Three fist diet for weight loss. Rules for following the three-fist diet and its effectiveness Version for vegetarians

Despite the name, no one is going to beat you for extra pounds. The Three Fists Diet is designed to help balance weight. With its help you can both lose weight and gain weight.

In this article, we will look at a special version of the Three Fists diet menu for weight loss.

Diet Three Fists Oleg Tern for a week

The founder of the Three Fists diet is Kiev psychotherapist Oleg Tern. It was he who introduced into dietetics a nutritional system that included the amount of food taken per day, the size of three human fists.

This method of dieting for weight loss is very convenient, since you do not need to calculate calories and distribute the amount of food consumed in grams.

This diet is not intended for rapid weight loss, but it is effective in terms of normalizing the functioning of the digestive system and mental stability.

Before we begin to observe the Three Fists, let us consider the basic principles of nutrition.


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Principles of weekly nutrition

The Three Fists diet for weight loss includes 5 meals a day. At each meal, the amount of food should not exceed the size of your three fists.

To create a menu correctly, there is several diets:

Low calorie

  • the first meal should contain only proteins;
  • in the second and third - vegetables, mushrooms and herbs;
  • the last two meals should include only fruit.


  • the first two meals are fruits;
  • third meal - proteins and vegetables;
  • the last two are proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates.

Zigzag minus

  • resembles a low-calorie diet;
  • instead of a whole “fist”, only half is used;
  • the entire diet consists only of protein products.

Zigzag plus

  • the first two meals are exclusively fruit;
  • third meal - proteins, mushrooms;
  • the last two are proteins, mushrooms, vegetables and carbohydrates.

If you follow the zigzag plus diet, one meal may consist of your favorite non-dietary product:

  • pizza, hamburgers;
  • cakes, pastries;
  • fresh white bread, pastries;
  • fatty meat and fish.

The break between meals of this diet for weight loss should be O the same interval. The last one is no later than two hours before bedtime.

The principles of the weekly menu are:

  • Monday - zigzag minus;
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - low-calorie diet;
  • Friday, Saturday - maintenance diet;
  • Sunday - zigzag plus.

Power supply in swing mode, moving from a minus zigzag to a plus zigzag, intended so that the body does not get used to the diet. After all, it is known that if you get used to something, it will soon cease to affect you as much as before. For example, if you take the same sedative medications for a long time, over time their effectiveness will decrease, and a little later they will stop helping altogether.

  • eggs;
  • chicken meat;
  • fish in any form;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • porridge;
  • grain bread;
  • fruits;
  • water;
  • tea and coffee without sugar.

With the Three Fists diet for weight loss, you need to eat only healthy foods, get enough sleep, drink a lot of water and lead an active lifestyle.

Abstain costs from the following:

  • mayonnaise, sour cream;
  • sauces;
  • fried meat;
  • semi-finished products;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol-containing products;
  • smoked meats

Menu for the week

Based on the list of acceptable products, an appropriate weight loss menu for 7 days is drawn up. So, Three Fists diet - menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: fried eggs and green tea;
  • Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: chicken with cheese, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: fried fish;
  • Dinner: omelet and a glass of low-fat warm milk.


  • omelette and herbal tea;
  • mushroom soup with herbs;
  • zucchini and tomato stew;
  • kiwi and pineapple;
  • fruit puree, orange juice.


  • fried fish, kefir;
  • carrot puree;
  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, herbal tea;
  • pineapple and berry jelly;
  • strawberries, banana and kiwi, green tea.


  • omelette with cheese, juice;
  • cabbage and cucumbers;
  • mashed potatoes, carrot juice;
  • apple or pear;
  • 250 grams of cherries.


  • applesauce, compote;
  • kiwi and bananas;
  • 250 grams of chicken meat, cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes;
  • fried fish, tomatoes and buckwheat porridge;
  • cottage cheese, carrot juice and oatmeal.


  • bananas and berry jelly;
  • fruits;
  • omelette with herbs;
  • chicken meat combined with tomato and bread;
  • boiled egg, cucumber and beans.


