What to do if a baby cries for no reason. Do we understand a baby without words, or why does a newborn baby cry? Children's cry as communication

He fell and cried. They weren’t allowed to sit in front of the TV - she was crying. They forced her to put away her toys and she started crying again. In general, he always cries, for any reason and even without it. Yes, this is your child. Whiner, crybaby, capricious - you can call him whatever you want, but this will not change his behavior. At first it frightened you, then it irritated you, and now you are simply in a panic, because you understand that if the problem is not solved, then either you yourself will go crazy, or you will bring those around you to this state. Don't panic. You are not alone. In the sense that almost every second family experiences similar problems. So a child crying for any reason is not your personal punishment, this is the harsh reality of many Russian fathers and mothers.

Misconceptions and myths about baby crying

Most adults have already forgotten how difficult it is to be a child. They look down on their kids and do not understand them at all. Misunderstanding leads, at best, to indifference, and at worst, to aggression. At the same time, adults are confident that they already know what needs to be said to a crying little person and how to behave correctly with him. Alas, they don’t know. Therefore, it’s time to debunk some myths about baby crying.

Myth No. 1. Children always cry over nothing.

In the world of adults there is a clear gradation: grief - problem - trouble - trifle. This classification is unknown to a child. For him, everything is grief. Losing a toy is a disaster. Can’t find the second sock – an absolutely hopeless situation. Mom, leaving for work, was in such a hurry that she didn’t have time to kiss her - how can you even live after that? This is a child's characteristic - a heightened perception of anything. So children don’t cry over trifles. They don't have trifles.

Myth No. 2. The phrase “men don’t cry” is the key to raising boys properly.

Who and when was the first to utter these words, for which more than one generation of men are paying with their health, is no longer important. It is important to understand that they are categorically incorrect and extremely harmful. After all, everything is quite the opposite: men cry, and the category of masculinity is not determined by the number of unshed tears. It is no coincidence that all psychologists unanimously recognize this method of raising boys as monstrously erroneous.

Myth No. 3. It will go away on its own.

Many parents are convinced that if you don’t pay attention to a crying and naughty child, then sooner or later he will calm down on his own. Like, the less you react to tears, the less often they will be shed. Maybe so. Maybe the child will actually calm down for a while. The only problem is that children’s tears always have a reason, and if they are suppressed, the reason will remain unidentified, and therefore the problem will remain unresolved.

Why do children cry?

First, let's rule out medical factors - we take the child to a neurologist and endocrinologist. If doctors discover health problems, we will get treatment. If the child is fine from a medical point of view, we look further for the reasons for children’s tearfulness.

The following options are possible:

  • Your child is a great manipulator. Once he realized that his tears did not leave you, the parents, indifferent, he began to shed them at every opportunity to get what he wanted from you. And you are happy to be deceived, as long as your dear blood doesn’t get upset or, in the worst case scenario, just shut up.
  • The child is actually in pain. Mentally or physically, it doesn’t matter. It is important that you feel this and understand that tears are not a whim, but a medicine. This is exactly the case when “it won’t go away on its own.”
  • The child lacks your attention. He knows that as soon as he cries, everyone will fuss around him. The first time it happened by accident, and then, driven by loneliness or some other negative state of his, the child called you to him again and again through tears. Maybe he just wants to be close to you, and you don’t even know it.
  • Your child has increased sensitivity, so his tears are always somewhere nearby. His hyperemotionality simply does not allow him to react to the world around us more restrained. Therefore, the child will learn about him through crying - both when he feels good and when he feels bad. And it is unlikely to change with age, which should not be a cause for concern for you. After all, sensitive people are kind. And kindness is in short supply these days.
  • Your child has low self-esteem. He cries because he feels sorry for himself, and he feels sorry for you too, because he is sure that you are unlucky with him: he is a bad child.
  • There is an unhealthy atmosphere in your family. Adults at home are constantly arguing, shouting at each other and at the children. What else can children do in such a situation but cry with or without reason? Their nervous system day by day it becomes more and more unstable, and tears are almost the only means of protection from the aggression of the outside world, crying as an emotional release.
  • The child has not developed social communication skills. He does not know how to establish contacts with other children, and other children feel this, they begin to tease and bully the loser, who bursts into tears, which causes another wave of bullying, and so on in a circle.

Do you still think that children cry over nothing? No? Then let's decide what to do next.

