What is peeling gel? Detailed instructions for using peeling

To keep your facial skin young and beautiful longer, you need to take proper care of it. One of the popular cosmetic procedures is peeling, which is carried out using special compounds that can renew the epidermis.

Application rules

There are different ways to perform peeling. They differ in the depth and nature of the effect on dermal cells.

Before the first procedure, you need to test for the absence of an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the prepared composition is applied to inner part wrist or elbow bend and leave for 5 minutes. If there is no redness, itching or other undesirable symptoms, you can begin cleaning.

Today they are popular various types peelings that can be done at home.


This method of facial cleansing is performed by exposing the skin to exfoliating particles. The procedure involves using scrubs and gommages to cleanse the skin.


  1. Remove makeup and impurities from your face using a cleanser.
  2. For more deep cleaning You should steam the skin over steam for 5–7 minutes. To do this, you need to bend over a container of boiling water or a decoction of herbs, covering your head with a towel.
  3. Rub a small amount of peeling composition into the skin with massage movements, moving from the center of the face to the periphery. Duration of exposure is 3–5 minutes. It is not recommended to touch the area around the eyes.
  4. Rinse off the product with water at room temperature.
  5. Apply moisturizing cream to your face.

For oily dermis, it is recommended to perform mechanical cleansing once a week, and for dry dermis – once every 2 weeks.


Exfoliation is carried out using biologically active substances. During home peeling, use ready-made cosmetic compositions or natural products containing acid (fruits, vegetables, dairy products).

The procedure goes as follows:

  1. Cleansing the skin and removing makeup using milk, micellar water or cleansing gel.
  2. Applying the composition to the face (except sensitive skin around the eyes). The action time depends on the acid concentration. Peeling compositions purchased at the pharmacy are kept on the skin for no more than 5 minutes, and berry pulp or kefir can be left to act for 20–30 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the product with warm water.
  4. Applying moisturizer.

Acid peeling is carried out no more than once every 10 days.

After home exfoliating procedures, no special recovery measures are required. However, it would be useful to limit exposure to the sun (if necessary, only using sunscreen), as well as visiting the sauna and solarium.

Before using facial peeling, it is recommended to consult a specialist who, after examining the skin, will select the most suitable composition and method of exfoliation.


There are some restrictions on exfoliation:

  • Allergy to the composition.
  • Scratches, wounds, cuts on the skin of the face.
  • Presence of pustules.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Herpes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation (for unnatural and aggressive formulations).
  • It is recommended to refrain from facial cleansing during the season of high solar activity.

For peeling at home, it is better not to use concentrated and professional products. Such products require special conditions and application technique and can cause harm to the skin if used ineptly or incorrectly.

Composition selection

You can prepare a homemade peeling product yourself from natural products or buy a ready-made composition.

Let's consider what components will help cleanse the skin when different types skin:

  • Dry. Low-abrasive components (flour, coffee grounds, pine nuts, crushed wheat flakes) are suitable for mechanical exfoliation of keratinized particles. The most suitable compositions for the chemical procedure are fruit pulp or juice, fermented milk products, honey, and herbal decoctions that are applied to the face.
  • Fat. More aggressive agents are used (salt, soda, ammonia, boric acid, cane sugar).
  • Normal. Peeling for this type of epidermis is preventive in nature. Vegetable pulp, coffee grounds, crushed tea leaves, ground oatmeal and nuts are suitable for the procedures. In order not to provoke thinning of the skin of the face, you should not get carried away with abrasive components.
  • Fading. Aging dermis should not be subjected to aggressive cleansing methods. Gentle peelings with fermented milk products(kefir, yogurt, sour cream), with oatmeal and milk, poppy seeds and sea ​​salt with the addition of softening ingredients (vegetable oil, egg yolk, cream or honey).

When choosing a peeling composition, you need to take into account your skin type, age, the possibility of a recovery period, as well as the expected result. Best results can be achieved by using additional accessories (glove, brush or washcloth) during the procedure.

Peeling cream in care

Facial peeling cream combines the exfoliating substances of a scrub and the softening components of a cream. This is a 2-in-1 product that is designed for effective skin care. It was especially appreciated by women who value their time, who are unable to do a classic peel due to the high sensitivity of the epidermis, and also if they have rosacea on their face.

Peeling cream contains components that cleanse and nourish the skin of the face. Particularly effective is a product containing alpha hydroxy acids (aha acids).

