Foreign stars without makeup. Russian stars and Hollywood celebrities without makeup

Famous personalities pay several thousand dollars every day for the services of makeup artists and hairdressers. They are flawless on the red carpet. But do Hollywood stars look amazing without makeup in everyday life?

Dakota Johnson

The appearance of the “gray mouse” does not bother Dakota. This is understandable, because it was thanks to her that the girl got a role in the acclaimed movie “50 Shades of Gray.” With or without makeup, this Hollywood star cannot be called a beauty queen either.

Eva Mendes

The star believes that beauty always comes from within. But Hollywood stars without makeup should definitely support her. Eva drinks 3 liters of water daily. She gave up meat, which (she believes) significantly improved her skin condition.

Sandra Bullock

She doesn't look like a girl when she's not wearing makeup, but she increasingly appears in front of cameras without makeup. The Hollywood star's makeup replaces his love for a black boy named Louis Bardot, adopted in 2010.

Natalie Portman

She is at an age when Hollywood stars without makeup can afford to walk around the clock. A celebrity almost never appears without makeup on the red carpet, which cannot be said about everyday life. The star always tries not to overdo it with makeup.

Michael Jackson

The star, by his own example, shows what not to do for those who want to change themselves completely. Many foreign stars without makeup, like Jackson, were beautiful in their youth. But over the years, Michael's face lost its human appearance. It's about an obsessive desire to whiten your skin color.

Avril Lavigne

Without makeup, American star Avril Lavigne looks prettier and younger. Seeing her without makeup, without daring makeup, we can safely say that her skin is perfect thanks to proper care. But at first he was an angular teenager in Converse and baggy clothes, often with not very clear skin.

Natalia Oreiro

Amateur photos show that the actress, like any Hollywood star without makeup, is almost no different from ordinary people in appearance. Having met her on the street, few would have realized that in front of them was a star loved by many.

Anne Hathaway

Ann's favorite products are masks, lip balm, and moisturizer. The main secret of her beauty is a lot of water, avoiding solariums and bad habits (although sometimes you can drink a little alcohol). Like many Hollywood stars without makeup, she looks good.

Kendall Jenner

Like other American stars without makeup, she also often appears in public. The young model did not wait for the paparazzi to catch her without makeup. She posted a photo without makeup on Instagram. The only news for fans is that Kendall has freckles.

Lily Collins

According to the tradition that developed at the beginning of her star career, the beauty appears in public exclusively with high-quality makeup. The paparazzi managed to take a photo of the celebrity without any or minimal makeup. It can be seen that the girl, like many other foreign actors, looks great without makeup.

Sarah Jessica Parker

In ordinary life, the actress causes slight bewilderment. How can this Hollywood star, without makeup, not look as sexy and charming as she does on screen? Let's be honest: it's difficult to call her a beauty without makeup.

Christie Brinkley

The beauty rarely allows herself to appear in public without makeup, but footage captured by the paparazzi confirms that she is always beautiful. Christy, like many old-school Hollywood stars, rarely goes without makeup, even at home. Old school does not allow you to relax: a real supermodel must always prepare for the unexpected.

Gwen Stefani

Without intricate hairstyle and makeup, this American star looks much younger, gentler, and more feminine. You could even call her cute. Gwen takes good care of herself, there are no deep wrinkles with sagging skin, no marks after plastic surgery or excess weight, except that you can notice a little pallor and fatigue on her face.

Lana Del Rey

Professional makeup emphasizes a girl’s advantages, making them more noticeable and bright, however, even without makeup, this foreign star does not lose her attractiveness. In everyday life, she rarely uses cosmetics.

Melanie Martinez

The stage puppet-theatrical image implies bright makeup, and Melanie, like many Hollywood stars, appears without makeup only in everyday life. In its natural form, it looks very cute. The eyes are expressive even without shadows, eyeliner, or mascara. The face without makeup even looks like a child’s.

