Funny birthday greetings for a girl. Funny birthday greetings

Always be beautiful and carefree,
To hell with all household chores,
“Oh, what a woman passed!”

And don’t forget about makeup, of course.
Even if you're going home
So that every man he meets thinks:
"Oh, what a lady, my God!"

And one more well-known piece of advice:
Sometimes have a drink,
So that every man he meets thinks:
"Oh, what a woman, damn it!"

Let you argue over trifles,
You call everyone “horseradish”, “stump”,
We congratulate you, buddy,
Have a wonderful birthday!

I wish you earthly happiness,
So that there would be countless joys.
May there be a lot of health,
So that what you have is not lost.

Good luck in life and success
In big and small matters.
Smiles, jokes, tears of laughter,
And all the adversity - to smithereens!

Oh, and today is a nasty day!
My head is bursting at the seams.
The mystery torments me
What did I forget to tell you?

News all and excitement
I think we discussed
Crap! It's your birthday!
This needs to be washed!

Happy birthday,
And with all our hearts we wish
Happiness, joy, success.
Don't get sick, don't be sad,

Eat more, sleep better,
Don't get angry, don't swear,
Never worry.
And then for sure
You will live to be a hundred years old!

We wish you health, a cheerful gait,
More herring, port wine and vodka,
And life and youth in a warm heart,
And we want a sultry chick to boot.

Happy birthday!
And with all my heart I wish
Be cheerful, pretty,
Young and energetic,

Never grieve
Sleep tight, tight at night!
To have such power
To always remain sweet -

For the legal spouse,
And maybe another friend!
May your health be strong
Your home will not forget happiness,

Lots of joy, warmth,
May fate be kind
So that youth does not become sluggish,
So that old age doesn’t know!

If I were a crocodile
And he could sing at least a little,
I would come to you
For a birthday with an accordion -

I would sing about puddles now...
It's a pity there is no such skill!
And since I’m not good at songs,
Let me just say: happy birthday!

I wish you all the very happiest,
The most beautiful: chocolate health,
Grape joy, eternal youth,
Life endless: public and personal,
Strawberry smiles, strawberry joys,
And a glass of Stolichnaya.

I wish you all the most beautiful things,
Health - chocolate,
Fun - grape,
Life is endless,
Youth is eternal,
Smiles - strawberry!
And life will be easier.
Everyone watch! Very funny!

Happy Birthday! Success in work, pleasant weather, pure, tender and repeated love, children of different sexes, coats that fit their figure, neighbors in the compartment who do not drink or smoke, silky hair, snow-white teeth, wealthy husbands, gentle sponsors, smart lovers, spouses in law , mothers-in-law living in another region, submissive daughters-in-law, washed dishes, husbands who do not snore and are shaved at night, colleagues who are not fixated only on grandmothers, enemies of the weak, enemies of the very weak, dinners in bed, polar impressions and ... ... these .... well, in general, that......regular

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Get married, have sex.
Then be fruitful, multiply,
And also have sex.
Dedicate yourself to work with ardor,
And after -. have sex
Benefits of Enjoying Life
. And zealously have sex
Wait for everything I dreamed of,
But still have sex.
And don’t give up to age! —
Getting old, but having sex!
... It’s time, perhaps, to wrap things up:
They invited me to have sex.
Tough - watch to the end!

I wish you good health,
So that your chest does not hang like a rag.
And cunnilingus once a week,
Someone would do it for you.
And early in the morning at dawn,
When you don't have the strength to wake up,
Whatever the alarm clock, damn it,
And wild sex woke you up.

So that breasts like Irene Ferrari,
And a butt like J.Lo's.
So that the men open their mouths,
They drove us around in cool cars.
So that all the flowers are thrown at your feet,
And every day they swore love,
And in boutiques so that they dress,
Anyone fulfilled a whim.
So that the sex is awesome until dawn,
It seemed like there was always money,
Vacation in Egypt all summer,
And go to Turkey in winter.
In Ibiza to hang out,
So that men swear love
(I wish I could repeat myself).
In short, let everything go to hell!

I wish you on your birthday
elite clothes and machines,
Always pleasant excitement,
And there is no end to men,
So that a manicure is always in order,
And appearance is pure ideal,
In love, let it be only sweet,
May everyone look up to you!

One bottle, two bottles!
Happy birthday Friend!
Let there NOT be a hole in Life
Your Pocket is Full!

