut in half. For the same purpose, potato starch is used, which is applied to the product with a damp sponge and cleaned off after three hours.

What to pay attention to

After cleaning, it is recommended to rinse any crystal product with water and vinegar diluted in it. Afterwards, you need to wipe dry both the internal and external surfaces, because often dirt settles inside and not outside. Wipe with a dry paper towel or flannel, or a clean wool cloth.

To avoid leaving greasy marks behind your fingers, be sure to wear rubber gloves. Any crystal product can easily slip out of your hands, so when cleaning it, use non-metallic dishes, which are covered with a cloth at the bottom.

Do not use hot water when washing. If you need to clean a chandelier, sometimes it is better not to remove it, but to clean it while hanging. Antistatic brushes should be used for cleaning hard-to-reach places. Please note that a crystal chandelier will definitely become hot, and if it is not cleaned well, then, in the end, the crystal will begin to show small cracks, and then completely crack and fall apart.

HOW TO DEFEAT CYSTS WITHOUT SURGERY... LIVER, KIDNEY, OVARY CYSTS _________________ __________________ ________________ ___________________ I want to offer quite effective non-surgical methods for eliminating cysts. First, I will focus on liver cysts. They are most often found in the left lobe of this organ. Their presence is indicated by pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, asymmetry of the abdomen and identification by palpation of a tumor-like formation in the right hypochondrium. The most effective way to eliminate cysts on the liver is with the juices of celandine and burdock. You need to prepare the entire celandine plant as soon as the first flowers appear on it, clean it of debris and yellow leaves, wash it, dry it, pass it through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through several layers of gauze. You need to prepare 1 liter of juice in this way and put it in the refrigerator for a week. After this, drain the transparent upper part, bring the resulting juice to 1 liter with vodka and take it in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, diluting it in half a glass of rosehip decoction. Start taking 10 drops, adding 1 drop every day. Having reached 20 drops, take the juice at this dose for 10 days, and then reduce the dose by 1 drop daily until you return to 10 drops per dose. Drink 10 drops of celandine juice for another 10 days, then take a ten-day break, and after that repeat the treatment course. It’s good to drink viburnum infusion along with celandine juice. Pour 12 tbsp. berries 1.5 liters of boiling water, strain after 2 hours and drink the infusion 2 days in advance, consuming it in between meals. After that, cook fresh. After treatment with celandine juice is completed, proceed to taking burdock juice. Fresh leaves and roots of the plant, collected in May, must be passed through a meat grinder, squeezed out the juice from the resulting mass through gauze and stored in the refrigerator. Take burdock juice 1 tbsp. immediately before meals for 10 days. Take a ten-day break and then repeat the treatment course. Carry out such courses intermittently until you drink 0.5 liters of burdock juice in this way. Take a break for a month and then repeat the treatment. As a result, you need to drink 1 liter of juice. It is also useful to take burdock juice for various types of hepatitis. It is advisable to harvest the leaves of the plant for the new moon from early morning until noon, and the roots - in the afternoon, closer to sunset, a week before the new moon. In the future, to avoid liver problems, you need to drink juice from burdock leaves every May. ________________________________ Kidney cysts are also eliminated with the juice of this plant, but they prepare and take it using a different method. First, large burdock leaves are passed through a meat grinder, 800 ml of juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass, 200 ml of vodka is added to it and put in the refrigerator for a week. After this, take 1 tbsp burdock juice with vodka. 3 times a day half an hour before meals, washing it down with 1/2 glass of water each time. Having finished using the prepared product, make juice from young burdock leaves and take it strictly according to the scheme, without missing a single day. The first and second days drink 1 tsp. juice 2 times a day 45 minutes before meals, the third and fourth days - 1 tsp. 3 times a day, and then take 1 tbsp juice. 3 times a day 45 minutes before meals. In total, drink in this way at least 0.5 liters of juice prepared from the young leaves of the plant. This juice is only good for 3 days, and then you need to make it fresh. I recommend combining burdock treatment with herbal treatment. First, you need to chop and mix equal parts of calendula flowers, horsetail herb, burnet, bearberry, plantain and larkspur, pour in 1 tbsp. mixture 300 ml of boiling water, strain after 3 hours and take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals. Take this infusion for 3-4 months, and then mix equal parts by volume, after crushing, rose hips, dandelion and chicory roots, St. John's wort and agrimony, pour 1 tbsp. mixture 300 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, leave for 2 hours, strain and drink 2 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals for 3-4 months. Aspen and infusion of medicinal plants are successfully used to eliminate cysts on the kidneys. It is necessary to grind dry aspen bark into powder and take it with 1/2 tsp of water. 