How to make a cat out of paper. How to make a cat out of paper: techniques that allow you to make from the simplest to the most complex crafts. Paper kitten

Cat crafts are not inferior in popularity to their living counterparts. You can find almost anything in the shape of a kitten or with its image: pillows, clothes, cups, toys and so on. We bring to your attention several master classes on the topic “How to make a (paper origami) cat.” Using them you can make your own paper kitten.

Additionally, when an older cat becomes more insecure, it may feel threatened by the presence of other cats in the area. Possible Solution: It is almost inevitable that at some age older cats will need the safety of a litter and access to the inside of the house. Bringing trash inside the home often solves this problem. Fear or anxiety When cats do their needs, they are in a state of greatest vulnerability, and if they feel threatened, they may change their habit and start getting them home. The reason in this case could be other cats that are perceived as a threat, or a neighbor's dog or unexpected noise.

Required tools and materials

To make an origami cat, you will need:

  1. paper that can be folded (regular landscape sheet, colored paper, corrugated carbon paper, special paper for origami and so on);
  2. scissors (needed to give the sheet a square shape);
  3. markers, paints, pencils or pens (needed to draw a face);
  4. any decor: beads, beads, ribbons and bows, sparkles and so on.

How to make cats out of paper?

The instructions are quite simple, and the order of work depends on how you make the cat. This can be done in two ways:

Possible solution: to get discreet trash in the house; it will save you from worry and help you to use the right place for your needs. An alternative would be to accompany him in the garden. Your cat may choose a place far from his home and therefore it would be better to make his garden more attractive. Create a space for your needs in a quiet area relatively close to the house and connect Presence of strangers Sometimes a dirty cat is inside the house if there are strangers in the house and access to bedding or exit doors requires going into the same room where they are located Some cats suffer from loneliness when the owner leaves and leaves them unprotected.

  1. The craft is made from two sheets of paper: one makes up the muzzle, the other makes up the body.
  2. The craft is made from one sheet of paper.

Making a cat's face (first option)

Master class “How to make a cat out of paper”: making a face using the first method:

The presence of a stranger who cares for him may make him feel seriously threatened and therefore want to "mark" his territory, especially a master bed with strong, familiar and calming spirits. The best way Avoiding the consequences of your cat's need to leave him alone is to close the bedroom door and try to tell him who will care for him while you are away. Some cats are especially prone to being overlooked and may be thinking about cat retirement.

Specialist Helper A cat who helps meet your needs at home can benefit from the tips described above. In some cases, the problem may persist and it is advisable to talk to your veterinarian rather than wait to resolve it yourself. One of the ways people introduce a cat into their lives is by getting newborn cat puppies.

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you (Illustration 1).
  2. Fold the top right and bottom left corners together. The result will be a triangle (Figure 2).
  3. Fold the left corner of the triangle down so that its tip is flush with the bottom, but not touching it (as in Illustration 3).
  4. Fold the right corner in the same way as the left (Illustration 4).
  5. Fold the middle corner up slightly, as in illustration 5.
  6. Turn the figure over.
  7. Draw the eyes, nose, mouth and antennae (Illustration 6). You can also add eyebrows.

The cat's face is ready!

Cat puppies usually come to us in twos in different ways. The first is to have a cat that, after disappearing for some time, comes back with this "newness", while the second case is where we are given kitten puppies. Let's be clear: you should never mother cats with newborns and have not yet weaned them, meaning they are still nursing, which happens for at least the first 3 months of life.

When we take newborn puppies away from our mothers, we harm them because breast milk contains all the nutrients needed to raise healthy mice and we will have a kitten that is at risk. When we want to adopt a cat puppy, it is always better to choose kittens that are more than three months old. Kittens are born blind, deaf and without teeth, so we understand how long they need to have a cat. The kitten's eyes begin to open after 8-10 days of life, and for the first few days the kitten is completely obsessed with the smell.

The second way to make a muzzle

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (photo instructions for making a face):

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you.
  2. Fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  3. We unfold the sheet. The fold line should be horizontal in front of you.
  4. We bend the upper corner towards the middle of the sheet (Illustration 2).
  5. Fold the sheet in half again, as in illustration 3.
  6. We conditionally divide the resulting figure, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the left and right corners to the center along the lines from the sixth point (Illustration 5).
  8. Fold the left and right sides up, as in illustration 6. That is, the fold line should not be straight, but at an angle and located in the center of the length.
  9. You've got ears.
  10. Fold the top corner of the figure down, as in illustration 7.
  11. Turn the figure over.
  12. Bend the bottom corner slightly upward (Illustration 8).
  13. Fold down the tip of the folded corner from the previous point, as in Illustration 9.
  14. Draw eyes, antennae, nose and mouth. Or glue them from paper.

