What can you make a bath bomb out of? Step by step instructions for making. Fast fizzy bombs

21 August, 2016
You can talk about design canons for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep the right course in “high design”.

A bath bomb is a mixture of baking soda, citric acid, filler and essential oils, allowing you to create a small SPA-salon at home. Components dissolved in water make the skin soft and smooth, help fight cellulite, and essential oils have a positive effect on well-being and even help get rid of depression.

What's inside?

The main components of geysers are citric acid and baking soda. When dry, they are absolutely inert to each other, but as soon as a drop of water hits, a whole action is played out in the bathroom with seething and hissing. At this time, the room is filled with the aromas of ethers, and particles of dry filler that are beneficial for the skin get into the water.

Soda and citric acid

We are well aware baking soda, but not everyone knows about its effect on the skin. Sodium bicarbonate balances the acid-base balance of the body, restores metabolism, improves the absorption of oxygen by the skin.

Citric acid is included in the composition of cosmetic products and is entrusted with the role of an acidity regulator. It successfully removes toxins and salts, improves immunity.

Sea salt

Sea salt is the most affordable filler for geysers. But I use it not because of availability, but because of the ability to fight insidious cellulite. In addition, baths with sea salt have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, returning it to its former smoothness and elasticity.

Oils: base and essential

Skin softening is provided by grape, olive, almond oil.

When making bombs, do not use regular sunflower oil, it dries out the skin.

Essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, promote regeneration, activate metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on well-being.

Under the action of hot water, essential oils are released from the bombs and create an inhalation effect.

Choose essential oil:

Action Essential oils
refreshing fir, spearmint, immortelle, mandarin, lavender, peppermint, orange, lemon
Stimulant coriander, nutmeg, lavender, immortelle, verbena, peppermint, hyssop, rosemary, cloves, lemon, juniper
Cleansing geranium, lemongrass, orange, nutmeg, rose, sage, lemon
Harmonizing geranium, marjoram, jasmine, mandarin, orange, mimosa, rose, sandalwood
Relaxing basil, galbanum, chamomile, immortelle, lavender, lemon balm, bigardia, mimosa, orange, sandalwood, cedar, vanilla
soothing dill, geranium, chamomile, jasmine, vanilla, bigardia, lemon balm
Firming lavender, angelica, nutmeg, lemon balm, rosemary, peppermint, cedar, lemon, verbena, vetiver
Antistress bergamot, geranium, galbanum, jasmine, patchouli, coriander, mimosa, lavender, bigardia

Additional components

You can add cosmetic clay, milk powder, starch, cocoa, coffee, chocolate, spices, dried flowers and plants, oatmeal, bath pearls to the composition of the bomb.

Bombs can be used not only while taking a bath, but also in the process of preparing hands for a manicure. In this case, I recommend adding grapefruit essential oil, black cosmetic clay and jojoba oil to them.

How to make bombs

Today, there are two ways to make bombs: water and anhydrous.

The anhydrous method involves the use of soda, citric acid, filler and oils. But for the water method you will need water or a decoction of herbs. AT this case oils will have to be completely abandoned or reduced by half.

Classic recipe

Would need:

  • citric acid - 0.5 kg or 4 parts;
  • baking soda - 250 grams or 2 parts;
  • filler (milk powder, cosmetic clay, cream, corn starch, sodium sulfate, sea salt) - 175 grams or 1 part;
  • base oil - 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • water-based food coloring;
  • EM or flavoring - 6-10 drops;
  • Twin 80 - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • D-panthenol - 1 teaspoon.

These ingredients will make about 20 bombs.

Do not use pigments with glycerin to color bombs, as they do not allow the mass to form and dry.

As a decoration, you can use food pellets for baking, dried flowers, coconut flakes.

Before you make your bath bomb, prepare a mold of the right size. It can be a special removable form, silicone baking containers or halves from a kinder surprise. If you're planning on making mini manicure and pedicure bombs, you can arm yourself with ice cube trays.

Cooking instructions:

  1. grind citric acid in a mortar or blender, combine with powdered milk and soda. Divide the dry base into parts depending on the number of types of bombs that you plan to cook.

  1. Enter D-panthenol, oil, fragrance (essential oils), Tween 80 into the mixture. When adding liquid dye, mix the mass thoroughly. As a result, you should get the consistency of wet sand.

  1. In the mold, lay out the selected one, lay out the mixture and squeeze the parts. Leave the design to dry for several hours.

Do not dry "ammunition" on the battery, there is a high probability of cracking.

