Physical education festival for Defenders of the Fatherland Day in the middle group. Physical education festival for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland in the middle group Scenario “It’s not easy to be a defender”

Children enter the hall to the music of V. Shainsky

Leading: Guys! Today we celebrate the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! Our army is the strongest and most powerful, the warriors are brave and courageous. Everyone these days congratulates fathers, grandfathers, and older brothers. And we congratulate our boys, because when they grow up, they will also be our defenders. Today we will show how dexterous, fast, skillful we are and prove that a worthy replacement for our defenders of the Motherland is growing in our garden.

  1. Defenders, fighters. Everyone will be happy to congratulate both grandfathers and fathers!
  2. Happy Army and Navy Day! To serve in defense of the Motherland - Good job!
  3. And brave and strong, without threatening anyone, she protects us.
  4. This holiday is men's day. Day of Defenders, Soldiers - Congratulations to everyone!

Song "Good Soldiers"(Sat down)

Leading: Attention! Attention! Let's start the competition! The competition is not ordinary, but different from others.

1 competition:“Platoon line up!” Assignment: Children form into two teams. (the children have emblems of an airplane and a steamship attached to their T-shirts on their chests) They run around the hall to the music. To the command: “Platoon, form up!” children run to their places. Whose team can line up faster?

(A buzzing sound is heard, Carlson appears) Carlson: Hello! Hello! My friends! Let's land! Strength is running out!

Leading: So land quickly Carleson, we have plenty of space in the hall! Carlson: What's going on here anyway? Leading: We're having a holiday dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland. Carlson: Ahhh, everything is clear, then congratulate me. Leading: What is there to congratulate? Carlson: I’m handsome, well-fed and sociable, why not a protector? Leading: No, on this day such qualities of men are highlighted as: courage, dexterity and responsibility Carlson: Responsibility! Responsibility! I forgot, they gave you the letters. They need to be urgently delivered to headquarters. I see you are strong, brave, fast, dexterous. Can you help? Children: We'll help.

2 competition: “Deliver the letter to headquarters.” Exercise: Children stand in two teams. Each team receives a letter. At the signal, children run to the hoop and run around the hoop. They run back and pass the letter to the next player. Carlson: Oh, thank you very much guys. Then, I want to offer you one more test, crawl through a tunnel.

3 competition:"Crawl through the tunnel." Exercise: crawl on all fours through the tunnels. Get up, run to the hoop, run around it. Return and pass the baton to the next player. Leading: Carleson, the guys are probably tired by now. Let's take a musical break. The girls prepared ditties for this holiday.


Congratulations to you today,

And we will tell you from the bottom of our hearts:

Our boys are good

And we are good too!

Everything that Sashenka found

He shoves it into his pocket.

If Sasha took a walk,

The janitor is resting

We're lucky girls

We are very happy!

After all, the boys in our group

The most beautiful!

From 23 we are today,

The guys congratulated everyone.

Let's wish them good luck

From the heart, from all the girls!

Carlson:Well done girls, what good ditties! Here's my next competition!

4 competition"Reel in the anchor." Task: Children wind up a rope at speed, with an anchor attached to the end. (Competition for boys)

5 competition.“Be careful!” Task: Stand up, pull yourself up, Hands up and stretch Hands down, now forward, Make a right turn, Make a left turn, We squat and stand up, we reach the floor with our hands And in place we walk We raise our legs higher Stop! Once! Two! All around! Once! Two! The game continues

Carlson: Can you provide first aid to wounded soldiers?

6 competition"Bandage the wounded man." Assignment: Girls bandage boys.

Carleson: Okay, okay, I agree, you guys are great! You can do everything: run fast and cope with all the tasks. And I also know you can dance. I invite you to dance . Pair dance. "For me, for you"

Child. We are brave today, We are great today. Everyone competed with enthusiasm, Even if not everyone became a prize-winner. We fought together everywhere! Our friendship has won!

Leading: You are still a little old, but you are all great! Keep pace together, like soldiers in the army! And no matter who you look at, they are all heroes! Carleson distributes chocolate medals to the children. The children go around the hall and leave.

Goals: to promote psychological rapprochement between children and parents, the development of positive emotions and a sense of mutual assistance, to form the foundations patriotic education in children, to instill a sense of respect for the Russian army and love for the Motherland.

Tasks: develop creativity, involving children in the performance of poems, songs and dance compositions; instilling patriotism and pride in our Russian army.

Leading: Hello dear guests! Today is a wonderful day for us - holiday defenders of the Fatherland. This holiday dedicated to men of all ages, our dads, grandfathers, uncles and of course our boys, although they are still small, they are already our future defenders. When they grow up, they will serve in our army, defending us and our Motherland.

