Gentle care: How to leave a girl like a gentleman. How to leave a girl if you decide to do it Leave a girl without offending

If a situation arises in which it is worth breaking up with a girl and doing it in such a way as not to offend the woman and remain friends or separate peacefully, then it will not be superfluous to read everything that is in this and other articles on this site.

How to leave a girl if you live with her and not offend her, not regret it and not suffer

There is a custom in Islam that a man can pronounce the word “talaq” or “I am getting a divorce” provided that his wife has had her period and there has been no sexual relationship between the partners.

If you decide to leave the girl you live with and not offend her, do not regret it and do not suffer, use life experience eastern people.

How to stop loving a girl who doesn't love you

You can stop loving a girl who doesn’t love you by meeting your true soul mate and erasing the failed romance from your memory.

How to properly leave a girl without offending her via SMS, in VK without hurting her phrases

There are no phrases about parting that won’t cause pain. You can smooth out the gap with the words “You are wonderful and you will definitely meet someone who will idolize you,” “I’m sorry, but I can’t make you happy,” or something like that.

How to leave a girl without reason, insults, hysterics and consequences

You can leave a girl without offense, hysterics and consequences by gradually reducing and eliminating communication with her.

How to make a guy leave a girl

Forcing a guy to leave a girl means interfering in his personal life and imposing your will on him, which is not entirely correct. As a last resort, tell him your opinion face to face, and let him decide how to live further.

How to leave a woman for another

Before leaving a woman for another, you need to take off your rose-colored glasses and soberly assess the situation. It is possible that the infatuation with another woman is superficial, and the relationship with the former companion has lost its freshness due to its stability and everyday problems. According to statistics, more than half of men regret breaking up relationships with their companions when it is no longer possible to get everything back. Don’t join their ranks by trading in “tough for soap.” The first (awl) hurts, leaving scars for life, and the second (soap) seems to cleanse, but will soon dissolve without a trace, as if it never happened...

You can stop being jealous of a girl by understanding that jealousy is based on your rich imagination, and not on the real events of the life of your loved one. If there is no trust in a relationship, then there is no love.

How to leave a girl if she is suicidal and loves you very much

It is better to leave a girl who is prone to suicide using the recommendations of a psychologist. Moreover, it would not be superfluous to visit this specialist not alone, but together with a girl.

How to carefully leave a girl after a long relationship and remain friends

If you decide to break up with a girl after a long relationship, then it’s unlikely to be done carefully. Breaking up will certainly cause stress for the girl, and an offer to remain friends will sound like ridicule and additional humiliation of her feelings and dignity.

If a breakup is inevitable, there are good reasons for it. Tell the girl about them and leave, or discuss with her whether it makes sense to correct something in order to save your union.

Dear readers, in this article you will find out the answer to the question of how to leave a girl. Let us consider the case of separation at long term relationship. You will learn how to do this if the girl does not let go. You will become aware of what actions are unacceptable in such a situation.

We part beautifully

Take a piece of paper and answer yourself a series of questions, especially if you have doubts about whether to leave the girl. By answering these questions, you will be able to better understand yourself and your feelings, and you will find the necessary arguments for a future conversation.

  • do you want to never see her again?
  • Don’t you just want to intimidate or take revenge on her in this way?
  • Isn't the breakup phrase a way to get her attention?
  • When and why did you stop being satisfied with the relationship?
  • what has changed and in whom, because once everything suited you?
  • can the girl do something to influence your decision?
  1. Take two pieces of paper. On the first one, write everything that you consider to be the reason for the upcoming separation. On the second, reformulate everything so that your statements do not offend the girl, even if the breakup is really her fault.
  2. Now start talking. It’s better to choose a neutral area for conversation, for example, a cafe, preferably not far from her house, so that she can easily get home. Remember that she will be upset.
  3. Be sure to tell me that you've been thinking about it for a long time. decision made and it really matters to you.
  4. Say that you realized that there is no future in your relationship. Give pre-prepared arguments.
  5. Be sure to thank the girl for everything she has done for you. Tell her how smart and beautiful she is, that you are simply “not on the way.”
  6. Now it is important not to give any hope. Most likely, the girl will try to restore the relationship, call and write, and look for a meeting. It is important to remain polite and at the same time serious. She must accept everything and get over it.