The muzzle is ready!

Cat puppies: how to behave

If we have a newly born cat, we should leave the cat and puppies alone as much as possible, because a completely natural cycle occurs in which we should not interfere. Unfortunately, we find ourselves in emergency situations, that is, with newborn kittens, perhaps orphans, or who need us immediately: let's see how to deal with this.

Mistakes are impossible to make because small newborn kittens have no hair, but if they are already horns or at least a month old, they are what we imagine, with hair, and everything is completely different, because in the second case, pick them up from small it is much easier.

Cat's body

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (instructions for creating the body):

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  2. Unfold a piece of paper.
  3. Fold the right and left sides to the fold line, as in illustration 2.
  4. Fold the resulting figure in half vertically (Illustration 3).
  5. Place the resulting figure horizontally in front of you.
  6. Bend the sharp corner down, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the corner again (Illustration 5).
  8. Open the corner (Illustration 6).
  9. Hold the main part of the figure with your left hand, and straighten the corner with your right.
  10. Fold the straightened corner along the extreme fold line, as in illustration 7.
  11. Fold the corner up in the same way as in illustration 8. You have a cat's tail.
  12. Fold the ponytail in half vertically (Illustration 9). To do this, turn the left side over to the right.

The body for the cat is ready!

Here is a video where you can see images of newborn kittens, with a mummy cat mummy :) The mummy cat has merged and the puppies are picking up vibrations that are reassuring to them. Instead, this other video features photos of small kittens, but with hair. If we give a kitten a can of food, even if it is not a newborn baby food and there is, this means that she is already weaned; if he didn't, he should instead take kitten weaning milk, artificial.

Newborn kittens: what to do

How to behave with newborn cat puppies? The first thing to consider is that young kittens do not yet have the ability to thermoregulate or regulate their own body temperature. This means that we must first supply heat, which can be provided by using a bag of hot water, placing it in contact with the kitten, which in turn will have to remain covered if we take it to nurse.

Now connect the body and muzzle together. If you use the muzzle from the first option, then you need to glue it, and if from the second, then simply stick it on the body.

A whole cat from one sheet of paper

Master class on how to make an origami cat out of paper:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper with an aspect ratio of 1 to 3 and lay it horizontally.
  2. Fold the paper in half (Illustration 1).
  3. Make each side smaller by folding them in half, as in illustration 2.
  4. Unfold the last folds and turn the sheet upside down.
  5. Fold the lower left corner up (Illustration 3). You've got something like a pointer.
  6. Fold back the corner of the pointer (Illustration 3).
  7. Go over all the folds.
  8. Open the sheet of paper completely.
  9. Fold the sheet of paper as shown in illustration 4.
  10. The left and right vertices are the ears of the future cat (illustration 5).
  11. Now do everything as in illustration 6. In it, a green triangle is used to indicate the lines along which you want to make the chin.
  12. Squeeze the bottom of your chin. Fold the top of the head as shown in illustration 7. If you do everything correctly, then at this stage your muzzle will already be formed and the ears will be slightly bent.
  13. Fold the remaining part of the sheet in half (Illustration 8). As a result, you will get a ponytail.
  14. On both sides of the previous fold, make two more diagonal ones. Fold the paper as shown in illustration 9 . You will get paws.
  15. Raise your body perpendicular to the tail.
  16. Fold the sides of the tail in the same way as in illustration 10.
  17. Curl the ponytail using a pencil or scissors (just carefully).

The cat is ready!

For at least two weeks after birth, the kitten should not leave the house, but after 15 days he will also begin to take his first steps, so we can also take him out, but always avoid being too cold. This is done to avoid episodes of kitten kicking, which can lead to the death of the puppy.

Can you touch newborn cat puppies?

The same goes for washing: do not wash a small kitten at all. Keep cat puppies in a safe and secure place, maybe a box with a blanket inside, so they don't fall over, get sick, or try to explore the area too much. When asked, “You can touch the puppies of newborn cats,” the answer is no, especially if there is a cat who recognizes them by their smell, and we, with our own hands, will change it.

Now you know how to make a paper cat with your own hands. Let your craft bring joy to you and your loved ones.