In honor of our army we begin holiday"Defender of the Fatherland Day".

1 Child: Hello, holiday!

Hello, holiday!

Celebration of boys and dads!

Congratulations to all military personnel

Our cheerful kindergarten!

2 Child: Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the dear army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Protects our peace.

3 Child: Let the sun shine

And let the guns not thunder,

Peace, people, native country

A soldier will always protect!

Presenter: Today we congratulate all the military, all the Defenders of our Motherland, and in their honor we will perform a song.

SONG "Our Motherland is strong"

Leading: Guys, when you grow up, do you want to become defenders of your Fatherland?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then let us check how dexterous, fast, brave and

The first competition of our competition is announced.

1. "Don't drop the ball". Holding the ball between your knees, you need to jump to the chip, take the ball in your hands and run back.

2. Game "Reel in the anchor". Children wind up the rope at speed, with an anchor at the end.

Presenter: A soldier must cope with everything, quickly and deftly put on his uniform.

3. Game "Who gets dressed faster"

Presenter: Now the guys will dance for you.

Dance "Bullseye"

Presenter: Children, each of you has a dad, but your dad also has his own dad. Did you guess who it was or not?

The grandchildren will tell about their love for their grandfather.

1 child: I respect my grandfather very much -

I plan with it using a plane.

We are with a hacksaw, a hammer

We are building a birdhouse with him - a house

2 child: For tits and starlings,

Little dacha residents.

We painted the bench

We repaired the shower and watering can,

3 child: They made shutters for the windows,

They nailed a new shelf.

In the barn from thieves

We strengthened the bolt

4 child: Grandma’s garden beds were dug up.

We are not at all tired.

Grandfather told me: “Well, there you go!

Granddaughter like grandfather - Hurray!”

Leading: It's time to check how attentive our fathers and grandfathers are.

Contest "Comic questions"

Is our army strong? (Yes)

Does she protect the world? (Yes)

Will the boys join the army? (Yes)

Will they take the girls with them? (No)

Does Pinocchio have a long nose? (Yes)

Was he a sailor on the ship? (No) .

Is there a pilot standing on the border? (No)

Does he fly higher than a bird? (Yes)

Today we celebrate the holiday? (Yes)

Congratulations to mothers and girls? (No)

Is peace more important than anything else? (Yes)

Do even children know this? (Yes)

Presenter: We continue our competitions.

Presenter: And now you need to go through a minefield and a viscous swamp, and the fearless scouts set off on their journey.

1. Game "Sharp Shooter". (3 children, 3 dads). You need to approach the cone, aim and throw it into the basket.

2. Game “Who is more likely to inflate a balloon?”. Several dads participate, when given a signal they inflate balloons, the participant who completes the task first wins, mothers help tie the balloons.

3. Relay "Who is faster". 2 teams and 2 dads are participating. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the start, a table is placed, the children are holding a musical instrument in their hands, at a signal, dad takes the child in his arms and carries him to the table, puts him on the floor, he puts the instrument on the table and remains near him, dad returns for next child, the team that puts the instruments on the table first wins.


One, two, three, four, five -

Let's congratulate dad

Defender's Day has arrived!

Wishes - just a flurry:

ONCE - you don’t know diseases forever, (together)

To flaunt your health.

TWO - work without worries, (together)

And for THREE - salaries on time. (together)

For FOUR - bright days, (together)

Good, loyal friends;

Never lose them.

Respect to flourish!

And at FIVE - great love,

Happy Defender's Day, hero! (together)

1 child: I will congratulate dad

I'm really looking forward to this date:

My dad is my best.

He is a real man

And I'm in upcoming holiday

I will congratulate dad.


I'll give him a postcard

The one I'll do myself

I'll draw a picture:

Body, tail and two wings.

3 child:

I'll paint the sun yellow,

The sky is soft blue,

Well, and the body of the aircraft,

I will have it - steel.

Song "Papa Strong"

Children give gifts to dads

Presenter: We had a competition and wish us farewell.

Strengthen everyone's health

Develop spirit and body

TV only in moderation

Pick up dumbbells more often!

Don't lie on the sofa

It's better to play sports.

A holiday for middle school children and their dads dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.


Adults: Presenter, Captain Vrungel.

Children and their dads.

To the melody of the song “True Friend” by V. Shainsky (audio recording), children enter the hall and take their seats.


Hello my friends,

Adults and children!

Glad to see you again

Within these bright walls.

Special holiday today

If you find out, you will be glad:

The most important characters

Dads will be at the party!

