When can a girl be planted? Komarovsky gives useful advice to young parents. What time can a girl be planted: recommendations from experts.

Sitting is one of the important stages in the physical development of infants. Under normal conditions, babies start at about 6.5-7 months. Parents are often worried about the question of whether there is an opportunity to help the baby master this process, and whether it is possible to seat the child. Thoughtless attempts to plant a baby at 4-5 months old can cause serious problems with her health in the future.

To prepare the child for sitting, mother and baby should lead healthy lifestyle life. Babies need to eat well and get enough sleep. It is necessary to communicate with the baby when she is awake and stimulate the development of motor skills. Suitable for this:

  1. Daily water procedures (and swimming in the pool with mom);
  2. Wellness massage;
  3. Games and exercises that are aimed at strengthening the baby's muscular corset.

How to understand that a boy or a girl can be planted (if they are at least six months old), or that the baby is about to sit down on his own?

  • The baby, without help, rolls over onto his tummy from a position lying on his back, and returns to his original state;
  • The kid himself holds his head, easily tears it off the surface of the crib or floor;
  • The baby can stand, holding on to a support;
  • If an adult's fingers appear before the eyes of a boy or girl, he grabs them and tries to assume a vertical position.

It is important to understand that all children are individual, and the normal range is quite wide. Every healthy child will begin to sit in due time. The limits that are given in the domestic literature on pediatrics are very wide - from 4.5 to 8 months.

Doctor Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky shares the point of view of most European pediatricians. Parents need to understand that the child cannot be planted before he tries to do it himself. It is not allowed to do this at 4 months or six months.

When the baby begins to master the skill of sitting, in no case do not help him if he does not succeed in doing it the first time. When a baby learns on its own, its muscles and spine get used to new loads, become stronger and stronger. It is also undesirable to cover children with pillows during this period of time.

Until or recently six months old, it is recommended to stimulate crawling by all available means. Create a safe environment in the room by placing a blanket on the floor. Place a few meters in front of the child bright toy, and let the baby, lying on the tummy, try to get to it.

When to sit the baby? How many months?

Devices for children

For the convenience of parents, the industry produces many devices for verticalization of children. It is important to remember that it is possible to plant a child in a high chair no earlier than 6.5-7 months, when the necessary curves of the spine are formed. Baby car seats, jumpers and baby loungers can be used from the age of 5-6 months, when the back and other muscles of the baby are ready for this.

When can I put on my hand

Moms are often interested in how many months you can sit the baby on your arm, because it’s hard to keep him “column” in your arms all the time, and household chores require attention.

Women should remember that a boy or girl is allowed to be held in this position only when the child begins to make attempts to sit up while in a crib or other similar place. This will happen no earlier than six months. Therefore, at 5 months, the baby cannot be carried like this yet, use a sling or a special children's backpack for transportation.

Get into a walker

Walkers are one of the convenient means to give the child an upright position and for a while to allow the mother to deal with adult affairs. Most manufacturers indicate that you can use their products when the baby is six months old.

Often the question of when to put a small child in a walker is decided individually. Some models are equipped so that they can accommodate a 5-month-old baby. But before buying such walkers, mom and dad are advised to consult a doctor, at what age can a son or daughter be placed there.

When is the best time to plant boys

There are prejudices according to which a boy can be planted earlier than a girl, since physical development little man somewhat ahead of the fragile female body. They are not confirmed by modern medicine.

Do not place a child of any gender ahead of time, do not put him in a jumper or other device. This will happen naturally in all babies between 6 and 8 months of age.

And when the girl

Girls should not be rushed either. From some parents, you can hear that from early sitting down, the baby may develop a tilt of the uterus, and she will have problems with childbearing in adulthood. This is not true.

Mothers of little princesses are wondering: “When can girls sit down?”. Healthy girls depending on the individual physical development try to sit down in the same period of life as the boys. Therefore, do not try to seat your beloved daughter at 4 or 5 months, do not offer her jumpers - this will harm her spine and fragile muscles.

