Autumn landscape, lesson notes on visual arts

State government institution of the Samara region "Chapaevsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors" Pestravka branch


Lesson on artistic and aesthetic education using non-traditional drawing techniques on the topic: “Late Autumn”


Lelyukh E.G.

Target: Cultivate an interest in art visual arts, the ability to see the beauty of nature.


    Introduce children to the painting by Issak Ilyich Levitan « Golden autumn» .

    Strengthen the ability to draw with different non-traditional techniques(drawing on wet, blowing, sponging, placing the image over the entire sheet.

    Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Technologies used: COR, health-saving.

Material and equipment:

Painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" , sheets of tinted paper, gouache, palette, blowing tubes, napkins, foam sponge.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

Look out the window. What time of year is it now? (autumn). Why?

What signs of autumn do you know?

Yes, it's autumn now. Almost all the leaves have fallen off. I went to today kindergarten, the leaves rustled pleasantly underfoot. I wanted to pick up a leaf and bring it here. This leaf turned out to be not ordinary, but mysterious.

II. Control of the initial level of knowledge.

Listen to the riddle:

The ever darker face of nature:
The vegetable gardens have turned black
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,

The bear fell into hibernation
What month did he come to us?


That's right, this is the third month of autumn. What other autumn months do you know?

III. Training stage.

Look at the board, what do you see here? These are reproductions of paintings. Which of these paintings depicts autumn? This painting by Issak Ilyich Levitan, which is called "Golden Autumn" . What do you see on it? (nature). There are other paintings here, too.

Issak Ilyich Levitan, who painted this picture, was very fond of painting nature. He was a famous artist.

Tired? Let's take a little rest.

Physical exercise.

Imagine that we are in the autumn forest and walking along the paths. So we stopped and:

Hands raised and shook
These are trees in the forest.
Hands bent
The brushes were shaken

The wind blows away the dew
To the side of the hand
Let's wave smoothly
These are birds flying south.

We'll also show you how they sit down.
The wings were folded back.

Guys, imagine that you are all artists. If we are artists, what do we do? (paint) How? How can we draw?

What will help us? (our assistant is a tube) What can you draw with it? (trees). How? (this is a blowing technique).

Let's start drawing.

IV. Independent work.

Individual assistance to those who are not quite doing well.

V. Monitoring the achieved level of knowledge.

Look at your paintings, what did you get? What was the mood of the painting? It's very sad, isn't it? Why? (the trees stand without their elegant golden dresses). What are the trees' dresses made of? (leaves) Our magic sponge will help us with this. How? (technique – sponge painting)

VI. Bottom line.

What did we draw today? How? (technicians) Let's make a huge forest out of all your paintings. Bring all your work here. What a beautiful, magical, elegant autumn forest it turned out to be. All the trees in this forest are very beautiful. Do you like the autumn forest? (Yes) And I really like it! That's what good artists you are!

Lesson notes on visual arts

For senior group on the topic: “Golden Autumn”

Program tasks :

    Introduce children to a new type of visual technique - “Printing a sheet from a tree.”

    Develop children's vision artistic image and design through natural forms.

    Develop a sense of composition and color perception.

    Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.

Material for the lesson:

    Leaves of different tree species (4-5 species);

    Landscape sheet, size A4;

    Set of gouache paints;


    Glass of water;


    Reproduction of the painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”;

    Basket for collecting leaves;

    Stencils of leaves made of colored cardboard for the game.

Preliminary work:

conversation about the signs of autumn, looking at illustrations depicting autumn nature.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to listen to a fairy tale about a leaf:

“In one old park there was a lonely tree. Autumn has come. All the leaves packed their bags and flew off to travel. The leaves' bags were not heavy - just a little water to wash and a towel. And on one branch there was a very small leaf. He was too young to decide to fly alone. So he was bored, bored, thought and came up with something. He sees a passerby wearing a hat. The leaf plucked up courage and jumped into the hat. The passerby did not notice anything. He brought the leaf home. It was warm in the house, and the leaf suddenly began to get bored and dry. He missed his friends, his tree. He was afraid that he would dry out, curl up into a tube and be thrown away. Then the leaf shouted: “Wind, wind!” The wind was his great friend. The wind heard screams and flew into the house. He picked up the leaf and took it to the park. They parted in the park. The wind said goodbye to the leaf: “No one can live without a home; they will get bored and dry up. Never again be parted from your home - the park."


Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees?


- This is leaf fall.


Right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests).

No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But now autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change green turn yellow or red and fall off. This happens because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees.

Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves."

The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

We are from the elms...

We are from cherries...

From the aspen tree...

From bird cherry...

From the oak...

From a birch...

Leaf fall everywhere:

Frost is on the doorstep!

Yu. Kapotov


In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier autumn days, the brighter the paint. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention a reproduction of the painting “Golden Autumn” by artist Isaac Levitan. The very name of the painting indicates what time of year the artist depicted in it.

Looking at this picture and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn is a great artist, because she herself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.

What a shame.

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold –

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

And the trees are variegated

Blow, blow, blow!

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around!..

I. Mikhailova

Physical education minute.


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.Children shake leaves in their hands above their heads.

The wind blew and they flew.Run in different directions.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat down quietly on the ground.They squat.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.They stand up, raise their hands with the leaves up, and shake them.

Spun and flewRun in different directions.

And they sat down on the ground again.They return to their places.


There are many different leaves in our autumn collection. Look at them; I think that you are unlikely to find two completely identical, each leaf is always somehow different from the other: size, shape, color.

(children look at the leaves and choose the ones they like).

If you look at the leaves carefully, you can see a small tree in each of them. There is a vein running through the middle of the leaf, from which thinner veins—twigs—extend to the sides. The leaf resembles the crown of a tree. At the bottom of the leaf, the main vein turns into a stalk. It resembles a trunk.

Today we will draw autumn trees, but a few in an unusual way, our leaves will help us with this - we will print with them.

Practical part.

Take any leaf you like, cover it with paint using a brush, leaving no empty spaces and not forgetting to paint the edges. We will do this on separate sheet paper

Place the leaf with the painted side on a clean landscape sheet with the stem down and press it tightly to the paper, trying not to move it out of place.

Then take the leaf by the stem and carefully remove it from the surface of the landscape leaf.

Take the next piece of paper, paint it a different color and print it in a different place on the album sheet. The leaf can be coated not with one color, but with different ones, then the print will turn out to be two-color.

When the drawing is filled with imprints of leaves, we will paint the tree trunks with a brush; the imprinted veins of the leaves will resemble twigs in a colored crown.


We have a wonderful autumn grove with beautiful trees. These leaves - imprints, having left their mark, helped us create such fancy crowns and draw such unusual trees.

Round dance game “Fly, leaf, to my box.”

The selected leader goes to the middle with a basket and says:

Maple leaf, fly into my box.

Children with maple leaves in their hands run up and put them in a basket. The driver is the one who was the first to place his piece of paper in the basket without making a mistake.

Autumn has come to visit us,Children hold hands and walk in a circle.

Brought rain and wind.

The wind blows, blows,Raise your arms up and swing them from the side

The leaves are blown off the the side.

Leaves are spinning in the windScatter in different sides, spinning

and squat.

And they lie at our feet.

Well, let's go for a walk

And we'll collect the leaves.They gather in a circle again.

Elena Chikvaidze
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Golden Autumn”

Program content:

Teach children to mix paints on a palette;

Teach children to coordinate the size of the image with the size of the sheet;

Develop a sense of rhythm when drawing leaves;

Develop the ability to clearly pronounce words in clear phrases;

Develop the ability to deeply rhythmically inhale and exhale, improve breathing functions;

Form an aesthetic perception of nature;

Cultivate accuracy in working with paints;

Foster activity and independence.

Dictionary: rustling of falling leaves, rustling leaves, orange, leaf fall.

Preliminary work: learning poems about autumn, watching while walking autumn trees, looking at illustrations about autumn.

