How to learn clairvoyance at home. Exercises for developing clairvoyance on your own

For all those who want to develop clairvoyance, we offer three unique and simple ways. By training every day, you can gain your treasured gift, but you need to be prepared for it.

Development of clairvoyance through a state of rest

No wonder meditation helps open the third eye. As psychics explain, the fact is that during a state of bodily rest, internal energy flows begin to activate, which open up access to hidden information. In fact, the first method is associated precisely with bringing your inner forces into action. If you have never tried meditation, you can practice with simple meditations for beginners, such as meditating by candlelight. This will be your first step towards clairvoyance.

You can start this exercise for developing clairvoyance in a lightweight version. It is especially suitable for those who have never practiced anything like this before. Before going to bed, lying with your eyes closed in a position comfortable for you, pay attention to the colored lines and shapes that your consciousness draws. Try to understand and sort them out. This will be your first step towards discovering your inner gift.

Gradually this exercise will become more difficult. Try to do it while sitting in a comfortable position and place convenient for you. Start with a minute or two and gradually increase to five to seven and above, but it is advisable to limit this state to 10 minutes. This method is somewhat dangerous, since an inexperienced person can enter a fairly strong trance, from which it is sometimes difficult to get out.

How to learn to feel a person's aura

Another way to develop clairvoyance is to increase the sensitivity of your hands. Using touch and perception of sensations through your palms, you can receive information about people's biofields and read information from objects. But this will require daily practice, in which the following exercises will help you.

The first exercise is actually some starting point in the practice of reading auras. Take a comfortable position and try to make sure that no one disturbs you for 5-7 minutes. Open your right palm and place the index finger of your left hand in its center. At this moment, try to concentrate on your feelings without thinking about anything. Then switch hands. Of course, this is connected with the points on the hands, which are also used to treat the body and influence it. You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail by practicing mudras.

The second exercise must be performed already having a certain sensitivity in your hands. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart (arms can be bent at the elbows) and gradually bring your palms together as if you want to clap. Without putting your palms together, hold them a short distance apart, and then return your hands to their original positions. This way you will develop your sense of aura.

An effective way to see what is hidden

A simple but time-consuming exercise. Each stage is ideally given 20 minutes, but for beginners to develop clairvoyance abilities, it is advisable to reduce the time. The exercise consists of correctly viewing the wall and concentrating, which subsequently helps to activate the third eye.

Move closer to the wall, about arm's length away. The first step is to find a point that is just above your eye line. Fix your attention on it and try not to blink. Then comes the second stage, which is the opposite of this. It's as if your vision is unfocused. Try to look at the entire wall without focusing on anything.

The last part of the exercise will already use your inner strength. There is some point behind the wall that you have to imagine. Concentrate on it and try to “see” it. Of course, you will need intuition. If you notice that it works poorly for you, then try to develop it with the help of effective exercises.

Remember that clairvoyance is sometimes dangerous: after all, you will not always see pleasant creatures and events. Therefore, develop your gift carefully. Good luck to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.10.2016 01:09

Every person needs to achieve inner harmony. This is an important condition in order to achieve success and...

Clairvoyants can obtain and realize their abilities in completely different ways. But they all have one thing in common - they know how to concentrate their attention on a specific object, image or phenomenon. This material contains techniques for developing clairvoyance and intuition.

Maintaining your full attention on one object for an extended period of time is not an easy task.
But this can be learned, and it is by learning the ability to concentrate that you should begin your path to clairvoyance. The following techniques are used to improve your ability to concentrate.

How to develop clairvoyance abilities?

Basic techniques for developing concentration

“Trataka” Trataka is an exercise from the ancient Indian teachings of Tantra. Most often it is performed with a lit candle, but you can use any other object or possibly an image. This exercise should be your daily practice to achieve tangible results.

So, to perform the exercise, light a candle, turn off the light, sit opposite the candle in a comfortable position so that it is at eye level. Inhale and exhale deeply several times. Start looking intently at the candle flame without blinking, first for 1 minute. Then increase the time to 20 minutes gradually. The most important thing when performing this exercise is to remain relaxed and calm in your mind, body, and especially your eyes.