Three bottles and four...
We are already sailing with you,
It WAS a very long Lights Out!

Five bottles and the sixth...
What... more could you wish for? ...
May your whole life be in sartir
It will be easy, motherfucker...

Seven on the way and the eighth...
Somehow I don’t see you...
Where have you gone? Well traitor...
I vomited... I hate it!
Funny birthday greetings.

My friend, I wish you cool parties
cheerful beautiful Ol, Mash and Irinok
Fun in winter, awesome in summer
I wish you to be fashionably stylishly dressed and
AND SO that friends can come to the rescue in times of trouble!

I wish you have everything in life...

Happy birthday, friend!
Let everything be with you:
And the penthouse and the servants,
Your own yacht!
In the center is a personal apartment,
Dress in boutiques
And only rage with fat,
And live like in your dreams!

Happy birthday, or what?
Happy holiday of the soul!
But don’t rush to grow up yet.
Be a diligent daughter
Make your mother happy more often...
Well, that's all, in short!
In general, don’t get sick!

To eat and drink,
So that I would like and could,

Birthday is cool
THIS IS Kama Sutra Like
: For rapturous souls
- It’s so nice, at least dance!

Birthday is nice
Today you are the Most Important
Everyone says that
“My ears are burning all day long!”

Birthday is awesome
So it’s NOT at all in vain
WE Came to.. you Today
Because one thing
SO go crazy with pleasure -
This is just a perversion!

In general, happy birthday to you! ..
A glass... That is, I shake your hand!

I wish your pocket to be full, bananas and cabbage to bloom, and smile from ear to ear, a smile suits you so well!

Citizen birthday girl! Considering that the degree of your income along the thorny path to the cemetery has approached a significant, but not critical limit, I hasten to congratulate you on the next stage passed and even more hasten to envy your permissive age. (18 years old - can purchase alcoholic beverages) May your happy summers multiply at the expense of your unlucky ones diminishing. May your personal life be restructured in the spirit of the times. May your nose always stay in the wind of change!

Today is your birthday,
This means you need to have a blast!
After all, you will have a whole year,
To have time to recover a little!

Happy birthday Congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
To be healthy in Siberian style,
Live long in Caucasian style
Gypsy style Be cheerful
And drink vodka in Russian!

Congratulations! I wish you
FORCES of male and female attention,
Develop the business to a global scale,
Cold beer in warm company.
Can we talk about female attention again...
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
Meet less frostbitten people in life,
Cool car and green light,
(For beer, I forgot, more salty),
Our enemies will be soaked in the toilet,
And, accordingly, peace throughout the world!

Be beautiful Malvina HOW
And LIKE Cinderella Miles!
Let them love you right away
Thirty-three heroes!
WHAT to wish a man on his birthday
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam,
And not to know genital diseases...

To have more love in life,
Preferably several times a day!
SO that all women love you
And they warmed the soul AND the bed!

His face is courageous,
The heart is noble
Intelligence is powerful
Character - persistent,
Eyes are clear
The look is piercing,
The head is cooking,
Rules the wheel
He can do everything
Doesn't spare money
Today everyone loves the girl for you!

I wish you on your birthday,
To be surrounded by joyful faces,
So that there is both fun and peace,
So that the husband is a king, the lover is a prince
And Money, well, just a little bit -
To a jeep, and to an apartment in the center,
So that the breasts only become larger,
A sip of love, but a hundredweight of happiness!

Something has changed imperceptibly
It’s like someone has grown up exactly a year.
Why is there such a pandemonium at the door?
It's just your birthday today.
How can we congratulate you now?
We'll pull you by the ears with love,
And to your popular person
WE wish you regular love!

Buddy! I wish you always have something to stick out your pants with! ...
..I meant wallet

Once upon a time, God gave a person five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals -. Fifty years each. A man went to the animals so that THEY would give him a Part of their Life. And so it happened that for twenty-five years a man lives like a man, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, and for the next twenty-five for years they laugh at him like he is a monkey. I want to wish you to live at least another hundred years as a human being!

I wish you were like a salad! ...
... Cool peppers and cabbage!