3 times a day before meals. At the same time, apply compresses to the kidney area with a solution of aspen and Indian onion (dissolve 1 teaspoon of ground aspen bark and freshly squeezed Indian onion juice in a glass of boiling water). To prepare the infusion, you need to chop and mix 50 g of rose hips, yarrow herb, May wormwood and St. John's wort, 2 tbsp. pine buds and 200 g of chaga mushroom, pour 1/4 cup of cognac into the mixture, pour 3 liters of chilled boiled water into the mixture in an enamel pan and let it stand, without boiling, for 2 hours over low heat. Remove the pan from the stove, wrap it in a towel and leave it in a warm place for a day. After this, strain the contents, add 500 g of honey, 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed juice of three to five years old aloe to the infusion, mix thoroughly and put in a dark place for 3 days. For the first 6 days, take 1 tsp half an hour before meals. infusion, and then - 1 tbsp. within 3 months. After every 2 weeks of treatment with aspen and plant infusion, take a week break. Drink green tea with milk regularly. In the morning 1 tsp. Pour 1/2 cup of boiling water over the top of the tea, leave for 5 minutes, strain, top up the glass with freshly boiled milk and drink the whole thing with honey on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast. Repeat in the evening before bed. It is effective for kidney cysts to place 30 g of crushed young elecampane root, 2 tbsp. in a three-liter jar. sugar and 1 tbsp. yeast, fill to the top with warm boiled water, close the neck of the jar with a lid and leave to infuse for 2 days. Drink the prepared infusion until it is finished, 0.5 cups 4 times a day after meals. Take a break for 20 days and then repeat the treatment course. At the same time as the infusion of elecampane, take a herbal infusion. You need to chop and mix 3 tbsp. dry steelberry roots, 4 tbsp. flax seeds, 5 tbsp. birch leaves, pour 3 tbsp. mixture in a thermos 1 liter of boiling water, strain after 3 hours and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals for a month. After a three-week break, repeat the treatment course. Men who suffer from prostatitis and prostate adenoma should also use these infusions. Taking them will help them stop the progression of illnesses. A kidney cyst will resolve faster if you use Veselka mushroom tincture in treatment. You need to fill a liter jar with fresh chopped mushrooms, fill it to the top with vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark place, strain, squeeze and take 1 tsp. tincture, diluting it in 50 ml of water, 2 times a day half an hour before meals. ______________________________ The occurrence of cysts on the ovaries in women is facilitated by inflammation in the genitourinary system, stress, depression, women wearing trousers, smoking and drinking alcohol. Not least of all are rude relationships between a man and a woman, resentment, anger, fears and self-doubt. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, first of all you need to remove the reasons that could cause a cyst on the ovaries, be sure to check the thyroid gland, since the cyst is hormonally connected to it, get tested for chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections, and also check for displacement discs of the lumbar spine, since with an unhealthy spine, a cyst also forms on the ovaries. In order to intensively pump fresh blood into the vessels of the pelvis, uterus and ovaries, it is imperative to do exercises. Very often, only thanks to it, the cyst on the ovaries resolves. I recommend using plant extracts and viburnum juice to eliminate it. First, mix equal parts honey and freshly squeezed viburnum juice, and then take 1 tbsp. mixture in the morning on an empty stomach for a month. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. After this, prepare separately and then use two herbal mixtures in treatment. For the first, you need to chop and mix bergenia root, mint grass, clover and tansy flowers, leaves of coltsfoot, bearberry and eucalyptus in equal volumes, and for the second - calendula flowers, pine buds, angelica and evasive peony roots, fireweed leaves and cuffs, mint and parsley, then 2 tbsp. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into each mixture in different thermoses in the evening, leave overnight, and in the morning strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals. First drink the infusion prepared from the first collection, and then from the second. In the evening, make microenemas with 50 ml of each infusion. Do not throw away the remaining cake after filtering, but use it for compresses on the lower abdomen. Treat in this way, preparing fresh infusions daily, for 3 months. Take a break for 2 weeks and then repeat the treatment course. To find out whether the cyst has disappeared or at least shrunk, you need to do ultrasound regularly. A cyst on the ovaries will resolve faster if from 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. knead a stiff dough with rye flour, make candles 0.5 cm in size from it, and then insert one candle into the vagina in the morning and evening after emptying. Store them in the freezer and leave them at room temperature for a while before using. Place candles for a month. If there are polyps on the ovaries, in addition to cysts, use a decoction and tincture together with viburnum juice and herbal infusions. You need to pour half a glass of pine nut shells into a liter enamel mug, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them, leave for an hour under the lid on low heat, strain and drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals for 2 weeks. After this, take 1 tbsp 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. tinctures (grind and mix 2 tablespoons of wormwood herb, 1 teaspoon of birch buds, 1 aloe leaf, red hot pepper, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 10 days, and then strain), each time dissolving it in 3 tbsp. water. After 2 weeks, take a break for 8 days, and then repeat the use of the decoction and tincture. When the cyst and polyps begin to resolve, you will notice a viscous, light-colored discharge and feel a burning sensation or pain in the ovarian area. In this case, you need to drink an infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort or yarrow for 10 days. For cysts on the ovaries, aggravated by endometriosis, in addition to the main treatment, drink an infusion of meadowsweet grass and raspberry leaves. It is necessary to mix, after crushing, 1 tbsp. each of the plants, pour the mixture into a thermos in the evening with 1 liter of boiling water, leave overnight, and in the morning strain and drink everything in sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is 3 months. After this, every evening pour 1 liter of boiling water into a thermos with 3 tablespoons. crushed spruce or pine needles, leave overnight, and in the morning strain and drink the infusion in sips throughout the day. Take it for 30 days. If you have a cyst on the ovaries, you need to eat 2 tablespoons daily. flaxseed oil and drink 300-400 ml of green tea. Try to eat less meat and more vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood. Cysts on the cervix are another problem for women. Basically, it can only be detected with a thorough examination. I recommend eliminating this cyst with decoctions of boron uterus and zyuznik. First, for 2.5 months, take a decoction of boron uterus, and then - zyuznik. They are prepared in the same way: 1 tbsp. any herb, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, pour the broth along with the herb into a thermos and leave for 3 hours. After this, filter and drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day half an hour before or 1.5 hours after meals. At the same time, take tincture of golden mustache. You need to pour 0.5 liters of vodka into 40 joints of the plant, leave for two weeks and take 20 drops 2 times a day half an hour before meals for a month. Take a break for 10 days and then repeat the treatment course. Conduct 5 such courses intermittently. In addition, insert a tampon into the vagina at night, dipping it first in freshly squeezed juice from 2-3 cloves of garlic. All cysts are effectively eliminated by fungus fungus, triethanolamine (an amino alcohol that increases the acid-base balance of solutions) and stearic acid. Triethanolamine and acid can be purchased at chemical stores. First, mix 25 ml of triethanolamine and 100 g of stearic acid, add a small amount of water to the mixture and heat it evenly, without bringing to a boil. Water is added all the time until a jelly-like mass without pieces is formed. After this, cool, stirring, and then the resulting white cream is thoroughly mixed with the same amount by volume of sour juice of the Veselka mushroom. The healing ointment is ready. To prepare the juice, fill a jar tightly with fresh chopped mushrooms, cover it with a plastic lid and leave for 2.5 months. This juice can be stored for several years. The prepared ointment is easily rubbed into the liver, kidneys and lower abdomen every day for 3-5 months. You need to rub in for a long time and thoroughly, massaging the area to be rubbed. A course of treatment requires up to 2 liters of ointment. In addition, take 1 tsp 2 times a day after meals. Veselka mushroom juice, each time dissolving it in 0.5 cups of water. If the cyst is accompanied by heart disease, they can also be treated with Veselka mushroom. For this purpose, fill a jar with chopped mushrooms, fill it to the top with vodka, close the neck of the jar with a lid and leave it in a warm place for 15 days. After this, filter, squeeze and take 1 tbsp 2 times a day before meals. tincture, each time dissolving it in 0.5 cups of water. Drink for a month, take a break for 30 days, and then repeat the treatment course. Conduct 2-3 such courses intermittently. For cysts on the ovaries or cervix, additionally apply compresses with castor oil. Soak it in cotton paper napkin measuring 30 by 90 cm, fold it in 3 layers, place it on the lower abdomen, cover with cellophane, put a heating pad with hot water on top and lie there for 1 hour. Do such compresses 3 times a week. Sometimes a cyst forms at the site of injury. It can be removed with compresses with tar ointment. Stir 2 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. tar, apply the ointment on a napkin and apply it to the sore spot overnight. Do not heat it under any circumstances. You can make compresses with pharmaceutical tinctures of calendula or propolis. Moisten a napkin with water, wring it out, drip one of the tinctures onto it and apply it to the site of the cyst. Cover with compress paper, secure with a bandage and leave for 2-3 hours. A few of these compresses are enough to make the cyst go away. During the treatment of cysts, exclude from the diet all foods containing yeast and prepared by fermentation, regularly consume boiled egg yolks, pumpkin seeds and sunflower oil. Refuse to visit the bathhouse and sauna, bask less in the sun, and do not do any warming up or massages. Take 2 g of vitamin C, a capsule of vitamins A, E and a selenium-active tablet daily. Show persistence, get treatment, and victory in the fight against the cyst will be yours!