Jennifer Lawrence

Many American stars without makeup, like Lawrence, in photographers' photographs are far from the image of the mysterious and seductive film star appearing on the red carpet of festivals and premieres. However, there is no need to judge a celebrity harshly. Without makeup, she has the rather pleasant appearance of an ordinary average American woman.

Taylor Momsen

Revealing outfits, emerging anorexia, alcohol and cigarette abuse, defiant behavior - it’s clear why this American star now never appears anywhere without makeup. What if people remember her as still sweet and charming?

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne is just as beautiful without makeup as she is with professional makeup. Her appearance cannot be called ordinary, standard. Graceful cheekbones, expressive eyes, delicate lips, beautiful eyebrows - advantages that are visible even without makeup. In everyday life, Cara Delevingne goes without makeup, giving her skin a rest.

Marilyn Monroe

Rare shots in which the film star is depicted in her natural form can be unpleasantly surprising. Here is depicted a very ordinary woman, without expressive facial features, with whitish eyebrows. The skin was light and quickly burned in the sun, which, combined with bleached hair and the same eyebrows, made the face of the foreign actress without makeup slightly faded.

Ariana Grande

You can often see photos of Ariana Grande with barely noticeable makeup. The girl’s skin is naturally a beautiful dark shade, so she can afford light light colors, although she claims that she does not like it when stylists apply professional make-up. Even the most famous American stars appear in public without makeup much more often than Ariana.

From Liza Boyarskaya and Daria Moroz to the star of “Univer” Anna Khilkevich.

Daria Moroz

If it seems to you that these two photographs show two completely different girls, you really are just imagining it. The whole point is that some people, even without makeup, look about the same as “on parade,” but for some, it’s better not to appear in public without makeup. Which category does Daria Moroz belong to, who in ordinary life has an undistinguished appearance? However, this does not stop her from being an exceptionally talented actress, one of the best of her generation.

Anna Khilkevich

Charming blonde from the TV series “Univer. The new dorm" at first glance has a very bright appearance, but in fact, you will be surprised, this is not entirely true. On her social networks, Anna Khilkevich boldly shows photos without makeup - and she should be applauded for her courage, because without makeup she looks completely different.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

And another representative of domestic show business, who in real life looks like an ordinary girl. However, even without makeup, Bboyarskaya can still be recognized - thanks to her “signature” dimples on her cheeks. Fortunately, Boyarskaya’s smile remains just as charming, regardless of whether the actress wore makeup today or decided to boldly go out in public without makeup.

Sati Casanova

The star of the “Factory” group at any social event is always one of the brightest guests, because due to the combination of dark curls and bright makeup, it is simply impossible not to notice this beauty of the domestic show business. All the more surprising is her transformation “behind the scenes” - without makeup, the singer looks like a completely different person.

Alena Apina

Alena Apina “lit up” on the national stage even when most of today’s young stars were not born or were just going to kindergarten. Naturally, the singer carefully hides age-related skin defects with the help of cosmetics and has been quite successful in this. But without makeup, Alena Apina looks, of course, her real age - the singer will celebrate her 55th birthday this August.

Natalya Sturm

Another singer who can be called a “veteran” of the national stage, Natalya Sturm without makeup looks like a completely different person. Needless to say, the 52-year-old singer really looks much better with bright and carefully applied makeup?

Anastasia Volochkova

“On Parade” Anastasia Volochkova still looks like one of the brightest and most beautiful blondes in Russian show business. And only on social networks does Volochkova show herself, as they say, “real” - that is, without an ounce of makeup on her face. It is worth noting that it is better not to give up Volochkova’s makeup; without makeup she looks almost unrecognizable.


Natalya Ionova-Chistyakova, whom we all know under the creative pseudonym “Glucose,” in ordinary life has little or no remarkable appearance, and even the most devoted fans of the singer, if they meet her on the street without makeup, are unlikely to recognize Glucose.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

An ex-member of the popular group VIA Gra, and now a solo singer and successful businesswoman, Nadezhda Granovskaya for many years diligently cultivated the role of a sort of “femme fatale,” in which bright makeup helped her a lot. But in ordinary life, even the most devoted fans would hardly recognize Granovskaya if she decided to go out without makeup.