On your birthday, congratulations from us are just the thing.
We send kind words. IT'S TWO
Be ahead ALL TIME -. IT'S Three
Living with everyone in friendship, in peace, seems to be four.
Never lose heart -. IT'S Five
Be attentive to everyone -. THIS IS SEVEN
Always being at a normal weight means eight, nine, ten.
Well, and in addition to this -
! Happiness, joy, good luck
Let your life NOT be sad
Cabbage crunches in your wallet
The key to the car is in your pocket
TV remote control waiting on the sofa

Success at 7 years old is being able to wake up in a dry bed,
Success at 17 is being able to sleep with a girl,
Success at 25 is being able to find yourself a good wife,
Success at 35 is career and family,
Success at 35 is family and career,
Success at 65 is being able to sleep with a woman
Success at 85 years old -. THIS is to be able to wake up in a dry bed
I wish you (name) success in your future life.

I wish you red girls,
To drive the blood through your veins,
Various wines, vodkas and sorbets,
What an empty stomach of love!
Let the fun of a fairy tale splash,
And let everyone understand the joke,
I won’t make eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

On your birthday I wish you
May all your dreams come true,
So that men surround you,
Not March cats!

So that you can achieve everything.
To make life seem more fun,
We wish you one
AND AFTER a lot of zeros!

Congratulations, hugs,
And we shout HURRAY to you!
You are Miss World, Miss Universe
And Miss This Table!

There is NO downtime for glasses and forks
I stand for you today!

And then that evening came,
Beautiful cake and candles,
Decorated the holiday table,
I'm incredibly glad to meet you...
I'm raising rum
For a dear friend,
And in any scenario,
I wish you a snowstorm….
... Blizzard of happiness and steam,
Which will lead to a spouse,
And if you want it big,
Hit all the dishes with happiness...
And run around the house naked and barefoot!

I wish that in your house the table is always full of food, and the bed is always full of pleasure.

I wish you the keys to the car,
May you never be sad!
And everything a man wants -
There are always beauties with curves,
More cold beer
Salted fish under it,
So that everything always lasts longer,
Nothing irritated me!

Health, happiness, money, buddy,
We wish! May your soul be full!
And remember: you can't argue with this,
Whatever the buddies want.

Birthday! Really!
Has it been a year since last year?
After all, that's STILL fun
No way I left!

Let there be fewer critical days,
And more - cloudless, passionate
Let the money be in full in your bag,
! And fewer dangerous connections
Hope, health, luck and strength,
Love - without problem problems,
And so that Abramovich asks for his hand,
And life's joyful ups!

Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend,
At home - a loving spouse
And a caring father,
And in bed - great!

How important it is to have time for everything in life:
Plant children and give birth to a house,
And don’t forget to build a tree,
And I would like to have a model wife...
You will have all this, I know for sure,
In a different order, maybe, but that’s not the point.
Happy birthday to you today, congratulations
And I'll try to stop by tonight!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy Aging Day.
Cannabis is not easy on the lungs,
Here's some jam for you.
I wish your life is dirty and dark...
So that money is like dirt, and happiness makes your eyes dark!

So that you can achieve everything.
To make life seem more fun,
I wish you one
AND AFTER a lot of zeros!

Happy birthday,
We are with you as a team.
And with all our hearts we wish
Always be so beautiful.
Let everything be in stacks
Silently, they lie down at your feet.
You must be with them
figure it out quickly.
Money for you to grab with a net,
Let everything always be a bundle.

Dear colleague
Know that we are always ready to come to your rescue...
... And the more revenue, the better!

Congratulations! I wish you that every day you hurt in a different place, because, as experienced doctors say, real health is when every day it hurts in a different place...

Let you argue over trifles,
You call everyone “horseradish”, “stump”,
We congratulate you, buddy,
Have a wonderful birthday!

Dear (name)! Let the cognac you drink be older than the women you sleep with!

Happy Birthday, friend!
Of all the arts, the most important for us is BEER!
Come to our “art history circle” more often!
May you have a beautiful life
I wish you a lot of beer!
In mugs, in jars and in bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And so that you can cope with it,
We are already running to you!

Let's put jokes aside,
It's time for great things!
Equal share for birthday
Spill it in a bottle!

I wish for your birthday,
Well, just a lot of pleasure!
Stacks, glasses, with a beer mug
And cool girlfriend
Dancing until you drop!
What, do you need anything else?