  • omelette and tea;
  • banana puree;
  • grilled meat, kefir;
  • stewed eggplants;
  • chocolate cake.

Delicious recipes

To prevent the Three Fists diet menu from becoming “boring,” we’ll diversify it with recipes.

So, recipes for the Three Fists diet:

Buckwheat bread

Ingredients: 250 grams of buckwheat, 200 grams of cauliflower, 150 grams of kefir, 5 eggs, baking powder.

  • boil buckwheat and cabbage and beat with a blender;
  • separate the yolks from the whites;
  • add proteins to buckwheat and cabbage;
  • also add baking powder and kefir;
  • form the resulting mass into a bread shape and place in a baking dish;
  • cook in the oven for 25 minutes at 160 degrees.

Dessert dish for the Three Fists diet:

Pumpkin puree

Ingredients: 2 apples, a kilogram of pumpkin and the same amount of zucchini, half a kilogram of plums, 250 ml of low-fat yogurt and 200 grams of cottage cheese.

  • remove pits from plums;
  • cut all the fruits and vegetables and place in a baking dish;
  • bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees;
  • Mix the prepared baked ingredients in a blender;
  • add cottage cheese;
  • pour yogurt over the dish.

Potato substitute

The famous doctor Oleg Tern developed a nutritional complex for weight loss. The three-fist diet has won the hearts of many women, and is the most convenient and healthy for weight loss. Tern's belief was simple: not everyone can count calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But going on quick diets for weight loss is dangerous and does not provide any prospects. You should find your way around the variety of menus. There is nothing fancy in the author’s diet; all that is needed is a list of permitted and recommended foods and the fist itself. Not Shaolin naturally, but human, large, small, created by nature.

The 3 fist diet includes four lists of foods that can be eaten. One serving from any list should be equal to the size of the fist of a person who wants to lose weight.

  1. Fresh fish, eggs, sea creatures, chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese. Protein, vegetables and salads. Vegetable dishes must be prepared from fresh ingredients and not stewed. Washed sauerkraut is allowed in small quantities.
  2. Buckwheat, oats, rice, wheat, bran, beans, pasta, bread products made from coarse flour.
  3. Fruit fruits. Of these, preference should be given to apples, plums and oranges. It is not recommended to include bananas in your diet, but you can take any fruit.

Over the course of 7 days, 5 days of balanced nutrition and one day of loading and unloading should be chosen. A balanced day includes 1 serving of protein and 2 vegetables. 2 times in 7 days in one of the meals you should replace vegetables with 2 servings of carbohydrates. For example, at lunchtime you can eat 1 serving of steamed fish, stewed zucchini and buckwheat porridge, and not just vegetables and fish.

In addition, Dr. Tern allows snacks that can include either 3 servings of fruit or a serving of protein and two servings of fruit.

You should not snack more than twice a day. On a loading day, you need to eat 1 serving of protein, 1 serving of carbohydrates and 1 serving of vegetables during meals. In addition, during the day you can allow yourself fruit snacks and eat some free foods, for example, drink a glass of champagne or eat cake. After the loading day, the fasting day comes next. It is necessary to eat on this day, just like on a balanced day, but replace carbohydrates with vegetable dishes, and protein should be included in snacks.

How does the Three Fists Diet work?

The diet operates according to one single principle, physiological. The Tern diet does not imply the presence of negative calories or foods aimed at burning fat tissue. Necessary:

  • so that the diet is balanced;
  • drink water in any quantity;
  • completely eliminate sweets (except on the loading day);
  • limit smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol;
  • engage in regular physical exercise;
  • quality rest.

There are no difficulties; overeating occurs due to an unbalanced diet. The usual menu, which includes fatty potatoes, fast food, and pasta, is rich in glycemic index and fats, which make a person experience a constant feeling of not being full, even when the body is “full.” When pasta, potatoes, and sweets are eaten in one sitting, the sugar level jumps incredibly, the body does not understand how to behave and replenishes reserves. In simple words, a person begins to gain those hated extra pounds. Drinking little water causes a false feeling of hunger.

