Lesson notes applique autumn leaves. Lesson summary: collective application "Autumn Tree"

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Chapter: Application with drawing elements

Age: 3-4 years

Target: teach children to create beautiful image autumn tree.


  • expand children's understanding of natural changes associated with the onset of autumn; cultivate an interest in learning about nature.
  • continue to teach children how to apply glue correctly and carefully.
  • teach children to work with natural materials (dry autumn leaves).
  • develop children's fine motor skills, develop creative imagination.

Preliminary work: Collection autumn leaves and observing leaf fall in nature, as well as looking at an autumn tree on a walk, collecting bouquets of autumn leaves. Reading poems on autumn theme . Looking at illustrations with autumn trees.

Visual material: sample application " Autumn tree» on A3 cardboard.

Handout: dry autumn leaves, brushes, glue, image of a tree on white A3 cardboard.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Children, what time of year is it outside now? (Children's answers - autumn) . How did we know about this? (Children's answers.) That's right, it became cold, the last flowers faded, the birds fell silent. We also learn about the arrival of autumn by seeing how the color of the leaves on the trees changes and the leaves begin to fall. What color leaves did we see on the trees? (Children's answers.) Of course, they are green, red, yellow, orange. I like autumn trees so much, don’t you? (Children's answers). Then let’s make our own autumn tree, which will delight us in the group with its beauty for a very long time.

Show a picture (application sample) with a picture of a tree.

Educator: Children, look on the table there are dry leaves that we collected on the street. We will glue them onto our drawn tree. In front of you are also glue, brushes and a painted tree on a large sheet. Now I will show you how we will decorate our wonderful autumn tree with leaves. (show with explanation), take a leaf, apply glue to a brush and smear (distribute) evenly over the entire leaf, and then glue it onto the branches of our tree. Now, everyone, take a leaf, carefully spread it with glue, like I did, and glue it to any branch of our tree. Everyone can glue as many leaves as they want. Leaves can also be glued to the ground near the tree so that it is clear that in our picture there is leaf fall.

Collective work of children with a teacher.

At the end of the work, the children admire the resulting picture and choose a place in the group where they can hang or place it.

Lesson notes on application of dried leaves. Screen folder. Games. A tale of floristry
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Application from dried leaves “Lamb. Butterfly. Snowman. Gift for March 8th. New Year's composition. Family funny hedgehogs. Boat. Portrait. A vase for flowers. etc." only 20pcs

Entertainment summary "Journey to the land of summer flowers"
Tales of the Forgotten Autumn

Did games on floristry (5)
Screen folder (information for parents)

Nature is fabulous and beautiful, an inexhaustible source of aesthetic feelings and experiences. Communication with it enriches a person, teaches him to observe and notice beauty, wonder and rejoice, and the natural material itself is a storehouse for the development of fantasy and imagination, both in adults and children.


Nature is fabulous and beautiful, an inexhaustible source of aesthetic feelings and experiences. Communication with it enriches a person, teaches him to observe and notice beauty, wonder and rejoice, and the natural material itself is a storehouse for the development of fantasy and imagination, both in adults and children. Crafts made from it can become a wonderful souvenir, decorate the interior, and bring warmth and comfort to your home. Working with natural materials not only replenishes the child’s knowledge and work skills, but also influences the formation of the foundations of his personality, the correct attitude towards nature and the world around him in general - hand motor skills, perception, thinking, attention, intellectual and creative activity.

From natural material Both appliqué work and three-dimensional crafts can be performed.

Suitable for applications: dried foliage of trees and shrubs, grass, whole small and large flower heads divided into petals, poplar fluff, cone scales, egg shells, vegetable and flower seeds, fruit seeds, twig cuts, straws, birch bark, etc.

The following items will be useful for designing three-dimensional products: spruce and pine cones, tree mushrooms, acorns, shells of any nuts, corn cobs, twigs, roots, straws, chestnuts, shells, birch bark.

Work on making crafts from natural materials can be organized in the form of classes on designing a medium group. And manual labor(with the senior group) with the entire group, in the form of a subgroup or individual work in the evening, and in the summer and during a walk.

The diversity and colorfulness of natural material, the availability of its preparation and the technique of making products make it possible to widely use natural material for in-depth work on manual labor in the form of a handicraft circle or an art studio.

Word " FLORISTICS" comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of fertility, spring and flowers, Flora, and in a broad sense of understanding means the creation of compositions from any plants (live, dry, flat and volumetric). But most often Floristry refers to the performance of appliqué work from dried natural material.

Preschoolers enjoy making appliques from dry leaves, since the availability of ready-made forms makes it easier and faster to create an image. At the same time, the child has to focus on the precision and accuracy of his hand movements while handling fragile and brittle dry material, which has a positive effect on development fine motor skills hands. The originality of the color, shape and size of the leaves of bushes and trees awakens the imagination, forcing one to correlate them with appearance animals, birds, objects.

The success of teaching preschoolers to work with dry natural material largely depends on its correct content, sequence of training and accounting age characteristics children.

This fully applies to both regular classes provided for in the standard program, organized in the form of a block of 6-8 lessons, preferably in the fall, and to floristry club classes (more than 30 lessons per year).

Conditionally All work on floristry can be divided into three parts:

introductory, main and final.

^ Classes of the first group (introductory part) are devoted to preparing material during excursions into nature, getting to know crafts made from natural material, its properties through conversations, games (“Find the same leaf”, “Guess what this leaf looks like”, “Children from whose branch”, “Lay out the pattern” from leaves", etc.), observations of leaves collected on a walk, placed in a vase with or without water and laid out between layers of paper to dry. Experiments to identify and compare the properties of dried leaves and those cut out of paper will not only develop the child’s thinking, but will also enrich his vocabulary with the definitions “fragile”, “brittle”, and will tell him that dry natural material must be handled with care. The main goal of these activities is to create an emotional mood , interest and desire to engage in floristry

^ Lessons based on the part practical.

They are given the largest amount of time. First, you should teach children to stick on a decorative pattern from whole leaves, selecting the ones they need by color, shape and size in accordance with the sample from the mass of other leaves lying on plates and lay them out, alternating on a strip, square and circle. Having made sure that the pattern has turned out, the background with the composition is carefully moved to the edge of the table and, taking it off one by one, each piece of paper is pasted on. PVA glue or paste is applied in drops or smeared on the surface.

Gradually objects are united by a plot and complemented by landscape details in the form of individual trees, bushes, forests, for the depiction of which elongated leaves of different sizes and colors are suitable.
A complication of the work will be the creation of images from parts made by cutting a leaf along a straight line into parts, most often in half (a boat with a sail, a vase, parts of a doll’s fur coat, etc.). Despite the fragility of the material, children usually do this job well.

An even more complex floristry technique that preschoolers can master is cutting out parts of any shape , and not just cutting in a straight line.