How to help a child who is crying

It is forbidden

  • Suppress, shout, threaten, resort to physical violence. “If you don’t shut up now, then I don’t know what I’ll do to you!”, “Stop crying, I said!”, “If you don’t stop crying, that stranger over there will take you away” - familiar phrases, right? But by saying them, you yourself become a manipulator. And very aggressive. Meanwhile, the child will withdraw into himself and harbor a grudge. And she won’t stop crying.
  • Ignore the tears. It’s like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, and a child, in case of danger, folding his hands over his head and saying: “I’m in the house.” The illusion of not being involved in the problem will only make it worse.
  • Forbid the child to show his feelings. Suppressing emotions can lead to a nervous breakdown.
  • Succumb to obvious tearful provocations and follow the lead of the little manipulator.

It is possible and necessary

  • Talk to your child as often as possible - he must learn to express his desires in words, not tears. He will be able to cry later, after he tells what worries him. True, then he most likely won’t want to cry anymore.
  • React calmly, without shouting, to a child’s cry. If a child’s crying is joined by an adult’s hysteria, the result will be a collective hassle. The rule of silence and calm will be especially useful if the child tries to pressure you with his tears. As soon as he realizes that nothing is working out for him, he will calm down himself.
  • Switch the child's attention. Was the baby upset, offended, or hurt by something? Distract him from this childhood tragedy, find a reason for childhood joy. Children have short memories. A few minutes - and he will forget about the reasons for his tears.
  • Accept a sensitive child for who he is. Do not reproach him for weakness, but, on the contrary, praise him for his kindness and sensitivity.
  • Be there when the child feels bad, and rejoice with him when he feels good. This way he will have before his eyes a personal example of an adequate emotional response.
  • Strictly, clearly, but without malice, explain to the child every time in case of whims that crying is allowed only for a reason, and crying for no reason is no longer good.
  • Come up with a reward system for the child’s good behavior. Celebrate every day without whining and whims.
  • Reconsider your own parenting behavior. In the end, children's crying is a reaction to our adult world, which children cannot change yet.

In general, in order to teach your child to adequately perceive the world around him, without hysterics and crying, you first need to pass the parental aptitude test yourself. And then the child’s crying will no longer be a punishment for you, but will become a signal that the little person really needs help.

A baby’s crying is always associated with key stimuli and needs, so among the main reasons for crying are the following:

  • feeling of hunger;
  • thirst;
  • desire to attract attention;
  • pain;
  • discomfort;
  • fear;
  • overwork;
  • hypothermia;
  • overheat.

At the first stages, the mother is not yet able to determine by the nature of the crying what exactly the little child needs. However, in the process of getting used to different types crying becomes recognizable because the intonation, volume and duration are different in each case.

Video - How to calm your baby

Most often, a child cries because he is hungry, in pain, or afraid. In such situations, the newborn cries most loudly, invitingly and heartbreakingly. Characteristic signs will help you recognize which of the listed reasons is bothering your baby at a given moment.

  1. Hunger crying is often very loud, prolonged and intense. Over time, the little one begins to seem to choke. In such a situation, the child will begin to intuitively search for the breast immediately after he finds himself in his mother’s arms.
  2. Crying caused by pain is very pitiful and somewhat desperate. However, if the child feels sharp and sudden pain, then the screams will be loud and the crying will be loud.
  3. Crying from fear, as a rule, has notes of hysteria. It starts abruptly and ends abruptly. In such a situation, it is very important to quickly calm the child down and not wait until he calms down on his own. This contributes to the emergence of additional trust between the baby and mommy.

Often the baby cries when it is cold or overheated. IN in this case It is very easy to determine the cause, since the skin is either very hot or supercooled. Mom can easily determine this by touch.

Sometimes the baby cries from fatigue and then you should not try to entertain him with rattles and funny faces. The baby just wants to sleep.

Reasons for crying in your sleep

Sometimes a child starts crying out of the blue in his sleep. Experts are sure that this is always due to one of the following reasons:

  • hunger;
  • bad dream;
  • uncomfortable posture;
  • pain;
  • desire for mother's attention.

Basic ways to calm a crying baby

Regardless of the nature of the crying and its causes, there are several universal ways that will help a young mother calm her baby.