Funny and even laughing happy birthday greetings will be an excellent option not only for youth, but also for quite an adult holiday taking place in an informal setting. They should not be presented only to work colleagues and superiors, as well as unfamiliar people, because they may not understand such a gesture on your part. If we are talking about friends or relatives, then you can laugh together at original wishes and subtle jokes.

Let us note that in the matter of laughter it is very important not to cross the fine line between humor and vulgarity. And if you can comply with it, then your congratulatory words will become the most vivid, emotionally rich and memorable not only for the birthday person, but also for each of his guests. And let it be so, because we have collected for you many ready-made options for congratulatory words, each of which is available to you within this section of the site.

Choose the best words and congratulate your friends and family in the most refined manner. Give them and everyone around you laughter and fun, and enjoy the results yourself! Vlio will help you do everything in the best possible way!

Only the sun rose lazily over the city,
The blonde caressed you playfully
A brunette with a bottle of beer rushed
And then she resignedly and passionately surrendered.

A brown-haired woman with champagne came for her
And in a passionate frenzy she began to spin around with you.
What you don't see in the morning with a hangover.
Well, have you recovered? All the best to you, happy birthday!

May all these wishes come true,
May you be the happiest person on the planet,
So that your every day brings only joy,
May life always smile at you, friend!

In honor of my best friend
I'm drinking from my throat today
And I wish you burning passion
(just so it doesn't burn)!

I want to wish you in addition
An ocean of compliments,
To have a dacha somewhere in Nice
Juan gave it to you.

Let the men all be timid
From your earthly beauties,
Well, women go numb...
Bring the cake quickly!

Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart
We hasten to congratulate you!
Clear days and summer holidays,
Be dressed to the nines

Winter fairy tales,
Only good news
Bright flashes of the fire,
Happiness, peace and goodness.

Money like in a Swiss bank
And peace of mind is like being in a tank.
To make the house cozy,
Not only did the cactus live in it.

Fulfillment of all ideas,
Faithful, devoted friends,
To even “to hell with the teeth”
It was more fun with them.

Travel, laugh,
Be surprised and fall in love,
Promise and deliver on time,
In general, live with gusto for the future!

You are strict but competent,
Very domineering, but not evil.
Don't take it as a compliment:
You are cute in your own way.

We respect you very much
And we want to invite you
Sit over a cup of tea
Your birthday is washed!

May there be a lot of fun
Enjoy to your heart's content!
And don't be hard to touch
We're good too!

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Get married, have sex.
Then be fruitful, multiply,
And also have sex.

Dedicate yourself to work with ardor,
And then have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
And have sex zealously.

Wait for everything I dreamed of,
But still have sex.
And don’t give up to age! -
Getting old, but having sex!

It's time for me to wrap up:
They invited me to have sex.

Happy birthday
I want to wish you
Freaky mood
So that everything is within your reach!

So that all the dresses in the store
True to size,
So that all the styles in the world,
Everyone was looking for your figure.

Congratulations and wish
Eat a lot and not gain weight,
Cellulite and stretch marks,
Never have!

Happy birthday my friend
I wish you happiness
For a hundred nights have girlfriends
And enjoy them!

Have a chic, bright home
And a dacha in the Maldives,
Let in your youth
Love lives on to boot!

I want to lie on the sand
And admire the sun,
All year long just to relax,
Everyone go to the clubs!

Happy birthday
Put the kettle on gas quickly.
I'm bringing you cookies
Let's celebrate now.
There will be a lot of jokes, laughter,
Pour tea into mugs.
I'm almost there
Meet me in five minutes!

I'm grateful to myself
For my gift to you.
And I’ll tell everyone without hiding,
My gift is ME!

A trailer of health, a boat of luck,
They are in a hurry at this moment for your birthday.
And then the planes fly with luck,
Get ready to start unloading your work!

On your birthday, your holiday,
Let's dive headfirst!
Congratulations, congratulations,
We wish you happiness!
Let your health bubble,
The mood is not moping,
Positivity flows like a river,
The heart laughs joyfully!

My friend, I wish you cool parties
Merry beautiful Ol, Mash and Irinok
Fun winter, awesome summer
I wish to be fashionably and stylishly dressed
Happy tickets always and everywhere
And for friends to help out in trouble!

So be healthy!
Live richly
So much will allow
Your salary!
And if the salary
He won't let you live -
Well, don't live
No one is being forced!

We wish you to get drunk on this day,
Get lost in your apartment!
Friends and family are unrecognizable
And you can't find your bed!

