A lingering cold: what is the danger of a long-term illness? Prevention of colds during pregnancy.

Today it very often happens that a woman, being in an interesting position, catches a cold. She begins to worry about how the disease will affect her fetus, because its internal organs have not even formed yet. Is it so dangerous to have a cold in early pregnancy? This is what we will talk about in this article.

general information

A common cold in early pregnancy really, as practice shows, has a small share of danger. The thing is that it is in the first weeks that the treatment of a lady is very difficult, since some medications and procedures are simply under the strictest prohibition. However, on the other hand, it is still imperative to treat the ailment, since it causes a lot of difficulties for the future woman in labor. Here, recipes from our grandmothers often come to the rescue. Experts warn that in any case, preliminary consultation is required, since even the most harmless, at first glance, medicinal herbs and decoctions can subsequently cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Colds in early pregnancy. Danger

If you believe the statistics, in the first weeks of a fetus's life, the disease cannot cause serious damage to its health, but you cannot refuse treatment either. The thing is that a cold in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous in its consequences. For example, inflammatory processes often occur in the genitals. In addition, it also happens that the amniotic fluid leaves the woman ahead of schedule. It happens that the baby suffers from hypoxia, and the woman herself complains of constant bleeding. In a word, a cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is dangerous for its complications, therefore, it is still necessary to treat it.

Primary symptoms

As for the issue of symptomatology, in a woman in a position, external signs are practically the same. The disease begins with redness in the throat, then the temperature may jump, and as a result, a runny nose appears. Below we will give detailed recommendations on how to cope with a cold in the first weeks.

Preventive measures

If you are very worried that a cold may appear at the beginning of pregnancy, you should protect yourself with the most common preventive measures. For example, outdoor walks are considered an excellent option. You also need to constantly monitor your diet: try to eat more fruits and vegetables. During a flu epidemic, it is not recommended to visit very crowded places (cinemas, shopping centers, hospitals, etc.), since there the threat of catching the virus is much higher. If any of your family members have a cold, you should start a course of a multivitamin complex, and always use a special protective mask.

Cold during pregnancy - 3rd trimester

So the final stage of pregnancy has come. It can be considered the easiest and most difficult at the same time. On the one hand, many fears are already behind, including the fear of miscarriage. The pregnant woman has already got used to her condition, to a big belly, to mood swings. On the other hand, she is frightened by the unknown, childbirth. She is worried that everything will be fine with her child. Also frightens many colds during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, especially if it falls on the cold season.

And what, in fact, is dangerous for a cold in late pregnancy? It is undeniable that a cold at the end of pregnancy is much less dangerous than at the beginning. The mere fact that if premature birth occurs after 28 weeks, then with the help of progressive technologies the child can be saved, reassures many expectant mothers. And if a cold at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy provokes premature birth, then the baby has a chance to survive on its own. But all this does not mean at all that a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is not dangerous. And not only for the baby, but also for you.

For example, a cold at 34 weeks gestation can affect your hormones, which this week begins to activate the production of breast milk. Placental hormones are responsible for this, and the placenta has a very heavy load during illness.

As you know, by 37 weeks, the fetus is already fully formed and ready for life outside the mother's tummy. However, a cold at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the least dangerous for the mother, but very dangerous for the baby. This is due, first of all, to a deterioration in the condition of the placenta. The placenta grows old in the last stages of pregnancy, and a cold can "penetrate" through the placenta to the baby. This does not mean that the child can also get sick. No. But he can get medicines taken by the mother for colds, toxins produced by bacteria that cause the disease, and other substances that are not very useful for the little man.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy are also dangerous by water contamination. Many bacteria, unfortunately, can penetrate the amniotic fluid, and the child, in turn, can drink it very often. Thus, with a cold at 8-9 months of pregnancy, bacteria can penetrate directly into the child's body, which is very dangerous. Therefore, gynecologists strongly require pregnant women to take clinical blood and urine tests every two weeks. Based on the results of these tests, as well as an ultrasound examination, the doctor can find out about the condition of both the mother, the baby, and the placenta. These tests must be taken, even if you did not have a cold in the last month of pregnancy. At any time by these, at first glance, simple analyzes, you can learn a lot about the health status of a pregnant woman and her fetus.

What else can be dangerous for a cold in the last month of pregnancy? Many of the pregnant women think about this, but not everyone can imagine the entire possible scenario for the development of events. So what can happen if a woman gets a cold in late pregnancy? Let's imagine one of the bad scenarios. So, the pregnant woman caught a very bad cold. Her body is weakened, and cannot fully fight the disease. This provokes premature birth. The baby is born healthy, but he is not allowed to see the mother, because she is sick. And he so needs her warmth and care. And most importantly, mother's milk! And mom can neither hug her baby, nor kiss, nor put it to her chest. The latter, by the way, may be fraught with loss of milk from the mother.

Therefore, for all the seeming harmlessness of a cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, remember that this is not the case. And try to take all measures to stay healthy both for yourself and for your baby.

Thirty-fourth week of pregnancy

There is less and less time left before childbirth, there are only six weeks left before meeting the baby, and now you can clearly distinguish where his head, legs and back are. The baby has grown significantly, and your belly has almost reached its maximum size, and the baby has occupied almost all the free space in it, and for childbirth he has taken the most comfortable position - head down. Although there may be options for a breech presentation, then the method of delivery will need to be resolved with a doctor. Now the baby is actively and daily gaining weight, becoming more and more like a newborn, and if childbirth takes place this week, it will be quite viable, and he will need only minor help and supervision of doctors. Now he is actively accumulating calcium and iron for extrauterine existence, and therefore you need to eat right and get plenty of rest.

Changes in the body at 34 weeks

34 weeks of pregnancy is the ninth obstetric month, and according to the calendar, it is eight months of pregnancy. The third trimester is coming to an end and there are about five to six weeks before delivery. Rarely, when labor begins exactly in the PDD, labor is usually considered urgent from 38 to 40 weeks. Now the tummy has become large, the woman's body has changed a lot and numerous new, sometimes not very pleasant, sensations may arise.

Now your child has already taken a stable position for childbirth - up to 98% of children for childbirth occupy the head position in the uterus, which is the most optimal for birth. But in this period, although there are few chances, a coup from incorrect positions (pelvic, for example) to the head can occur, and even less often it can be the other way around. You need to try not to provoke moments of severe stress or fear, so that the child does not try to roll over. Childbirth is coming soon and your body will begin to actively prepare for it, the structure of the genital tract is changing, so many doctors may recommend limiting or rejecting intimacy in this period so as not to provoke the development of infection or candidiasis. This is unfavorable for further childbirth.

Now the breast has become large and heavy, veins appear on it and colostrum can be separated from the nipples more and more often. It is not dangerous and only requires hygiene. There is an increase in training contractions, but they are not dangerous and simply train the walls of the uterus for an early birth. They are irregular, not painful, and pass quickly after rest or sleep.

Fetal development at 34 weeks: weight, size and gender

By 34 weeks of gestation, the child weighs about 2000-2500g and reaches a length of 45-46 cm. His pulmonary system is sufficiently developed and he will be able to breathe on his own if, for some reason, childbirth occurs earlier than the due date. But the child can still retain heat very weakly, and in case of premature birth in this period, he will be placed in a special ward and incubator with a given temperature. Therefore, it is worth taking care of yourself and reaching the due date.

Now the child has already reached almost complete perfection - his face has acquired individuality and features similar to those of the parents, the ears have separated from the head and become dense. Gradually, fluff (lanugo) and original lubricant disappear from the body, which will remain only in large folds, while the skin turns pale - due to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, the vessels cease to shine through it. The child's cheeks, which are necessary for sucking on the breast, are rounded, he trains the muscles of the face by sucking on his finger. After childbirth, he will need this skill the first time it is applied to the breast right in the delivery room - it will be necessary to receive the first and most important drops of colostrum. While the fetus is completely dependent on the mother for nutrition and respiration, receiving oxygen and nutrients through the placenta and umbilical cord, vitamins and minerals. The storage of iron is especially active now, which will be necessary for the formation of its own blood cells in the first months of independent life, when the replenishment of iron with food will be limited. Babies born prematurely have poor iron stores and are often anemic in the first months of life.

