What needs to be done to get your youthful face back? How to restore youth to your skin? Methods and recipes How to restore youth by all available means.

Miraculous words: how to restore the beauty of your face, prayer in full description from all the sources we found.

Today, every woman strives to be attractive, no matter what. To look amazing and evoke admiring exclamations from men, women are ready to do a lot.

Thus, considerable amounts of money are spent on expensive cosmetics, visiting various beauty salons and fitness centers. A beauty spell can help you avoid all this and thereby save money. Today, a huge number of magical rituals are known that are aimed at imparting beauty to different parts of the body.

To become more attractive and beautiful, there are a variety of rituals that can be divided into several groups:

  • Attractiveness;
  • For the beauty of the face;
  • For beautiful legs/arms and fingers;
  • For a slender figure;
  • For healthy beautiful hair;
  • To restore its former beauty;
  • To get rid of shortcomings and so on.

Often this kind of ritual is used by both young girls and older women. The former, with the help of magic, strive to cleanse the skin or remove blemishes; married women try to maintain their beauty in order to always remain attractive to their man. Older women strive to restore their former beauty and eliminate emerging flaws - wrinkles, sagging, etc.

Spells for beauty and health are carried out on a new moon or full moon, when the magical energy is most powerful.

Through magical rituals you can easily restore not only the beauty of your face, the freshness of your skin or the slimness of your figure. Conspiracies can eliminate many shortcomings, such as wrinkles, acne, or restore muscle elasticity. Magic spells can be cast on cream, water and other means to achieve the goal. It is important to strictly carry out the ritual and not violate the instructions, otherwise there may be consequences.

For the conspiracy to work, you need to know some of the features of its implementation. First of all, you need to believe in the magic and power of the words of the conspiracy prayer. Reading the text is permitted only in a collected and concentrated state.

At the time of the ritual, the person must be completely calm and relaxed, all his thoughts must be directed exclusively at the purpose of the conspiracy and its implementation.

Most spells to attract beauty should be performed on a new or full moon. In this case, some object should be spoken, for example, cream. The magical rituals of Natalia Stepanova are widely popular among the people, but they often cause consequences. It is important to remember how strong the ritual is, so great will be the retribution for it.

Effective rituals for beauty

Most often, according to the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, it is possible to restore beauty during the full moon or new moon. So, it is easy to bring beauty to your face, and the appropriate spell will allow you to improve your skin health, which should be carried out during the full moon. In this case, the prayer is read over the water. Having filled the container with more than half of the liquid, you need to stand in such a way that the Moon is reflected in it. Then the prayer is said three times and the container is left overnight. In the morning after taking a bath, shower or sauna, you should rinse with the enchanted water.

A strong conspiracy for youth and beauty is carried out on the new moon. The lunar calendar will help you find out the moment of the new moon or full moon. It is during these hours that the text of the conspiracy must be read. This ritual allows you to add beauty not only to the face, but also gives the skin freshness and shine, tightens the figure and makes the whole body attractive. This ritual is considered “white”.

To cast a cream for daily use, you need to read a special prayer for it three times at noon.

Daily use of the cream gives facial skin youth and beauty.

There are also separate conspiracies for a beautiful figure. The weight loss ritual is carried out immediately after the full moon, and it should be performed by a relative of the person who wants to get a beautiful figure. The ritual is performed over holy water in the kitchen in the evening. You need to place a glass of holy water on the dining table, cross yourself three times and read the “Our Father.” Then speak water, then sprinkle it on the dining table and wait for it to dry. Throw the remaining water out the window.

What is the price to pay for beauty?

It is very simple to bring beauty to your face and body with the help of spells - you can use a cream to rejuvenate your skin with every new day, you can take the advice of the Siberian healer Natalya and carry out spells for a beautiful figure on the new moon, but no one can say with certainty at what moment you will receive a beautiful face will have to pay.

The payback may be very different. So, at some point, the figure may deteriorate, and the person may begin to suffer from excess weight or anorexia. Often conspiracies lead to deterioration of health and the appearance of various diseases. The new moon and other astrological phenomena will not be able to help in this case. To avoid such retribution, you should not abuse the advice of the healer Natalya, because Natalya herself often warns of possible consequences.