Taking care of your skin with peeling cream is easy:

  1. Make sure there are no allergies to the ingredients of the composition used.
  2. Clean your face of makeup, dust and oil.
  3. For the best effect, steam the skin so that the pores open well.
  4. Rub the peeling cream over your face using gentle circular movements for 2 minutes. Leave the composition for 10 minutes.
  5. Wash your face thoroughly with warm water.

Moisturizing or nourishing cream It is not necessary to apply after the procedure. It is better to do manipulations an hour before bedtime.

Depending on the type of skin and its contamination, peeling cream is used 1 to 3 times a week for a course of up to 20 procedures.


With the correct selection of the composition (taking into account the characteristics of the facial skin), the exfoliation procedure promotes:

  • Improving blood circulation.
  • Deep cleansing of the skin.
  • Narrowing of pores and regulation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Fighting acne, blackheads, comedones.
  • Skin regeneration, activation of elastin and collagen production.
  • Whitening skin and improving complexion.
  • Smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Facelift.

Systematic peeling will provide the necessary cleansing for the skin, activate recovery processes and eliminate various cosmetic defects.

Prepare your skin for home chemical peeling.

  • If you are taking any prescription tretinoin product, such as Retin-A or Differin, stop using it at least 1 week before your peel. Tretinoin is a form of vitamin A acid that is often used to treat acne or to minimize the appearance of small and deep wrinkles. These products have the potential to irritate the skin, which may affect the outcome of the peel.
  • Perform a gentle cleansing routine 24 hours prior to treatment using a gentle facial scrub. After washing the skin, apply a pH solution to prepare the skin for peeling.
  • Do a test on an area of ​​skin before a chemical peel.

    • The test will show you how your skin will react to the peel. Testing should be performed on the forearm or small area skin below the ear at the hairline. Leave the test solution for at least 1 minute before rinsing it off with water.
    • Check the test area after 24 hours. If the skin appears normal around the tested area, continue with the skin rejuvenation procedure. If irritation such as redness or tenderness occurs, reduce the concentration of chemicals in the peel solution and try a different test. If you have signs of an allergic reaction, such as enlarged swelling or itching, try a lower concentration of active ingredients (glycolic, salicylic, or trichloroacetic acid) in the peel solution.
  • Cleanse your face before applying the chemical peel solution.

    • Use water and soap without detergent to avoid drying out the skin before peeling. Finish the cleanse with a mild astringent such as witch hazel or the prepared solution that comes with your chemical peel kit.
  • Apply an even layer of the chemical peel solution to the skin.

    • Use a cotton swab or swab to apply the process, starting with the less sensitive areas of the skin around the forehead, chin and cheeks. Continue applying chemical peels to your lower eyelids, nose, and neck. Apply the solution evenly or the results of the chemical peel will be inconsistent.
    • Most chemical peel kits are not recommended to be left on for more than 1-2 minutes, depending on the type of peel and the concentration of chemicals in the solution. Examine your skin for signs of irritation. Although a mild burning sensation is acceptable, if the skin begins to feel cold or intense sharp pain occurs, wash off the peeling solution immediately.
  • Peels are used to exfoliate the outer layer of skin and dead cells that accumulate and add extra years to your appearance. In fact, every day you lose more than 30,000 dead cells.

    Benefits of using peelings

    • Help eliminate and prevent the appearance of spots on the skin;
    • Gives the skin a natural shine;
    • Accelerate the emergence of new cells;
    • Accelerate the process of collagen formation;
    • Improve blood circulation;
    • Help prevent the occurrence of wrinkles and skin laxity;
    • Makes the skin softer;
    • Help the skin cleanse itself of toxins and saturate itself with oxygen;

    How to use facial peeling?

    Apply a little peeling onto previously cleansed skin and, without waiting for it to cool, apply with light circular movements. Apply all over the face, being careful to avoid overly sensitive skin like the eye area. If you decide to exfoliate your thighs or buttocks, etc., massage these areas much more vigorously until you notice that blood circulation has been restored. Leave the ingredients on for one to two minutes and then rinse with water. Your skin will be more hydrated if you use oils and add them to these recipes. If you have very dry skin, the moisturizing procedure can be repeated.

    How often should you use peels?

    You should not use peelings too often, because you also need to take into account natural process cell regeneration. That is why we recommend using them no more than once a week.