Modern man cannot recognize thirst; he believes that the water in his soup or drink is enough for him, but this is not so.

In order for your metabolism to be good, you need to drink clean water in the amount of at least 2 liters per day. Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself: everything that was not drunk is eaten. Alcoholic drinks dull the feeling of fullness, as a result of which, over a glass or another of wine, you eat much more food than you should. One cannot fail to mention physical training. An active person spends more energy than someone who likes to lie on the sofa. And finally, healthy rest, proper sleep is simply necessary for the body, since when a person rests, he keeps stress hormones in check, which give impetus to the emotional causes of overeating. This diet is not some kind of mystical, but really helps to change.

Several diet recipes

Buckwheat bread. To prepare you will need:

  • boiled buckwheat 1 cup;
  • cauliflower, boiled 1 cup;
  • egg whites 6 pieces;
  • kefir 0.5 cups;
  • coriander;
  • baking powder.

It is necessary to beat the buckwheat and cabbage with a mixer until it becomes a soft puree. Proteins, kefir and baking powder should be added to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly and place in the oven. Buckwheat bread is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees. This dish is carbohydrate.

Quail egg in a bag. For this dish you need to take the following products:

  • quail eggs 12 pieces;
  • lemon 1 piece;
  • basil;
  • Cherry tomatoes.

It is necessary to drive all the eggs into boiling water. Lemon juice must first be squeezed into the water. The eggs should be boiled for about 4 minutes. and use a slotted spoon to cool. The tomatoes are cut into halves and the seasoning is crushed. Everything is mixed and added to the eggs cut in half. This portion is approximately a fistful of protein and vegetables.

Potato substitute. There are several recipes for potato substitutes:

  1. 1 kg of zucchini, olive oil, seasoning from a mixture of Provençal herbs and sea salt. It is necessary to cut the zucchini into strips and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with oil, add seasonings and salt. Cook at a temperature of 180 degrees. in the oven. The prepared dish is used as a side dish.
  2. Cauliflower in the amount of 1 kg, onions 2 pcs. butter, leek. It is necessary to boil the vegetables, grind them in a blender and season with oil and spices. You can also steam it, so after cooking the remaining broth is perfect as a first course.

Pumpkin dessert. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • unsweetened apple 2 pieces;
  • pumpkin 1 kg;
  • zucchini 1 kg;
  • plum 0.5 kg;
  • cinnamon;
  • coriander;
  • cottage cheese, yogurt or fermented baked milk.

You should thoroughly peel the plums, cut the vegetables into small cubes and place them on a greased baking sheet. The dish is baked for 30 minutes. at 180 gr. After the vegetables are baked, blend them with a blender until pureed. The dish is served with yogurt, cottage cheese or fermented baked milk. By following the “three fists” diet, a person learns the correct approach to nutrition.

A person begins to clearly understand that fasting and prolonged refusal to eat will not solve the problem of extra pounds. By following a diet, a person feels that he can be happy, full of strength and health. However, the result comes only to those people who have patience and really want to lose weight correctly.

This diet does not give effect after a couple of weeks and may disappoint those people who want to quickly lose weight before any important event in life. It should be understood that all people are not alike and the body’s characteristics for losing weight are individual. Therefore, the results will be different. Reviews about the diet indicate that the best results in weight loss are obtained by persistent and stubborn people. In simple terms, you don’t need to sit all day long on just proteins and vegetables, but you should also include carbohydrates, enjoy yourself, and pamper your body on busy days. And small physical exercises will help overcome fat deposits.

The doctor also states that exercise is like brushing your teeth. After all, few people would think of not brushing their teeth because of laziness or reluctance; the same should happen with physical education.

The “three fists” diet is an eating regimen that will allow you to get rid of those hated kilograms without feeling a constant feeling of hunger and without exhausting your body with increased physical activity. By following simple rules, you will establish your metabolic system, which will lead to the necessary results.

The essence and principles of the “three fists” diet

This food consumption pattern was developed by nutritionist Oleg Tern. He is of the opinion that any nutritional plan should be simple, understandable and adapted to a person’s taste preferences. The author offers simple rules that can be followed without wasting time counting calories and without struggling with the debilitating feeling of hunger.

