We lose weight with the “90 days of separate meals” diet. Lose weight with the diet “90 days of separate nutrition 90 separate meals

Many people who dream of get rid of extra pounds, they want not only to lose weight, but also to maintain their health. For them, it remains important not only the process of losing weight, but also establishing the process of digestion and metabolism in order to don't gain weight in the future.

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Unfortunately, most popular diets allow you to lose those hated pounds only during the diet itself. Maintain the weight after stopping the diet few people succeed. Therefore, a completely different approach to losing weight was invented, which may seem too long to many. However, the authors of the diet claim that this approach to losing weight can make your metabolism work in your favor.

Diet 90 days of separate meals. Description

A weight loss system called "90 days of separate meals", created by Slovenian authors Mojca Polanšek and Breda Hrobat, offers its followers a wide and varied menu according to certain rules. During the diet the metabolism of losing weight improves, thanks to which he begins to feel better, feels light in his body, and the excess weight goes away unnoticed by him.

According to the authors of the program, nutrition should be disciplined, but it is not at all necessary to deny yourself all the delicacies. The “90 days of separate meals” diet is divided into 4 options: protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin or, as it is also called, fruit. This diet is convenient because if you go on a diet, then the whole family does not have to go on a diet with you. You can continue preparing meals for the whole family, according to your diet phase. These dishes are hearty and tasty; they will please all family members.

This diet does not prohibit the inclusion in the menu of sweets and baked goods, allows you to add salt and spices to dishes, and use bouillon cubes to prepare broth. Based on the name, it becomes clear that the duration of such a diet is 3 months, and it does not require any special expenses for food. While on this diet, you will not spend more money on purchasing certain products than usual.

Moreover, the authors of the system recommend consuming as simple foods as possible that can be easily cooked or eaten raw. To speed up your weight loss process, add this to your daily schedule. physical activity, at least light ones. It would be useful to go jogging in the morning, or start going to the pool or gym.

Losing weight in three months lose an average of 15 kg, but this range can vary from 4 to 25 kg, since different organisms react differently to changes in lifestyle and diet. Not recommended go on a diet during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of diseases of the urinary and digestive systems.

Rules for 90-day separate meals

1 diet cycle is equal to 4 days. In this case, the days must go in a strictly established sequence, which we discussed above.

1 The first day involves eating only protein foods, such as eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, dairy products, broth. On this day you can diversify the menu with any vegetables, except starchy ones, and also eat whole grain bread.

2 The second day - starch - allows you to eat foods rich in starch: cereals, legumes, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, vegetable broth and whole grain bread.

3 On the third day you are allowed to eat foodstuffs rich in carbohydrates. This includes: cereals and porridges, flour dishes, dark chocolate, cakes, cookies, yeast-free baked goods that do not contain eggs or milk, and any vegetables.

4 The fourth day - vitamin or fruit - includes vegetable and fruit juices, fruit purees and salads, seeds and nuts in the menu, steamed dried fruits.

Vitamin day is the end of the mini-cycle, after which the specified cycle repeats again. This is how someone losing weight should eat within 28 days. The 29th day should be unloading. During this day you are allowed to drink only mineral water without gas. The next day, the second 28-day phase of the diet begins.

There are a few more rules to remember:

1 You are allowed to eat in the evening no later than 20.00.

2 In the morning the portion is small, for lunch it increases. Dinner should be approximately half of the food eaten at lunch.

3 If you are hungry between main meals, you can allow yourself any fruit.

4 Vegetables allowed stew, cook, or eat it raw.

5 Do not include a large amount of fruit in your diet, and try to completely avoid bread.

6 It is advisable to buy groceries and prepare meals yourself, trying to adhere to healthy eating rules. From the diet it is necessary exclude semi-finished products.

7 Avoid fatty foods. Buy lean varieties of fish and meat, and when cooking poultry remove skin and layers of fat.

90-day split diet menu for a week

We invite you to look meal plan for the week. You can make up your own further diet based on your own taste preferences.


Day one (protein):

  • Breakfast: omelette, lettuce, tea;
  • Lunch: low-fat yogurt;
  • Dinner: broth, baked chicken, slice of whole grain bread;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit, such as apple or pear;
  • Dinner: baked fish, non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, bell pepper, onion).