Preparing for a feast or receiving guests is often accompanied by the question of how to clean crystal at home. Moreover, this needs to be done quickly, efficiently and with minimal time. In everyday life, crystal dishes are used infrequently, so they gradually become dull, covered with traces of yellowness and a dense whitish coating.

Coping with these phenomena is not as difficult as it seems, you just need to choose suitable remedy. At the right approach You can achieve an attractive shine and clear ringing even from the most inexpensive and old product.

In order not to harm capricious objects, you need to take into account the basic rules for caring for crystal:

  1. The material is negatively affected by temperature changes, and from such exposure it becomes even more fragile.
  2. Regardless of the means used to clean the crystal, use lukewarm water, no higher than 35ºC.
  3. Dishes, a chandelier or a crystal vase should not be left to dry naturally; streaks and stains will remain on the surface. Clean items are wiped dry with towels or microfiber cloths; this material does not leave lint.

To avoid much hassle, crystal can also be washed in the dishwasher. But this permit only applies to not very expensive products without persistent plaque or yellowness. This approach is recommended to be used if you need to wash items after a feast or wash away fresh dirt.

We choose the appropriate product based on the type of contamination

Before washing crystal using one of the “grandmother’s” methods, it is worth considering that powder compositions that scratch the surface of the glass, and soap solutions (they leave behind a matte coating) are absolutely not suitable for this manipulation.