What is bad for a child

Parents seeking to know what time a boy or girl can be seated must be very careful not to unknowingly harm their children. It is important to understand how to properly interact with the baby in order to prepare it for this responsible process and not cause problems with the spine in the future.

  1. You can not put a child on a potty, jumpers and walkers at four to five months.
  2. You do not need to put the baby on your arm if he is younger than 6 months.
  3. When the baby tries to sit on the ass, it is undesirable to help him.
  4. Don't throw pillows around babies when they just sit on their buttocks for the first time and then roll over on their side a few minutes later.
  5. When the baby only learns to sit, at first do not allow him to be in this position too much (start with 5-30 minutes).

In some cases, tell exactly when not quite healthy child you can sit down, from how many months it is worth starting to do this, only an experienced doctor can.

What to do if the kids do not sit down

If your son or daughter is already 7-8 months old, and they still do not sit, this is a reason to contact a pediatrician and a neurologist. Doctors examine the baby and find the reason why his motor development lags behind his peers. If no pathologies have been identified, engage in physical activity with the baby - gymnastics will strengthen his muscles and help him sit down. Buy jumpers or other verticalization device and, after consulting a doctor, give it to your offspring.

Remember that a child cannot be forced to sit. If the baby has any health problems, she suffered a birth injury or was born prematurely, then the question of when to sit down the child is decided individually under the supervision of a neurologist after performing a series of preparatory exercises.

Attempts to sit up at three months

It happens that very active and curious babies try to sit up at 3-4 months. In no case do not stimulate this process. Gently stop your son's or daughter's attempts to sit down, distract the baby's attention with a bright toy or conversation. At this age, the child's body is not yet ready for sitting, it can seriously harm him.

Exercises to help strengthen your child's back

There are a number of exercises that will help strengthen the child's muscles and prepare him for a new position in space. Your pediatrician will tell you how many months they can be done, since all children develop in different ways.

  • When the baby is lying on his tummy, lift your boy or girl off the surface of the crib, supporting with one hand at chest level and with the other at the level of the gluteal muscles. Then lower after 5-10 seconds. During the lifting, the muscles on the back of the crumbs should tighten;
  • Place in front of chest colorful toys, after laying it on the tummy. Let him try to reach them or crawl;
  • Invite your baby to grab onto your thumbs as she lies on her back. When she does this, pull her towards you, let her back come off the blanket for 15 seconds. Then slowly lower the child.

At proper care and correct preparation, each baby sits down in the time allotted by nature. The task of parents is to help him in this responsible matter, but at the same time not to harm the fragile health of the baby.

When can a child be seated? Should a child be taught to sit?

The physiological characteristics of the female body create the prerequisites for many questions regarding the optimal time for practicing compulsory children's skills. Most often, inexperienced mothers ask doctors and acquaintances how many months a girl can be planted. Parents are looking forward to the appearance of new abilities in the child, often trying to bring the moment of their formation closer.

In most cases, this approach does not lead to anything good. Experts believe that all changes in the child's body should occur at a time when the systems are already ready for them and it is not worth rushing natural processes. In the case of planting and seating female infants, this rule must also be observed.

Myths accompanying skill development

The older generation believes they know everything better than anyone else, especially when it comes to raising children. With their submission, a myth appeared among the people, saying that if a girl starts to sit down very early, this can lead to a bend in the uterus. For this reason, you should not try to strengthen the muscles of the child and sit him down. Current research on this issue states the following:

  • There is no real evidence of this fact in the scientific world. The statement is based on the hunches of anxious mothers, which are not confirmed by either research or statistics.
  • The bend of the uterus is most often a congenital condition or occurs as a result of weakness of the muscle fibers of the pelvis, inflammatory processes, ovarian dysfunction. In addition, the uterus of a baby girl is so small that external influences cannot lead to its bending.

