Drawing club for middle group children. Work program for the “Watercolor” drawing circle in the younger group

Natalya Golubeva
Club program unconventional drawing in the second younger group"Rainbow of Colors"



1."My favorite rain". (Teamwork. Finger painting) .

Target: To develop the ability to create a collective work in drawing. Develop the ability to form a figurative idea using your hands. Cultivate perseverance, perseverance, independence, and the ability to finish what you start.

We believe that maintaining hate crimes trials at this time is not successful for a variety of reasons. Then Orlin Spasov, who is a representative of “Media Democracy” with him and Georgy Lozanov, then a member of the Broadcasting Council, decided that an unusual type of regulation can be an art, and this is the art of laughter! With this idea we went to Malina Edreva and told her that we want support because we know that it will be good start in Sofia. An experienced person such as Malina Edreva suggested what turned out to be extremely effective - to include students in the Laughter Against Hate project.

2."Merry fly agarics". (Finger painting) .

Target: Continue to introduce children to unconventional technology finger painting. Learn to apply dots rhythmically and evenly over the entire surface of the paper.

3. "Unusual compote". (imprint with apple prints, cork)

Target: Show the technique of making an imprint with an apple or a cork. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate neatness.

Let's start with children and see if they are sensitive to hate speech, if they recognize what its negative effects are. Our team rebuilt the project so that we could include an educational module. The second part was entirely made by Radost Nikolaeva. Street art with students on October 7th is the culmination of our whole idea. The first part was a lecture to introduce a little theoretical knowledge to the students. We were very encouraged that at the 134th university they themselves have a media center and know how to make news.

They are tempted to think in the media. This training module did not start on its own because nothing can be done without colleagues who are committed to our unusual idea regulation of the media environment through “Laughter against Hate”. Among them are lecturers in literature, directors, literary scholars and athletes. In addition, Yordan Yovchev - Titi Papazov, whom we invited to meet the children, and he came and they were fascinated! In our lectures, we used both research from the Democracy in Media Foundation and the latest data from the Open Society Institute.

4. "Rowan Brush". (Finger painting) .

Target: Teach children paint berries with the help of fingers, expand children's knowledge about berries and color. Develop children's interest in drawing.

1."Berry on a plate". (imprint with cork prints, finger painting) .

Target: practice combining various techniques when depicting a simple still life, in arranging the drawing along the entire plane of the sheet.

Negative reactions to various Turks, Roma, homosexuals are visible. Refugees maximize people's negative stereotypes towards the unknown. The media environment, through hate speech and messages about the hat, manipulates their fears and confirms racist stereotypes. In addition to lectures on these studies, the excellent specialist Ivanka Ivanova, head of the legal program at the Open Society Institute, served in the keen attention of the students; the lectures were conducted by a lecturer from the Faculty of Journalism, professor.

Then we had a big discussion with students and employees of the “marginal” - Emil Cohen, Marta Metodieva, together with our fellow literary critic Mitko Novkav, and, as already mentioned, Titi Papazov. Their role was greatly facilitated by good questions asked by students who already understood the basic knowledge as a definition of what constitutes a response to hate.

2. "Potato". (imprint made from potato prints).

Target: learn paint potatoes using potato seals. Strengthen the skill draw with cotton swabs. Inside the image, in a limited space ( "eyes").

3. "Ladybugs on the Lawn".(finger painting) .

Target: continue to introduce unconventional finger painting technique. Strengthen the ability to apply a dot evenly over the entire surface of an object; evoke an emotional response from drawing; cultivate neatness.

Mitko Novkav gave an interesting psychological interpretation of hate speech, which will represent the actual key to our political cabaret that will take place next year and will form the finale of “Laughter against Hate”. With this, we have completed our training part and summer job teachers, who held an essay competition with students on the topic “I am becoming a hater.”

Joy Nikolaeva: In fact, Juliana showed the context of the project as such. Why an innovative street art show? Because this action had its own strategy. From the very beginning, we chose him with the help of Assen Alexandrov, director of the 51st Sofia University. But Mr. Alexandrov said that then there will be a lot of competitions, and we will not be different. So he made me think of a new alternative date. We used World Smile Day symbolically, on October 7, when there was no such event, and we were truly a unique youth event.

4. « Autumn ball trees" (sheet imprint, group work)

Target: learn to make an impression of an autumn leaf. Develop accuracy, ability to cover paint the entire autumn leaf with the corresponding colors, make a composition on a landscape sheet.