If we've been together for a long time

“I want to leave the girl, but they tie us up for many years relationships, what to do” - if this characterizes your situation, then you can follow the recommendations below.

  1. Talk to the girl calmly, do not rush to start a quarrel.
  2. Don't raise your voice, don't resort to insults. If a girl becomes hysterical, try to calm her down.
  3. You can’t show that a breakup gives you maximum pleasure. This way you will only offend the beautiful lady more. Don't be too cold with her.
  4. It is very important to think through the conversation in advance and choose the right words.
  5. It is necessary to speak out in such a way that your partner understands that your decision is not spontaneous, but well thought out - the consequence of long deliberation, and is final.
  6. It is important to show the woman that your breakup has significant reasons. If you want to break up because of her betrayal, then you don’t have to voice such a reason. If you are leaving because you cheated, then it is better to remain silent.
  7. We can say that he is not yet ready for a serious relationship, in principle, with any special person, and not specifically with his partner.
  8. It is important to convey to the girl that the decision is final and that she will still meet her fate. It is necessary that all the i's are dotted and there is no unsaidness left.

Breaking up with your girlfriend

There is also a situation when a young man is in love, but notices that his partner does not reciprocate his feelings and continues to be there only out of politeness or fear of offending the person. In such a situation, it is important to gather courage and realize that the girl will be better off with someone else.

  1. Talk to her, tell her about your decision, give reasons for it.
  2. Stay calm and cut off all contacts.
  3. It is important not to fall into a depressed state after a breakup. Find a passion, go on a trip. It is important to occupy your thoughts with something else. Throw away anything that might remind you of your ex.

What to do if a girl doesn't let go

  1. Having made your decision, don’t hesitate. State your decision firmly and confidently.
  2. If a girl tries to place all the blame on you, then ask for forgiveness for the entire past, apologize for promises that could lead her astray.
  3. It is possible that the girl may begin to blackmail you, threatening suicide or problems at work. If you know about her such tendencies, then it is better to enlist the help of a psychologist, lawyer or police. It is important to think about how best to present the news of the breakup.
  4. If she's trying to beg for a second chance, don't go along with it if you know nothing will change. Under no circumstances should you agree to have sex. This may be a desperate desire to get pregnant in order to prevent separation.

There was one story in my life. The guy repeatedly tried to break up with the girl. But every time he started talking about it, she threatened to jump out of the window or throw herself under a train. The guy doubted that she would do this, but he was still afraid of being responsible for someone’s life. Therefore, he stayed with her, despite the fact that the relationship simply poisoned his life. And, probably, he would have suffered for a long time if not for a happy accident. The girl was invited to her cousin's birthday party, where she met a new object of adoration. As a result, she herself left the poor fellow in order to be with her new lover. By the way, the new romance ended in marriage for her.

If you decide to leave a girl, then it is important to think about her feelings and put yourself in her place. The action must be deliberate.

  1. You cannot break up by text or phone call.
  2. You cannot insult, try to humiliate a girl, or blame her for all the problems.
  3. You should not point out her shortcomings, especially when it comes to her figure and appearance in general. This could seriously harm her self-esteem.
  4. There is no need to pretend to be a macho man, smiling mysteriously.
  5. You can't say that she won't be with anyone. Often such statements program a girl for loneliness in the future.
  6. You can’t break up without explaining anything, simply disappearing from her life.
  7. You can’t cheat on purpose, so that the girl finds out everything and decides to leave you.
  8. You can't start a new relationship before you finally explain yourself to your current girlfriend.
  1. The decision was made. Now it’s important to do everything right, so as not to offend the girl. A frank conversation will be the most honest. Who knows, maybe she’s ready for it too.
  2. Analyze the situation. Make sure that you really do not want to continue the relationship, and this is not a spontaneous decision due to a strong attack of anger or jealousy, or a desire for revenge. Try to explain to yourself what exactly didn’t suit you in your relationship, is it possible to somehow improve it, for example, by telling the girl about what doesn’t suit you, maybe she can change.
  3. When talking to a girl, don’t even think about saying that she’s ugly or a bad housewife, or mentioning the defects in her figure. You can not only offend, but also cause serious psychological trauma, which will ruin her entire future life. It’s better to blame yourself, saying that you yourself are not ready for a relationship or that your feelings have cooled down.
  4. Be sure to thank the young lady for all the wonderful minutes spent together. Tell her that you are not worthy of her, she will have a better man.
  5. Don't even try to shout or make a fuss. Who knows, maybe you will decide to restore this relationship when you realize that you feel very bad without her.
  6. If a girl really loves you, then you will see a sea of ​​​​tears, hear pleas, and hysteria is not excluded. If you have doubts, then you can try to give the girl a chance. If the decision was deliberate, then you need to remain adamant. It is best, after explanations, to go somewhere for a couple of weeks, so as not to catch her eye, to stop any contact with the girl.

