Drawing lessons on the theme of autumn. Open drawing lesson "Journey to the autumn forest"

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing in preparatory group on the topic of:

"Trip to autumn forest»

Prepared by: teacher

MBDOU Kindergarten

town Maksatikha

Guseva Galina Rostislavovna


· Develop the ability to build associative analogies between the images of real trees and sound, plastic, artistic images trees depicted in works of art,

· to form the ability to create an image of a tree by an unconventional method,

· develop creative imagination.


· to expand children's understanding of the image of trees in poetry, music, in works visual arts and in children's fine arts;

· teach children to mix paints;

· develop fine motor skills fingers;

· educate emotional responsiveness, love for nature;

· expand lexicon children.

Previous work:

· examining illustrations of paintings by Vasnetsov A. M. "Autumn", Levitan I.I. " Golden autumn”, “Autumn Landscape”, Shishkina I.I. "Rye", "Autumn",

· learning poems about nature in autumn,

· observation of trees in nature, comparison, clarification of their characteristic features,

· looking at illustrations in children's books.

Vocabulary work: a rough trunk, a gentle, slender, mighty tree; the forest is golden, crimson, painted.

Material:illustrations of paintings by Vasnetsov A. M. "Autumn", Levitan I.I. "Golden Autumn", "Autumn Landscape", Shishkina I.I. "Rye", "Autumn".

Handout: an album sheet for each child, gouache, brushes, rags for drying the brushes and priming, two glasses of water, a palette, leaves from different trees.

The course of the immediate educational activities

Educator: Guys, can you hear the music? The music of E. Grieg "Morning in the Forest" sounds. She invites you on a fabulous walk. Tell me, what time of year is it?


caregiver: What changes in nature occur in autumn?

Children: Birds fly away to warmer climes, animals prepare for winter, leaves on trees turn yellow, turn purple.

caregiver: Not only composers, but also artists, admiring the beauty of nature, sang it in their works. Let's remember these works (the teacher shows the pictures, and the children call them): - Vasnetsova A.M. "Autumn", Levitan I.I. "Golden Autumn", "Autumn Landscape", Shishkina I.I. "Rye", "Autumn". What poem do you want to remember looking at this picture? - “The forest is like a painted tower” by Bunina I., “Autumn walks along the forest paths, wanders” by E. Trutnev.

Children pass to the sound of music and sit in a semicircle.

Educator: Today I want to tell you a story about magical trees that grew in a fabulous autumn forest. The trees were magical because they only became visible when they sang their amazing songs. At the same time, each tree hummed its own melody. The young trees sang with gentle graceful voices, and the old trees, which had seen a lot in their lifetime, told wonderful forest tales in songs. Their tall trunks hummed, branches creaked, mighty crowns rustled. And the artist, walking through the forest, listened to the songs of the trees and transferred them to his paintings. And now I invite you to this fabulous forest. We will listen to the melody with our eyes closed. Think about what kind of tree can sing like that.

Sounds likeclassical music "Autumn. Leaf fall.

Educator:Tell us what kind of tree did you imagine?

Children:beautiful Blooming tree, soft and slender.

Educator:What does the crown of such a tree look like?

Children:The crown of the tree looks like a dandelion.

Educator:Yes, that's why the tree seems light and airy. Guys, what line can draw such a tree?

Children:Thin, soft, airy.

Educator:But the artist again visited the fairy forest to listen to other trees. What tree did he hear this time?

Sounds like play "Little Preludes and Fugues" by I.S. Bach.

Educator: What tree sang, tell me.

Children:Mighty, with a wide rough trunk, old and wise.

Educator:of course, a mighty tree, strong, with a strong wide trunk, with branches that the wind wants to carry away with it, but cannot. Let's turn into a mighty tree. Clench your fists, show how strong your tree is.

“The forest waved its branches,

The branches bend and creak."

The branches were bent by a strong wind, the forest hummed, it sang old forest tales to the wind. Guys, what line can you draw such a tree?

Children: Wide.

Educator:Guys, did you like walking through the magical forest? Now you yourself will draw the tree or trees that you liked the most with the help of leaves.

Outcome:(The teacher asks to put the children's drawings next to each other) What an unusual fairy-tale forest has grown with us. Tell us which tree did you draw? Different trees grow in our fabulous forest - young and tender, strong and mighty!

The music of E. Grieg "Morning in the forest" sounds. The teacher invites the children into a circle. Children perform a relaxation exercise:

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

elbows bent,

Brushes shook -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's gently wave our hands -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down - we'll show:

Wings folded back.