Equipment and materials: paper, gouache, brushes, palettes, doll « Autumn» , tree layout with autumn leaves, leaves of two pieces according to the number of children, recording of music by P. I. Tchaikovsky « Autumn song» .

Structure classes:

The group is decorated like an autumn forest. Children enter group and sit on chairs.

Educator: “Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them!”

Educator: “Along a winding path we came to autumn forest.

Look, look, how many miracles there are around!

Hello, autumn! Hello forest!

We have arrived in the land of miracles!”

Educator: “Listen to how quiet it is in the forest, only the leaves rustle slightly on the trees.” The teacher gives instructions for breathing (inhale air through your nose, exhale through your mouth). Children repeat after the teacher, like leaves rustle: "Shhh".

“What do you think, what time of year is it in our magical forest? Yes, now there is a sorceress in the forest Autumn. And here she is.”

The teacher shows the children a doll dressed in a suit autumn(surprise moment):

Autumn: “Hello, guys!

I sow the fields

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees

But I don’t touch the Christmas trees and pine trees, I - Autumn!

I am very glad that you came to visit me. Look how beautifully I decorated the trees.”

The teacher takes the children to the model autumn tree , decorated autumn leaves.

Autumn: "I, Autumn Sorceress, I took the paints,

The leaves were painted in different colors.

Guys, what colors did I paint all the leaves in?” (red, yellow, orange).

Autumn: “Guys, although I am a sorceress, I have a lot of work. Help me, please, dress the trees in colors autumn. And for this I brought you my favorite colors.”

The teacher shows the children jars of red and yellow paint.

Autumn: “Oh, guys, one more paint is missing. Which? (orange). Apparently I lost a jar of paint on the way.”

Educator: « Autumn, our guys are wizards too. Now they will say the magic words and show you how to get orange paint.”

The children repeat the phrase after the teacher. “Ka-ka-ka, I’m turning into a wizard.”

Educator: “Let’s warm up a little, guys.”

Physical education minute "Leaves":

We are leaves autumn,

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew. (Hands to the sides.)

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (Sit down.)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves. (Smoothly swing your arms above your head.)

Spun and flew

And they sat down on the ground again. (Sit down.)

Children mix paints on a palette.

Educator: "Before we begin paint, let's stretch our fingers":

Finger gymnastics « Autumn leaves» :

One, two, three, four, five. (Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.)

We will collect leaves. (Clench and unclench their fists.)

Birch leaves,

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

To mom autumn bouquet let's take it. ("Walking" fingers.)

The teacher offers the children draw colorful leaves on pre- painted tree. The work is performed to musical accompaniment.

During the work, the teacher makes sure that the children painted leaves of different colors.

Upon completion of work Autumn offers to guess riddle: “In spring and summer we see him dressed, and in autumn All the shirts were ripped off the poor thing (tree)

Children guess the riddle.

Autumn: “That’s right, children. It’s easy to recognize me by the trees, because the leaves are on the trees change color in autumn. Let's play with you. You have already become wizards and now, with the help of magic, you will turn into trees.”

Children pick up autumn leaves , and pronounce words:

“We are different leaves:

Yellow and red!

Take the leaves

Dance with us!”

Children with leaves in their hands to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky « Autumn song» slowly circling around group.

Educator: “The breeze blew, the leaves swayed, trembled (the children wave the leaves, and slowly fell to the ground. (children put the leaves on the floor)

Then the teacher offers the following exercise: “Let’s remember what trees were like when autumn dressed them up in your favorite colors? (joyful, cheerful)

Children show the appropriate emotional state with their facial expressions. “Now show me what the trees look like when all their leaves have fallen off.” Children show sadness and disappointment.

Autumn offers to make them group as cheerful and joyful as the forest is in her outfits: “Look, guys, your drawings are already dry! What a great fellow you are! How many beautiful trees are you drew, it turned out to be a real forest.”

The teacher hangs up the children's drawings.