Meditation is a yogic practice aimed at finding and maintaining internal balance. Do it every time you feel like you are losing your calm.

Meditate in a calm environment, in silence. Sit in any position comfortable for you. The main thing is that your back remains straight. Close your eyes and start listening to your breathing. Don't try to change anything in your breathing, neither rhythm nor depth. Just watch it for what it is.

Then bring your attention to the small triangular area between your upper lip and nose. Feel how hot air touches this triangle when you exhale, and cold air when you inhale. Keep your mental attention on this area above your upper lip for as long as you can.

Yoga asanas (postures) that help concentrate attention

If you are interested in hatha yoga, you can perform a set of asanas that were specially selected by Jessie Chapman to enhance concentration. The complex includes the following asanas: tadasana (mountain pose), vrksasana (tree pose), virabhandrasana (warrior pose) and garudasana (eagle pose).

When you feel that you can concentrate your attention without difficulty, you can move directly to practices to develop intuition and the ability to see beyond what is accessible to ordinary consciousness.

Don't jump straight into complicated techniques. It may be dangerous. Prepare your mind with basic techniques. Here's where you can start (recommendations from clairvoyant Anastasia Prikhodko):

Basic exercises that develop intuition:


Find a partner to help you with this exercise. His task: to say out loud the names of certain objects of the material world.

As soon as you hear the name of any object (saucepan, circus, Christmas tree), you immediately imagine this object, as if you were taking an instant photograph with a Polaroid. Taking photographs occurs in your memory instantly.

Having received a photograph on the display of your consciousness, you begin to examine it, imagine the details of the image, the colors, gradually the image becomes three-dimensional, and it is as if you are penetrating inside this object. You are no longer observing the picture, but are inside it. After that, move on to the next object that your partner tells you.

"Aura Reading"

Learning to see the aura is not that difficult.

Ask the person whose aura you want to see to stand next to a white wall. It will be easier for you to see the aura against the background of a white wall. Relax, keep the room dark. Without tension, look at the person’s head and the white space surrounding it.

Gradually, you will begin to notice that the contour of the head is becoming less clear and vibrating. Then notice the slight changes in the color of the white background around your partner's head. Gradually you will learn to see the aura around a person’s head shining with iridescence of different colors.

This exercise should be performed as often as possible.
Having learned to see the aura on a white background, you will soon be able to see the aura on any other background.


Take 10 cards: 5 black and 5 red. Place them face down in front of you, having mixed them first.

Do one of the concentration exercises, then sit in front of the table where the cards are laid out.
Place your hands on each card in turn and try to feel what color the suit of that card is. Then turn the cards over and see how many times you guessed the color correctly.

This exercise not only develops well the ability to sense the character of an object, but is also a good tool that will help evaluate your progress in learning clairvoyance.

Record the results after each exercise, and you will be able to clearly observe your dynamics. By performing these three simple exercises regularly, you will be able to tune your highly sensitive internal apparatus that receives information on the subtle plane. Now you are ready to start working directly with mental images, for example, using the Jose Silva method.

Basic exercises of the Silva method

Choose a simple object and place it at eye level.
Close your eyes and imagine a white radiance, mentally penetrate into the interior of this radiance. Open your eyes, look at the object you have chosen and close your eyes again.

Now imagine that this object is in the center of the radiance, consider it in the rays of white light. Open your eyes. Repeat with different objects.

A more difficult version of the exercise.
Close your eyes and imagine a white shining screen, and on it a number, for example, “1”. Look at it carefully: what is its size, proportions, volume. Perhaps the figure will move and change its characteristics. Just continue to watch carefully, without tension.
Next time imagine the number “2”, then “3”. And then you can start placing some numbers in the center of the shining screen. There can be as many numbers as you can keep in the focus of your attention at the same time.

Next, we move on to more complex objects, for example, geometric shapes, and add color to the shapes. You also close your eyes and look at circles, triangles, and squares. At first they are monochromatic, then you add colors and increase the number of objects on the screen of your mind's eye.