To prevent the dry leaf from crumbling during cutting, it must first be glued onto tracing paper or another thin paper with marking of the part on both sides, this is also the same as preparing (coloring) the background, marking according to the template can be done by the children themselves, under the guidance of a teacher, in the morning or evening hours.

The composition will be decorated with objects made by “breaking” parts (stones, mountains) or gluing crumbs of dry foliage (crown of a tree, haystack), which can be done directly on the background or pre-cut out of colored paper.

^ The purpose of the final part is is to summarize the work done on floristry in the form of exhibitions of games, entertainment, and crossword puzzles.

^ Taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children requires mandatory use visibility in the form of colorful samples, travel maps around the country of Floristry, step-by-step samples, diagrams, etc., creating game situations, the arrival of fairy-tale characters(Lesovichka, princesses of Autumn, Listopadnichka), motivation assignments and mandatory practical application children's work and performance collective works.

^ Emotional mood They will create artistic expression and musical accompaniment for practical work during the lesson.

Expressiveness of appliqué work will add a colorfully designed background and a wide frame in the form of a passport.


Lesson on the topic: "Magical forest"

Program content.

1) Introduce children to drying tree foliage, changing its properties, and the possibility of using dry foliage as a material for appliqué.

2) Arouse interest in working with natural materials, expand children’s vocabulary, and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials: works from natural materials, images of Forget-Me-Nots, Know-It-Alls, leaves, old newspapers, a vase with water, an iron.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Game technique:

Today two friends Forget-Me-Not and Know-It-All came to class, they invite us to the Magic Forest. Forget-Me-Not is a faithful friend of nature, she protects it, teaches the stupid Know-It-All how to behave in the forest.

Do you know how to behave in the forest?

That’s right, in the forest you can’t break branches, trample, tear or throw flowers, or destroy birds’ nests. But our forest is special, in it you can find not only berries and mushrooms, but also a lot of acorn cones, the leaves of which can be used to make many useful and beautiful things. Now we will go to the Magic Forest, and then we will tell Forget-Me-Not and Know-It-All where we have been.

^ 2. Looking at crafts made from natural materials.

Here is a forest clearing, Lesovichok lives here, he guards the Magic Forest, and he wants to introduce you to his friends.

What is Lesovichok himself made of? Mouse? Little dragon? ... (from cones, acorns.)

And here you see magical leaves that turn into different animals and birds.

Who is shown in this picture? (butterfly, beetle, boat).

So we can learn to do the most various crafts from materials that the magical forest will give us

^ H. Drying leaves.

We will divide these leaves into 3 parts, put some in a vase with water, others in a vase without water, and place some of the leaves between layers of newspapers, and put a weight on top. Let's see what happens to the leaves in a few days (show)

^ 4 Job Analysis:- Know-it-all wants to know who we saw in the Magic Forest? What did the forest give us? How did we dry the leaves?

Application "Guess who hid in the leaf?"
Program content.

1). Teach children to add details to a piece of paper using paints.

2). Practice gluing dry leaves onto paper.

3). To develop children's imagination, the ability to see the main detail of an object on a piece of paper, and, if necessary, to complete what is missing.

4). Teach children to recognize the leaves of various trees and consolidate their acquired knowledge.

5). Cultivate an interest in working with natural materials.

6). Reveal the level of imagination in children.
^ Materials and equipment.

PVA glue, dried leaves from various trees, paper, glue brushes, rags, gouache.
Progress of the lesson. Guys! Would you like to tell you a fairy tale about Lesovichka?

One day he was walking through the forest, looking for friends to have fun and play with. He walked and walked and was completely sad, but suddenly it seemed to him that someone was hiding behind one of the leaves, he thought that it was his friend the mouse looking for grains on the ground, he moved the leaf away, but there was nothing and no one behind it. Lesovichok was very surprised and went further. Suddenly he saw a carrot lying on the ground, so bright orange and long, he was even surprised where there could be carrots in the forest. He came closer - and this is a beautiful leaf (from an ash tree) - and took it with him too.

Our friend found himself by the river and saw a goldfish splashing in the water, but he came closer and realized that it was a golden leaf from a poplar tree glistening in the sun.

Lesovichok was very surprised by such miracles, collected many interesting leaves in the forest and returned home.

I looked at them again, admired them, and came up with this: I began to add small details to each leaf. I added four legs and a head to a brown round poplar leaf - and it turned out to be a turtle; arms, legs, head - and it turned out to be a pretty girl. He really liked this activity. He even brought something to show us.

Let's pick out a piece of paper and think about what it looks like - maybe it's a balloon, a mouse, a bear, etc. Let's glue a piece of paper and paint it to make it someone or something. And then we’ll see who’s hiding behind your leaves. Remember how to handle fragile leaves? Select a leaf by color and shape, look at it, close your eyes and imagine who it could be. Get to work.

Analysis: from the standpoint of children’s creative activity, note the accuracy of gluing, the diversity of invention, and imagination.
Application "Mushroom" (subject)
Program content.

1). Learn to make an object applique from two whole parts - dried leaves.

2). Give an idea of ​​the various properties of the materials used in the application. Learn how to carefully and carefully handle natural materials and paste them onto the background.

3). Develop imagination, the ability to see and find the details necessary for work in the natural forms of a sheet.

4). Arouse interest in this type of needlework, create an emotional mood and perspective for activities with natural materials.

5). Foster a sense of mutual assistance and a desire to help.
Materials and equipment.

PVA glue, dried leaves, background for applique, glue brushes, rags.
Progress of the lesson.

Guys, look at the exhibition that Lesovichok prepared for you. Look carefully, what are all these paintings made of? What material did Lesovichok use? What title could you give to these pictures? Will you become such skilled craftsmen and make beautiful souvenirs? (Pay attention to the combination of colors). But look, our Lesovichok is sad about something. What's the matter? But the fact is that he had a wonderful dream, as if he was walking through the forest, walking and suddenly came out into a clearing, and there were many, many mushrooms. And just as he wanted to collect them, he just bent down when all the mushrooms disappeared. He got upset and woke up, went into the forest, but there were no mushrooms, it was winter outside. Do you think we can help Lesovich, how?

That’s right, we’ll make the mushrooms ourselves, and Lesovichok will look at them and be happy.

And for this we need leaves. You know how to make paper appliqués. Let's compare leaves and paper.

"Comparison of the properties of paper and dried plants."

Fold a sheet of paper and a dried sheet. Try cutting something out. What is the difference between dried leaf? (Thin, fragile, brittle). How should we proceed? (Carefully, carefully).

Now let's think about what types of mushrooms are there? (Boletus, boletus, white, chanterelle). What does a mushroom have? (Hat and leg). What shape and color are they? (The hat is dark, round, and the leg is long and light). Therefore, leaves must be chosen in the appropriate color and shape. First we put it on the sheet, then we move it to the side, first we glue the leg, then the cap. Don't forget to blot the glue with a cloth. While working, I help the children select leaves.