Tip: Such an anatomical feature as the bend of the uterus is not uncommon. Mothers with this diagnosis, who were planted in a very early age Do not project the situation onto your child. Genetically, the weakness of muscle fibers can indeed be transmitted, but planting this phenomenon does not stimulate in any way.

  • Theoretically, the wrong posture of the baby as a result of premature planting can still have a negative impact on the development of the reproductive system, but this is only an unconfirmed hypothesis.

The above facts apply only to those cases when they try to plant and plant babies at an age suitable for this from a physiological point of view. If you try to do this before the recommended time, negative consequences are indeed possible, but they concern the muscular apparatus as a whole, and not just its specific departments.

The real state of affairs

In fact, the fair sex is significantly ahead in the development of boys. In the first year of life of children, this difference can reach 3-4 weeks. This specificity is due to the fact that the female body should be more mature and hardy, because it is on him that the responsibility for procreation falls. According to statistics, girls begin to hold their heads a little earlier, roll over on their stomachs, talk, crawl and walk. It is noteworthy that with such "merits" they do not have the slightest advantage in terms of the age at which they begin to sit on their own.

Ideally, development in this direction occurs as follows:

  • 6 months. The baby is already sitting, though not very confidently, constantly falling on her side. Sometimes there are also such ladies who, at the age of six months, are able to sit confidently in the correct position and even stretch forward at the same time.
  • Seven months. The girl already feels more confident, able to sit without supporting herself with her hands. The easiest way is to take a given position from a position on all fours.
  • 8 months. By this time, the child usually has no problems with the skill. He is able to sit down deftly and confidently, no matter what position he was in before, and hold the body for a long time without getting tired.

Parents should not only know when, but also what the correct position of the baby looks like. The head leans slightly forward, the upper part of the spine is extended, the lower back is tense. The legs are spread apart, slightly bent at the knee and hip joints, screwed outward. The handles are exposed forward and are used as a support. Only in this position will bends form in the necessary parts of the spine, muscles and ligaments will strengthen.

How to properly prepare the baby with sit-ups and exercises?

You need to plant a little one only when his body is ready for this. If you know how many months you can sit down a girl, and how to do it correctly, you will be able to correctly and efficiently prepare her body for the upcoming loads. According to experts, it is best to start at 5 months. It is recommended to do this regularly, but for a short period of time. After some time, the girl herself will want to sit down completely and independently.

There are several manipulations that help strengthen the child's muscular apparatus, as a result of which the new position will not cause him any difficulties:

  1. Exercises to strengthen the press. We regularly raise the baby by the handles, the angle of the body should not exceed 30ºС. The girl should not sit down, only rise. The same exercise can be performed from a prone position. Only the back should only slightly bend in the lumbar spine.
  2. Back strengthening exercises. We place one hand under the chest of the baby lying on her back. We place the second one between her legs. We raise the child so that his legs rest against our stomach, and the muscles of the back and buttocks tense.
  3. Crawl. Some mothers believe that children should first sit down, and only then begin to actively crawl. In fact, only after the baby learns all the subtleties of a specific movement, the moment comes when you can put the girl without any risks. Movements help strengthen muscle fibers, and it is much more convenient to sit down from a position on all fours.
  4. Water procedures in combination with massage. Swimming in a large tub followed by a limb and back massage should be part of every child's routine. This not only accelerates the development of the necessary skills, but also reduces the risk of improper formation of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus.

Such manipulations must be performed every day, but you should not abuse them. The baby should enjoy the sessions, only in this case they will be really useful.

What to do if the baby does not sit down at 7-8 months?

If a baby at the age of 7-8 months still does not want to sit down on her own, this may indicate an insufficient strength of her muscles. In this case, in addition to the procedures already carried out, the following manipulations are introduced:

  • We spread the girl on her tummy, with her legs she should rest against the mother's body. We put our hands under the shins and chest of the child, slightly raise it to the tension of the muscles of the back and buttocks. So we repeat several times.
  • Every day, while taking air baths, we lay the baby on her stomach and place a bright toy right in front of her, forcing her to stretch. After a while, we begin to plant the baby on her knees for just a few minutes a day.

