We make a powerful plot against the bitch's udder. Effective spells against bitches' udders. Conspiracy in the snow against bitches' udders.


Damage "bitch's udder"

Lena grew up as a surprisingly calm girl. Her parents, who were country-trained, could not get enough of her. In 1963, their village was demolished and they became Muscovites, and in 1965 their long-awaited daughter, Lenochka, was born. Lenochka was already a Muscovite, and her parents’ passports indicated the place of birth in the Moscow region, the village of Golyanovo.

Lenochka’s mother was told that she wouldn’t have children; she worked at a pigsty, and then at a factory on an assembly line, and she wasn’t particularly worried. I was more worried when they started living in a communal apartment in a twelve-meter room. But a daughter, Lenochka, appeared, and six years later, Lena had a sister, Tanya, and two years later, a brother, Vanya. So Lena became a nanny, and then her parents received a three-room apartment.

Lena loved to cook. First, sand cakes, then salads, then I made pies from the yeast dough that my mother made. And then she started making the dough herself.

At school she studied smoothly, without C grades. But she showed no interest in studying. My sister, on the contrary, didn’t like to cook, but she loved studying. And my brother was an excellent student.

After 10th grade, Lenochka went to study at a culinary school to become a pastry chef. After college, I stayed at the bakery, where I did my internship, in the confectionery shop. In the meantime, my sister entered Moscow State University, my brother served well and also entered Moscow State University.

Tatyana, Lenochka’s sister, graduated from Moscow State University with honors, entered graduate school, and graduated from there too. After defending her PhD thesis, she remained at the university as a teacher. After graduating from Moscow State University, my brother went to work for government agencies. I got married right away. He got an apartment and separated from his parents.

Meanwhile, Lena met “the boy of her dreams.” He worked at a bakery as an auxiliary worker and had recently returned from prison. But this didn’t stop Lena, and a few months later they had a gorgeous wedding in a cafe. The parents did not want to live with the newlyweds, but here they were lucky. In the Vladimir region, in the village of Lyakhi, the aunt of Lena’s father, who had no children and had buried her husband, bequeathed to them a small house and a very large plot of 60 acres of land. They first went there for the summer, and then stayed there, coming to Moscow once every few months to collect their pension.

And 10 months after the wedding, Lenochka gave birth to a boy, they named him Vanya. And “The Boy of Her Dreams” - the child’s father, without waiting for the birth, went along the same route to places of detention. So six years passed. Lena and her sister raised their son, and her husband beat her and the child between prison sentences.

When he was imprisoned again, Lena filed for divorce and alimony. Divorced without the presence of her husband. This is an insignificant reason to distract him from being in prison. Lena kept the writ of execution at home.

Son Vanya grew up, sister Tanya bought an apartment, her parents worked harder again, and she herself earned good money. When Vanya went to third grade, her husband returned from prison, got a job, and Lena took the writ of execution to her husband’s place of work. Only she never received alimony, because the child’s father went to prison again, but she herself fell ill. Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the apocrine glands. Apocrine glands are located in the armpits. Her right hand was swollen. Hidradenitis is popularly called “Bitch Udder.” The disease is ancient and can be treated with antibiotics and surgery. Lena went to the surgeon.

The doctor gave me a sick leave and prescribed dimexide, such a smelly liquid. The doctor said:

Measure out 1 part, 3 parts water and a bottle of any antibiotic, pinecillin or ampicillin, mix it all, moisten the bandage in the solution. And apply it as a compress. Apply it at night, by the morning you will feel much better. A couple of days and everything will pass.

Alas, it didn’t work out. Lena put grated potatoes under her arm at night... It did NOT help. The surgeon cut out this strange tumor twice, prescribed antibiotics, Lena took them, but to no avail. Four months later they gave me the second disability group. The hand didn't work. At night, Lena’s mother put a bandage soaked in onion juice, plastic on top, and a plaster on top. The next night, the same thing, only aloe juice. So I changed it one by one. But there was no point.

The neighbor said that this is how damage comes out. We turned to grandma. She confirmed that this was damage and even named who caused the damage and why; “Your ex-hubby caused damage because you are trying to take money from him. He just pointed it, but he couldn’t take it off. If you don't find your grandmother, you won't live long. And he will follow you from his own corruption.”