1. “Radiant sunshine, why do you start hiding more often?” (foam rubber imprint using a stencil, stamps)

A unique youth street action was announced on the website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. We prepared and planned a competition for a summer author's project, which was both textual and visual. The next thing was to hold art workshops, but we already had, on the one hand, their preparation, because they had gone through debates. They have already written as part of the competition. The art workshops were mainly aimed at demonstrating the methodology of the so-called "Stretch Work", open work.

This is a European trend, a complex thing, a whole new system of knowledge and methodologies. This is street art that changes the urban environment. It was a training to modernize “what is street art”? The visuals, as well as the lyrics, became part of the final show, a street event.

Target: to evoke aesthetic feelings towards nature and its images unconventional artistic techniques; develop color perception

2."Traffic light".(signet imprint made from potatoes)

Target: Continue to introduce the technique of printing circles of the same size. Reinforce knowledge about traffic lights and the sequence of colors in an image. Maintain interest in drawing. Learn to use napkins after drawing.

We concluded that one of the girls in School 23 was able to make a comment on the cartoon about Trump's statement that refugees are like poisonous candy. Executing what is set? Let's learn to work on this reason. People wore T-shirts with slogans that slammed "hate speech." What do youth participating in such an art cause learn, including through a hands-on street event? Here is one result: Theo is 13 years old from school 51. He is the child of a mixed marriage of Ethiopian and Bulgarian parents.

He wrote a wonderful text in which he took part in a street show. Hristo Enev's cartoons were also used at the age of 13. Many people took part in it. Information about the exhibition has also appeared on the website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Marginal After detailed explanations from Mrs. Metodieva, who is the initiator and leader of the project, and Joy Naikolaeva, who, together with her team, is one of the most spectacular and most unusual parts of the project. Such things don't happen every day, while lectures and training seminars do a lot.

3."Sweater for my friends". (drawing with a cotton swab, imprint


Target: introduce technology drawing with a cotton swab; develop initiative, consolidate knowledge of colors; learn to make a basic pattern.

4. « Autumn colors» . (imprint with crumpled paper)

Target: learn paint foliage using crumpled paper, gouache. Develop speech, accuracy in work, imaginative thinking, the ability to select the necessary paint.

Let me give the floor to school representatives. This is what we have included in the school's objectives. The children showed their empathy and their situation in their essay, which was very good. Bulgarian language teachers will even reward them with grades. The paintings are now installed in the hallway and will remain for a long time. The special place will be shared. Theo's text is in the teacher's room and will eventually be hung in their classroom. Annie Paskaleva: Bulgarian has always been historically tolerant. Unfortunately, lately we have seen a lot of hatred and intolerance between people.

1."The snow is fluttering, spinning» . (foam printing technique, finger painting)

Target: consolidation of typing techniques and finger painting, creating figurative snowfall. Develop a sense of color and rhythm.

2. “Fluffy, elegant Christmas tree”.

Target: learn to fill out the outline of a Christmas tree using the poking method. Hold the brush vertically. Expand knowledge about plants. Learn to imitate a fluffy Christmas tree, using the texture created by a poke as a means of expressiveness. Learn to apply a design over the entire surface of the paper.

Unfortunately, in traditional tolerance we are talking about big cracks. Ivanka Valkova, 23rd Sofia University: There are known problems at school. This is growing aggression in the school itself and on the street when everything is happening. Our students - both big and small - who took part in the street art on Vitosha Boulevard were unique, especially our Christo. They need children from such conversations. And with the discussions we had at school and on the street, they were very happy. There must be one continuity.

And it is no coincidence that students ask whether they will draw or write essays again. Juliana Metodieva: Did literature teachers work with children? He thinks that he also had a problem with access to you, or he himself decided to stop it, but his colleagues talked a lot about it.

3. "Cheerful Snowman". (poking with a hard semi-dry brush)

Target: practice the poking technique using a hard, semi-dry brush. Continue to learn how to use such a means of expression as texture.

4. "Bullfinch". (use of stencil, finger painting)

Target: Learn to depict a bird - a bullfinch, using a stencil; rowan using finger painting. Strengthen the ability to work with a foam swab.

And now we talk about these issues both in classes and every hour. This is something you need to talk about. Ivanka Valkova: We invite you to school in the literature class to talk with you. Yesterday our lecturer released a very good film for students from Anatolian Gymnasium. It is one of the largest stateless countries.

A comparative analysis was carried out between what our children have and what these unfortunate children do not have. Ivanka Valkova: We also have a boy from Cambodia. Annie Paskaleva: Recently we also have a lot of children from mixed marriages. And they began to arrive from Ukraine. There is real tolerance, regardless of one's faith. The role of the school is very important in the life of the country. They all go through the hospital and through the school. They contribute a lot to a lot of things. Go back 25 years, today's parents are in their 40s.

