Summary of organized educational activities. Drawing "Golden Autumn". Didactic game “Warm - Cold”

Municipal institution "Department of Preschool Education" of the Executive Committee of Nizhnekamsk municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

« Kindergarten No. 38 Sunflowers"

Lesson notes in middle group

Drawing on the topic:

« Golden autumn»

Compiled by the teacher

Nigmatzyanova Elvira Tagirovna


Program content: Continue to teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, to draw various forms trees, large, small, tall, slender, continue to depict leaves. Fix the working techniques with a brush (with the entire bristle of the end of the brush). Correctly place the plot on paper. To develop children's aesthetic perception and love of nature.

Preliminary work: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observation on a walk, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Guys! Today we received a letter from a hedgehog with a riddle that we need to guess and draw the answer. Guys, can we guess the riddle?

D: yes

Q: Guys! Listen to the riddle

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot...
And they fly, fly, fly...

D: Autumn.

Q: That's right, autumn.

Q: Guys! What is autumn like?

D: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny.

Q: Who knows why autumn is called golden?

Golden leaves, golden trees.

D: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden

There are yellow and orange leaves everywhere on the ground, like a golden carpet.

Q: Guys, when it rains, there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden,

Q: Let’s remember autumn and draw it.

Q: Please look at the picture, what do you see in this picture?

D: trees, leaves.

Q: A tree can grow separately, but when a forest grows together.

Q: Look carefully: the trees are depicted large and small in size, one tree has leaves, the other does not.

Fizminutka OAK

In front of us is a wide oak tree, (Hands to the sides)

And above us there is a tall oak tree. (Hands up)

Suddenly there are pine trees and spruce trees above us (Tilts head)

Heads making noise (Clapping)

Thunder struck, a pine tree fell, (Squat down)

I just shook the branches. (Stand up and shake their head)

Q: Now let’s pick up our hands and practice.

We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. We paint the leaves by applying the brush with all its bristles.

Q: Before we get started, let's remember how to use a brush. We lower the brush strongly in the air, the drawing will spread. If you have collected a lot of water, remove it from the edge of the sippy cup.

Q: What kind of paint do we use to paint a tree?

D: brown

Q: Let's get to work.

Q: What else do we have left to draw?

D: leaves

B: we paint by applying the brush with all its bristles

During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.

Q: Now let’s carefully carry our work onto the mat. See, guys, what wonderful trees they turned out to be.

Q: What did you and I draw?

D: Golden autumn.

Q: Do you like your work?

Let's give ourselves a clap.

Well done!

Q: Now we’ll send all our work by mail to the hedgehog. He'll be happy!

Notes on visual arts on the topic: "Autumn"(drawing).

Program content: consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons and warm colors. Exercise children in painting with paints. Stimulate creative activity older children preschool age.

Progress of the lesson.

The group receives a phone call. The teacher picks up the phone “Hello! Who's speaking? Dunno? Please forgive me, it’s hard to hear you, I can’t understand anything. Come to the senior group and explain what you want to say.”

Dunno enters:“Hello, guys. I really enjoyed your last lesson. Remember how you taught me to draw autumn trees? I already know how to draw them. Only my friend Tube tortured me with ridicule. He says that I don’t know anything about autumn. But I don’t agree with him, because I know everything. In autumn it is always cold, dirty, and there is no mood. Really, really?”

The children answer together:“What are you talking about, Dunno! Autumn can be different!

Dunno continues:“Tubik tells me that autumn can be different, that it is a wonderful, extraordinary time of year. And I think: there is nothing good in autumn. Really, guys?"

The children do not agree.

The teacher offers:“Dunno, today we say goodbye to autumn. We're a little sad. Children will tell you why they like autumn. Listen and guess what autumn the poems are talking about.

The child reads I. Bunin’s poem “The forest is like a tower...”.

Dunno finds it difficult to answer, but the children help him.

The teacher asks:“Why is autumn called golden? And if you paint an autumn like this, what colors will you need? The children's answers follow.

Didactic game“What did the artist draw?”

The teacher summarizes:"Right. Golden autumn is a holiday of light and silence. Dunno, guess when and in what period of autumn the earth is covered with a bright, rustling, soft carpet.”

Dunno thinks:“At night, or what?” The children answer in unison: “During leaf fall! In the middle of autumn!

The teacher continues:"It's good to walk around autumn forest, listen to how the leaves rustle under your feet, how quietly they spin and fall! Take it in your hands autumn leaves and show how they fall and fly during leaf fall.” (Children dance to the music).