Analysis of works.

In terms of color combination, leaf size, neatness. Invite the children to come up with a name for the mushroom and a game plot.

Application "Drawing up a decorative composition

on a square and a strip"

Program content.

1). Teach children to place parts on a square and arrange them beautifully.

2). Practice gluing dry leaves and flowers.

3). Encourage children to creatively select ornamental elements.

4). Show the decorativeness of the composition through the contrast of colors (warm and cold, dark and light).
Materials and equipment.

PVA glue, brushes, dried flowers and leaves, oilcloth.
Progress of the lesson.

Look what I brought you today! These are scarves, each of them has an ornament. The ornament comes in squares and stripes (consider scarves, samples, drawings). What shapes are these ornaments (square, stripe)? What does the ornament consist of (flowers and leaves)? What color is the background (light, dark)?

If we paste light leaves and flowers onto a light background, will it be beautiful? Squint your eyes. They seem to merge. The same goes for dark on a dark background. What if you do the opposite? Then the colors become contrasting, and the pattern becomes bright and expressive. Therefore, you need to choose leaves and flowers that contrast the background...

(We look at it on the easel - I apply leaves different colors to paper, together with the children we decide where it turns out better).

Look at the square. What's in the center? The flower is the largest and brightest, and there are leaves on the sides of it. Flowers and leaves alternate in the stripe, they are lined up in a chain. Look, if the flowers are bright, then the leaves are not, and vice versa - the flowers and leaves are contrasting with each other. You also have preparations for two, and you will decorate. If you have a square, then it will be a scarf, and if you have a strip, then it will be a scarf. First, carefully take the flowers and leaves and place them on the background, and I'll see how it turns out for you. Then carefully slide everything onto the table and start gluing from the largest element.

Analysis of works. Whether the leaves and background match in color, the composition should be bright, expressive, and neatly executed. You can use musical accompaniment, for example "Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky.

Lesson on the topic : "Swan on the Pond"
Program content. To consolidate knowledge about the different materials used in appliqué (paper, dry natural material).

Learn to select required material for one or another detail of the composition, focusing on the shape and color, use it in your work.

Develop your vocabulary by adding words with definitions (thin, fragile, brittle, durable, etc.).

Cultivate a desire to engage in appliqué.
Material: sample, sheet with background, swan template (ready-made swan cut from whatman paper), dried Lunaria petals, tree leaves, glue, brushes, scissors, oilcloth, rags.
Progress of the lesson. 1 Conversation about autumn and birds.

What time of year is it now? (autumn) Reading verse. About autumn.

How did you guess that it is autumn now? (the leaves turn yellow, the birds fly away),

What birds fly south? (cranes, rooks, swans)

Which ones remain for the winter? (crows)

Try to recognize the bird that swims on the pond? (sample showing)

That's right, it's a swan. Swans can be seen in the zoo; they are large white birds, they beautifully arch their long necks and gracefully swim on the surface of the pond.

There's a swan floating along the river,

Above the bank the little head is carried,

He waves his white wing,

He shakes water onto the flowers.

What fairy tales talk about a swan? (“Geese-Swans”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”.

That's right, that means this bird is familiar to you, and now we'll make a picture with a swan.

^ 2. Executing the application

What is shown in the picture? (pond, forest, swan)

What does a swan have? (head, body, wing, beak.)

What is the swan made of? (white paper.)

Take a piece of paper, touch it, try to tear it.

What can you say about the paper, what is it like? (thin, durable)

What is the wing made of? (from Lunaria flower petal)

What is the forest made of? (from dried leaves)

What can you say about dry leaves and petals? (very thin, fragile, brittle, they must be handled very carefully) Trees may be different and our leaves different color and size(display). Trees can be located close or far from each other along the shore of the pond.

Take the template and trace it on a piece of white paper.

Cut out the swan.

Place trees, a swan figurine and a wing on the background (check), stick it on.

Gently smooth dry leaves

3. Analysis.

What did we stick today? What material did you work with? Why do you need to work very carefully with dried leaves?

Lesson on the topic: "Beautiful Peacock"
Program content. Continue learning how to make appliques from whole dried leaves.

Develop Creative skills when composing a pattern, symmetrically arranging them on the details. Cultivate perseverance and hard work.
Material: sample, white paper for the background with a peacock’s body pasted on it, a tail made of colored paper, dry leaves, glue, scissors, a brush.

Progress of the lesson: I Conversation about the peacock.

What is the name of this bird? (peacock)

Where do peacocks live?

No, it's not the sun, but a beautiful peacock.

A huge and sleepy giant peacock.

Through the distances of fields, across the expanses of plains

He goes out for a walk early in the morning alone.

^ 2. Analysis of crafts.

What color is a peacock's tail?

How many parts does the tail have? (out of five)

Which parts of the tail have the same pattern? (on 2 lower ones - on 2 middle ones)

What is the pattern made of? (from dry leaves) Correct, but the leaves can be either whole or cut in half. Dry leaves are fragile, so you need to cut them carefully (demonstration).

^ 3. Executing the application

First, glue on the top part of the peacock’s tail, two middle parts and two bottom parts. Arrange the parts so that they are all connected to the peacock's body. Glue on all the parts of the tail one by one.

Now let's decorate the tail, first both lower parts equally with whole or cut leaves, then the middle ones, then the top.

4. ^ Job Analysis

Which peacock has the most elegant tail?

Which work contains the most striking pattern?

Lesson on the topic: "Butterfly with a pattern on its wings"

Program content : Continue to learn how to make appliqué from different materials. Learn to mark parts on paper using a template. Strengthen the ability to cut out and paste paper parts (wings) onto the background. Introduce the technique of cutting a dry leaf in half. Develop your eye, achieving a symmetrical arrangement of the pattern of leaves on the wings of a butterfly. Nurture creativity

Material: samples, background (white paper), colored paper, templates for wings, body and head, dry leaves, glue, scissors.

Progress of the lesson: 1 . Making a riddle:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He moved, he started,

He soared up and flew away. (butterfly).

2. Examination of samples.

Who came to visit us?

What parts does a butterfly have? (head, abdomen, 4 wings)

Which wings are the same in color and shape? (top and bottom.)

What is the pattern on the wings made of? (from dry leaves) That's right, the wings are decorated with dry tree leaves, but each of them is cut in half (showing the cutting technique). Why should dry leaves be cut very carefully with scissors? (fragile)

Which leaves have the same pattern? (on the top - on the bottom).

3. Explanation and implementation of the application

First, you need to trace the templates of the body and head from cardboard onto the wrong side of colored paper, and the wings twice to make 4 wings. Then lay out the body, head and wings of the butterfly (show) on white paper and glue everything one by one.

Making paper appliques for children

Now you need to decorate the wings with whole and cut dry leaves.

Making applications from dried plants.