Now you notice that the child is pushing hard, since there is very little space in the uterus for him - with his movements he will show mood and character, well-being and dissatisfaction. His movements can be different - points and kicks, stretching, wiggling the head and limbs. Sometimes there are rhythmic tremors of the abdomen - the child often hiccups, training the respiratory and digestive systems. You need to talk to the child, sing to him, read fairy tales, stroke his belly. If the movements become unusually meager or too sharp and painful, you should consult a doctor, this may be a sign of fetal suffering. Normally, in twelve hours, the child should move at least ten times, and ideally, two to three times per hour. During the day, movements are felt weaker, since the mother is distracted by her usual tasks, and in moments of rest, movements can be more clear.

Now the nervous system and brain tissue are actively maturing, nerve connections are being established between all organs and systems, digestion is actively working, the baby swallows and digests amniotic fluid and forms meconium, its kidneys excrete urine into the amniotic fluid, which is updated every two to three hours. Hormones are actively secreted by almost all endocrine glands of the fetus, all sensory organs are perfectly developed.

Feelings of a future mother

Now the body has changed a lot, you have put on enough weight, and your belly has become very large. Therefore, many of the sensations in your body may not be entirely pleasant and comfortable for you. These are temporary difficulties, you just have to endure quite a bit, and you will meet with the child. Naturally, the brightest of the sensations will be fetal movement, and its movements in the region of the ribs and liver can be very sensitive. Sometimes it helps to change the position of the body, walk and rest, so that the baby calms down a little. Rest on your left side - both you and your baby will be most comfortable.

By now, you may have become accustomed to back pain and lower back pain, almost two-thirds of women suffer from such sensations in this period. The abdomen at 34 weeks has reached almost its maximum size, and the body weight has increased greatly, due to which the center of gravity of the body is shifted. In addition, there are also hormonal changes in the body, relaxation of the ligaments and joints, which affects the gait and gives pain. To reduce them, you need to wear a special bandage, monitor your posture, wear comfortable shoes and clothes. Increasing weight can cause pain in the legs and knees, changes in the veins. In order to reduce such discomfort, you need to more often unload your legs, lifting them up, sit with a small footrest, and before going to bed it is useful to massage the legs, cool foot baths.

Relaxation of the ligaments in the sacrum, pelvic region and joints leads to discomfort in these areas, the formation of a duck gait, and sometimes the formation of a dangerous complication - symphysitis, pathology in the area of ​​the pubic articulation. Now you need to strictly monitor your feelings, they should not lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, the release of blood from the vagina and contractions. The appearance of such symptoms is a reason for an immediate call for an ambulance and hospitalization in the hospital.

Although the gestational age is already solid, and you should have all the bags and documents for the maternity hospital, childbirth in this period will be considered premature, and the baby born premature. It is important that you always have your phone with you, and that you can call your loved ones in case of anything, who can accompany you if contractions suddenly begin. Childbirth can be found anywhere, so always carry your exchange card and your documents with you.

Before considering the baby full-term, it is still three weeks, and if possible, you should take care of yourself, but if you feel cramping pains in the abdomen, water has receded or leaks, there is bloody discharge, pulls the lower abdomen and lower back - most likely, labor has begun. Mom and baby are not yet quite ready for such childbirth, and they can often be complicated, therefore, it is important to be in a hospital during childbirth, under the supervision of doctors.

The child's chances of survival are almost 100%, he can breathe on his own, all his organs and systems are working quite actively, but he does not keep the temperature well and needs warming and special care. On average, the baby will spend several weeks in the children's ward until he gets stronger and is not able to suckle, gain weight and warm his body on his own. Often such children are called not even premature, but prematurely born.

Uterine condition at 34 obstetric week

By the 34th week, the uterus has grown many times and occupies almost the entire abdominal cavity. It weighs about a kilogram, and its walls are about 2 cm thick. The height of the uterine fundus is now about 34 cm, this is almost the maximum height, the amount of amniotic fluid now also reaches a maximum of one liter. The waters are renewed regularly, every two to three hours, they are sterile, they have a special composition depending on the food intake.

The abdomen is significantly increased in size, the navel is turned out and cannot be hidden under clothes. In shape, it can be pointed or round, due to the size of the abdomen, movements become smooth and slow, especially when changing body position.

At this time, the walls of the uterus should be relaxed with rare training contractions, the increased tone of the uterus adversely affects the child and brings discomfort to the mother. With a constant tone, you should immediately go to the hospital, this can be a threat to the fetus. The doctor will carefully monitor the area of ​​the cervix - a short cervix is ​​the result of isthmic-cervical insufficiency and can lead to premature birth. In such cases, complete sexual and physical rest is prescribed in order to bring the fetus as long as possible to the due date.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

During this period, routine ultrasound is usually not prescribed, but additional research may be shown for special indications. If you have not previously undergone an ultrasound scan, it will be necessary to assess all the main indicators of an ultrasound scan - to clarify the gestational age, the estimated weight and height of the fetus, see the sex of the child, and also assess the degree of its development - are there any defects and deviations during pregnancy, is there any intrauterine growth retardation of hearth.

An ultrasound is deciphered by a doctor - according to the study, the presentation and position of the fetus, the state of the walls and cervix of the uterus, the umbilical cord, the amount of amniotic fluid and the location, thickness of the placenta and the degree of its maturity are seen. If necessary, an additional study will be prescribed - dopplerometry of the fetal blood flow, which will show how actively the fetus is receiving nutrition and oxygen. During this period, it is possible to conduct a 3D ultrasound scan, but due to the large size of the fetus, it is impossible to see it entirely on the monitor screen, you can only view individual parts.

Sometimes an ultrasound scan reveals a state of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the body or neck of the fetus. This condition often scares pregnant women, but do not worry. The loops of the umbilical cord can appear on the body or neck of the fetus during fetal movements, with polyhydramnios, with a long umbilical cord or fetal hypoxia. Often, these loops disappear before childbirth. If the umbilical cord entanglement according to the ultrasound data before childbirth persists, during the birth of the baby's head, the midwife provides the mother and a special allowance, carefully removing the noose from the neck. If necessary, the baby is also further treated in the future if the entanglement interfered with the normal delivery of oxygen.

In a period of 34 weeks, the discharge should be completely physiological, it is a mucous discharge of a small volume, transparent or with a slight milky tint, odorless and pathological impurities. With increased secretions, when a mucous lump, mucus streaked with blood appears on the linen, it is worth thinking about the discharge of the mucous plug. It usually goes away a few days or weeks before childbirth, and before that protects the cervix and cervical canal from infection. Minor mucous discharge may be a variant of the norm due to the presence of a mucous plug, but if the discharge is abundant, liquid with a sweetish odor and constantly leaking, it is worth conducting a test for leakage of amniotic fluid - if there are defects in the fetal bladder and water leaking, you cannot hesitate, you need to immediately go to the hospital and decide on the prolongation of pregnancy. Defects in the fetal bladder are capable of transmitting dangerous infections to the fetus, which will be a risk to his life and the life of the mother.

No less dangerous is the change in the nature of the discharge, since in the last weeks of pregnancy, due to the restructuring of the body, it is easy to pick up various infections, including sexually transmitted infections. Especially dangerous is the presence of earthy, gray, greenish or yellow discharge, with impurities of mucus, pus, flakes, crumbly, frothy or with an unpleasant pungent odor. Infections also cause discomfort, itching and burning in the vagina and perineum. With this, you immediately need to see a doctor, take a smear and treat the infection. Thrush during pregnancy is no less dangerous, it is manifested by a tooth and a burning sensation with cheesy discharge.

Particularly dangerous can be spotting, spotting or bleeding from the genital tract; in this condition, immediate hospitalization is required, and determination of the causes of bleeding with a decision on the further course of pregnancy. With placental abruption or the onset of labor, the woman is immediately transferred to the delivery room or operating room.

During this period, the stomach should not hurt with a normal pregnancy. There may be a sipping sensation due to the tension in the skin and ligaments holding the uterus. If you have any bloating in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor - these may be signs of digestive problems, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, constipation, poisoning, urinary tract infection. In such conditions, there will be nausea, stool disturbances and vomiting. But this happens infrequently, mainly abdominal pain occurs when there are threats to pregnancy and premature birth.