The teacher turns to the children again:“If you paint in late autumn, what colors will you need? Remember how artists painted autumn. This year, in late autumn, we observed fabulously beautiful nature. Close your eyes and imagine this wonderful picture again.”

Dunno says with regret:“What a pity that I didn’t see the beauty of autumn. Only I’ll probably forget what periods of autumn there are and Tube will laugh at me again.”

The teacher answers:“Don’t worry, Dunno. Children, think about how you can help Dunno.”

Children offer to depict autumn at different times.

The teacher reminds them:“Children, think again about what period of autumn you will draw. Your drawings should turn out different: after all, Dunno wants to see and remember different autumns- both golden and late. Try to depict different trees.”

The children get to work.

At the end of the lesson, you can arrange a viewing of children's drawings. You can evaluate them on your own behalf and on behalf of Dunno. Children also share their impressions of looking at their drawings.

Abstract on visual arts (drawing).

Subject:"Birch Grove in Autumn"

Program content: To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons. Introduce the concepts: warm and cold colors, landscape. Acquaintance with a new material - wax, wax candle, and its properties. Teach children to use a brush and watercolor paint in combination with wax material. Tint the entire sheet, develop creativity, aesthetic perception, color perception. Cultivate an interest in painting and a love of nature. Material: household candle, watercolor.

Progress of the lesson:

Show the children a picture (photograph) with an autumn birch grove depicted on it.

Explain to the children that this image of nature is called a landscape.

Explain the differences between landscape and other genres of painting (portrait, still life).

Didactic game “Find the landscape among the paintings”

Ask: what season is depicted in the picture? Why do children think that the picture depicts autumn? What time of year is it now?

Say: “Autumn is a very beautiful time of year, autumn has its own colors.” Show pieces of red, orange, yellow, cut out of colored paper, brown. Say that these are the warm colors of autumn. Ask what else comes in this color? (for each color separately). What is this color called? If you put these colors side by side, you get something similar to fire or a campfire - hot, hot, which is why these colors are called warm colors. Show the children circles cut out of blue, dark blue, purple, and green paper. Place a painting depicting winter next to the autumn landscape. Say that these colors are called cold, that there are more such colors in winter. Ask several people (optional) to approach the paintings and give “autumn” a warm color, and “winter” a cold color.

Didactic game “Warm - Cold”

Thank the children, clean up the winter landscape. Thank the children on behalf of “autumn” and once again remind them what warm colors they gave her. Now let’s draw the same beautiful autumn birch grove. What

What colors will we use in our drawings? Listen to the children's answers, accompanied by showing the named color. Ask what color are the trunks of birch trees? (White). We will paint the trunks white wax candle, and draw warm autumn colors with watercolor paint. If you run a candle across the paper, a shiny white mark will remain, the wax will stick firmly to the paper and in this place will not let paint onto the paper, so the paper will remain white - like the trunks of birch trees. Where does such material as wax come from? Bees make wax, they build honeycombs from it, and then put honey into these honeycombs. (You can show the children, if possible, honeycombs with honey). People who collect honey take it from beehives along with honeycombs made from wax, candles, and wax crayons.

Physical education minute.

During physical education, distribute paper, brushes - squirrel No. 8, household candles, cups of water.

Now let's take a closer look at what's on your tables. Listen to the children's answers. Why do we need a wax candle? That's right, we will draw birch tree trunks for her. Birch trees grow from the ground, upward towards the sun. Take the candles and draw them across a sheet of paper from bottom to top. There are a lot of birch trees growing in a birch grove, draw a lot of trunks. (Accompany with display on a vertical sketchbook). Whoever has already drawn birch tree trunks puts his candle in a common box. Wait until all the children have finished working with the candles. The paint that lies on your tables is called “Watercolor”. This paint loves water very much; in order for it to paint well, you need to wet the brush in water more often. What colors will we use to paint the birch grove? Remind, (accompany the show) we will take warm colors, yellow, orange, red, brown. Let's paint the entire piece of paper with these colors (accompany it with a display on the sketchbook). You see, where we held the candles, the paper remained white, and we got white birch trunks. Help those in need to hold a brush correctly. To prevent the paints from staining each other, each time you need to thoroughly rinse the brush in the jar, wipe it with a cloth if necessary (show how), and then wet it again and take the paint. Wait until all children have completed this stage of work. Please note that there are black spots on the trunks of birch trees and at the bottom of the trunk

birch trees are all black. Offer to dip the brush in black paint and run it along the trunk of the birch trees (accompanied by a demonstration).

Upon completion, put all the works on the board for analysis, invite the children to find works that use more warm colors, which works do they like best and why? Tell the children that drawings that depict nature are called landscapes.