Useful spells:

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Beauty conspiracies: comments

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All my life I thought that conspiracies were nonsense and a relic of the past, I brushed aside my grandmother’s advice, scolded her, and did not take her seriously. Until trouble happened, against the backdrop of a surge in hormones, I gained 15 extra kilograms, was literally plump from a small apple, and even trouble began with my skin! I never had anything like this even during adolescence! I spent a lot of money on cosmetologists, but as soon as I dealt with one problem, another immediately popped up. In the end, I reconciled myself and went to my grandmother for advice, but all she could remember was that there were conspiracies for water, but she no longer remembered either the words or the essence. And then I came across Natalia’s conspiracies! I don’t abuse them, as she advises, and I don’t expect a miracle at all, I don’t give up and take care of my figure and appearance. But the spells still helped, the weight moved from a meter point, and the cosmetologists said that there were minor problems and consequences left to be treated.

Spells for female beauty and attractiveness

Every person wants to be beautiful and attractive, especially a woman. She is able to captivate the looks of men and cause envy in women. To be beautiful, young ladies spend a huge amount of time in beauty salons, spending considerable financial savings on their needs. However, every girl can become the owner of delicate skin on her face and hands without visiting expensive salons. Ancient recipes, rituals and conspiracies of our ancestors will help you cope with the most complex and insoluble problems. After all, it is worth remembering that in the distant past, women could maintain beauty and attractiveness without cosmetology. Thanks to white magic, they had impeccable beauty and a unique charm.

Every girl can become the owner of delicate skin on her face and hands without visiting expensive salons.

Types of rituals

A conspiracy for beauty and youth can be of various types. It all depends on the person’s target direction and the object of the ritual, as well as on the ritual participant himself. Beauty conspiracies can be aimed at:

  • for relief from wrinkles or skin pigmentation;
  • for attractiveness;
  • to restore elasticity and firmness of the face and hands.

Regarding conspiracies related to objective things, they are performed on a person’s slender posture and figure, on the shine and fullness of hair, on healthy nails and teeth.

Regarding the target direction of the ritual, it is performed to preserve beauty, restore youth, attractiveness, and get rid of shortcomings. The range of magical rituals for beauty and attractiveness is quite wide and varied. Every woman has the right to choose for herself what she likes best and what suits her best. Also, the conspiracies of the healer Vanga can be classified as a separate niche of magical rituals. Among the female audience, these rituals and recipes associated with prayers and creams are widely popular. Since the white magic of beauty has always attracted the attention of the fair half of humanity.

An effective spell using water

This beauty spell must be performed every morning for thirty days, then rest for two weeks and repeat again. It would be ideal to turn the ritual into a daily hobby and do it constantly. Waking up early in the morning, fill a basin with water, read the “Our Father” three times, and then the prayer:

“The angels who came down from heaven drank the living water and left it for me, and it turned from simple to living, healing. Having washed myself with it, I will become beautiful and young, I will become pretty for my beloved, beloved for people. Amen".

The spell for water should be performed every morning for 30 days.

Read the spell once, then wash your face and hands with the charmed water. By reading magic words daily, soon all men will pay attention to you and look with admiration. However, it is worth remembering that no need to stop using creams. Witchcraft cannot replace cosmetic items.

Plot for daily cream

This spell for youth is read on the cream that you use daily. After regular use, the skin will be elastic and soft, and you can forget about wrinkles forever. To make your skin glow with beauty and health, at twelve o’clock in the afternoon, whisper over the container with cream:

“White swans, you are slender and beautiful, be my helpers. Charge my cream with your energy and strength. So that my face shines with beauty and freshness. My wrinkles disappeared, and my eyes began to shine with delight and joy. Amen".

After reading the prayer, the cream is ready for use. When you apply the product to your face, constantly think about your beauty and youth.

The main plot to always be attractive

An attractiveness spell will help you to be the most beautiful, young and charming for many years. Our ancestors used this ritual and passed it on for generations. Thanks to the conspiracy, the woman completely changes, she becomes attractive and capable of driving any man crazy. White magic can not only change the appearance, but also overcome the spiritual difficulties of the young lady.

Where does the conspiracy to become beautiful begin? This will require object items that are used regularly. This could be: a comb, a mirror, a cosmetic pencil, cream or eau de toilette. To ensure a positive outcome of the ritual, perform it on a new moon. It is the night sun that will restore beauty in the best possible way.

