Drawing in the preparatory group. Work plan for non-traditional drawing by teacher Baranova L.V.

Methods of teaching drawing in the preparatory group.

The teaching methods used in the pre-school group are aimed at to develop children's independence and activity . When starting a lesson, children should be prepared not only to watch what is shown to them and listen to what is said, but also to be aware of what they see and what they hear. The teacher asks questions more often than explains. Children are not only asked, but also called upon to explain using visual material. Children learn to answer and explain. The need to draw in front of everyone to demonstrate and explain the way of working teaches you to act faster.

Image of objects

Organizes in a new way teacher nature analysis , since children’s attention is paid to individual characteristic features . The transfer of features requires repeated perception during the execution of the image. Children cannot immediately tear themselves away from an unfinished image, look at nature again, and then return to the next image. That is why the image of an object, after analyzing it, must be formed well enough so that children can perform the image from memory, only looking at it in some cases.

When selecting models for drawing, the teacher pays attention not only on image availability , but also on the artistry of the image itself . For example, children are given for drawing from life toy - fairy horse sivka-burka: a sharp bend of the neck, smooth head line. The toy is created this way what is remembered. Children pretend to be a horse with a simple pencil, convey the features of its silhouette. The form is not split into parts - it is depicted as a smooth continuous line. From this, the drawing acquires beauty and expressiveness.

In another case, the teacher gives a completely different image of a cheerful clown. This is a bright, decorative toy in color, generalized in shape, conventional. The toy is clearly perceived in parts: a round head, a body in the form of two cones, the bases folded together, a round flat stand. Children easily perceive the toy and convey it in colored gouache on a gray background. The drawing turns out to be decoratively bright and cheerful.

The main task when depicting environmental objects And when drawing from life - strengthen visual memory. This is helped by examining the object, outlining a gesture, pronouncing what is being transferred into the image, and the bright, emotional characteristics of the object.

When a child draws and cannot visually imagine any part or detail, he names it or determines its property.

Develop visual memory and observations outside of class. To do this, the teacher selects objects that differ in certain characteristics and focuses the children’s attention on them. And again the word acts as a connecting link.

Decorative drawing

Features of decorative drawing in this age group : samples serve works of decorative art , which children learn to analyze. The teacher makes the task easier with leading questions, definitions, enriching the children's vocabulary with the names of pattern elements and specific color combinations.

Works decorative arts - samples for drawing classes - the teacher selects complications in sequence and according to various styles of ornament: Khokhloma painting, patterns of Dymkovo toys, decorations made by modern artists on fabric, ceramics, carpets, etc.

Thus, it becomes important systematic and consistent acquaintance with works of art and performance in front of children work goals - for a carpet, scarf, greeting card, etc. Some works are like sketches of things, others decorate the things themselves.

When executing collective drawings The teacher works with the whole group and with subgroups. The atmosphere in the group should be creative, that is, children can consult with each other, negotiate, help, get up, but everything is quiet, calm, so as not to disturb the general order.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the sequence of performing the collective composition. For example, he invites them, as “artists,” to come up with patterns for carpets. Children agree among themselves and begin to work in small groups. Each group has one leader. As he works, he watches how others draw. Such creative work captivates children, promotes initiative and independence.

The teacher, using the children’s ability to create different colors, offers them a creative task, for example on the topic “Draw for your favorite doll summer dress" The essence of the task: the child independently thinks about what combination of colors in the pattern can be used for summer fabric. He chooses the background himself (from those colored backgrounds that the teacher selected together with the children). To get more varied shades of fabrics, the teacher sometimes offers children tinted paper. By mixing and whitening, children select the color scheme for the pattern that they like best (contrasting or delicate, pastel).

The teacher can offer similar tasks to children before the New Year, March 8, etc. So, for New Year's dress, ski suit children must come up with patterns based on winter motifs - snowflakes, stars, Christmas trees, etc. The teacher helps them select a background for the pattern. The most successful in this case are various shades of blue and blue. By the way, the bright colors characteristic of summer period time (red, orange, yellow, crimson) are also suitable for a pattern for a ski suit.