  • To wash away dust and renew a crystal vase or tableware, you need to use a specialized glass cleaner. We take a basin, it is better if it is made of plastic, line it with a soft cloth, pour in a concentrated solution and carefully immerse the crystal products. Leave the container for several hours. Then we take a soft cloth and clean all the grooves and elements of the objects. To create a beautiful shine, the crystal needs to be rinsed in water with the addition of vinegar, citric acid or ammonia.
  • To wash off the plaque that often covers a crystal vase due to constant exposure to hard water, you need to use a solution of organic acid. At home, acetic, citric or oxalic acid is most often used. We dilute the selected product with water until a solution is formed; it should be slightly acidic. Place the dishes in the composition and leave them for several hours. After this, add half a glass of rice or peas to the container (you can get by with potato peelings), cover with a lid and begin to shake. After removing dirt, rinse the products with lukewarm water.
  • The most persistent stain is limescale. It adheres to the crystal so tightly that during the removal process it can cause scratches. To prevent this, you need to wash the dishes with Coca-Cola or its carbonated analogues. Just pour the drink, leave it for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. This approach is also effective for red wine stains.
  • A vase covered with blooming greenery will be saved by baking soda. Pour warm water into the container and add baking soda powder at the rate of one tablespoon of product per half glass of liquid. We wait a few minutes, cover the neck and vigorously shake the product several times. After such treatment, be sure to rinse the vase with a weak solution of vinegar.

The most difficult thing to deal with is carved surfaces. The same rules apply here, you just need to additionally involve mechanical processing, during which microfiber is used.

Specifics of cleaning crystal chandeliers

To wash dirt from a crystal chandelier, it is not necessary to remove the product or disassemble it into parts. To carry out the manipulation, it is not recommended to use the listed folk remedies; it is better to purchase a specialized product. It is applied generously to the product, and several towels need to be laid out on the floor, onto which excess product will drip. After a certain time, we wipe the parts of the object and wash them with clean water.

As a last resort, a chandelier, and other crystal glassware, can be washed with ammonia. In a large bowl of warm water, dilute half a glass of alcohol, mustard powder and vinegar. The aggressive and not very attractive-looking mixture is absolutely harmless to glass and can eliminate any degree of contamination. It is used for soaking or wiping products and then rinsing them.

Every housewife knows firsthand how difficult it is to keep kitchen work surfaces, dishes and accessories clean. But it is by the condition of the dishes that most people judge a woman’s cleanliness. In this article, we will share with you effective and simple recommendations on how to clean and bleach old dishes and plates from the yellow coating that forms over time even on their backs.

Reasons for the appearance of yellowness on dishes

Why do dishes turn yellow and how to clean them until they shine? When faced with the problem of how to wash plates from yellow plaque, most housewives ask a completely logical question: what is the reason for its appearance and how to clean the dishes without spoiling the pattern or scratching the surface? In addition, many women are trying to understand whether it is mold and what harm such dirt can cause to human health?

In fact, yellowness sooner or later appears on any dishes, and there are several main reasons for such contamination:

  • the use of hard water, which usually comes from city water systems;
  • low-quality detergents;
  • lack of hot water, which leads to natural problems with fat removal;
  • rush when washing dishes, which undoubtedly affects the quality of this procedure.

But still, the question of how to clean plates from yellow plaque does not lose its relevance. Of course, thoroughly washing all kitchen utensils with a strong product from well-known manufacturers will help you cope with the problem. However, there are also a number of proven folk methods that will give results no worse.

What might be useful?

To clean dishes from yellow deposits and congealed grease, you may need the following substances, which are likely to be found in the kitchen:

  • Baking soda.
  • Citric acid.
  • Table vinegar.
  • Mustard powder.

Also, do not forget to prepare auxiliary equipment, which includes kitchen sponges and a bowl of clean water.

Folk methods for removing yellow plaque from plates

Today, many housewives prefer to minimize the use household chemicals, giving preference to effective, cost-effective, and most importantly, safe folk methods. Here are those that will help you quickly and completely remove yellowness from your plates.

Method No. 1 - Soaking in soda solution

To quickly remove traces of old grease from the surface of plates, the dishes should be soaked in a hot cleaning solution, which is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. A large container is filled with clean, hot water.
  2. For every liter of water in the pan, add 3 tbsp. l. soda
  3. The dishes covered with an unpleasant coating are immersed in the container for an hour.
  4. After the specified time has passed, the plates are removed from the soda solution, thoroughly cleaned with a kitchen sponge and washed under warm water.