Especially carefully you need to monitor your well-being, if the stomach turns to stone, the lower abdomen pulls and the lower back hurts, perhaps this is the beginning of contractions and childbirth. No less dangerous is the appearance against the background of such symptoms of bloody contents from the vagina, nausea, increased pressure, severe edema.

No less dangerous are abdominal pains of a sharp nature without contractions with or without bleeding, with a sharp pallor and a violation of the general condition. These may be signs of placental abruption - a complication that is dangerous for the mother and the fetus, when the nutrition of the fetus is disturbed and severe bleeding occurs. In this condition, the count goes on for minutes, immediate delivery is necessary.

Colds and treatments

The immunity of a pregnant woman in the late stages of pregnancy is physiologically reduced, and therefore, especially in the off-season, colds and flu become dangerous for her. Almost half of pregnant women in this period can get sick with ARVI, when there is a fever, general malaise, cough, runny nose and loss of appetite. Although the child has its own immune system and can defend itself against viruses, they can negatively affect the structure and function of the placenta, leading to its accelerated aging and fetal hypoxia.

How to treat a cold, you definitely need to ask your doctor, self-medication in this period is dangerous - many medications can provoke negative effects on the fetus or cause premature birth. If possible, non-drug methods of treatment are used - bed rest, plenty of drink, herbal infusions that are safe for pregnant women. It is worth remembering that any thermal procedures in this period are prohibited - banks, mustard plasters, hot foot baths.

Mom's diet and weight

By the 34th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight can increase by 10-12 kg, depending on the physique, the gains range from 8 to 15 kg. It is permissible for thin women to add more. It is important to monitor the weekly increase - it should not exceed 300-500 grams, with increased increases, they exclude the development of gestosis in pregnant women, kidney pathologies and edema as a result of malnutrition and fluid retention.

It is important now to eat properly and fully, in small portions, but often, at least five to six times a day. In the diet, you need to increase the amount of protein and fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber, with a decrease in the amount of salt, fatty and carbohydrate foods. With increased weight gain, the doctor may recommend fasting days - kefir, rice, apple.

In the absence of contraindications, sex is not prohibited this week, but it is still recommended to slow down and exercise reasonable caution. A woman's reproductive tract undergoes special changes, which can increase their susceptibility to foreign flora and the development of inflammation. Sex will be prohibited with abnormal presentation of the fetus, with placenta previa or cervical insufficiency, with the threat of premature birth. When making love, it is worth choosing positions with shallow penetration and without pressure on the stomach.

How to treat a cold? 34 weeks

Natural aspirin-cranberry, drink plenty, milk with honey))))

A cold at 34 weeks of gestation is dangerous

I have 33-34 weeks of pregnancy. caught a cold. have you been sick for such a period?

hi grumble. I have 33-34 weeks of pregnancy. recently my mother came down with a cold, of course I took care of her and got infected (((Mommy then drank the pills and recovered, but I fell ill. runny nose in streams, cough, weakness and slight t. did you get sick at this time? how were you treated? did not affect whether it is on the baby? advise proven safe methods of treatment!

If the flu is not serious, then you can do with folk remedies, but if there is already a decent temperature or bronchitis is gone, then the harm from the flu itself is much greater than from medications. It can turn into oligohydramnios and hypertonicity and even premature birth. Here, read Therefore, everything should be without fanaticism.

06/05/13 12:32 PM (answer for: Nikkaa)

But with my son at an early stage, when I still did not suspect about pregnancy, I drank the antibiotic Sumamed (I also had a cold, I immediately wanted to kill her). So by the year he was diagnosed with tachycardia, went to cardiologists, all sorts of ultrasounds, tests were done. They put chords in the heart. And one doctor said that most likely it was from antibiotics early on. Thank God, this chord will not interfere with my son's full life.

Do not worry too much. At this time, everything is not so scary as before 12 weeks, when everything is laid in the baby. At 31 weeks old with ear inflammation, I went to the doctor, I was afraid to treat everything with antibiotics and healed me to the point that at 34 weeks I was in the hospital they put me with purulent inflammation, which almost passed on to the membranes of the brain - I had enough fear! Up to 36 weeks they put me up and at the end of the day they began to treat me with the strongest antibiotics. I became weak with this ear). At 38 I was discharged after 5 days. I gave birth. The daughter is normal (even too much), now 4 years old.

I am now 34 weeks old. 10 days I have bronchitis + sinusitis. Every day it got worse, wheezed, choked during the day, and especially at night, had a headache, teeth, did not sleep normally for a week. Saline sinus waking and gargling helped me. Moreover, this should be done often, and even several times at night. But the improvement came immediately the next day. Now I regret that I suffered for 10 days, did not immediately rinse out all the infection. I thought everything would go away by itself, naive.

05/16/13 10:15 PM (answer for: More often)

just if the allergy is just no herbs))

if, after taking an antihistamine, which is possible for pregnant women, everything will go away abruptly, then an allergy. Now a lot of things are blooming.

Colds at 36 weeks pregnant

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is also vulnerable, and if a cold at 36 weeks of pregnancy is caught by surprise, then the main thing is not to let you get sick, stopping the disease at the initial stage.

It is not worth getting sick for a pregnant woman, everyone knows this, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from infection. Even if you follow the recommendations and do not visit crowded places, there is always a risk that one of the family members will get sick and infect a pregnant woman.

It would seem that there is practically nothing to be afraid of, because this is not the very beginning of pregnancy, when any little thing could affect the child. Now the baby is fully formed, he weighs almost three kilograms and all his organs are working normally, but this does not mean that a cold is not dangerous.

When is it especially dangerous to get sick?

Despite the fact that 36 weeks of pregnancy is quite a long period, getting sick exposes your baby to many risks. To begin with, we note that a woman's immunity is weakened, since all the forces go to the child and his protection, and, therefore, there is simply no one to protect her.

A cold is also dangerous because if the time comes to give birth, and you are still sick, then the baby immediately gets embraced by viruses, and will definitely get infected. And this means that in addition to the already very difficult adaptation in a new world for him, the baby will have to exert all his strength to resist the infection.

Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to take care of herself by limiting contacts as much as possible, especially if the off-season is unpleasant in the yard. Childbirth requires a lot of strength from a woman, and if she is exhausted by a high temperature, then there will simply be no strength left.

A cold at 36 weeks of gestation is very dangerous for a woman, because if she has symptoms of a cold, then she will be put to give birth in a special infectious diseases department, where unexamined or sick women are sent. And the baby will be immediately isolated immediately after giving birth.

However, given that there are very few funds for the prevention of colds that a woman can take in this position, then you will have to turn to traditional medicine.

Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. When treating, use medicinal herbs if you are not allergic to them. And be sure to call a doctor. This is necessary because only he can really assess the severity of the disease and help prevent unwanted consequences.


Pregnancy 34 weeks caught a cold

Date 12 June 2001 Hello. I experienced a cold during pregnancy. Firstly, pour over vodka, wrap yourself in warm, this will knock down the temperature, put plastic bottles with cold water under the knuckles and armpits, this also lowers the temperature and drink as much boiled but not hot water but not mineral water as possible, you can do it with honey, black radish will make a hole in it a little sugar, drink some juice, grapes help well, watermelon is the same water. Look like that's it. I wish you to get better and for the sake of the baby.

So the final stage of pregnancy has come. So, the pregnant woman caught a very bad cold. It can be considered the easiest and most difficult at the same time. A pregnant woman has already got used to her condition, to a big belly, to mood swings, but all this does not mean at all that a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is not dangerous. On the other hand, she is frightened by the unknown, childbirth. She is worried that everything will be fine with her child. Also, many are afraid of a cold during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, especially if it occurs during the cold season. And what, in fact, is dangerous for a cold in late pregnancy? It is undeniable that a cold at the end of pregnancy is much less dangerous than at the beginning. The mere fact that if premature birth occurs after 28 weeks, then with the help of progressive technologies the child can be saved, reassures many expectant mothers. And if a cold at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy provokes premature birth, then the baby has a chance to survive on its own.