The main goal of this nutritional system is to normalize metabolism. With the correct course of metabolic processes, the body independently reaches optimal weight, losing or gaining the necessary kilograms. The emphasis on following healthy principles is the main difference between this system and other methods of losing or gaining weight. In addition to the silhouette, following the author’s recommendations, you can acquire a beautiful body contour, since this diet promotes the formation of muscle mass.

The program is based on two simple principles:

  1. maintaining a balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  2. limiting the amount of food consumed.

There is no need to use a scale or calorie calculator to stay on target. You should follow a simple rule - the amount of food eaten at one meal should not exceed your three fists.

  • Squirrels– it is a building material for muscles, connective tissue, and nerve fibers. A deficiency of this element entails a loss of general tone, increased vulnerability to various diseases and other serious problems.
  • Carbohydrates are suppliers of energy resources for the body, and also maintain a feeling of satiety.
  • Fats provide health to many internal organs. Therefore, these elements should also be present in the human diet.

It should be noted here that there are different types of fats and carbohydrates, and not all of them are equally healthy. To make it easier to navigate, Oleg Tern identifies four main groups of products, by combining which you can achieve quick and effective results. Based on these groups, new ones are often created by expanding the list of products.

Main product groups of the “three fists” scheme

  • eggs (chicken, quail);
  • sea ​​fish fillet (cod, tuna, mackerel);
  • river fish fillet (pike perch, perch, pike, carp);
  • seafood delicacies (shrimp, mussels, squid);
  • meat (chicken fillet, any parts of rabbit, wild poultry, red meat);
  • offal (chicken and beef liver, chicken heart);
  • low fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • soy products (soy meat, tofu).

Second product group represented by vegetables and includes:

  • carrot;
  • green;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • beans (green);
  • peas and corn (canned);
  • leaf lettuce (cress, romaine, iceberg, asparagus);
  • cabbage (all types);
  • eggplant;
  • mushrooms (any type).

After an amendment by the developer, items such as zucchini, zucchini, and daikon (a type of radish) were added.

IN third group includes carbohydrates of the slow (complex) type:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • pearl barley;
  • wholemeal bread products;
  • legumes.

Here you need to be careful and not confuse this category with simple (fast) carbohydrates. A nice bonus is that according to this nutritional plan you can also eat pasta of any kind, as long as it is made from durum flour. In the second version of the diet, brown and wild rice, pita bread, and barley were added. Potato lovers can occasionally include this baked vegetable in their diet.

Fourth group(fruits and berries) contains:

  • apples (unsweetened varieties);
  • pears;
  • citrus fruit;
  • pineapples;
  • peaches, apricots;
  • plums;
  • pomegranate;
  • cherry;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberry;
  • currants (all types);
  • gooseberry.

After the amendment, pomelo, melon, watermelon and cherries were also added to this category. Bananas and dried fruits can be added to the menu with caution. Flax seeds, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), pumpkin and sunflower seeds are not excluded in limited quantities.

In addition to products, there are also recommendations for their preparation. Meat and fish should be boiled, stewed, grilled or steamed. Vegetables are consumed raw or stewed, fruits are consumed mainly raw. It is better to dry bread products before eating, and steam porridge.

Based on the basic list of products, the diet should be compiled depending on the goals you are pursuing. This can be not only standard weight loss, but also “drying” (gaining muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat). This system will also be useful for those who want to maintain or gain weight, but at the same time maintain their shape. For each goal, this diet offers a special principle for creating a daily diet.

Diets of the “three fists” food system

Low calorie diet

Designed for weight loss. There should be five meals during the day, the last of which is two hours before night rest. One meal includes three servings (one serving – one fist). The low-calorie line provides two menu plans. The first consists of one serving of foods from the first category (protein) and two servings of foods from the second category (vegetables). The second scheme includes three servings from the fourth category (fruits and berries). The daily menu should include three meals according to the first scheme, and two meals according to the second.

