Who did Lopyreva go to from Smolov? Unpleasant

3 years have passed since the divorce of football player Fyodor Smolov and model Victoria Lopyreva. But the athlete unexpectedly started talking about his old romance again during an interview. He admitted that the wedding was a well-thought-out PR move. But today fame takes a lot of time and distracts from football. Although at the moment he is considered one of the best players.

Fyodor Smolov and Victoria Lopyreva: an old romance

Fyodor Smolov and Victoria Lopyreva met at a party in 1012. Their stormy and beautiful romance lasted for a year. In 2013, the couple got married in the Maldives. In Russia, their marriage was considered invalid. But they lived for 2 years. And suddenly the model announced the breakup.

3 years have passed and the athlete again spoke about the old romance in his interview. He admitted that at that time Smolov had a crisis moment in his career. He hardly played. He had strong feelings for Victoria. But he did not forget about the benefits. Their romance brought the footballer many useful acquaintances. The wedding was a special move for Fedor and Victoria. After her, they began to be invited much more to various TV shows and photo shoots.

Recalling this period, Smolov admits that he did not like public life and did not help in the game. But at that time he considered it necessary.

Lopyreva commented many times on the reason for their breakup. The footballer himself did not voice anything in the press, but he told his friends how much pain he was in.

Fedor Smolov and Victoria Lopyreva: reasons for the breakup

Victoria Lopyreva often gave interviews after breaking up with Fedor. She said that she really wanted a normal family. Smolov is 7 years younger than her, and this difference became noticeable over time. They look at married life differently. Victoria wanted stability and children. An athlete has a career and a luxurious life without responsibility or obligations. The model admitted that she tried to save their relationship for about six months. But she didn't succeed.

The football player’s mother also recently spoke to the press. She told her opinion about her son’s unsuccessful marriage. They were a good couple. They loved each other. But they were unable to maintain their relationship due to constant separation. Fedor was constantly at training and games. Victoria also had a busy work schedule. And she couldn’t travel with Fedor. Then he tried several times to make peace, but Lopyreva was irreconcilable.

Smolov’s mother also admitted that her son had a very difficult period after the breakup. The comments of Victoria and his fans brought him pain. But over time, he stopped paying attention to this and plunged headlong into work.

Fedor Smolov and Victoria Lopyreva: new relationship

During these 3 years, Smolov started whirlwind romances several more times. Almost all the girls with whom he appeared in photos on the Internet and in the press were models. At this point in his career, everything is just wonderful. He was recognized as the best football player of the year. But the athlete's heart is free.

Fedor himself admitted that he was tired of public life. Interviews and photo sessions take a lot of time. They distract him from work. There is an opinion on the Internet that he is simply hiding his next novel.

Victoria admitted that she is currently the fiancée of Nikolai Baskov. And she promised him to marry him after the victory of our football players. It is unknown how soon the wedding will take place after the latest events.

A year ago, Victoria Lopyreva and Fedor Smolov got married in the Maldives. And recently we went back to the “island of love” to once again relive the exciting moments of a wedding ceremony on the shores of the Indian Ocean. They say that in family life there are several turning points - a year, three and seven years together. Victoria and Fedor successfully passed the first milestone. And now they no longer doubt the correctness of the decision made. About why Victoria was afraid to get married, what Fyodor could never forgive her for, and how the couple vacationed on the island with Leonardo DiCaprio - in an interview with HELLO!

- Victoria, Fedor, you chose the Maldives again to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Why?

Victoria. The football players have a holiday in December. One of the best places on earth at this time of year is the Maldives. Last year, during a vacation at the One&Only Reethi Rah hotel, Fyodor secretly from everyone, including me, organized our wedding ceremony on the island. I found out about this about two hours before the start, I didn’t even have time to really worry. Fedya explained this mystery by saying that our wedding was canceled twice and he did not want this to happen a third time. Only our parents were present at the celebration. The shore of the Indian Ocean, live music, sunset, flowers...

- Why was the wedding canceled twice?

Fedor. The first time we decided to register three months before the wedding, which was scheduled for the fall. And they wanted to do it in Vika’s hometown - Rostov. We submitted an application to the registry office there. But literally a few days before the appointed date, I changed the team; I had to urgently fly to training camp in Switzerland. New team, new coach. At that time, not everything worked out for me, I often sat on the bench... It was a difficult situation for Vika and me. What to sacrifice? Both the guests and our parents arrived in Rostov, everything was already scheduled, and suddenly - such a turn... Vika was the first to say: “Let’s reschedule. I don’t want you to start working at the club by missing the training camp.”

Victoria. Yes, I offered to postpone the registration, it was the right thing to do, but I was very upset. I thought: “So it’s not fate...”