    Peeling for dry skin

    When choosing peels for dry skin, it is worth considering that it needs to be exfoliated much more carefully and no more often than once every fifteen days. That is why the base of this recipe is sodium bicarbonate, which has a very good texture and exfoliating properties, and is ideal for facial skin and sensitive areas.

    Add sodium bicarbonate until olive oil and stir until the bicarbonate becomes the color of butter.

    Peeling for combination skin

    Care combination skin requires much more attention, because it has both oily and dry areas. That is why peeling should be quite gentle. Basically, we will focus peeling on the area oily skin, or as it is often called the “T” zone (forehead, nose and chin).

    Here we will again need sodium bicarbonate, but this time, we will mix it with a less fatty oil, like almond or sesame oil.

    We will also need orange zest, preferably organic, which will provide peeling with an incredible aroma and make it even more useful.

    Peeling for oily skin

    Oily skin requires weekly deep exfoliation. IN in this case, use sugar as a base, which is slightly harsher than bicarbonate. Mix it with natural or store-bought aloe gel. Then add the zest of one lemon and, if available, a few drops of lemon essential oil.

    Peeling for acne skin

    Skin with acne requires especially careful treatment, because acne is a small inflammation. Peeling for this skin type is very good idea, it will help to constantly cleanse the skin and eliminate impurities.

    Mix sodium bicarbonate with aloe gel, also add a few drops of coconut oil and a few drops of essential oil tea tree or palmarosa.

    Body peeling

    The skin of the body is not as sensitive as the skin of the face. This is why you can try using a much deeper peel to improve blood flow to areas such as the thighs, abdomen, buttocks or arms. That's why, as the base of this recipe, we use coarse salt, which is ideal for body massage and fights blood circulation problems, cellulite, stretch marks, etc.

    Add coconut oil and, as another option, rosemary essential oil, which will help further increase blood circulation.

    Often poor ecology, ultraviolet radiation, stress, hormonal imbalances, age-related changes slow down this process. As a result, sebum captures dead cells, preventing them from being removed on their own. As a result, the pores become clogged, inflammation appears, the skin becomes dull and gray, and the turgor becomes sluggish. In this case, you need to take control of the process and regularly use a gentle and effective exfoliant. The ideal option is a peeling roller.

    What is peeling sheet?

    This is a truly Asian invention. The principle of operation of the product consists of two actions:

    1. Delicate dissolution of dead horny cells of the epidermis (keratinocytes) using cosmetic acids (fruit, salicylic, lactic and others);
    2. Absorption of dissolved keratinocytes by cellulose particles. Microcellulose particles capture dead cells and impurities, rolling them into many balls.

    Efficiency of peeling sheets

    Unlike scrubs, peeling rolls do not contain any traumatic particles (microballs, crystals, pieces of apricot kernels, etc.). Therefore, if aggressive scrubs are contraindicated for those with problematic, inflamed, sensitive, dry, thin skin, then exfoliation with suitable peeling rollers is not only possible, but necessary!

    Peeling rolls are atraumatic and act very gently. During use, you cleanse the skin with gentle massage movements. Light massage with peeling rolls:

    • enhances microcirculation;
    • stimulates cellular metabolism;
    • accelerates regeneration;
    • eliminates stagnant processes.

    How to use peeling roll for face

    Using peeling rollers is not at all difficult:

    1. Cleanse your skin and pat your face dry with a towel.
    2. Squeeze out the required amount of product and spread it evenly over your face, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips.
    3. Leave the product on your face for exactly the time indicated in the instructions for your rolling gel (usually 1-2 minutes).
    4. Lightly, using your fingertips, begin massaging the skin in circular movements for 1-2 minutes. Do not overdo it so as not to injure or stretch the skin. But take your time special attention T-zone areas. You will see that the peeling is working when cellulose pellets begin to form under your fingers.
    5. Wash your face with warm water, rinsing off the cellulose beads and peeling residue.
    6. Proceed to the next steps in your daily facial skin care routine.

    As a result of regular use peeling rolls (1-2 times a week depending on skin type):

    • microrelief is leveled;
    • pores are cleansed and tightened;
    • pigmentation lightens;
    • complexion improves;
    • skin looks fresh and healthy.

    The use of certain types of peeling rays is possible even for some dermatological diseases (hyperactive skin syndrome, rosacea, acne and some others).

    How to choose a peeling roll for the face

    Peeling rolls differ in several parameters: skin type, additional impact, active components, as well as texture and form factor. Now let's take a closer look at each parameter.