Method 1

One of the most common methods is swaddling. You should not confuse diapers with straitjackets, because, unlike this “form of clothing,” diapers warm the baby and allow him to take a comfortable position. In addition, wrapped in diapers, the baby again remembers his mother’s womb, where he spent so much time. The most important question to be resolved in such a situation is how tightly to swaddle the toddler. Experts recommend tightening the diapers quite tightly, but the child should not be completely constrained in his movements.

Method 2

Another option is to place the baby on your lap along your legs. Most often, the baby settles comfortably in a warm and comfortable cavity.

Method 3

One of the most powerful instincts in infants is the instinct to suck. Knowing this fact allows you to quickly calm your baby down. As soon as your baby starts crying, give him a pacifier. In a matter of minutes, the baby should calm down. Experts conducted a study, the results of which showed: a pacifier can protect against the syndrome sudden death a baby that terrifies all mothers without exception.

Method 4

This method is associated with sounds, since some babies very often need unobtrusive noise. The fact is that, being in the mother’s tummy, the baby is accustomed to hearing different sounds: from the physiological processes occurring in the woman’s body to the noise that surrounded her in real life. If you create a similar atmosphere for your toddler, he will feel like he is in a familiar environment and will quickly calm down.

You can turn on pleasant, calm music or TV - this is not of key importance. The main thing is to adjust the volume correctly so that the baby is comfortable. You can remember what you watched or listened to while you were pregnant to recreate those times as much as possible for your baby.

Method 5

This is one of the simplest and most popular methods that has been helping young mothers for many years. Taking crying baby in your hands, you need to quietly and soulfully pronounce the sound “shhhh”. Gentle intonation and soothing noise will help the child calm down. According to the pediatrician, you need to “shush” loudly enough. Otherwise, the baby simply will not hear you because of his crying.

Method 6

You can calm your child down with a simple conversation. If the baby is worried and crying, then start telling him some nice words, looking into his eyes. In this way, you can let your baby know that you are nearby and can protect him from any troubles. The little one should feel supported and cared for, so it is better to accompany any action with a conversation.

Method 7

It is very important to provide the baby with movement. The fact is that during your stay in mother's womb the child gets used to constantly moving, because there the baby swims or bounces along with the mother’s movements. You can try to recreate the same environment, as it helps the baby calm down and fall asleep faster.

You can try rocking the baby in your arms or using auxiliary objects, such as a lounge chair or cradle. If they are not there, then the chair with the baby can be placed on any vibrating surface. But it is very important not to leave the child unattended, as this can be dangerous.

Method 8

With her own hands, a mother can relieve any pain. Infants Parents' touch is especially important. To calm your child, you can give him a light massage:

  • undress the toddler and place him on his back;
  • stroke the baby’s legs and arms with slow movements, linger on the tummy;
  • turn the baby over onto his stomach and massage his back with circular movements;
  • don’t forget to say kind words or sing your favorite melody quietly.

Such actions will distract the baby and quickly calm him down.

Method 9

In most cases, babies cry due to colic in the tummy. They are caused by bottle feeding, since in the process the baby inadvertently swallows air, which puts pressure on the baby’s stomach. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, it is recommended to purchase an anti-colic bottle, which was invented specifically for these purposes. The creators of the anti-colic bottle made sure that a vacuum did not form in it. As a result, the baby may not tear himself away from the container.

Let's return to the issue of colic. Because small child cries, he swallows even more air, which aggravates the pain. Consequently, there will be more gas, which means more crying. It is necessary, if not to prevent air from entering, then at least to help get rid of it. Most often this is done through regurgitation. To do this you need to do the following:

  • gently slap on the back;
  • hold it in a “column” at the shoulder.

Method 12

However, the reason for crying may be external discomfort, not internal. The first step is to check the baby's diaper, and then see if the baby is overheated (or overcooled). To do this, you should feel the baby's arms, legs, neck and nose. If everything is in order, then you should give the baby water - maybe he is just thirsty.

It makes sense to put different clothes on the little one or change the lighting in the room. One of these actions will help eliminate the baby's dissatisfaction.

Method 13

The main thing is to distract the child from crying. To do this, you can use absolutely any methods - rustle, call, sing, shake rattles, turn on melodies on your mobile phone. The baby should notice something that will attract his attention.