Many people like to create various shapes from paper. Learning this skill is not easy, but it is possible. At the initial stage, it is recommended to learn how to assemble lighter figures. A cat is suitable for this.

However, if there is no cat, it is better not to touch newborn kittens or do it with a clean cloth so that anything on our hands does not irritate the kitten's delicate skin. In short, newborn cat puppies can be touched, but only if you cannot do so, such as to nurse them with a syringe or baby bottle, but for the rest, it is better to leave them in your mouth without touching them too much, which can be fatal during this period of life.

How to cope with the needs of small kittens

Even after the first days of life, newborn kittens are treated with great delicacy. When the kitten is about 2 weeks old, it will begin to interact a bit. Puppies learn to use litter within a few weeks of life, and it is usually their mother's cat who provides the example by teaching them how to mow.

You will need a sheet of A4 paper. It is worth noting that colored options look much more beautiful, so you can take a sheet of absolutely any color. Fold the sheet in half to create a long rectangle. Press the fold well - on one side and the other. Then cut 10cm off either side to make the rectangle a little shorter. Unfold the sheet and cut off half (use a ruler). You now have two halves - from them you can create two cats. Take one half and fold it in half again as before. Make sure that the fold line is well fixed. Place the sheet with the folding side facing you. Then fold half of the opening side up. Turn the sheet over and do the same with the other side. The result will be some kind of accordion. Make sure that all fold lines are pressed carefully. Return the sheet to its previous state (folded in half) and place it with the piece part facing you. Fold the corner on the left side. Open the sheet. You will see a triangle at the top formed by the fold lines. With your eyes, mark the acute angle of the triangle. Then bend the top to this mark. Open the sheet completely again. The resulting triangle is the emerging head. Bend the sheet along the pressed lines so that you get a rectangular box - bend the edges of the sheet down. Then bring the lines of the bottom closer to each other so that they are compressed.

There is a triangle in the upper part - push it down so that the workpiece is completely closed. Turn the workpiece in one piece towards you. Bend one side in half towards you. Please note that you should not touch the left side (where the head is located) - just bend the line not all the way. Turn the workpiece over and do the same with the second part. You have formed the body of the future cat. Take the piece so that the face is looking at you, and shape the head along the already marked folds. Press the triangle well. Then press the pressed lines to the top horizontal line. Let's move on to shaping the ears. At the ends of the horizontal line you see vertical fold lines. Next to them are small triangles. Gently press the triangles together with the vertical lines to the sheet to form ears.

We bring patience if the little kittens do their needs, because after a week of life we ​​can start placing the kitten on the sand and allowing him to see with his hand when he breaks. Kittens do learn to use the litter quickly, this is their natural instinct.

How to feed newborn cats and puppies

We place the litter box with low sides and easy reach for the puppy once he has learned to use it to get used to his own needs. When it comes to food, which is critical, kitten feeding should definitely include milk for newborn cat puppies.

Bend the fold formed between the ears slightly back. In this case, you will affect a small area of ​​​​the ears - this is how it should be. Level it well. The result is a head with ears. Bend your torso in half to the right side. Bend it back and open it. You will see four folds. Now bend your torso in half horizontally. Unfold it again and shape it. Leave its upper part untouched, and bend the lower part back along the pressed horizontal line. As you fold the bottom back, shape the top to create legs.

You will see a kind of accordion - all you have to do is turn it correctly with the corner up. The corner should close completely, and the lower part should turn back. She is the cat's tail and stance. Fold the corner of the tail and roll it into a tube. Then unfold it back - you get a wavy ponytail. Open the cat's paws slightly so she can stand. But the upper part (neck) should remain assembled. If it opens up, you can glue it down. The cat is ready!

You need to feed and feed the little kittens otherwise they may die because the needs when they are very small are so great. Milk for newborn kittens is a specific, artificial milk, and it is bought at the pharmacy; never ever give cow's milk because the lactose content, which is high, causes diarrhea which will lead to dehydration; at this stage, dehydration can be fatal.

Artificial milk is powdery and must be reconstituted with hot water in accordance with the doses indicated on the package; At this stage, you must make sure that the kitten drinks it all, and the juices are from the container. Milk will be introduced until we wean, as we have already said, and in the meantime the kitten would be well seen by the vet to determine some of the early days of life.

Now you know how to create a cat out of paper. The classic version is very easy to assemble. You can decorate the figure as you wish and place it on the table. Figures created from patterned paper look very original.