And not only for the baby, but also for you. For example, a cold at 34 weeks gestation can affect your hormones, which this week begins to activate the production of breast milk. Placental hormones are responsible for this, and the placenta has a very heavy load during illness. As you know, by 37 weeks, the fetus is already fully formed and ready for life outside the mother's tummy. However, a cold at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the least dangerous for the mother, but very dangerous for the baby. This is due, first of all, to a deterioration in the condition of the placenta. The placenta grows old in the last stages of pregnancy, and a cold can "penetrate" through the placenta to the baby. This does not mean that the child can also get sick. No.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy are also dangerous by water contamination. Many bacteria, unfortunately, can penetrate the amniotic fluid, and the child, in turn, can drink it very often. Thus, with a cold at 8-9 months of pregnancy, bacteria can penetrate directly into the child's body, which is very dangerous. What else can be dangerous for a cold in the last month of pregnancy? Many of the pregnant women think about this, but not everyone can imagine the entire possible scenario for the development of events. So what can happen if a woman gets a cold in late pregnancy? Let's imagine one of the bad scenarios. Her body is weakened, and cannot fully fight the disease. This provokes premature birth.

The baby is born healthy, but he is not allowed to see the mother, because she is sick.


Cold at 24 weeks gestation

Well-being at 24 weeks of gestation

Pregnancy is inherently beautiful. She is proof of her own realization in the eyes of most women and men. And if you are lucky enough to get pregnant, you need to take care of your baby even before pregnancy.

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. However, each week also has its own characteristics, since changes in the structure of the child usually have time to occur in a week. It is constantly growing, and along with growth, the mother's body also changes.

Well-being at 24 weeks of gestation can tell a lot. As a rule, at this time, women begin to have problems with edema, but mood swings are no longer so characteristic. If you follow all the doctor's instructions, then this week will fly by. The most important thing that a woman should learn during pregnancy is that she should notice the slightest changes in her well-being. But do not be too suspicious and rush to the doctor after each kick of the child. It is necessary to undergo regular examinations so that the doctor has the opportunity to identify unfavorable moments. It is impossible to independently feel that something is going wrong, no matter how much mothers would like to believe it.

So, oligohydramnios during pregnancy 24 weeks can only be detected with the help of a doctor. This phenomenon can be extremely dangerous for mom and baby. Therefore, if, after the examination, the doctor advised to go to preservation, you need to exactly follow all his recommendations, thereby protecting yourself and the fetus.

If you are 24 weeks pregnant, pelvic presenting may pose a threat to further pregnancy. The golden rule is to listen to your doctor. He will determine. Which treatment regimen should be chosen, as well as how the delivery will take place.

If you found temperature during pregnancy 24 weeks you can not self-medicate. You need to call the doctor and after his examination, if the temperature is not associated with pregnancy, you can take medication. But you do not need to prescribe them yourself - a doctor should prescribe medicines. Even the smallest cold at 24 weeks gestation can be unpleasant, so don't risk your baby.

An unpleasant phenomenon that can characterize the 24th week of pregnancy is heartburn. It is best to save yourself from it by adjusting the diet, keeping the use of medications to a minimum. However, common methods of dealing with heartburn, such as consuming sunflower seeds, are not contraindicated. However, the mother still needs to be very responsible about her diet, and how it affects the formation of the child.

Pregnancy 24 weeks cold

This question arises among newly-made pregnant women one of the first. And why does such a discrepancy arise every time? We will help you understand this simple but important issue. It is necessary to know more or less exactly the real gestational age in order to understand what processes occur with the organisms of the future mother and child, and on the basis of these data, doctors will draw their conclusions regarding the norms of pregnancy development. The term of pregnancy can be gestational and obstetric, between which there is always a difference of two weeks. In addition, doctors' calculations often do not coincide with reality, for which there are also various explanations. With each next week of pregnancy, colossal changes will occur!

Many of them will be noticeable to the eyes of others, only you will be able to feel some of them "on your own skin", but the most important, most mysterious and incomprehensible processes are hidden for everyone ... Scientists have been observing the origin and development of new life for many centuries, but still cannot comprehend all its secrets and do not cease to be amazed at the great miracle! Your doctor will conduct the pregnancy week by week to monitor your baby's developmental norms and your health throughout the entire period. It is useful to do the same for the expectant mother yourself, you will not only understand at what stage of development your baby is in a particular week of pregnancy, but you will also be able to ask the doctor questions you are interested in regarding your own well-being. Obstetricians say the average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. But most births occur between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation. SARS - acute respiratory viral infections - are caused by various viruses that the sick person releases when coughing, sneezing, talking.

The incubation period - from the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms - lasts 3-5 days. The disease develops gradually, and the state of health in the first days is quite satisfactory, the temperature rises slightly, symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract appear - a runny nose, cough, hoarseness. The duration of the disease is on average one and a half to two weeks. These diseases occur most often in the off-season, when, due to the contrast of temperatures, hypothermia of the body can occur.

And since the infection spreads by airborne droplets, then during this period there are so many sick people, moreover, trying to transfer the disease on their feet and thus multiplying the number of sick people around. In expectant mothers, acute respiratory diseases are often more severe and cause more complications. Why is this happening? The fact is that pregnancy itself for the female body is a factor that lowers immunity, thus preventing an immune conflict between the mother and the fetus.

A decrease in immunity is necessary in order for a child to develop normally, which is "alien" to the mother's body. They kill or suppress the growth and development of microorganisms, thereby preventing secondary bacterial complications. Therefore, viral diseases increase the risk of termination of pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Note! Freshly prepared juices contain phytoncides, biologically active substances produced by plants. They relate to the effects on various organs, but in general contribute to the improvement of condition and recovery. Before going outside, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa with 0.25% OXOLIN OINTMENT. This recommendation also extends to the first trimester of pregnancy, when the ingestion of drugs is highly undesirable, and prevention and treatment are best done with safe folk remedies, which we will talk about later. Common and well-known measures in the midst of an epidemic, which for some reason many are neglected, are the following limitation of contacts, visiting public places; wearing gauze bandages; rinsing your nose and gargling immediately after visiting public places - this helps fight viruses that you could get from several people in crowded places; taking vitamins and supplements as prescribed by a doctor; vaccination carried out in advance 1. There are several absolute rules for expectant mothers, neglect of which is dangerous for the life of the unborn child.

In no case should you prescribe medications for yourself, as they can adversely affect the embryo, causing irreversible changes in it; this is especially true of antibiotics, which are required only to combat the complications of acute respiratory infections or influenza and are prescribed individually by a doctor. Call a general practitioner at home. Start treatment as early as possible and prevent the development of the disease. Influence the foci of infection of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat with folk remedies. Observe bed rest during the first days. It is good to do this washing 3-4 times a day. Ventilate the apartment regularly. Drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins from the body.

Stick to a dairy-plant diet. Salt water rinse 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. The water should be warm, but not hot. Rinse with baking soda solution 1 tsp.

Cold during pregnancy - 1 trimester

It is quite obvious that no one wants to get sick, but what to do if you are suddenly overtaken by a cold during pregnancy and the term is 1 trimester? This is a cause for concern about the health of your baby for any expectant mother.

The fact is that is fraught with complications and possible pathologies of the organ that is formed at the time of the onset of the disease. This is a very important stage in your child's development. A cold even at the 10th week of pregnancy is no longer as scary as in earlier periods, since the most critical period is already behind. The main thing is not to panic. The lion's share of expectant mothers endure colds, and at the same time give birth to a healthy, full-fledged child. But you shouldn't relax either - you have a great responsibility now and you need to approach this problem with all possible seriousness.

We hope you have no doubts that if you have a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should definitely consult your doctor. He, and only he, can prescribe medications to the expectant mother, based on the duration of her pregnancy, condition, the presence of chronic diseases and contraindications for medications. Suffice it to mention that such a popular antipyretic agent as aspirin is prohibited for expectant mothers. The widely advertised antitussive drugs Ambroxol and Ambrobene are also contraindicated for colds during pregnancy, and especially in the 1st trimester. Even the use of such remedies for the common cold as Galazolin and Naphtizin is undesirable. What can we say about the uncontrolled use of antibiotics for colds in the first months of pregnancy.