Fedor. I was worried myself. As soon as the first weekend was given, I invited Vika to Paris to buy her the most luxurious wedding dress. Paris has always been my favorite city, but after this trip it also became iconic - we hung our lock on the Lovers' Bridge and threw the key into the Seine.

- But the second attempt to reach the registry office was unsuccessful. Fees again?

Fedor. We had an argument two hours before registration. The guests were already waiting at the registry office, and we were sorting things out in the kitchen.

Victoria. I was like a raw nerve: preparations for the wedding had begun, and Fedya was constantly at games, then at training camps... I had to organize things, make decisions, and I was alone all the time. I remembered the registration that didn’t take place in the summer and thought: “Why do I need all this?” - and my nerves lost. The day before the event, I was so tired that I fell asleep while getting my manicure. As a result, instead of registration, there was a scandal, the guests were in shock, the parents were in panic. The next day I flew to Paris, where everything reminded me of Fedya, and Fedya - to his home in Saratov. A couple of days later I received a text message: “What have we done?” And within a few hours both were in Moscow.

Fedor. And three months later we flew to the Maldives on my vacation. And they got married there.

- How was the celebration on the occasion of the first anniversary?

Fedor. I started all the preparations long ago. I contacted the hotel administration and discussed the evening program in detail.

Victoria. Now I had time to worry. After the ceremony and a festive dinner with friends, a fire show began - in complete darkness the words Happy Anniversary suddenly lit up. Every woman wants a holiday and pleasant surprises, I received both. Thank you, darling!

Wedding anniversary in the Maldives
-Have you exchanged vows again?

Fedor. We exchanged vows in Paris, then during the wedding ceremony. These are important words, there is no point in saying them every day.

Victoria. But still, you can’t forget about the words - it’s always nice to hear that you are the only one and the best! Especially for us, Lionesses.

Leos are a difficult sign. They are loyal, generous, but often intolerant, they like to insist on their own, and are also jealous. Is this about you, Victoria?

Yes, we are bright, cheerful and generous. But Leos are selfish, this is also true. All people are selfish, but not everyone admits it. I wouldn't call myself intolerant. But I always know exactly what I want, and I want everything to work out exactly as planned. Leo, as a rule, is honest with himself and with others, he is not capable of meanness. As for jealousy, one is rarely jealous because one is confident in oneself. Leo is never a traitor - he respects himself too much. And he respects his chosen partner. But if Leo is nevertheless betrayed, he will not think twice about it. It will tear. But regaining his trust will be difficult. If Leo is a friend, then a real one. And so does the enemy.

Victoria, before your marriage to Fedor, you were called in the press a runaway bride. And you yourself have spoken more than once about the fear of a stamp in your passport. Why?

Perhaps my attitude towards marriage was influenced by the fact that as a child I had a very difficult time with my parents’ divorce. Mom and Dad were ideal for me. I thought that such a wonderful family like ours no longer existed. And then suddenly everything started to fall apart. They both did everything to somehow smooth out the situation, especially mom. They reassured me, they said that this was temporary, that they stopped living together, but did not stop loving me... But it still hurt. I wouldn’t want my future children to go through what I went through, which is why I was so careful about starting a family. I wanted to get married once and for all.

How, in your opinion, does married life differ from civil marriage and open relationships? Many people believe that if there are feelings, then the stamp in the passport does not matter.

Victoria. We recently discussed this topic with friends, and the majority of votes (and, oddly enough, the men outweighed) came to the conclusion that a family with children needs a stamp, although it entails a bunch of formalities. We had a funny incident at the registry office. The employee, filling out the forms, asked if I would change my last name. And then we simultaneously answered: I - no, and Fedya - yes! Seeing that we could not agree, she suggested that I take a double surname, but then Fedya had to do the same - become Smolov-Lopyrev. And he agreed for me to remain Lopyreva.

-Who leads in your marriage? In dance this is done by a man. But in life - more often than not, a woman.

Victoria. We have a democracy in our family, although each side from time to time tries to organize a revolutionary coup and establish a dictatorship. (Laughs.)

- Have you discovered new qualities in each other over the year of living together?

Fedor. We just got to know each other better. For example, I now know that Vika can wake up from any rustle.

Victoria. And I - that waking up Fedya is quite difficult.

Fedor. I also realized that my wife is an excellent cook.
Victoria. And my husband knows how to sharpen knives very well. Especially when waiting for a juicy chop for lunch.

- You are both self-sufficient. This is a serious reason for conflict.

Victoria. We have an Italian family - with passions, quarrels and reconciliations. Some friends call us "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

Fedor. More often we quarrel at a distance. And when together, side by side, there are almost no quarrels.