1. "My mittens". (stamp imprint with cork, finger painting)

Target: Practice typing techniques. Strengthen the ability to decorate an object by applying the design as evenly as possible over the entire surface.

2. "Starry Sky". (salt crystals)

Target: learn to depict stars using salt crystals.

Then they were at puberty. It is then that meanings and ideas are formed. And in many of them these views and values ​​have been lost. That's why children are now wondering which direction to take, who is right and who is wrong. Keep in mind that there are many divided families. There is irresponsibility in the family itself, from the point of view of the family as a union, in essence. And this is where children's moods come from. About 70 percent may live in single-parent families. This greatly affects emotional development child.

When they learn to study and write, they must learn and learn emotionally, understand themselves and others emotionally. To be able to self-govern, which we missed in education, to self-government. This, in my opinion, is due to the fact that at the central level the official goal of not having hate speech is not always protected and, unfortunately, is not widespread enough. They were the smallest participants in the project. Now we have a class problem with a student who comes from the provinces. The children themselves were not on their feet for the first time, and the whole class wrote a letter, each child in order, two, what suggestions they gave to help those who are not from Sofia, and not to be haters, but to be real people who should live in Bulgaria.

3."Tree in Frost". (technique drawing with semolina)

Target: learn to draw frost with the tip of a brush on the branches of a tree, using "semolina paint» .

4. "Morozko". (drawing with a cotton swab)

Target: improve skills in artistic techniques drawing with a stick. Develop imagination.

And in three days we saw very positive changes in him. This is how such participation forced them to first think about what kind of drawings they were drawing. And the very participation on October 7, when they were even more released. Christo, that's what the boy says, he started, he extended his hand to them, and they accepted you, and they all joined. And this week we helped solve this problem. The students have the basis for this and will offer us excellent solutions, and with the help of Radost Nikolaeva this happened. Adults do little harm to this sense of humor.

They don’t do this, but only the political part, and the part itself is hetero. Although the students are a spontaneous joke. Malina Edreva: This is the most prosperous environment in which we can make changes. Change can really happen when working with young people. It is very difficult to influence relationships, especially changing mindsets. That they can identify the hatred, that they know, how they can react, how to come together and achieve this synergy so that they can help rather than be rejected.

1. "Fluffy Bunny". (poke with a hard semi-dry brush)

Target: improve children’s skills in various visual techniques. Learn to most expressively display the appearance of animals in a drawing. Develop a sense of composition.

2. "Rocket Flying High" (drawing with a candle, salt crystals)

Target drawing with a candle, salt crystals.

3. "Sparrow" (drawing with cereals)

Target: introduce children to technology drawing with cereals)

4. "Chick" (drawing foam rubber using a stencil)

Target: practice in drawing foam swab,

Develop skill finish drawing details using felt-tip pens.

1. "The boat is sailing, sailing". (paraffin painting, applique)

Target: learn to depict the sea using paraffin. Learn to tint half a sheet, depict a boat using the appliqué technique.

2. "Mimosa for Grandma". (drawing with foam rubber)

Target: Practice in drawing with foam rubber. Learn to make imprints at the base of the stem. Cultivate accuracy in work, develop a sense of composition.

3. « Early spring» . (finger painting, cotton swab)

Target: consolidate skill paint trees with paint. Exercise in drawing straight lines. Strengthen the skill finish drawing the leaves(by dipping) with your finger. Develop a sense of composition.

4. "Chamomile for Mommy". (use of appliqué technique, drawing with semolina, millet)

Target: practice appliqué techniques, consolidate skills draw with cereals.

1. "Dandelions". (drawing hard semi-dry brush)

Target: Practice technique poking semi-dry, hard brush. Continue to learn how to use such a means of expression as texture. Cultivate neatness.

2."Goldfish". (use of stencil, foam rubber, cotton swab)

Target: learn to draw a fish using a stencil, using a foam swab or a cotton swab. Develop skill finish drawing details using signets.

3."Sunflowers". (painting with cotton swabs)

Target: learn draw a sunflower using cotton swabs)

4."Egg for Ryaba's chicken" (drawing with cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet)

Target: learn to decorate an egg using cereals.

1. "Caterpillars in the Grass". (finger painting)

Target: Improve finger technique drawing(the body of the caterpillar, leaving no gaps between strokes. Finishing the drawing missing parts with felt-tip pens (paws, grass, sun). Develop color perception. Bring up careful attitude to nature; expand knowledge about insects.