They started looking for the grandmother, but everyone refused. There are probably no real ones now. Lena died. The parents and brother and sister were buried. The sister began to raise her nephew.

And after some time they learned that the child’s father also died in prison from hidradenitis. His relatives began to blame Lena for infecting him. Only Lena had already died, and she hadn’t even met him since she fell ill.

Only his sister was silent and also fell ill with this disease. At this point, Lenin’s parents have definitely established themselves - the damage to “Bitch’s Udder.”

Bitch udder is a disease that is popularly called hidradenitis. Medical workers came to the conclusion that such a disease affects the human sweat glands. The patient develops a fever, after which the skin irritation begins to fester. The plot against a bitch's udder is quite common among the inhabitants of the modern world.

Most often, this disease spreads in the armpits. In principle, it can spread anywhere where the sebaceous glands are located. But the armpits are the most common place for the disease to develop. Sometimes the disease progresses so much that abscesses appear and, in addition to medications, you can use a spell for the bitch’s udder.

Causes of the disease

Most often, women over thirty years of age are affected by this disease. The reason for such processes is the restructuring of the body and the disruption of the woman’s hormonal levels. In order not to aggravate the development of the disease, you should not use a number of certain things.

  1. Cheap and low-quality cosmetics. Precisely because they contain low-quality substances, they can disrupt the balance of the skin. The sebaceous glands can either become clogged or stop functioning completely. That’s why, take care of your health and don’t skimp on your appearance.
  2. Tight underwear. Since tight underwear puts a lot of pressure on a person’s skin, this can also negatively affect your appearance.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene. If you do not maintain personal hygiene, you can earn yourself various diseases. This is one of the most basic reasons for the development of bitch udders.

Treatment of bitch udder

Many medical experts are against people using magic for abscesses. They also do not recommend removing the formation surgically, because it is believed that this will only worsen the situation. It’s just worth remembering that folk remedies have never brought a negative result to a person. Yes, it takes much longer than surgery, but the spell on a tree branch bears fruit.

But traditional medicine has several advantages over hospitals. Firstly, traditional methods cannot harm a person. Even if the disease cannot be cured, then deterioration will definitely not be observed. Secondly, it is easy to carry out healing rituals on your own at home. All the ingredients for rituals are quite easy to find in nature, or at home.

It is worth recalling that treatment should be carried out with extreme caution. Don't count on instant results. Carry out the spell and rituals on the udder branch several times, and you should not expect the result to come after the first time.

Traditional methods of treatment

On a branch of the udder, a spell on a tree knot is quite effective and in some cases necessary. It was also used by our ancestors, who treated almost all diseases only with such methods. Before you go to see a doctor, you can read the plot. The only caveat is that ritual alone cannot bring a positive result. They should be observed in conjunction with folk herbs. In principle, if you do not know how this disease is treated, then you should contact a specialized healer. There are a number of medicinal herbs and products that can help you solve the problem.

First of all, it is customary to use the following recipe. To begin, peel the onion and fry it in lard. Add laundry soap to the resulting consistency and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the wound and make compresses. You can add a little vegetable oil. You can replace the oil with aromatic oils.

Bitch's udder

How to treat hidradenitis at home with folk remedies

Prayers for boils

Effective conspiracy

“Let the disease return to the animal whose name was given to it. I ask you, God’s servant (name), to leave me alone forever. Amen".

Apply compresses to the sore spot for three days. After three days, you should read the ritual on the udder branch. This conspiracy does not have specific words. You can address your requests to higher powers. The main thing is to set yourself in a positive mood and believe that you will soon be cured.

If this method does not suit you, then you can turn to the brownie for help. Prepare some treats for him and ask him to help you. Each product is spelled separately. For each subject, the spell should be read at least three times. If the brownie decides to come to your aid, you will not know about it. He gives no sign of his decision. The only time you will be able to know about his decision is during your recovery.

The magic spell reads as follows:

“I ask the brownie to help me. Brownie, I turn to you for help, remove the disease from me. Let the negativity from my home be forever removed and never return. May damage and the evil eye never fall on me. I wish you to be healthy and enjoy life. Let my skin not turn into meat, but remain beautiful and young forever. So that men would pay attention to me, but not be scared. But right now my personal life is not going well at all. My skin stopped making me happy and bringing me positive emotions. Amen".