What to do? Is it really that bad and there is nothing to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms? Of course not. It's time to remember the good old remedies with which you were probably treated in childhood! A cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is not a sentence at all! For coughs, inhalations with medicinal herbs that do not cause allergies are good. If you have a runny nose, you can rinse your nose with normal saline. You've probably heard about such a tool as Aqua Maris? This is just sterile seawater, only in a convenient bottle with a dispenser. A cold during pregnancy in the first trimester is an ideal occasion to be convinced of the effectiveness of such a simple remedy as a weak aqueous solution of salt. All we need from it and what it does an excellent job is to moisturize the nasal mucosa.

Be sure to ventilate the room when leaving it during the cold season, and humidify the air in it. This rule applies not only when a cold in the first months of pregnancy- always follow this!

To remove harmful toxins from the body as a result of the action of an insidious virus, a plentiful warm drink will help. These can be herbal teas with honey and lemon, warm, but not scalding milk with honey and butter, dried fruit decoctions.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, with an onset cold, gargling with baking soda or salt will help to cope. Try not to make a too saturated solution so as not to irritate the mucous membranes. You can suck on a slice of lemon or aloe. Do not rely on vitamin C, and it is better to prefer freshly squeezed juice to synthetic dosage forms of vitamins. After all, today it is not a problem to choose a juicer that is useful and necessary in the household, especially since it will be useful in the future and for a child. With its help, preparing a glass of juice will become a completely easy procedure and will take no more than a few minutes. The need for vitamins is already increased in the first trimester of pregnancy, and even with a cold, the benefits of live vitamins are simply invaluable.

Of course, it is not difficult to diagnose oneself with a “cold” - after all, it seems, we have known everything about it for a long time. And there are so many ways to be cured. But a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy- this is not a reason for arrogant and bold experiments on the health of a long-awaited and desired baby. Do not neglect the advice of competent doctors and be healthy!

One of the reasons why women cannot get pregnant is the excessive formation of androgens in the woman's body - male sex hormones. The consequence of this is often polycystic ovary disease, the treatment of which gives a good chance to experience the joy of motherhood.

It's no secret that pregnant women change not only their taste preferences, but also the sensations experienced by the woman's body. Unfortunately, such changes often cause severe itching, which can be a symptom of many diseases.

The introduction of an immunoglobulin preparation during pregnancy should occur only under the strict supervision of a physician and under certain indications. And under which ones we will tell you in our today's material. We hope that it will be useful to expectant mothers.

Many expectant mothers complain to doctors that they began to spend almost more time in the toilet than in any other room. Nevertheless, this problem is quite physiological, and it is almost impossible to cope with it. So you need to somehow adapt.

A cold at 26 weeks of gestation is fraught with

Pregnancy cold: 26 weeks

So 26 weeks of pregnancy have passed, but what a bad luck it was at this time that the woman was struck by a cold. This article tells about what the threat of a cold during 26 weeks of pregnancy and how to treat it.

Colds are especially dangerous for pregnant women, depending on the form in which they occur and how long they overtook the woman, they can have different consequences.

What is the threat of a cold during pregnancy

If we are talking about early periods, for example, about the twelfth week, then in this case it is especially dangerous, since the formation of internal organs is carried out. Diseases associated with the defeat of the body by viruses can affect the nervous tissues of the fetus, and this will have a very negative effect on its condition.

But still, colds are even more dangerous at 26 weeks of pregnancy and in general throughout the third trimester. Of the consequences at this stage, one can single out the possibility of premature termination of pregnancy. If pneumonia and bronchitis develops in the mother's body, this leads to a sharp weakening of placental blood flow, as a result of which the child experiences hypoxia.

Treating colds during pregnancy

Naturally, in order to avoid such consequences, timely and correct treatment is necessary. Antibiotics are not recommended as they thin the blood, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy.

In this regard, drugs are prescribed to help eliminate the manifestations of the disease. These can be remedies for the common cold, vitamin complexes and expectorants. A cold during pregnancy of 26 weeks can be treated with inhalation and homeopathic remedies, which have practically no contraindications.

Inhalation can be from potato broth, chamomile, calendula, mint, St. John's wort or geranium. It is necessary to drink more fluids, the use of vitamin C, will allow you to remove toxins. At the same time, you should not use lemon balm and mint, as they contribute to blood thinning, and this is extremely unsafe. In general, it is worth giving preference to folk methods and preventive measures, since the use of drugs is undesirable.

Hello doctor, please tell me what drugs can be taken during HV. Sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, today temp. 37.3.

Hello! During pregnancy, they took blood for rubella, for the first time in April IgM neg, IgG will be put, they said that everything is fine, there are antibodies. Second time in August (29-30 weeks), both markers are positive. What does this mean and how dangerous is it? Can colds and coughs affect test results? I will retake, but I am very worried. Thanks!

Hello, three days ago my husband and I conceived a child, and my pace rose to 38, a sore throat, what should I do, planning a pregnancy is important for me

Hello, I saw your website on the Internet, I would like to consult with you! The gestation period is small at 5 weeks, I had a sore throat, a runny nose and the temperature was 38.8, it lasted 1-2 days, then until 38 it was still a day I went to the gynecologist, I was prescribed medication, but I only had a temperature I drank nurofen and paracetamol, I treated my throat with honey and lemon, a lot of medicines that could be dripped into the nose for pregnant women dripped every 15 minutes, the nose did not breathe at all! After a week, the temperature was again 37.7 for 3 days.

Good day! Tell! I got very sick with a cold at 26 weeks. It all started with a sore throat, by the evening the temperature rose to 37.3. The beginning is first treated with folk methods (fruit drinks, tea with honey and lemon, milk with butter and gargled with chamomile and calendula) The temperature did not subside for 4 days, kept 37.2 - 37.3, on the 4th day a cough began. (After the doctor therapist Prescribed bioparox for the throat, dolphin for rinsing the nose, stodal syrup for cough.

Hello! They discovered type 2 diabetes for the first time, after a while I caught a virus somewhere - there is no temperature, but I feel bad, runny nose, sore throat, aching body. I measured my glucose level yesterday afternoon with a glucometer - it was 12.7 2 hours after lunch, for the first time so high in all the time. I drank a lot of water, tried not to sit still and made the diet even tougher. Subsequent attempts to measure sugar were unsuccessful - the blood is too liquid, somehow strangely spreads over the test strip, although I.

Hello! I am pregnant - my last period was January 23-24. Before that, I had a miscarriage on December 19, that is, I became pregnant in a month or 1.5. This was my first pregnancy - there was a fetal pathology. Yesterday I fell ill - a runny nose, a sore throat, a sinus headache, the bridge of the nose. I drip with Noxspray and Nosopheron. Lost in the evening. Temperature 37.6. I am worried that I have a difficult pregnancy, and whether this will have a very detrimental effect on my illness and high temperature on the fetus. And is it possible.

I am a nursing mother and my second day has a temperature of 38 and a runny nose, I sneeze, what can I drink, what medicine, so that everything goes away and does not harm the child

Good afternoon! The problem is this, I started to have a cold, the temperature rose a little, 37.2-37.3 goosebumps constantly ran on my skin, even on my head. And now goosebumps run constantly, all day, although there is no temperature and the doctor in the hospital discharged me I still have a severe runny nose and cough. Goosebumps bother me a lot, because they do not stop and cause discomfort. At the same time I feel very weak. Tell me what it is and how to treat it?

Our winter is -23, they make me dress warmly, but I don’t dress, but dress as always. Last year it worked. I'm 15 and I went to school in a sweatshirt, like in a sweatshirt, it's very thin and loose. And after that, the lower back began to ache and pull in the lower abdomen. I thought it would pass, menstruation was very recent. On the trail. the day became even worse, at the end of mutilation, the lower abdomen began to hurt badly. What could it be? I can’t go to the doctor yet, and I don’t know if I suddenly caught a cold and that’s all.

zdrastvuite ia beremena na 12 nedele i nemnoga pribalela gorla balit i kashliu i s glaz slezi idut, i chu chut s nosu techet, no temperaturi net, like vi dumaete eta gripp ili prosta malenkaia prastudaavet?

Hello. Please tell me what medicines you can take for colds while breastfeeding: nose, throat, head. Thanks in advance

Flu / cold or runny nose during pregnancy. Question to doctors or experienced mothers

My little sister is 5 or 6 months pregnant and recently caught a cold. already went to the district clinic, she was prescribed inhalation. I asked my colleagues that everyone is afraid that during pregnancy one should not be ill with anything at all. My question is - are there any methods that need to be taken before pregnancy, and if there is already a cold, then how to treat it during pregnancy and what the consequences may be, God forbid, of course. I apologize in advance if such a topic has already been. I really need to know.