4. Job analysis

What did you stick on today? What are the parts made of cardboard that are outlined with a pencil called? (sample)

Show me which butterfly is the most elegant. Why do you like her"7

Lesson on the topic: "Autumn Bouquet"

(3 lessons)

Program content : Learn to use in work different material, consolidate knowledge of the properties of paper, dried leaves, introduce the properties of fabric (strength, flowability).

Fasten by cutting the dry leaves in half and gluing them carefully. Teach the method of edging a part (leaves), the technique of cutting out paper folded in half (vase).

Develop orientation in space when composing a composition, cultivate the ability to complete the work.
Material: Samples, background, colored paper, fabric with table markings glued to paper (not glued strip, 1 cm wide for fringe), dry leaves, scrap of fabric for experiment, writing paper for exercises, glue, scissors.
Content: 1 class: Conversation about autumn.

What time of year is it now?

We walked in the autumn park,

The leaves were falling from the trees.

We collected them, dried them,

And they turned it into a painting.

And the picture is a sight for sore eyes,

Surprisingly to all friends. (sample showing)

What trees were the leaves collected from? What colour? What did they do with them? (some were dried, and some of the leaves were placed in a vase with water)

^ Sample Analysis:

What is shown in the picture? What material are the leaves of the bouquet made of? (made of dry leaves glued to paper), vase? (made of paper), tablecloth on the table? (textile).

Today we will make leaves for a bouquet, for this we need to select a dry leaf, cut it in half and stick it on colored paper. You can paste a whole sheet, but when cutting the colored paper around the leaf you need to leave a strip around it (show).

Making multiple leaves.
2 class:

An exercise in cutting out a vase from paper folded in half, markings are done according to the show in stages: neck, side, stand) first on writing paper, then on colored paper (you can use a template).

Getting to know the properties of fabric (strength, flowability) on a scrap of fabric and a piece of paper (try to tear and pull out the threads from the edges of the fabric).

Cutting the tablecloth (according to the markings), pulling out the fringe

3 class. Gluing the applique.
Lesson on the topic: "Family of cheerful hedgehogs."

Program content : Introduce the technique of cutting a dried leaf in a straight line, practice using this floristry technique to create more expressive image items. Strengthen your skills in creating an applique from dry leaves. Develop fine muscles of the hand, cultivate an interest in working with natural materials.

Material: alder leaves, rowan among dried leaves of other trees, background, PVA glue, samples, letter.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Game technique: A hedgehog came to the children and said that her family had received a letter, but she couldn’t get her hedgehog children together, who were playing in the magical forest. V-l invites the children to portray little hedgehogs, but ones that would look like their mother.

^ 2. Sample analysis :

What material is the hedgehog made of? (from dried leaves).

What leaves will be needed for the body and legs of the hedgehog?

How many leaves are the head and body made of? (from one)

How many legs does a hedgehog have? (four)

Why are only two legs visible in the picture?

What kind of back does a hedgehog have? (prickly, uneven)

Why? ("there are needles on the back) What kind of tummy? (smooth)

What needs to be done so that one side of the leaf is straight and the other has teeth? (cut the leaf)

That's right, why should you cut carefully? (fragile) (demonstration of cutting technique)

For what parts do you still need to cut the leaves? (for paws)

^ 3. Making appliqué by children.

Where will you start? (selection of leaves)

What will you stick on first? (torso)

Why should this piece of paper be placed in the center of the background? (you need to glue the paws on the bottom)

What needs to be done to make it clear that the hedgehogs were walking in the forest? (stick the trees)

^ 4. Analysis of works.

Think about what kind of hedgehogs they turned out to be? (funny, cheerful, mischievous...) Why do you think so? Listen to what the letter the hedgehog family received says? (invitation to the zoo for a baby elephant's birthday).

Lesson on the topic: "Boats."

Program content . Reinforce the skill of cutting a dried leaf in a straight line and using leaf halves to depict a boat with a sail. Introduce the use of mosaics in floristry to convey a sandy or rocky surface in a composition. Develop imagination, fine muscles of the hand, cultivate accuracy in work.

Material . Patterns, leaves, background with river, bank and sky.

Preliminary work. Creating a background using the spray method.

Progress of the lesson. 1 Gaming technique and sample analysis:

Do you remember where the hedgehog family was going during the previous lesson? (for the elephant's birthday).

Why do you think the boat is depicted on the river? (hedgehogs will sail to the city to the zoo on a boat)

Let's look at the boat. What does she have? (hull, sail and flag) What the hull is made of. Sail - Flag? What color and size are the leaves?

Why must the leaf be cut very carefully? (fragile)

What is the sand on the river bank made of? (from crumbs of dry leaves)

That's right, but hedgehogs want to go on a trip with their friends, forest animals, and they need a lot of boats. You can help everyone get to the elephant's birthday party if you stick a lot of boats.

^ 2. Explanation of techniques, sequences and performance of work by children.

First you need to do the boat. To do this, find one dark leaf for the hull, one long light leaf for the sail and a small one for the flag. (children perform)

Now cut the large sheets in half lengthwise. (cutting demonstration) (children perform)

Glue the boat, and then on the far bank the trees, placing them close or far from each other.

(you can explain everything first, and then the children do it)

We need to depict stones and sand on the near shore. To do this, you need to apply glue to part of the bank, chop up a dry leaf and pour the crumbs onto the glue (show). Small crumbs are sand, large ones are stones. You can invite children to make footprints on the shore (the “crumb” technique).

^ 3. Analysis of works.

What boats do you think the animals will like the most? Why?
Lesson on the topic : "Portraits".
Program content . Strengthen the ability to create images of objects from whole and cut dried leaves. To develop imagination in the process of working with diagrams, when guessing riddles and the relationship of natural material with body parts of animals and birds, to cultivate a work culture.
Material : Background, leaves, diagrams, one sample portrait.
Move classes : 1 . Game technique:

The inhabitants of the Magic Forest reached the zoo. The baby elephant was very happy with them, and not only he, because all the residents of the zoo gathered for the elephant’s birthday. You can find out who exactly came if you carefully examine the diagrams of the portraits of the elephant’s guests and guess the riddles.

^ 2.Analysis of circuits and samples.

Well done, you guessed the riddle correctly, and here is the portrait of this guest.

What is a portrait? (image of a person, his face, an animal or his muzzle) What is the portrait made of? Which tree leaves were used?

For which parts of the portrait were whole leaves taken, and for which were they cut?

Now try to recognize the guest simply by the scheme. How did you guess that this is a portrait of a lion? (fluffy mane, round cheeks...)

^ 3. Performing appliqué by children

Choose a scheme that will help you make any animal, select the leaves you need in color, shape, and size. If necessary, cut some of the leaves, make an image and stick the applique on the background.

^ 4. Analysis of children's works

Who came to the baby elephant's birthday party?