    By skin typePeeling rolls can be:

    • for all skin types. The vast majority of peeling rolls are suitable for use by owners of any skin type - from oily to dry.
    • for problem skin. As a rule, in compositions contains components with antiseptic properties that eliminate inflammation and accelerate wound healing.
    • for sensitive skin. Such peelings work , do not injure or dry out intolerant skin.

    The main task of peeling sheets, as we have already found out, is to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis and cleanse the pores of impurities. However, the compositions of all products, in addition to cellulose and acids, are additionally enriched with other care components.

    That's why on additional impact Peeling rolls are divided into:

    • calming;

    Contains soothing peeling gel from Tony Moly contains aloe vera extract, famous for its ability to relieve irritation and redness, moisturize and soothe sensitive skin.

    • moisturizing;

    Moisturizing peeling rolls contain green tea extracts (Deoproce ), hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed marine collagen (Secret Key ), acerola and aloe vera extracts (Ottie ), peach extract (Baviphat ), lotus extract and flower extract complex (Tony Moly ).

    • nutritious;

    Peeling cream from Tony Moly enriched with banana extract and yogurt proteins, which, in addition to cleansing, provide high-quality nutrition to the skin.

    • relieving inflammation;

    One of the components that has antiseptic activity and is similar in action to salicylic acid is black willow extract. In addition to disinfecting and treating acne, black willow also stimulates cell regeneration and soothes (It`s Skin ). The products may also contain extracts of David's elm root, figs, and white water lily flowers (Etude House ).

    • brightening;

    Among the components that lighten pigmentation and delicately whiten the skin are pearl powder (Tony Moly

    Components that prevent early skin aging include extracts of ginseng, honey locust, snake cucumber root, soybean and golden bean fruit (Deoproce), extract.

    It is worth noting that, as a rule, Korean peeling sheets have a complex effect on the skin. That is, they not only cleanse and exfoliate, but also moisturize, brighten, fight inflammation, remove redness, stimulate cell renewal, and help smooth out the microrelief.

    Despite the content of active ingredients, we must not forget about other facial care products. Peeling roll is just an additional tool.

    Peeling texture Available in gel and cream. However, the texture in this case does not affect the effectiveness.

    By form factor.Peeling rolls are produced:

    • in tubes (most often);
    • in bottles.

    Regardless of the type of packaging, using peeling rolls is always convenient. Both the tube and the bottle “come out” exactly as much product as you need, without excess.

    It should be remembered that peeling rays - although proven effective remedy, but not a panacea for all problems. It is important to take comprehensive care of your facial skin: properly cleanse, tone, nourish and moisturize and, of course, regularly exfoliate dead epidermal cells using peeling rolls.

    By regularly using peeling rolls, you can definitely count on an excellent exfoliating effect, cleansing pores, restoring smoothness, increasing elasticity, lightening pigmentation and evening out your complexion!

    The skin of the face needs daily cleansing and for this today a variety of products are used - scrubs, lotions, gels.

    Professional gel peelings for skin cleansing Cosmetologists actively use them in beauty salons; such products can also be used at home.

    With deep cleansing you can even out skin tone, eliminate acne, blackheads, and get rid of flaking.

    Gels refer to preparations for chemical peeling. Contains glycolic and fruit acids, natural essential oils, as well as small particles for cleaning.

    When choosing a product, it is important to consider your skin type. So, for sensitive skin, gommage gels are recommended, which contain small particles that do not damage the skin.

    Girls with dry skin should not resort to using gel peels more than twice a week.

    Cleansing gel can be divided into several types depending on the active component.

    Such active components may be:

    • fruit (tartaric, malic, glycolic, lactic) or AHA acids – have a small molecule, dissolve in water, are eliminated from the body quickly enough, the effect of use is short-lived,
    • BHA hydroxy acids (only salicylic acid is used for cosmetic procedures) are fat-soluble, the molecules are large and have low penetrating ability, they have an aggressive effect on the skin and are gradually eliminated, but the result of use is long-lasting,
    • enzymatic peelings– have a delicate effect, can be used for any skin type,
    • biologically active substances– peptide and retinoic (with vitamin A).

    The most in demand today is glycolic peeling gel, which has anti-aging properties. Glycolic acid is a natural component found in sugar cane and green grapes.

    Has the property of minimizing skin hyperpigmentation. Renews the upper layer of the epidermis, promotes the production of elastin and collagen, and increases skin tightness.