Didactic games and exercises on color science.

Didactic game “Scarves and hats”

These bears are going for a walk. They had already tied their scarves, but had mixed up their hats. Help them figure out whose hat is whose. How can you find out? Look at the scarves (these are clues). Match the hats to the color of the scarves. Choose a hat for the bear with a yellow scarf (blue, green...). Name the colors of the hats in order - from top to bottom: green, yellow... And now vice versa - from bottom to top - purple, orange... Remember what color is your hat? Look at the bears and say whether they are the same or different colors. (These are different shades of brown.) Which bear is your favorite?

Didactic game “Color tea party at Masha and Dasha’s”

Dolls invite girlfriends for tea. Help them set the table. Look: there are a lot of dishes, but two dolls. This means that all the dishes need to be divided equally into two sets. But for a reason: this is Masha, and this is Dasha. Let's think together about how best to distribute the dishes. Are the dishes the same color or different? What color are the dolls' clothes? Which dishes are more suitable for a doll with a red bow? (A teapot and cups and saucers with red polka dots, a red sugar bowl with white polka dots and a vase with a red flower.) What kind of dishes should be selected for the doll in blue? Name what each of the dolls will put on the table for their guests.

Didactic game “What should we finish building the house!”

These houses were built and built, but they were not completed. And they were conceived so that two colors alternated in each. Complete the houses. What parts need to be placed on top? Find a house that has two green cubes at the bottom. What color cube is on top? (Red.) What cubes did you put in next? (Green.) So, which cube should be placed on top? Find him in the row on the right. Examine each building (the rest can be closed) and pick up the missing parts. Show me a house made of orange and green cubes. Made from yellow and green bricks? Name the colored parts from which the rest of the houses were built.

Didactic game "Motley Clown"

The clown is preparing to perform. Help him dress up. The clown's clothes are always the opposite. One sleeve is green, and the glove on the same hand is red. The other sleeve is red, and the glove on this hand is green. Let's take a look together. What's on the clown's head? Where is the green cap? What kind of pompom should be sewn to it? (Red.) Which pom-pom is suitable for a red cap? (Green.) Find the same color on the umbrella. Show me a glove of the same color. Which hand will the clown put it on? Show and name everything red. Where is the red shoe? Which foot will the clown put his shoes on? Name the color of the button and find this color on the umbrella.

Didactic game "Delicious" palette"

Name each picture and find its color on the palette. Pick up all the pairs: lemon - lemon... (etc.) Now try to guess what other colors can be called. Find the carrot among the pictures and the matching one on the palette. What is the name of this color? (Orange.) But you can say it in another way - carrot. Show beet color on your palette. Lilac. Olive. If it’s difficult, compare with images of fruits and flowers. What would you call the color of plum? (Purple, or otherwise plum.) How is yellow different from lemon? (Lemon is a shade of yellow with a slight hint of green.)

Didactic game “Color nuances”

Sometimes artists paint copies of their paintings, which completely repeat the original (the first, main work) or have some differences. Compare these still lifes and find 5 differences. At first glance, they seem the same. Look closely at the coloring of both paintings, compare all the objects in pairs. And then try to draw your own still life from life. Take a vase or jug. Place it on the table. Place large, bright fruits nearby. Stand back and admire. If necessary, move the objects of the still life in search of the most interesting composition. And start drawing, checking with nature. Be more attentive to color.

Didactic game “The berries are ripe”

Look how the raspberry ripened: at first it was almost white, then it turned slightly pink, and so it gradually ripened - from light pink to crimson. All stages of raspberry ripening are shown exactly in order from top to bottom. The stages of plum ripening are confused. Restore the correct order by comparing with raspberries. What was the plum like at first? What shade did it acquire when it was slightly ripe? Where is the ripe plum? Compare ripe raspberries and plums. Which one is cold and which one is warm?

Didactic game "Magic Colors"
Goal: during the game, to develop children’s attention and interest in various colors and shades, a feeling of joy when perceiving the beauty of nature.
Material: cards with different colors.
Game description: distribute cards with squares to children different colors. Then the teacher says a word, for example: birch. Those children who have black, white and green squares raise them up.
Then the teacher says the next word, for example: rainbow, and the squares are raised by those children whose colors correspond to the colors of the rainbow. The children’s task is to respond as quickly as possible to the words spoken by the teacher.

Didactic game “Funny Colors”

Goal: to introduce children to primary and composite colors, the principles of color mixing.

Material: cards with pictures of girls-paints, signs “+”, “-”, “=”, paints, brushes, paper, palette.