Anna Sedokova

Nadezhda Granovskaya’s colleague, Anna Sedokova, has maintained the status of one of the most desirable and beautiful representatives of the Russian stage for many years, and the photo on the right seems even more surprising, in which Sedokova boldly shows all the flaws of her appearance, not hidden by makeup.

Tyra Banks

Yes, yes, this is Tyra Banks. Not at all like on the red carpet, right? But it’s great that Tyra herself posts photos of herself without makeup. Other girls - not models - can forget about their complexes!

Naomi Watts

East News / Splash News

Without makeup, Naomi Watts looks much older, and her eyes do not seem expressive at all. But, fortunately, both Naomi and I have cosmetics to look our best on occasion!


Reese Witherspoon

East News / Splash News

But Reese Witherspoon without makeup, on the contrary, seems like a very small and defenseless girl. Maybe she shouldn't wear makeup at all?

Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara is difficult to see without intense eye makeup, but she already looks very good... And this at 43 years old! Some celebrities look great in photos without makeup.

Pamela Anderson

East News / Splash News

Not a sex bomb, but just a slightly tired Pamela, who is carrying purchases from the store. Would you recognize a star without makeup and Photoshop on the street? We are not!

Katy Perry

East News / Splash News

Katy Perry loves “doll” makeup, which we wouldn’t recommend to anyone. But without makeup, Katie looks younger than her 30 years - keep it up!

Dita Von Teese

East News / Splash News

Here is such a sweet, charming and gentle Dita Von Teese without white powder, eyeliner and red lipstick. Of course, it is unlikely that the star would have become famous without her famous make-up, but in ordinary life she could easily afford it.


East News / Splash News

Of course, for her 57 years, Madge looks great without makeup - we all wish we could look like her at her age. True, on the red carpet, thanks to the efforts of the makeup artist, the singer looks completely different!

Kim Kardashian

East News / Splash News

Kim Kardashian doesn’t look like herself without sculpting and bright makeup, but now we at least believe that she’s real! Show business stars without makeup look exactly the same as ordinary girls.

Kate Upton

East News/Slash News

Problem skin and aristocratic pallor cannot be hidden behind dark glasses... By the way, this is model Kate Upton, in case anyone hasn’t recognized it!

Eva Longoria

East News / Splash News

Where did the bright eyes and clear cheekbones go? Without makeup, Eva Longoria looks like an ordinary woman. After all, this is the power of cosmetics, we can do it too.

No one will argue that today it is very important to look good. Celebrities and famous personalities have a double responsibility to look perfect at any time of the day, since they are almost always under the gun of cameras. Photoshop or not, addicted people on the other side of the gloss find an insane amount of methods and means to look at least a little like the world stars who came off the catwalk. However, not everything is so rosy, and photographs of stars without makeup have long existed on the Internet.

Stars without makeup before and after photos may shock you. Most of them are not even recognizable. Some people hide wide noses, rough facial features and unkempt skin with rashes under a thick layer of makeup. In other words, appearances can be deceiving.

Stars without makeup before and after photos

Many world actresses complain that no one recognizes them without a layer of makeup on their faces, but they appear in this image extremely rarely. But the ever-watchful paparazzi manage to capture the beauty of the stars in any form. If we take into account the fact that the appearance of celebrities is their bread and butter, then appearing in public without appropriate make-up can seriously threaten one’s career. Photos of stars without makeup are a very common request on the Internet, and more often than not ordinary people are disappointed when they see their favorite or favorite in a different guise. Seeing a star makes you feel sick. Beautiful wrapping of stars and celebrities is not always a bad thing. And posting photos is the job of journalists.

Russian stars without makeup close-up

Russian stars who were lucky enough to be featured on various sites regret that sometimes they can afford to go out without the appropriate uniform. Vera Brezhneva, for example, flaunts a photo without makeup with dark beautiful circles under her eyes and pimples, which you will agree is not at all typical for pop divas. Famous presenters admit in their interviews that they simply do not have time to take care of themselves and put on makeup in their free time. They entrust these procedures to special people - a team of stylists, makeup artists and hairdressers.