    After using the product, a good lifting effect is observed, the skin texture becomes smoother, it is moisturized, and fine wrinkles are eliminated. Procedures with this product are especially effective in the autumn-winter period.

    Body peeling gel used as a scrub for gentle exfoliation, anti-cellulite effect, and elimination of stretch marks. It removes dead skin, preparing the skin for treatment with active care ingredients.

    Excess fluid is removed from the body, heaviness disappears, and microcirculation improves. The product is suitable for use 2-3 times a week, applied with massage movements and washed off with water.

    What does exfoliating gel peeling do - how to use it

    At home, it will solve the following problems:

    • remove hardened cells,
    • improve blood circulation,
    • start cell regeneration,
    • restore skin elasticity,
    • get rid of small wrinkles,
    • restore complexion.

    To carry out the procedure you will need:

    • the gel peeling itself,
    • brush or sponge,
    • tonic for removal.

    The skin must first be cleaned and degreased, and the pores must be opened using a water bath.

    IMPORTANT! You can start the procedure only when there are no inflammations or wounds. After the start of exposure to the gel, redness may appear, so it is best to resort to the procedure on a day off so as not to go outside.

    • The product is applied to steamed skin and rubbed in with massage movements. It is not recommended to touch the areas around the eyes and lips.
    • Then leave the product for another 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. After the face is dry, apply a moisturizing cosmetic.

    During the procedure, tingling and burning sensations are possible. You can relieve redness with a compress of green tea and a string.

    What to choose?

    • Works with organic papaya extract and AHA acids. Deeply cleanses pores, tones, provides hydration and nutrition.
    • Avon gel - contains salicylic acid that penetrates deeply into the skin. Helps in the fight against acne, has an anti-inflammatory effect, exfoliates. The active components included in the composition narrow pores. It has a thick consistency; the convenient bottle allows for easy squeezing.
    • Glycolic peeling Belita– produced by a Belarusian manufacturer. Improves blood circulation, helps fight signs of photoaging, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and reduces signs of skin hyperpigmentation. Sold in convenient packaging with a dispenser.

    • For those with dry and sensitive skin, the procedure is recommended no more than twice a week,
    • for normal, one procedure every seven days is enough,
    • oily skin will benefit from treatments at least twice a week, and more often if necessary,
    • Mature skin is thinner, so the use of peelings should be careful and gentle and no more than once a week.

    Precautionary measures: refuse the procedure in case of exacerbation of acne, inflammatory processes, dilated blood vessels.

    Be sure to test for possible allergies; if you find an allergic reaction to the components included in the composition, do not use it under any circumstances.


    To create mixtures, cosmetic companies mainly use acids from grapes, grapefruit, orange, pear, apple, and lemon.

    They are often supplemented with sugar cane extract, milk, as well as potent components - glycolic and lactic acids.

    Fruit acids are not completely harmless; they can cause allergies, redness and irritation.

    Peeling with them should not be done by people with damaged skin, acne scars, or enlarged pores.

    With proper and regular use of the product, you can achieve the following effective results:

    • removal of dead cells,
    • removal of toxins,
    • removing dirt, blackheads,
    • stimulation of skin renewal,
    • slowing down the aging process,
    • increasing skin elasticity,
    • even out complexion.

    Unlike aggressive chemical peels exfoliating gel with fruit acids causes only slight redness, it goes away not after a few weeks, but after a day or two.

    If you do not have time for long-term recovery, this option will be optimal. It, like a mixture with glycolic acid, can be used both in young and adulthood.

    The procedure for applying peeling gel with fruit acids begins only after the cosmetologist makes sure that there is no damage to the skin, since acids penetrating deep into the skin will certainly cause irritation. Also, do not apply the product if you have any skin diseases.

    IN beauty salons may offer a procedure for preparing for peeling - applying a special emulsion for several days.

    The product can only be applied to skin without makeup. The cosmetologist cleanses the skin, after which he applies a gel with a pre-selected composition, taking into account the characteristics of the client’s face.

    The product is kept for about three to seven minutes. During this time, burning and tingling sensations are possible. Then the product is carefully washed off and moisturized the face.

    Over the next few weeks, it is not recommended to sunbathe, use scrubs, or visit a bathhouse or sauna, and to eliminate possible redness, you should use cooling ointments.

    After completing the procedure, you can almost immediately return to your normal life. You can perform a light cosmetic massage with a hypoallergenic product.

    The optimal interval between procedures is six to eight weeks so that the skin has time to recover.