Day two (starchy):

  • Breakfast: fruit salad from your favorite fruits or a glass of berries;
  • Lunch: orange;
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, tea;
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple;
  • Dinner: salad of green vegetables (cucumber, pepper, cabbage, lettuce, green peas), boiled beans or peas.

Day three (carbohydrate):

  • Breakfast: mixture of fruits;
  • Lunch: a handful of dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins);
  • Dinner: spaghetti with tomato sauce, cabbage salad;
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable juice;
  • Dinner: cake, a piece of dark chocolate, tea.

Day four (vitamin):

  • Breakfast: several fruits or a glass of berries;
  • Lunch: 2 pears;
  • Dinner: fruit salad;
  • Afternoon snack: apple;
  • Dinner: a few slices of melon or watermelon.


Day five (protein):

  • Breakfast: egg white omelette baked with spinach, tea;
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: chicken steak or chop;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 orange or apple;
  • Dinner: seafood, light vegetable salad.

Day six (starchy):

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, tea;
  • Lunch: banana;
  • Dinner: vegetable broth, a slice of whole grain bread, potato casserole with herbs;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of jelly;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew.

Day seven (carbohydrate):

  • Breakfast: salad from any fruit;
  • Lunch: yeast-free baked goods;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, buckwheat;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit juice;
  • Dinner: ice cream with berries and chocolate chips (or other dessert of your choice).

Exit from the “90 days of separate meals” diet

In order to consolidate the achieved result, the creators of the diet offer gradual exit from it and gradually return to your usual diet. During the diet, the metabolism is completely rebuilt. The body learns to eat enough small amount of food, portions are noticeably reduced. At the same time, the person losing weight began to feel lightness and a surge of energy. Therefore, as you exit the diet, try not to increase your portions. Continue to eat small meals.

Try to adhere to the rules of separate nutrition and do not mix poorly compatible foods. The product compatibility table can be found here. Try save light fruit breakfasts, which help to gently start digestion. Eat according to the established schedule, at least three times a day. You can also save fruit as a snack.

90 day diet. Results and reviews of those who have lost weight with photos

The results of those losing weight on this diet are different and depend on lifestyle and initial weight. People with more weight shed pounds more easily, while Slimmer people lose weight more slowly. In any case, the main result is a complete restructuring of the body and metabolic processes in the body, and this already means a lot for your health.

Lilia, 30 years old:

My starting weight was 73 kilograms, and I wanted to lose 10 kilograms ideally. However, the weight came off slowly. In the first two months of the 90-day diet, I only lost 6 kg. In the third month another 1 kilogram. The fasting days were the hardest because I was constantly hungry, but in the end I got used to them. Now I eat as usual, however, as stated in the diet, the portions have decreased significantly, and the weight is not returning. My stomach is gone, which I am very happy about. My result can be seen in the photo:

Lana, 27 years old:

After giving birth, I gained a lot of weight, although before that I was not happy with my figure. But after giving birth, I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror at all. I tried various methods of losing weight, for example, a protein diet, but I constantly failed because I could not do without vegetables and fruits. I took diet pills, but other than upset stools, they did not have any effect. The weight loss of 1-2 kilograms was unnoticeable and insignificant. Somehow I came across a 90-day separate diet and decided to try it. What I liked about it was that in general you can eat whatever you like, only on certain days. Even cakes and cookies. In 3 months I lost 21 kg! A month has already passed, but the weight has not returned, I want to try again in six months. I want to lose at least another 10 kilograms. Good luck to everyone!!!