It is very important that your decision is conscious and not the result of some kind of resentment or a desire to attract attention to yourself. Do not forget about the feelings of a beautiful person, her psychological health. The news of a breakup should be the least painful, and presented in such a way that the girls can survive it. Remember not to insult or blame your partner for your breakup.

Human relationships do not always lend themselves to logical explanation. And what can we say about the relationship between a guy and a girl? Since this problem is familiar to many, let's look in detail at how to break up with a girl in a civilized, cultural manner and without mutual accusations.

When should you break up with a girl?

No one can predict how the relationship with the girl you love will develop. You like her, she is comfortable and easy. Her love envelops you like a cocoon. The man understands that he is lucky with his girlfriend, but his heart tells him that he does not want to live happily ever after with her and die on the same day. And it’s not that she cooks poorly and throws her clothes all over the apartment or is tired of her pedantry. This is just not your person. There are different reasons for ending a relationship:

  • lack of love,
  • treason,
  • uncomfortable relationship
  • distance,
  • views have changed
  • common interests disappeared.

The guys claim that there are two options:

  1. The man wants to end the relationship as quickly as possible, cutting off all the loose ends, since he doesn’t need anything from the girl;
  2. Separate by mutual consent and remain friends after that.

The stronger sex offers a variety of scenarios for a breakup. Everyone chooses their own. But it should be remembered that no matter how the guy prepares for this difficult task, the procedure will still be painful. Especially if this news stuns the girl who still loves him and does not suspect that this has come to an end.

Let’s make a reservation right away that breaking up via SMS message or letter is not best way. And not all girls will be satisfied with a short note of a few words as an explanation. It is unlikely that the guy will like her harassment and annoying calls, because she did not understand why she was abandoned.

You should end the relationship if you have analyzed the situation and found out for yourself that you cannot put up with this situation because:

  • are not able to accept the partner’s shortcomings: irresponsibility or weakness of will,
  • religious beliefs interfere, but you are not going to change your faith,
  • personal fears of being abandoned first slow down relationships,
  • you don’t see prospects for further interaction,
  • you stay with a girl out of pity or out of habit,
  • you are embarrassed to appear with her in public,
  • feelings are gone, love is gone,
  • not happy with intimacy
  • forces you to do something that contradicts your beliefs (use alcohol or drugs)
  • fell in love with another woman
  • often quarrel and insult each other.

The list can be continued indefinitely, since Leo Tolstoy noted that “ every unhappy family (read: couple) is unhappy in its own way" Therefore, you should not brush off the problem like an annoying fly. After all, it’s not often that fate throws out tricks when everything is decided by itself.

How to break up beautifully without offending the girl?

You should not disperse under the influence of emotions, in a fit of anger. It won't help to discuss the situation with your partner. The best way out is to calm down, calmly weigh and think about everything, and then invite the girl to meet on neutral territory so that no one interferes.

Talk to the girl frankly, explain that your relationship has changed and there's no point in continuing them. Don't forget to highlight her strengths in the conversation. Tell her gently but firmly that you different people. And in order not to torment each other and not reach the moment when irritation develops into hatred, you need to break up. Emphasize that the experience gained in relationships will help her and you find the partner of your dreams. Thank you for the moments of happiness that you experienced with her.