1st child:

Our dads are young

Our dads are daring

Clever and brave

First after mom!


So let's meet them, -

This will make everyone happy.

They are already rushing to us

With Captain Vrungel!

A march sounds, the dads enter the hall, Captain Vrungel goes first.

Vrungel: Left - right, left - right! Stop! One, two! Get ready for roll call!

Captain Vrungel conducts a family roll call.

Vrungel: Pay for the first or second!

Dads are “getting even.”

Vrungel: The first numbers are a step forward: one, two! I allow you to relax and take your seats according to the numbers at the tables.

The dads take their seats.

Leading: This is discipline! Simply beautiful.


You will see this

During the celebration...


Thank you! We will all be glad

But just let me now

Children read poems chosen by the music director.


Well, it's not an easy task for you.

Now you have to do:

Try your prowess

Convince guests and children.


You know, our dears,

Let's not go far:

An ordinary man's day will show -

We can handle this easily.

But before you do that.

Let me introduce the men.

Dads take turns talking about themselves.

Children sing “Song about Dad” by V. Shainsky.


As you know, in order

Let's start the day with exercise.

The same will happen now

We'll charge right away.

There are games for dads: “I’ll Jump As I Want”, “Running in Sacks”, “Score a Goal with Potatoes”.

You need to get dressed quickly.

A competition is being held for dads “Who can dress the fastest.”

2nd child:

I happened to see something

What no one has seen:

A coat was walking down the alley.

The people around could not understand

Who is this that moves without legs?

And it was - do you know who?

A boy in his father's coat.


We understood your hint. Happens...

Men will fix everything now.

A “Fashion Show” competition is being held. Dads show off their pre-prepared costumes.


Let our dads rest

And they will gain more strength.

And we will dance for you here

His perky “Quadrille”.

Children perform the “Quadrille” dance (at the choice of the music director).


Is in the routine of men

Healthy, tasty, quick breakfast,

So I asked

We should prepare some sweet porridge.

The cook enters with a tray in his hands, on which there is a cast iron with porridge, plates and spoons.

A competition for dads is being held: “Eat Porridge Blindfolded.”


If you were very careful,

Then they guessed that it was time to start classes.

There are games and activities for dads: “Blow up the balloons”, “Who can collect the most balloons”, “Burst the balloons”.


It's such a hard day

It's coming to a man -

We're working on it, believe me.

Even during the break.

Competitions for dads are held: “Sing a song”, “What has changed?”, “Dance like me”.


We are undoubtedly convinced

There's nothing better in the world

Our dads, and all men

We send enthusiastic greetings!

Children and their dads sing “The Song of Friends” from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians.”


We thank the men

We want to give them prizes.

True, we need it again

Show your “top class”!

There is a game for dads called “Cut the Souvenir”.

A march sounds (at the choice of the music director). Adults and children leave the hall.

Children enter the hall, marching, and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Our Russian army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!

The trumpets sing loudly.

Our army...

Children: Fireworks!

Leading: Ships are sailing into space.

Our army...

Children: Fireworks!

Leading: There is peace and work on the planet.

Our army...

Children: Fireworks!

Three people come out and read poetry.

1 child: So that there is a Fatherland

Hard like granite

Army dear

Standing at his post.

2 child: Planes in the sky,

Ships at sea

Guarding the open spaces

Russian land.

3rd child: Army dear

Nice and strong.

peaceful power

She takes care of it.

Then they sit down on their chairs.

Leading: Today, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we congratulate fathers and grandfathers, we congratulate our boys - future defenders of the Fatherland. And our holiday today is for you, songs, dances, poems and competitions - everything is for you.

Leading: Let the boy still be a baby,

Small in stature - no problem!

A coward can become an adult

And never to the brave!

1 competition “The Strongest”

Two participants are invited. Their task is to collect as many as possible while the music is playing. balloons in your hands

Leading: The ship is sailing on the waves,

The captain is leading him.

He is not afraid of fogs,

Shoals, ice floes, hurricanes...

He is a brave sailor

Everyone knows this.

2nd competition "Captains"

Two participants are invited. They need to wrap the boat on a string around a stick as quickly as possible.

Leading : You did a great job! But what else should a soldier be like? Of course, smart. After all, he must, if necessary, be able to show ingenuity. Now we are exercising our minds.

Exercise for the mind

Far from your country

They go to sea... (Ships)

The sea ice has split

With a sharp nose... (Icebreaker)

Who taxied there for takeoff?


This bird is flying towards the stars,

Overtakes the sound... (Rocket)

Presenter: And now I invite everyone to warm up

Warm-up . Children line up as if for exercise.