Alena, 44 years old:

It’s difficult to adapt to separate meals when you’ve been eating as you please all your life, and eating everything without thinking about the incompatibility of some foods. I’ve been interested in the topic of separate meals for a long time, but I still haven’t dared to try it. It seemed very difficult. In reality, everything turned out to be a little simpler. I liked the abundance of fruits and vegetables in the diet, as well as the division of different types of foods by day. I made a meal schedule for myself, cooked in advance, ate the same thing for lunch and dinner to save time on cooking. I tried to stay hydrated and did exercises in the morning. As a result, my lifestyle has completely changed, I feel 20 years old again. After eating, I don’t have a feeling of heaviness or bloating in my stomach, I stopped taking enzymes to facilitate the digestion of food. I managed to lose 18 kg without much effort, I saw only benefits for myself. After finishing the diet, I eat according to the basic principles of separate nutrition. I try to make myself light vegetable salads more often. I eat potatoes very rarely, and if I do, I don’t mix them with other foods. I liked the weight loss system and recommend it.

"Nutritionist on a diet." Separate food:

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Every woman dreams of being a beauty with an ideal figure. Someone constantly trains their body in fitness centers, someone tortures themselves with grueling diets, and someone is simply waiting for a miracle to happen and the excess weight goes away on its own. Such a miracle exists - a 90-day separate food diet. Nutritionists from Slovenia Breda Hrobat and Mojca Polanshek not only invented this long-term diet, they published a book that became a bestseller in many countries. Saying goodbye to extra pounds forever using separate meals is the main goal of the 90-day diet.

Basic principles of the 90 day split diet

What is the secret of the 90 day split diet? Many people know that not all products are compatible with each other and use them successfully. A diet based on the axiom of separate nutrition allows you to lose 20 kilograms or more in three months. The disappearance of excess weight occurs gradually, without suffering. This method of losing weight is most suitable for those who have a lot of unnecessary pounds. During the diet, you don’t need to deny yourself anything, although you will still have to take into account the caloric content of foods. The days of separate nutrition are divided into four cycles, which will be repeated.

By slightly reducing portions and distributing the foods consumed according to composition, during a diet you will help the body choose the right path. As a result, metabolism will improve, the gastrointestinal tract will work smoothly, metabolism will normalize, and fat deposits will begin to melt. To experience the excitement of losing weight, before starting the first day of the diet, find out your exact weight, take measurements and write them down. Do these manipulations at certain intervals, and you will notice how the weight steadily disappears throughout the diet.

Menu for every day

By dividing your diet into four daily diet cycles (protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin), you will completely rebuild your body, which will begin to work like clockwork, delighting you with new achievements in weight loss. Arrange the days during the diet in strict order, and every twenty-ninth should be a fasting day. During the fasting day, consume only purified or mineral water without gas. Then the cycle starts over.

Meals should be at least three times a day, only high quality products, water at least 1.5-2 liters. The first meal is no later than 11 a.m., the last meal is before 8 p.m. Break your food portions into portions where lunch is slightly larger than dinner, gradually reducing them with each cycle. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited during the diet. It is not recommended to drink coffee-containing and sugary drinks. Juices are equivalent to eating.

Protein days

Each diet cycle should begin with a protein day, when only protein foods (fish, meat, eggs, dairy products) are eaten. Do not mix proteins - on the same day, eat eggs separately from meat, fish from dairy products:

  • Breakfast. On any day in the morning, have breakfast only with fruits, which you can replace with raisins, dried apricots, and prunes. Add a few nuts. Drink a glass of juice.
  • Dinner. For lunch, you can afford a piece of lean boiled or stewed meat (chicken, rabbit, veal, turkey). It is better to exclude dishes with fried foods, because they will contain more calories. Instead of meat, you can cook low-fat ocean fish or seafood; in the same quantity, if you wish, you can eat two eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, a piece of cheese. As a side dish, prepare more salad from fresh vegetables, except those containing starch. Allow yourself a piece of black bread, preferably without yeast. Finish your meal with a cup of weak broth.
  • Dinner. You can repeat the lunch diet, reducing the amount by half. In the evening, exclude bread and broth from the menu. If you ate meat for lunch, then you should definitely have only that for dinner.

Starchy days

On such a day, for nutrition, use foods rich in starch - cereals, potatoes, legumes, bread containing whole grains:

  • Breakfast. According to tradition, the day should begin with a glass of berries, juice or several fruits.
  • Dinner. For a starchy day, boiled rice, potatoes, peas, beans, soybeans, and chickpeas are suitable. If desired, simmer them with a minimum amount of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. Add a serving of vegetable soup and a slice of whole grain bread to your diet.
  • Dinner. Repeat the daily set of products, except bread and soup. Remember to reduce the portion by half.