But, if you had to deal with this disease, then, first of all, go to see a doctor. It is clear that traditional medicine does not bring harm. But there is no point in delaying the usual treatment. It is possible that the doctor will help you much faster than you can do it yourself. A conspiracy against an unpleasant bitch's udder will only be effective if you yourself believe in a positive result.

Bitch udder is the popular name for an unpleasant skin disease, which doctors call hidradenitis. In fact, this is an inflammatory process in the sweat glands of the human body, which occurs with suppuration of the inflamed areas against the background of an increase in overall body temperature.

Usually this unpleasant process, the consequences of which can be very serious, occurs in the armpits, but wherever there are sweat glands, terrible abscesses can occur.

The age group at risk is 30-40 years, which is usually associated with hormonal changes that occur during this period in the human body. The process can be aggravated or triggered by the use of low-quality cosmetics, wearing tight clothing, and neglect of personal hygiene rules. You should also shave these areas with great care.

The disease is bacterial in nature, but penetration of bacteria is possible when the skin is damaged - which is largely facilitated by the indicated errors that provoke hidradenitis. The cause may also be a blockage of the gland, leading to disruption of its normal functioning.

There is a widespread opinion that it is inadmissible to treat the udder with folk remedies.

The statement about the inadmissibility of surgical interventions that aggravate the disease is just as widely circulated and exploited. There most likely cannot be a correct answer; cases of the disease starting and developing into severe complications have been recorded both among those who were treated only with folk remedies, and among those who immediately consulted a doctor.

Both traditional treatment and folk remedies in the fight against hidradenitis should be used in a timely and careful manner - this will minimize the negative consequences of the disease and cure it quickly enough. If you begin to feel discomfort, itching in the armpits, groin, and other adjacent areas of the skin, and this occurs against the background of increased sweating, general weakness, and the growth of painful swellings, this is most likely a bitch udder. If hidradenitis is not diagnosed in time, the skin turns purple, becomes thin and inflamed, and purulent discharge appears.

The unpleasant disease develops for about two weeks; after the pus is released, the skin begins to heal, but the disease spreads further - through the channels of the sweat glands themselves.

In addition, one cannot help but admit: the udder of a bitch is a favorite sore of magicians - pests. If you are not at risk of spreading hidradenitis, and all possible causes of the disease do not apply to you, try turning to a professional esotericist: magic and other folk remedies can help you, because it is almost impossible to cure damage with traditional means.

How people heal

However, bitch udders of both bacterial and magical origin lend themselves well to healing with folk remedies. Conspiracies against almost any disease have been considered a common folk remedy at all times. There is also a strong conspiracy against a bitch's udder in the collection of folk wisdom.

Before going to the surgeon, you can try to make a spell against the bitch's udder. Just reading the plot is not enough, this illness is serious, it is difficult to treat, so folk remedies should be added to the plot. First, fry a couple of white onions in lard, rub some laundry soap into it, and apply it to the affected area. At the same time, you can read any prayer you like. This is the first stage of treatment.

Conspiracy “From a bitch’s udder”

Return to that animal whose name you bear, and you will abandon me, the servant of God (say your name), forever.”

Then (after three days of compresses), try to speak to the disease.

The text of the plot is almost arbitrary, you need to send the disease to the “cattle” from which it came (if the udder is the result of damage, the effect will be doubly interesting). In general, any treatment: applying ichthyol ointment, onion compresses or reading spells will be more effective as a comprehensive method. By the way, another remedy against the udder is the help of a brownie. You need to prepare a traditional, favorite treat for him - milk with fresh bread, and ask him for help. The words of the conspiracy must be read at least three times for each treat. If the brownie can help, you will be healthy in a couple of days.

Conspiracy “From the bitch’s udder” to the brownie

“Come with a big stick and hit the evil spirit on the head with it. Let the evil spirit crawl out of my house (apartment) and never return here, I (name) will be cured of evil and envy, from witchcraft attacks and hungry spirits, from damage and the evil eye, slander and enemy invasions.” All this must be repeated at least three times.”