Almost everyone gets sick, especially since the immune system weakens. Nothing wrong. Folk remedies. So that.

Author, don't be nervous yourself and don't make your little sister nervous - it's bad for her. Of course, it is better not to get sick during pregnancy, but no one is immune from this. I seemed to be preparing for pregnancy, underwent a full examination, six months before conception strengthened the immune system, but still had a cold twice - at the 4th month and at the 9th. And the last time with a high temperature. She was treated with folk remedies: milk, honey, raspberries, soda rinses, onion juice and water dripped into my nose (the doctor allowed children's galazolin, but my mother resisted: nothing chemical!), The temperature was brought down by rubbing off with a damp cool sheet. There are no consequences. My daughter is 7 months old, healthy, born 9 points on the Apgar scale. Good luck to you, the author, and the health of your little sister and her baby.

I was ill in the 6th month, as I was treated with ¦2, Pinosol in the nose, my daughter was 9 years old, was born also 9 points.

There is nothing wrong with a cold during pregnancy. Moreover, if there is no high temperature. This is natural in our climate (I mean that in 9 months it is almost impossible not to catch a runny nose in the presence of autumn and winter). I, too, recently caught a cold at the age of 5 months, I told my doctor, he listened to everything absolutely calmly and said that you can use drops (pinosol dripped) and potions, if there are no contraindications for pregnancy. Well, I dripped pinosol, washed my nose with salt water, rinsed my throat with chamomile, milk and honey. And everything passed. By the way, all these drops from nasal congestion such as galazolin, nose, etc. dangerous not because it is chemistry, but because they have a vasoconstrictor effect, i.e. pressure may rise. If there are no problems with blood pressure, doctors are allowed to use them.

And for the future, may your sister never consult with colleagues at work or others about her condition. All questions only to the doctor who is being observed. Both health and nerves will be more whole.

and in the first month a high temperature is dangerous?

We often hear people complaining: "I got sprinkled" or "I got a cold on my lips." As a rule, herpes is hidden behind these complaints, which many become infected with in childhood. According to the WHO, almost 90% of the population is infected with one or more types of herpes, although not everyone has it. Once in the human body, this virus remains there for life. A BIG PROBLEM

In the second half of November, in many countries of the world, on the initiative of the International Herpes Alliance, Herpes Week is held. The purpose of this action is to draw people's attention to this problem.

Herpes (herpes) was first described in ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, the word "herpes" means "creeping, spreading skin disease." Currently, this chronic viral infection occurs in nine out of ten people on Earth. Presumably, on the territory of the former CIS countries, about 20 million people are infected with various forms of herpes infection annually, and mortality among viral diseases ranks second after influenza.

Of the 80 types of herpes known to modern medicine, only 9 can cause diseases in humans. The most common are herpes simplex type 1 (“cold” on the lips), type 2 (genital herpes) and type 3 (shingles , or chickenpox).

Many people face the first type of herpes - a cold sore on the lips. This virus can exist in the body without showing itself, and the disease is activated only with reduced immunity and frequent stress. It seems like this type is recognized as the most harmless, but it is worth remembering that in any case, once it gets into the body, the herpes virus remains there for life. If a person is healthy, herpes "dormant", but when immunity is weakened, it can affect large areas of the skin and mucous membranes, and if untreated, it can spread through the blood and affect the internal organs and meninges.

Genital herpes is transmitted mainly during sexual intercourse, manifesting itself as unpleasant symptoms, which causes a person's physical and moral discomfort. If the virus is in an active stage, then infection is possible with a kiss (including on the cheek), the use of common utensils, towels, and linen. A patient with herpes infection is contagious, as a rule, only during an exacerbation, that is, when a rash appears or there are other signs, which will be discussed below. Therefore, during this period, he should use individual dishes, a towel, etc. Self-infection is also possible, when the patient himself transfers the herpes virus from the focus of infection to uninfected parts of the body: face, hands, eyes, mouth, etc.

Herpes is especially dangerous for pregnant women: in the first trimester, it can cause a miscarriage or cause malformations in a child. Despite the treatment prescribed after childbirth, up to 80% of newborns with a primary episode of genital herpes in the mother die or become severely disabled.

Untreated herpes increases the risk of infertility. The herpes virus of other types is also capable of causing such serious illnesses as mononucleosis, cytomegaly, provoking diseases of the nervous system and oncological processes.


The incubation period (the period from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms) - with herpes infection is 3-14 days.

Then comes the period of the harbingers of the disease. General weakness, an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C, painful enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, increased frequency of urination, and muscle pain are noted. Then, after about a week, there is itching, burning, redness of the skin, as well as rashes in the form of separate vesicles with transparent and then purulent contents. After 2-4 days, the contents of the vesicles become cloudy, and they burst, forming weeping sores, which are then covered with crusts. With a favorable course of the disease, the crust disappears after 5-7 days, a stain remains in its place. Even if untreated, symptoms usually resolve on their own after 2-3 weeks.

Subsequently, in many, the disease recurs, and the time until the next relapse can range from several weeks to several years. When infected with the first type of virus, relapses occur within a year in 50%, with the second - in 90% of patients. Various factors contribute to the exacerbation of the disease: ultraviolet radiation during prolonged exposure to the sun, pregnancy, medical manipulations, excessive cooling, stressful situations, etc.


Given the widespread prevalence of this virus and the numerous risk factors for lowering immunity in the modern world, it is worth taking the prescribed antiviral drugs seriously and not neglecting preventive measures.

In no case should you self-medicate! Abundant lubrication of the bubbles with brilliant green from herpes will not save. The disease requires complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist. And it takes at least 2-3 weeks.

Unfortunately, getting rid of herpes once and for all will not work. The only thing that can be done is to prevent exacerbations. As a rule, the disease is activated against the background of a weakened immune system, changing seasons or a sharp change in temperature. There are people who just need to freeze or overheat, and the next day they develop rashes.

Try to avoid provoking factors, strengthen the immune system! Dress for the weather, watch your diet, avoid stress. Take immunostimulants, vitamins A, C, E, PP, calcium and magnesium are good from trace elements; drink plenty of fluids. And if this does not help, then when a herpes is detected, be sure to take antiviral drugs, but only after consulting a doctor.

Every woman, getting sick during pregnancy, always worries about how her illness will affect the child. This is natural, because taking care of the health of your baby is the most important task for parents. At different stages of pregnancy, a cold disease affects the baby and mother in different ways. Consider what a cold can threaten during pregnancy in the second trimester.

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks after conception. During this period, you can breathe a sigh of relief, since viral infections can no longer inflict such a strong blow on the baby's health as in the first trimester. The fact is that the fetus is already protected by the placenta, which serves as a conductor of nutrients, oxygen, this is a kind of barrier from the negative influences of the outside world. But a cold can strike that shield. Feto-placental insufficiency occurs, in which the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is difficult. A baby may be born prematurely, with a weight below normal. In the second trimester, the baby's nervous system may suffer, since during this period it is actively developing.

What else is dangerous for a cold in the 2nd trimester?

If you get a cold at 14 weeks, then there is a chance of miscarriage or changes in the endocrine system. If this happens at 16-17 weeks, then the fetus may not properly form bone tissue. When a woman is expecting a girl, special attention should be paid to her health during the period 19-20 weeks. At this time, the formation of eggs occurs, and the virus can disrupt the correct process, which will lead to infertility of future women.

Sometimes expectant mothers, without hesitation, begin to take antibiotics and antipyretics for colds. In no case should this be done, because medications will definitely harm the baby. Therefore, if a woman falls ill in the 2nd trimester, then she should not make any attempts to self-medicate, but consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. In addition to taking antibiotics, a common mistake of pregnant women is uncontrolled intake of homeopathic medicines. It is believed that herbs cannot harm the body, but this is not always the case. Many herbal preparations have side effects and can provoke a miscarriage or excitement of the mother's nervous system.

Consequences of a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and its danger

The comforting factor is that a cold at the end of pregnancy is less dangerous than at the beginning. For example, if a cold at the 31st week of pregnancy provokes premature birth, then with the help of modern technology, the baby can be saved. But colds should still be avoided, as there is a risk of miscarriage.