Thanks to the conspiracy, the woman completely changes, she becomes attractive

After twelve o'clock at night, take a personal item and say:

“My luck is in my hands, it will only bring me happiness, and will only act as a talisman, protecting me from bad weather. It will give you the beauty and tenderness of a sunset, gorgeous hair and youthful skin. My talisman is my protection from old age and bad weather. Amen".

Read the words several times, and be sure to believe in the power of magic. Always carry the enchanted object with you, do not tell anyone that you performed the ritual. Before going to bed, always recite the spell so that you can see changes in a few days. Any person nearby will admire your attractive appearance.

Spell on cream to be attractive

Every person dreams of a cream that can give eternal youth, but, alas, such a masterpiece has not yet been invented. However, a charmed cream will help fight wrinkles and premature aging. This ritual is performed before sunrise, early in the morning. You need to buy a new cream, sit in front of the mirror, carefully look at your face, apply the cream and whisper the magic words:

“I am the most attractive. Let the wrinkles leave my face and hands, and let age leave my soul. Like a dove I want to be young, cheerful and cheerful, like a swan I want to be graceful and beautiful. Mother Nature, help me not to lose my appearance, give me protection and youth. Amen".

Then apply the product to your face every evening, mentally asking the Lord for help. After fourteen days, the plot to become attractive will take effect. Your acquired attractiveness will not go unnoticed by men. This conspiracy has the same effective power as Vanga’s white magic.

A simple conspiracy from the soothsayer Vanga

There is not a person in the world who has not heard of the Bulgarian healer Vanga. Her recipes and magical rituals are known throughout the world. Here is one of Vanga’s effective white magic spells for female beauty.

Bulgarian healer Vanga

The ritual is quite simple, buy two candles in the temple and use a large mirror. After midnight, place candles on the sides of the mirror miracle, take off all your clothes, remaining in the Eva costume, say three times:

“The servant of God (name) stood before you, endow me with beauty, I will go into an open field to the golden throne and turn to the angel. I pray, I am baptized, I trust in you. Amen".

Vanga's conspiracy is endowed with enormous power and has quick and effective results. You will please not only men, but also yourself.

Vanga's conspiracy in the bathhouse for beauty and attractiveness

Vanga left this ritual behind to all women who arrive at the age of forty. It is at this time that external changes in a woman’s skin and figure occur. But you still want to please yourself and others. Vanga was a person with an open soul and a pure heart, so her prayers will definitely help all the girls.

Buy a linden broom, put it on the table, sit on a chair and say:

“I banish old age, remove infirmity, but welcome beauty. Let rough hands become beautiful, worn-out legs become soft and smooth, let the worn-out figure become young, beautiful and smooth. Let my eyes sparkle, my hair shine with light, my body become young and flexible and desirable to everyone. Amen".

On Vanga’s advice, you need to sit on a shelf, hitting your body with a broom, and read several times:

“I drive away sickness and old age, I welcome beauty and youth.”

A conspiracy in the bathhouse will remove all negative energy

This procedure will remove all negative energy. After the prayer is said, you need to wash yourself seven times with cool water. Attention, it is important not to shout so that the positive energy does not leave you. When you leave the bathhouse, put on a beautiful outfit and use cosmetics, mentally imagining your attractiveness and youth. According to Vanga’s advice, get rid of the broom so that all adversity and old age remain on the leaves of the linden broom. Interest from the male sex is guaranteed; from now on, everyone around you will like your appearance.

Vanga's conspiracies have enormous power, you just need to pronounce them correctly and carry out the ritual. To do this, you need to learn the magic words by heart and all male attention will be focused on you.

Magical full moon bathing

This ritual for youth and beauty is suitable for the summer period. When the sun sets and the moon is reflected in the river, you need to go into the pond. There must be a full moon on this day so that the conspiracy does not have the opposite effect on a person. When entering the water, admire your reflection and say:

“Moon, you are beautiful and omnipotent, give my body beauty and youth. Take away all old age and illness. Amen.

For the result to be effective, you cannot wipe yourself with a towel; the water must dry on its own.

A person dreams of eternal youth and beauty. With the help of the above magical rituals, conspiracies and prayers, it is not difficult to achieve the desired result. Believe in the magical power, it will help you always stay on your toes!