It is very important that the teacher organizes observations of surrounding objects and phenomena for decorative drawing classes. This will greatly enrich decorative creativity. We need to bring children to the understanding that an object, a flower, the silhouettes of an animal, a bird can be elements of a pattern. It's all about what it is created for. In decorative works more often main content of the pattern flowers, leaves, berries, twigs.

Subject drawing.

Looking at paintings and drawings by artists - one of ways to teach children to convey a plot, build the composition of the drawing. Examination can be carried out as an independent lesson, and then again at the beginning of a drawing lesson; the purpose of analysis is to reveal artistic media paintings. However, in the course of work, and the teacher emphasizes this, children themselves come up with ways to express the content.

So, before inviting the children to draw a sunny winter day, the teacher makes observations during a walk: pays attention to the brightness and whiteness of the snow (“It seems to sparkle in the sun”), to the color of the blue sky, to how bright colors appear on the white snow. The figures of skiers stand out in spots. Here it is appropriate to focus attention: the skier in the foreground looks much larger than those who ski far away. After the walk, the teacher can invite the children to look at reproductions and illustrations on this topic.

Looking at pictures also has educational value, since children illustrate fairy tales about objects previously unknown to them.

It is advisable to show it to children books illustrated by different artists . Thus, Yu. Vasnetsov’s illustrations for the book “Three Bears” create a fabulous interior where bears live: bizarrely shaped furniture, household utensils (cups, spoons). E. Rachev gives each fairy-tale character its own character: a cunning, insidious fox; its opposite is the bear - a simple-minded, kind lump.

Having become acquainted with the artist’s work, children usually illustrate with interest the fairy tales “Geese and Swans”, “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, etc.

In plot drawing teacher, using observations of the environment , offers the following topics: “Our hometown”, “My street”, “The house in which I live”, etc. The main task is to draw children’s attention to houses of different sizes and their architectural appearance. When depicting, children must convey characteristic features of buildings , which can be easily recognized (for example, high-rise buildings). It is advisable that children, when drawing a street, convey features of the time of year, weather (cloudy, rainy day or bright, sunny day).

Technical skills.

In 4 years stay in kindergarten technical skills are firmly acquired . However, so that children do not lose them or acquire the habit of holding the pencil incorrectly (at the very end, convulsively squeezing their hand), the teacher constantly pays attention to the technique of using a pencil and brush. Demonstration of actions is used very rarely, so the program almost does not provide for familiarization with new techniques.

Techniques for working with watercolor are refined and enriched . That is why children perform exercises to master the technique shown or improve what is already known.

When discussing works - before or after class, during demonstrations, - children learn evaluate technical qualities . Children practice new knowledge and new rules in the process of drawing; the teacher only directs their activities with words and controls their knowledge. Children gain freedom of action, confidence and speed.

Teacher giving children as much as possible more independence , at the same time it forms in them the ability to perceive what is seen, act, create . He is ready to help, but helps when necessary.

To prepare for school, children need to develop the ability to independently apply acquired knowledge and skills, the desire to achieve the best quality of work performed and its completion, and to overcome difficulties. The knowledge and skills that children receive in kindergarten will allow them to complete drawing and drawing tasks at school without much difficulty. manual labor, master writing, perform graphic and application work for tables, wall newspapers, etc.

Abstract directly educational activities in drawing in the preparatory group “We are butterflies.”

Description of material: The peculiarity of this lesson is that it introduces children to unconventional technology drawing - monotype occurs in an active form through the organization of collective mental activity to find an unconventional way to depict a butterfly; In its structure, the lesson has initiation, a motivational aspect, psychokinetic warm-up, formulation of a problem situation, and reflection. This material will be useful for preparatory group teachers, teachers additional education artistic direction, teachers primary school.

Target: Formation of artistic and creative abilities in children by means of nature.
- Create conditions for independently searching for a new way to depict a butterfly.
- Introduce the concepts of “monotype”, “imprint”, and consolidate the idea of ​​symmetry as a means of expressiveness of an image.
- Foster interest in learning about nature and reflecting impressions in different types activity.
- Build communication skills, confidence, initiative.