Important! The most effective breakdown of fat occurs in hot water, so the temperature of the solution should be maintained by adding boiling water. You can also enhance the effect of the cleaning composition by adding a small amount of gel dishwashing detergent.

Method No. 2 - Cleaning with citric or acetic acid

In deciding how to clean the backs of plates, acetic or citric acid, which is probably found in every kitchen, will help you. To achieve the desired result, use one of the proposed means according to the following algorithm:

  1. Gently apply the acid to back side plates.
  2. Wait for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wash the dishes thoroughly with a kitchen sponge and your usual detergent.
  4. Rinse plates in warm running water.

Method number 3 - Baking soda

A white powder known to every housewife - soda - will help in the fight against unpleasant deposits on plates. This substance It will probably be found in every kitchen, because its scope of application is surprisingly wide. To achieve the desired cleaning result, follow these instructions:

  1. Wet dirty dishes generously with warm water, or better yet, soak them in a sufficiently large basin for a while.
  2. Apply baking soda to a kitchen sponge and apply the cleaning agent to problem areas.
  3. Thoroughly rinse cleaned plates under warm running water.

Important! In terms of its cleansing properties, soda is in no way inferior to the chemical compositions popular today. But it is known for its environmental cleanliness and safety for human health.

Method number 4 - Mustard powder

At first glance, it may seem that with the help of mustard it is almost impossible to clean dishes from frozen fat and the residue remaining from it. However, it was mustard powder that was used for many generations as an effective and, most importantly, safe cleaning agent.

To achieve the highest quality results, it is recommended to use mustard powder as follows:

  1. Place the dishes covered with unpleasant deposits in a large container.
  2. Fill the basin to the top with warm water, add a little mustard powder.
  3. Leave the kitchen utensils in this state for 30-40 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, wash the dishes as usual.

At least everything traditional methods Cleaning plates at home involves the use of harmless means at hand, but still, when using them, you should adhere to basic safety rules:

  1. When using any of the products, protect the skin of your hands with rubber gloves. They will help prevent allergic reactions and irritating effects of acids.
  2. To quickly get rid of the pungent odor of the substances used, open the kitchen window before starting cleaning procedures.
  3. To use folk remedies When cleaning, it is best to take a new sponge or use a tool that you will not need in the future.

Reading time: 1 minute

What do you associate with festive table? Clean tablecloths, polished spoons and forks, shining dishes... And, of course, crystal clear crystal glasses, which emit a melodious ringing when touched. But, alas, after the end of the celebration, the dishes no longer look so solemn. On the crystal glasses there is a cloudy coating, stains, traces of lipstick, and the remains of drinks. How to wash crystal to restore it to its original purity and dazzling shine? We will talk about this further.

Crystal tableware is a high-quality decorative item. Among the special qualities of the material are crystal transparency, glass density, bright shine, multifaceted play of light, beautiful ringing.

Let us first note that crystal is different from crystal. There are certain types and grades of this fragile material, each of which has its own character.

But there is also general rules care

Crystal Care Basics

At the same time, all of the listed types of crystal are extremely fragile materials. Here are the basics of caring for it:

  • If you want to refresh a product that has not been used for a long time, first remove the dust from it with a dry cloth. Otherwise, you risk getting cloudy stains from it.
  • Before you start cleaning your crystal items, line the bottom of the treatment container with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid rapid temperature changes! This can lead to cracks and splits.
  • The best way is to wash it in warm water ( up to 35 degrees).
  • Cold and hot water dulls crystal.
  • Washing and cleaning - with extreme caution.
  • Give up all kinds of powders! Abrasive cleaners may leave scratches.
  • Some housewives advise cleaning crystal with cotton gloves so as not to leave traces of sebum on its surface.
  • When washing items with thin stems, try to hold them by the bottom.
  • Be sure to wipe the item dry with a soft cloth after water procedures.
  • What is the best way to wash crystal? Suitable “tools” for cleaning are lint-free cloths and napkins. The most suitable ones in this case are microfiber ones. Also use linen gloves and wool pieces.
  • Do you want your crystal to shine dazzlingly after washing? Wipe it dry with paper napkins or a towel.