It is very important for a person who reads conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness to be extremely careful. He must understand the meaning of every word. When pronouncing them, think about them, try to feel their rhythm. Every cell of your body should come into contact with magic words, go in unison with them. For the result to be stunning, you need to do everything right and not skip even the smallest part.

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White magic beauty spell to instantly become beautiful

The conspiracy to become very beautiful and attractive to all people - men and women - is very old and previously only the supreme witches and sorcerers knew him. Time passed and magic books containing conspiracies and magical rituals inducing beauty, attractiveness and grooming became the property of everyone. People quickly realized the benefits of magic, with the help of which you can very quickly get what you need. Money, health, love and beauty are the main directions of magic accessible to everyone, and anyone who wants to can independently perform a ceremony and read a conspiracy - a spell, because there is nothing complicated about it! Today, conspiracies will tell you about the magic of beauty and will reveal an ancient and very effective beauty conspiracy, and after reading the spell given to you to induce beauty and attractiveness, you will instantly become the most beautiful, people will begin to reach out to you with magical power, wanting to enter your social circle. Straightaway after the beauty spell, your life will change completely - you will become a constant object of attention of others, strangers on the street will pay attention to you and try to make acquaintances. If you are ready to be the center of attention, this conspiracy is exactly what you need to become very beautiful and charming. A spell read on water will help you become beautiful and well-groomed.. You need to wash your face with charmed water every morning, so it’s not for nothing that people say “beauty requires sacrifice,” in this case, time to read the spell every day. Yes, be prepared for the fact that every day you will have to pour a mug of water in the evening and read the words on it beauty spells leave the enchanted vessel on the windowsill so that in the morning you can complete the ritual and wash yourself with the enchanted water. Now that you know the whole ritual of white magic that brings beauty and attractiveness to a person, you can read the conspiracy:

From a soft bed to a clean lake,

With parental blessing,

I will draw some water from the well of heaven.

That vodka is more valuable than gold rings,

Miles of stone chambers and silver cups.

I will wash my white face in it and will seem like a young fellow,

Old old men, old men, decrepit old women,

Young girls, old widows

More beautiful than the red sun, the clear moon, the morning ray.

My beauty would appear to everyone and everyone at every hour,

Every minute and every day,

It would fall on their hearts and eyes.

I think every woman wants to become beautiful and attractive, and this spell for magical beauty can be used without fear of consequences - this is white, harmless magic without any consequences other than magical beauty and attractiveness. The spell for beauty must be read in the forest, and before the ritual you must not eat slaughter food for three days (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, caviar - only plant-based). Arriving in the forest, find a feminine deciduous tree (birch, linden, alder) that has dry leaves (the best time to put on beauty is autumn, but such trees can be found at any time of the year). To enhance your attractiveness, stand under your chosen tree and

A conspiracy for large breasts should be read if you want to enlarge your breasts with the help of magic; as a result of a conspiracy for breast growth, the volume will not exceed 2 sizes, and the breasts will tighten and become beautiful and elastic. If you have small breasts and there is a need to increase the size of your breasts without surgery by a couple of sizes, the spells will not tell you the old magic ritual for breast enlargement, but you need to read a strong spell for breast growth at home. To perform a magical ritual, wait for the waxing moon and, taking a bra that you will no longer wear, stand with your heels in its cups and say the words

A special and very old spell designed for hair growth will help speed up hair growth. In Rus', girls have always used the magic of beauty and performed various rites, rituals and spells with the reading of conspiracies inducing magical beauty and attractiveness. The spell for hair growth was especially popular, because a strong and long braid has always been in fashion. If there is a need to grow your hair very quickly, giving it strength and volume, then this spell read on hair is perfect for this purpose. It is better to read a plot for hair growth on a full moon or only on a waxing moon, when lunar magic more strongly promotes growth and health

Women and girls continue to read conspiracies to increase their attractiveness to men and bring beauty and youth to themselves. And what kind of conspiracy will help you bring beauty and youth to yourself, the conspiracies will tell you now. Buy an inexpensive ring and wear it on the ring finger of your left hand for three days without taking it off, and on the 4th day, going outside to a deserted place, remove the ring and bury it so that no one can see, saying over this place a conspiracy for beauty and youth that increases your attractiveness to everyone