2. "Flower enjoys the sun» . (drawing in cork printing technique (petals and middle of the flower)

Target: Learn paint flower in the center of the leaf. Strengthen the ability to use felt-tip pens, complete simple details(stem, leaves, grass). Strengthen the dipping technique. Develop a sense of composition.

3. "Cat - Matroskin". (application; painting with cotton swabs)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes; practice composing images from figures; continue to teach draw with cotton swabs.

4. "Bouquet of lilacs". (finger painting)

Target: improve finger technique drawing. Develop a sense of composition.

Inna Vasilievna Tolstikova
Curriculum for the drawing circle in the 2nd junior group “Multi-colored palms”

Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 25 "Umka"

Sayanogorsk, Republic of Khakassia

Training work program for additional education

Drawing circle« Multi-colored palms»

2 junior group

Explanatory note

N.K. Roerich spoke beautifully about the importance of art in people’s lives in his essay "Gateway to the Future": “Art will unite humanity. Art is one and inseparable; art has many branches, but the root is one. Art for everyone. Everyone feels the truth of beauty." Plato said What: “...from beautiful images we will move on to beautiful thoughts, from beautiful thoughts we will move on to a beautiful life, from a beautiful life to absolute beauty.”

Drawing helps the child to learn the world around us , teaches you to carefully observe and analyze the shapes of objects, develops visual memory, spatial thinking and the ability to imaginative thinking. It teaches accuracy of calculation, teaches one to recognize the beauty of nature, think and feel, fosters a sense of kindness, empathy and sympathy for to those around.

Fine arts classes provide endless opportunities for comprehensive development children preschool age. Meeting art at every level, teaching children to see the beauty in life and art, active creative activity every child, the joy from the consciousness of beauty - all this affects the mind, soul, will of a growing person, enriches his spiritual world.

Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him awaken within himself creativity, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful boundless world.

The integrity of any work of fine art lies in the artist’s reflection of his inner world, his attitude towards environment, in emotionality and expressiveness. The sooner we develop the emotional and sensory world of a child, the brighter he and the products of his creativity will be.


Formation of an emotional and sensory inner world, development of fantasy, imagination and creative abilities of preschool children.


Teach non-traditional techniques drawing and image methods using various materials.

Introduce children to fine arts different types and genres, teach to understand the expressive means of art.

Teach children to see and understand the beauty in life and art, to enjoy the beauty of nature, works of classical art, surrounding objects.

Lead children to create an expressive image when depicting objects and phenomena environmental activities.

Develop the ability to evaluate created images.

Develop emotional responsiveness when perceiving pictures and illustrations. Draw children's attention to expressive means, teach them to notice color combinations.

Develop children's creative abilities.

To cultivate children's interest in visual arts.

Foster a culture of activity and develop cooperation skills.


Colored pencils;

Watercolor, gouache, brushes;


"Tools" For drawing in unconventional ways drawing;

Colored paper;


Monitoring of children attending circle is held 2 times a year.

Expected result:

Significant increase in the level of development of creative abilities.

Expansion and enrichment of artistic experience.

Developing the ability to interact with each other.

Mastering the simplest techniques drawing.

Working with parents

Involving parents in creating conditions in the family conducive to the most complete assimilation of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in mug.

Educational work with parents in the form of consultations and visual information.

Methodological support:

2. S.K. Kozhokhina Journey into the world of art - program development of preschool children M.: TC Sfera, 2002.-192p.

3. Melik-Pashayev A. The child loves paint: How to promote children's artistic development. - M.: Chistye Prudy, 2007.-32 p.: ill.

4. Grigorieva G. G. Baby in the country Watercolors: M.: Education, 2006. – 111 p.: ill.

5. E. P. Arnautova Teacher and family. – M.: Publishing house. house "Karapuz", 2001.-264 p.

6. R. G. Kazakova Drawing with preschool children age: Unconventional techniques, planning, lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005.-120 p.

7. Doronova T. N. Education of children 2-4 years old drawing, modeling, applications in game: M.: Humanitarian. ed. center VLADOS, 2004.-152p.

Program content

October 1 Pictures on the sand Creating images on sand: drawing stick on dry sand, prints palms on wet sand. Comparison of the properties of dry and wet sand.

2 "My funny ringing ball" Drawing round bicolor items drawn figure.

3 Multi-colored balls Drawing oval objects: creating outline drawings, closing a line into a ring and coloring to follow the outline drawn figure. Complementing the image with pencil drawings (strings on balls).

4 Beautiful leaves Mastering artistic technique printing. Getting to know paints. Painting leaves (by dipping in a bath) and the creation of images - prints. Development of a sense of color.