  1. It is better to store bombs in cling film, which will not allow them to dry out.

Cosmetic reference. What is Twin 80? The substance belongs to the group of emulsifiers, allows you to mix water and oils.
In its absence, the oils from the bomb will float on the surface of the water, and not envelop the body. Price - from 120 rubles. for 100 ml.

bomb secrets

  1. If your bomb refuses to form into a ball, chances are you've used too much liquid or oil. You can correct the situation by adding dry components or short-term drying by the battery.
  2. Do not use peach and apricot kernel oil. Such bombs almost always do not keep their shape.

  1. If you like butters (solid butters), melt them in the microwave or in a water bath beforehand.
  2. Depending on the ingredients used, the bomb can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months.

A bath with a bomb is taken after a shower and cleansing of the skin.

Best Recipes

With milk powder and almond butter


  • citric acid - 100 grams;
  • baking soda - 240 grams;
  • dry milk - 80 grams;
  • almond oil - 40 grams;
  • hydrolat - 4-5 spray presses;
  • food coloring - 3 drops.

If you plan to create colored "ammunition", add dye to soda and only then combine with the rest of the ingredients.

After mixing the dry ingredients, pour in the almond oil, mix the mass thoroughly, moisten with a spray bottle and form into balls.

Hydrolate can be replaced with a decoction of herbs or water.

For two-color bombs, prepare two separate mixtures and combine them only at the stage of tamping into molds.

chocolate bomb


  • citric acid - 100 grams;
  • baking soda - 240 grams;
  • dry milk - 40 grams;
  • cocoa mass - 40 grams;
  • cocoa butter - 60 grams;
  • water - 3-4 spray presses;
  • flavoring "Vanilla" / "Chocolate" / "Cappuccino" - 5 drops.

Mix dry ingredients the classic way. Grind cocoa and cocoa butter on a grater and heat in the microwave.

Bomb hydrophilic with menthol and lavender


  • citric acid - 100 grams;
  • baking soda - 240 grams;
  • dry milk - 120 grams;
  • avocado oil - 80 grams;
  • emulsifier Polysorbate-80 - 20 ml;
  • Lavender EO - 5 drops;
  • food coloring (green) - 5 drops;
  • menthol - 3-4 crystals.

Dissolve the essential oil in the base oil (avocado), add polysorbate and menthol. If the latter does not dissolve well, slightly heat the oil in a water bath.

Combine the dye with soda and after thoroughly mixing, add the rest of the dry ingredients. After adding oil, knead the mass, and tamp into molds.

Another recipe using lavender.

Would need:

  • soda - 120 grams;
  • citric acid - 50 grams;
  • sea ​​salt - 30 grams;
  • dry milk - 40 grams;
  • grape seed oil - 20 grams;
  • crushed dry lavender;
  • EM lavender.

Pound soda and citric acid in a mortar. The next step is to add milk powder, salt, dried flowers and butter. Spread a homogeneous mass in molds and leave for 10-15 minutes. To dry, spread the bombs on a sheet of paper and leave for 6 hours.

Lavender bombs help to cope with fatigue, headache and have a calming effect.

If you like the scent of mint, replace the lavender with dried lemon balm leaves.

Coffee ylang-ylang


  • baking soda - 120 grams;
  • citric acid - 50 grams;
  • ground coffee - 20 grams;
  • corn starch - 90 grams;
  • wheat germ oil - 40 grams;
  • sea ​​salt - 30 grams;
  • EM ylang-ylang - 10 drops.

The bomb is being prepared classical technology. Being lowered into the bath, it will help you normalize the pressure and cheer up.

Summing up

If your bathroom does not yet have a geyser, arm yourself with the necessary and replenish your “arsenal”. I hope my little opus was “bomb” enough and you will no longer wonder what it is and how to use it - a bath bomb - a small SPA-salon in your own apartment.

You can buy a ready-made bath bomb at a specialty soap store. self made, but they are not cheap - from 100 to 300 rubles. And you can try to make them yourself at home, because for their manufacture you will need the most common components that every housewife can find. About how you can make your own bath bomb I will tell you in this article.

Required Components and Attachments

To make bath bombs, two main components are used - baking soda and citric acid, which are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio. Once in the water, a reaction begins and the bomb begins to hiss and boil.

To make the bomb not only sizzling, but also useful for the body, one more part of the dry filler is added to the composition (powdered milk or cream, different types cosmetic clay, sea salt, magnesium sulfate, corn starch or plain starch, beads or bath pearls). And also, if desired, you can add various base oils (olive, almond, apricot, jojoba, coconut, etc.) and essential oils to your taste. Just do not use vegetable oil as a base oil, it dries the skin.