Cleaning products

Now let’s move on to popular care products for capricious crystal. I must say that there are a great many of them - substances for cleaning glass and dishes, alcohol, sea salt, blue, vinegar, fresh potatoes... So how to wash a crystal vase?

Universal means

If you just want to refresh an item that has been stagnant in the sideboard or clean lightly soiled dishes after a feast, then here are your faithful helpers (some examples are in the photo):

  • Soft products for cleaning glass and mirrors. There are also special substances for cleaning crystal. But in their composition they are not very different from ordinary dish gel. What's the point of buying such a product then? It is important to use liquid solutions, and not powders, which can leave abrasions and scratches on the surface with their texture.
  • What else can I use to wash a crystal vase? Regular dishwashing detergent + soft brush. Cleaning instructions are simple: pour warm water into a plastic basin, add a little washing gel, stir it. First place a cloth, towel or foam rubber on the bottom so that fragile dishes do not hit it. Now all that remains is to clean it with a brush, not ignoring the grooves and depressions.

Advice! How to give crystal a dazzling shine after washing? The secret is simple: prepare a solution with a small addition of vinegar, ammonia and citric acid. Rinse the dishes with it after cleaning and wipe them dry. That's it!

Anti-plaque agents

The coating, like the forms of this material, varies. Each of its types has its own type of folk cleaning, crystal cleaning products.

Whitish deposits from hard water Prepare a moderately acidic solution from one of these acids:

· lemon;

· sorrel;

· vinegar.

Now all that remains is to pour it into the basin, and then clean the vase and glasses from plaque in this composition. You can help yourself with a soft brush or sponge.

Plaque from stagnant water at the bottom of the vase How to remove plaque on crystal in this case? It is difficult to thoroughly clean the bottom using your hands or a brush. Let's use another method:

1. Pour some lemon juice or vinegar into a vase.

2. Leave to soak for several hours.

3. Pour coarse grains (for example, rice) and peas inside. Even finely chopped potatoes or peelings from this tuber will do.

4. Now, holding the neck of the vase tightly with your palm, shake it thoroughly.

5. Finally, remove all “materials”, rinse the product and wipe it dry.


Wine stains.

Regular Coca-Cola will help us! Pour the drink into the crystal piece so that the liquid covers the coating. Leave it for a while. And then pour out the soda and rinse the crystal.
Water has “bloomed” inside the crystal vase - a green coating We will deal with this kind of surprise like this:

1. Fill the inside of the vase with a little baking soda.

2. Add half a glass of warm water.

3. Now you need to shake the product thoroughly, preventing splashes from spreading in all directions.

4. The final step in the fight against green organisms will be rinsing in a weak vinegar solution.

Fatty coating As a rule, such difficult-to-remove contamination is typical for carved, grooved surfaces that are not so easy to clean. But a solution was found - how to wash off the grease on the crystal.

Moisten generously through cloth napkin, towel, cloth in glass cleaning liquid. Wrap the vase in fabric.

After a few hours, unwrap the product. All you have to do is use a soft brush to remove the soaked and pliable greasy dirt.

Cleaning up isn't everything. It is important to restore the product's shine.

Plaque fighter Lemon juice is also effective Against limescale
Let's use a baking soda solution here. Vinegar - for shine. It will help clean the vase.

Products for shine and shine

But how do you wash crystal to make it shine? To do this, use the following means:

  • Alcohol. Soak a paper towel in the substance, wipe the product with it, and then dry it.
  • Vinegar. Dissolve two tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water. Keep the crystal in the solution for a while. After this, rub it with a piece of wool for shine.
  • Ammonia. Dilute the ammonia solution in water in a ratio of 1:3. Soak the crystal in the mixture and then dry it.

Other useful tools

Let us introduce you to others in effective ways, the use of many of which will be unexpected for you. We bring to your attention cleaning products for crystal.


Many housewives wash crystal only with it. The reason is that starch is a mild abrasive. It fights well even with heavy dirt without spoiling the surface of the capricious material.