Carbohydrate days

On those days dedicated to carbohydrates, it is allowed to eat cereal products, baked goods without eggs and yeast, pasta (durum wheat varieties are recommended), and unsweetened cookies. If you have a sweet tooth, allow yourself a small piece of dark dark chocolate:

  • Breakfast. Several pieces of any fruit. You can replace them with nuts, dried apricots, raisins or a glass of berries. Drink your favorite juice.
  • Dinner. According to your preference, prepare pizza with vegetable filling or durum pasta with tomato sauce. Biscuits, unsweetened cookies, pancakes without milk and eggs are allowed. Add buckwheat porridge or porridge made from millet or barley to your diet.
  • Treat yourself to a few cubes of dark chocolate after light carbohydrate dinner, consisting of cereal porridge and stewed vegetables.

Vitamin days

You can eat any fruits or vegetables that you like on these diet days. For variety, eat some unsalted seeds and nuts:

  • Breakfast. Start your day with fresh fruit and a glass of juice. Eat some berries.
  • All day long It is allowed to eat any fruits and vegetables in various combinations - fresh, baked, in the form of purees and salads. Juices, unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks are suitable. Diversify your menu with dried fruits, which are great for dulling the feeling of hunger.

Table of products for a separate diet

Before you start counting down the 90-day diet of separate meals, it is important to understand the essence of the compatibility of products with each other. If all food products are divided into subgroups, then it is worth highlighting three main ones:

  • Squirrels, digested with the help of acid secreted by the digestive organs.
  • Carbohydrates, broken down in an alkaline environment by the salivary glands of the oral cavity
  • "Live products"– the basis of building material for the whole body, obtained by the body without the cost of digesting food.

By carefully studying the table below, you can find a pattern of which food groups are combined during a diet, and which are better to eat separately. Product groups 1 and 2, 2 and 3 are compatible. You cannot combine those included in groups 1 and 3:

  1. Meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, legumes.
  2. Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, berries, juices.
  3. Cereals, bread, sugar, potatoes, jams, compote, honey.

The right way out of the 90 day diet

After the end of the diet, it is important to make a smooth transition to normal nutrition. If you have achieved the desired result in three months, and your extra pounds have disappeared, it means that your body has received a tremendous cleansing. To maintain a slim and healthy body, try to continue to adhere to the principle of product compatibility. If you are not entirely satisfied with the results achieved, you can repeat the diet, but not earlier than after three months. To maintain a normal weight, you can repeat the diet once a year for a shortened program of 15 days.

The 90 day split diet makes dreams come true. The authors of the system, Brad Hrobat and Mojca Polanshek, offer a three-month diet for weight loss without strict restrictions. Both slim people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle and those who need to lose 20 or more kilograms can experience the effectiveness of this three-month course for themselves. If you follow it, you will not feel hungry, and your figure will take on the desired shape.

Do not limit yourself in food and at the same time stay in shape, taste gastronomic delights and at the same time not have problems with excess weight - cherished desires are fulfilled with the method of separate nutrition.

Slovenian nutritionists were primarily guided by the principles of healthy eating. The goal of the diet is to develop correct eating behavior. In addition to the fact that the system promises good weight loss results, it promises to improve the functioning of the digestive system and accelerate metabolic processes.

The main feature of the 90-day diet is separate meals. The system is very similar to (protein-carbohydrate alternation), but not as rigid.

All 90 days are divided into four-day cycles, during which you need to eat according to the following scheme:

  • 1 day – only allowed;
  • Day 2 – starch-containing food;
  • Day 3 – carbohydrate foods;
  • Day 4 – vitamin dishes.

On day 5, the cycle repeats all over again. The menu on certain days includes baked goods and sweet delicacies, incredibly tasty dishes of meat and vegetables. Every month (after 7 four-day cycles) you need to do it with lemon. During the entire diet, you will get 3 fasting days.