Materials and tools for children:
- white paper measuring 15cmx20cm;
- watercolor, brushes, jar of water, scissors, glue stick;
- individual sets of colored cards size 5x7 made of paper for appliqué (Some of the cards are in bright, cheerful tones, the other part is dull, tense, dark tones. Each child has 10-12 cards)
- small paper caterpillars in red, yellow and green;

- a full-length self-portrait of a child, drawn with felt-tip pens or colored pencils on A5 format and cut out along the contour.

- painted panel - transformation “Sleeping Flowers” ​​the size of a Whatman paper (the flowers are drawn on paper, and the petals are cut out and glued to the middle of the flower. Up to a certain point, the petals are collected into a bud;

- telegram in the form of a petal;
- a small butterfly made of paper;
- algorithm for creating a monotype (photo series);
- multimedia presentation “Butterflies”.

Equipment: multimedia installation;
Musical series:“Butterflies” by F. Couperin

Preliminary work:
- In the previous lesson or in free activity, it is necessary for each child to draw his own self-portrait on A5 format with felt-tip pens or colored pencils and cut it out along the outline.
- Examination of insects, including butterflies, on a walk, in books of encyclopedic content.
- Examination of various objects, toys in the surrounding reality for their symmetry. Educator: Guys, I suggest you play a little game "Moths" (paper tearing technique, by Katie Davis). (The teacher hands out small pieces of white paper to the children) Imagine that this piece of paper represents all your grievances, fears, and anxieties. Let's get rid of them - tear them into small pieces and throw them up! (The game lasts several minutes, then everyone removes the papers together)
An unexpected knock on the door interrupts the children's play. An urgent telegram was delivered. The teacher reads the telegram.
Educator:"Help! Save us! The evil witch turned us into an eternal sleep! And we so want to please everyone with our beauty! And the signature: “Flowers”
Educator: Guys, would you like to help the flowers and cast a spell on them?
Children: Yes!
Educator: But before you set off on a difficult journey, I want to know if you are ready for the challenge? Look, I have the same enchanted flowers on my board (pays attention to the panel with flowers). And each of you has three caterpillars different colors. The color of each caterpillar has its own meaning: red - I am afraid, I cannot and do not want to solve the problem of insects; yellow - I want to help solve the problem, but I don’t know how or I’m afraid of something; green - I'm ready to solve the problem. Red caterpillars are afraid to climb high and sit on the grass, yellow ones - on the stem, and green ones - at the very top of the flower. So, if you are not ready to help the insects, then choose a red caterpillar and place it on the grass near the flowers. If you are not confident in your abilities, but really want to help, then select a yellow caterpillar and place it on a stalk. And, if everything is in order - you are confident in yourself and are ready to help - then the caterpillar is green, which will be located on the bud.

The guys choose caterpillars and attach them to flowers. If all the caterpillars are green, then the teacher praises everyone for their courage. If there are yellow caterpillars and red caterpillars, then in further work the children who chose these caterpillars must be the focus of the teacher’s attention.

Educator: Guys, when did you convince yourself that these flowers are enchanted and are fast asleep? Why do you need to wake up flowers? Does anyone besides people need them?
Children: Butterflies and bees collect nectar.
Educator: You are right, that is why the flowers must be awakened. How can we do this? ((Children offer different options. It is necessary to bring children to the idea that they can turn into an insect, namely a butterfly)
Educator: Guys, really, we could easily turn into butterflies. Moreover, each of you has your own self-portrait. We just need to add wings and antennae. But before we become a butterfly, let's remember what they look like. Look carefully at the butterflies, at their wings and try to open them little secret.

View the multimedia presentation “Butterflies”

Educator: So, who noticed what is the peculiarity of butterflies, what is their secret?
(You can additionally look at the image of a butterfly cut out of paper. As a result, the guys should guess that one wing of the butterfly is very similar to the other) What do we call objects whose halves are the same? (Symmetrical).
Educator: Well done! You have revealed the secret of butterflies. Now let's try to transform into butterflies: let's act like them, let's think like them.