Method 14

Towards evening, the likelihood of colic in a baby increases, especially in those who are breastfed. The reason for this is the constant change in the composition of milk: in the evening the concentration of fats and hormones changes. There is an old grandfather's method - dill water, which is given to the baby during meals. You can also purchase a special product in pharmacies.

It is necessary to understand that in a situation where none of the above methods help, there is nothing left but contacting a pediatrician. The doctor must make sure that the baby’s health is not in danger.

Be healthy!

Video - How to calm a crying baby

A child appeared in the house: cute, smiling and so small! You can’t help but want to protect him and save him from everything in the world, but sometimes it’s difficult for a mother to help her baby, and it’s especially difficult to figure out why she’s crying infant. Some grandmothers say: “Let him scream - he develops his lungs!” But this approach is by no means correct. It is imperative to understand the reason for children's crying and find a solution.

Children's cry as communication

A child's cry broke the silence - a new person was born. All expectant mothers look forward to the first cry and rejoice when they hear it. But the absence of a cry, on the contrary, makes you anxious and wonder if everything is okay. Screaming means everything is fine: this logic only works when a baby is born. Healthy young children whose needs are fully met do not cry without reason.

Small children cannot speak, and screaming is often the only way to express their needs. But how can we understand what exactly the child wanted to “say” by crying? An interesting way to understand why an infant cries was proposed by Spanish scientists. They advise looking into the baby's eyes. If they are open, it means the child is angry or scared, and if the eyes are closed, then he is in pain.

Experts also advise taking a closer look at the baby’s facial expressions and the nature of crying. An angry child cries loudly and sobbingly, gradually calming down. If you are sick, crying can last for several hours. The child will not only not calm down over time, but will start screaming more and more.

Objective reasons for children's crying

A baby may cry for various reasons. Some of them are easy to “calculate”, others you need to guess. But every mother should know what a child’s crying can mean. Here is a list of the most objective reasons for baby crying:

  • Hunger. The cry of a hungry baby is accompanied by special movements and grimaces: he pulls his arms towards his mother, smacks his lips and turns his head from side to side, looking for the breast.
  • The child wants to sleep. relatively little. Mostly he sleeps - this is necessary for the development and processing of received information. If the baby's mood suddenly changed and he began to cry without responding to attempts to distract and cheer him up, it is worth putting the child to bed.
  • Wet diaper. Even disposable diapers sometimes cause a lot of anxiety in children when they become wet, not to mention reusable gauze diapers. Crying because of a wet diaper is accompanied by movements of the legs, so the baby is trying to get rid of it (wagging his legs).
  • Overwork. If your child starts crying for seemingly no apparent reason, he may have received too much information and become overtired. By crying, he signals a desire to rest. This often happens after guests arrive.
  • The child is sweating or cold. If your baby is crying, check if the ambient temperature is comfortable. If the nose and hands are cold, the baby is frozen. And if he turns red and has a heat rash, it means he has overheated. This discomfort can also cause the baby to cry.
  • Colic. Colic is caused by gas accumulated in the intestines. Characteristic feature When crying due to colic, pull your legs towards your tummy. Also, as a rule, colic occurs at the same time. Then the child begins to cry.
  • Teeth are being cut. Teeth begin to erupt at the age of 6 months. For some children, this unpleasant process is painless, while for others, on the contrary, it is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, the child becomes restless, constantly cries, puts everything in his mouth and loses his appetite.
  • Uncomfortable clothes. The baby's crying may be due to a narrow elastic band on the sliders, convex buttons, hard seams, or a zipper that can pinch the baby's delicate skin. It is necessary to check whether all things are comfortable and whether they cause discomfort to the child.
  • Change of weather. Young children are susceptible to weather anomalies: magnetic storms, sudden changes in temperature and pressure, and others.
  • Lack of attention. Sometimes children just want to feel like their mother is nearby. Their cry is a kind of call. Crying due to lack of attention goes away as soon as the mother takes the child in her arms. Attempts to put him in his crib are accompanied by more crying.
  • Pain. A child's crying caused by pain is the most dangerous. A sick baby cries constantly. Because of the pain, the child often wakes up at night, shuddering sharply, and crying loudly. It is advisable to contact a pediatrician, especially if the parents can know the reason why the child got sick (hypothermia, fell, poisoning).
  • Inflammation in the urinary tract. In this case, the baby cries before peeing. An increase in temperature can also be an indicator.
  • Irritation of the anus. In this case, the child will cry during bowel movements. The reasons for this may be improper or insufficient hygiene, careless insertion of a gas tube or suppositories into the anus.