Lesson on the topic: "Flower vases."
Program content . Introduce the technique of cutting out parts from dried leaves, practice cutting out complex shapes. Develop small muscles of the arm. Cultivate moral qualities.
Material: Sample, leaves pasted on paper with vase markings, dried flowers, gouache, background.
Progress of the lesson . 1. Gaming technique .

The guests gave the baby elephant flowers for his birthday and he needs a vase. for flowers.

^ 2. Sample analysis.

Look what vases the baby elephant has. Find the largest vase (small... low... tall...)

-From what are vases made of (from dry leaves)

Why the leaf must be cut carefully" 7 (fragile)

That's right, but you need to be even more careful when cutting these vases, since you have to cut a lot and not in a straight line. There is one secret, so that the leaf does not crumble; it must be glued to paper before cutting it out.

Turn over the leaves that are lying on the table; they have paper glued to the wrong side.

What is drawn on this paper (vase).

This is the correct marking of the vase. We can cut out a variety of vases and help the baby elephant arrange flowers in them.

^ Z. Raising the applique by children.

What should you do first? (cut out the vases)

How should a vase be placed on a sheet of paper? (at the bottom of the sheet)

That's right, there will be flowers at the top.

What will you stick first? (the vase, then each flower)

What are the paint and brushes for? (draw the stems)

^ 4.Analysis of children's work-

Lesson on the topic: "Aquarium with fish"

Program content . Strengthen the ability to use floristry techniques to create an expressive composition. Develop creativity, foster independence.
Material: Background in the form of an aquarium, samples of fish designs, dry leaves pasted on paper and without it.
Progress of the lesson: 1 .Game technique.

The little bear gave the baby elephant an aquarium.

Look, the house is standing, filled to the brim with water.

Without windows, but not gloomy, transparent on four sides,

The residents of this house are all skilled swimmers,

The teacher offers to make fish for the aquarium.

^ 2.Sample analysis

What leaves are used to represent the fish? (different colors, sizes, whole and cut)

What else besides fish can be in an aquarium?

How can you make stones? (crumbs) Algae (draw on paper glued to a piece of paper and cut out. What parts of the fish (turtle) will be made from whole leaves, which ones need to be cut out?

^ H. Performing appliqué by children.

Fish, turtle, stones should be pasted onto the background (small circle)

4.Analysis of children's work

What will we depict on our travel map?

Why do you think the baby elephant liked our aquarium?

Analysis of children's works

Lesson on the topic: "Treat"
Program content .3 will strengthen the techniques of making images of objects from whole dried leaves, cut and carved shapes, and the ability to work with a template. Develop creativity in the process of finishing details in order to create a more expressive artistic image. Instill responsibility when performing work in a subgroup.
Material. General background for a subgroup of children, templates, illustrations, dry leaves, pasted on a paper base and without it, gouache.
Move classes : 1. Game technique:

A baby elephant is preparing a treat for his friends. Children are invited to help him, suggest what he can treat each guest with, and make an appliqué of the treat against a background common to two children.

^ 2. Analysis of future crafts:

What can you treat your bunny? (carrot)

How to applique carrots? (find a narrow red leaf, stick it on the background and draw the tops)

Who would be happy with mushrooms? (hedgehog, squirrel)

What should you do with the leaf for the fungus cap? (cut)

What will be the bear's favorite treat? (honey)

^ Application "New Year's composition."

Program content .

1. Learn to compose a composition on a given topic from available natural material.

2. Learn to cut out a part of the desired shape from a plant leaf glued to a paper backing.

3. Show the need to pre-glue the sheet onto paper (experience).

4. Develop creative imagination, creative activity in an effort to create a festive composition based on the memories of New Year's holiday.
Materials and equipment .

PVA glue, brushes, dried leaves.
Progress of the lesson .

Guys, look who is our guest today, meet him - this is Lesovichka’s friend - Domovenok - he lives at my house. He came to visit you today to remember a very cheerful, favorite childhood holiday. What holiday did we celebrate recently? New Year! And to help us remember better, Brownie brought us a candle and pine branches with balls. Why do you think? Yes, the most elegant guest at the New Year's party is the Christmas tree. Let's close our eyes and remember this holiday. And now whoever has the Little Brownie sitting in their arms will say something about the past holiday (how do they decorate the Christmas tree, who comes to the New Year? And if there was no Christmas tree in the house, then they still brought spruce or pine branches.) For the New Year and At Christmas, the children made their own holiday cards. So we will make such cards in memory of the holidays. A lot can be depicted on a postcard. Look here - what a beautiful festive composition: a candle, a flickering red light, a pine twig. Or take a look at the branch decorated Christmas tree toys. Now look at the card I made. Now I will tell you how to make it. You already know how to compose a composition, remember the game “Make a Postcard”. Brownie brought dry leaves for you, we will make a postcard from them. Remember how to contact

With dry leaves. First, take thin transparent paper with

The outline of the part drawn on it. We paste it onto a sheet.

Carefully cut out the part along the drawn outline. The leaf does not break. Now we lay out all the details on paper. We place them beautifully. We shift the composition and glue the details onto the background one by one.

Now think and imagine what kind of card you will make.

Independent activity of children.

^ Analysis of works.

Assessment from the perspective of correct compositional placement, accuracy of execution.

Program content .

1). Learn to compose a composition on a given topic from available natural material.

2). Fix warm and cool colors.

3). Encourage children to be creative when choosing the background of the composition, the color of the leaves, dried flowers, their size and shape.

4). Cultivate interest in productive creative activities.
Materials and equipment . Plastic lids from mayonnaise jars, velvet and colored paper, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, dried plants.
Progress of the lesson . Today we have unusual activity. The holiday of March 8 is approaching. We will prepare gifts for your mothers. These will be miniatures. A miniature is a small composition. We decorated stripes and squares with patterns of dried leaves. And today we have a new uniform, what? (Circle). Look at these miniatures. What is the difference? Which one can be called winter and which one can be called summer? Why? What cool colors do you know? This composition can be called winter, as the white chamomile on a blue background seems cold. You can come up with a name for the miniature - “Winter Sun”. What warm colors do you know? What color can be both warm and cold? If it is close to yellow, it appears warm; if it is close to blue, it appears cold.

Experiment. Demonstrate that green color can be either cold or warm, depending on what background it is against (show on a piece of paper).

Now everyone will think about what composition they will perform and take a lid of the desired color. See how best to arrange the elements in a circle. There may be a large flower in the center, and elegant small leaves along the edges. You can move a large flower up or down, alternating large parts with small ones. First try laying out the composition on a circle,

Remember how they will be located. Since the leaves are fragile, they must be handled carefully.

When the children finish their work, I suggest dividing the compositions into winter and summer.

^ Analysis of works. Children give the name of their composition, say what cold or warm colors are present in them.

Entertainment "Journey to the Land of Summer Flowers"

The entertainment takes place at the end of autumn, but when children already have experience in floristry.

Dunno enters the hall, he is upset, Znayka examines everything.