A cold in the 30th week of pregnancy can also happen and should not be neglected. A cold in late pregnancy greatly affects the condition of the placenta, it begins to age ahead of time and the fetus loses its protection. In general, the whole danger of getting a viral infection in the third trimester is associated with the state of the placenta.

As you know, it is she who protects the child throughout pregnancy. But already in the last weeks it is aging and becomes permeable to all kinds of viruses. That is, the child cannot get sick, but toxins and medications that the mother takes during the illness can penetrate to him. So with a cold at 33 weeks of gestation, the baby's undeveloped immune system and the placenta do not sufficiently protect him from infections, so the fetus becomes very vulnerable to diseases.

A cold at 34 weeks gestation can disrupt hormones, which at this time begins to activate the production of breast milk. The fact is that the hormones of the placenta are responsible for this, which experiences an enormous load with a cold.

Getting a cold at 35 weeks gestation is associated with the risk of preterm labor and complications in their course. At 36 weeks of gestation, a cold and high fever can cause complications such as placental abruption and premature rupture of amniotic fluid. And already at the 37th week of pregnancy, a cold becomes dangerous because infections can penetrate the amniotic fluid, which the child often drinks.

A cold in the ninth month of pregnancy is dangerous, because after birth, the baby will immediately enter the world of viruses and he will have to fight them. In addition, a viral cold at 39 weeks of pregnancy is very unpleasant for the mother.

Colds during pregnancy at 38 weeks require a lot of attention. The baby is still protected by the mother's body and meeting with a foreign infection, which he will face during childbirth, is completely useless. Therefore, if a woman has a cold, then it is important to be cured before childbirth, so as not to expose the baby to unnecessary danger.

The fact is that all women in labor who come with ARVI are placed with a temperature in the department where women who have not been registered for pregnancy lie. After giving birth, the baby is isolated from the mother, and this deprives the long-awaited wonderful first minutes of communication with the daughter or son. If a woman falls ill with a cold at the 40th week of pregnancy, then the baby will inevitably become infected, and sometimes the weak child's body cannot cope with the infection, which can lead to the most dire consequences.

Treating colds in the second and third trimesters

No matter how a woman is careful, the danger of getting infected still exists. And if the viruses have entered the body, then you need to sound the alarm. Alarming symptoms cannot be ignored; it is better to see a doctor right away. It is strictly forbidden to carry colds on the legs. Requires good rest and adherence to bed rest. Self-medication during pregnancy is undesirable, this applies to both medications and herbal preparations.

Colds are accompanied by fever, runny nose, and cough. And they must be treated competently, avoiding drugs if possible. A doctor's consultation is imperative.


A rise in temperature in the 2nd trimester is quite common. This is due to the release of large amounts of the hormone progesterone, which affects the thermoregulatory center located in the cerebral cortex. If the temperature is slightly raised (up to 38 degrees), then there is no need to bring it down. And when the thermometer shows above 38, then it is necessary to start treatment. To begin with, a woman should try traditional methods: tea with raspberries, warm milk, sweatshops. Do not forget about the linden blossom infusion, which is the leader in the treatment of colds, especially during pregnancy. Rosehip decoctions, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes are perfect.

Temperature is a symptom of many diseases, both viral and infectious. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary tests and, based on their results, identify the causative agent of the infection. If the temperature lasts for a long time, this can provoke a pathology of the placenta in the second trimester and even poses a risk of infection of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize the expectant mother in a hospital, under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Runny nose

A runny nose is dangerous for pregnant women because the baby will not have enough oxygen. But nasal drops can only be used under the strict supervision of a doctor. Initially, you can try to lubricate the nasal passages with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. There are also nasal rinses that are very good at relieving a runny nose.


You should also get rid of this scourge as quickly as possible. Here, too, such folk remedies as honey will come to the rescue, with the help of which inhalation is done (dissolve 1 part of honey in 5 parts of water at a temperature of about 49 degrees. Inhale the vapors alternately with one and the other nostrils, then with the mouth). With a harsh dry cough, gargle with decoctions of sage, eucalyptus and calendula herbs mixed in equal parts. Even a simple soda inhalation will perfectly relieve dry cough, and phlegm will begin to separate efficiently.

Drug therapy is contraindicated for women in position, but sometimes the risk from viral infections is much greater than from drugs, so it becomes necessary to choose pills that are safer. For example, aspirin, ascofen, lead to blood thinning, which can lead to bleeding. Levomycetin can cause cardiovascular collapse in newborns if the expectant mother took it in the last months of pregnancy.

Preventing colds

How to protect yourself from colds in the 2nd, 3rd trimester?

Prevention should be started even before conception. No matter how trite it may sound, it is important for a future mother to drink a complex of special vitamins, cleanse the body, and lose weight. But this is not enough. It is necessary that immunity throughout pregnancy can cope with viruses. This can be done with a contrast shower, which should be taken every day, alternating between cool and warm water. Finish with cool water. After water procedures, rub with a hard towel until pleasant warmth appears. This seemingly simple procedure, familiar to everyone from childhood, can improve the state of the body and strengthen immunity.

In addition to a contrast shower, you can reduce the likelihood of an infectious disease as follows:

  • avoid hypothermia and overheating.
    It is necessary to dress always according to the weather and it is better that the clothes are made of natural fabrics.
  • enrich your diet with vitamin C.
    This can be done using a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, and natural products should not be neglected.
  • take daily walks in the fresh air, in a forested area, on the banks of a river;
    Such walks will help saturate the body with oxygen, and the expectant mother will also receive a lot of positive emotions from contemplating the beauty of nature, from the sounds of waves or the rustle of foliage. And the emotional uplift of the mother will certainly be passed on to the baby.
  • limit contact with potential carriers of viruses.
    Try not to visit unnecessarily crowded places (shops, public transport). You should be especially careful during an exacerbation of colds.

Observing such simple rules, you can very well prepare your immunity for the upcoming virus attack.


Perhaps there is no such person who would not have a cold. The disease delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations, and in case of untimely or incorrect treatment, it can provoke various complications. This is especially dangerous when talking about a pregnant woman, because then two are at risk - the expectant mother and her unborn baby. Many do not know how dangerous a cold during pregnancy is, and what to do to avoid an insidious illness during this crucial period.

Danger of colds

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that often a cold during pregnancy is inevitable. This is facilitated by the temperate climate of our country, provoking annual outbreaks of viral infections, especially at the junction of the seasons - in late autumn or early spring. In addition, do not forget that in modern society it is impossible to live without constant contact with strangers who may be carriers of respiratory infections. It is impossible to minimize communication during pregnancy, so it is worth finding out why a cold is dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as in the second and third trimester.

Important! A cold or flu, transferred shortly before conception, will not adversely affect the development of the fetus and its bearing, however, it will significantly reduce the woman's immunity. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth postponing conception for 2-3 months after suffering an acute respiratory viral infection.

First trimester

In the first trimester, the laying and development of all organs of the fetus takes place. Any negative factor can cause a malfunction in the formation and lead to a violation of the development of the embryo. A cold can become such a factor, regardless of what it is caused by - ordinary hypothermia or a virus. And in fact, and in another case, this is a condition of a pregnant woman, threatening, against the background of reduced immunity, with a deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother and the possible development of complications. And any complication in pregnant women is much more difficult to cure, because not every drug is allowed for therapy at this time.

In addition to colds, rubella is a danger to pregnant women, the symptoms of which can be confused with the common cold. With rubella, lymph nodes also increase, cough and runny nose appear. The only distinguishing feature is a rash on the body, but sometimes it is almost invisible or can be mistaken for an allergic reaction.

The common cold can be overcome with bed rest and traditional medicine. However, do not forget that the medicinal herbs, from which medicinal infusions and decoctions are prepared, are not suitable for every pregnant woman, and the reason for this is the scourge of our modernity - allergies. In addition, a cold can cause complications very quickly. With complications, a mild runny nose turns into acute sinusitis, a sore throat provokes follicular sore throat, and bronchitis can develop into pneumonia. With the listed possible diseases, the choice of drugs is limited, and the doctor is forced to carefully select drugs in order not to harm the health of the unborn child.