Why does a baby cry while feeding?

Separately, I would like to consider the baby’s crying during feeding. As a rule, this behavior of a newborn often frightens the mother. She fears that he will give up breastfeeding altogether. Moreover, the smoothness of the process breastfeeding is extremely important both for the health of the baby and the health of the mother.

Let's look at the reasons why a baby cries during feeding:

  • Pain in the mouth. It occurs due to stomatitis (thrush) or pharyngitis. Thrush can be identified by the white film that appears in the baby's mouth. With pharyngitis, the baby has difficulty swallowing due to a sore throat and cries.
  • Otitis. This disease is accompanied by pain in the ears when swallowing. Therefore, a hungry little child literally attacks the chest, but at the first sips he bursts into tears.
  • Bitter milk. For this reason, the child may take the breast, then throw it away, cry, take it again, throw it away... Milk becomes unpleasant in taste if the mother has eaten onions, garlic or spicy food.
  • "Rapid" milk. When milk fills the breast, its flow becomes too strong. The baby chokes and cries for this reason.
  • Lack of milk. If there is little milk, the baby sucks hard at the breast, but does not get enough. This makes him angry and he cries.
  • Neurological disorders. One of them is hydrocephalic syndrome. In this case, the child experiences headaches when swallowing. You should consult a doctor immediately.

In order for the child to calm down, you need to find out the reason for his crying - that is, what he is asking for - and eliminate it. It is clear that if the baby is hungry, he needs to be fed; if the child cries before bed or is overtired, he needs to be put to bed. A wet diaper should be replaced with a dry one, and the baby should be washed and the bottom should be lubricated with cream. A frozen child will fall asleep as soon as he warms up: change his clothes or lie down together under a blanket and warm the baby with the warmth of your own body. If your child is sweating, wipe him or her with a damp swab and change into lighter clothing.

To rid your child of colic, several measures should be taken to prevent colic and prevent its occurrence:

  • Adjust ;
  • It is correct to breastfeed your baby;
  • After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position: “gopher” or “column”;
  • Help your child cope with pain. To do this, you can apply a warm diaper to his tummy, put the baby's tummy on your chest, or massage the tummy clockwise.

When teething, pain can be reduced with the help of teethers or special gels. To one month old baby don't worry about uncomfortable clothes, choose seamless options or with seams facing out. The elastic bands should not be tight. It is better to replace buttons with rivets, and not use zippers at all. Slips are very convenient, combining a blouse, panties, socks and “scratchies”.

If your child does not have enough attention, put everything aside and caress him. The same should be done when the weather changes. Rock the child, sing him a calm song, tell him rhymes or nursery rhymes. If crying is caused by unknown reasons, you should consult a doctor and immediately begin the prescribed treatment. In the meantime, show your child how much you love him and how dear he is to you.

There is a joyful event in your family - the long-awaited heir has been born! A happy dad meets a smiling mother at the door of the maternity hospital, holding in her hands a bundle tied with a blue or pink ribbon... And finally the whole family is home. The months of agonizing waiting and the hardships of childbirth are left behind...

But the very next day new problems appear. The young family member behaves unpredictably. Parents constantly wonder: how to determine why a child is crying? Is he hungry or has a tummy ache? Maybe he is hot or cold? What if he is sick?

What to do, how to calm the baby? Is it really necessary to give him the breast right away anyway?

Of course not! Every mother gradually develops an instinct for her own child, thanks to which she can almost immediately determine what the baby needs at the moment. The most sensitive and caring fathers can also come to full understanding with the child. But usually the mother spends much more time with the baby, and besides, she breastfeeds him, thanks to which a very special contact is established between them.

True, it takes some time for such contact to be established. This usually occurs no later than three months of age. Therefore, for many parents, the third month of a baby’s life seems much easier than the first two.

In the first days and weeks, mother and newborn get used to each other. A caring mother learns to understand and respond to signals given by the baby. With each new day, she needs less and less time to recognize and correctly interpret these signals. And the baby, seeing that he is understood, becomes calmer and cries less.

However, the gas outlet tube should not be overused. If attacks of pain occur frequently, you can try abdominal massage, which also stimulates the removal of gases from the intestines. The massage is performed by gently pressing on the abdomen around. Mentally draw a horseshoe on your tummy, the ends of which point down. Your hand movements should follow this path in a clockwise direction.