Some approaches that are considered traditional, in fact, bring only harm. Here are the most common mistakes parents make when developing a useful skill:

  1. Forcing events with active exercises, passive movements created artificially. In the case of children, only external stimuli are acceptable.
  2. Overprotection. Often a female child is protected from any trouble. It can even be falling on your side, leaving your comfort zone. You do not need to constantly hold the baby, she must independently look for a point of balance, take a more comfortable position, and rise from a lateral position.
  3. Use of artificial support. Main mistake parents - the use of rollers, pillows, blankets to give the body a vertical position. Such an artificial load on a fragile spine is very harmful.

If in the process of developing a new skill, the baby has questions, it is better to contact specialized specialists with them, and not look for answers with the help of friends and relatives. An experienced doctor will quickly assess the condition of the girl and determine if there is cause for concern or just need to wait a bit.


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A child who has learned to sit begins to learn more actively the world and develop faster. Being in an upright position, he sees the situation in a new way, can take objects with his hands and already independently occupies himself. Many parents look forward to this stage in development. Parents of daughters are often interested in the question: how many months can girls sit down, because they develop differently than boys. Why is it dangerous to sit down early?

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When can girls be seated?

According to pediatricians, if a girl develops normally, then:

  • at 6 months, she already sits down with the support of an adult;
  • in 7 - is able to independently hold the back upright;
  • and at 8 - easily sit down from various positions.

The muscles of the abdomen and back in children at 6 months are already sufficiently strengthened, therefore, pediatricians determine this age as optimal in order to start seating girls. Deviations of a month or a half are also the norm.

Until the age of six months, a little girl is forbidden to sit down artificially. But if at 4 months the child is able to take a semi-sitting position on his own, then in this position he can be left for a short time. It is only necessary to ensure that the girl does not sit in this position during the day for more than an hour.

If a baby, who is not yet six months old, is able to sit with support, then she will strive to occupy this position more and more often, because it becomes more interesting for her to watch what is happening. In this case, you should not lay her in a horizontal position, as she will still take a comfortable position for herself. And besides, it can slow down the development of the baby. If the girl sits for a long time, she can be distracted with a toy or picked up.

At first, the child sits uncertainly, all the time falling on its side. This should not cause concern, because the muscles are still weak. As soon as they get stronger, the child will sit much more evenly. It is also not recommended to plant the baby and cover him with rollers from a blanket or pillows, as it will be more difficult for him to change his position when he gets tired.

If a girl does not sit at 7 - 8 months: what to do?

The age has already come when a girl can safely be put in a stroller or on a high chair. But what if she can not be in a sitting position? In this case, you need to help her by doing strengthening exercises, which are very useful for premature and weak girls.

Muscle Strengthening Exercises

The following exercises strengthen the back muscles well, which Recommended to be done on a hard surface.

  • The girl needs to be put on her tummy so that her legs rest against the body of an adult. Then it is necessary to lift the child, supporting him with one hand under the chest, and with the other under the shins. The buttocks and back of the baby should be tense. After a few seconds, you need to put it down and repeat the exercise.
  • When conducting air baths, the girl is laid out on her stomach and a bright toy is placed in front of her. This should encourage her to reach out to her. This action perfectly strengthens the muscles of the press and back, preparing the baby for a sitting position. You can also buy small rings that are hung over the crib. The girl will try to reach them, and grabbing, she will try to sit down. If the baby is 7-8 months old, then she can be put on her knees for a few minutes.
  • The index fingers are extended to the child lying on his back. When he grabs them, he will try to sit down. At the same time, the baby’s back comes off the surface, and the abdominal muscles tense up. In this position, it must be held for 20 seconds, after which it is returned to a horizontal position.