Ultrasound device

Not so long ago, radio and television channels urged us to buy an ultrasonic device for washing clothes “ Retona" But many of its real owners have become disillusioned with the technology - it is practically useless in achieving their main goal.

But “Retona” cleans crystal, glass, and metal just wonderfully! It fights especially well against fatty stains, even old ones. And this is an excellent answer to the question “How to clean crystal from grease?” Quickly cleans dirt even from embossed crystal glassware!

Chalk and blue

Ideal for light stains:

  1. Pre-wash the crystal in soapy water.
  2. Prepare a solution: 2 tablespoons of crushed chalk and water per ¼ teaspoon of blue.
  3. Apply the resulting solution to the crystal surface.
  4. Wipe with a flannel cloth until completely dry.

Vinegar and salt

Are you looking for the best way to wash crystal? This method helps fight both plaque and complex stains. So, the “recipe”:

  1. One tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and ½ tbsp. Dilute tablespoons of salt in one liter of water.
  2. Soak the crystal items in this solution for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse and dry.

Sea salt + vinegar

A good fighter against greenish, brown sediment:

  1. Mix the two components in equal proportions.
  2. Pour into a vase, decanter.
  3. After a few minutes, pour out the mixture, rinse and dry.


The most the best remedy for products with gold plated. It is important to remember that aggressive means are harmful to such decoration - it can fade or be completely erased.

We will act like this:

  1. Soak the products in plain water for a while.
  2. Rub the sponge carefully, trying not to touch the gold with your hands.
  3. Dilute one tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water and rinse the crystal with the solution.
  4. All that remains is to rinse and dry the dishes.

Potato broth

An effective grandmother's method:

  1. Boil the potatoes.
  2. Drain the water and cool it.
  3. Place the crystal in the warm (but not hot!) liquid.
  4. Leave it for a while.
  5. Wash with dishwashing detergent and dry thoroughly.

Baking soda

First you need to prepare a soda solution in which to soak the crystal for several hours. Then rinse it with water and vinegar and dry it with a paper towel.

"Blue" and potatoes

What is another good way to wash crystal? One of effective means in the fight against yellowness:

  1. Grate the potatoes or cut them into small slices.
  2. Once prepared, clean the crystal.
  3. Leave for some time to take effect.
  4. Prepare a weak aqueous solution of “blue”
  5. Rinse the crystal with the mixture.
  6. Brush dry so that no blue streaks remain.

Chandelier cleaning

Crystal lampshades, bowls, lamps and “icicles” instantly make the living room or dining room a formal room. But how to clean this splendor? We have prepared the following recommendations:

  • The best assistant is a special cleaner for crystal chandeliers. Using it, you don’t even have to dismantle the bulky structure. It is enough to lay an oilcloth, film, or a piece of dense polyethylene under the chandelier, and then spray the product liberally onto the crystal beauty. Dirt and soaked dust will flow onto the litter on its own. You only have to dry the chandelier to restore its former shine.
  • If desired, you can prepare the cleaning agent yourself. Mix ½ cup of alcohol, mustard powder and vinegar in one container. Treat the chandelier with this composition - the easiest way is to spray it from a spray bottle. Irrigation with a weak solution of any acid that is in your home will help restore the shine of crystal.

Advice! Some housewives successfully use cleaning products for crystal chandeliers and dishes made of this material. One caution - after such a procedure, the product must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

Useful tips for caring for crystal products:

  • Store crystal items separately from each other. It would be a mistake to put them one inside the other - when you take them out, they may simply crack.
  • Microwave and oven are not suitable for crystal glassware. After all, it often contains lead.
  • It is better not to put too cold or hot food in crystal.
  • Don't clean crystal chandelier in a soap solution. His ( soap) residues create a film, when heated, the brittle material can crack.
  • To prevent dust from sticking to non-food crystal, treat it with antistatic sprays.

Now you know how and what to wash crystal with. Use the most appropriate method for the specific type of product, type of contamination, and do not forget about the general recommendations.