Table of permitted products

Day Products
, milk and any fermented milk products, lean meat, fish (pollock, hake, mackerel, blue whiting, salmon, salmon, trout), seafood, all vegetables (except potatoes), broth, herbs, bran bread.
Starch Cereals (millet, eggs, wheat, pearl barley), legumes, any vegetables and broth made from them, bran bread.
Carbohydrate Cereals (rice, millet, eggs, buckwheat, wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal), yeast-free baked goods, durum wheat pasta, ice cream, chocolate with high cocoa content.
Vitamin All kinds of fruits, juices from them, dried fruits, vegetables, nuts.

Menu for every day

The book “The 90-Day Separate Diet” does not have a clearly defined diet for the entire period of weight loss. The authors introduce readers to the main principles of the diet, a list of permitted foods, and easy and healthy recipes. The book also contains a special food combination table. Based on this data, everyone can create a menu that will be most suitable for them.

The main prohibition is that you cannot swap days in repeating four-day cycles and eat foods from other days.

A varied diet does not mean that you can overeat on permitted foods all day long. The process of losing weight will progress if a person consumes fewer calories than he burns. The menu should be designed in such a way that there is always a slight calorie deficit.

Each day should begin the same way throughout all three months of the diet: with a glass of still water at room temperature. After half an hour, you can have a couple of fruits or a glass of berries. All!

The main meals are lunch and dinner (from 12 to 19 hours). There are no restrictions on the size of portions, you just need to avoid overeating and maintain equal time intervals between meals. The last meal should always be no later than 8 pm or 3 hours before bedtime.

Menu option for one diet cycle:

1 day

Protein foods of different types should not be mixed. For example, if you have stewed fish for lunch, eating eggs is excluded, or cottage cheese planned for dinner cannot be washed down with kefir.

  • Lunch: meat broth or cottage cheese with seasonal berries;
  • Dinner: Grilled fish or chicken with lettuce.

Day 2

  • Lunch: or vegetable stew;
  • Dinner: puree soup or stewed beans with vegetables.

Day 3

  • Lunch: durum wheat pasta or with fresh cucumber;
  • Dinner: on the water, a slice of dark chocolate.

4 day

Those who don’t like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen will enjoy Vitamin Day, because you can generally take a break from cooking and just eat fresh fruit.

  • Lunch: any fruit your heart desires;
  • Dinner: baked pears with lingonberries, homemade quince or strawberry marmalade.

90 Day Diet Recipes

In order for the results of the diet to be as effective as possible, you need to forget about fast food kiosks and fatty restaurant foods. You will have to “make friends” with the stove, multicooker and oven.

There is no need to be afraid to try new recipes or be lazy when preparing delicious dishes. After all, the tastier and more varied the menu is, the easier the 3 months of the diet will be.

Protein recipes

Chopped chicken


  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • Greens and salt.


Finely chop the chicken fillet. Add the egg, minced onion and garlic, herbs and salt to the minced meat. Form small cakes and fry them on both sides in a non-stick frying pan.

Lazy cabbage rolls


  • 500 g chicken or beef mince;
  • Half a glass of rice;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1/3 of a head of cabbage;
  • 200 g tomato paste;
  • Dill, parsley and salt.


Cook the rice and finely chop the cabbage. Mix minced meat, rice, cabbage and egg in a bowl. Form small round balls from the resulting mixture and place them in a frying pan with high sides. Add the same amount of water to the tomato paste, finely chopped herbs and salt. Season the cabbage rolls with the resulting sauce, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer for about half an hour.



  • 200 g. cottage cheese;
  • Corn or rice flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • Vanillin;
  • Ch.l. sugar or honey;


Mix all the products so that the resulting mass does not stick to your hands. Depending on the brand of cottage cheese (thick or crumbly), you will need 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour. Make cheesecakes and fry each in a pan lightly greased with oil.

Recipes for 1-2 days of the cycle

Pumpkin puree soup


  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 400 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 200 g cauliflower;
  • 2 onions;
  • Herbs and seasonings to taste.


Add pumpkin, cauliflower, onions to the already prepared chicken broth and cook until the vegetables are ready. Grind everything with a blender and add spices. Delicious served with black bread.