Having mastered the previous exercise, we begin to work with real world objects. We place them in the center of our mind's eye on a white background and observe. Let it be, for example, a spoon. Start moving it mentally in space, rotating, stretching, tossing, twisting. Then move your focus to the spoon itself and mentally look around the room from inside the spoon, as if you were the spoon. Then go outside and, remaining outside the body, mentally observe yourself looking at the spoon. Be extremely careful when performing this exercise. If you feel discomfort, be prepared to open your eyes at any time.

Now you can practice mentally moving in space.

Also close your eyes and imagine how you are separated from your body, and your double goes on a journey. See the world through the eyes of your double. To begin with, you can imagine simply moving around the house, how you leave the room into the corridor, open the door, go outside. Then you can go on longer trips to other cities and countries.

Also, to develop clairvoyance abilities, it is reasonable to use the technique proposed by Vyacheslav Bronnikov

Vyacheslav Bronnikov's method is simple and includes three stages or levels.
Stages of clairvoyance development using the Bronnikov method

  • 1st preparatory stage of the Bronnikov method

At the first stage, a person learns to become aware of his internal sensations, energy movements and manage them. To develop the ability to feel energy, V. Bronnikov offers more than 20 different exercises. You can start with the simplest Energy Ball exercise.

Exercise "Energy ball"

Rub your palms together so that you feel the heat between them. Then begin to slowly open your palms to the sides, keeping your attention completely on the feeling of warmth between your palms. Feel that your palms seem to be held together by thin rays, and as your palms move away from each other, these rays stretch, the space between the palms becomes dense and viscous.

Feeling the energy ball between your palms, begin to control it: increasing it, decreasing it, stretching and flattening it, turning it in different directions.

  • Stage 2 “Inner vision”

At this stage, work occurs in pairs. Students learn to create a mental white screen in front of them and project various objects and images onto it.

The exercises performed at this stage are to some extent similar to the exercises proposed in the Jose Silva method, with some differences from V. Bronnikov.

Next, they move on to the development of so-called internal vision, when a person creates a mental white screen in his mind and projects various objects onto it, as, for example, in the exercises described above with numbers, geometric figures, and a spoon.

  • Stage 3 “Direct Vision”

At this stage, a person learns to see and recognize objects with his eyes closed and wearing a black blindfold.

Students who have mastered direct vision can perform all actions (reading, writing, moving in space) with their eyes closed. This is achieved through the ability to see and recognize the internal energetic nature of things in the material world.

Direct vision is not a mystical ritual; it is a consequence of the development of superpowers of the human brain through the development of certain skills to control the psychophysical processes occurring in the brain system. In general, you can develop clairvoyance abilities, the main thing is to practice regularly (preferably every day), follow the correct sequence of exercises and believe that clairvoyance is real. Then there is a good chance that you will succeed.

Clairvoyance is one of the most interesting and unusual abilities, which gives a person, one might say, unlimited possibilities.

Who doesn't want to know another person's thoughts? What about seeing a possible future? Or find out how your colleagues or people close to you treat you? How about avoiding mistakes or impending troubles that can cripple a person for many years?

What about information from the subtle planes that cannot be found on Earth? See through time and space?

All this is truly fascinating and provides enormous resources for human development.

But how special or accessible is this gift?

Yes, there are people who received this ability from birth or after various life disasters. But there are also those who develop this gift through exercises and practices.

Some people think that discovering clairvoyance is easy, others think that it is not. But in any case, a lot depends on the person’s temperament and determination. Whatever you say, it’s practice, practice and more practice. How long it takes is a secondary question.

Obviously, some people get clairvoyance quite quickly, others need a little more time. But the main thing is that almost anyone can develop it. And the most interesting thing is that this ability has no limits in development, because it has so many facets and branches that there is always room for development.

In addition to the listed abilities and capabilities of this gift, you can also add the following:

  1. Diagnosis of diseases, energy breakdowns and clots of bad energy in the body through vision of the aura of living beings.
  2. Forecasting various events.
  3. Memory, attention, and concentration become an order of magnitude better, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of study or work.
  4. Handling a huge amount of information in your head.
  5. The IQ (intelligence) of a person increases.
  6. And much more.

So where should you start developing such a truly powerful gift as clairvoyance?