Progress of the game: by mixing colors, solve “examples” like “red + yellow = orange”, “green - yellow = blue”.

Didactic game “Primary and Composite Colors”(based on the principle of the game “Funny Colors”)

Didactic game “Match the color of the object”

Goal: to introduce children 3-4 years old to the color spectrum, to exercise their ability to correlate color cards with the color of the item.

Materials: cards with different colors, cards with images of objects.

Progress of the game. Children take one colored card, each child must choose from the pictures provided the image of the object that matches its color.

Didactic game “What colors are in the picture”

Goal: to train children in the ability to identify colors in a picture.

Material: Colored applications, tablet with pockets (8 pcs.), cards with different colors.

Progress of the game: the child is offered color applique and a set of colored cards, he needs to place cards with the colors that are present in the application on the tablet.

Didactic game "Caterpillars"

Target. Exercise children in determining warm or cold colors, in the ability to arrange colors in shades from light to dark, and vice versa.

Material: colored circles of warm and cold colors, image of a caterpillar's head.

Progress of the game. Children are invited to use the circles provided to create a caterpillar with a cold color scheme (warm) or a caterpillar with a light muzzle and a dark tail (dark muzzle and light tail).

Exercises to develop form-building movements using stencils, templates, and planar figures.

Didactic game "Balls"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to perform circular movements when drawing a ball in a closed circle, relying on visual control and with their eyes closed.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher invites the children to look at a panel in which a kitten plays with balls of thread that he has unwound. Then he invites the children to collect the threads into a ball and shows how the threads are collected into a ball, imitating with the movements of a pencil winding the threads into a ball.

Periodically, the teacher invites children to close their eyes and perform movements with their eyes closed.

In order for children to show interest in work, you can give them the opportunity to draw a lot of balls, arrange a competition: who can draw the most balls.

Didactic game “Match a toy to the image”

Purpose of the game: to teach children visual analysis of the silhouette and shape of a real object. Exercise your vision in identifying shapes in a planar image and a three-dimensional object.

Progress of the game. Children are given cards with silhouette images. There are bulky objects on the tray: toys, building material. The teacher suggests placing an object of the appropriate shape under each silhouette.

The one who fills all the cells the fastest wins.

Game options can be varied. For example, the picture shows real objects, children select silhouette images cut out of cardboard and apply them to real images.

Formation of methods of comparison, analysis of objects and their images is effective method enrichment of subject concepts. This is facilitated by games such as “Place an object on its image”, “Make an object from parts”, “Find the same object”, “Find the same half of an object, image”.

In this case, it is important to take into account the individual discriminating capabilities of vision. If visual acuity is low and there are no image perception skills, it is better to begin work on comparing an object with its real, color image, and then you can move on to comparing the object with a silhouette image.

Didactic exercise“Let’s draw how the plates are arranged on the table”

Purpose: to train children in drawing round and oval shapes, develop the ability to distinguish objects by size from large to small.

To complete the exercise, children are given stencils with slots for three circles of different sizes and slots for three ovals located between the circles. The ovals are also of different sizes, with handles attached to them.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher says: “Children, three bears came to visit us. Let's give them a treat. For this we need dishes: plates and spoons.” The teacher shows the children stencils and suggests tracing circles and ovals, and then adding handles to the ovals to make a spoon.

After completing the task, the bears and the children watch how all the work is done and compare it with the real table setting, where the plates and spoons are located. Here you can also clarify which side of the plate the spoon is located on.

Didactic exercise “Let’s decorate objects”

Goal: to train children in the ability to fill limited space in accordance with the given shape of objects.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher offers children stencils with slits in the shape of various objects: dresses, hats, towels, handkerchiefs, cups, scarves, etc.

Then the children paint the given space with colored images. Depending on the level of development of visual skills, the complexity of the contours of objects is determined for each child individually: one paints a towel, the other a dress.

Such exercises enrich children's impressions of the shape of real objects, teach them to notice the commonality between them, in particular, that all objects are painted with colored stripes, they are all different (dishes, clothes, linen, etc.). This is how children develop the ability to generalize objects according to one similar feature, regardless of their functional purpose.

Didactic game “Assemble an animal from figures”

Goal: to train children in making figures of various animals (humans) from prepared templates of round and oval shapes.

Materials: templates of parts of different animals.

Progress of the game. Assemble an animal from the proposed parts, name what kind of animal it turns out to be, name what figures it consists of, what these figures represent (head, torso, paws, tail, ears).

Didactic game “Symmetrical objects (jugs, vases, pots)”

Goal: to strengthen with children the idea of ​​symmetrical objects, familiarization with the profession of a potter.