Congratulations! Congratulations!
Birthday is once a year.
As always, I wish you EVERYTHING!
Wait, I'll come with a gift!

Happy birthday
And with all our hearts we wish:
To be healthy in Siberian style,
Live long in Caucasian style
The gypsy way to be cheerful
And drink vodka in Russian!

You were born today
Accept gifts
From friends and family,
From people dear to you.
Don't think badly
Something in my throat is dry -
We want to drink some wine
For birth to the bottom!

I wish you reliable friends and health
After all, this is what we sometimes lack
And you can buy everything else with money
Which I wish for you too!


To keep you healthy
And she grew beautiful
To make a pood bale of happiness
You found it for yourself.
And a bag of laughter
And a kilogram of smiles.
For the pleasure of everyone I know
Smile here and there!
And let it be with your smile
The sun is rising in the sky,
And the soul is a magic violin
You always sing!

Sitting down at the table for a birthday,
Put pickles and smoked meats,
Herring, vodka, entrecote,
Sausage, lard and compote,

Yes! Don't forget the cake for tea.
And you can’t live without sweets.
And now I wish you
May there be friends at the table!

Birthday! Really!
Has it been a year since last year?
After all, that's all the fun
I didn't leave!

I didn't have time to wash my face
I didn't have time to shave!
I didn’t really have time to get dressed!
Finish a bunch of different things!

I didn’t have time to buy a gift,
Arrive at the feast on time!
Accept for who I am,
I will drink, I will eat.

I'm really really sorry -
I... didn't buy a gift.
I was in such a hurry, I was flying so much,
What... didn't even have time to do that.

Let me just hug you
And kiss me from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you immodest profits,
The Swiss bank account is huge,
A large dacha outside the city,
Good health to boot,
Great victories in amorous affairs,
Canaries and Cote d'Azur,
All kinds of success in life,
And most importantly - reliable friends!
Happy birthday!

I wish you red girls,
To drive the blood through your veins,
Various wines, vodkas and sherbets,
What an empty stomach of love!

And let everyone understand the joke,
I won’t make eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

I personally wish with all my heart,
So that, like a domestic cat,
You've always had a great time
Both at work and at home!

Today is your birthday,
This means you need to have a blast!
After all, you will have a whole year,
To have time to recover a little!

Congratulations! I wish you
Male strength and female attention,
Develop the business to a global scale,
Cold beer in warm company.
Can we talk about female attention again...
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
Meet less frostbitten people in life,
Cool car and green light,
Our enemies will be soaked in the toilet,
And, accordingly, peace throughout the world!

I wish you red girls,
To drive the blood through your veins,
Various wines, vodkas and sorbets,
What an empty stomach of love!
Let the fun of a fairy tale splash,
And let everyone understand the joke,
I won’t make eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

I wish you a life of long days
So that you forget about doctors
So that it is deep, so that it is wide
And a wallet full of money!

Happy Birthday
And I wish in life that
All the problems and worries
They were like a microbe!
And more laughter in life,
To be the size of an elephant
There were joys, successes,
And know love to the fullest!

Let there be a birthday
Cheerful, cheerful, drunk
Let them sound throughout the area
Friends laughing and glasses clinking
Let everything go with a bang!
And it will be easy in the morning!

I wish you good health,
So that your chest does not hang like a rag.
And cunnilingus once a week,
Someone would do it for you.
And early in the morning at dawn,
When you don't have the strength to wake up,
Whatever the alarm clock, damn it,
And wild sex woke you up.

Health, happiness, money, buddy,
We wish! May your soul be full!
And remember: you can't argue with this,
Whatever the buddies want.

My friend, I wish you on your birthday
Luck basket and barrel of luck
I want female attention
Watching hockey and football with friends
Money so that there is no shortage of it
And also keep your health in order!

What to wish a man on his birthday?
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam,
And not to know sexual diseases...
To have more love in life,
Preferably several times a day!
So that all women love you
And they warmed the soul and the bed!

I'll take you away for a minute,
I'll ask a tricky question,
I see, there's no time for jokes at all,
I seriously congratulate you!

I wish for your birthday,
Well, just a lot of pleasure!
Stacks, glasses, mugs with beer
And cool girlfriends
Dancing until you drop!
What, do you need anything else?