You can also use food and special dyes (other dyes should be discarded due to a possible allergic reaction), various vitamins, glycerin, coconut flakes, small grass or flowers, chocolate, cocoa, honey, bran, oatmeal and everything that you yourself you will find it pleasant to see and feel in your bath.

You will also need an enamel or plastic container for mixing, a spray bottle, gloves, special molds (you can use any silicone molds for cookies and muffins, baby cake molds, yogurt cups, tennis balls cut in half or christmas toys), cling film for packaging finished bombs.

Manufacturing methods

There are two ways to make bath bombs - water and dry. In the first method, water is used to moisten the mass, and base oil is added in a small amount or not added at all. The second method, the waterless method, uses only base oil for moisturizing, so you need to add more of it.

Bath bombs. Master class (water method)

2 parts baking soda
1 part citric acid
1 part filler

base oil optional (1-2 tablespoons)
dyes as desired

Step 1. Sift the soda through a sieve or just mash all the lumps, and it is better to grind the citric acid in a coffee grinder or crush it in a mortar. Be careful, citric acid is dangerous for the respiratory system. In this case, use a respirator or cotton-gauze bandage. If you use sea salt in your recipe, then you need to grind it too. Bombs will mold better and not crumble after drying.

Step 2 Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Step 3. Add base and essential oils. Mix well.

Step 4. Using a spray gun, irrigate the resulting mass by making 1-2 clicks, preferably at a distance. And immediately start kneading the mass, avoiding the reaction of the components, i.e. hissing. If there is too much water, then an effervescent reaction will begin and you will not be able to do anything further. You need to spray until the mass looks like wet sand. Take a little mass and squeeze it in a fist, if the mass does not break up, then you do not need to add more water.

Step 5. We take the molds, previously lubricated with base oil, and tamp the mass into them as tightly as possible. If you are making a round bomb, then to connect the two halves, you just need to press them firmly against each other. Let's lie down for a few minutes.

Step 6. We take out the finished bombs and leave to dry for about a day. It is not recommended to dry near the battery - the bombs may crack. If you made pops for the future, then it is best to pack them in cling film so that they do not dry out unnecessarily and so that the essential oils do not evaporate.

To make the bombs multi-colored (as in the first photo), the finished mixture must be divided into two (or more) parts and dyes must be added. And when tamping the mass into molds, use different colors. To decorate the bomb, you can first put dry petals, inflorescences, beads, special sparkles, etc. into the mold.
It is very interesting to combine the color of the bomb with its aroma. For example, you can make a lilac shade, add lavender essential oil and decorate with dry lavender flowers. Or yellow dye in combination with citrus aromas, green - with coniferous, etc.

Dry way

In this method, all the same ingredients are used in the same ratio, only one part of the base oil is added, i.e. the list looks like this:
2 parts baking soda
1 part citric acid
1 part filler
1 part base oil
essential oils optional (up to 10 drops per bath)
dyes as desired

When you mix all the ingredients and add the oil, it may seem that kneading such a mass is simply impossible. Believe me, everything will work out, you just need to knead the mass with your hands for a while. If, nevertheless, the mass is poorly molded, you can add a little more oil. In this case, get ready for a lot of oil stains floating in the bathroom. To moisturize the skin great option.

It is worth taking a bath with fragrant bombs after you wash yourself with soap, since after taking such a bath it is advisable not to wash off the nutritious and healthy ingredients.

Scented bath bombs are a great gift for friends. To do this, they need to be beautifully packaged. You can see how to do this in the master class.

Bath bombs - application, types, features

Want to turn your regular bath time into a real spa experience? To relax after a hard day's work, set yourself up in a dreamy or romantic mood will help small "pops" - bath bombs. This fragrant compact product will fill the room with fragrant light aromas of flowers and herbs in a matter of minutes, and small bubbles will cause a pleasant shiver through the body…

Most bath bombs are made from natural ingredients:

Lemon acid;

Sodium bicarbonate (soda);

Sea salt;

hydrosols and essential oils.

Moisturizing oils (such as wheat germ oil)

The absence of preservatives and chemical fragrances make these fragrant mini-geysers universal - they can be easily used even for bathing children. Kids just love throwing little balls into the bath and watching them sizzle and dissolve, releasing a huge amount of little bubbles. Therefore, if your baby does not like to swim, fragrant bombs will help him fall in love with water procedures.