Materials: templates of jugs and vases, cut along the axis of symmetry.

Progress of the game. The potter broke all the pots and vases that he had made for sale at the fair. All the fragments were mixed up. We need to help the potter collect and “glue” all his products.

Arts and crafts

Didactic game “Find the odd one out”

Didactic tasks: learn to find items of a certain craft among those offered; develop attention, observation, speech - evidence.

Material: 3-4 products (or cards with their image) from one craft and one from any other. Game rules: The winner is the one who quickly and correctly finds the extra product, i.e. different from others, and will be able to explain his choice. Progress of the game: 4-5 items are displayed. You should find the extra one and explain why, what trade it belongs to, what is characteristic of it. Options: the game may have a permanent host. The player who answers correctly receives a chip (token). The winner will be the one who collects the most tokens.

Didactic game “What has changed”

Didactic tasks: consolidate the idea of ​​any painting, develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, teach analysis, find differences in the patterns of different objects and be able to explain them.

Material: items from various crafts. Game rules: The player who first notices the change must quickly raise his hand to respond, correctly identifying what has changed. If the answer is correct, he becomes the leader. Progress of the game: The teacher (or presenter) places five objects of different colors in front of the players. Having carefully examined them, remembering the location, the players turn away. The presenter swaps objects and removes some. The players' task is to guess what has changed. If the problem is solved, another leader is chosen and the game continues. Options: players can not only name a new item or the one that the leader removed, but also describe it.

Didactic game “Find out the elements of the pattern”

Didactic tasks: to clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​the main elements of any painting, to learn to isolate individual elements of a pattern, to develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, to arouse interest in painting. Material: large cards, decorated with some kind of painting, at the bottom of which there are three or four free windows. Small cards with individual pattern elements, including painting options that differ in color and details. Game rules: determine which of the proposed cards depicting elements of the painting match the pattern elements of the main card.

Progress of the game: Having received a large card and several small ones, having carefully examined them, the players select those elements that are found in the pattern and place them in empty windows. The leader monitors the correct completion of the task.

Didactic game “Make a pattern”

Didactic tasks: learn to compose decorative compositions - arrange elements, selecting them by color - on a variety of silhouettes in the style of a particular craft, develop a sense of symmetry, rhythm, observation, creativity. Material: planar images of various objects; elements of painting, cut along the contour; samples of patterned silhouettes. Game rules: compose on the selected silhouette from individual elements pattern in accordance with the rules and traditions of this painting. Progress of the game: One child or a group can take part in the game. The players choose the silhouettes of objects to decorate at will. Having selected the required number of elements, a pattern is made. The player can perform the work by copying the pattern of samples or inventing his own composition.

Didactic game “Cut pictures”

Didactic tasks: consolidate knowledge about expressive means used in various crafts, practice compiling a whole picture from individual parts, develop attention, concentration, desire to achieve results, observation, creativity, and arouse interest in objects of decorative art. Material: two identical planar images of various objects, one of which is cut into pieces. Game rules: quickly assemble a product from individual parts in accordance with the sample. Progress of the game: One child or a group can take part in the game. The teacher shows samples and gives the opportunity to look at them carefully. At a signal from an adult, the players assemble an image of a product from parts. The one who completes the task first wins.

Didactic game “Make a Khokhloma pattern”

Didactic tasks: consolidate children’s ability to compose Khokhloma patterns using appliqué. Fix the names of the elements of the painting: “sedges”, “blades of grass”, “trefoils”, “droplets”, “criul”. Maintain interest in Khokhloma fishery. Material: stencils of dishes by Khokhloma artists made of paper in yellow, red, black colors, a set of elements of Khokhloma painting. Game rules: children are offered a set of elements of Khokhloma painting, from which they must lay out a pattern on a stencil of dishes using the appliqué method.

Didactic game “Gorodets Patterns”

Didactic tasks: strengthen children’s ability to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of painting, remember the order of the pattern, and independently select the color and shade for it. Develop imagination, the ability to use acquired knowledge to compose a composition. Material: stencils of Gorodets yellow paper products (cutting boards, dishes, etc.), a set of elements of Gorodets painting (paper stencils). Game rules: children are offered a set of plant elements and figures of a horse and a bird. They must lay out the pattern on the stencil using the appliqué method.