Children look at their work and highlight the most successful ones. When examining finished works, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the expressiveness of the drawings.

Publications on the topic:

“Here it is, golden autumn!” Summary of GCD in the middle group Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the seasons: the characteristic signs of autumn, seasonal changes in nature. Objectives: Help to see multicolor.

Summary of GCD for drawing “Golden Autumn” Goals: - consolidate the ability to draw a tree correctly. Objectives: - learn colors autumn forest. - consolidate the ability to draw a tree correctly.

Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development,.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive and speech development in the middle group “Golden Autumn” Educational lesson "Golden Autumn" Purpose: To introduce parents to joint activities. Explain the need to get acquainted with Russian.


Introduce children to an unconventional drawing method: “printing with leaves (flowers).” Strengthen the ability to use paints (gouache).
Enrich children's vocabulary with the words “landscape”, “image”, “frame”, “background”, “easel” and activate them with epithets and comparisons “carpet of leaves”, “golden autumn”.
Learn how to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet of paper. Develop a sense of rhythm and aesthetic perception. Develop accuracy and skills teamwork, interest in visual arts.


A sheet of whatman paper 60 by 40 cm with a painted background of a city landscape, dry leaves and flowers, gouache, foam swabs, cotton swabs, napkins, frame, easel, fragment of the audio recording “Seasons, Autumn” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, song by Gr. Gladkov and A. Kushner “About Paintings”, an album with reproductions of landscapes and an album with reproductions of children’s works from the “Springs of Beauty” series.

Preliminary work:

The teacher invites the children to listen to the song Gr. Gladkov and A. Kushner “Song about Pictures.” Discussion of the names of the paintings “Landscape”, “Portrait”, “Still Life”.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, let's remember again what time of year it is? How is autumn different from winter or summer? What are her signs? (Children's answers - the leaves turn yellow and fall; it rains, birds fly away to warmer climes.)
- Do you like autumn? How? I like to walk on fallen leaves like on a golden carpet. Have you ever walked around the city in autumn? Isn't it true that it is very beautiful in autumn. It’s as if a good wizard painted everything around with bright colors. Today I invite you to become wizards yourself and paint a magical autumn picture.

Why magical? But because we will draw not as usual, with pencils or paints, but magically, unusually. We will paint a landscape. Landscape means an image of nature. The way it is, or the way a person made it. Why is the landscape autumn? We will be drawing in the fall, which means our landscape will be autumn.

Let's repeat this new word to remember it better. Look, the frame is already ready for our autumn landscape. And on a piece of paper I drew a background. But so far our landscape looks pale, dull and not at all magical. I'll put it on the easel. This is a special table for drawing. Easel - try to remember this word. Now prepare your ears to listen, your eyes to watch, your mind to remember. Let's learn magical drawing.

I'll smear a leaf from a tree
I painted the bottom with yellow paint.
I'll iron it from above -
A tree will emerge, just like in a fairy tale.

This is how to draw trees -
Nothing could be simpler.
I can stamp
A small grove.

Please note that the leaves need to be spread from below, where the convex veins are. Carefully place the painted side onto the background, near the painted branch. And, without moving, carefully press down with a napkin. You also need to lift the leaf very carefully so as not to smear the image.

The teacher offers individual children:
- Print a leaf that was torn off by the wind and fell to the ground.
- Type “bush”, on the bush cotton swab carefully draw the berries.
- Print flowers on the flowerbed.

So our picture is ready. We'll call it "Autumn...(pause) landscape." Let's put it on the easel and admire it.
- Do you like it? I really liked your landscape. You are real wizards. You know, you did it so beautifully because you listened carefully to my explanations, worked diligently, carefully and amicably. When the paints have dried a little, we will hang your “Autumn Landscape” in the hallway so that both children and adults can admire it.

And in the creativity corner I will put two books for you. You can then look through them and find landscapes in them, painted by both famous artists and children just like you.

This concludes our lesson, and you, my wizards, can rest.

Note: children work to the music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Autumn". The afternoon is spent listening to and discussing this music.

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Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for middle group.