Such exercises are recommended to be performed with a child. every day from 3 months of age. If the city has a swimming pool that allows you to visit it together with small children, then it is advisable to go there. Swimming remarkably strengthens the muscular corset and prepares the girl for sitting down. With the help of a qualified specialist, you can also perform water exercises in the bathroom.

A good effect is exerted by massage on the gluteal region and back, which can be done on your own or invite a children's masseur.

If the baby began to sit down on his own, you need to make sure that is he doing it right. The child's head should be slightly tilted forward, the upper part of the spine and neck should be in an extended state, the lower back bent, the hip joints should also be bent and tilted forward, the legs turned outward and apart. Hands should be placed in front of the body, which the child uses as a support. This is important to consider, because thanks to this position of the body, the natural curves of the spine, ligaments and muscles begin to form correctly.

If the mother does not know what time she can plant her daughter, then she needs to consult a pediatrician. After assessing the physical readiness of the child, the doctor will explain why girls are not recommended to be planted before 6 months. When the baby is ready for such a new position, parents need to help her sit down.

Most pediatricians are sure that if the girl herself did not sit down before 6 months, then she should not be artificially seated. In this age the spine of the child is not yet able to take a vertical position because it's too much work for him. Sitting too early can be harmful to health. In older children, this can affect the state of posture. Pediatric orthopedists have established a direct link between sitting down too early and scoliosis in the future.

As medical studies have shown, if a girl began to sit up quite early, then pelvic deformity may occur. Such a violation can lead to problems in labor in the future, because the twisted pelvic bones can block the birth canal. Besides, early sitting down affects the psycho-emotional state of the baby. A girl in an unusual position feels fear and uncertainty.

Delusion or reality?

There is an opinion that in girls who began to sit down early, the uterus bends. But official medicine refutes this. The deviation of the uterus backwards is a physiological feature of the structure of the female genital organs, which was the result of an inflammatory process in the small pelvis or a genetic predisposition. All doctors are unanimous that there is no connection between early sitting down and the bending of the uterus.

Parents should know that you can’t try to plant a girl if she didn’t do it herself before 6.5 months. You should not plant the baby, wrapping it with pillows, for a long time. The position of the back of the stroller during a walk is recommended to be set in a semi-lying position.. It is best not to use a carrier in which the girl will be in a sitting position.

Thus, parents who are concerned about the question of how many months girls can be planted should carefully monitor their baby. If the child is strong and healthy, he will sit down by himself at a time when his muscles are strong enough. He cannot be forced. Premature babies and those with excess weight. The girl herself will sit down even when no gymnastics is done with her.

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When can a girl be planted? Komarovsky and other modern pediatricians give different recommendations on this matter. Today we will also try to figure out when to plant a girl so as not to harm her.

When can a girl be planted? Komarovsky and many modern pediatricians cannot come to a consensus on this issue. Some experts say that you need to plant a baby after six months. And others insist that this will happen naturally at some point, when the baby is ready herself. Parents often start from their own personal assumptions, which gives rise to a lot of myths. It must be remembered that any girl will become a mother in the future, and therefore it is extremely important that her pelvic organs form without any deviations.

How long can girls be planted without risking harm to the health of the crumbs?

In infants at the age of about six months, the physiological readiness for sitting independently occurs. However, each baby is strictly individual, and therefore it depends on a particular child, what time can girls be planted. Some babies can sit up on their own as early as 5 months of age, while others only as early as seven to eight months.

The child sits down on his own at the moment when his muscular and skeletal systems are completely ready for this. Early disembarkation is too much stress on the child's spine, which can cause bone deformity. And therefore, young parents do not need to rush to sit down the baby, regardless of his gender. With early disembarkation of girls, not only their spine, but also the genitourinary system, experiences a great load. Because of this, serious pathologies of the internal organs may appear, such as the bending of the cervix, that is, it is better to wait a while with the baby sitting in a high chair or on the parent's lap. You can sit down a girl when she, on her own, without helping herself with her hands, can tear her body off a horizontal surface.