Didactic game “Art Clock”

Didactic tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about folk arts and crafts, the ability to find the right craft among others and justify their choice. Material: tablet in the shape of a clock (instead of numbers there are pictures of different crafts pasted on). Cubes and chips. Game rules: The player rolls the dice and counts how many points he has. Counts the required amount with an arrow (counting starts from the top, in the picture instead of the number 12). You need to talk about the fishery that the arrow points to. For the correct answer - a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Didactic game “Decorate the tray”

Didactic tasks: consolidate knowledge about Zhostovo painting - its color, its constituent elements; learn to place a pattern; develop a sense of rhythm and composition; to form an aesthetic attitude towards folk art. Material: tray stencils different shapes, cut out of cardboard, various flowers, casting according to size, shape, color. Game rule: take one element at a time. Game action: Having chosen a tray of a certain shape, arrange the pattern.

Didactic game “Which painting is the bird from”

Material: images of birds of Gorodets, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gzhel crafts.

Game action: name the type of arts and crafts, find birds of unknown types of painting and not related to arts and crafts.

Didactic game “Help Dunno”

Didactic tasks: consolidation of knowledge about the arts and crafts of the Russian people.

Material: pictures various types arts and crafts.

Game action: determine what type of folk craft the image belongs to, prove it by naming the features of a particular painting.

Genres of painting

Didactic game "Artists-restorers".

Option 1.

Children use individual pieces to music (“Song about Paintings”, lyrics by A. Kushner, music by G. Gladkov) to restore the painting. Upon completion of the work, its genre is called. The colored cards earned by each child are counted and clean slate The number of points scored is written down with the child's name. (The points earned by the child will help the teacher in diagnosing knowledge and skills in visual arts.)

Option 2.

Paintings need to be stored carefully, so museums always maintain a certain temperature and humidity, and the windows are closed from bright sunlight. But over time, cracks may appear in the paintings, and pieces may even break off from them. Help me “restore” this still life. Find suitable fragments. What is still life? What do you see in this still life?

Didactic game “Choose the word”
Goal: develop the ability to select the right words for a picture
Material: reproduction of a painting.
Game description: It often happens that you really like a picture, but it’s difficult to talk about it, it’s difficult to find the right words. The teacher names 2-3 words, and the children choose one of them that is most suitable for this picture, and explain their choice.
For example, I. Mashkov’s painting “Moscow Food. Breads"
Sonorous – sonorous – quiet
Sound. There are very bright, sonorous colors here. Their voice is not ringing, although loud. Rather, it is thick, like the aroma of all these breads.
Spacious - cramped
Tight. There are so many things depicted here. Of course, they are cramped.
Joyful - sad
Joyful. There is abundance here! And all this food is so beautiful, elegant, as if at a holiday, as if the rolls and breads were showing off to each other, which one is better.
Light - heavy.
Heavy. There's a lot here. The breads are large and heavy. And all around are lush buns and pies. Everything together looks like something dense and heavy. How soon does the table hold up?

Didactic game “Define or find the genre (portrait, landscape, still life)”

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about different genres of painting: landscape, portrait, still life.
Material: reproductions of paintings.
Game description: 1 option. The teacher suggests looking carefully at the paintings and putting paintings depicting only a still life (or only a portrait, landscape) in the center of the table, putting others aside.
Option 2. Each child has a reproduction of a painting, some of them depict a landscape, some have a portrait or a still life. The teacher asks riddles, and the children must show the answers using reproductions of paintings.

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
Required picture
It's called... (landscape)

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know that this is... (still life)

If you see what's in the picture
Is anyone looking at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot, or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor,
Required picture
It's called... (portrait).

Didactic game “Make a still life”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life, to teach how to compose a composition according to your own plan, according to a given plot (festive, with fruits and flowers, with dishes and vegetables, etc.)
Material: various pictures depicting flowers, dishes, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms or real objects (dishes, fabrics, flowers, dummies of fruits, vegetables, decorative items)
Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to create a composition from the proposed pictures, or to create a composition on the table from real objects, using various fabrics for the background.

Didactic game “Correct the mistake”
Goal: to teach children to listen and watch carefully, to detect and correct mistakes.
Material: reproductions of paintings.
Description of the game: the teacher, in an art history story, describes the content of the work and the means of expression used by the artist, explains what mood the artist wanted to convey in his work, but at the same time deliberately makes a mistake in describing the picture. Before starting the game, children are given the instruction to watch and listen carefully, as a mistake will be made in the story.
Rules. Listen and watch carefully, detect and correct errors. The winner is the one who installed larger number errors and corrected them correctly. He also gets the right to be the leader in the game - to compose an art history story based on another work.
An approximate art history story by a teacher (with intentional errors) based on the painting “Haymaking” by A.A. Plastova:
“Before you is a reproduction of a painting by A.A. Plastov “Summer” (wrong in the title). She talks about how, on a hot, clear day, mowers - old men and women - came out into a meadow covered with green, emerald grass (there is no description of the flowers) (the image of a teenager is missing in the description). The most important and beautiful thing in this picture are the white-trunked birches; they are painted in the center of the picture (an erroneous description of the compositional center). The work conveys peace and quiet joy. To do this, the artist uses bright, rich colors: yellow, green, blue, red.”