First of all, your thoughts must be pure and serve only for the benefit of yourself and others. Naturally, forget about gambling. It's a matter of karma. And she, as I said, is an “evil aunt” if you start to “behave badly.”

Unlike psychometry, the level of energy strength and purity of energy channels significantly increase the speed and depth of clairvoyance development.

There are three pillars on which all clairvoyance rests:

  • Deep concentration.
  • Powerful visualization.
  • Pure consciousness.

You just need to know this! And now...


Practice 1


Draw a black dot on a white piece of paper. Sit in a comfortable position about 1 meter away at eye level and calm your thoughts. Many experts advise starting your practice with this exercise in order to develop concentration.

Start with one minute, gradually increasing the time of contemplation of the point.

It is important to follow 2 rules for this exercise: you cannot blink while concentrating and your eyes must be relaxed.

Also, to develop concentration, you can use simple improvised objects, such as a cup, fork, pen, and various drawings.

In addition to training the will, imagination and concentration, the practice has a healing effect on the nervous system and eye organs.

Practice 2


The next stage is to reproduce a clear image or picture of an object with closed eyes after contemplating it.

Practice 5-10 minutes a day for several weeks to hone this essential basic visualization skill.

Practice 3


Take 4 cards, for example 4 kings. Shuffle them well and lay them out in front of you. Close your eyes, keep the image of the laid out cards in your head and try to mentally address each card with a question.

First, ask the question: black suit or red? And try to “hear” the answer. Write down all the answers on paper and then check if you were able to guess the color.

After long training, try to guess the suit itself: cross, spade, diamond or heart. And the last stage will be a completely guessed card or cards.

During this exercise, do not strain, just do it playfully, noting for yourself the moments of guessing.

Practice 4

Intuition. Vision.

Diagnosing people from photographs. To do this, take a photo of a person you know. Calm your thoughts and concentrate on the photo. Next, mentally ask a question that interests you about this person, several times in a row.

And for a few minutes, simply observe the images, thoughts, pictures or sensations that will come while contemplating the photograph. Yes, at first, most likely, nothing will work out.

Your task is to achieve stable images in your head in relation to this person - this will be great progress for you. And, of course, don’t forget to check what you “see”.

Practice 5

Vision of the aura.

Vision of the aura. As I said above, seeing the aura helps to determine “affected areas” in the human body, energy breakdowns, energy leaks, as well as a person’s thoughts, intentions, emotions, even his level of development, etc.

To perform the exercise you will need a person as an assistant.

Sit comfortably in the room, make the lighting so that it is twilight in the room. The room should not be completely dark; the silhouettes of objects and people should be clearly distinguishable.

Then relax completely and look at the person with a focused gaze in any area 10-15 cm around the head. Do not strain your eyes; your gaze should be clear, focused, but relaxed.

Don't try to see anything, all sensations will come to you by themselves and gradually. Just concentrate on this area. You need to perform the exercise for 20-30 minutes daily.

If you feel tired, stop training immediately until complete recovery.

This is where the basic practices for developing clairvoyance end.

Of course, this is not enough to truly develop this superpower, but you have to start somewhere. I guarantee that these simple practices, with proper training, will sharpen your intuition, you will gain new sensations for ordinary things, nature, people, and you will also improve your memory and attentiveness - at a minimum.

I wish you beneficial spiritual development.

Every day, a sea of ​​questions that interest him flashes through a person’s mind, knowing the answers to which, he would avoid mistakes and achieve success, gain confidence in his actions, penetrate the world of the mysterious, and help himself and others. Fortunately, for those who want to have clairvoyance, there are many methods for developing this skill, although with the advancement and improvement of talent, a qualified mentor will be required.

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      Benefits of Clairvoyance

      Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information in an unconventional way that remains inaccessible to most others. Sometimes a person has clairvoyance from birth. But there is another opportunity to gain clairvoyance, when talent comes after hard training and daily work on oneself. There are several methods for developing clairvoyance, for the application of which good intuition and sensitivity are desirable. People who have prophetic dreams and foresee danger have advantages in this regard over ordinary people.