5 Berry by berry (on the bushes) Creating a rhythmic composition. Combination of fine technician: drawing twigs with colored pencils and berries with cotton swabs.

November 6 Leaves are dancing Mastering technology painting with a brush(rinsing, picking up paint, dabbing). Drawing autumn leaves– prints on a blue background (sky). Development of a sense of color and rhythm.

7 “The breeze blows slightly!” Creating an image of autumn wind. Further acquaintance with the brush. Mastering technology drawing curved lines all over the sheet of paper.

4 It rains more often

drip-drip-drip! Drawing rain with fingers or cotton swabs based on the cloud depicted by the teacher. Development of a sense of color and rhythm.

9 These are the legs of a centipede! Mastering technology drawing vertical lines. Finishing the drawing legs of a long centipede depicted by the teacher. Development of a sense of form and rhythm.

December 10 Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs! Creating the image of a hedgehog in collaboration with teacher: finishing drawing"needles"- short straight lines. Complement the image as you wish.

11 The snowball is fluttering, spinning Creating an image of snowfall. Reinforcing the reception drawing fingers or cotton swabs. Development of a sense of color and rhythm.

12 Striped towels for forest animals Drawing patterns of straight and wavy lines on a long rectangle. Development of a sense of rhythm (alternating 2-3 colors in a pattern or different lines) .

13 Festive Christmas tree Drawing festive Christmas tree in collaboration with the teacher and others children: drawing straight lines with a brush – "branches" from "trunk".

January 14 Blizzard Drawing chaotic patterns using the wet technique. Liberation of the painter hands: Free drawing of curved lines. Developing a sense of color (perception and creation different shades of blue) . Highlighting and designating the blue tint.

15 Delicious pictures Introducing a new species drawing– coloring outline pictures in coloring books. Mastering the method of solid filling of a silhouette. Creating interest in "revival" and coloring the picture. Development of perception.

16 Help yourself, bunny! Further development of the technique of coloring contour pictures. Playing off and adding to the picture - depicting a treat for the character (carrot for bunny).

February 17 Baranki - Kalachi Mastering technology drawing rounded closed shapes. Consolidation of a skill painting with brush and paints(hold correctly in hand, move along the pile, rinse, pick up paint).

14 Kolobok rolled along the path Drawing based on the plot of a fairy tale"Kolobok". Creating an image of a kolobok based on a circle, a winding path based on a wavy line with loops. Independent use of such expressive means, like line, shape, color.

19 "Let's wash" towels Mastering the technique drawing straight horizontal lines. Development of a sense of color and rhythm. Creating a composition based on a linear drawing (laundry is dried on a line).

20 Patchwork Quilt Create an elegant look patchwork quilt using paints and brushes in collaboration with the teacher. Mastering a skill drawing within the intended space.

March 21 Flower for Mommy Mastering the technique of coloring an image with two colors (optional, highlighting the center and petals.

22 These are the kind of icicles we have! Drawing icicles with paints. Mastering the method drawing vertical lines different lengths brush. Development of a sense of form, color, rhythm.

23 Sun Creating an image of the sun from a large circle and several rays - straight lines extending radically from the circle. Development of thinking and perception.

24 Streams are running and babbling Drawing brook in collaboration with the teacher. Mastering the method drawing wavy lines, placed horizontally. Development of a sense of form and composition.

April 25 These are the bridges we have! Creating a composition in collaboration with teacher: drawing bridges of 4-5 horizontal or arcuate lines, placed close to each other.

26 Chickens Create expressive images of yellow chickens walking on green grass. Independent selection of art materials.

27 Multicolored Self-service checkboxes drawing beautiful patterns on the flags different shapes . Fostering independence and confidence. Development of a sense of shape and color.

24 Ladybug Drawing expressive, emotional image of a beetle "Sun" (ladybug, based on a green leaf cut out by the teacher. Development of a sense of color and shape.

May 29 This is our fireworks display! Creating a beautiful collective composition in collaboration with the teacher. Drawing fireworks lights using unconventional techniques (dabbing with a tampon, rag, stopper). Experimenting with different art materials and tools. Cultivating interest in observing beautiful phenomena in surrounding life and their reflection in the visual arts.

30 Little Birds Creating a vivid emotional response in children to unusual way creating images. Introducing the ability to capture images using fingerprints palms. Understanding the relationship between form palms and the outlines of the depicted object (birds are flying). Providing conditions for co-creation to create a collective composition.

31 Rainbow-arc Creation of an image of a fairy-tale rainbow and colored kingdoms (optional, development of creative imagination.

32 Exhibition works Summing up the year. Exhibition design.