For blemishes and acne, it is common for people to read a spell for a clean face, which in a week will clear the face of acne, blackheads and red pimples, leaving the skin on the face clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of former problem skin. The most powerful spell for facial beauty should be read using a specially prepared decoction in which you need to wipe the skin on your face 2 times a day for 7 days, only in this case the beauty ritual will make your facial skin clean and beautiful and once and for all clear your face of acne, pimples and black dots. Are you ready? The magical ritual begins with the preparation of a potion - a decoction for this needs to be steamed in a thermos, 25 grams of parsley and dandelion leaves, add a pinch

The most powerful spell for facial beauty and attractiveness that any woman can read on her own is read at home with a glass of water. The consequences of the beauty conspiracy come instantly! As soon as you have carried out a ritual for beauty and, having read the spell for a clean face, wash your face with the charmed water, irreversible processes will begin to occur in the skin of the face that affect the condition of the skin by moisturizing and cleansing it. The illusion of rejuvenation and attractiveness is created for the people around you. It was this spell for the beauty and youth of the face on the new moon that witches read in the old days in order to be beautiful and liked by the men around them. Years have passed and the words of the conspiracy and the correct description

A spell for a cream against age spots is the best magical remedy that can quickly get rid of age spots on the skin of the face and body with the help of magic. This magical method of removing age spots from the skin has existed for many centuries and is a truly magical remedy for women on whose skin age spots have appeared. Previously, in order to get a cream for a conspiracy, you had to work hard and gather the necessary ingredients to prepare a special potion yourself. Nowadays, cream for pigment spots is sold freely and everyone can buy a good cream that eliminates skin pigmentation at an affordable price. Taking the cream home and reading it

This plot helps in treating facial skin from acne, blackheads and acne; it is called a spell for clear skin. Immediately after reading this plot, the very next morning the skin on the face and body becomes clean and healthy. You need to read the spell for clear skin strictly at midnight on Thursday 3 times in a row, while pouring clean water on yourself from head to toe from a ladle. Immediately after reading the plot three times, you need to wipe yourself from face to toe with a new white towel, always without a pattern. In the morning, you need to take the towel on which the ritual was performed to clean your skin and get rid of acne and acne to the forest and, having found any aspen, tie the towel to an aspen branch. Don't go home

Rituals and spells for the beauty of the face and body that can enhance the effect of beauty and youth are a very effective remedy. Witches and sorceresses knew about preserving beauty, youth and attractiveness with the help of lunar magic; now rituals for bringing beauty are independently used by women all over the world. After reading a special plot, you can instantly become inimitable and sweet in the eyes of all the men and women around you. It is this conspiracy from the section of beauty magic that will help get rid of some shortcomings and flaws in appearance and make your face beautiful, well-groomed and attractive, and this happens, of course, with the help of white

Rating 4.3 Votes: 46

There are no women in the world who are indifferent to their appearance. Some demonstrate this clearly, others hide their emotions from prying eyes.

The beauty of youth given by nature, alas, is short-lived, and the moment comes when you really want to turn back time and return your face to its former freshness.

Looking closely at women’s faces, the question involuntarily arises: why is it that age does not spare some, while others seem to be timeless?

The answer is simple: those who love the world around them and themselves, including themselves, know the secrets of youth and enjoy using them.

As the French say:

“There are no ugly women, there are only unkempt women.”

The face is what is always in sight, what is most often paid attention to from the outside. The beauty of the face is very vulnerable, and it is on the face that all our emotions, physical well-being, the tricks of age, the consequences of bad habits, poor nutrition and lifestyle are reflected.

To maintain your body in good physical condition, to be fit, to have elastic muscles, you need to move more, perform certain exercises, and periodically seek the services of a massage therapist to normalize blood circulation. And everyone knows this.

But not everyone thinks about the fact that the face also has muscles, which require some effort to maintain their elasticity. Facial muscles are in constant motion, responding to all our emotions.

In this case, only certain muscle groups are involved in the work, as a result of which the connective tissue is overstrained and instead of tightened skin, creases and premature wrinkles are formed.

Without simple facial exercises, the situation with age-related skin changes only gets worse.

Our task, by performing simple exercises, is to activate blood circulation in the face, while wrinkles are smoothed out, their depth is reduced and new ones do not appear.