Application features

Thanks to natural soda, which is the main ingredient of bombs, a bath with their use will help relieve itching, irritation and skin inflammation. The characteristic hiss of these little balls is nothing more than the usual chemical reaction interaction of soda and citric acid under the influence of warm water. Citric acid is also known for its antioxidant properties and is an excellent preservative of natural origin, which is why it is widely used in cosmetology.

The most common types of scented bath balls are:

  • Bombs without extraneous additives. Consists only of the main components. The absence of base oils makes them a great care assistant. sensitive skin. In the manufacture of such fragrant geysers, flakes, zest and flower petals are often added.
  • Oil bombs. The best solution for dry skin. A bath with them will turn into a full-fledged care procedure, the skin will become soft and velvety. The special structure of the composition of the product allows you to create a protective film of oils on the skin, so you can do without the use of body lotion. The only downside- a small oily film forms on the water, which is quite easy to wash off the surface of the bath.
  • Bath bombs with bubble bath. Such fragrant balls allow you to turn water procedures into a full-fledged relaxation session. The combination of two main components - essential oils and fragrant foam will fill the bath with divine smells, and a pleasant effervescent foam will gently envelop the skin.

How to use bath bombs?

Take a shower before diving into the effervescent geyser bath. Body scrub is optional. Get some warm water and throw a bomb into it. You will be able to watch as the ball begins to fizz and melt, releasing bubbles, like an effervescent soluble tablet. When the bomb melts, you can dive into the water.

When using oily pops, do not wet your head. Pin up your hair or use a shower cap, otherwise you will have to wash the oil out of your hair for a long time.

Bombs containing dyes can give the water a slight tint, but it is completely harmless to the skin.

Fragrant geysers should not be used by pregnant women and with individual intolerance to the components.

Optimal time to stay effervescent bath- 20-25 minutes.

Bath bombs "Lavrov's Workshop" with "Lavender" and "Lemon Chamomile" fragrances are made entirely from natural ingredients, are hypoallergenic and literally transform the skin even after the first application. Beautiful packaging makes these fragrant balls great gift for friends and relatives.

After a hard day, I really want to relax. This can be done by taking a bath with sea salt, foam, essential oils, or with special fizzy bombs. We usually buy them in stores. But bath bombs can be made at home, it's not difficult at all. Moreover, you can choose any recipe you like. You will learn about the best of them in our article.

Why are bath bombs needed?

Many would dream of having such a set of bombs

The main ingredient from which bombs are made is baking soda. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieving people from various irritations and skin itching. The bombs also contain citric acid, which makes them effectively hiss and foam immediately after falling into the water. Small children love to watch this process. Dissolving in water, the bombs paint it in a certain color and exude a pleasant aroma. Bombs can also contain various herbs, essential oils, clays. That is, these "pops" can be used for medicinal purposes.

What is needed to make them?

To create bath bombs at home, you will need the following things: a bowl for mixing all the ingredients, molds, plastic wrap, a spoon and, of course, the ingredients for your chosen bomb.

Step by step instructions for making

To your attention - master classes on creating the most popular options for bath bombs.

Effervescent bath bomb "Romance"

This bomb looks amazing

Required Ingredients:

  • Cocoa butter - 70 g;
  • Soda - 70 g;
  • Citric acid - 70 g;
  • Chopped oatmeal - 4 tablespoons;
  • Dye (it is better to choose liquid food) - 15 drops;
  • Liquid bergamot - 15 drops;
  • Ylang-ylang oil - 15 drops.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler or in the microwave.
  2. Let it cool down a bit and add the essential oil and dye. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Add baking soda, crushed oatmeal and citric acid.
  4. Stir by hand. The consistency of the resulting mixture should resemble shortcrust pastry.
  5. Sort the mixture into molds.
  6. Place them in the refrigerator and leave until completely solidified.
  7. After the bombs are completely frozen, remove them from the molds and pack them in plastic wrap.

coconut bomb

The original bomb with natural coconut oil will not leave you indifferent

Required Ingredients:

  • Coconut oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • Essential oil (you can take any one you like best) - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cornstarch - 5 tbsp It is important to use it, potato will not work.
  • Soda - 190 g;
  • Citric acid - 4 tbsp.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Melt the coconut oil.
  2. Add essential oils and water. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Add cornstarch, stir. Pour in the soda.
  4. Stir in citric acid.
  5. Place the resulting mixture into molds.
  6. Place them in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Remove the bombs from the molds and leave in the refrigerator for a few more hours to dry completely.

mineral bomb

This bomb contains many useful substances.