Purpose of the lesson:

  • To consolidate and expand the idea of ​​the signs of autumn, the seasons.
  • To consolidate the skills of drawing trees (sequence, name of the parts: trunk, branches, crown, leaves).
  • To consolidate knowledge of the names of trees, knowledge of color.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads to the children a poem by A. Kuznetsova "Seasons".

The mother came up with names for her daughters:

Here is Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.

Spring comes - the fields turn green,

And Summer has come - everything blooms under the sun,

And ripe berries ask in the mouth.

Generous Autumn brings us fruit -

Fields and orchards give crops.

Winter covers the fields with snow

In winter, the earth rests and slumbers.

This is a poem about the seasons. Today I read it to you, and then you will learn it in the group. It will help you remember the seasons better.

What time of year is it now?

Is it early or late autumn now?

Yes, autumn has come. She delighted us with colorful leaves, leaf fall. It's late autumn now.

Guys look at the picture. (Looking at a picture about autumn.)

What is shown on it? What tree names do you know? What colors did autumn paint the trees with? (Red - aspens, yellow birches and lindens, orange - maples, oaks - green, pines and spruces remained green as in summer.)

What color did you see the leaves? (Yellow, red, brown, crimson, golden, yellow-green, spotted, orange.)

Guys, today we will draw an autumn forest. Trees can be arranged in different ways: in a semicircle, along the road, on a hill, 1-2 trees in the foreground, and others in the distance. Tree trunks vary in thickness, height and color.

Children draw trunks and branches of trees on a white landscape sheet, on the ground and near the trees. in green- grass.

Guys, put your drawings aside, let them dry, and now we will do exercises, and then draw a crown - leaves and leaf fall.

Physical education minute

We are leaves, (stand freely, hands up.)

We are leaves

We are autumn leaves (swaying).

We were sitting on a branch

The wind blew - they flew (scatter).

We flew, we flew (running, spinning)

And then they got tired of flying (squat down).

The wind stopped blowing

We all squatted in a circle (squat down)

The wind suddenly blew again (they scatter again)

And the leaves quickly blew off (waving their hands).

All the leaves flew

And they quietly sat down on the ground (they go to their places).

After a physical education minute, the children draw the crown and leaf fall with pokes (the leaves fly around from the trees and lie on the ground). Guys, who finished, put your work aside.

While the work dries up, the children are asked questions: why do the leaves fall in autumn?

The teacher clarifies the children's answers: “Dropping their leaves, the trees are preparing for the winter cold. The leaves cover the ground with a solid carpet and protect the trees from frost. The ground under fallen leaves does not freeze deeply, under the weight of snow it does not become very compacted, retains air, which is very important for various inhabitants of the soil - insects that loosen the ground and make it fertile. In the spring, when the snow melts, the earth retains moisture for a long time. Fallen leaves on the ground are not garbage. They are very necessary for the soil and the plants that grow on it.

Theme: "Autumn Landscape"

Tagil MBOU DOD DYUTS "Rainbow" teacher additional education
This abstract is designed for drawing classes with children 6-7 years old, in a children's and youth center. It can also be useful, not only
additional education teachers, but also kindergarten teachers and
art teachers in primary school. In this lesson, children
get acquainted with the works of artists on the topic " autumn landscape»,
learn and consolidate the concepts of warm and cold colors, draw a landscape
conveying the mood of autumn.
Abstract of a lesson in a drawing studio, a group of children 6-7 years old, topic: "Autumn Landscape"
Purpose: to form the ability to use the desired color scheme for
conveying the emotional and color state of the autumn landscape.
1. introduce children to the works of famous artists, works
which are made, on this theme and in this color scheme
2. consolidate knowledge of warm and cold colors
3. learn to select, mix colors with each other to obtain additional shades
4. cultivate aesthetic taste, accuracy, culture of visual observations;
Equipment: table - color wheel; reproductions on the topic autumn landscape.
Materials: paper, gouache, palette, brushes;
Lesson plan:
1. Organizing time(greetings)
2. Posting the topic of the lesson
3. Explanation of the new tutorial
4. Practical work
5. Summary of the lesson
During the classes:
1. Organizational moment.
- For today's lesson you need: sheet A3, gouache paints, brush, palette, napkin, jar of water. Check if you have everything.
2. Introductory conversation
Guys, I will now read the riddle to you, and we will all guess together.
Leaves fall off the branches,
Birds fly south.
"What time of year?" - ask.
They will answer us: “This is ...” (autumn)
That's right - autumn.
And outside the window we have autumn. The foliage on the trees began to turn yellow, it is raining more and more often, and the wind is blowing so hard that the leaves, spinning, fall on the grass. Today, guys, I propose to draw an autumn landscape. But first, let's see how famous artists painted on this topic.
I want to show you the work of the Russian artist Levitan "Golden Autumn"

What do you see? What is the name of the genre of painting that depicts nature? (scenery). What colors does the artist use to depict trees? So, guys, what is the landscape in this picture? (autumn). On what grounds were they identified?
And now look at the next picture "Golden Forest" artist V. Rybakov

Tell me guys, why did the artist name his painting like that? What mood does this picture create? What color are the leaves on the trees? So, how are these pictures similar? (the fact that autumn is depicted in both pictures).