But the disease can be the fruit of the witchcraft of a powerful evil magician - a deceptively simple, harmless, very painful illness that can develop into serious illnesses and give absolutely terrible complications - a favorite remedy for occultists of all stripes.

It’s better not to delay seeing a doctor; you can read the spell for a bitch’s udder in the hospital, and if antibiotics and quartz treatments don’t help, the cause of the disease (as well as the treatment method) will become quite obvious. Contact a good magician who will determine the exact method of treatment, depending on the method of inducing the disease on you. It may be necessary to remove the damage first.

Video: Conspiracy from a bitch's udder

The text of the doll's amulets of motherhood is almost random, it is necessary to send the disease to the “cattle” from which it came (if the udder is the result of damage, the effect will be doubly fascinating as damage differs from the evil eye). In general, any kind of healing: applying ichthyol ointment, onion compresses or reading complots will be more effective as an all-encompassing method. By the way, another remedy against the udder is help on how to choose an amulet against brownie damage. It is necessary to prepare to buy the Svitovit amulet his usual favorite treat - milk with the freshest bread, the doll's amulet for the New Year, and ask him for help. The words of the complot need to be read more than 3 times for each treat. If the brownie can help, you will be healthy in a couple of days.

Both traditional treatment, buy a Russian amulet, and folk remedies in the fight against hidradenitis with the help of suppositories should be used in a timely and careful manner - this will minimize the negative consequences of the disease and cure it quickly enough. If you begin to feel discomfort, itching in the area of ​​the armpits, groin, and other areas of the skin adjacent to each other, and this happens, what is the difference between a curse and damage against the background of increased sweating, general helplessness, and the growth of painful swellings - this is, Most likely, buy the doll's udder amulets in St. Petersburg. If hidradenitis is not diagnosed in time, the skin turns red, becomes narrow and inflamed, and purulent discharge occurs.

Bitch udder is the popular name for the nasty how to pin pins against the evil eye and damage to the skin disease, which doctors call hidradenitis. In practice, this is an inflammatory process in the sweat glands of the human body, which occurs with suppuration of the inflamed areas against the background of an increase in overall body temperature.

In addition, one cannot help but admit: the udder of a bitch is a favorite sorcerer’s sore, how to get protection from damage, buy a talisman for svarozhich - pests. If you are not at risk for the spread of hidradenitis, and all the probable preconditions for the disease do not apply to you, try to contact a professional esotericist: Mysticism and others can help you on how to help get rid of damage to alcohol using traditional means, because to cure damage using folk remedies - actually unrealistic.

Set "From a bitch's udder"

But, the udder of a bitch, both of bacterial and magical origin, lends itself perfectly to healing by traditional means. The widespread use of dolls and amulets, their name as a folk remedy at all times, was considered a conspiracy against how prayers actually help against damage to all diseases. There is also a strong seal against a bitch's udder in the collection of folk wisdom.

How people heal

Before you go to the doctor, you can try making a seal against the bitch's udder. Just reading the complot buy a Russian amulet how does damage differ from the evil eye is not enough, this ailment is serious, it is difficult to heal, therefore traditional remedies should be added to the complot. Firstly, fry a couple of heads of snow-white onions in lard, grate laundry soap into it - and apply to the affected area. With all this, you can read, buy an amulet with a rune, whatever prayer you want, how to cleanse yourself from damage to Muslims. This is the first step of healing.

Spell for treating bitch udders

Video: Complot from a bitch's udder

Usually this nasty process, the consequences of which can be very painful, occurs in the armpit area, but wherever there are sweat glands, terrible abscesses can appear.

There is a widespread worldview about the inadmissibility of amulets dolls to the wealth of healing the udder using traditional means.

The disease is bacterial in nature, but the penetration of microbes can occur due to damage to the skin - which is facilitated to a large extent by the indicated errors that provoke hidradenitis. Also, a prerequisite may be a blockage of the gland, resulting in a disruption of its normal functioning.

Just as widely, dolls and amulets of their meaning are replicated and exploited as the church’s statement about the inadmissibility of surgical interventions that aggravate the disease helps against damage. Here, most likely, there cannot be a correct answer; cases of the disease starting and developing into serious complications were recorded both among those who were treated only with traditional remedies, and among those who immediately turned to the doctor .