Didactic game “Guess the picture” (word game)
Goal: to teach children to find a picture using a verbal description.
Material: reproduction of a painting.
Game description:
Option 1. The teacher describes a painting by an artist without naming it
and without telling what colors the artist used. For example: “There is a girl sitting at the table in the room. She has a dreamy face. There is fruit on the table. It’s a summer day outside.” Children tell what colors and shades are used to depict everything that the teacher talked about. Then the teacher shows a reproduction of the painting to the children. The one whose answer is closest to the truth wins.
Option 2. To the music, the teacher describes in detail a landscape. Then he shows the children reproductions of paintings of different landscapes, among which is the one he described. Children must recognize the landscape from the description and explain their choice.

Didactic game “What does a landscape consist of”
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the genre of landscape, its distinctive and constituent features and parts.
Material: a variety of pictures depicting elements of living and inanimate nature, subject, etc.
Description of the game: the teacher offers children a variety of pictures. Children must select only those pictures that depict

    Direct educational activities. Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing in the second younger group. Topic: “Autumn Leaves” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about autumn. Continue calling Materials: natural material(poppy pods, cones, moss, spikelets of various herbs, leaves of maple, oak, poplar), paper of various formats and colors, thick Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group Topic: “Planes are flying.” Program content: 1. Learn to draw objects consisting of several parts. 2. Consolidate Dunno runs out. (Vintik and Shpuntik are sitting among the spectators.) Dunno. Hello! Who am I, well, guess! What's my name? Children. Dunno! Dunno. I bought a car

Abstract of GCD drawing “Golden Autumn”

Prepared by: teacher of MBDOU "Bell" Noyabrsk Svetlana Borisovna Gatsko
Program content: Teach children to create autumn landscape, depict objects in a plot drawing on a wide strip of land, placing them closer and further away. Fill the entire sheet of paper with the image. The crown of the trees is represented by an imprint of crumpled paper. Strengthen drawing skills in an unconventional way, in drawing thin branches with the end of the brush. To develop skills in using rational techniques when drawing homogeneous objects (first draw all the trunks and branches of the trees, then the foliage on all the trees). Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness, and bring the work started to completion.
Corrective tasks: To develop visual and auditory perception, general and fine motor skills, development of cognitive interests, improvement of vocabulary.
Vocabulary work: Golden, autumn, October, trees, crown, foliage, turn yellow, blush, fall.
Materials: Teacher's sample, gouache paints, brush No. 4, blue sheets of paper with a pre-drawn wide strip of earth, grass (the children painted with watercolors with wide brushes the day before the lesson). Stamp pads soaked in yellow-orange and red gouache. Lumps of crumpled paper, wet wipes; character Dunno.
Preliminary work: Examination of the reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”. Reading poems about autumn by A. S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev; listening to the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky “October. Autumn song." Reading The works “Falling Leaves” by I. Sokolov - Mikitov, “Forest in Autumn” by A. Tvardovsky; excursion to the autumn park, conversation about autumn, singing songs, asking riddles; drawing autumn tree; making paper balls.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment(I offer training - attitude)
We're all together
We start soon.
Our ears are on top of our heads,
The eyes are wide open.
We listen, we remember,
We don't waste a minute.
Children love to observe nature
To then draw what he saw.
2. Introduction to the topic:
Guys, listen to the riddle, guessing it, you will find out the topic of our lesson.
In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves are falling like rain.
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly.
- What time of year is the riddle about? (about autumn)
And here’s what the poet A. S. Pushkin said about this time of year:
It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature.
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...
The poet found such beautiful and heartfelt words about the golden autumn. What about the artists? Many artists like to paint forests and parks in autumn clear days. They choose bright colors for their paintings. They paint a blue sky, dark tree trunks, next to which yellow, orange and red leaves seem especially bright. The pictures turn out to be joyful.
3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson:
- Today we will also draw a park on a clear autumn day.
There is a knock on the door and Dunno comes in.
- Hello, guys! I accidentally heard that you would draw and I really wanted to come to your class, because I still don’t know how to draw trees. Will you teach me?
- Shall we teach the guys Dunno?
- Yes.
- Pull the sheets of paper towards you. The sheets already have blue sky and a wide strip of earth (grass). On such a strip of land you can draw trees that grow in different places - some closer, others further. If the tree is close, where will you draw it? What if further? To have time to draw three or four trees, first draw the trunks and branches of all the trees; and then you will draw foliage (crown) on all the trees. Draw trees tall. Try to draw so that your entire sheet is filled with images.
(partial image of tree shown)
- And we will learn to draw foliage (crown) using a print of crumpled paper.
(I show on pre-drawn trees how to draw foliage - using the imprint method).
- We will dip lumps of crumpled paper into a pad soaked in paint and apply a light stamp on the trees. (There is no need to wet the lumps too much).
Dunno: “How interesting, can I do this?”
- Look and remember. This way you can quickly draw tree foliage. (But you have to try to draw carefully). There are also leaves on the ground, draw them in the same way. Now you can start drawing yourself. Where will you start drawing?
- From drawing trunks and branches.
- Next, drawing leaves on trees and ground.
4. Practical activities:
- Let's draw the outline of a tree on a piece of paper. (children draw)
- Well done, you did it, you can paint with paint.
You, Dunno, stand here and watch how the children draw. (children draw to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “October. Autumn Song”. I watch how the children master the wide expanse of the earth in the drawing. I show those who need it on a sheet of paper certain technical drawing techniques).
5. Physical exercise:

Exercise “Leaves are Falling”

Leaves are falling, falling,

In our garden the leaves are falling,

Yellow, red leaves,

They curl and fly in the wind.

Let's take each basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

The stumps and paths smell,

Delicious autumn fungus.

(Children perform movements, according to the text, in a circle)

6. Continuation of practical activities:

Those who complete the task early can be advised to draw paths in the park, benches, the sun, and mushrooms. During the lesson, Dunno passes between the children and encourages them, giving them some advice.

7. Analysis of children's works:

Ask: “Can you find out what time of year is shown in the pictures? How did you know it was autumn? What autumn day is depicted - clear or cloudy? How can you tell about this from your drawings? (blue sky, bright foliage). Can what you depicted be called “golden autumn”? Why is it possible? Confirm the children’s statements that their drawings contain the most yellow and orange colors, which resemble the color of gold.

I invite the children (one at a time) to place Dunno near the most beautiful place in the autumn park and tell them why it is attractive (what kind of trees grow, what foliage is on them, what else is interesting in this place).

Summary of OOD on drawing in senior group

Topic: “Golden Autumn”

Goals: to teach children to reflect impressions ofgolden autumn.

Strengthen the skilldraw deciduous trees, transmitting characteristic features trunk and crown structure, color. Use different brush techniques(all lint and end). Develop creativity.

Preliminary work. Examining trees, collecting leaves and fruits. Acquaintance with reproductions of paintings by I. I. Levitan, V. Vasnetsov.

Materials. Sheets of paper white, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins. Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan"Birch Grove".

Content educational activities children

1. Introduction to the topic.

Educator. Guys, listen to the riddle, the answer to which will tell you the topic of our conversation.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves

Children:.( autumn)

Educator. What impressions did you have after the walk? What emotions and feelings did you experience from what you saw?

What changes in nature occurred with the advent ofautumn?

Children.(It’s getting colder, it’s raining, birds are flying away, leaves are turning yellow and falling).

Educator. That's right, guys. The wind blew and leaves fell from the trees. What is this time called?autumn?

Children.(Leaf fall.)

Educator. Guys, let's look at the picture by I. Levitan"Birch Grove". Many famous artists - like Shishkin, Levitan, Vasnetsov loveddraw nature. They chose very beautiful places, admired themselves and shared their joy with us,drawing beautiful pictures.

They studied for a long time and every day a lotpainted. But even real artists did not immediately learnpaint.

Educator. What season did the artist depict?( Golden autumn) .

Whyautumnat this time they callgold? (Because yellow leaves are likegoldwhen they sparkle onautumn sun.)

Physical education minute.

Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind

And the children rustle quietly under their feet.

(Running in place on your toes, waving your arms)

And swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance.

And the windautumn sings a song to them.

(Smooth swings of the body and arms raised up, right - left.)

So today we will try to convey the impressions that we saw on our walk.

Educator. Let's compare how trees are similar and how they differ from each other.

Children.(By the shape and thickness of the trunk, crown shape, color).

Educator. We'll have a trunkpaint with all bristles of the brush, and the branches - the tip,

Now each of you draw your own picture.« Golden autumn» .

At the end of the work, review the drawings with the children and offer to choose the most expressive ones.