The main thing is that the words are sincere. So that the girl understands: she can ask for support after a breakup, if such a moment comes in her life.

Take all the blame for the breakup. To convince a girl of this, prepare the ground. Gradually extinguish the relationship without showing signs of attention. Spend less time with her, do not be interested in her affairs. Love will slowly fade into the background, and the relationship will smoothly develop into friendship.

Let her know that you both need to take a break from each other and figure out whether you need to continue building sand castles. And then the guy has a choice - to return or not.

You can break up in different ways. But if you respect the feelings you had for the girl, do it beautifully. Give a bouquet, say “thank you” for being with her, apologize for the fact that the relationship did not work out.

How do different zodiac signs separate?

Our temperament depends not only on the genes of our ancestors, but also on the zodiac sign under which we were born. Representatives of different signs experience the breakdown of relationships individually.

Aries. Those who belong to Aries often suffer due to their impulsiveness and short temper. Their relationship with their partner is an endless seesaw of quarrels, showdowns, a series of departures and hasty returns. But then the women admit that life does not stand still and new adventures await them. Aries men do not experience any special experiences.

Taurus. Taurus approach love relationships intelligently. He carefully weighs the pros and cons. But if he realizes that his choice is wrong, it will be difficult to accept. Taurus is sure that he calculated everything correctly. If you decide to break up with a representative of this sign, start wasting money and purchasing completely unnecessary things. Ignore him, refuse help around the house, citing being busy. And then the woman herself will leave the man without even saying goodbye.

Twins. Practical, if not prudent, twins can pretend for a long time that everything is in order and that their partner has no shortcomings. He takes partings hard: he persuades his partner to think, and surrounds him with tender care. It is useless to prove or explain anything to him. The girl will calm down only when she finds a suitable replacement. Men of this sign prefer to cut from the shoulder once and for all. Even if they are drawn to their former partner, they will be afraid to return because they have burned all the bridges behind them.

Cancer. Cancers are considered conservatives. They find it difficult to accept changes in life, are reluctant to break off relationships, are afraid of sudden changes because they believe in beautiful story about eternal love. Therefore, they persistently ignore any facts that indicate their partner’s betrayal or double love affair. If your girlfriend was born under the sign of Cancer, then you will have to take the initiative into your own hands. After all, she will not dare to break off the relationship and will justify all her partner’s actions. To speed up the separation from a Cancer man, you need to give up household chores, not pay attention to dust and dirty pots, and turn your life into an endless vacation with entertainment. Cancers do not tolerate such treatment - love will evaporate and feelings will fade away.

Lion. It is not for nothing that lions are born under the royal sign. They prefer to be treated with respect and reverence. Leo women love to be praised and admired. Parting is guaranteed for you if you stop singing odes to your beloved. Especially effective way- ridicule and criticize in public. This brings discord into relationships, because Leos do not tolerate hypocrisy and lies. Separations are painless and calm, without reproaches and accusations.

Virgo. People born under the sign of Virgo do not know how to part easily. Since they are winners by nature, they experience defeats for a long time and painfully. Representatives of this sign will wait until the last minute so as not to end the relationship, even if they are a burden to him. It’s unfortunate, but most often Virgos try on the status of an abandoned person. They rarely do this themselves.

Scales. As a couple sign, Libras are not made for loneliness. They love to take care of loved ones. Since Libra women are considered very sensitive, you need to prove to them that you do not need guardianship, and that you can solve all problems on your own. Men of this sign prefer to disappear from their partner’s sight if the relationship has exhausted itself.

Scorpion. Scorpio falls in love with ideal women. Only their partner’s betrayal or lies can force them to break up. Beware: in hatred he is terrible and ready to grind the traitor into powder.

Sagittarius. Sagittarians recover quite quickly from breaks. Gives his beloved more than one chance. But if his patience has come to an end, he will calmly end the relationship. Often representatives of this sign remain friends with their exes.

Capricorn. Capricorns in relationships very ambitious. Therefore, caustic criticism of him in front of friends will serve as a catalyst for separation. The retaliatory blow will be merciless - you will learn about all your shortcomings in a harsh presentation.