The age group at risk is 30-40 years, which is usually associated with hormonal changes that occur during this period in the human body. The process can be worsened or prompted by the introduction of how to cleanse the energy from spoilage of bad cosmetics and wearing tight clothes, neglecting the rules of personal hygiene, how to store dolls and amulets. You should also shave the designated areas with great care.

It’s better not to delay calling the doctor; you can read the plot for a bitch’s udder in the clinic, and if medications and quartz treatments don’t help, the cause of the disease (as well as the method of healing) will become quite trivial. Contact an excellent sorcerer who will protect the dolls from the evil eye and the daughter will determine exactly the method of healing, depending on the method of inflicting the disease on you. It may be necessary to remove the damage in advance.

But the disease can be the fruit of the warlock of a strong evil sorcerer - a deceptively ordinary doll, how to cleanse yourself of damage yourself, amulets, how to make them, a safe, very tormenting ailment, capable of growing into severe diseases and giving absolutely terrible complications - a favorite, how reading from damage helps, a remedy for occultists, doll amulets from padding polyester of all stripes.

Do bitch udders come from the evil eye?

“Come with a big stick and hit the evil spirit on the head with it. Let the dolls of amulets that the evil spirit crawls out of my house (apartment) and never returns here, I (name) will be cured of evil and envy, from witchcraft attacks, what is the difference between damage from the demon and hungry spirits, from damage and the evil eye, slander and enemy how to cleanse yourself from damage and the eyes of intrusions.” All this must be repeated more than 3 times.”

Set “From a bitch’s udder” to a brownie

Then (using burlap amulets for three days of compresses), try to charm the disease.

Return to that animal whose name you wear, dolls, amulets for Maslenitsa, and you will abandon me, the servant of God (pronounce your name), forever, how to cleanse yourself from the damage of candles.”

The nasty disease develops in about 2 weeks; after the pus is released, the skin begins to grow, but the disease spreads further - through the channels of the sweat glands themselves.

New article: prayer against bitch udders on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Bitch udder (dog tit) is a common name for inflammation of the sweat gland, most often occurring in the armpit area or on the genitals. To get rid of a bitch's udder, you can use any conspiracy.

The door of mercy is an opening,

We hope in You and boast in You

For the world of salvation and the Christian race.

Make a circle clockwise with the ring finger of your left hand and say:

Bitch udder, you have no name, and my finger has no name.

Get off now, get out of God's servant (his) (name),

Go to your place!

“Lord, deliver God’s servant (his) (name) from all purulent boils,

abscesses, red, internal, black and from the bitch's name forever. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Spell for treating bitch udders

Bitch udder is the popular name for an unpleasant skin disease, which doctors call hidradenitis. In fact, this is an inflammatory process in the sweat glands of the human body, which occurs with suppuration of the inflamed areas against the background of an increase in overall body temperature.

Usually this unpleasant process, the consequences of which can be very serious, occurs in the armpits, but wherever there are sweat glands, terrible abscesses can occur.

The age group at risk is 30-40 years, which is usually associated with hormonal changes that occur during this period in the human body. The process can be aggravated or triggered by the use of low-quality cosmetics, wearing tight clothing, and neglect of personal hygiene rules. You should also shave these areas with great care.

The disease is bacterial in nature, but penetration of bacteria is possible when the skin is damaged - which is largely facilitated by the indicated errors that provoke hidradenitis. The cause may also be a blockage of the gland, leading to disruption of its normal functioning.

There is a widespread opinion that it is inadmissible to treat the udder with folk remedies.

The statement about the inadmissibility of surgical interventions that aggravate the disease is just as widely circulated and exploited. There most likely cannot be a correct answer; cases of the disease starting and developing into severe complications have been recorded both among those who were treated only with folk remedies, and among those who immediately consulted a doctor.

Both traditional treatment and folk remedies in the fight against hidradenitis should be used in a timely and careful manner - this will minimize the negative consequences of the disease and cure it quickly enough. If you begin to feel discomfort, itching in the armpits, groin, and other adjacent areas of the skin, and this occurs against the background of increased sweating, general weakness, and the growth of painful swellings, this is most likely a bitch udder. If hidradenitis is not diagnosed in time, the skin turns purple, becomes thin and inflamed, and purulent discharge appears.