Example of a reduced calorie diet:

  • breakfast – two eggs, tomato and cucumber salad;
  • lunch (brunch) – an apple and two handfuls of berries;
  • lunch – fish steak and stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack – fruit salad;
  • dinner – chicken fillet with mushrooms.

The volume of food for one meal, as noted, should be the size of three of your clenched palms.

Maintenance diet

Designed for those who need to maintain their weight loss results. It also consists of five meals, but there are three food lines.

  1. The first line includes three servings of products from the fourth group and is used to create menus for two meals a day.
  2. The second line assumes one norm of products of the first group and two norms of vegetables. It serves one meal.
  3. Along the third line, which contains proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables in equal parts, two meals are made up.

Example of a maintenance diet:

  • breakfast – two-egg omelet, porridge and carrot juice;
  • lunch – banana and strawberry smoothie;
  • lunch – pasta with chicken fillet and mushrooms;
  • afternoon snack – baked apples;
  • dinner – boiled fish with vinaigrette.

Fasting diet

It involves cutting the portion in half - that is, not one, but half a fist. All five meals should include a full protein meal and two apples (can be replaced with one carrot).

High calorie diet

Designed for those who need extra kilos. The daily menu includes four meals, three of which consist of the first, second and third groups in equal quantities, the fourth is based on fruit.

Example of a high-calorie diet:

  • breakfast – bran, cottage cheese, carrots;
  • lunch - omelette with vegetables and toast;
  • lunch - soup in meat broth with vegetables, grilled meat and buckwheat;
  • afternoon snack - tofu, pita bread and green beans;
  • dinner - fruit salad.

Additional ration (“zigzag plus”)

It is compiled by analogy with the supporting principle, but you are allowed to consume any type of food once, without limiting the serving size. This could be sweet pastries, candy, ice cream, dumplings, pizza or any favorite dish.

Power grid

Proper food consumption according to this system involves alternating diets with each other according to a certain grid.

The weekly weight loss regimen includes:

  • Monday – according to the fasting principle;
  • from Tuesday to Thursday inclusive - low-calorie system;
  • Friday, Saturday – weight maintenance diet;
  • Sunday – “zigzag plus”.

To maintain weight:

  • Monday – low-calorie plan;
  • from Tuesday to Friday inclusive, as well as Sunday - maintenance diet;
  • Saturday – “zigzag plus”.

To gain body weight:

  • Monday, Saturday – “zigzag plus”;
  • from Tuesday to Friday inclusive - nutrition for weight gain;
  • Sunday – maintenance diet.

Drinking regime and prohibited food groups

To remove toxic substances that are formed during the breakdown of adipose tissue, you should drink about two liters of liquid per day. Preference should be given to non-carbonated mineral water and tea without sugar. It is recommended to reduce the amount of coffee to a cup per day.

According to not only this program, but also the rules of healthy eating, the diet should not contain such food groups as salty snacks (chips, crackers), mayonnaise-based sauces, fast food and fast food. You should also avoid sugar, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

By adhering to this concept, you can get rid of two to seven kilograms per month without causing harm to the body. Those who have set themselves the goal of increasing volume will add from one and a half to two kilograms of muscle mass over the same period.

Oleg Tern shares additional tips about the developed system and its features in this video.

The “three fists” nutrition scheme is based on the principles of healthy eating. The main goal of the diet is to normalize metabolism. With the normal course of the body's metabolic processes, you will achieve your goals and acquire beautiful forms.

Oleg Tern devoted many years of his life to developing the “Three Fists” diet, which allows you to eat a varied diet without wasting time on preparing complex dishes. This is not a strict diet that allows you to quickly lose a few kilograms, but a healthy eating system that gives smooth weight loss results.

The Three Fists Diet does not require counting calories or weighing food. The volume of food is determined by eye and should be equal to the size of three fists. So, let's look at the list of recommended products and diet menu.