Dunno: Everyone says that it’s time to be an adult, you need to study in order to know a lot. To know a lot, to know a lot, I already know a lot. For example, I’m walking through the forest, I know a lot about the forest. What do I know about the forest? Well..., a forest is a forest, it is full of miracles, wow, what a poem came out (Znayka studies the leaves, picks up a dry maple leaf from the floor).

At this time, the old man Lesovich carefully enters the hall. His beard is all hung with dried flowers, herbs, and leaves.

Lesovichok:(tapping his staff, but speaking good-naturedly). Who is it here? Who said that he knows everything about the forest, about forest herbs and flowers? Show me this smart guy! (Knowledge points his finger at Dunno, and Dunno points at Dunno). I don’t understand anything, which of you two was bragging here? (Knowledge looks angry at Dunno and pushes him towards the old man).

Dunno: Well, okay, in general, I’m saying that I know everything about the forest, so why not know? For example, in winter and summer the same color is birch. Is not it?

^ Znayka: What are you saying? Even the kids know it's a Christmas tree! Oh you! (Dunno scratches the back of his head).

Dunno: But I know that the trees fell recently...

Znayka: It's not the trees that have fallen, but the leaves from the trees that have fallen! Dunno: Well, what am I saying, they fell off, it’s called...

Leaflet, right?

^ Znayka: What do you guys think? (Leaf fall).

Lesovichok: Yes, I see, Dunno, you know nothing about the forest and the herbs and flowers growing there. Do you know where leaves and flowers disappear from meadows after leaf fall?

Dunno: Honestly, I don’t know this.

Lesovichok: Let's remember how this happens. (Acting task; task: children must act in accordance with the story). Guys, get up! Imagine that it’s hot summer now (they wave at each other, fan themselves), the sun is shining brightly (look from under your palm at the “sun”), we went out for a walk in the clearing, some with a book, some with a basket. Some look for berries “one in the mouth, the other in the box”, others look at beautiful flowers, admire graceful grass (imitation of actions using facial expressions and gestures). How nice it is in the meadow. We came to a cool, dark forest, it smells of strawberries and spruce. A birch tree here, an aspen tree there. We dance around the white birch tree. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a wind blew in and it became cold. Autumn has come. Leaves are falling, flying, spinning. Someone collects leaves to dry them, puts them in a book, but the wind does not subside and keeps swirling and swirling the leaves. Look at the leaf festival the children saw in the forest.

(Dance with leaves).

Lesovichok: This is how magical leaf fall happens in the forest. Did you know about this? Beautiful autumn in the forest, different leaves lie, a motley, multi-colored carpet. Look, Dunno, what beautiful rugs the guys made from dried forest leaves. Now everyone will tell you what the work is called and what leaves it is made of. First, let's play: (the children have leaves of different colors from different trees on their tables. Lesovichok describes or makes riddles - the children recognize and pick up the corresponding piece of paper. Dunno confuses the children, and Znayka checks).

Dunno: Now show what you did in class (consider). Oh, yes, I’m like that in five, three, even one minute, that’s it.

^ Znayka: Well, you missed it.

Lesovichok: Now let’s see which of you is the most dexterous and skillful. (“Who can assemble a bouquet of dried leaves and flowers the fastest.” A competition is held, the winners are awarded miniatures of dried plants made by children (d/i “Create a postcard”).

Dunno: I didn’t even know how much you could learn about forest herbs. You guys taught me a lot. I'm so happy. Thank you. I especially liked how interestingly you adapted these flowers and leaves. I would never have guessed it. But this is what I came up with, looking at these wonderful leaves, that if you cast a spell and combine them, you will get a fairy-tale animal from a magical forest. (Competition "Fairytale Animal").

Znayka: Wait for us, Lesovichok, to visit us next year, we’ll come to the forest to collect leaves, so that we can also remember summer all winter and make holiday cards, paintings, and gifts. Goodbye. (They leave with Lesovichok).


Lesson on the topic: "Snowman"

(two lessons)

Etc . soda . Learn to create a picture using different materials in applications

Winter themed. Develop a sense of compositional and spatial

Presentations, to cultivate the desire to make a souvenir for the holiday your own

Material : background, colored paper, white fabric, pasted on paper, cotton wool, yellow

Eggshells, glue

Move classes :

1. Conversation about winter and the New Year holiday He is not a living man, Although not a janitor, but with a broom, Standing idle in the yard From head to toe, all white, Instead of eyes, two black dots, Two shiny embers The spring sun will bake - Our man will flow away (snowman)

2. ^ Sample Analysis

Who do you see in picture 7

What is a snowman made of? (made of fabric) moon^ (shell), snow" 7 (cotton wool)

3. Executing the application(two lessons) Demonstration of the technique of gluing shells onto a piece of the moon cut out of black paper, tearing off small pieces of cotton wool, explanation of cutting out circles from fabric, paper bucket hats

4. ^ Analysis of crafts.

Program content: Learn to perceive applique objects from entire leaf shapes, select material suitable for the image in color, size, shape.. Develop the ability to compare the same material when selecting leaves. Introduce the variety of insects. Cultivate a desire to work with natural materials.

Material : illustrations, samples, depicting insects, leaves, glue, oilcloth, scissors.

Move classes . One summer day, Know-It-All caught a butterfly and went to show it to his friends. Many children gathered around him, everyone wanted to see, hold, tug at the butterfly, to find out if it could fly without wings. Forget-me-not passed by and wondered what her friends were arguing about. Seeing it, she unclenched Know-It-All's hands and the butterfly flew away.

Did Forget-Me-Not do the right thing, and why? What would you do in her place?

Forget-me-not explained that you can’t catch butterflies, because... They are very useful, they pollinate flowers and collect nectar.

Where do you usually see butterflies? (in a field, meadow, garden, in a museum) What is this poem about?

Grew up one day in front of everyone

Two-petalled flower in the garden.

Vova wanted to touch him,

He moved and suddenly flew away.

The little son began to ask his mother:

  • Can flowers fly? -
Mom laughs: - Dear son,

It's a butterfly, not a flower!

  • What insects do you know besides butterflies? Look, the butterfly has 2 large and 2 small wings, a head, a body, a proboscis, and eyes.
We will make insects from leaves. Think about who you would like to do. Select the necessary material, lay out the leaves on paper. After that, take one leaf at a time, spread it with glue and press it with a cloth, removing excess glue. Dried leaves are very fragile, so we work carefully.

How many insects appeared in our “Magic Forest”. Tell me what was the hardest thing to do and why? Which insect did you like the most?

^ Application of dried leaves "Lamb"
Program content : Introduce children to the application of pieces of moss, the “crumb” technique. Exercise children in using ready-made templates in their work, tracing and cutting along the contour. Cultivate accuracy in work and careful handling of materials.
Material. Background, colored paper, patterns of fur, head, paws, ear. Brushes, glue, scissors, oilcloths, rags, moss, leaves.
Progress of the lesson. Sister Alyonushka calls brother Ivanushka from behind the door. IN group room, wrapping a ball, crying.