The unpleasant disease develops for about two weeks; after the pus is released, the skin begins to heal, but the disease spreads further - through the channels of the sweat glands themselves.

In addition, one cannot help but admit: the udder of a bitch is a favorite sore of magicians - pests. If you are not at risk of spreading hidradenitis, and all possible causes of the disease do not apply to you, try turning to a professional esotericist: magic and other folk remedies can help you, because it is almost impossible to cure damage with traditional means.

How people heal

However, bitch udders of both bacterial and magical origin lend themselves well to healing with folk remedies. Conspiracies against almost any disease have been considered a common folk remedy at all times. There is also a strong conspiracy against a bitch's udder in the collection of folk wisdom.

Before going to the surgeon, you can try to make a spell against the bitch's udder. Just reading the plot is not enough, this illness is serious, it is difficult to treat, so folk remedies should be added to the plot. First, fry a couple of white onions in lard, rub some laundry soap into it, and apply it to the affected area. At the same time, you can read any prayer you like. This is the first stage of treatment.

Then (after three days of compresses), try to speak to the disease.

The text of the plot is almost arbitrary, you need to send the disease to the “cattle” from which it came (if the udder is the result of damage, the effect will be doubly interesting). In general, any treatment: applying ichthyol ointment, onion compresses or reading spells will be more effective as a comprehensive method. By the way, another remedy against the udder is the help of a brownie. You need to prepare a traditional, favorite treat for him - milk with fresh bread, and ask him for help. The words of the conspiracy must be read at least three times for each treat. If the brownie can help, you will be healthy in a couple of days.

But the disease can be the fruit of the witchcraft of a powerful evil magician - a deceptively simple, harmless, very painful illness that can develop into serious illnesses and give absolutely terrible complications - a favorite remedy for occultists of all stripes.

It’s better not to delay seeing a doctor; you can read the spell for a bitch’s udder in the hospital, and if antibiotics and quartz treatments don’t help, the cause of the disease (as well as the treatment method) will become quite obvious. Contact a good magician who will determine the exact method of treatment, depending on the method of inducing the disease on you. It may be necessary to remove the damage first.

Useful healing spells:

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Conspiracies from a bitch's udder: comments

One comment

My own sister, not so long ago, just after her wedding, had a “bitch’s udder.” My sister was quite skeptical about all kinds of “evil eyes” and “damage”. But, after this misfortune that befell her, she, unfortunately, had to believe it. Although, at first, she nevertheless gave up and turned to traditional medicine (she went to a paid clinic, where most of the time they only “pump out” money), there they prescribed her a bunch of ointments, from all this pile, I only remember ichthyol, and the course of treatment was outlined. But this treatment did not produce results. From the first day, her Godmother told her that she knew a good site with conspiracies for this scourge, and these conspiracies ultimately helped her. Since the Godmother immediately said that this was the evil eye that was given to her sister at her wedding, a lot of people were invited, and, as the Godmother said, not everyone came with “pure thoughts.” My sister, who had lost faith in traditional medicine, began to read these conspiracies, and the result, as they say, was obvious. And now she does not ridicule, as she called “grandmother’s inventions,” but believed in the power of the evil eye, but even more believed in the power of these conspiracies that cured her.

Conspiracy from a bitch's udder

Many people face such a problem as suppuration of the sweat glands; in medicine, this disease is called hidradenitis, which is treated with surgical intervention. But you can try another fairly successful method of treatment - read the spell against the udder of a bitch - this is what people call this disease.

If a woman (girl) has this problem, then she needs to buy three onions on women’s day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) from a male seller, respectively, for a man, vice versa, from a female seller and on men’s day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) . Bring them home and fry them in any animal fat, then mix with pre-crushed laundry soap for 5-10 minutes. Apply the mixture to the sore spot, while reading “Our Father” three times.

Meat plot from a bitch's udder

You need to take a piece of fresh raw meat and move it around the bitch’s udder, saying the following words:

“Return to that beast whose name you bear, and you will abandon God’s servant(s) (name) forever. Amen".

The disease will transfer to a piece of meat; after the conspiracy, it must be given to a black dog.