      • With the acquisition of sensitivity, the owner of the gift will be able to notice and understand the hidden. He will expand his overview with a vision of other worlds, the energy shells of people and animals, and predict important events in the life of himself and his loved ones. Clairvoyance covers various spheres of life, and with its acquisition, a person moves to a qualitatively different level of thinking, perception, development, and capabilities.

        Types of superpowers:

        • The developed ability of the “third eye” allows you to see the energetic coloring of a person in real time, the creatures living in him from the subtle world, and observe them.
        • Internal vision is an ability that allows you to receive images inside according to incoming information. According to people who practice inner vision, it is as if they are watching a movie in an altered state of consciousness.
        • Clairaudience - allows you to hear sounds from the subtle world, as well as answers to questions posed.
        • The opening of an information channel, called “insight,” is the ability to receive ready-made answers to many questions that come in the form of thoughts as if from nowhere.
        • Clairsmell, clairvoyance and other abilities - the ability to distinguish the quality of energy by a pleasant or repulsive “smell”, “taste”, sensations of other organs of perception.

        Extracting information from the information field can be done directly or with the help of an intermediary. One of the simple and safe methods of developing clairvoyance is to work with the subconscious, which acts as an intermediary, “colored” only by the personality of the person himself.

        People gifted or “punished” by the sudden manifestation of clairvoyant abilities do not have the ability to regulate this process. A systematic approach to learning allows you to control your awakening abilities. Daily meditative practices and special exercises will help in the development of intuition and clairvoyance.


        Before you begin training, a number of conditions must be met:

        • Be aware of your motives and goals. Depending on them, light or dark entities can connect to the perception channel. The desire to develop the gift of clairvoyance is justified only by the goal of self-development, atonement of karma, knowledge of the laws of the Universe, and not by simple curiosity. How quickly a practitioner will be able to open an information channel, as well as what the consequences of its development will be, depends on the purity of thoughts. After all, owning a gift is a responsibility that cannot be neglected. With the growth of abilities, the ego will try to take over the personality, which is unacceptable. You should remain modest, tolerant of others and demanding of yourself.
        • Be careful during the practice to avoid irreversible consequences. The help of an experienced mentor is recommended. First, you should start studying methods for developing the ability on your own, and after a while, seek the help of a specialist. He will prevent possible mistakes and tell you how to adjust your training in the best way.
        • In developing superpowers, consistency and confidence in every step is important, not speed. People who promise to develop the gift of clairvoyance in three days offer services of dubious quality.
        • To work in this direction, you will need to be prepared for significant energy expenditures, for which you should consider the sources of its replenishment (meditation, physical exercise), and reduce non-targeted energy expenditures (stress).
        • To open an information channel, you need to prepare yourself physically: cleanse your body of harmful foods and habits, eat right. Light foods of plant origin are preferred. In addition, overeating can close energy channels. And before class it is better to refuse food.
        • To develop clairvoyance, you should not miss a single day of training: constancy, stability and regularity will ensure progress towards the desired goal. Stagnation is destructive in everything. But overexertion is just as destructive as neglecting training.
        • It is recommended to study sciences related to extrasensory perception, maintain an open mind and heart, strive for new knowledge, developing the “multidimensionality” of consciousness, non-standard thinking, which is important in the ability of unbiased perception, understanding the holistic picture of teaching.
        • Clairvoyance should be developed by moving from simple to complex. Having achieved the desired result, complicate the goal.
        • Karmic preconditions. If a person has done a lot of harm to others in the past, the likelihood of discovering superpowers remains doubtful until the guilt is atoned for. The initial data determines the possible degree of development of skills: what one is able to comprehend in 7 days, another will have to master in several months. Experts also advise paying attention to a person’s astrological inclinations based on his date of birth before starting clairvoyance training.

        Concentration, meditation, energy source

        Concentration. The first necessary condition for developing the gift of clairvoyance is the ability to concentrate. Attention is important in any field of activity. The ability to stop thoughts and abstract from body sensations is very valuable - this is the first step to clairvoyance. For training, it is good to use a special object on which the gaze will focus. An important condition for concentration: blinking is not allowed. The body, internal state, eyes should be relaxed. The desired environment is dim lighting, silence or low music in a room, a quiet place.

