What do you feel during a karmic connection? Karmic relationship between a woman and a man

It’s rare who hasn’t experienced such feelings: you meet a person for the first time, you start communicating, and it seems that you’ve known him for many years. Understanding at a glance, interaction from the first days of acquaintance between people can only appear if there is a karmic connection between them.

What is karma?

Karma is the influence of the past on today's circumstances, the fate of a person. Surely the karmic connection arose for a reason - knowing the soul means that the souls have known each other for a long time and met in one of their past lives.

If a karmic connection arises between a woman and a woman - in a past life they could be friends or be closely related, between a woman and a man - the connection was either family or love. Karmic partners meet in order to end past relationships in this life: to get closer or to separate completely.

Signs of a karmic connection

How to understand that a meeting is predetermined by fate? Signs of a karmic connection between people can be explicit and implicit. It is possible to clarify whether the souls really knew each other before, perhaps with the help of additional actions that can only be performed by people who have contact with higher powers.

To determine the degree of connection, carry out:

  1. clairvoyance sessions;
  2. fortune telling using Tarot cards;
  3. runes;
  4. gypsy maps;
  5. make an astrological forecast.

It is possible to recognize a karmic meeting by obvious signs - the inexplicable craving of strangers for each other. They met by chance, communicated little, and after parting they remember the meeting as if they had given their counterpart a part of their soul. Many years pass, but people still remember this meeting.

In order to return the emotions they have experienced, people are ready to perform actions that are unusual for them by nature.

If a relationship begins, the emotions in it are quite strong - both positive and negative. If you know how to recognize a karmic connection, you will not resist the will of higher powers and will protect yourself from destructive emotions.

Relationships can arise not only because of the meeting of souls in the past - a karmic connection is determined by the date of birth, connecting astral entities.

New destinies

Astral entities fill human bodies, feeding on energy. They constantly evolve, their subtle bodies become depleted after entering a person. At the moment of meeting with the karmic soul mate, a person opens up, and it is easier for the etheric creature to penetrate inside. They can completely change a person, and loved ones will no longer recognize him.

The following types of astral entities from living people are distinguished:

  • angels - bring positivity;
  • demons - destroy the inner world, push people into actions that cause negativity, and are capable of completely destroying a person - if a person tries to resist degeneration, he develops mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia.

Astral entities also leave the bodies of dead people and go out in search of new victims.

They can be classified:

  1. demons or laurels - they are attracted by lust, greed, adultery - rough energy;
  2. bastards - they force you to create conflict situations and use profanity.

There are several other forms of entities with different habits - some of them choose victims depending on energy, certain habits, others are looking for a new body based on gender characteristics. For example, demons prefer to inhabit women, reptiles prefer to inhabit men.

Sometimes sorcerers and shamans prepare essences specifically to deal with certain people - on order. They are transported in the astral dimension.

If a karmic meeting occurs with a person whose soul is filled with someone else’s astral essence, the relationship will cause pain to both parties, since the connection is created artificially.

It is very likely that the energy field created without changes in the hypostasis would not have attracted the second side. However, breaking such relationships is just as difficult as true ones.

Checking the validity of the connection

Karmic marriage is considered one of the strongest unions. But how do you know that the relationship is true and that the essence of a person is involved in it, and not astral guests who have changed their character?

Astrology and numerology can help with this. If for astrological predictions you need to have special knowledge and inner instinct, then you can understand the basics of numerology yourself by making calculations using special tables. Of course, only specially trained psychics and astrologers can make full-fledged predictions, but even an amateur can understand what is happening on the basis of systematic observations.

For example, marriages in which the age difference between a man and a woman are multiples of 5 are considered non-random. The strongest unions are those in which, after meeting, they learn that the difference is 15 years.

Marriage karma is calculated by date of birth. Partners add up all the numbers in their date of birth.

For example: 19.04. 1957. After summing up, the number 36 is obtained - something global will happen in this person’s life every 36 years.

The age of the partner is calculated in the same way: 08/28/1962. The age of change is also 36. Marriage is karmic.

Another pair of partners: 08/10/1965 and 07/19/1963.

The age of change is 31 - you need to keep in mind that the ten is added completely; and 47. Even multiples do not match. The connection is not karmic, although the marriage can be successful.

Numerology can help everyone individually understand the main character traits, find out their preferences, and outline the sphere of activity in which it is possible to achieve success.

How karmic relationships begin

Psychics explain difficult relationships by karma - in a past life the situation was the opposite, and currently the partner who receives constant negativity is responsible for his own sins. But not everyone agrees to suffer and periodically try to get rid of such relationships. How to break a karmic connection with a man or woman who makes life hard labor, and is it possible to do this?

Not only spouses ask about this; sometimes friends, whom you cannot leave, cause physical and moral suffering, because you evaluate your own action as betrayal.

Breaking up a difficult relationship

The possibility of a break is largely determined by the quality of the relationship.

As soon as the karmic debts are paid - and this can be felt by changes in attitude, by ease of communication - you stop feeling guilty about leaving a sick or drunk person, the connection can be broken.

To pay off your debts faster, you should analyze everything that causes irritation and pacify the negativity in yourself. As soon as this is done, you should let your partner go, despite the sense of duty and possible condemnation of others. You should not miss the opportunity to change karma.

We must remember that by our action now, we in the future save the creature into which the soul will move from moral, and, possibly, physical suffering.

In our life, everything is ordered according to special laws, one of which is the law of karma, in other words, retribution for actions, thoughts and deeds committed by a person. If you delve deeper into this topic, you will inevitably come across such a concept as the karmic connection between a man and a woman. What are the prerequisites for its occurrence and methods of elimination - read about it in our material.

What is a karmic connection?

Karmic connection- this is a type of energy-informational connection between the souls of two people, embodied in reality by the Laws of Karma due to certain circumstances and for a specific purpose.

Connections can be of two types:

  • light(positive) - these are observed in the examples of similar souls acting harmoniously together;
  • dark(negative, grayish) - when people are connected due to their own negative actions committed in past incarnations.

There is also such a thing as karmic knot- it also represents a type of very strong black connection, which it is impossible for ordinary people to break without the help of others until they receive permission to do so from the Higher Powers.

You can give a striking example of a karmic connection between people when they want to get a divorce, but are unable to do this for a long time (some obstacles constantly appear on the way that prevent people from leaving). And even if they strive with all their might to finish their business, they are obliged to continue communication and also deal with solving joint problems (joint children, property, and so on).

This will last exactly as long as people need to resolve their own karmic debts, until the negative karma is one hundred percent worked out and permission comes to remove the karmic connection.

Types of karmic connections

There are the following types of communication:

  • A connection that goes deep into past incarnations, in which the souls of people intersected more than once and filled each other with negative or positive energy. It is necessary to see that most of the people who are closely related to us are our past karmic connections, both good (making us stronger and better) and negative, carrying destructive energy within them.
  • A connection that was planned even before the physical manifestation of souls. This means that two souls agreed to meet together on Earth at a certain period of time in order to fulfill some joint activities. They prepare in advance for their own incarnation, looking at the problems that they will have to solve together in the material world. And Karma establishes in what place, at what time and under what criteria their joint activity will take place.
  • Communication option is also possible who are not relatives. This category includes spouses, friends and comrades, colleagues, business partners - in general, all the people with whom we come into fairly close contact throughout our lives. Such connections can also be both creative and destructive.
  • Watch this video, which will tell you a lot of interesting things:

    Signs of a karmic connection

    Still, the more popular type is love attraction between the sexes. How can you easily distinguish them from harmonic relationships? You should take a closer look at the presence of such signs.

  • Indescribably powerful emotions emerge in relationships(jealousy, passion, horror, guilt). As a result of such intense sensory experiences, people become dependent on each other. With all this, one of the partners or both are inclined to exaggerate and react inadequately to certain moments in life.
  • The main reason for this– unresolved personal conflicts. This is precisely why people attracted to each other, in order to eliminate similar incorrect behavior. And when the lesson is learned, and people are able to exhaust their bad karma one hundred percent, the conflict will gradually fade away, the partners will either quietly separate, or remain in a relationship, but it will become much more harmonious.

  • Another obvious sign will be a relationship that arises very quickly. In this case, partners are usually very different in their morals, current positions, worldview, and also have different social status. They often, deep down in their souls, do not treat each other in the best way. in the best possible way, but as if they had succumbed to the strongest hypnosis and were unable to get out of the relationship without the help of others.
  • Usually in such relationships the sexual nuance prevails - people are so strongly susceptible to passion that they cannot tear themselves away from each other, they want to be filled with sexual energy again and again. A sensory connection is also possible. In especially rare cases, there are couples in which the lovers are closely connected on all levels. This is the most powerful connection, which is indescribably difficult to break. Partners will be able to separate only when they recognize everything they need in each other, after which the karma counter is reset.

  • Fatality and catastrophic end- another indication of the presence of a karmic connection. A striking example of this would be a love triangle. The basis of such relationships is made up of powerful sensual or sexual attachments. Being in such a relationship, a man and a woman feel that they are unable to part, but at the same time they cannot be close together harmoniously, because they always face various obstacles and obstacles. The end of similar relationships is almost always quite tragic.
  • Another indication of the karmic connection between lovers- this is a marital alliance in which one partner is a drug addict, a drunkard, a mentally ill person, or has limited abilities. And the second partner takes such matters for granted and believes that he has no right to leave his own lover. A similar connection is vividly imbued with a powerful feeling of guilt (usually representatives of the weaker sex suffer from it), which stretches from past incarnations.
  • If a man or woman dies prematurely(up to 30 5 years) - this also indicates a karmic connection. IN in this case The 2nd partner consciously chooses his own punishment for certain actions from the past.
  • There is a harmonic coupling option, in which both sides relate to similar souls. In such a couple there is good mutual understanding, respect, acceptance of all the positive and negative properties of their other half without the zeal to change their lover. Things between like souls are very harmonious and filled with love and peace.
  • The presence of a significant difference in age (more than fifteen years)– another of the indicators of massive karmic attraction. Such people cannot let go harmoniously, even if they have a powerful desire to do so. This is a variant of a very complex relationship in which a man and a woman can both help their partner take the right path, and, on the contrary, push him in the wrong direction, which increases the number of karmic debts in real life.
  • What's the outlook?

    Now is the time to talk about the upcoming forecast.

    How long will karmic affairs last? Almost all of this is justified by their variety– whether they will be healing or destructive (we talked about this in the first article).

    In the case of a healing connection, when partners fill each other with positive energy, share necessary experience and contribute to creation (do happy family, raise children together, have a common job, and so on) you can track cases when it continues throughout life. Such things make people stronger and more harmonious, contribute to their development in all aspects.

    If conflicts arise in similar relationships, they pass very quickly, occasionally ending in a harsh showdown. There are practically no cases of divorce in such couples. This is justified by the fact that two souls are closely connected throughout almost all incarnations. They belong to a group of similar souls.

    If the space has a negative destructive connection- such things will continue exactly as long as the time is needed so that both partners can one hundred percent return to each other the energy that they owed from the past incarnation and filled one hundred percent with it.

    A relevant example of a similar relationship is unrequited love, when one person begins to lose his head over love for another, and the second person either feels nothing or feels sympathy, which is significantly weaker. The most reasonable advice in this case is to let go, continuing to fill it with positive energy from a distance. Naturally, this is very difficult, but this is the only way that will allow you to harmoniously break the bonds without breaking even more wood.

    Usually in non-reciprocal relationships partners simply change roles from past lives. For example, if in a previous incarnation the husband was crazy about his wife, and she treated him phlegmantically, then in today’s life the situation will repeat, but in the opposite context: the man will, for example, go out and cheat, and the lady will adore him and fight with indifference towards oneself.

    It should be noted that in all this, two souls do not necessarily enter into legitimate affairs again - it is entirely possible that the exchange of energies will take place at a distance.

    It becomes clear that no matter what karmic connection, in most cases it will not be harmonious, requiring the solution of certain issues that appeared in past incarnations. It may be unrealistic to resolve them without the help of others, but there is the option of calling on a specialist (numerologist, psychic, astronomer), who, based on the personal information of the partners, will help find the root cause of the problem that has arisen and successfully cope with it.

    When a love relationship is more like a roller coaster, a person, willy-nilly, begins to think about the reasons for these stormy feelings. Why can't he control himself in this love affair? Often the answer is that it has its roots in a previous incarnation.


    Karmic love is a relationship that often brings a whole bunch of problems to a person. No one is immune from this phenomenon. Both young and old, both men and women, are affected by love from a past life.

    People often wonder what karmic love means. The explanation of this term is simple: these are relationships that are somehow connected with previous incarnations. For example, in a past life a man and a woman were husband and wife - and perhaps mother and child. They have not fully worked out their karma and must do it now.

    Love at first sight

    One of the most common types of karmic relationships is love at first sight. There are many interpretations of the phenomenon when one person falls madly in love with another, seeing the object of his adoration for the first time in his life. This often happens even to fully grown, sensible people. What happens in that moment when people first meet each other's gaze and passion flares up between them? Esotericists believe that in the vast majority of cases this phenomenon has the following explanation: these people in a previous incarnation were spouses, lovers, or were in a platonic relationship. When their eyes meet, this energy is activated again - they “recognize each other.”

    A new love relationship begins. The two discover how similar their tastes and ideas are. If one of the partners or both are also weak-willed people, easily susceptible to emotions, then this connection begins to occupy a dominant position in their lives. Succumbing to a storm of feelings, they destroy old connections, forget about work matters, and abandon their children.

    All this happens because such a meeting seems to people a real sign of fate. Of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But it can have various reasons. It is possible that the couple must complete some process that was not completed in the previous incarnation. Maybe they need to realize some important things. This will not necessarily mean that they will have a happy love affair or family life.

    Why are these relationships not viable?

    Often such meetings take place precisely for karmic reasons. When “recognition” occurs at the first glance, and it seems to people that fate itself has “brought them together”, it is necessary to remember one thing important point. Having a memory of previous incarnations, the soul begins to impose on another person certain expectations, psychological projections that existed in the previous incarnation.

    Currently, the partner is a completely different person. In some ways he is like a lover from a past life, but in many ways he is a new personality. At the moment, he is the quintessence of previous incarnations. And it contains the features of many, and not just one incarnation from a particular life. This person will act completely differently. Her feelings also differ. Even if in a previous incarnation it was love to death, the relationship from the past will not necessarily be serious now.

    When such a couple begins to arrange a life together, the relationship gradually fades away. The powerful energy gradually fades away. Past and present realities collide and come into conflict. If people have a certain life wisdom and experience, and the feeling between them is not destructive, but bright, they will find common language. If they wish, they will be able to build harmonious relationships and become happy.

    But most often the opposite happens - people break up. Their karmic debt is not worked off and passes on to the next life.

    Signs of a love affair from a past life. Surprise

    Whether your current relationship is connected with a past life can be determined without going to fortune tellers or clairvoyants. One of the main signs of karmic love is surprise. Relationships fall like snow on a person’s head. Moreover, a man and a woman may differ in age, social and financial status. Sometimes it happens that people have known each other for many years, but it has never occurred to them to start a family. For many years they communicate as friends, but one fine evening the situation changes dramatically.


    Relationships form very quickly - within one month after meeting, the couple begins dating. A person is not able to correctly perceive all the information and only after a year or more begins to realize what actually happened to him. Before this, he is in complete control of his emotional reactions, which he cannot explain. No matter how violent the passion may be, partners do not always want to see each other after “awakening”, not to mention maintaining friendly relations.


    After the official marriage, spouses can change their place of residence or move to another city or country. Moving far away, cutting ties with friends and relatives, starting life with clean slate" - another important sign of such a connection. But whether it really represents karmic love must be judged by the presence of other signs. Just moving abroad does not mean that the feelings came from a previous incarnation.

    Difficult relationship situation

    One of the most common options is a partner who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Sometimes it may be a partner's health problems, such as living with someone who is bedridden or disabled. In some cases, the early death of a partner. One way or another, such relationships can be safely called “punishment.”

    Usually a person arranges this “punishment” for himself, unconsciously choosing a psychologically or physically disadvantaged person. This choice occurs due to feelings of guilt for bad deeds done towards him in a past life. In the previous incarnation, the roles of the “bad” and “good” partners were opposite, but in this one justice is restored.

    No children

    Another sign of karmic love is the absence of children. Spouses are focused only on themselves. A love affair serves as a way for them to comprehend their own character flaws. In karmic relationships of this kind, their outcome depends on how “correctly” each member of the couple acts. For example, if a husband and wife do not quarrel over infertility, but take a child from an orphanage, soon a joint child appears quite unexpectedly. If only one of the partners tries to behave “correctly”, but he does not receive support from the other, the situation ends differently. As a reward, fate gives him another partner, from whom he has children.


    Relationships in such a couple are often fatal in the most negative sense of the word. Typically this includes:

    • love triangles;
    • relationships in which either love or hatred reigns;
    • relationships that continue regardless of the wishes of the partners, due to the influence of certain external factors.

    Karmic love in real life usually filled with hardship and suffering. In fact, this connection is incompatible with normal human existence. A person simply has neither spiritual nor physical strength. On the other hand, by doing the “right thing” in such a situation, a man or woman gets a chance to reach the highest level of his development, to rise above his shortcomings.

    Other signs by which one can judge karmic debt in love

    The fact that the love affair is karmic in nature is also indicated by other “bells”:

    • Powerful and inexplicable attraction.
    • The feeling of “recognizing” each other. From the very first conversation, it seems that people have known each other for many years.
    • Constant thoughts about this person.
    • Relationships can be draining, but people can't see life without each other.
    • Opposite characters - for example, a good “excellent” girl meets a “bad” guy.

    Karmic love by date of birth: calculation

    You can also find out whether love is an echo of a relationship from a past life using numbers. To do this, you need to completely fold both partners. All zeros are omitted. For example, a girl was born on 05/11/1990, and a man was born on 07/15/1985. The numbers add up: 1+1+5+1+9+9+1+5+7+1+9+8+5=62. Then the resulting amount is adjusted to single digit number. IN in this example 6+2=8. After this, they look at karmic compatibility by date of birth in love using the table.

    • Number 1 - the union is based on passion and love. But relationships can be superficial, and partners run the risk of quickly getting bored of each other.
    • Number 2 - a love affair comes from distant previous incarnations. The union can turn out to be full of secrets and romance. But relationships can deteriorate due to excessive head-in-the-clouds.
    • Number 3 - a woman has more influence on a love affair than a man. It is for him that the union will be karmic. For a lady, this will be either a convenient option or just another form of entertainment.
    • Number 4 - relationships are karmic for the woman, not the man. The union may turn out to be strong, but to a greater extent it depends on the desire of the man.
    • Number 5 is the highest wisdom. Communication is built on understanding and mutual respect.
    • Number 6 is a situation in which both partners cannot get rid of claims and disagreements. The relationship is unlikely to be strong.
    • Number 7 is love that will last. For the sake of their own happiness, the couple is ready to go through many trials.
    • Number 8 - communication is based on cold calculation and formality.
    • Number 9 is a good union. The relationship can last until old age.

    Karma according to horoscope

    Astrology can also tell you what your past life was like. Karmic horoscope general allows you to find out the characteristics of the previous incarnation - both your own and your partner. By comparing this data, it will be much easier to build relationships. In astrology, the following opinion is accepted regarding the karma of the zodiac signs:

    • Fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) - the current incarnation occurred immediately after death.
    • Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) - a person incarnated into his current shell months or years later.
    • Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - centuries have passed between this and the previous incarnations.
    • Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - a very large amount of time has passed between the previous incarnation and the current one. It could be a thousand or several thousand years.

    For example, if one of the partners has a short “history” and the other is “older”, these relationships can be safely called karmic. Most often, it happens that the “senior” partner accumulates “debts”. For example, relationships in an Aquarius-Capricorn couple will be difficult. A partner under the sign of Aquarius will be pleased with the love affair. Capricorn, who has already managed to “break the woods” during his numerous incarnations, will experience difficulties in them, working off his debt to fate. The information that a karmic horoscope provides is useful not only for analyzing a love affair, but also for any other relationship - for example, a subordinate and a manager, a parent and a child.

    How to resolve relationship problems stemming from a past life

    How to get rid of karmic love? Possibility to break difficult relationship determined by their characteristics. If one partner plays the role of a “debtor” who behaved inappropriately in a past life, in this incarnation the situation is such that he must pay off his “debts.” As soon as they are paid for, the need for a love affair will disappear. The feelings will fade away on their own. This will be evidenced by ease in relationships, lack of feelings of guilt or fear towards your partner.

    To achieve this, sometimes it is not enough to simply break off a love affair. A person suffering from the vicissitudes of karmic love needs to carry out great job above yourself. He should identify those negative qualities, which are in his character, and which cause problems in the current relationship. For example, a man can love a woman who does not strive for serious relationship. If he is suffering because of this, he should work on his qualities of sanity, realism and even some pragmatism. Perhaps if he switches his attention to more pressing problems in his life, then the situation on the love front will change in better side. In this case, karmic love from a past life will fulfill its function, and the relationship will either become happy or fall apart on its own as unnecessary.

    There is probably no person who has not heard about karma. This concept came to us from Indian philosophy. Some believe that this is the law of retribution, a cause-and-effect relationship, some believe that this is fate or lot. Moreover, this concept is applicable to many aspects of our lives and, not least of all, to relationships.

    A karmic connection implies a relationship between people who are already familiar from past incarnations. After all, many of our meetings are not at all accidental, but are the result of actions that we once committed. Similar relationships often arise with our parents, children, friends, relatives and even colleagues and bosses. But the greatest interest, of course, is the karmic connection between a man and a woman.

    It is understood not just as a relationship between partners who met before, but specifically between people who experienced strong feelings and who still have debts to each other. In this case, they still had unresolved problems. Once they could not find a way out of a confusing situation. These people may experience attraction to each other or, conversely, hatred. But, one way or another, they are given a chance to repay karmic debts.

    Often the same situation is reproduced for some time. Such relationships can always be recognized by certain signs. And first of all, the fact that there is a karmic connection is indicated by emotional states such as dependence, fear, jealousy, anger, resentment. Partners experience the same emotions and repeat the previous relationship scenario. The purpose of the new meeting is to demonstrate other qualities, higher ones - will, self-sufficiency, compassion, acceptance, humility. And, accordingly, make a different choice.

    Let's give an example. In the previous incarnation, the man was insanely jealous and tormented his wife with reproaches and made her suffer. As a result, his wife left him. In despair, the abandoned husband committed suicide. The woman lived the rest of her days with an overwhelming feeling of guilt. In a new incarnation, their souls meet again. The situation repeats itself, but now the spouse is haunted by the fear of abandonment. What should they take away from this relationship? He must show humility, forgive and let go without offense. And she? She must deal with the guilt.

    In addition, there is another sure sign, which indicates that this is a karmic connection. This is impetuosity. Partners get married very quickly, in many cases unknowingly, which confuses relatives. Moreover, often one of them has to move to another city or country. Awakening and disappointment comes later, often after a year. The person does not understand why he did this; depression often occurs, which can last for years. In addition, former friendships either turn out to be severed.

    Karmic connections can also be indicated. As a rule, this is a drug or alcohol addiction of one of the partners, or a disability. In this case, the man and woman probably switch places. The one who humiliated in a past life now appears in the role of the humiliated. The one who abandoned in trouble turns out to be abandoned. In addition to health problems, this also includes the early death of one of the spouses.

    One of the signs of a karmic connection is also the fatality of the relationship. This is unrequited love, mental suffering and torment. In such a situation, partners often cannot be together or apart.

    And one more factor is the couple’s infertility, the inability to procreate. It often happens that spouses resign themselves to the situation and adopt an orphan. In this case, the debt is repaid, and such a couple often has their own child.

    Karmic connection can be of two types - destructive and healing. In the case of a destructive relationship, the man and woman first experience attraction to each other. Over time, tears, suffering, or reproaches and insults appear. Moreover, one of the partners (and sometimes both) would like to break off the relationship, but cannot and tolerates it. You can often hear from such people that this is fate, karma; they usually justify their indecision by the presence of children in the marriage. But the situation does not change. In this case, it is important to let each other go without reproach.

    A healing connection is a soulmate relationship. Partners do not change each other, they know how to forgive and support in difficult situations. Communication brings them pleasure, there is a feeling that they cannot stop talking, and separation causes pain.

    In any case, a karmic connection implies spiritual growth and development. And only if the lessons have been completed can we say that the karmic knots have been untied, and the meeting was not in vain.

    Manipulators, alcoholics, liars, tyrants, traitors - why do they come your way? Or maybe they’re not just dating, but you’re living with one of these men?

    In this article we will look at the most common types of destructive (karmic) relationships And spiritual reasons their occurrence.

    Read to the end and find out what makes you step on the same rake and how, finally, stop doing this.

    ...And I will be faithful to him forever.
    (c) A.S. Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin

    Ask any woman why she needs a relationship with a man.

    The answer is to live happily, develop mutually, love and be loved, create a prosperous family.

    But is that really the case? In fact?

    How is it that, obeying the “call of your heart,” you suddenly find yourself in a destructive relationship, which

    • wears out your nerves
    • take a toll on your health and wallet,
    • deprive you of self-confidence and break your self-esteem?

    At the same time, you “understand everything”, but it’s as if “you can’t help yourself”...

    I, as a spiritual practitioner and healer, will describe the origins of the problem, based on the concept relationships between souls.

    Roots of the cause your choice of the WRONG men often go beyond the usual reality, going into past incarnations and the space between lives.

    It was then that you made certain decisions - contracts, oaths, vows- which continue to work to this day.

    Channeler and writer Sal Rachel calls this phenomenon "karmic relationships".

    The most typical type of relationship between souls on Earth is karmic agreements.

    Such relationships usually begin with a primary past-life attraction, often sexual, and a desire to get to know each other more deeply.

    Then, since almost no one on Earth is healed, problems arise between people and they are not resolved in physical life.

    Then the pair of souls decide to meet in a future life in order to continue working together on the problems that have arisen.

    The degree of energetic tension accompanying this decision determines the difficulty of breaking.

    These agreements between souls are usually accompanied by "formulated decisions" given to higher powers, other people or oneself - vows and oaths.

    You forget about them, and they act through time and space - sometimes destroying your life.

    There are several types of most popular spiritual vows and oaths. Check if they work for you?

    How do karmic relationships manifest themselves?

    A meeting with a “karmic partner” is usually accompanied by special, unusual states of body and psyche.

    For example, you overreacting to a stranger.

    Love at first sight? Not at all.

    In fact, you don’t know a man at all and what’s on his mind, and “falling into the abyss of passion” is not safe for you.

    For the occurrence trust relationships would normally be required months communication.

    But if this is a “karmic person,” it’s as if “something is happening to you against your will.”

    Here is a description of a typical karmic relationship from one of the clients:

    "I still can't explain what I found in him. He didn't even match the type of appearance I like.

    But literally after the first conversation I had "Blown the roof off." It was as if I had no control over myself.

    He was married, we saw each other infrequently. But I remember this feeling of “illness” - as if I could not live without it. When I said goodbye and took two steps away from him, my body began to break and twist, like with the flu.

    One day he promised to “come by soon,” but ended up disappearing for several days and not calling. I woke up on the third day and realized that I had eaten almost nothing and sat by the window all the time.

    Only common sense helped me return to reality, and with an incredible effort of will I said goodbye to him. But for several months I was still shaking at the mention of his name.

    The oath was “With him forever.”

    I'm happy that this torment is finally over."

    Signs of karmic relationships and the presence of vows:

    You were left alone with him, not knowing anything about him.

    That he is dangerous for everyone, you don’t care...

    (c) The King and the Jester. Sorcerer doll

    • Feeling of "kinship" or "love at first sight"— you’ve seen a man a couple of times, but you already “love him.”
    • Uncontrollable physical attraction, up to pain and heat in the body. Too fast and violent sexual contact.
    • “Lack of self-control,” a painful, debilitating condition, addiction from a man.
    • Naive trust to an unfamiliar person, because “he is good and cannot deceive.”
    • Far-reaching promises already from the very first meetings (“I will save him”, “I will be his wife, no matter what”, “We are made for each other”).
    • You constantly have hysterical songs or books, films spinning in your head (“Beauty and the Beast”, “Cinderella”, etc.) This indicates a strong scriptability your connection.
    • Inability to leave from him, even if you understand that you are suffering, and a normal relationship will not work.

    Write in the comments if you are familiar with such conditions? Under what circumstances did this happen to you?

    Why Is this what happens? Let us turn again to spiritual sources.

    Agreements and vows between souls are imprinted as etheric imprints and energetic patterns of the causal body.

    — Etheric body contains a physical body template. Many physical conditions, including diseases, originate in the etheric body and then gradually descend to physics.
    — Causal body
    has a causal connection with other human bodies. This is the part of the soul that carries past life memories, karma, decisions and soul contracts.

    So, you are experiencing all these strange sensations because the etheric and causal bodies powerfully influence your physical condition and emotions.

    To put it simply, what you experience is not “love at first sight”, but an exhausting one. love from the past.

    This condition manifests itself for that so that you finally notice there is a problem - and freed ourselves and karmic partner from this burden.

    Sometimes all it takes is realize and complete the oath or agreement.

    Let's look at the types of exhausting relationships with men - and what energy patterns (vows, vows, resolutions) you need to complete.

    Karmic relationships
    and the corresponding oaths

    1. The man doesn't love you

    Manifestation in your life: Long-term unrequited love.

    Are you in love with a person who not really needed, and are trying in every possible way to earn his love (which is impossible).

    You even behave obsessively- you are ashamed, but you continue...

    A man can honestly reject you. This is painful, but not the worst option.

    Much harder if he does it for a long time and in cold blood uses you for his own purposes.

    Or, you are quietly yearning for something unrealistic, while dozens of worthy partners pass by at this time.

    You may even sensibly understand that there is no chance here. But something seems “stronger than you”...

    An oath of eternal love, an oath to "always be by his side", an oath of fidelity/devotion.

    Spiritual Origin:

    Many times souls are imprisoned agreement to stay together forever.

    This stems from a misunderstanding of the nature of the Universe, since all souls are already eternally connected to each other.

    However, due to the belief in separation, souls often go to great lengths to maintain connection with each other.

    If you meet in the next life, there may be a sense of duty or obligation to each other.”

    I will add that often women with these vows have a resentment towards the man: “I did so much, but he never loved me.

    This too grudge from past lives- he didn’t remember you and your love, but you “agreed”.

    It is precisely because of this that such relationships are difficult to end - it seems that if you wait and try, he will definitely “remember”. But alas...

    2. A man with whom marriage is impossible

    Manifestation in your life: You can't you can't get married.

    For example, you choose married men who “feed” you with promises.

    Or, you meet a person who expresses reluctance to marry with you. But you stay with him, in the hope that “he will understand the power of your love and change his mind.”

    Vows and vows to be completed: celibacy, marriage vows from a past life.

    Spiritual Origin:

    You may date men who will not marry you for two spiritual reasons.

    • Or you are generally “forbidden to marry” - this celibacy, abandonment of family for the sake of “spiritual service.”
    • Either you are “already married,” that is, they continue to influence you marriage vows and vows from past lives.

    When feelings between people (souls) are strong, they may want to sanctify their union with ritual and ceremony.

    Such rituals can survive death physical bodies and carried over into subsequent lives in the form of energy patterns.

    Marriages don't always last 'till death do us part. Sometimes couples maintain the intention of being together forever.

    3. A man with a severe addiction

    Manifestation in your life: The man you have chosen suffers from alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc.

    Option – “total” dependence on you”, as if he “is not able to cope with life” and “won’t be able to live” without your relationship.

    This may be accompanied

    • his outbursts of aggression, dangerous to your life, psyche, health;
    • lack of money - he is not able to earn enough or immediately “throws it away”;
    • his “persistent” depression, suffering, conversations about the meaninglessness of life and suicide;
    • his suspiciousness, outbursts of jealousy and paranoia.

    Often you also get very angry and lash out at the man, however, you do not end the relationship.

    Vows and vows to be completed: a vow to stay with this person no matter what (“Love is above my personal interests”), a vow to save, a vow for the sake of another.

    Spiritual Origin:

    If energy is expressed with restraint, with full recognition and acceptance of oneself and another, karma does not arise.

    If either of you is in denial of what you are projecting onto or receiving from the other, your partner's energies will become deeper and deeper into your aura, and yours into his.

    There is something called codependency.

    The codependent heart goes something like this: “I accept your suffering because I love you so much that I suffer at the sight of your suffering. I'm strong. I can handle it. Let me be your savior."

    Partners get deeper and deeper into the quagmire of attachment obsession, their emotions mixed up.

    For example, a man may experience depression because he cannot see that for several past lives the negativity of another partner has been taken upon him.

    The woman will begin to feel anger because she has lived under the weight of disappointment and suppression, without an integrated partner.

    4. A man is a domestic tyrant

    Manifestation in your life: You are constantly suffering in your relationship with your partner.

    A man can humiliate you by criticizing your values, appearance, actions. If you are hurt by betrayal, you will openly flirt with other women.

    Relationships are often accompanied psychological pressure and strict control.

    There are sophisticated manipulations when you almost don’t understand what he did - but you feel destroyed and empty.

    At the same time, you may even feel guilty– and there will always be a “why.”

    This also includes men who commit monstrous acts in relation to you - physical and sexual violence, major financial deception, a painful break with attempts to “ruin your life.”

    This is one of the most dangerous types of relationships for your health and psyche.

    Vows and vows to be completed: oath atone for guilt(you believe that you suffer “deservedly” because of some wrongdoing in a past life), oath "tit for tat"(you swore revenge on him in a past life, and now with his behavior he is “again giving you a reason”).

    Spiritual Origin:

    If souls in karmic relationships believe in revenge, betrayal, or some other ego-based negative pattern, they may feel that they have a score to settle. past life or, conversely, to correct an imaginary evil.

    Dear ones, keep in mind that this is not a punishment situation. No one is demanding retribution or atonement from you. Simply two souls agreed to balance karma by resolving a past life problem.

    In this case, it is enough to heal your guilt and let the grievances go away.

    Find out whether you have to suffer to gain wisdom, or whether there are other ways.

    5. An unloved, boring man for you

    Manifestation in your life: You enter into a relationship or marriage with a person you are almost don't like it.

    You feel a colossal gap between you, a discrepancy between values ​​and levels of development. You are simply bored and lack a “spark.”

    This person seems to have done nothing wrong to you, but you almost hate him. Although you may not even admit it to yourself. And, for some reason, you continue this relationship.

    Vows and vows to be completed: the “Together Forever” vow, marriage vows from past lives (they are no longer relevant, but they work and keep you close).

    Spiritual Origin:

    “Not all souls evolve at the same rate.

    If you have moved faster on your path than the person you “owe” to, that person will pull you back.
    Because of love, a soul moving forward may slow down its spiritual growth in order to “wait” for another. Sometimes it works.

    But very often a soul that refuses to grow will pull your soul down until both become unhappy.

    You may be offended that he does not share your spiritual aspirations.

    And he is angry because he is unable to meet your expectations or understand your strange behavior.”

    I will add that in modern world this situation is aggravated by many courses teaching women " grow up your man."

    “Make your husband a millionaire”, “If the relationship doesn’t work out, it’s the woman’s fault, invest even more energy into it.”

    I have come across advice from some trainers to a woman to slow down her development, to stop realizing “for the sake of a man.”

    In fact, this may “smooth out the conflict” for a short time - but in the end, even lead to mutual hatred.

    However, decide for yourself.

    6. The unattainable “ideal” man

    Manifestation in your life: All the men you meet are “not suitable.”

    You know exactly what the right, beautiful, high relations- and every time you are disappointed, not achieving them with your next partner.

    It's like you have a memory of perfect love and mutual understanding, compared to which everything else is petty vanity.

    Vows and vows to be completed: an oath of eternal love in the spaces of high dimensions, an oath to find your twin flame, an oath of fidelity and service to higher powers (“Bride of Christ”).

    Spiritual Origin:

    In 99.9% of cases, one member of a twin pair remains in the higher realms, while the other leaves to explore the lower worlds (incarnates).

    The planet has many built-in restrictions to prevent premature contact with a twin flame. Uncontrollable passion will turn the earthly soul away from earthly obligations.

    Such a soul will no longer want to live in the world, and will not think about anything other than meeting its double in higher realms.

    And this is not only because the love between them is so strong that it does not allow them to concentrate on earthly matters. But also because, along with it, comes the recollection of higher dimensions - there is no war, poverty, suffering, etc.

    Most of the harmonious relationships on earth are between soul mates (you have quite a few of them). These relationships can be quite intense and beautiful.

    Completion of vows - breaking up or saving the relationship?

    I’ll add a question from the comments to the article:

    "Is it possible joint exit with your partner to another level of relationship? Of course, provided that both work on themselves. Or from a relationship is necessary get out

    In fact, ending a vow doesn't always mean ending a relationship. It only means a sober look at relationships.

    Simply put, both of you will no longer be affected by this “debt from the past.” If you close karmic connections, you will see in front of you real person and your relationship with him.

    And you can stay with him not out of “duty”, but in his own way free choice. This can even give access to a new round of love and level of trust.

    Or, honestly and calmly close this connection. Sometimes you have to accept what is urgently needed with a person break up to save your psyche and life (and often his, especially in the case of codependency).

    In many cases, it is possible to transform a karmic love affair into friendship. This man remains a dear person to you, there is simply no longer an obligation to “love him forever” and live with him.

    In fact, it is much more important to part on time more love than in maintaining a mutually draining relationship.

    A man may not be aware of all these processes and may not support them. This is essentially unimportant. By closing the oath on your part, you free both yourself and your partner.

    The completion of karmic relationships can become real the gift of your soul his soul.

    We have listed only the most common types of destructive relationships and vows.

    In fact, they can have hundreds of nuances and formulations. For example, touch not only love partners, but colleagues or relatives.

    One woman did not have good relationships with men because she was "married" to her mother, feeling, in her words, “an unhealthy attachment and a desire to live with her.”

    The oath to “sacrifice oneself in the name of the Family” is often found. It manifests itself as endless rescue of relatives, without regard to one’s interests and health (as well as their desires).

    Another girl took an oath of allegiance not in past incarnations, but in current life:

    “When I was 16 years old, I vowed love all my life and to be faithful to one person, moreover, I carved the first letter of his name on my hand with a knife.

    Our paths diverged, I married his classmate, moved away, this marriage ended in a terrible tragedy, then I got married again and again... But I was never truly happy.”

    Perhaps you have already remembered some decisions that limit you? Share your experience in the comments!

    The great joy is that it is not at all necessary to drag out vows from century to century and suffer.

    You once made these decisions by free will, in your own will complete them.

    I hope this resource was a big step in your transition to a happy, loving relationship!