Leading: Be equal!

They stood up straight and pulled themselves up.

Hands reached out to the sun.

Hands to the sides, forward.

Make a right turn

Make a left turn.

We squat and stand up

We reach the floor with our hands.

And we walk on the spot,

We raise our legs higher.

Children, stop! One-two!

The game is over!

Children read poetry.

1 child: We play, we play

We are infantry, sailors.

We launch rockets

We love ringing blades.

2nd child: We dream, we dream

That when we grow up,

We will become infantrymen

And we’ll go serve in the navy.

3 child: To the border and to the sappers,

As pilots, in the submarine fleet.

We will grow up very soon,

In the meantime, the game is on.

Then the children sit down.

Two - three participants. Each of them throws the ball forward. The participant whose ball flies the farthest wins. Children and adults participate.

Game "Demines the field"

Sandbags are scattered on the floor. Two participants are blindfolded. Players must collect as many balls as possible into their baskets. Children and adults participate.

Leading: We had a great time!

You won by right

worthy of praise and rewards,

And we are happy to give prizes to everyone.

The presenter gives commemorative medals to everyone.

Leading: Let children not know grief.

May all over the earth's expanse

The harvests will sing together,

Let people not know war

And they greet the day with a smile,

Doves are flying in the sky.

Victoria Petrova

Educators middle group"Rainbow"81 kindergartens: Bogush T.V. Petrova V.A.

Music Supervisor: Suslova O. S.

We prepared a surprise for parents and made a WALL NEWSPAPER!


Our Russian army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth! The trumpets sing loudly.

Our army...

Children: Firework! (Waving ribbons)

Presenter: They warped into space and floated.

Our army...

Children: Firework! (Waving ribbons)

Presenter: There is peace and work on the planet.

Our army...

Children: Firework! (Waving ribbons)

Dance with fireworks.

Girl: Tamara

Defenders of the Fatherland

We congratulate you today

AND your solemn holiday

Dedicated to the guys.

Girl: Lisa

Even if they are not adults yet

But, if necessary

Getting serious

And brave guys.

Boy: Mark

We are still preschoolers

And we march like soldiers

We will serve in the army

We will protect the Motherland.

Presenter: Today, holiday Defender's Day

Fatherland, we congratulate fathers and grandfathers, we congratulate our boys - future defenders of the Fatherland on this wonderful holiday.


Boy: Maxim

Thank you, dear daddy, for getting me!

I love a clear smile

She's like light in the window!

I want you to be happy

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful

And the best of fathers!


Blindfolded dads must unscrew the caps from the bottles, and then the other dads screw the caps on the bottles.

Saved the planet from war

Our Army of soldiers,

Greetings are sent to all heroes

Hundreds of little kids!

I really, really dream

Hurry up to become a soldier,

To my dear mother

And defend Russia.

Served in this Army

Our grandfathers and fathers,

The boys will get big

There will be great guys too!

Song "Good Soldiers"

Brave soldiers march with songs

Eh! Left! Left! They go with songs

And the boys run after them happily.

I want boys to serve in the army

Eh! Left! Left! Serve in the army

I want the boys to accomplish a feat.

Brave boys don't have to worry

Eh! Left! Left! There's no need to bother

Soon you will go to serve in the army.

You will vigilantly guard the borders

Eh! Left! Left! Guard vigilantly

You will stand guard over the Motherland.

Game "Dad and children!"

Two teams stand opposite their chair.

Dads take their children in their arms, run to the high chair and sit on these high chairs. Everyone can participate in the second round.

Presenter: Dads, let us take you back to our childhood and hold a little quiz, remember your favorite fairy-tale characters with your children.

1. What is the name of the girl from the fairy tale? « Snow Queen» (Gerda)

2. Which girl was born from a flower? (Thumbelina)

3. Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)

4. Who lost the glass slipper at the ball? (Cinderella)

5. Which fairytale mountain loved to ride on the stove? (Emelya)

6. Who defeated Koshchei the Immortal? (Ivan Tsarevich)

7. Who visited the land of Lilliputians? (Gulliver)

8. What is the name of the kindest doctor? (Aibolit)

9. What is the name of the onion boy? (Cipollino)

10. He walked along the alley and swallowed the washcloth like a jackdaw. (Crocodile, Moidodyr)

2. Children are playing, hit the target.

Presenter: We congratulate you warmly,

Happy Army and Navy Day,

Let there be joy from him too,

What someone remembers, honors and loves

And let a smile flash

And let the wrinkles smooth out

And let spring sing in your soul

Today holiday your men.

And then my parents and I went to have tea.

Thanks a lot!

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