Required Ingredients:

  • Soda - 250 g;
  • Citric acid - 150 g;
  • Magnesium sulfate (another name is Epsom salt) - 150 g;
  • Glycerin - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Rose essential oil - 10 drops;
  • Almond oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Rose petals - 10 pieces (they must be fresh);
  • Curry - 15 g;
  • Water - 1 tablespoon;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix citric acid, magnesium sulfate and baking soda.
  2. Add glycerin. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Stir in the almond and essential oils into the mixture.
  4. Curry is used for color. Add it to the prepared mass, it will acquire a light yellow tint.
  5. Pour in water, mix everything thoroughly. After adding the liquid, the mixture will begin to foam a little and “grow”.
  6. Form into balls by hand. If the mass is dense and does not break up, then you did everything right.
  7. Place the balls in the molds, first placing a rose petal on the bottom.
  8. Place the molds in the refrigerator until completely set.

Effervescent stress relief bomb

By adding such a bomb to the bath, you can properly relax after a hard day.

Required Ingredients:

  • Soda - 250 g;
  • Citric acid - 150 g;
  • Corn starch - 150 g;
  • Magnesium sulfate - 150 g;
  • Almond oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 2 tablespoons;
  • Ginger oil - 7 drops;
  • Bergamot oil - 7 drops;
  • Geranium oil - 7 drops;
  • Borax - 0.5 tbsp;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour all dry ingredients into one container (this is soda, magnesium sulfate, citric acid and starch). Mix thoroughly.
  2. In another bowl, mix the liquid ingredients (almond oil, water, selected essential oils, borax, and food coloring). Cover with a lid and shake the bowl vigorously.
  3. Gradually mix the liquid mass with dry ingredients so that there are no lumps. Then check the mixture: if it does not crumble in your hands and you can make balls out of it, then it is cooked correctly. If you can't get the shape you want, add a little more water. It is better to do this with a sprayer.
  4. Then transfer the mass into molds and press firmly. Place them in the refrigerator until completely dry.

foam bomb

Foam bomb turns bath water blue

Required Ingredients:

  • Soda - 250 g;
  • Citric acid - 150 g;
  • Corn starch - 150 g;
  • Cocoa butter, mango or shea butter - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • Essential oil - 3 tsp (at your discretion);
  • Water - 2 tablespoons;
  • Hamamelis - 1 tbsp (sold in a pharmacy);
  • Liquid food coloring - 8 drops.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix soda with citric acid and starch.
  2. Slowly pour in the essential oil, witch hazel and liquid oil cocoa. Mix everything well.
  3. Use a spray bottle to add water and dye.
  4. Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate for 24 hours.
  5. It is advisable to store ready-made bombs in cellophane.

Fast fizzy bombs

These bombs can be used within half an hour after you make them.

Finally, let's learn about the fastest way to create pops.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mango butter - 15 drops;
  • Soda - 15 gr.;
  • Citric acid - 15 gr.;
  • Oatmeal or cornstarch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla - 10 drops.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Melt the mango butter. Wait until it cools down and add vanilla.
  2. Add soda and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add citric acid, flour or starch and magnesium sulfate. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Sort the mixture into molds. In half an hour they will be ready to use.

This is useful: The advantage of such bombs is that they do not need to be dried for a long time after mixing all the ingredients.

Video: Making DIY Bath Bombs

Video: Making a chocolate bomb

How to use bath bombs?

Fill the tub with hot water and dip one bomb into it. When it begins to hiss and dissolve, the whole room will be filled with a pleasant aroma. Soak for about 20 minutes in this water, and your skin will become soft and silky to the touch.

Helpful Hint: Take this bath only after a regular shower to keep your skin clean. If you are going to use a bomb, you should not use soap and shower gel at the same time. After taking a bath, do not rinse the skin so that all the essential oils remain on it.

You need to store the bombs in a special container or bag, otherwise they will lose their hissing properties. If you are using a foam bomb, place it in the water while filling the tub to create more foam. The hotter the water, the faster the bomb will dissolve.

After taking a bath, simply rinse its surface with plain water to wash away the remnants of oils and all other components. It is worth noting that some ingredients can color water. This list includes chocolate, clay, various dyes and colored bath salts. At the same time, chocolate and clay can also leave sediment at the bottom of the bath. After getting out of the bath, pat your body dry with a towel. Your skin will acquire a pleasant aroma that will last for a long time.

There are a lot of recipes for making bombs with your own hands. If you wish, you can use various medicinal herbs, oils and other components you like to create them. It all depends on your preferences.