Conspiracy from a bitch udder to a knotty branch

On the waning moon at midnight, you need to draw water and place it on the bedroom windowsill. In the meantime, take a twig with a twig and circle it three times around the problem area, saying the following words:

Afterwards, place the branch on a table covered with a tablecloth, oak would be good, but any table can be used. Then move your ring finger around the branch knot three times and say:

“Just as this twig dried up on the tree, so I, the servant of God (name), died of an abscess! So be it!”

Now you need to take the water and say the following words to it three times:

“On a steep mountain stands a young oak tree! Jesus Christ stands under an oak tree and looks at the oak tree. Just as a leaf falls from an oak tree, so Jesus Christ cleanses the blood of the servant of God (name) from pus and all stagnation! Amen!"

You need to throw twigs from a branch into the charmed water, throw it away, leave it on the windowsill until the morning so that the moon shines on the water. In the morning, wash the problem area with this water, then pour it into the toilet and flush three times.

Conspiracy from a bitch's udder on a dog

You should smear sour cream on the painful area and let the (female) puppy lick it off. Do this for 12 days during the growing month after sunset, saying the following words each time:

It is very important that no one knows that you are carrying out these manipulations.

Conspiracy from a bitch's udder to the bone

Buy meat on the bone and eat it, and do not throw away the bone, but say “Our Father” nine times on it. Then move the bone three times around the problem area, each time saying the following words:

“Get out, pain, from the white body, from the red blood, from the yellow bone.”

Cross the bough's udder nine times, and then spit three times over your left shoulder. Bury the bone under a tree with a feminine name.

Conspiracy from a bitch's udder

Many people face such a problem as suppuration of the sweat glands; in medicine, this disease is called hidradenitis, which is treated with surgical intervention. But you can try another fairly successful method of treatment - read a spell for the udder of a bitch - that’s what people call this disease.

Onion plot from a bitch's udder

If a woman (girl) has this problem, then she needs to buy three onions from a male seller on women’s day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), respectively, for a man, on the contrary, from a female seller and on men’s day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) . Bring them home and fry them in any animal fat, then mix with pre-crushed laundry soap for 5-10 minutes. Apply the mixture to the sore spot, while reading “Our Father” three times.

Meat plot of the weaned udder

You need to take a piece of fresh raw meat and move it around the bitch’s udder, saying the following words:

“Return to that beast whose name you bear, and you will abandon God’s servant (name) forever. Amen".

The disease will transfer to a piece of meat; after the conspiracy, it must be given to a black dog.

Conspiracy from a branch's udder to a branch's branch

On the waning moon at midnight, you need to draw water and place it on the bedroom window sill. In the meantime, take a twig with a twig and circle it three times around the problem area, saying the following words:

“Just as this twig is dry, so the abscess is extinguished!”

Afterwards, place the branch on a table covered with a tablecloth, preferably oak, but you can do it on any table. Then move your ring finger around the branch knot three times and say:

“Just as this twig dried up on the tree, so I, God’s servant (name), died of an abscess! So be it!”

Now you need to take the water and say the following words to it three times:

“On a steep mountain stands a young oak tree! Jesus Christ stands under an oak tree and looks at it. Just as a leaf falls from an oak tree, so Jesus Christ’s blood cleanses the servant of God (name) from pus and all stagnation! Amen!"

You need to throw twigs from a branch into the charmed water, throw them away, leave them on the windowsill until the morning so that the moon shines on the water. In the morning, wash the problem area with this water, then pour it into the toilet and flush three times.

Conspiracy from a bitch's udder on a dog

You should smear sour cream on the painful area and let the (female) puppy lick it off. Do this for 12 days during the growing month after sunset, saying each time the following words:

“The bitch licked it and the disease took away.”

It is very important that no one knows that you are carrying out these manipulations.

Conspiracy from a bitch's udder to the bone

Buy meat on the bone and eat it, but don’t throw away the bone, but say “Our Father” nine times on it. Then move the bone three times around the problem area, each time saying the following words:

“Come out, pain, white body, red blood, yellow bone.”

Cross the bough's udder nine times, and then spit over your left shoulder three times. Bury the bone under a tree with a feminine name.