I would especially like to draw your attention to the fact that facial gymnastics is relevant already when girls begin to be interested in their mother’s makeup bag, in other words, the sooner you start regularly performing facial gymnastics, the longer you won’t have to think about age.

When performing exercises, you need to sit deeper on a hard chair and straighten your back.

Forehead exercises, allowing you to remove traces of a hard day at work and anxious thoughts.

  1. The palm is located above the eyebrows, pressing the skin on the forehead, while raising and lowering the eyebrows, feeling the resistance of the muscles. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  2. With the middle and ring fingers of both hands, the growth points of the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose are pressed, while movements are made to frown the eyebrows, as if expressing dissatisfaction. Performed 10 times.
  3. Remember your childhood and wiggle your ears. For those who are unable to do this exercise, mentally imagine that you are adjusting glasses that are slipping off your nose without helping with your hands.

Eye exercises

Very thin skin around the eyes, and the absence of glands that produce fat, create the most problematic areas, where small wrinkles - “crow's feet” - appear first, dark circles and bags under the eyes form.

  1. Open your eyes as wide as possible and count to three, then relax your eyes without closing them. Performed 10 times.
  2. To strengthen the upper eyelid, use your index fingers to hold the skin at the outer corner of the eyes, forcefully opening and closing the eyes. Performed 10 times.
  3. To strengthen the lower eyelid, press the bone under the eyes with three fingers, looking up, try to squint. Performed 10 times.

Exercises for sagging facial contours

  1. Puff out your cheeks, count to three and suddenly return to normal. Do the exercise 10-15 times. Then inflate your cheeks one by one, as if moving air from left to right and vice versa. Also 10-15 times.
  2. Cover your mouth with your palm so that your fingers cover your cheeks, and try to smile, resisting the muscles of your cheeks, as if you want to hold back a smile. Smile and relax, and do this 10 times with both hands.

Exercise for seductive lips

Lip gymnastics allows you to lift the corners of your mouth and make your lips smooth and elastic.

  1. Open your mouth wide, rounding it. Press your upper lip to your teeth and try to smile at the corners of your mouth. After repeating the exercise 10 times, you will feel some burning in the corners of your mouth, which means everything was done correctly. Keeping your mouth in the same position, lightly rub the corners of your mouth with your index fingers for half a minute.
  2. Pull your lips out like you are ready to kiss someone, remaining in this position for a few seconds, then smile widely without exposing your teeth. Repeat 10 times.
  3. With your mouth open, pronounce the letters “A”, “O”, “U”, “Y” in turn, without stretching or compressing your lips too much. This exercise helps keep the orbicularis oris muscle toned.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin

An effective exercise will help get rid of a double chin and prevent neck sagging.

  1. Close your teeth and use the tip of your tongue to press alternately on the hard palate, soft palate, and base of the teeth. Feel how your double chin reacts. It is useful to repeat this exercise many times during the day, at any convenient time in any convenient place.
  2. With your chin resting on your fists, forcefully open and close your mouth. After doing the exercise 5 times, stick out your tongue and repeat the same 5 more times.
  3. Move your chin forward, protruding your lower lip so that your teeth are exposed, and say: “Isk-ss.” Do the exercise 10 times.

This set of exercises is quite effective, and within two weeks your complexion will noticeably improve and its contours will be more clearly defined.

How to restore youth and beauty? Without expensive creams and exhausting operations...Very simple!!!

And technology will help you with this

How? Now I’ll explain…..
A person is a complex bio-computer, capable of self-adjustment and self-regulation.
But, like any computer, it needs a command and a program. And since all the programs are embedded in us from birth, all we have to do is get the desired file in our memory and show it the path. Simply put, we need to choose a moment in our life when all systems of the body were in a 100% healthy and energetically strong state and give a command to our subconscious to return them to this state.
In this technique, such a command program is your photograph and memories, which will allow the subconscious to retrieve the required file from the depths of memory and launch it into execution.

To change something, think new thoughts about new results. Joe. Dispensa.

1. Setting up a program - an image for the return of youth

You will need a photo that shows you between 18 and 30 years old, that is, one that shows you as old as you would like to look and feel. Paste it on a sheet of paper whose perimeter is 8-10 cm larger than your photo.