Educator: Let's imagine that we find ourselves in a magical garden.( The music of “Butterflies” by F. Couperin slowly starts Children get used to the image and do everything the teacher says in this image).) There are many beautiful flowers around us, inhale their wonderful aroma and slowly exhale. Once again we took a deep breath and exhaled. Look, you are sitting right on a flower and you are a small caterpillar, furry and green. Nobody wants to be friends with such a hairy brat. The caterpillar is sad, scared and lonely. But she is not discouraged. The caterpillar asked the little spider to weave a blanket from silver threads so that she could hide from prying eyes. The caterpillar wrapped itself in a blanket once, wrapped itself twice, wrapped itself three times and fell asleep. The Sorceress Spring found out about this, decided to help the caterpillar, she touched the silver cocoon with her magic wand (the teacher tries to pat each child on the head at this moment) and the caterpillar woke up from sleep, began to get out of the cocoon, it was hard, the cocoon was narrow, but she was able to get out of it. And when the caterpillar got out of the cocoon, there was something behind it. She looked around and saw wings that looked like flowers. The caterpillar looked at a drop of water, and from there a beautiful butterfly looked at it. She spread her wings and flew, flew, flew. And then, tired but happy, she returned again to her magical garden to her favorite flowers.
Educator: Guys, there are always problems, fears, and doubts. But you need to learn to overcome them, not be afraid of difficulties and remember that there will always be people ready to come to your aid.

Educator: So, we learned a lot about butterflies and felt like butterflies. Now all that remains is to draw them. But she stood before us new problem: There’s not much time left, but look at the complex patterns on the butterflies’ wings. And note, no one draws these patterns, they appear on their own. So we must somehow create these patterns on the wings, absolutely identical on both wings and very quickly. What should we do? I suggest you break into three groups and come up with new way butterfly images.

Children are divided into three groups at will. You have 4 minutes to find a new method. After this time, one representative from the group proposes the invented method. During a discussion within groups, the teacher can unobtrusively take part in it, direct the search in the right direction, leading the children to the “invention” of the monotype technique.
After brainstorming, the teacher summarizes the invented methods, or rather one method - “monotype”.

Educator: Guys, you can actually make identical butterfly wings using a print. And your invented method can be called “monotype”: “mono” means “one”, “typos” means imprint, imprint. That is, only one print can be made in this way.

The teacher suggests drawing up the stages of working on a monotype. The guys recite the content of each stage - a photograph appears on the screen, displaying the required action. Thus, the children are presented with a work algorithm.

Educator: Using monotype we will make wings. And when the resulting print dries, you need to cut off the edges of the paper in the shape of wings and draw on the veins on the wings with a felt-tip pen. And then glue your self-portrait to the wings.
The teacher illustrates his story with photographs, adding them to the previously created algorithm of work.

Educator: So, everyone is ready to go. All that remains is to remember what colors we will use in our work. (A “color warm-up” is carried out: the children lay out colored cards in front of them. The teacher asks the children to raise cards of the colors in which they would like to depict butterfly wings. Then asks them to raise cards of those colors that should be avoided in their work.
Educator: Guys, pick it up again bright cards. Look, it’s already become beautiful here, but imagine how great it will be when you become butterflies of such colors!

Before independent practical work, the teacher once again draws the children’s attention to the algorithm of work, reminds them of the colors that should be used in work, and also remembers the rules for safe work with scissors. The guys make 2-3 prints and then choose the best one.
If someone completed the task before others, the teacher invites him to play with his butterfly and “fly” in another part of the group, since all children must take part in “disenchanting” the flowers.