        Meditation. According to psychics, in a state of physical rest, energy flows are activated, with the help of which it is possible to open access to hidden information. You should start with two minutes, gradually increasing the meditation time. Some experts recommend learning the basics of autogenic training - inducing various sensations in the body at will: weightlessness, warmth, cold. It is recommended to devote part of the time to yoga and meditation, the ability to free your consciousness.

        Source of energy replenishment. Psychics and people involved in self-development have their own source of replenishing energy resources. Lethargy and ill health are absolutely not conducive to progress in the development of talent. Depending on the level achieved, these are various spiritual practices, yoga, development of energy centers and other ways of obtaining energy from outer space.

        True believers have established channels of communication and communication with higher powers; purity of thoughts allows them to climb to this level without auxiliary “tools”: these are monks, ascetics and other spiritual masters. As a person goes beyond himself and his capabilities, the question of the source that provides energy will certainly arise. Reading relevant literature will become a kind of stage of self-development in general, including the sphere of clairvoyance.

        Effective exercises

        The main goal of the exercises is to develop paranormal abilities, expand consciousness, and establish a connection with the subconscious, which will constantly send useful information.

        • As an initial practice, you should take out a photo of a familiar person, and, concentrating all your attention on it, ask a question concerning him. From this moment you need to wait a couple of minutes, observing the images, thoughts that appear before your eyes, and sounds. Pause for a few minutes, then repeat the procedure. Perform the cycle until the images become extremely clear and the answer to the question posed emerges in them. When meeting with an acquaintance, ask him about the events of recent days in order to check the result of foresight.
        • Exercise “Borderline state”: consciously enter a state of half-sleep. Once this state has been mastered, you can practice training by asking your subconscious mind a question that worries your soul at night. The answer will come in the form of words, thoughts, images. A similar technique with pronouncing the date of the event of interest, past or future, can be used to clarify the features of what happened. If the information concerns a person, it is necessary to clearly visualize his image.
        • “Hypnographic imagery”: sit in a comfortable, still position, relax your body and calm your thoughts, close your eyes, and then observe the images that appear on the back of your eyelids. You need to allow yourself to see the “film” with all the fuzzy spots and lines, images and their changes coming from the subconscious. The purpose of the exercise is to find yourself in a light trance, avoiding sleep, maintaining normal contemplation, and then the images will become more clear. If you have to get out of the state, it is enough to make a sudden movement. The clarity of the images will allow you to check the success of the practice.
        • Exercise to see the “aura”: focus on a small object and try to see its radiation with your inner gaze. If you practice on people, over time you can learn to distinguish the color shades of their auras, like other living beings and objects. Train for 10 days, 10 minutes daily. Thanks to this ability, it is possible to understand the character of the interlocutor and his characteristics at first glance.

        V. Bronnikov’s technique activates a person’s strengths: the first stage is to learn relaxation in order to easily enter the desired states; the second is to evoke various images in your head; the last stage is to see the world with your eyes closed.

        Exercises for concentration:

        • Focusing on a dark point. Choose the desired object for concentration, external or internal. It is advisable for a beginner to work with simple household items. The point should be located at arm's length, the eyeballs should be relaxed. You can't blink. After a few weeks, you should concentrate on the internal image for no more than half an hour.
        • Workouts with colored stripes. Prepare ten opaque envelopes with stripes of different colors. In a relaxed state, try to correctly identify one color out of two, out of three, and so on.
        • Working with a crystal ball. For training, any transparent material or vessel with water is suitable, on which you need to concentrate your gaze, peering into its layers. The mind needs to be freed from unnecessary thoughts, tuning into the information channel. With practice, you will be able to distinguish images from the subtle world in it, see events and people through space and time.

        Exercises for the third eye area

        Before opening the third eye, the motive and outcome of this opportunity must be clearly understood. Not everyone is ready to erase the boundaries of their worldview and accept the truth. One of the abilities of clairvoyance is the “opening of the third eye,” the activation of the frontal energy center (Ajna chakra), concentrated in the area between the eyebrows.