Victoria. I am by nature a planner. And very obligatory. That is, if I promised something, I’ll die, but I’ll do it. I was raised that way - either don’t promise, or keep your word. Therefore, I cannot understand how you can decide something today and change your mind tomorrow. In the evening, Fedya and I make plans, and tomorrow it turns out that everything has changed overnight. I must have had some kind of dream. (Laughs.)

Fedor. Maybe I'm more flexible?.. It seems to me that sometimes you are too categorical. Life is not always what you imagine it to be.

Victoria. Fedya sometimes says to me: “Listen, I’m not a telepath... If you want something, then say it in advance!” And I want him to guess without words. But now, a year later, we are increasingly able to predict each other’s desires.

- Who is the first to say “sorry” if a quarrel does happen?

Fedor. It doesn't matter at all. It's important to make peace. The most important thing that I have understood over the past year is that I can only achieve something from my wife with kindness and affection; forcing and coercing her is completely useless. This applies to everything: from the choice of the movie we will watch, or the place where we will spend our vacation, to our plans for life.

- Is there something you will never forgive each other for?

Fedor. I hope such a situation never arises.

Victoria. Me too.

- Fyodor, is it difficult to be the husband of a beauty?

Victoria. Better ask me if it's easy to be a football player's wife. Moving, separation... Apart from a vacation at the end of the year, it is impossible to plan anything, because it is not known how the team will play, and what will happen next depends on the results of the game. Footballers' wives most often do not work, because someone has to take care of the house and family. Especially when children appear. But I work, and my work involves traveling both around the country and abroad. Fedya and I are in touch all the time: telephone and text messages are our everything.

- Victoria, your image is invariably associated with the personification of glamor. Does it bore you or flatter you?
- My so-called image is artificially formed by some media. Glamor as a phenomenon is far in the past; it is uninteresting to me and even annoying. But there is a certain inertia of thinking in society... It’s like jokes about blondes - it’s no longer relevant and boring, but some people still like it. There is real life, and there are magazine covers, don’t get confused. Me and my screen image do not always coincide.

Doesn't beauty become a heavy burden over time? After all, you must constantly live up to the title of the first beauty.

I never considered myself the first beauty. Yes, I have the title "Miss Russia", but this does not mean that I walk around the house with a crown on my head. Every woman - if she is a real woman - should try to be attractive to her man. This is what I am convinced of. Any theories that it is not appearance that is important, but only the soul, are an attempt to justify one’s laziness. Both are important. Getting fat, looking bad and envying someone is much easier than eating right, going to the gym, and taking care of yourself. This is work that is daily and obligatory for all women, not only for crowned beauties.

- Fedor, your wife is not just a beauty, but also a celebrity. Are you jealous of her?

Much less now than at the beginning of the relationship. Yes, for the first time in my life I truly fell in love - with a girl whom half the country knows! (Smiles.) Of course, I was nervous about every man who approached her. But the longer we are together, the more I get to know my wife, the less jealous I am - Vika does not give me any reason for this. Due to the nature of her work, she must communicate with a variety of people, and this must be treated with understanding. I'm not going to lock her at home.

- What is the longest period of your separation?

Victoria. About a month. We both missed you very much.

Fedor. Last year I moved to the Ural football club, so I had to move from Moscow to Yekaterinburg. Now Vika lives between two cities. We really liked Yekaterinburg. The people here are special. More open, understandable, or something. More friendly.

Victoria. Yes, it's true. I thought I was going into exile, but it turned out that, despite the harsh climate, the city is warm and very hospitable. And we were also lucky with new friends. In a word, we both fell in love with Yekaterinburg.

- You generally travel a lot. Is this a lifestyle?

Fedor. Yes, you can say that. And we always try to create a route in such a way as not to sit in one place. Last year we traveled to Southeast Asia. This time, after Dubai and the Maldives, we flew to the Caribbean. It was Vika’s idea to celebrate the New Year there; she dealt with all organizational issues. It was a long flight, but it was worth it. My friends and I rented a villa at the Eden Rock hotel, rented a car, and first of all went to explore the island.

Victoria. St. Barths is a special place. This is one of the most fashionable resorts, but at the same time everything is very simply arranged there. For example, the coolest car on the island is the MINI Cooper. And amazing nature. I remember a night trip to a wild beach, which is one of the five most beautiful beaches in the world. We drove for a long time, not knowing the way, in complete darkness, except for the bright light of the moon. We got lost, but eventually found our way. And then we swam in the ocean. And the moonlight penetrated the clear water so that we could see the bottom. Our neighbor on the island was DiCaprio, during the day we met him on the beach, and in the evening at Nikki Beach, this is the place where beach parties take place. I’m not talking about this because he’s a celebrity, we just really like him as an actor, and such proximity was pleasant.

