How to fill sport fun water bombs with water. Bunch o Balloons water bombs

Remember the “man in the prime of his life” who was always ready to play mischief, play tricks, and fool around? He even made "the world's biggest and loudest splash"! Well, of course, it's Carlson! Do you want to repeat his feat? True, the option we proposed for using this very “splash” is just a joke, so you shouldn’t take it seriously.

His own “gunsmith”

Let's discuss how to make a water bomb, the simplest one for the first time. What might you need for this? Plastic bag from milk, kefir or sour cream. Fill it with water. Clamp the hole with a clothespin. Climb higher - to the balcony of the 5-6th floor, for example. Raise the bag above your head and wait for someone to pass underneath you. Have you calculated that the flight path will correspond to the movement? Then unclench your hands and let your victim think about how to make a water bomb.

Sponge, start over!

For creative and original thinking people (and that’s exactly what our kids are) it won’t be difficult to come up with something funny out of thin air. And even more so, it is not a problem for them to solve the problem that our article is devoted to. For example, do you know how to make a water bomb from regular bathing or dishwashing sponges? But even a 5-6 year old kid, imagine, knows! What is needed for this? Several sponges (at least five) are connected into a bunch, strung on a strong thread. Fill a bowl with water and place the workpiece in it. Then follow the instructions outlined in the paragraph above. That is, also go up to a higher floor, even to the roof. Of course, I took the basin with me. Wait for the passerby and drop your weapon on him, just don’t press him down. The more liquid is absorbed into it, the stronger the “plop” will be. Here's how to make a water bomb using basic household items!

Paper projectiles

And now something more interesting, more original. Imagine that it is possible to make projectiles from paper. Yes, yes, from it, and fill it with liquid, and throw it at a perceived or obvious enemy. For this, the art of origami will come to your aid. A water bomb is made from paper according to a certain pattern. The sheet is taken in a square shape and bent diagonally on both sides. Then, by bending the corners and securing them, you will get a ball that is hollow inside. Fill it with water and quickly use it for its intended purpose! Otherwise, the paper will get wet, and the effect of the projectile will turn against you. But if you have time, you will be able to admire the “bang” with which the bomb explodes! In a word, it will be fun!

Exploding balls

And finally, balloon water bombs. This is already elementary. Take regular rubber balls, preferably round ones. Place them under the tap and fill them with water, cold of course. Try to get enough liquid so that the ball does not stretch too much. Otherwise, it will simply break without having time to complete its mission. Having collected the required amount, tie the hole with thread, as you would with an inflated balloon. Instead of balls, ordinary finger pads or even thin medical ones will do. The scheme is still the same: fill, tie, aim, shoot. And enjoy the effect of a bomb exploding!

Good luck to you, “extremists”-Samodelkins!


And although all this is fun and exciting, before using the bomb again, remember that next time you could become the victim of the same prankster!..

Summer is the time for epic water battles, in which adults and children enjoy taking part. Water bombs are a great way to actively relax and cool down in the summer heat.

The game has one drawback, which often causes the game to end. This is a long preparation. Making water bombs can take several hours of your precious time. And who wants to wait so long when all the friends are gathered, the heat is sweltering outside, the soul wants fun, and the body wants coolness.

There is a solution - this kit for creating water bombs Bunch o Balloons, which will allow you to make as many as 100 bombs in one minute. This is exactly how much you will need to prepare the next batch of shells for a fun company. Do you want to have a fun competition with your friends or family? We recommend buying water bombs.

The water bomb making kit is a toy that will win the hearts of children and adults. After all, what could be better in the summer heat than fun and coolness.

The set consists of hose attachments, each of which contains about 30 balls. The balls are attached to the nozzle using a tube through which water flows into the ball.

Water bombs for playing with water

Magnificent water bombs can significantly diversify the rest of a cheerful group on a hot summer day. Bombs for filling with water are multi-colored latex balloons, specially prepared for quick filling with water. Each ball has a long plastic tube inserted into it. All tubes end in a common adapter, which can be threaded onto the hose nozzle. The nozzle is standard, usually used to attach water sprinklers to a hose. various types for watering the garden. This way, all the water bombs in the set can be filled with water at the same time and very quickly. After filling with water, a rubber clamp located on each water bomb “closes” the bomb so that water does not spill out of it, after which the bombs are removed from their tubes. The projectile with refreshing water is ready to be thrown!!!

A little advice for beginner water bomb throwers:

1. Water bomb size. Don't try to make the water bomb huge so that you can drench your opponent from head to toe with one hit. Take your time, stretch out the pleasant process of “watering” it over several throws. Fill water bombs with water until the size is large enough for the bomb to fit comfortably in your hand. Swing widely, but slowly - water bombs do not like overload. Savor your every move. Let the “enemy” see your heroic swing and also “savour” the future event, when a water bomb hits his hot body and refreshes him with pleasant coolness.

2. Storing water bombs. Filled water bombs are very convenient to put in a small pool filled with water. In water, water bombs will be securely stored until the start of a water battle and will not burst upon contact with the ground. An example of a children's inflatable pool.

3. A sports version of the game with water bombs. You don't have to throw bombs filled with water at each other. You can choose a more sporty version of the game, which is called “Who can fill the vessel with water faster.” Several people can play such a game at the same time, or this game can be one of the stages of a sports relay race.
The rules of the game are simple: you need to throw water bombs into a water container, for example a bucket. You need to hit the water bomb inside the bucket. Based on the results of the throws, when all the water bombs of each “water thrower” are thrown, the water in the bucket (vessel) is measured using any available method. The participant in the competition whose volume of water in his bucket (vessel) will have more, that player (or that team of players) will be declared the winner.

Alternative game: fill your opponent's vessel with water. In this case, the player must position himself in front of his vessel, simultaneously throwing water bombs at the enemy’s vessel and trying to protect his vessel from being hit by water bombs “from the side.” And how he will protect his vessel - let his imagination help him. In our opinion, the simplest and affordable way- close the vessel with your body.

Contents of the game set:

Water bombs - 37 pcs.
hose connection adapter

Average size of filled bomb (cm): 10-15 cm
Package size (cm): 20 x 7 x 3

Brand: One Toy