Aquarius. If Aquarius decides for himself that his partner has become uninteresting to him, he will leave without saying goodbye. It’s easy to offend him: accidentally share with someone a secret that Aquarius values. He will change his place of residence, delete his page on social networks, and insert a new SIM card into his phone. Do you want to remain friends? Try to come to an agreement with him.

Fish. Pisces cannot part without scars on their hearts. This process will be easy if they initiate the breakup.

Is it possible to remain friends after a breakup?

Not everyone can remain friends after the end of a relationship. And it’s not just that some are more dependent on the celestial constellations. If the breakup was calm, without accusations or quarrels, when you honestly told your ex-partner about the reasons for breaking up, that is, a chance to establish friendly relations after some time.

Don’t forget that most women will “replay” your meetings in their minds for a long time, remembering words of recognition and love. Let a couple of months pass and you will understand that not everyone can do this. But if your ex-girlfriend asks for help, don't reject her if you consider yourself her friend and responsible person.

Each girl is able to react differently to the fact that a guy no longer wants to be around. She can either pretend that she also wanted to break up, or create a real scandal. If a man guesses that his girlfriend’s reaction will be closer to the second option, then he will have to carefully prepare for the upcoming conversation. And the basic rule is that he must behave like a gentleman.

First, you need to think about whether there really is no other choice but to part with the girl beautifully. It should be borne in mind that everyone can go their own way at any moment, and it will be almost impossible to renew the relationship. This especially applies to those couples in which the woman is ready to work on herself and her behavior.

If a couple lives together, then first it is recommended to simply go to different apartments. Let the man be alone and feel what it’s like. If young people live separately, then you can stop communicating for several weeks. Maybe it will be enough for both to talk, express complaints and grievances, and then find a compromise.

If a man has finally decided everything and parting is the only way out, then you need to try to make it as least painful as possible for the girl. After all, if she turns out to be too vulnerable and emotional, she will receive psychological trauma that will not allow her to be happy in other relationships. Therefore, the guy should try to minimize the suffering of his companion.

If a guy decides to leave a girl, he must under no circumstances:

  • break up over the phone;
  • say goodbye by message on a social network or SMS by phone;
  • use methods other than meeting in person. There should be no requests to pass on information through girlfriends, friends or relatives. Communication should take place only between a guy and a girl, no one else. No matter how unpleasant this conversation may be.

How to break off a relationship?

To prevent a girl from being offended when breaking up, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. 1. You need to choose the right time. It is not advisable to report a breakup if she has had other tragic events in her life. It is recommended to choose a period when, apart from an unpleasant conversation, the girl will not be disturbed by anything else.
  2. 2. If the couple does not live together, then the guy should make an appointment on a day when both have enough free time. So as not to talk “on the run.” It is better to discuss everything in one meeting than to schedule an additional one.
  3. 3. It is recommended to think about what you need to tell her in advance. You don’t have to say out loud all the nuances why a man decided to break up. But the woman must receive basic explanations. Details will be unnecessary if the guy doesn’t want her to suffer even more.
  4. 4. When you need to break up with a girl you love, you don’t need to mention her external or behavioral shortcomings (not very beautiful, not active in bed, etc.). It is not recommended to tell her that the guy needed the relationship only for a while, to have fun, etc. You should not talk about new girl, even if it is her fault that the separation occurs.