Chickpea muffin


  • 200 g chickpeas;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g each of rice and buckwheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • A pinch of soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar;


Mix flour, egg, cocoa and soda, add apple cider vinegar and vanilla sugar. Boil the chickpeas, grind until smooth in a blender, add to the future dough and mix thoroughly. Grease a baking dish with butter and place the resulting dough there. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Nice bonus! The diet menu is easy to adapt to the diet of your household and then you don’t have to prepare it separately. Many of the dishes are included in the menu of cafes and restaurants, so three months of losing weight will not become a chore. You will be able to go to meetings with friends and feel great at family celebrations.

Separate nutrition in itself is already very useful, and if you also follow effective recommendations during the diet, the results will not be long in coming:

  • Set specific goals and motivate yourself. You won't get good results from losing weight if you don't even visualize them. Buy a dress one size smaller, hang a photo of a slender idol in front of the dinner table, schedule a photo shoot at the end of the diet. This kind of action will stimulate you to become more beautiful and slimmer;
  • Start it. Write down delicious recipes in it, note what you have already eaten and what you want to try. This disciplines and helps to plan the menu correctly;
  • Take initial body measurements and weigh yourself. Repeating these actions once a week will help you stay on track and encourage you. After all, if in the initial stages the visual weight loss is not noticeable, the scale and centimeter will not lie;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure still water daily. It removes waste and toxins accumulated in the body, helps not to overeat and makes the weight loss process more productive;
  • The menu should consist of fresh products and dishes that are steamed, baked or boiled. It is better to avoid frying with copious amounts of oil; a non-stick frying pan or grill is allowed;
  • If you feel hungry between meals, you shouldn’t endure it, this can lead to overeating. You can curb your appetite with any fruit, such as an orange or an apple.

The 90-day diet can be used as an ongoing nutrition plan. The cost of the system is no more expensive than any daily diet, and the recipes for dietary dishes are simply to die for!

Often, excess weight appears due to a failure of metabolic processes in the body. Slow metabolism can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, abuse of alcoholic beverages and junk food (fast food, sweets). In order to lose weight, you first need to speed up your metabolism and cleanse your body of accumulated waste and toxins. A separate diet helps normalize metabolism, which promotes weight loss. It lasts 90 days for good reason. Over such a long period of time, the body is gradually rebuilt, the process of losing weight takes place without harm to health.

90-day split diet

Nutritionists and doctors agreed and proved that products belonging to different categories require different times to be digested and absorbed by the body, and therefore they do not combine well with each other and should be consumed separately. The separate food diet has gained enormous popularity. Among her fans are many politicians, movie and pop stars, who have proven by their own example that by eating separately you can effectively lose weight.

The essence of such nutrition is monodays. That is, every day you should eat only the foods shown. The days alternate with each other: protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin, and then repeat again. There are no restrictions on dishes; you can eat any food to your taste from permitted products. It is recommended to adhere to such a diet for 90 days, in order to get the body accustomed to a certain food culture.

Basic rules

The rules of the 90-day separate food diet are that you should eat any food on the menu, but only from the list of permitted ones. Over the course of 3 months, there is a cyclical pattern consisting of alternating protein, starch, carbohydrate, and vitamin days. Once every 29 days, it is necessary to arrange a fasting day, which involves drinking exclusively purified water. The fasting day is carried out after the vitamin menu, and after it it is necessary to saturate the body with proteins - the protein menu. With separate meals, subsequent meals are allowed every 4 hours while following the protein, starch, carbohydrate menu, as well as every 2 hours during the vitamin diet.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime when dieting. You should drink at least 2 liters of purified water daily. In addition, it is allowed to drink tea, decoction, but without sugar and cream. Fruit juice is considered a meal, and therefore can be drunk as a snack during the fruit menu. Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited.


  • Kefir diet for losing weight by 10 kg in a week
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An important rule of the separate meals diet is that breakfast should be no later than 12:00, and dinner before 20:00.

Allowed foods on protein day:

  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Meat, poultry, fish;
  • Meat broths;
  • Eggs;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Vegetables (except potatoes).

You cannot mix any types of protein foods with each other!