  • Hello, dear guys, have you seen my brother? Early in the morning he left to graze a flock of lambs and still has not returned home. Soon father and mother will return, but he is still not there. How to find a brother, how to gather the whole herd?

  • Guys, let's make some sheep and help return the herd to the village. Meanwhile, Alyonushka will find her little shepherd brother.
Let's take a background - white paper, glue the grass, to do this we coat the “clearing” on the oilcloth and carefully place it at the bottom of the sheet.

We trace the template of the body onto the background in the center of the sheet. We draw out templates for paws, heads, and ears from black paper. Glue the head and paws. We smear a small part of the back with glue, lay it out with moss, and press it tightly with a cloth.

Children perform, offer to add and decorate the image along the way.

Analysis of works. Now the whole herd has gathered (children's works are displayed on an easel). And Alyonushka found her brother.

Thank you guys, look how beautiful the sheep are, let's come up with names for them. What is the mood of your sheep, some are joyful and some are hungry, bowed their heads, nibbling the grass.


Do you know anything about leaflets? Not about bugs that eat leaves from trees, but about little funny people who emerge who knows when and how from autumn leaves, dry blades of grass, forgotten bouquets and herbariums?

Pavlik first met them in October, during leaf fall. He heard someone on the ground talking quietly: shur-shur, shuk-shu...

Who is there? - asked Pavlushka and stopped.

Someone immediately fell silent - they were afraid of the question. Or thought: “Who am I?” And only when the boy stopped listening and moved on, someone again whispered approvingly: shur-shur, shuk-shuk, shshu-u...

These conversations are conducted only in the foliage. Pavlik walks along the asphalt - silence. And as if in a park or in a forest, they whisper. Either they are afraid of Pavlushka or they welcome him.

The boy calls the rustling little people, unknown to anyone, leaflets. Nobody knows what they look like.

Pavlik tries to imagine at least one such leaflet. From the collected autumn leaves he lays out his portrait on the floor.

The eyes are birch leaves. American maple nose. The mouth is thin and willow. Or not. The eyes are willow leaves. Birch nose. The mouth is fake.

Pavlik moves the leaves and changes their places. This makes the leaflet’s facial expression different each time - sometimes angry, sometimes surprised, sometimes joyful. The leaflet looks at Pavlushka, smiles, but for some reason there is no rustling in the house, it remains silent.

Only Pasha is talking. Quietly, like a leaf, he whispers: “Shuk-shuk, shur-shur.” He represents himself as a leaflet, talking to his newly created friend in a language he understands.

I whispered something to him (either promised him, or reassured him) and hid it in a big thick book. And all the leaves that I collected during the walk were also neatly laid out between the pages - in the book they would remain straight, but without it they would curl up over time and become shriveled. Nobody knows that Pavlushkin’s leaflets live in a thick old book. And Pavlik himself forgot about them as soon as winter began. First there was the first snow, then sleighs, snow scooters, snowmen, a Christmas tree, New Year, Christmas...

Pasha remembered about the leaves only in January, when the tree had already been dismantled, everyone had given gifts, and everyone was even a little tired of the New Year holidays.

How are my leaves doing? - Pavlik takes his secret book out of the closet and flips through the pages.

The autumn leaves have faded a little, but still look beautiful - even, smooth, with spots and veins. They fell out of the book, quietly rustling: rust-shur-shur... The leaflet with which Pavlik talked in the fall is no longer there, the leaves are all mixed up: some scattered across the floor, others pressed against the spine of the book - they are in no hurry to say goodbye to their familiar place.

“The leaves are always hiding from me somewhere,” Pavlik thinks, but he is in no hurry to collect the scattered leaves. The leaves on Pavlushka's floor in January are like fabulous aliens from the past. There is snow outside the window, but here it is a forgotten autumn. Gold of parks and gardens. Multi-colored Indian summer mail.

Pavlik reads these slightly faded letters quite differently from the way adults do. He guesses the strange, non-existent life of autumn leaves, imagines a mysterious, unknown world, where everything, everything, everything is made of leaves: people, animals, houses, insects. This world is fragile and changeable. Today you are a leaf, and tomorrow you are a butterfly. He flew, collected nectar from a leafy flower and immediately dived into the lake like a fish. If you want to be a tree, put down roots in a leafy garden, rustling the crown in the wind. If you want to be a bird, please: flap your maple wings, flutter, and fly!

Pavlik stands over the leaves, thinking.

What is this, Pasha? - his little sister Lyusha asks him.

Don't you see? Leaflets.

I do not see. Where are they? - Lyusha squats down and looks under every leaf. - What, did you hide?

Eh, Lyusha... Everything needs to be explained to her. Pavlik is thinking about how to tell Lyusha everything more clearly. He treats everything thoroughly. To raise my sister too. Mom says that young children need clarity to understand, so that they can first look at it and only then understand what the teachers want from them. Pavlik wants Lyusha to look at his little leaves - fish and birds, animals and insects. Pavlik doesn’t think about what she should understand from this leaflet-like visualization. He takes out multi-colored self-adhesive films from his desk. He casts a spell on them with scissors. Lays out rectangles, circles, ovals in front of Lyusha.

Do not touch with your hands, do not trample with your feet! - he warns his sister, bending over the mysterious multi-colored figures.

Lyusha sees how the yellow oval comes to life from Pavlushka’s touch, puffs out her cheeks from flower petals, moves her fern eyebrows. His nose is made from a hawthorn leaf, his hair is made from rowan and ivy.

Here’s one leaflet,” Pavlik comments on his witchcraft.

He immediately glues a light circle onto the blue square and comes up with a completely different leaflet. With cheeks made of pink petals, with braids of rowan leaves and a yellow birch bow on the top of the head.

“Here they are, little leaves,” Pasha explains and notices that the last little man is exactly like his sister Lyusha. - Everything here is the same as ours. This is Lusha's leaflet. And these are fish in an aquarium.

Pavlik becomes silent for a long time, because fish are not leaflets. They require special conditions: an aquarium, pebbles, algae. And the fish themselves have so many scales on their backs that you have to tinker a lot. Pavlik is silent, like a fish, Lyusha is snoring nearby. She no longer looks at his aquarium - she herself lays out a picture from the leaves on a gray film. From chestnut leaves - a fox, from maple - a hedgehog. His muzzle is sharp, curious, looks out like a willow leaf from maple needles, and watches the chestnut fox.