        List of exercises:

        • "Massage for the third eye." Create a comfortable atmosphere with no noise and minimal light; in a sitting or lying position, direct your gaze as high as possible, and then, using the same analogy, look down. The exercise takes about 15 minutes to complete and should be practiced daily.
        • “Circle”: by rotating your eyeballs, draw an imaginary circle clockwise and in the opposite direction; look straight ahead; inside yourself - at the level of the head; back. At the end of the exercise, stay for a few minutes with your eyes closed and feel your body. The area of ​​the brain corresponding to the location of the third eye receives an excellent “massage” and works effectively throughout the day.
        • “Through vision”: the exercise will teach you to see what is hidden from the physical gaze inside objects. Position yourself from the wall at arm's length and peer at a point on it just above eye level, without blinking - about 20 minutes. Then you need to look at the wall with a defocused gaze, also spending about 20 minutes on the technique. Finally, visualize the same point, but on the other side of the wall for the same period of time.
        • "Looking at a Distance" Imagine an “astral pipe” and use your gaze to pierce the distances on the way to the desired object. For example, the “movement” from an armchair to an office computer will be accompanied by thoughts and internal images, by analyzing which you can correctly plan your actions on the tangible path to your destination.

        How to learn to feel a person's aura

        The psychic is faced with the task of not only seeing the aura, but also being able to influence it, change it, help people cope with problems, receive proper treatment, and so on. The vibrations emanating from a diseased organ are strikingly different from the radiation from a healthy one.

        An “assistant”, a person who has given consent to perform the exercises, will help you see the aura. In the room, dim lighting is desirable for relaxation. The practitioner directs his concentrated gaze to the area of ​​the assistant’s head, a point 20 centimeters distant. There is no need to strain your eyesight, nor should you try to look at anything specifically. It is recommended to do the exercise for half an hour every day. If you feel tired, given the change in perception, you should stop training.

        A similar exercise is to develop sensitivity in the palms. Through touch it is possible to obtain information about the health status of people and read data from objects.

        The following practices at home will help with this:

        • provide yourself with up to 5 to 7 minutes of absolute calm;
        • Place the index finger of your left hand on the center of your right palm;
        • concentrating on sensations, immerse yourself exclusively in them;
        • change palms.

        The exercise involves activating points on the hands that are used for treatment and influence on the body.

        Once you have developed sensitivity in your palms, you can move on to the second exercise, which will help develop sensitivity to the aura:

        • spread your arms, bent at the elbows or straight, shoulder-width apart;
        • Gradually bring your palms closer, as if to clap, without closing them completely;
        • return your hands to their original positions.

        Concentration on one subject:

        • hold your gaze on an object for 10 minutes every day;
        • keep your gaze on it until the physical world stops “dissolving” and disappearing like fog.

        The task is to learn to merge with the object, to contemplate it from the inside.

        Working with intuition

        Internal boundaries always hinder the development of intuition. If you try to explain every movement of the soul logically, this will bring discomfort in self-expression, and then you can come to a state where the soul does not express itself. Listening to the voices of the crowd, it is impossible to hear your inner voice. And the sixth sense, just like the muscles of the body, tends to train.

        Experts and specialists in the field of clairvoyance urge you to trust your intuition. The sixth sense is the main tool of a clairvoyant. Many spo are able to anticipate events, but those who develop the ability to receive hidden information consciously become clairvoyant. In order to open this page in your life, sometimes all you need is an organizational component: every morning pay attention to the questions: “what’s there around the corner?”, “what will I get in the first scenario of events, and what in the second?”, and before than to take a step, see, hear, feel - first ask your intuition.

        In addition to communicating with like-minded people and reading specialized literature, everyday practice matters: for some it’s envelopes with photographs or questions, for others it’s throwing a dice and guessing numbers, and the like. The role of daily exercise is not discussed: development is possible only with training.

        A person who is confident in himself gains success in any development. Confidence must be drawn from internal resources, and not from other people. You should not allow destructive criticism towards yourself or punish yourself for mistakes: this directly interferes with the discovery of intuition.

        In solving any problem, it is useful to remove yourself from it at a “safe” distance. Only then will the search and use of a solution be productive, will it be possible to confirm the “feeling” or logic by a comprehensive consideration of the issue.

