Anna Netrebko with a new hair color. Unexpectedly: Anna Netrebko dyed her hair green

Numerous fans around the world are accustomed to seeing the opera singer Anna Netrebko in the form of a hot brunette. From time to time she experimented with her appearance and dyed her hair in reddish shades, but never moved away from dark tones to radically light ones. But a few months ago, the star was ripe for a radical change of image and became a honey blonde. Anna's fans reacted to this experiment in two ways. But the majority agreed that the light shade of her hair made the singer’s facial features softer.

And on October 31, Netrebko completely shocked the public. The fact is that the opera diva dyed her hair green. This radical step by the artist amazed her followers on Instagram, where she posted photos of the result of her transformation. “Green mood,” Anna succinctly captioned the photo. Many of the celebrity's fans decided that the singer decided to make a joke and put on a bright wig. However, later, after the publication of a series of photographs of Netrebko with a new hair color, it became clear that the star really dyed her hair green.

“Chic as always”, “Unrecognizable!”, “Great color!”, “class! I didn’t even recognize it right away,” “Wow, I didn’t recognize it, it’s a bold decision, I really hope it’s not forever,” “green hair???”, “In my opinion, this is not a change of style, but a change of mood, fun game. Why not”, “now I also wanted to dye my hair”, “She dyed her hair and now this is her new image!”, “Anna is a wonderful woman, an internationally recognized opera diva, but green hair is terrible. This is not a teenager searching for himself and protesting against the whole world. (Maybe it’s still a wig?)”"Green Lady. Is this a new image?” — fans bombarded Anna with comments (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. — Ed.).

Anna Netrebko now has green hair.

46-year-old opera diva Anna Netrebko loves to dress brightly and extravagantly, but she rarely decides to experiment with her appearance. She wore natural hair for a long time dark color hair, became blonde a few years ago. Few would have thought that Anna was capable of coming to the salon and asking her to be painted green.

About five months ago, Anna lost ten kilograms. Then Netrebko said that she did not go on any strict diets and lost weight thanks to a balanced diet and work loads.

Perhaps Anna Netrebko decided to fight the autumn blues with a radical change of image. Green hair creates, as the singer admits, a “green mood.”

Netrebko is currently vacationing with his family in Klosterneuburg, from where he posts pictures on Instagram.

The bold beauty transformation happened on the eve of Halloween, and one might assume that the green dye is nothing more than a tinted shampoo with which Anna decided to complement her fancy dress.
However, at a Halloween party in Vienna, Anna appeared in a snow-white wig.

« I love Halloween. And I don’t see anything wrong with that“Netrebko signed one of the photos.

But the next day, the singer with her new green curls appeared at a rehearsal at the theater and went for a walk with her son.

Anna Netrebko with her son