A good way to prevent gas formation is to burp air during and immediately after feeding. During the break when changing breasts and after finishing feeding, hold the baby vertically on your shoulder for several minutes. This helps prevent not only the formation of gases, but also milk, which affects many children. But in fairness, it must be said that this measure does not always avoid abdominal pain.

If massage and tubes don't help, the pain may not be due to gas. Try placing your baby's tummy on a warm heating pad wrapped in a diaper. However, make sure that the heating pad is not too hot.

Warm fennel tea or dill water also helps many children.

How to calm your baby

But now you have tried all the methods, and your precious baby continues to burst out screaming. Then you can only rely on time, which, as you know, heals, and try to ease the baby’s suffering. Hold him in your arms, rock him, dance with him. Some children find waltzing a relief, while others enjoy something like marching. Try different positions - hold the baby vertically, horizontally, tummy down. A position in which the baby's head rests on the crook of your elbow, and your hand supports him under his tummy, at the same time working as a heating pad, helps a lot.

After two months of age, your little one has a new reason to cry. Now your child often cries because he is tired and cannot fall asleep on his own. He still does not know how to relieve accumulated psychological stress without the help of mom or dad. To calm down, he needs either his mother's breast, or a gentle rocking in his arms, or a song...

Don't be afraid to spoil your child, rock him, sing to him. A calm mother's child also grows up calm and balanced. In a couple of months he will learn to fall asleep on his own, and motion sickness will no longer be necessary. But for this he must be firmly convinced that when he feels bad, anxious, restless, his mother will always come to the rescue.

More on the topic “Why does a newborn cry: how to calm the baby”:

Does anyone have this problem? Tell us what measures you are taking? My child begins to roll when crying a lot, and once even lost consciousness (there was hypoxia). Now, when he cries a lot, I start throwing him up, and if he doesn’t go away for a long time, then I splash cold water in his face. Of course, I try not to let it get to this point, but it’s still very scary... The neurologist said that this happens often, they say it will outgrow it.

I don’t know what to do with him anymore..at first I thought he had colic, I passed the feces for carbohydrates, the result is 0.8. Well, I think this makes him scream, he can scream for 40 minutes so that he has no strength anymore.. Today I fed him with his legs, he doesn’t kick, but he screams every 5 minutes.. If I shake weakly in my arms, he screams so hard that I don’t know what to do. He calms down only when I shake him hard, and then for about 10 minutes... he screams and falls asleep... wakes up and again again... no longer has the strength, at 1 I visited the neurologist for a month, everything was ok..Can you recommend some sedatives?? who had this??

Experienced moms, please help me with advice. My daughter is 17 days old. I'm swaddling her. Before feeding, I put the diaper on my tummy, and the crying begins. It’s the same story when changing diapers, after a bath, when getting dressed. Moreover, the crying is very frantic. Swaddled feels good. Is she cold? Or what could it be?

Girls, I have this question. It is clear that all children cry, and there is always a reason for crying. And if the situation is like this - the child is full, he is not cold, not hot, he is dry and healthy. Cries because doesn’t want to lie alone, and at this moment you need to eat, for example, or load the washing machine or something else, there is no one to help. What to do? let him roar?

Since birth, my son (1.2 years old) always cries when he wakes up in the morning or after a nap. Now she immediately jumps up in her crib and sobs - tears pouring out. Until you take it in your arms. It’s so strange - he seems to be a cheerful, hooligan boy, and he falls asleep normally (though only in my presence). I always asked neurologists about this - they say all children cry. Tell me, what do you think about this?

Parenting tricks urgently needed!!! I have a problem. no not like that I have a PROBLEM! After I feed him and Duska falls asleep in my arms, I need to get up from the sofa, walk two steps and put him in bed. Previously, it was possible to do this without waking up. Not anymore. And if he wakes up, then the scandal will immediately grow. How do you put babies in cribs so they can sleep???

SOS.... The child cries for 4-5 hours, squirms all over and does not suckle (while screaming). This usually happens late in the evening or at night. We have already forgotten what it is like to sleep at night. If anyone has had similar problems, please provide some helpful advice.

We have the same problem every day! As soon as I start dressing my baby, he screams obscenities! But we are almost 3 months old! He did this from the very beginning, but after a minute he fell asleep. Now he just goes from screaming to choking squealing !