However, not only girls use the services of a makeup artist and makeup artist. Men also look significantly different in photos and in life without appropriate facial design. And even though some argue that this is not true, numerous photographs of world and Russian celebrities continue to spread across the network.

Hollywood celebrities - shocking photos

If you haven't seen a selection of shocking photos of Hollywood celebrities before, you should definitely check it out. No one was left indifferent by the photograph of the famous American model, who underwent numerous plastic surgeries and showed the results.

In an effort to look like her favorite Barbie doll, the American woman had her nose redone several times, her lips and breasts enlarged, and her legs stretched out. Photos before and after literally shock even the most calm people. Jessica Biel is known in Hollywood for not being photographed without makeup. If she appears in a public place without makeup in her natural form, then only in dark glasses and a cap. It is almost impossible to take a photograph in its natural form and see it. However, the actress herself states that she does not perceive herself in her natural form.

No matter how the world's Hollywood stars try to embellish themselves, age makes itself felt. No matter what makeup you apply, no matter how you hide your wrinkles under beauty injections, you still cannot hide your true face. For example, the foreign and world-famous Pamela Anderson carefully hid her years until a certain point, but if you look at her photo today, you can see an emaciated, unkempt woman without curvaceous figures. An unhealthy lifestyle, a lot of alcohol and noisy parties make themselves felt, even if not immediately, but over time the stars get skin that has lost its tone, wrinkles and cellulite.

Photographers who manage to catch a shot complain about the not-so-appetizing shapes of Hollywood stars. Often behind the slender bodies on the covers of famous magazines are hidden excess weight, poor skin condition and the presence of unpleasant folds that grow every day. A singer or actress will not post photos online without makeup. This is just a spontaneous capture in a photograph from an unfortunate angle.

The ideal view is not always the eternal companion of our stars. Show business is the time on which famous people depend. The camera most often takes pictures of ordinary women without makeup, with normal skin, without layers of makeup. On the red carpet, as a rule, everyone smiles, beautiful and bright, but ordinary life is meant to be yourself and not disguise yourself as recognized standards of beauty. An ideal appearance is not a panacea for all ills and is not at all the key to a happy personal life and success in business.

Proper makeup always makes women more attractive, and stars are no exception.

However, when some celebrities show their real appearance without makeup and photoshop, they become simply unrecognizable.

Irina Pegova

Not long ago, Irina posted her resort photos for everyone to see, in which she appeared in her natural form. Many fans, when they saw the pictures, didn’t even recognize the actress at first, while others thought that she looked much better with makeup.


Bianca became famous largely due to her sexy appearance and watching her videos is a pleasure, even if you turn off the sound. A distinctive feature of Bianca's image is her bright red lipstick, which emphasizes her passionate and plump lips. Without lipstick, the singer does not look so impressive and becomes almost unrecognizable.

Olga Seryabkina

Recently, Seryabkina posted a video on Instagram where she applies makeup. The singer’s subscribers were stunned, to put it mildly. For the most part, fans were disappointed with Olga’s natural appearance and wrote that she was simply unrecognizable without makeup.

Valentina Rubtsova

Looking at Valya’s home photos, you can hardly recognize the famous actress in her. She looks like an ordinary Russian woman. This is probably why she is so popular among female audiences: the viewers see themselves in her.

Elena Lyadova

Lyadova is definitely one of the most attractive actresses in our country. However, without makeup she is practically unrecognizable. On the other hand, for an actress, this is a huge plus. After all, Lyadova can easily transform herself on the screen.

Natalia Medvedeva

Natalya started her career with KVN, but thanks to her beauty and charm she immediately got on TV, and then in big cinema. Now she is not just a comedian, but also a TV presenter and actress. However, no matter how famous she is, if you meet her on the street, you may not recognize her. Her natural appearance is so different from her on-screen image.