Educator: So, all the butterflies are ready - it’s time to wake up the flowers! (When all the children gather near the flowers, the teacher offers to “fly” near the flowers, and he quietly removes the tape that holds the buds closed, and the flowers open).
Educator: Glue the butterfly onto the flower. At the same time, if you liked the lesson and everything was successful, then the butterfly can be glued to the bud or above the flowers. If something failed or you didn’t like something, then to the stem. And, if everything was bad and not interesting, then go to weed. But, you remember that all butterflies were caterpillars at first. So, guys, after gluing the butterfly, take the caterpillar for yourself.

Elena Naumova
Long-term plan By unconventional drawing. Preparatory group

Perspective plan for unconventional drawing

preparatory group

MDOU " Kindergarten No. 164"

Explanatory note

Drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing knowledge of aesthetic education, since it is associated with independent practical and creative activity child. In the process of drawing, a child’s observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creativity. By drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities: visual assessment of shape, orientation in space, sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Systematic mastery of all necessary means and methods of activity provides children with the joy of creativity and their comprehensive development(aesthetic, intellectual, moral and labor, physical). And also, it allows you to fruitfully solve the problems of preparing children for school.

Fine art has a variety of materials and techniques. Often, familiar, traditional ways and means are not enough for a child to express his fantasies.

Having analyzed the author's developments, various materials, as well as the best experience of working with children accumulated at the present stage by domestic and foreign teaching practitioners, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional techniques visual arts in working with preschoolers to develop imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Unconventional techniques drawings demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools.

Undoubtedly, the advantage of such techniques is the versatility of their use. The technology for their implementation is interesting and accessible to both adults and children.

That is why non-traditional methods are very attractive for children, as they open up great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

Methods used:

Allows the development of special skills that prepare the child’s hand for writing;

They make it possible to feel the multi-colored image of objects, which affects the completeness of perception of the surrounding world;

They form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself;

Contribute to more effective development imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.


To form artistic thinking and moral personality traits through various methods of drawing.


Develop an interest in various visual materials and a desire to act with them.

Encourage children to depict, using expressive means available to them, what is interesting or emotionally significant to them.

Create conditions for mastering the color palette. Learn to mix paints to obtain new colors and shades.

Help children create expressive images, maintaining the spontaneity and vividness of children's perception. Delicately and tactfully contribute to the development of content, form, composition, and enrichment of the color scheme of drawings.

To help the child develop the feeling that the product of his activity - a drawing - is interesting to others (teacher, children, parents, kindergarten staff).

Materials: sheets of paper, watercolors, gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens; wax and oil crayons, candle; cotton swabs; foam rubber seals; cocktail straws; sticks or old scratching rods; stencils, signets, stamps (material at hand, plants, leaves), cloth napkins; glasses for water; brush holders; brushes

Expected result:

children create original images (compositions) using visual and expressive means;

experiment with visual materials;

show imagination of artistic creativity.

Organizing monthly exhibitions of children's works for parents.

Thematic exhibitions in preschool educational institutions.

Participation in city and regional exhibitions and competitions throughout the year.

Long-term work plan for non-traditional drawing in the preparatory group.

Topic: “My hometown”

Goal: Expand children's knowledge about their hometown. Bring back pleasant memories of a city day. Provide the opportunity to independently choose the material and method of conveying your impressions. Develop the ability to write compositions on a sheet of paper. Develop artistic taste, fantasy and imagination.

Topic: “Red, yellow, gold - all over the colored sheet”(leaf prints)

Goal: To teach children to work with fragile material - leaves. Develop a strong interest in drawing and imagination. Cultivate neatness.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 26)

Topic: "Birch"(drawing with charcoal pencil)

Purpose: Show children the features of drawing with charcoal pencils. Learn to draw the silhouette of a birch tree with charcoal chalk, conveying its characteristic features: a tall white trunk with black stripes, flexible branches, round leaves.

(Koldina D.N. p. 18)

Theme: “Painted Forest”(poking with a hard semi-dry brush)

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the genre of landscape and reproductions of paintings. Learn to draw autumn landscape, conveying the structure and shape of different trees, using different drawing techniques (smear, spot, end of a brush, the whole pile, a poke of a hard semi-dry brush) To educate children emotional attitude to nature.