If you have been together for a long time

In order to break up with a girl you don’t love after a long relationship, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. 1. A man needs to conduct the conversation calmly, and not incite a quarrel. There is no need to get personal or raise your voice during a conversation. If she herself starts shouting or insulting, then there is no need to follow her lead and play along. It is better to calm the woman down and tell her that it will not be possible to get her interlocutor emotional. The conversation should not turn into a harsh showdown. All hysterics must be interrupted initially.
  2. 2. It is advisable for the girl to understand that breaking up with her does not bring pleasure to the guy either. It is not recommended to communicate harshly and coldly, making it clear the joy of getting rid of the relationship. She will feel even worse. Moreover, if the guy initially built a relationship with a girl who ended up with someone else’s child. It is necessary to think through the dialogue in advance so as not to offend anyone.
  3. 3. If a man does not want the girl to be hurt, he needs to think through the conversation in advance. It is important what words are used in it.
  4. 4. The young lady should understand from the conversation that the decision to separate was not spontaneous. The man accepted it after much thought. Let the girl know that the decision is final and irrevocable.
  5. 5. The woman must realize that the man had important reasons for coming to this conclusion. It is advisable to provide arguments why your life partner decided this way. If there was betrayal on the part of the girl, then in this case there is no need to even explain anything, the reason is clear to everyone. If a man cheated, then it’s better not to talk about it.
  6. 6. The guy may communicate that he is not ready for serious relationship with any girl, and the problem is not with this lady. This answer is banal, but it’s better to say it than to offend her with your honesty. The guy may admit that he did not count on such a relationship. It’s better to say even some ridiculous things than to tell her that you fell in love with another person.
  7. 7. The girl must understand that she has no ability to influence the decision, and it is final. It is useless to persuade or beg to start over. The lady should feel confident in the words of her former gentleman. Otherwise, she will try to persuade the guy to give the relationship a second chance, and this conversation will drag on for a long time. He must show that there is no point in running after him. It will be better for both of us. There is nothing more tragic than a breakup dragging on for weeks or months.
  8. 8. The girl must understand that it will be better for her this way and that a real life partner will definitely meet her along the way. A woman will find her love and be happy. She should be encouraged by all means.
  9. 9. You should try to answer all possible questions at once. After all, the slightest understatement will prevent the girl from finishing this novel. She must not be allowed to walk and think, trying to answer on her own the questions that the young man left unanswered.

Compliance with these rules will help minimize the girl’s suffering.

Young people can react differently to the news of separation. Some will take this calmly, while others may cause a huge scandal. If you don’t like the second option, but at the same time it is more likely, then it’s better for you to adopt a couple of interesting techniques.

The most important thing is to behave like a real gentleman. Tell the girl that you are to blame for your breakup, not her. There is no need for your decision to separate to be a blow to her self-esteem and opinion of herself.

Topics of the material

Surprise should be kept to a minimum

Preparing your partner for separation in advance is an excellent solution. Then she will be able to perceive it much easier than in the case when such information falls on her out of the blue. Lose yourself in your thoughts, give up sex life, and if the charming woman is interested in the reason for this behavior, tell her that nothing happened.

It takes the right moment to break up.

You should not leave a girl on difficult days or when she is in a hurry. For her, this will be unnecessary stress, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. Her birthday or others holidays also do not fit from the word “at all”. You might think that when her friends are nearby, it will be easier for the girl to bear the breakup, but it’s better not to count on it. She will want to be alone because of the shock, and other couples in the company will press on her “sore spot.”

Location also plays a role

It is best to choose a place for conversation where there are a lot of people, for example, a cafe. The girl will not want to cause a public scandal and will try to control her emotions. However, do not forget that a very unpleasant scene can take place. The charming woman will not be happy that you made her cry in public and swear. It is important to take into account the character of your companion in order to choose the place most accurately.

Say the right words

To begin with, you can voice its advantages. Tell her that despite this, you are not ready to continue your relationship. Be as persuasive as possible in your conversation. Let the girl know that if you were going to get married, she would be the bride. Own positive qualities It's better to minimize it. Let the girl think that you are not worthy of her and that she is simply wasting her time with you. While you are packing your things, she will think about it carefully.

If this doesn’t help, then stop being noble and start making claims. Just talk not about its specific shortcomings, but about what can be called an advantage. For example, “You are too sweet and friendly” or “You are very beautiful, and because of this I am jealous of everyone all the time.” If even after this you don’t get the desired effect, leave all knightly habits. For example, “You are beautiful, but for some reason I am unhappy. It's just about me." Such a cunning move will be the strongest argument for a girl.

Eloquence is not the answer

When a girl breaks up, beautiful speeches and a sea of ​​arguments can only get in the way. A different tactic will help here. Start repeating the same argument so as not to aggravate the quarrel. For all the cries that you are a great couple and her parents dote on you, you can repeat that you and her are too different. This way, you will not give the charmer the opportunity to drag you into a long discussion that will be unpleasant for both of you. There may not be a hint of logic in this, but such persistence will nullify her patience, and the girl will stop trying to figure out what happened and give up on you. This is the result you are looking for.