- What did you do when you returned from vacation?

Fedor. I started getting ready, Vika has work in Moscow. We'll be apart again for a while. And we’re already starting to get bored.

- You have been married for a year. Are you thinking about children?

Fedor. We are not planning anything special, but if this happens, we will be very, very happy about the baby!

The TV presenter thanked all those who cared who supported her in the difficult decision to leave the 25-year-old player of the Ural football club Fedor Smolov, for whom the 31-year-old partygoer even moved from Moscow to Yekaterinburg. Victoria told in detail why her young husband did not suit her, and dispelled all rumors regarding her new lover.


"Thank you so much to everyone who supported me in this difficult moment. I cannot answer each of you, but believe me, I read all the comments and SMS that I received. Thank you again. Now I know that my subscribers are real people with with a kind heart. The decision to speak out about what was happening was very difficult for me.. If it weren’t for the publication in the media, then perhaps I would never have had the courage to say about it publicly (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved. – Ed.),” she explained the decision to publicly announce the collapse of her family Lopyrev's life.

According to the socialite, she broke up with Smolov not under the influence of emotions, but after long deliberation. The star also made it clear that talk about a new boyfriend who replaced Fedor was groundless. “I loved my husband and was happy, and I sincerely believed that we had an ideal family; but sometimes something becomes the very last straw that tips the scales. Unfortunately. And you understand that the point of no return has arrived. I'm leaving not for someone, but from a situation that I can never accept, - Victoria dispelled rumors about a new boyfriend. – For me, family is the most important thing in life, I really hope that I will have one. Take care of your love. V".

It's interesting that Having left her husband, Lopyreva did not part with football and still attends the most interesting matches, reporting on it on Instagram. For example, on May 17, the socialite attended the battle between Spartak and CSKA. And although it hasn’t stopped raining in Moscow in recent days, Victoria’s face was hidden by sunglasses. Subscribers suggested that in this way she hides her tear-stained eyes. “At the main derby of the country! #SpartakCSKA #FootballOurEverything #NotChangingTraditions,” the TV presenter captioned the spectacular shot.

As they wrote Days.Ru, the model “famous” for brawling on an airplane attracted close attention with a sensational message. Neither plump lips nor a lush bust saved Victoria from divorce. She announced to the public that she had left her husband on her Instagram. “Friends, my phone was cut off... The last thing I would like to do is comment on our relationship, but now - in order to avoid idle speculation and rumors - I must confirm that from now on nothing connects Fedya and I anymore", the blonde wrote.

According to her, she made this decision six months ago. “But he then managed to convince me that he had matured and was ready to take his family and profession more seriously, but for now he was more interested in social networks and beautiful cars. He is a good guy, but, alas, we are no longer on the same path. I sincerely wish him health and the realization of all his career plans!” – Miss Russia 2003 dotted all the i’s.

And a little earlier, Vika shared a photo of an interesting man in an apron: “I personally overslept the #footballkitchen program with Dima Smirnov...” Perhaps this handsome guy in the picture will become the new chosen one of the busty presenter to make up her happiness.

Loyal fans immediately began to console Lopyreva: “It’s a pity, it’s like you’ve been jinxed (((”, “Horror!! I so believed in love in your face!! Bummer to me, there’s no love!!” But there were also those who were categorical: “They didn’t even suit each other outwardly. He's too young. And EKB is not the best place to hang out, right?", "Parting up due to interest in beautiful cars? Was there love? Or another PR...", "But there’s no need to take pictures and hug with other people’s men, everything was heading towards this!!! And what did you want when you married a 25-year-old boy, when you were 30!!”, “ So another one appeared, since she left so easily, throwing dust in everyone's eyes."

Photo: Instagram

Victoria herself has been maneuvering for a year between gossip about her wedding with Nikolay Baskov .
Preparations for the marriage of the TV presenter and singer began last fall. The date of the celebration was set, guests were invited... But the couple was shortly before X-day. Fans hoped that the model and the “natural blonde” would get married in the summer of 2018, but after Lopyreva’s recent confession, fans’ hopes began to melt before their eyes.

It was assumed that Victoria, being the ambassador of the World Cup, which will start very soon in Russia, will wait for the final of the competition and then begin preparing for the celebration. But Lopyreva put forward an unexpected condition to Baskov, which could put an end to the couple’s wedding.

Victoria stated that she would marry Nikolai only if few people believed in the victory of the Russian team, so rumors spread that Lopyreva simply decided to cancel the wedding in this way.