        Mastering exercises to develop clairvoyance expands consciousness and helps you easily find non-standard solutions to problem situations. The further a person develops his clairvoyance abilities, the more individual his path becomes. A person gains an understanding of what is visible, manages knowledge available to a select few, and lives the rich, vibrant life of a happy person.

A person can do anything. This simple truth is disputed by not a single generation of people, but even the great skeptics are not able to explain why, in stressful situations, unprecedented possibilities awaken in a person, and he is able to do incomprehensible things. One of the questions that interests many is: are all people endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, and is it possible to develop psychic abilities? The fact is that clairvoyance manifests itself individually in each person. One knows how to extract information from objects, another communicates with representatives of the afterlife, the third sees in dreams events that soon occur in reality.

Before you understand how to develop the gift of clairvoyance, you need to decide what specific qualities you possess. Clairvoyants differ from each other in the ways in which they receive information. There are four systems of communication with the outside world:

  • visual - visual perception;
  • kinesthetic – taste, smell and tactile sensations;
  • auditory – perception of sounds;
  • discrete – perception through symbols.

As a rule, only one of these systems is dominant in a person. In order to determine which of them is leading for you, remember several events and analyze in what form you reproduced them: smells surfaced in your memory, some image appeared before your eyes, or you remember the sounds that surrounded you. Also, do not forget that the gift of clairvoyance can only be developed if you really feel that in some area of ​​\u200b\u200blife you have a talent and a predisposition to use beyond your abilities. This could be good intuition, or the ability to foresee what will happen in the lives of your loved ones in the near future. Once you have analyzed your psychic abilities, the next step is to choose methods for their development.

There are many options for developing clairvoyance in different cultures. And most of them are unwanted and dangerous for humans. For example, such methods include self-hypnosis. There are two possible options for entering a trance - either looking at a bright spot, or reading a certain formula, after which the thought process weakens. Both options paralyze the brain centers and release the lower astral feelings for a while. Of course, there is nothing good from violent intervention in the activity of the brain, since there is a possibility that you will go from a trance state to a coma.

In order not to harm your own health, you need to figure out which method is the safest. And before you start implementing these methods, make sure that you are a person who is sufficiently developed morally and mentally. If you are confident in yourself, then methods of developing clairvoyance will be useful not only for your abilities but also for the body as a whole.

Method 1. Developing clairvoyance through photography. Take a photo of a person you know, put it on the table and begin to carefully study and remember this person’s appearance. Don't make a big effort, act relaxed. Then choose a comfortable position, close your eyes and ask a question about this person and try to answer it. Do this exercise for 7-10 days for 30 minutes. Then meet with this person and ask what has happened to him lately. Analyze your answers during the exercise with what the person said.

Method 2. End-to-end vision. The oldest method that has come down to our time from our ancestors. It was used to “see” what is hidden from our physical vision. To perform the exercise, sit on a chair so that at arm's length there is a wall in front of you that you will be looking at. Relax and focus your attention on any point that is slightly above your eyes. This is the location of your third eye. You need to look at this point without blinking for about 20 minutes. After this, look at the wall as if vaguely, without focusing your attention on anything. Watch for about 20 minutes too. After this, you should “see” that point, only from the back side of the wall, as if through it. Also spend 20 minutes on this. The exercise must be performed daily.

Method 3. Vision of the aura. To develop the ability to see the aura of people and objects, you need to train in closely examining your eyelids and the contours of objects. To do this, relax your body, close your eyes and try to partially free your consciousness. Then, with your eyelids closed, carefully examine the subtle outlines on the “black screen” of your eyelids for 10 minutes. This exercise is best done in the morning, as soon as you wake up, or before going to bed. 9 days after this training, proceed to the second part of the exercise. Just as in the first case, relax, slightly closing your eyelids, and look intently in the twilight at the outline of a small object that is in the room. After some time, you will begin to discern an aura around the object at which your gaze is directed. If you use the same training with people, you will develop the ability to see the colors of the aura. They can be used to determine the quality of thoughts and character of people.

As a result of mastering these exercises for developing clairvoyance, you will not only greatly expand your consciousness, but also learn to find easy ways out of difficult situations.