Let's take a look and remember what colors are cold and warm? Look at the color wheel, name the colors that belong to the cold color range. And which ones are warm? Warm colors: warmth, sunlight, fun, joy (the sun loves these colors) Cold colors: peace, sadness, thoughtfulness (The Snow Queen loves these colors).
And so we remembered which colors are warm and which are cold. Remember what a landscape is. It's time to get down to practical work.
Practical work
Let's start guys by remembering how we draw trees. What trunks do they have, what branches? How are they located?
Great, let's get started now. We draw a tree trunk on a sheet, and then branches. Now we first take the yellow color, and using the “sticking” method we make the foliage, then we take the orange and make the leaves in the same way, placing the orange leaves next to the yellow ones and then also the red ones. Do not forget that the wind blows, the leaves fall to the ground, immediately draw the leaves under the tree.
When the tree is ready, you can draw another one. After that, mix on the palette, yellow with white and add a drop of red to it, you get a nice warm color, paint over the background. The drawing is ready!
Summary of the lesson.
Guys, we all got a very warm autumn landscape. You can arrange a whole exhibition "autumn vernissage". Well done!

Abstract of the lesson on unconventional drawing V middle group

Educator: Enina Olga Vladimirovna

Theme: "Autumn"

Target. Introduce children to non-traditional technique drawing, way - print. Develop interest in non-traditional image of leaves; encourage interest in experimentation; develop fine motor skills of the hands; generate cognitive interest; educate responsiveness, goodwill, accuracy, independence.

Material: sketches and illustrations depicting various trees in autumn, landscape sheet, gouache, brushes, autumn leaves with various trees, napkins.

Preliminary work. Observation of nature, looking at trees, learning poems about autumn, reading poetry. picking leaves while walking .

Region Integration: cognitive development, artistic - aesthetic development, music.

Course progress.

Educator. Remember guys how we looked at fallen leaves on the street.

Leaves lie everywhere: in puddles, and on asphalt. The earth is like a colorful carpet.

Educator. Can you please tell me what time of the year it is? (Autumn).

Educator. Name her signs. (it's cool, the leaves have turned yellow, it's raining, the birds fly away to warmer climes).

Educator. Do you like autumn?

Educator. AND I really love autumn! I like to walk on fallen leaves like on a golden carpet.

Educator. Listen to the poems

Child 1.Z. Fedorovskaya "Autumn"

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

I quietly brushed through the leaves with a brush,

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

In autumn purple, only green oak.

Autumn consoles: do not feel sorry for summer!

Look at the grove dressed in gold.

child 2.M. Lessova "Golden Autumn"

The leaves were flooded with sunshine

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Turned yellow and flew

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped on the knots.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!


Leaves are falling, falling (children are spinning with their hands up with the leaves up)

In our garden, leaf fall, (squat)

Yellow, red leaves. (circling, flying)

Birds fly south (run in circles, flap their wings)

Geese, rooks, cranes

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

Educator. We rested, and now let's sit down in our seats.

Look at the image of autumn, the beautiful decoration of the trees.

Educator. Guys, tell me what colors autumn painted the leaves of trees. (yellow, red, orange).

Educator. Isn't it really beautiful in autumn? As if a magician painted everything around with bright colors.


Today I invite you to become wizards yourself and draw a magical autumn picture.

Why magical? And because we will draw in an unusual way- print.

What it is? This is an imprint, from any form, in this case from leaves to paper.

But how are we going to do it? I'll tell you now.

We put our sheet on the oilcloth and cover it with paint with a brush. Then carefully put the painted side on our sheet of paper, press it with a napkin, and then carefully remove everything. (The story is accompanied by a demonstration).

Children work to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Autumn".

The drawings are placed on the stand, the children examine and discuss.

Educator. What leaves, from which tree did you draw.

Educator. Why did you choose this color?

Mark those pic at nk, who has leaves of two or three colors.