Allowed foods on a starch day:

  • Cereals;
  • Legumes;
  • Vegetables;
  • Vegetable broth;
  • Whole wheat bread.

Vegetables can be consumed raw, stewed and boiled.

Allowed foods on carbohydrate day:

  • Flour products;
  • Cereals;
  • Yeast-free baked goods without eggs or milk;
  • Cake;
  • Cookie.

Be sure to eat dark chocolate for lunch or dinner (several pieces).

Allowed foods on vitamin day:

  • All fruits;
  • Berries;
  • Freshly squeezed juices, berry fruit drinks;
  • Vegetables;

Nuts and seeds (100 g) are allowed as snacks.

Nutritionists recommend that when following a diet of separate meals, which lasts 90 days, you eat at least three times a day at regular intervals. Depending on how much time it takes for the body to assimilate a particular food, intervals are determined. For example, on a vitamin day you should eat every two hours, and on a protein, carbohydrate or starch day every four.

The smallest portion of the daily diet is taken for breakfast, usually fruits and berries. Lunch on a separate meals diet is the main meal. For dinner, you need to eat half the lunch portion, however, without bread and broth. You can snack only on foods allowed on a certain day (for example, on a protein day - kefir, on a vitamin day - fruit, on a carbohydrate day - dry cookies, and on a starch day - vegetables or bread).

The separate food diet menu allows you to eat all permitted foods in any quantities. Many variations in the preparation of dishes will allow you to diversify the menu for 90 days as much as possible. It is important both not to starve and not to overeat. To achieve the maximum weight loss effect, it is recommended to combine a separate diet with physical activity: sports, exercise, walking, swimming, running.

A 90-day separate diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive and excretory systems during pregnancy and lactation.


Let's look at the menu options that include a separate meals diet for 90 days. You should start with a protein day, which alternates with starch, carbohydrate and vitamin days.

Menu for a diet of 90 days of separate meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

1st day (protein):

  • Apple. Banana;
  • Bouillon. Boiled chicken fillet. Wholemeal bread;
  • Hard-boiled egg;
  • Baked fish. Cheese.

2nd day (starch):

  • Grapefruit. Kiwi;
  • Green Lenten borscht. Bran bread. Coleslaw;
  • Squash caviar;
  • Lenten pilaf. Vegetable stew.

Day 3 (carbohydrate):

  • Berries: blueberries, raspberries;
  • Spaghetti with tomato paste;
  • Dry cookies;
  • Cake. Bitter chocolate.

Day 4 (fruit):

  • Pear. Orange;
  • Fruit salad with nuts;
  • Berry juice;
  • Apples baked in the oven.

While following the 90-day diet, it is important not to try to reduce your daily caloric intake to less than 1000-1200 kcal. According to the rules of separate nutrition, fat consumption should be kept to a minimum. The permissible daily intake of vegetable oil is 30 grams.

The right way out

Within 90 days, the human body gets used to the principles of separate nutrition, meal regimens, and compliance with food compatibility. And yet, leaving the diet should be gradual, so as not only not to regain the lost excess weight, but also to prevent the development of gastritis and colitis. Ideally, leaving a separate diet should be at least one month. You should continue to eat fruits and berries for breakfast, reduce the portion of dinner, which should be equal in volume to half lunch.

Over the course of 3 months, the body became accustomed to eating only certain foods on the menu. With the right solution, you should stick to the same diet, but not by day, but by meal. For example, you can eat only protein foods for lunch and starchy foods for dinner. Periodically, you should arrange fasting days (on water or only protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin).

Regular exercise when leaving the 90-day diet of separate nutrition will help you stay in good shape, increase the firmness and elasticity of your skin, and avoid sagging and stretch marks. Improved metabolism will have a beneficial effect not only on losing weight and maintaining the achieved result, but also on the condition of hair, nails, and the functioning of all internal organs in general.


The results of the separate nutrition diet are simply amazing. Some people managed to lose 18-25 kilograms in 90 days. At the same time, an improved metabolism is observed, thanks to the alternating menu. With proper exit from the diet, as well as with regular physical activity, the weight stabilizes and does not return.

Diet 90 days of separate nutrition - results: