What happens if you drink holy water. Is diluting with plain water allowed? When can you drink holy water?

Holy water is the greatest Orthodox shrine; it is always available in the home of a Christian who believes in the Lord. It crowns the image of Divine grace: it cleanses from filth, strengthens us in the feat of salvation.

We plunge into it three times during the creation of the Sacrament of Baptism in the font, and it also revives every newly baptized person in new life in God.

Read about blessed water:

It must be kept reverently as the greatest shrine, taking it with prayer and prosphora on an empty stomach in illness, during the invasion of dark forces, in the subjugation of passions and other infirmities. The bravest ones, in a rush to gain bodily health, plunge into the frosty Jordans built on reservoirs.

Attention! An important and interesting quality of holy water is that even in minute quantities, when added to ordinary water, it imparts its beneficial properties to the second, thereby sanctifying all the water.

Out of a benevolent attitude towards the shrine, although it is customary to drink it on an empty stomach, in case of illness or when there is a special need for God’s help, you can and should drink it or consecrate things with it at any time.

Holy water is usually stored for a long time and does not spoil. But it can “disappear” if it is not stored and used reverently. In addition, it can deteriorate in those people who constantly scandalize, live in sin, it seems to “react” to external and internal negativity.

It is forbidden for several people to drink water from the same vessel, bottle neck, or jar.

Important! Women in impurity should refrain from using agiasma.

Holy water

How to bless water yourself

You can consecrate water at home yourself, because there are some Christians who, for some extenuating circumstances, cannot visit the holy temple. A necessary condition for performing the Sacrament at home is sincere and unconditional faith!

  1. Fill the jar with cold tap water.
  2. Cross yourself, light a candle and read the initial prayers.
  3. Cross the water three times and read a special prayer for the blessing of water (it can be found in any prayer book). Pour some baptismal water from the church into the container.

It must be remembered that it is still advisable to take consecrated water in the temple or participate in special water-blessing prayers.

Church misconceptions

  • Many believe that swimming in the Epiphany Jordan can cleanse the soul of sins. This is incorrect; remission of sins is accomplished only through the Sacrament of repentance (confession) in an Orthodox church.
  • The water collected in the church on the day of the Epiphany is Epiphany water for a year, two, three, and so on, until its reserves run out. People make the mistake of thinking that her holiness “lasts” only a week.
  • There is no difference whether the water is collected on Christmas Eve or on the day of Epiphany. In terms of its qualities, it is absolutely the same. It is consecrated with the same rite, but many people do not even bother to listen to the prayers. Some near-religious people, for example, come today for water, and tomorrow they repeat the same thing, being confident that “tomorrow’s” water is stronger than “today’s”.
  • The Great Agiasma can be used by both Orthodox Christians and non-Orthodox Christians. It is important that they accept it fearing and reverently, with sincere prayer on their lips.
  • It is believed that water collected from a tap or in a reservoir on the feast of the Epiphany is blessed. But it will be like this only for those who have strong faith in Christ. But it’s better, of course, to get water from the church. Indeed, within its holy walls, during the festive service, the unity of Christian prayers takes place. It happens that a person does not have the opportunity to come to the temple - then with faith and prayer he is allowed to pour water from the tap and use it.
  • By adding just a drop of holy water to a container of plain water, absolutely all the water is sanctified. Therefore, it is unreasonable to collect consecrated water after prayers and on the feast of Epiphany in whole buckets and cans, because “a drop sanctifies the sea.”
  • It is considered a myth that if an unbaptized person comes to church on the feast of the Epiphany and attends the entire service from beginning to end, then he is already considered baptized and has the right to wear a cross and participate in other church sacraments.
  • It happens that holy water spoils, becomes cloudy, changes color, and gives off a rotten smell. In this case, it is necessary to pour it into a place that cannot be trampled underfoot, for example, under a tree, in a flower pot or in a pond. The vessel in which it was stored should no longer be used for domestic purposes.
  • It is incorrect to say that a person who takes holy water daily and according to all the rules need not proceed to the Sacrament of Communion. After all, holy water can in no way replace the Blood and Flesh of the Lord, which a Christian takes into himself during communion. According to church rules, agiasma is used instead of Communion only if a person is excommunicated from Communion for some time, that is, penance is imposed on him.

Blessing of water

Popular beliefs

  • Previously, villagers had the custom of collecting snow from haystacks on the day of Epiphany. The collected snow melted, and the canvas was immersed in the resulting water. People believed that only Epiphany water could whiten it. And the girls performed “cosmetic” procedures and washed their faces with this water in order to whiten their skin.
  • It was and is still believed that if a girl or woman washes her face early in the morning with the snow that fell on Epiphany, she will be attractive to the opposite sex for a whole year.
  • The snow collected on the evening of January 18 was considered healing and healing. People came up with various treatment methods that helped them get rid of ailments. Of course, this is a myth, but no one has canceled the placebo effect.
  • Epiphany Christmas Eve was considered the time of the highest revelry of evil spirits. In order to avoid its invasion of homes, people placed church candles in the corners of houses and lit them, and a wooden crucifix was necessarily hung on the door.
  • Water was poured into the silver bowl on the evening of January 18th. The container was placed on a table or on a windowsill. At midnight, people waited for the water to begin to sway, which meant the opening of the heavens and the descent of the Holy Spirit. At this moment, people made wishes. It was believed that everything planned at that moment would certainly come true.
  • Dreams that occurred on the night of Epiphany were considered prophetic.
  • People believed that the sacrament of Baptism performed on a person on a holiday promises the newly baptized Christian happiness for life.
  • The matchmaking, which took place on the day of Epiphany, promised the young couple a long, calm, happy and blessed married life.

More about superstitions:

On the holiday of Epiphany, you should not engage in physical work or household chores. It is forbidden to swear and commit sinful acts.

Advice! A pious activity is considered to be attending a church service, confessing sins, and partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And after the service, it is advisable to take some holy water.

Even the elders admonished the people that there is no stronger medicine for a person than holy water.

Watch a video about holy water


Baptized people should take holy water on an empty stomach, in the morning or evening - just before going to bed. If the illness has severely constricted the patient, it is not forbidden to take holy water in unlimited quantities, regardless of food intake, and also to sprinkle it on the entire body or sore spot. You should know that even if the patient is prescribed medications on an empty stomach, they should be taken only after drinking holy water.

After drinking holy water, it is necessary to pray for healing (only sick people should read this prayer). Healthy people should then read a prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water.

Holy water should be taken in small sips at a time. You should know that it must be drunk in three sips.

Ordinary believers need to take holy water daily in the morning by eating a piece of prosphora and, as mentioned above, reading a prayer for accepting the prosphora and holy water. This is how every new day of a Christian believer should begin.

Holy water can be added to ordinary tap water, and then it is believed that all the water is clarified, becomes holy, and acquires healing, beneficial properties. You can drink it and cook food from it.

Daily intake of holy water helps to cure not only skin diseases or stomach diseases, it also allows you to get rid of spiritual ailments. It is taken for cardiac arrhythmia, enlarged thyroid gland, migraines, toothaches, earaches and many other ailments. You can store holy water only at room temperature near or behind the icon.

Holy water has healing properties and is believed to help with various illnesses and misfortunes. Someone can deny this fact, that is their right. But any Orthodox person should know where to get holy water and when to take it.


When there is misfortune in a family, in desperation people immediately want to go to church, pray and draw holy water. There is no need to argue with your soul's call. In any temple you can easily collect holy water, just take an empty container with you. Some churches are already selling containers with a sticker on which a prayer is indicated before receiving holy water and prosphora. Remember that you are not alone, and you should not pour five to ten liters of water at a time. It is recommended to take no more than 0.5 liters at one time.

Water collected on the Christian holiday of Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 19, has special healing powers. It is believed that this water drives out unclean spirits, cleanses the soul of sinners, and relieves depression and despondency. Pick up a bottle of water at the temple on January 19th. Holy water is blessed with silver and can be stored for a long time without spoiling at all. To avoid standing in a long line on this holy holiday, you can receive healing liquid without leaving your home. At midnight from January 18th to 19th, holy water, sanctified by God himself, flows from the tap. You can also take a shower in your apartment at this time; those who are especially brave can dive into the ice hole.

If you want to collect holy water in a specific place, for example, at the grave of a saint, then go on a pilgrimage trip. You can check schedules and travel options at most temples. During the tour, you will visit the cemetery where the saint is buried, swim in the spring and collect holy water, which you can also keep for many years.

Best take holy a small amount of water on an empty stomach or add one drop to a glass of water. The power of the healing drink can sanctify any large volume of water with just one drop. Before accepting, pray, cross yourself and reverently accept the gift you have received.

The Feast of Epiphany on the night of January 18-19 is special. All water on this night acquires special healing properties. We will tell you about when to collect water for Epiphany, how to properly store and use it in our article.


Epiphany water is truly special. Epiphany holy water is called in the Orthodox Church the great Agiasma - the great Shrine. You can dial it only two days a year - January 18, Epiphany Eve, and January 19, Epiphany Day. Holy water collected on both January 18 and 19 has the same healing power.

Epiphany water is the same holy water; it has long been believed that it has even stronger properties. It can treat serious illnesses, helps in difficult times, and can create protection. If you can use holy water, knowing that it is easy to fill up another bottle at any time, then Epiphany water is usually kept for special occasions.

In general, the rules for its use are the same as for holy water:

  • It is necessary to take Epiphany water on an empty stomach
  • after drinking Epiphany water, eat prosphora
  • Be sure to take holy water with sincere prayer.

During illness or serious morale You are allowed to take Epiphany water throughout the day, not on an empty stomach. It is permissible to sprinkle your home with it and lubricate sore spots. If there is little water left, you can safely dilute ordinary water with it - then it will also become sanctified and receive a piece of holiness. You just need to do this also with prayer. It must be stored next to the home iconostasis, in a sacred place. Every year on the feast of Epiphany you can collect new water.


“Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your boundless mercy through Your prayers Preciousness to Your Mother and to all Your saints, Amen."


They say that on January 19, on the feast of Epiphany, holy water even flows from the tap. Is this true?

If you read the Holy Scriptures, you can actually find words there that all water on the day of the Baptism of the Lord is made holy. However, in in this case we are talking about natural springs rather than piped water.

It is worth remembering exactly how the water is consecrated - a prayer must be read over it, a cross must be lowered into it. The Blessing of Water for Epiphany is a special church sacrament, which, of course, cannot happen with tap water. So church ministers urge not to take the words about the universal holiness of water in Baptism too straightforwardly.

Moreover, you should not draw water from the tap and call it holy. It is much easier to go to the nearest church and get water there, over which a prayer has actually been read, because it is absolutely free and accessible, especially in big cities.

Blessing of water is a certain church tradition, and many Orthodox Christians admit that they like to come to church, draw water, and feel involved in the holiday.


Epiphany water does not spoil - all Christian believers know this. even after standing for a year, it does not change its taste and color. But in some cases, Epiphany water does not behave as usual. Should you think about the bad if Epiphany water has spoiled? Or could it be due to natural causes? And what to do with water in this case?

Most often, Epiphany water spoils for obvious reasons:

  • water was collected in a not very clean container,
  • the container with Epiphany water stood in the sun for a long time,
  • other storage conditions were not met.

Holy water, despite everything, has the properties of ordinary water, which means it can spoil. Of course, there are cases when all storage conditions were met, but the water could not survive until the next Epiphany. Sometimes this happens in homes where there is discord, and there are often quarrels and disagreements. After all, water absorbs all human emotions and atmosphere, especially if it is consecrated.

There is nothing wrong with the spoilage of Epiphany water; you should not attribute non-existent reasons to this event. This water can no longer be used: it must be poured into the ground or into running water. It is advisable not to use the bottle from it further in the household. You can thoroughly wash the container, dry it and fill it with new Epiphany water for the next year.

In this article:

The evil eye is a negative energy program that differs from damage not only in the strength of its impact, but also in the method of induction. Such negativity is formed under the influence of any negative feelings and emotions of a person, for example, due to jealousy or envy. Bad feelings contribute to the accumulation negative energy, which, when reaching a certain volume, can break out and cause harm to other people.

For many centuries, Holy water has been considered one of the most effective means from the evil eye and other types of negativity. Blessed water can be used both together with other methods of combating negative energy, and separately.

In addition, there are a number of cleansing magical rituals, which require a liquid charged with church energy.

What is the evil eye and how to fight it

The evil eye is sometimes considered a type of damage, but this is completely incorrect, because such negativity can be caused without bad intent, and by people who do not even think about causing harm to someone. Because of this, the evil eye is the most common type of negative energy, to which any person, without exception, can become a victim.

The evil eye is a fairly weak form of negative energy, and it is quite easy to fight it. In most cases, a believer will be able to get rid of negative influences with the help of prayers, icons and holy water alone.

What is holy water

Holy water is water taken from consecrated springs or churches. You can charge the water with pure Christian energy yourself; to do this, simply place a consecrated cross on your body in a vessel with clean water and read the Lord’s Prayer seven times. Many churchmen say that water charged in this way is not truly consecrated, since only the servants of the Lord have sufficient power to perform this ritual.

Their opinion can be easily explained, because they do not want the common man to understand that all the power lies in his very faith, and priests, churches and domes are just a bright cover, but not the essence of Orthodoxy and Christianity in general.

Jesus Christ taught people faith and told them not to make idols for themselves, not to worship idols, but this is exactly what some dishonest worshipers are trying to achieve today.

You can indeed make (charge) holy water yourself, but this is only available to sincere believers who do not doubt their faith and never deviate from it.

In the matter of consecrating water, an important role is played not by who performs the ritual, but by the time of the ancient rite. It is best to charge the liquid with energy in large Orthodox holidays, especially at Epiphany, because Epiphany water has long been considered unique.

Even in our age of progress, many local residents believe that stocking up on Epiphany water is their sacred duty, and it’s hard to argue with this belief, because such miraculous water can always come in handy. This liquid can be used not only to cleanse the body and soul of negative energy, but also to get rid of a variety of diseases.

Holy water is a panacea for many ills

What was previously treated with holy water?

Our ancestors have used holy water for centuries to treat a variety of diseases. Some evidence of such use and miraculous healing has survived to this day. It is known that in the Ryazan region holy water was used even for snake bites. During Palm Matins, holy water was infused on willow buds, and it was this liquid that made it possible to fight the poison.

In the Novgorod region, Epiphany water has long been held in special esteem; it was used to treat bruises and abrasions, and was also used to lubricate any injuries on the body. In addition, it was believed that such water was the only reliable medicine for diseases in infants. Of course, today we should not forget about modern medicines, because they really can save lives.

In Rus', holy water was used not only for external and internal use. It was from then on that the tradition of Epiphany bathing in an ice hole has come down to this day, because before this the reservoir is consecrated, which means that we can say that people are bathing in already holy water.

It is believed that swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany can save a person from any disease, even the most serious. Moreover, even completely healthy people fall into the hole in for preventive purposes. The most amazing thing is that after such bathing there are practically no cases of colds; even for sick people, cold water does not bring any complications.

Holy water today

Blessed water still retains its miraculous properties today. In addition to Epiphany water, Jordan water collected on January 18, Sretenskaya water collected on February 15, and Spasovskaya water collected on August 19 are also suitable for fighting the evil eye and damage.

To get rid of a simple evil eye, sometimes it is enough to simply sprinkle holy water on the sick person and let him drink a few sips. Small children, among other things, need to be washed with holy water and their heads moistened with it.

This method is very good flush household negativity

If the evil eye is strong, you can use the ritual with a bath. Fill half a bathtub with warm water at a temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius, and then pour some blessed water into the bathtub crosswise. After this, sit in the bath and read any conspiracies you know against negativity or prayers, the well-known “Our Father” will do. If after taking a bath you notice a rash or even bruises on your body, then do not be alarmed; good signs, indicating the beginning of the process of cleansing the body of negative induced energy. In addition, you can add a few tablespoons of salt to the bath.

There are many popular superstitions about how to use and what holy water helps with:

  • The best remedy for all types of spoilage is water taken from three different springs before sunrise;
  • from springs and springs the water will be the cleanest and most useful;
  • Water that flows in the direction of the sun, that is, from east to west, helps well against any disease;
  • clay helps purify water, so water from a spring or river with a clay bed will healthier than water, taken from a reservoir with a stone bed;
  • water that flows down from a hill has an additional advantage;
  • Water that flows from a spring and is open to the wind and sun will help protect against witchcraft;
  • The human body best absorbs fresh well water, especially if it sits for a day in a new clay jug with an open neck before use;
  • holy water helps well against insomnia; for sound sleep, you can make compresses on the forehead with cold liquid;
  • Warm foot baths with a small amount of holy water will help relieve headaches;
  • To prevent bedbugs in the house, sprinkle beds and all bedding with holy water.

Holy water is one of the most powerful sources of Christian energy. When used correctly, this liquid can help in a variety of ways. life situations, ranging from manifestations of negative magical energy to difficulties in personal life and illness.

It is only important to remember that holy water will have power only if you yourself believe in this power, in the power of God. For true believers in any situation, there will be no need for other sources of otherworldly power other than an icon, holy water and prayer.

In nature there is a well-known and surprising substance - water. It is she who can carry both destruction and healing. There are many legends and tales about this, according to which the extraordinary power of this life-giving moisture works wonders. Is this really true?

The miraculous properties of holy water

Its cleansing and medicinal properties water is acquired exclusively at certain times of the year. This phenomenon still remains a mystery to all scientists, since none of them can provide an intelligible and intelligible explanation for this fact. However, this is true. People who swam in an ice hole on the Epiphany holiday, as a rule, do not catch a cold. And if you immerse yourself in water on the day popularly called “Maundy Thursday”, you can be cured of various diseases.