There is a danger of termination of pregnancy when, before the delay in menstruation in the first or second week after conception, the woman still does not know about her interesting situation. The traditional set of medicines used to treat colds or flu can cause early miscarriage or mutations in the development of the embryo. Of course, it would be ideal if it was possible to clearly plan the beginning of pregnancy for a safe period when the threat of colds is minimal. But in real life it is almost impossible.

A cold during pregnancy is dangerous and its consequences can adversely affect the health of the fetus. However, in case of illness, you should not panic - for the unborn child, a good mood and a positive attitude of the mother are much more important. At the first symptoms of malaise, you need to immediately see a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. And timely assistance to the body in the fight against infection will help to avoid complications.

Second trimester

The danger of colds during pregnancy in the second trimester is significantly reduced, because the little man is already formed. But you should not relax, because a viral infection can lead to placental insufficiency, characterized by dysfunction of the placenta, or fetal hypoxia, in which the unborn child experiences oxygen starvation.

Lack of nutrients and oxygen, in turn, can cause disruption of labor and, as a result, premature birth.

During a cold that begins in the second trimester, the nervous system of the fetus is at risk - it is at this time that it is actively developing. Reckless medication and a severe course of the disease can lead to the fact that the baby will appear early with a low weight.

Third trimester

Expectant mothers often ask the question: "Is a cold during pregnancy dangerous when there are 2-3 months left before the baby is born?" Definitely yes. In the third trimester, the risk of complications increases again.
    The disease on the eve of childbirth threatens the expectant mother more, because the infection can lead to adverse consequences:
  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • outpouring of amniotic fluid ahead of time;
  • large blood loss during childbirth;
  • complications in the postpartum period.

There is also a risk of hypoxia or fetal growth retardation syndrome. And meeting with a viral infection immediately after birth will not strengthen the baby's immunity.

Almost all women get colds during pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies. There are no statistics confirming the facts of anomalies in the development of the fetus precisely because of a cold. Therefore, when you have symptoms of a cold, you do not need to panic. If you are undergoing the treatment prescribed by the doctor, the future baby is practically not in danger. You can make sure that there are no pathologies at the first ultrasound scan, which is usually carried out for a period of 12-16 weeks.

Prevention of ARVI

A cold during pregnancy carries a fraction of the health risk for the expectant mother and her baby. To minimize possible complications, it is worth paying great attention to the prevention of colds during pregnancy.
    Knowing what the threat of a cold is, it is easier to prevent it. This requires:
  • Dress for the weather, choosing a wardrobe made from natural fabrics (cotton, wool).
  • Do not overheat or overcool.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours daily.
  • During seasonal epidemics, avoid crowded places and have less contact with others. During obligatory visits to the doctor or trips to the store, lubricate the nose with oxolinic ointment. After coming home, rinse the nasopharynx with a weak solution of sodium chloride (1 tsp per glass of water).
  • Make up the right diet, which will contain vegetables, fruits containing vitamins and minerals that help to strengthen the immune system.
  • Include natural phytoncides - garlic and onions in the daily menu.
  • As an additional prophylaxis, use aromatic oils containing antimicrobial substances (eucalyptus, tea tree or fir oil). A few drops on a lighted aroma lamp will help disinfect the room from pathogens.
  • Humidify the air in the apartment. It is especially important during the heating season, when the air humidity in the room is only 25-30%. It can be increased to the normal level of 50-60% only with the help of a humidifier.
  • In consultation with the doctor, take vitamin complex preparations that increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the body's defenses.
  • Carry out hardening procedures, for example, contrasting baths for the feet or hands.
  • Ventilate the room every day, even in cold autumn or winter, remembering to leave the room.
  • Lead an active lifestyle - daily walking should be a must. It is better to get out into the forest or park for this, so as not to breathe the polluted air of the street.
  • Strengthen health before the planned conception. To do this, it is useful to go to the south, but the duration of the rest should be at least 3 weeks, taking into account the time for acclimatization.
  • If someone from the family gets sick, he must definitely wear a mask. At the same time, one cannot use the same dishes - the patient must have his own individual set of plates and cutlery.

In principle, the rules are simple, their implementation does not require any special effort, but it will help to avoid unnecessary worries.

Cold symptoms

    Even if all preventive measures are taken, it so happens that the disease still catches up. The word "cold" means different diseases:
  • ARI - acute respiratory disease;
  • ARVI - acute respiratory viral infection;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • flu, parainfluenza;
  • herpes simplex.

Almost all of these diseases are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, unpleasant or painful sensations in the throat and fever. Moreover, with the flu, the body temperature rises sharply and is accompanied by weakness, headache and muscle pain, aching joints, to which a runny nose and cough join in a couple of days.


When signs of a cold appear, first of all, you need to know that it is forbidden to "carry on your feet" the disease - it is neglect of bed rest that is the first factor provoking the development of complications. In addition, treatment should be started when a slight malaise appears - timely started therapy will help to cope with the disease in a short time and avoid more serious diseases (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, kidney disease).

    Doctors advise simple but effective measures to treat the common cold of pregnant women:
  • Do not hesitate to consult a doctor and take a sick leave, even if a simple runny nose appears without a fever.
  • Observe bed rest, especially in the first 2-3 days of illness.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, preferring green or raspberry tea, plain tea with honey, or cranberry juice. Moreover, the temperature of the drinks should be comfortably warm, but not hot. In the third trimester, the amount of fluid you drink will have to be controlled due to possible edema.
  • Increase the dose of vitamin C entering the body. For this, both vitamin-containing products (rose hips, black currants, red or green bell peppers, sea buckthorn, lemon) and multivitamins are suitable.
  • Do not bring down the temperature increased to 38.0-38.5 degrees - the forced decrease in temperature under the influence of medications contributes to the multiplication of the virus and prolongs the recovery period.
  • Do not take alcohol-based medicines such as herbal tinctures.
  • Refuse mustard plasters and hot foot baths - they can provoke a miscarriage.

During a cold, antibiotics should not be taken - they are useless for the treatment of acute respiratory infections or flu, but they are necessary if a bacterial infection develops. For example, sinusitis or pneumonia cannot be cured without antibiotics, but only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug, taking into account the "interesting" position of the patient.

Many women suffer from nasal breathing problems during pregnancy. This is not a pathology requiring treatment. This swelling of the nasal mucosa is caused by hormones produced in the body of the pregnant woman and disappears after childbirth. However, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by an otolaryngologist.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine comes to the aid of pregnant women during colds. Her recipes are practically safe and effective, provided that all proportions and recommendations are observed.
    Gargling is most effective for treating throat. But discipline is important here - the procedure must be carried out regularly in the first two days - every 2 hours:
  • Chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage or eucalyptus are often used as a medicinal component.
  • Regular table salt or sea salt will help cure a sore throat. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. salt, 1 tsp. soda and add 3-4 drops of iodine. One rinse should take at least 20-30 seconds, and the whole procedure should take about 5 minutes.
  • As a throat rinse, a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine is suitable.
    There are several ways to relieve a cough during pregnancy:
  • Dissolve 1-2 tsp in a glass of warm milk. honey and butter, mix and drink immediately, until the healing drink has cooled down.
  • Inhalation with essential oils of rosehip, chamomile, eucalyptus or sage, choosing the smell to your taste.
  • Instead of aromatic oils, you can breathe over hot potatoes boiled in a "uniform".
  • Even inhalation with baking soda added to hot water is helpful.

The duration of any inhalation should be 5 minutes, and after that it is necessary to go to bed. In this case, the procedure should be carried out 1-1.5 hours after a meal, and repeated at least 3-5 times a day - only then the therapeutic effect will appear. Inhalation is prohibited at elevated body temperature (above 37.5 degrees), purulent sore throat and a tendency to nosebleeds.

A runny nose is a huge discomfort. You can cope with it by rinsing the nose with soda or saline solution (1 tsp substance in a glass of warm water). During the day, the procedure must be repeated at least 4-5 times. It's not exactly pleasant, but very effective. You can use a pharmacy analogue - Aqua Maris drops, containing seawater, trace elements and eucalyptus oil. The drug helps to restore the physiological state of the nasal mucosa, liquefies mucus and facilitates its passage.

Colds during pregnancy: its danger in every trimester

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