What is more important to you:
Be richer or smarter?
On your birthday I wish you in one fell swoop
Become a smart oligarch!
To keep the money flowing
And the brains worked.
Well, who will I be?
Your first deputy!

There are different things in life
Either you fall or you take off!
And if it turns out to be bad
Be strong! Hold on! Don't lose heart!

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Get married, have sex.
Then be fruitful, multiply,
And also have sex.
Dedicate yourself to work with ardor,
And then have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
And have sex zealously.
Wait for everything I dreamed of,
But still have sex.
And don’t give up to age! —
Getting old, but having sex!
...It’s probably time to wrap things up:
They invited me to have sex.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy Aging Day.
Cannabis is not easy on the lungs,
Here's some jam for you.

Let's put jokes aside,
It's time for great things!
Equal share for birthday
Spill the bottle!

I want a key to a new car
A hefty wad of money
Cold beer in a glass
And so that friends don’t forget!

Happy birthday!
Quickly put your pocket in:
Life will fill you with pleasures
And a glass of success.

A mug of happiness, a glass of light -
The mixture is like this:
Let this be the cocktail
Your joyful life!

I wish you to always remain yourself!
And so that there is someone to keep warm in winter,
And so that there is always something on the table,
And so that there is a decent rustle in your wallet!

So that life surprises you every day,
So that you don’t get bored with work at all!
And so that all wishes come true,
Well, the glasses were always filled!

Happy birthday
And I wish, as always,
Happiness, joy, fun,
Lives for many years...

Let the cuckoo not crow
She's a stupid fool.
The main thing is not to panic,
Listen to the nightingale's trills...

I wish you on your birthday
Catch luck and luck,
Never let them go
And add more every year.

In work - new achievements,
Strive upward, for promotion.
So that the goals are reality, the result is the motive,
So that your creativity does not dry out.

Great love and true friendship,
Live outside of the everyday routine.
More meetings, trips, baths,
And in the summer - relax in nirvana!

We all wish you a happy birthday
And we sincerely wish you from the bottom of our hearts:

An apartment, a car and a yacht to boot,
Another 30 acres of land including a summer house,
Iron, refrigerator, multicooker,
And in the morning, to get up cheerfully, a coffee maker.

Fly to resorts and to different countries.
So that there is enough money for all these plans.
And unlimited cards, and visa-free tours,
And so that surprises happen more often!

The apartment is luxurious, with a decent entrance,
Without evil neighbors and with a metropolitan look.
And so that three cars are waiting for you in the garage -
There's a Bentley, a Cayenne... Well, and a Lada Kalina.

In the end I would like to wish
Health, good luck, get sick less.
With happiness, so that your eyes glow brightly,
And the house was bypassed by a thunderstorm.

Let your eyes sparkle with happiness
On your birthday and always,
Health - eternal wealth,
Let the soul be young.

I wish you, I urge you,
So that all your dreams come true,
You, getting a buzz from life,
Smile tenderly on your holiday!

I wish you happiness in the form of money,
Buy a car, or maybe a big one.
Whatever you say, I wish you a miracle,
So that it shines brightly everywhere.

Good luck to you, path of honey
And eat little by little with a spoon.
Various benefits and the most delicious
Good luck with your tender feelings.

Love is like a rainbow, beautiful,
Destiny rich and happy.
Take care of your health.
And otherwise live well.

The birthday boy's smile
Put it on in the morning
And with this decoration
Walk all this day
So that all your friends know,
What a holiday you have,
Don't forget the gift
Present with love.
Let you have with their help
Dreams come true
Let these joys
You will become happier.

Walking is good for you -
Walks, parks, forest.
But I wish you
Beautiful Mercedes.

Walking will get your feet wet
In the pouring rain
Let them get wet
Only in the blue sea.

Let the ice melt quietly
In a cocktail in your hands,
While you're watching the sunset
On warm islands.

I'm not original
I wish you a lot of platitudes:
Happiness, joy, health, long years,
On the love front there are only victories.
But I really want originality,
To wish something without banality.
For example, boar health,
The love of life of a cheerful dog,
The softness of a cat and fluffiness,
Carefree bird voice,
Loyalty to you is only swan-like,
The resourcefulness, of course, is that of a snake,
The impudence (only in moderation) of a monkey,
And the perseverance was like a lamb.
Choose a greeting
Better for you on your birthday.
I wish you everything from the bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday to you!