At the top of the photo, write in numbers the age captured in the photo. Below the photo is the word - HEALTH. On the left is a vertical letter under the letter - YOUTH, on the right - SPIRITUALITY.

Get alone for 10-15 minutes (nothing should distract you). Hang this template on your wall. You can turn on the music that you liked at the age corresponding to the photo. Sit comfortably in front of this template. It is advisable that candles burn on three sides of the template - below, on the left and on the right, but there must be one at the bottom.
Concentrate your attention on the photo. Then, begin to mentally unwind the tape of events in your life to the age corresponding to the photograph. At the same time, try to remove unpleasant events from your memory using the command program:


Say the program 3 times each time.
Having reached the desired moment (year), stop and turn to your photo, speak and feel the program:

For a couple of minutes, look at the photo and remember yourself at that age.

2. Putting the youth program into action

Rub your palms forcefully, spread them 8-10 cm apart and feel the energy (heat) coming from the center of your palms. Then, send this energy into the photo by extending your arms towards the photo. Without giving up, close your eyes and take an energy cast from your photo. To put it simply, think of your image as a beauty mask. Place this cast on your face and hold it with your fingers.

Next, send the image of your real face (amplifying it with the energy coming from your palms) straight through your head, to the back of your head. The image should be kept there for about 1-2 minutes. Now run your palms over your face, straightening and smoothing. With your palms together, say the program:

Do this technique once a day for a month, and you will see for yourself “that it is possible to restore beauty and youth, you just need to trust your subconscious, believe in yourself and not give up on your goal.

If you notice the addition of new wrinkles, age spots or dark circles under the eyes, do not rush to buy tons anti-aging cosmetics to restore your facial skin to a beautiful and healthy appearance.

Before pumping the skin with useful substances, you should thoroughly cleanse it of accumulated toxins and toxins, and also try to restore blood and lymph circulation, helping to activate self-cleansing.

You can do these procedures yourself at home, without resorting to the services of beauty salons.

Cleaning your facial skin

Detox from various accumulated toxins can be successfully carried out at home. In this case, ordinary lotion or milk will not be enough. For a good effect, you will need special creams, peelings and exfoliants for the facial skin, as well as wraps with honey, green tea, algae, sea salt, clay and healing mud for the body.

Exfoliate at least twice a week. This will help you get rid of the layer of dead cells and promote more effective removal of toxins.

Peeling for all skin types

Natural peeling cream for all skin types can be prepared by mixing 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil with a spoonful of kiwi pulp and semolina. The composition is applied to cleansed facial skin for twenty minutes, after which it is gently rolled off with your fingertips. After removing the peeling, rinse your face with warm boiled water and apply a nourishing cream.

Honey masks

In addition to peeling, you should use honey masks twice a week to cleanse the skin of toxins. Recipes for masks may be different, but you need to remember that honey masks are not recommended if you are prone to rosacea. Apply honey masks to previously cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes.

Improving lymphatic drainage of facial skin

To activate the movement of lymph in the subcutaneous tissues, it is recommended to perform lymphatic drainage massage with elements of facial gymnastics.
Press the semicircles under your eyes with your fingertips, close your eyes, overcoming the resistance of your fingers, and count to five. Repeat 2-3 times.
Press the outer edges of your eyebrows with your fingers, close your eyes and slowly count to five. Repeat 2-3 times.
Lightly press the skin on your cheekbones with your palms and, gradually increasing the pressure, count to 10. Release your palms. Repeat 2-3 times.
Press the skin at your temples while massaging the inner ends of your eyebrows for a count of five.

Steam baths for face and décolleté

Steam baths are very good at opening pores, cleansing and stimulating skin cell renewal, and also improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the capillaries. Use steam baths once a week.
To prepare a steam bath, take 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and peppermint leaves. You can also use sage and yarrow. Pour 3-5 liters of boiling water into a saucepan and place on low heat, maintaining a simmer for 10 minutes.

After this, sit down, placing a pan with the resulting broth on a stool in front of you. Bend slightly towards the pan, cover yourself with a wide terry towel or a flannelette blanket (so that the pan is also under the blanket) and carefully, trying not to get burned by the steam, open the lid. Hold your face over the steam rising from the pan for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the skin with warm boiled water and exfoliate. After peeling, apply a honey mask.

By regularly performing these simple procedures, as well as using a properly selected