Photo source:

  1. Vegetables and salads. It is recommended to consume as many fresh vegetables as possible, because during heat treatment they lose up to 70% of their vitamins. Salads can be dressed with a small amount of olive or flaxseed oil, low-fat Greek yogurt or soy sauce. Olives are also allowed to be added to the menu, but in limited quantities.
  2. Protein products. Seafood and fish provide the most protein, followed by poultry and meat. It is better to give preference to low-fat varieties of fish and lean meat, and from poultry to choose turkey and chicken. Also, to enrich the body with proteins, Oleg Tern recommends consuming one percent kefir, milk, cottage cheese and cheese.
  3. Complex carbohydrates. The most useful sources of complex carbohydrates are buckwheat and oatmeal. The second place is occupied by beans, peas and corn, and the third place is taken by durum grains.
  4. Berries and fruits. These products are great as snacks. Apples, peaches, raspberries, oranges, blueberries and cranberries can be eaten every day. But add persimmons, mangoes, bananas and dried fruits to the menu in limited quantities.

Important! In no case should you include fried foods, alcohol, flour products, processed foods, sugar and lemonades in your diet. You should also avoid mayonnaise, ketchup and other fatty sauces.

List of allowed drinks:

  • Pure water without gases (at least 1.5 liters per day);
  • Compotes and fruit drinks:
  • Natural juices (in order not to harm the stomach, they must be diluted with water);
  • Coffee (recommended for breakfast only).

Sample menu

Photo source:

The volume of one meal should be equal to three fists of a person losing weight. Portion sizes are allowed to increase by a maximum of 15%.

Breakfast: boiled egg + vegetable salad

Snack: orange

Dinner: buckwheat + piece of baked chicken breast

Snack: cottage cheese with pieces of fruit

Dinner: baked fish + 2 cucumbers


What results can you expect from such a diet?
As for losing weight, depending on the accuracy of following the recommendations and the level of physical activity, you can expect to lose 0.5-1 kg per week, in some cases more. However, it should be borne in mind that losing more than 1 kg per week is considered by most authors to be irrational - too much protein is lost along with fat reserves, which makes the body less healthy and less attractive. With this type of diet, this practically does not threaten.

You will lose about 2-4-6 kg per month, but without any harm to your own health. More precisely, on the contrary, with significant benefit.

If you combine diet with exercise, then what athletes call “drying” will occur - fat loss without loss of muscle mass. By the way, you may also experience an increase in it - then you will notice that you are losing fat, your muscles become more elastic and plump, but the weight is coming off slowly. It's not scary, because... weight due to muscles and weight due to fat are two big differences!
What are the advantages of such a diet?

You eat 5 times a day. You are not tormented by attacks of hunger - protein nutrition satisfies perfectly. Once a week you can eat cake or pizza without any remorse.

It’s easy for you to navigate what and how to eat in any situation. Let’s say in a restaurant, in order to place an order, you need to remember the “Three Fists” rule, and order a portion of meat or fish, preferably grilled, and with it a twice as large portion of salad, as well as black or green tea, or a glass of mineral water (and in exceptional cases, you can also have a glass of dry wine). That's it, it's that simple. There is no need to frantically remember how many calories each dish contains, how many calories you have already eaten that day, how many meals are coming and what to do with this whole nightmare.

Around the third or fourth week of the diet, you will begin to notice pleasant changes. First you will have a taste. You will begin to taste foods like you have never tasted them before. Most likely, much of what you used to love (chips, hamburgers, cookies) will cease to interest you - you will be able to eat it, but without much enthusiasm. You will stop constantly craving sweets, which is due to the fact that the release of insulin will occur more smoothly and correctly.
In a couple of months you will become much healthier, which will affect not only your appearance, but also your well-being. In addition, you will significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and a number of other pathologies.

Such a diet can easily be turned into a lifestyle - after you have achieved the desired results, you switch to a maintenance diet, with the help of which you maintain your new weight and get rid of the pendulums of losing weight and getting fat once and for all. If you are planning to gain a couple of kilograms of meat, then a weight gain diet will help you, which will allow you to do this without gaining excess fat. Alternating such cycles of 1-3 months will allow you to build annual macrocycles, with the help of which you will regulate your weight more subtly and gradually sculpt the figure you want.
The author’s blog also has a program for vegetarians and a program for weight gain, I didn’t copy from here.