Many are faced with an issue like festering potovyhzhelez in medicine this disease is called – hydradenitis being treated with pomoschyuhirurgicheskogo intervention. But you can try another fairly successful sposoblecheniya – read the plot of suchegovymeni – so call this disease among the people.

Onion plot from the udder of bitch

If this attack in a woman (girl), then she needs to Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) to buy three onions from the seller males, respectively, the man, on the contrary, the seller of female and male day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) . They bring home and fry in any zhivotnomzhire, then mixed with soap, pre-ground, for 5-10 minutes. The mixture is applied to the affected area, while to read the “Our Father” triraza. .

Meat conspiracy otsuchego udder

We need to take a piece of fresh raw meat, and shall lead them vokrugsuchego udder, saying these words:

“Go back to the beast, which is the name you wear, and the servant (a) God (it) (name) forever throw. Amen.”

The illness goes on a piece of meat, after his conspiracy nuzhnootdat dog black color.

The plot of suchegovymeni on knotty branch

On the decreasing moon at midnight, you need to get water and postavitna bedroom windowsill. In the meantime, take a sprig from the knot and cut around it razavokrug three problem areas, saying these words:

“As the twig is dry and boil went out!”

After the branch to put on the laid table cloth, horoshoby oak, but it is possible for any. Then three times to conduct anonymous paltsemvokrug bitch branch and said:

“As the twig on a tree dried up, and I, the servant of God (name), an abscess hung! May it be so!”

Now we need to take water and three times slander her takieslova:

“On the mountain is steep oak young!” Jesus Christ under the oak stands and looks nadub. As with oak leaves fall, so Jesus Christ at God's servant (name)blood It clears the stagnation of pus and all! Amen!”

We need to throw a spell in the water swirls with branches and eevykinut, to leave in the morning on the window sill to the light water moon. Utrometoy water wash problem areas, and then pour in the toilet and rinse three times.

The plot of the dog suchegovymeni

It is a painful place to smear cream and give the puppy (female) lick. Doing so within 12 days of the growing month after the sun, saying each time these words:

“Bitch lapped up – the disease took.”

It is important that no one knew that you conducted the manipulation.

The plot of such egovymeni bone

Buy meat on the bone and eat it and not throw a bone, anagovorit it nine times, “Our Father.” Then the bone to hold vokrugproblemnogo place three times, each time saying these words:

“Come, pain, white body, with red blood, with a yellow bone.”

Crosshair nine times bitch"s udder, and then three times splyunutcherez left shoulder. Bone bury under a tree with a woman"s name.

Many suffer from such a problem as suppuration of the sweat glands, in medicine this disease is called hydradenitis, which means they rely on the help of surgical treatment. Alternatively, you can try another and more successful method of treatment - read the phrase under the name of the bitch - that’s what people call this illness.

Tsibulevy zmova v suchogo vimeni

If there is a misfortune with a woman, then on a woman’s day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) she needs to buy three cibulins from the seller of a human statue, like a human, from the seller of a woman’s statue and on a person's day (Monday, Tuesday, four).

M "clear to the name of the old man

You need to take a piece of fresh raw meat and move it around your name, using these words:

“Turn around to this beast, whom I carry, and the servant (of) God (whom) (I am) forever kinesh. Amen."

The disease will turn to a piece of meat, after washing it you need to give it to a black barred dog.

Zmova v suchyogovina na Suchkova Gilka

As the month approaches, you will need to draw water again and install a window in the bedroom. In the meantime, take a needle and a knot and circle it three times around the problem area, using the following words:

“Like this twig is dry, so the brew is extinguished!”

Afterwards, place the silk on a table covered with a tablecloth, preferably oak, or whatever it may be. Then move your ring finger around the knot of the nail three times and say:

“Just as this twig on the tree has dried up, so I, the servant of God, have died! Let it not be like this!”

Now you need to take water and say the following words on it:

“There’s a cool young oak tree on the mountain! Jesus Christ stood under the oak tree and marveled at it. Just as a leaf falls from an oak tree, so Jesus Christ cleanses the blood of the servant of God (him) from pus and all stagnation! Amen!”

You need to throw twigs of water into the spells, and discard it, pour it into the wound on the windowsill, so that a month shines on the water. In the morning, wash the problematic area with water, then pour it into the toilet and flush three times.