From birth, the main method that a child uses to achieve what he wants is crying. While the baby is very small, he talks to adults precisely through crying, so he can talk about his discomfort, hunger, cold and much more.

There are many types of crying, which are distinguished mainly by mothers. Crying a lot for children can only be harmful. But how to respond to a child's tears? at different ages? Why do children act up more often? We will examine this issue in more detail below.

Causes of tears in a one-month-old baby

In reality, newborn babies may cry quite a lot and often for a variety of reasons. Most often, young children cry when:

  • feel hungry;
  • suffer from colic;
  • feel too much heat or cold.

Most main reason crying still leaves a feeling of hunger. Today, many young mothers feed their child according to an internal diet. In fact, this is good for the functioning of the digestive system, but the fact is that the baby’s stomach is tiny and it consumes little. Often the child simply does not have enough milk, which he has eaten, in order to wait for the next meal.

If a child wakes up and cries, and the mother understands perfectly well that the real reason for this is hunger, then sometimes it is better to deviate from the principles and feed the child, thereby changing the feeding time. Very often in the maternity hospital they advise feeding on demand. This method is convenient for the child, but not for the mother, since the baby will “hang” on the chest for the entire 24 hours.

Another common cause is colic. In infants, the digestive system is just beginning to adapt to a new life outside the womb. Stomach pain can occur in children up to 3 months, and sometimes up to six months.

Types of baby crying

Children's tantrums arise for various reasons, and crying itself can also be learned to be distinguished. Let's look at some crying options and features:

  1. The cry of a hungry child. A demanding tone often occurs in newborns. Intermittent screams, separated by some pauses (at this moment the baby is waiting for the adults’ reaction). The approximate period for the onset of disturbance begins 2 hours after eating; the feeding process calms the child.
  2. When it gets wet. A rare type of cry; not all children give such a signal. Has a pitiful tone.
  3. Overtired crying. It is more common in children from 3 months and begins in the evening. When a child wants to sleep, he begins to scream offendedly.
  4. Painful crying. Doctors clearly know when babies cry in pain. In most cases this occurs from intracranial pressure. The child screams for no apparent reason, for quite a long time and monotonously. May be accompanied by insomnia. The intonation is irritable.
  5. Crying from intestinal colic. It is more often observed in infants up to six months. The child clenches his fists and his face may turn red. The legs twist, burp frequently, and there is bloating in the abdomen. The baby feels better when held upright. The child is unable to calm down on his own; the crying continues for a long time.

How to help your baby?

When a baby is bothered by colic, his cry is not the same as when asking for food. If a month-old baby cries, twists his legs, presses them to his stomach, and it is literally difficult to calm him down, then colic is to blame. The following methods can help your child:

  • Before feeding, place the baby on his stomach.
  • Drink some dill water.
  • Use medications for colic.
  • Pat your belly, do a massage.
  • At the moment of crying, hold the child belly to belly and sing or talk soothingly. In some cases, you can put a heated warm blanket or other cloth.

Climatic conditions are also often to blame for baby crying. Excessive heat or cold is not only a serious provocateur, but also a cause of disease. All children are individual, but it is necessary to achieve optimal conditions in the apartment and outside in order to prevent overheating or hypothermia of the body.

Reasons for crying after waking up

After sleep, a child may cry for the following reasons:

  • uncomfortable posture during sleep when part of the body becomes numb;
  • teething;
  • sharp bright light or loud sounds;
  • insufficient humidity in the room;
  • neuralgia;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • constipation;
  • dermatitis that itches;
  • child's illness.

When a child cries for a month and does not get enough sleep, you need to consult a pediatrician for advice to rule out serious illnesses. After your doctor's examination, you will most likely receive a referral to be examined by a neurologist and cardiologist. Children's tearfulness usually persists up to 3 years. And this is natural.

Crying myself to sleep

When children cry, it negatively affects both their psychological and physiological state. For normal growth and development, the baby needs sound and restful sleep. Then during the day there will be a lot of energy for games.

Psychologists believe that if the problem is not due to physiological needs or the presence of diseases, then tears before sleep arise against a psychological background. When a child cries before going to bed, this is how he expresses his indignation. This may be a protest against the sleep schedule set by the mother, or perhaps a lack of attention or a banal reluctance to part with the mother.

In most cases, if the mother sits next to her, the child falls asleep faster, he is calmer this way. When something bothers your baby, he may cry and moan during sleep, which leads to poor quality rest.

Whims after waking up

A child wakes up with a smile on his face - this is happiness. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. The reason why a child cries after sleep is a strong desire to satisfy his needs. Instinct kicks in and the baby starts screaming, and loving parents I am unable to ignore this behavior.

Hysterical screams at night every hour is a physiological problem. Most likely, the child is sick with something and needs the help of a specialist. The health of the child is most important, and the parents themselves cannot stand it for a long time without proper sleep. For infants, the time of day does not matter, since they can require the attention of their parents at any time of the day or night.

But if the baby can be distracted from crying by rattles or playing with his parents, then there is no need to worry. This means that there are no serious violations.

Crying children over one year old

It's not just kids who exhibit tantrums. infancy, but even older children sometimes begin to cry for no apparent reason. When the cause is established, it turns out that there is no pain anywhere, there is no desire for anything, but a roar has appeared.

At night, a one-year-old child wakes up and cries because of a nightmare he saw in a dream. Even a banal fear of the dark can provoke such a reaction. Children's anxieties and fears cannot be ignored. By ignoring problems, you can subsequently develop an emotionally unstable, nervous personality.

Causes of tears over 1.5 years

Children tend to cry not only at night. This behavior can be noticed after a long stay on the street or after matinees. The causes of depression are:

  1. Oversaturation of the psyche with impressions, emotional reaction to the past day.
  2. Feeling of discomfort, fatigue.
  3. Unjustified expectations. A quick end to a long-awaited event.
  4. When something didn’t work out for the child.

When your crying baby 2 years old very often shows his dissatisfaction, sometimes you just need to give him the opportunity to speak out and cry. To do this, parents need to be patient and understanding. The child's psyche at this age is unstable and the child needs the help of adults to survive difficult moments.

Difficulties with sleep after 2 years are often psychological in nature. Observe the child and analyze the situation; he may need the help of specialists.

4 reasons for poor sleep

  1. Stress. What can provoke a child’s unstable condition? Often the reason is kindergarten. The nighttime cries of a kindergarten baby indicate adaptation to a new place. In addition, there is an oversaturation of emotions due to new acquaintances, a large number of new toys, severe overexcitation or overwork. This is considered normal, since the child must get used to the regime and rules, which requires an individual amount of time.
  2. Graft. It has a great influence not only on sleep, but also on the baby’s condition as a whole. It takes some time for the body to produce antibodies.
  3. Attention deficit. Mom is nearby, but is often busy with other things: cleaning the house, telephone, cooking, time when there are no games together. And if the mother goes to work, this is a stressful situation for the baby. Even here, the child will need some time to get used to the absence of his mother. Children cry when they don't get enough attention. Try to devote your free time to your child as often as possible. The more often parents are absent, the more hugs and kisses the child needs for full development.
  4. Fear of separation. The crisis of 2 years is often associated with separation from the mother. The fear of growing up and independence sometimes frightens children. Hence the child needs tactile connection with his mother and her affection. This way the crisis period is not so painful. Confidence and security appear.

Sudden change of sleep place

It often happens that a child falls asleep in one place and wakes up in another. He wakes up crying, because everything that surrounded him before sleep has changed dramatically. Let's imagine this: you fall asleep on the couch and wake up in the kitchen. Creepy? This is where childhood fear comes from, since the baby finds himself in a situation that is incomprehensible to him.

When a child does not sleep well, the parents' task is to teach the baby to fall asleep in his place. In addition, it is advisable to carry out your rituals before going to bed: washing your face, reading a book, etc. Children need rules and routine.


An adequate reaction of parents to a child’s tantrums is very important for the favorable formation of relationships. At the present time, in the world there are many incorrect attitudes that evaluate the behavior and upbringing of children.

Some parents are happy when they hear their child's demanding cry. This, they believe, is a demonstration of disobedience and the behavior of a free, leadership person. It is important to understand that a constantly crying child is not a leader, but little man, to whom you need to pay attention and help, since in many situations he cannot cope on his own.

Children inform their parents through a cry about their general condition before the development of full speech. Then, if the hysterics continue, the help of specialists is often required, since by 3 summer age talking child can explain everything in words rather than crying.