It’s better to immediately “cut from the shoulder”

No matter how much the girl cries after your words about breaking up, hold on. You can't show softness here. Tell her you understand her feelings and simply pat her on the shoulder like you would a friend. There is no need to console her with hugs and tea, this will only make things worse.

The girl called you the next day and said that she had a cold, but no one could bring her pills? Show care, but within strong limits. Bring everything she needs, but don't stay with her. Of course, this does not mean that you just need to throw the package over the threshold and leave, but there is no need for long gatherings here either. Under no circumstances should you give the young lady hope of restoring the relationship.

Don't forget about random encounters

No matter how big the city is, sooner or later you will meet your ex-lover. There's something you need to know here too. Excessive politeness for a girl can be a hint of old feelings. However, ignoring it is also not a method. This behavior is considered insulting. It's best to be polite but minimize communication.

It’s better not to tell everyone about your new darling

An abandoned girl needs two, or maybe three months to accept the situation and cope with emotional shock and denial of the obvious. It is for this reason that you do not need to publish about all the networks where you are registered, photos with your new beloved, and generally somehow advertise your relationship. Otherwise, you will unknowingly inflame your feelings. ex-girlfriend. Yes and yours new lover will not be happy if they start bothering her and causing mischief, for example, by creating accounts in her name on different sites and abandoning her bad grades to publications on her pages.

No sex under any circumstances!

The girl may start promising you everything you want to keep you with her. No matter how tempting and seductive it may be, do not fall for the provocation. There is no need to give the young lady false hope.

No discussing the situation with friends

Talking about a breakup with mutual friends and comrades is a huge and very common mistake. Don't forget: My tongue is my enemy. Mutual friends may pass on your words to a girl, but she won’t like it at all. All details of your relationships and breakups are discussed only with her and no one else.

Don't forget to congratulate the girl on the holidays

When the girl has already gotten over your breakup, she will be pleased if you congratulate her on her birthday or New Year. She will think that for you, after all, she is not just an ex. Don't forget to make sure she has let go of the past. Tell the young lady that you are grateful for what you had. Show her that you have always treated her sincerely.

Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?

Before you start thinking about how to break up with a girl, think carefully about whether you are sure that this is necessary. It is very difficult to restore a relationship if you have left your chosen one. Carefully pause while communicating with her. Understand your thoughts and feelings, then you will understand whether you both need this relationship.

If, nevertheless, the relationship has no future, and you are one hundred percent sure of this, then start preparing yourself and her for separation. Talk about it sincerely without rudeness or unnecessary pathos. Don’t leave in English, explain to the girl why you came to this decision. No notes or SMS needed, just face to face. There is no need for any scandals or fights, we resolve everything calmly and in a civilized manner.

Parting should be a solid point, not a promising ellipsis or an uncertain comma. Don’t immediately jump into a friendly relationship with her or a romantic relationship with someone else. Take your time and let things settle down. Let the girl accept it. Wait a moment. When everything calms down, you can safely start a new relationship. But they should not be in any way connected with what is left in the past.

And one more thing...

There is no need to take an example of behavior from your former charmer, based only on her actions. You are adults, and the phrase “She started it first” is not an excuse. Revenge is an unnecessary and absolutely unnecessary link here. Let the young lady behave the way she wants, and you must remain decent and strong man. Small pranks that can offend and humiliate the fair half are not a masculine act at all. A man must forgive, love, take care of his beloved and carry him in his arms or let him go and forget.

Follow these tips, and you will be able to break up with your ex-lover without unnecessary and rough showdowns and long-term resentments. Most importantly, always be yourself and be confident and as sincere as possible. Let the breakup of a relationship be an important decision and a morally difficult event for both of you, but if there is no other way out, then it should be as painless as possible for both parties.

Try to remember only good opinion about yourself and start a simple friendly relationship with her. This is the only way you will both be happy, but not with each other, but with new people. The main thing is to resolve everything calmly and peacefully. I hope everything works out for you. Remember these tips, they will definitely come in handy.