(Koldina D.N. p. 16)


Topic: “Gifts of Autumn”(imprint with corks, potato stamps)

Goal: To form an aesthetic attitude towards still lifes from the gifts of autumn and their depiction in the drawing. Introduce unconventional imaging techniques: cork imprinting and potato stamps. Develop a sense of composition and color.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 119)

Theme: “Sad Autumn”(wax crayons + watercolor, monotype, stamp imprint)

Goal: To summarize children’s knowledge about late autumn and its characteristic features. Learn to depict gloomy autumn, cloudy skies, strong winds, cold rain, bare trees. Learn to convey the foreground and background in a drawing, create a composition using different ways. Develop the ability to convey the color of late autumn, select the right colors, and convey the mood.

(Koldina D.N. p. 24)

Topic: “Jerzy Jerzowicz”(shading with colored pencils, gel pens)

Goal: Continue to learn how to create a story composition. Strengthen the ability to draw animals. Improve the ability to draw a contour with a simple pencil without pressure. Strengthen the ability to fit a composition into a sheet, conveying texture and volume. Cultivate a love of literary works.

(Koldina D.N. p. 19)

Topic: “Jerzy Jerzowicz”(continuation)

Goal: Continue the work started in the last lesson: supplement your drawing with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, leaves on the backs of hedgehogs; trees; Use long and short hatching lines to depict grass.

(Koldina D.N. p. 19)


Topic: “Fish in an aquarium among algae” (poke with a hard brush with appliqué elements)

Goal: Improve the ability to convey a variety of shapes, textures, and proportional relationships in a drawing. Cultivate perseverance and love of nature.

(Nikolkina T. A. p. 107)

Topic: “My little furry friend”(poke with a hard brush, imprint with crumpled paper)

Goal: To improve children's skills in various visual techniques. Learn, most expressively, to display the appearance of animals in a drawing. Develop a sense of composition.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 110)

Topic: “Multi-colored spray”(spray)

Goal: To introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - spraying. Learn to create a variety of backgrounds for drawing. Develop imagination and creativity.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 25)

Theme: “Fairytale bird”(palm drawing)

Goal: Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination and creativity. Cultivate accuracy in work.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 7)


Topic: "On New Year's holiday"(imprint with a foam rubber swab, gouache)

Goal: To teach children to outline the silhouette of a New Year tree and convey the fluffiness of the branches using an impression with a foam rubber swab. Decorate Christmas tree colorful toys. Develop a sense of color, imagination, creativity and imagination.

(Koldina D.N. p. 40)

Theme: "Snowflake"(drawing according to the technological map using a measuring ruler)

Goal: To learn to convey natural images and weather phenomena in graphic form. Develop decorative drawing skills. To cultivate a love of nature, perseverance, and accuracy in work. Develop creative imagination.

(Nikolkina T. A. p. 28)

Topic: “Birch in the snow”(poking method with a soft brush)

Goal: To consolidate the ability to draw a birch. Teach children to convey the snowiness of a tree by poking it with a soft brush. Develop sensory perception. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 5)

Topic: “Patterns on the window”(drawing with toothpaste, correction fluid)

Purpose: To introduce children to the possibility of drawing with toothpaste or white correction fluid. Learn to decorate a square with patterns (dots, stripes, circles, flowers, leaves). Develop observation, imagination, creativity and imagination.

(Koldina D.N. p. 39)


Topic: “Penguins” (drawing with pastel crayons)

Goal: Learn to create a plot composition, draw penguins in the form of circles and ovals. Learn to paint with pastel crayons and shade strokes with a cotton swab. Continue to learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

(Koldina D.N. p. 49)

Topic: “Family of Snakes”(drawing with cotton swabs)

Goal: Continue learning to draw with a simple pencil, writing an image on a sheet of paper. Continue to learn how to choose on your own matching colors and draw with cotton swab. Practice decorating objects with dots. Develop your imagination.