Neither Pavlushka's fish, nor Lyusha's animals, nor the leaflets hide anymore and do not change. They nestled comfortably on the color pictures under a transparent glossy film. Now everyone in the house will see funny little people made of leaves, their strange, but still so similar to our world. This world is no longer as fragile and changeable as it used to be. Take Lyushina and Pavlushina’s pictures - get acquainted, admire them, put them in a frame. Here is a palm tree, here is a cactus, here is the sun. Everything is made from leaves. And there are so many interesting things in this world that for everything that Pavlushka comes up with, he doesn’t have enough film or dried leaves. And, as you know, every business comes to an end someday. And only fantasy has no boundaries.

Maybe autumn leaves, dried flowers and blades of grass lie dormant in your thick books? Now they are probably dreaming about a fabulous, permanent world, where today you are a butterfly, tomorrow a leaflet, the day after tomorrow a bird: you flap your maple wings, flutter, and fly.


Lotto "Do you know trees?"

Target . Increase knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality; develop visual memory. Reinforce the names of trees, the ability to identify a tree by its leaf.
Material . A set of cards depicting various trees:

Birch, oak, spruce, pine, aspen, larch, rowan, etc. (for each). A set of chips and cards with riddles about trees.
Content .

1st option. The guys receive a set of cards with four or six images of trees. The teacher warns that the most attentive and observant ones win. Then a riddle is read about one of the trees, for example, about a birch, and the children who have a picture of a birch on the card cover it with a chip, and so on until all the riddles have been solved.

You can offer a riddle about a tree that is not on the lotto card. In this case, the children say which tree the riddle is dedicated to, and note that this tree is not on the map.

The participant in the game whose all images are covered with chips raises his hand. The one who correctly identifies all the trees wins.

2nd option. The teacher reads the riddle, and the participants in the game pick up a guess card. The player who did not guess the riddle puts the card back into the set, the one who gave the correct answer puts his card aside. The player who does not have a single card left in the set wins.

Riddles about trees.

What kind of girl is this?

Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Spruce)
I crawled out of the little barrel,

It took roots and grew.

I have become tall and mighty,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels -

It’s okay that my fruit is small. (Oak)
A relative has a Christmas tree

Non-thorny needles,

But unlike the Christmas tree

Those needles fall off. (Larch)

I have longer needles

Than the Christmas tree.

I'm growing very straight

In height.

If I'm not on the edge,

Branches - only at the top. (pine)
What kind of tree stands?

There is no wind, but the leaf is shaking? (aspen)
In a white sundress

I stood in the clearing,

The tits were flying,

They sat on their braids. (Birch)
Turned green in spring

Tanned in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Red corals. (Rowan)

D/I "Make a postcard"

Target: choose different objects when arranging the composition, introduce construction schemes flower arrangement. Reinforce knowledge about warm and cool colors.
Material : elements for composition, background, diagrams.
Progress of the game:

1. Children independently try to choose an element to compose a composition. Use diagrams to create a flower arrangement.

2. Children are given the task of selecting elements according to color and thermal characteristics and creating a composition in warm and cold colors.

^ DI "Make an item"

Target : teach children to compose leaves from parts, consolidate the names of trees, develop observation and visual memory.
Materials : leaves cut into 2,4,5 or more parts.
Move games : Children need to select cut-out pictures by color, shade; fold them to make it complex shape leaf, name which tree this leaf belongs to.


Game-exercise “Make a pattern”

Target. Reinforce the concept of color harmony; develop artistic taste.
Material. Sets of 5 - 6 stripes of various colors and shades and 2 - 3 stripes of the same size with cut out silhouettes of leaves.
Content. There is a color wheel on the easel. The teacher repeats pairs of harmoniously combined colors with the children, indicating them on the color wheel, for example, yellow and purple, blue and orange. Children then receive sets of stripes. From 2-3 stripes with cut-out silhouettes, the child chooses the strip he likes. The color of the selected strip with silhouettes is matched to a color strip that, in the child’s opinion, matches it in color. It is placed under a strip with cut out silhouettes, which become colored. The ornamental stripe becomes complete color scheme. The teacher notes the best color combinations.

Game "Make a still life"

Target. Exercise children in drawing up an object composition, develop observation and visual memory.
Material. Figures of vegetables, fruits, vases of various shapes, flannelgraph, reproductions of still lifes.
Content. Children are given sets of pictures and are asked to create their own still life after looking at the reproductions.












Tatiana Chepizhko

Target:expand children’s knowledge about natural material of plant origin- leaves, their meaning for the tree. Teach how to make leaf applique. develop imagination. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.


-materials: glue. leaves;

-tools: scissors, pencil, glue brushes;

- visibility: samples of crafts, illustrations of trees.

Progress of the lesson.

Today we will work with natural plant material, guess what:

Falling from a branch

Gold coins.


Let's do it leaf applique.

A tree, like any living organism, consists of individual organs: leaves, branches, roots.

Each of them performs a special function. Back in the 18th century, scientists proved that animals make the air unfit for breathing, and plants “improve” it. The green plant purifies the air only in sunlight. In sunlight, plants release oxygen, which animals and people breathe, and absorb carbon dioxide from the air, which people and animals exhale. Sheet well adapted to absorb carbon dioxide. It is protected on both sides by a covering fabric with holes in it. Through these holes it penetrates into leaf carbon dioxide. When it is light, the holes are open, and at night they close. Besides, the leaf is pierced by veins consisting of tubular vessels. One vessel at a time along the stem from the roots to leaves receive water, according to others from leaves nutrients that were formed in the leaves. Green sheet-the source of life on the planet. If it were not for plants, there would be no animals and humans on Earth.

Analysis of crafts:

What material is it made of? applique?

-Leaves what trees were used?

How leaves given the desired shape?

How leaves connected to the base?

Practical work.

Review of safety rules when working with scissors.

Parsing the execution sequence crafts:

Think about who you would like to portray;

Select similar ones leaves and place them on the base. You can use scissors to give the desired shape;

Use a pencil to place dots at the top and bottom of each sheet;

Every sheet lift one at a time, from the wrong side sheet apply glue with a brush and apply sheet in place, lightly pressing onto the base.

Bottom line:

What natural material did you work with today?

What are they for? leaves to the tree?

Exhibition and analysis of works.

Publications on the topic:

From autumn leaves you can create very beautiful applique. The application can be simple or complex. You can create a fairy tale from leaves...

Autumn is a magically beautiful time of year. Such a riot of all kinds of colors does not happen even in summer. In the fall you can collect and prepare.

One of the most beautiful times of the year is, of course, autumn, or rather Golden autumn. Only during this period can you see all the colors of the magical time.

Autumn- great time! Autumn is a great time to create with your child using natural materials. That's why I like to collect in the summer.

Glazyrin Artyom 3 years old, Sudarkov Vitya 3 years old, Pershova Kira 2.8 years old Autumn is the charm of the eyes! I really love nature. In every season.

Game situation by visual arts applique “Butterfly from leaves”. Prepared and conducted by Marina Spichkina. Purpose: to teach children.

In our kindergarten annual exhibition was held autumn crafts. All the guys took part in it with pleasure, and of course, not without it.