Our mothers and grandmothers know how to use it well. They are convinced that, for example, on days such as Epiphany and Maundy Thursday, even ordinary water drawn from the tap will not spoil for many years. In addition, you can add a few drops of prepared holy water to plain water, so that it itself will become consecrated.

The Secret of Holy Water

What to do with holy water - everyone needs to decide individually. Some people simply store it in the closet, others regularly spray their homes with it, and others drink it every day. At the same time, people do not realize the main secret of holy water. It lies in the fact that such a liquid has a harmonious structure, compared to the chaos in plain water.

By conducting experiments characterized by observing changes in such a liquid, scientists found that the structure of Epiphany water is much more harmonious than on other days. This liquid has very strong energy and is characterized by the presence of many unique properties.

Epiphany healing

According to numerous experiments, it is clear what an amazing effect the water that was collected on the nineteenth of January from a church spring can have on the human body. After taking it, all people who participated in this experiment and were directly exposed to such a liquid showed a significant increase in the level of biological and energetic activity. And the water, which was collected from the same source, but at the beginning of the month, had absolutely no effect on the human body.

Based on the results of the experiment, scientists came to the conclusion that the saint has a fairly good effect on overall health, can help improve the level of energy circulation, and also enhance human energy functions. Therefore, a completely understandable question arises: “How to use holy water?”

Miracle of Healing

Unfortunately, today many people do not know what to do with holy water and how to use it correctly. But such a liquid is an extremely unusual phenomenon of an unexplored nature. Indeed, thanks to holy water you can be cured of various diseases and ailments.

Its miracle is that it can transmit harmony to all people. Entering the human body, holy water rebuilds its unhealthy organs in its new way, thereby provoking their subsequent healing.

In addition, there is another important factor in the history of science, which proves that after crossing ordinary water, you can remove millions of microbes in it, and also change its optical characteristics and properties. The same applies to food. clean the food immediately.

The Powerful Impact of Prayer

Nowadays, many people have an idea of ​​how to use holy water. But not everyone knows how to make it from ordinary liquid. In one of the experiments conducted by scientists, it was established exactly how the well-known sign of the cross affects negative bacteria in water. During this experiment, samples from different reservoirs were used. At the same time, both church people and non-believers read prayers for water. Ultimately, this experiment revealed that the number of bacteria decreased significantly in all cases.

In addition, prayers and signs of the cross also have a rather beneficial effect on the human body. As a result of experiments, it was proven that such methods can normalize blood pressure and improve blood levels. Amazing fact is that the pressure during the research changed according to the requirements of treatment, for example, in hypertensive patients it decreased, and in hypotensive patients it increased.

Science's opinion

Do you know how to bless an apartment with holy water? Delving into such a pressing issue, many people do not even think about how this simple liquid acquired its miraculous power. IN modern world many scientists consider it reliable
the theory that water is charged exclusively from space. This can be explained by the fact that on January 19th the planet Earth is subjected to special irradiation, due to which the bioenergy of all water then increases. Therefore, all living organisms on Earth receive additional charges energy just before spring.

If you follow another theory, then before the holiday of Epiphany, for many years, strong accumulations of neuron flows are observed, exceeding the background levels by hundreds of times.

Astrologers about holy water

Astrologers believe that on the eighteenth and nineteenth of January our planet seeks a connection with the middle of the entire galaxy, due to which a general interaction occurs. At the same time, the Earth is under the influence of energy channels that structure everything, including liquid. The result is holy water. Everyone knows where to get it these days, since any body of water during such a period has healing properties.

The miraculous characteristics of holy water are indeed not a fairy tale. However, one should not rely on complete physical and spiritual recovery with their help. The clergy claim that even if you lie in holy water for days on end, it will not bring you holiness. A righteous lifestyle and prayers can fully help cleanse the soul. Moreover, holy water is a blessing on this road.

This liquid is very useful for people who suffer from any disease. Therefore, many are interested in the pressing question: “How to drink holy water?” To do this, you can take from sixty to one hundred milliliters of it on an empty stomach daily. It is better to store it in glassware and in a place where daylight does not reach. To enhance the effect, you need to read a prayer.

You should also not use holy water in everyday life when doing any household chores. This could be washing dishes, making tea, preparing food or taking a bath. In addition, water for blessing does not always come only from the church, and ordinary tap water can be blessed. To do this, you just need to dilute it with holy water, and an ordinary liquid will acquire its properties.

Based on the above, it becomes extremely clear how to use holy water at home. By following such simple instructions and preaching a righteous lifestyle, you can actually get rid of some problems thanks to holy water.