(Koldina D.N. p. 27)

Topic: "Tank"(with applique elements)

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland. Learn to draw a military vehicle - a tank, using familiar geometric shapes. Develop the ability to write a composition into a sheet of paper by coloring in the drawing with felt-tip pens. Develop imagination and independence.

(Koldina D.N. p. 53)

Topic: " Greeting card for dads"(using additional materials)

Goal: Learn to use additional material in making postcards. Learn to paint pre-prepared and cut out objects. Cultivate neatness and love for your relatives. Develop creativity, independence and activity.

(Koldina D.N. p. 54)


“Bouquet of flowers for mom” (tearing paper)

Goal: Learn paper tearing techniques; consolidate your understanding of the properties of paper. Develop color perception, sense of composition, imagination. To cultivate aesthetic attitudes towards the image of mother through images of flowers.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 10)

Topic: “Vase with tulips”(subject monotype, stencil printing)

Goal: To create conditions for children’s aesthetic attitude to the world around them. Arouse in children their own interest in the task proposed by the teacher. Continue to introduce the non-traditional drawing technique - subject monotype, secure stencil printing. Stimulate children's creative self-realization in art activities, combining drawing techniques. Cultivate perseverance.

(Kazakova R. G. pp. 18 - 19)

Topic: "Snowdrops"(watercolor + wax crayon)

Goal: Learn to draw snowdrops with wax crayons, drawing special attention on the bowed head of flowers. Continue learning how to convey spring color using watercolors. Develop color perception.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 66)

Theme: “Starry sky”(spray)

Goal: Continue to introduce children to space and astronauts. Prepare the background for further work using the following method: spray, draw and cut out stencils of planets and spaceships from cardboard. Cultivate interest in work.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 68; 114)


Topic: “Starry sky” (continued) (stencil printing)

Goal: to strengthen children’s skills in stencil printing and spraying, and to combine various techniques. Develop a sense of composition and color. To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the image of the sky.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 114)

Theme: "Seascape"(painting with strokes)

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the genre of landscape, reproductions of paintings by artists who depicted the sea. Continue to teach children to draw a landscape, conveying the near and distant plan. Learn to draw with strokes. Develop artistic taste, sense of color and independence.

(Koldina D.N. p. 86)

Topic: “Bear, bear, couch potato”(hatching with a “loop”; felt-tip pens)

Goal: Learn to draw a sleeping animal, observing the proportions, shape and structure of the body. Improve the ability to draw a contour with a simple pencil without pressure. Continue to learn how to convey the texture of fur using continuous “loop” shading. Practice drawing with a “loop”. Develop volume perception. Cultivate interest in literary works

(Koldina D.N. p. 43)

Theme: "Chicks"(zigzag shading)

Goal: Continue to learn how to create a story composition. Strengthen the ability to draw the silhouette of a chicken with a simple pencil without pressure. Strengthen the ability to write a composition on a sheet of paper. Continue to teach how to convey the fluffiness of a chicken. Practice drawing with zigzag shading.

(Koldina D.N. p. 44)

Topic: “Victory Day. Fireworks over the city" (color sketch)

Goal: To introduce a new unconventional drawing technique - color scratching. Learn to rub a sheet of cardboard with a candle so that it is covered with a layer of wax. Learn to mix gouache with liquid soap and paint over the cardboard. Scratch the drawing with a stick and fill in the missing details with gouache. Develop creativity and imagination.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 30)

Theme: "Fantastic animal"(blotography, “familiar form - new image”)

Goal: To introduce new non-traditional artistic technique blotography. Strengthen the ability to work in the “old form - new content” technique. Develop imagination.

(Nikolkina T. A. p. 125)

Topic: “My first letter”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to draw large and accurately. Learn to make a decorative pattern from a variety of elements. Exercise children in choosing beautiful color combinations. To develop children's creative abilities, observation, sense of color, independence.

(Koldina D.N. p. 90)

Topic: By Design(using a variety of unconventional drawing techniques)

Goal: To improve skills in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional visual techniques. Strengthen the ability to choose your own technique and topic.

(Kazakova R. G. p. 70)