These are the main recommendations how many months girls are imprisoned, however, sometimes it happens that the baby tries to sit up ahead of schedule indicated by pediatricians, for example, at 4 months of age. In such a situation, parents do not need to help their daughter, she should be laid out away from the sides of the stroller or crib so that she cannot grab onto them and sit down. In addition, it is not advisable to put anything under the back of the child to keep him in a sitting position. However, if the baby, in spite of everything, learns to sit down on its own before six months, then it is better not to interfere with it.

How to properly plant girls?

When, at the age of five or six months, the baby becomes bored of lying in her bed, she begins to cry and tries to change her position. If the girl still cannot sit on her own, then you can put her in a deck chair or a special swing. In addition, instead of a deck chair, it is convenient to use a car seat, bringing it into the house. In such an armchair, as in a deck chair, a little girl will reclining, which is safe for her spine, and also does not interfere with the normal development of the pelvic organs. Plus, the elevated position of the torso will not let the baby get bored, she will be able to look around, observe others. In some cases, the child may “fall too deeply” into an armchair or deck chair, then a folded diaper should be placed under the back, achieving exactly the half-lying state of the crumbs.

The time period when the girl wants to sit down, but cannot do it on her own, is quite short. Wait with planting a couple of months until the children's skeletal system gets stronger, and the baby will sit down by herself. There is no need to rush natural events. The best way in this situation - just rely on nature and wait for the girl to sit down herself, then stand at the support, and then go.

Having taken their baby from the maternity hospital, parents surround the precious child with all the best, sincerely rejoice at every achievement, even the most trifling, at first glance. Young mothers who spend a lot of time not only with their beloved child, but also with other mothers and their little ones, cannot always wean themselves from the habit of comparing their own child with others.

Being face-to-face with her son or daughter, it is unlikely that a parent will be very worried about the fact that her child rolled over a week or two later than expected, or, conversely, sat down a little earlier than is customary for children of a certain age . However, after listening to their friends and "colleagues", mothers often begin to push their child to certain actions, ahead of natural development.

Stimulation of physiological processes is good only under the strict supervision of a pediatrician, because in many cases it is strictly prohibited. First of all, this concerns sitting, many are perplexed: why can’t girls be planted up to 6 months, what’s wrong with that? The answer to this and many other questions can be found in the article.

We change position

In order not to force especially zealous readers to nervously scour in search of the necessary information, we will make a reservation right away: you can change the baby’s position from lying to sitting even before she celebrates her first six months, but only if she herself is ready for this.

When are girls seated? There is a huge difference between sitting and sitting down. It is one thing to cover a four-month-old baby with down pillows and put her in this “nest”, it is quite another to help the baby realize that she must learn to control her body.

The learning process assumes that a specially trained person (patronage nurse, massage therapist, neuropathologist) or mother, after consulting a specialist, will engage in developing gymnastics with a girl, wellness massage and special exercises that help children strengthen their skeletal and muscular systems. Mastering new skills, the child gradually learns to stand up on the handles, roll over, crawl, sit down, and then rise to his feet and walk. Each stage of this long path must go one after the other, you cannot jump over the “steps” so as not to cause irreparable harm to the delicate and fragile body in a hurry.

Everything has its time

Why girls should not be planted before 6 months and when can a baby be allowed to see the world from a different angle? The desire of parents to show their princess the whole world is quite understandable and justified. It is simply difficult for them to realize all that a little person will have to go through, because they have long gone their way of growing up and have forgotten how it was.

However, children are arranged in such a wonderful way that young mothers and fathers will not have time to look back, as their little one will run away from them, not only throughout the apartment, but throughout the yard, it is simply necessary to give him the opportunity to get to this himself. After all, the problem of why girls cannot be planted before 6 months is more likely to concern not the baby herself, but her parents.

At that moment, when she is ready for this both physically and psychologically, she will rise herself, without asking either permission or advice. It is important for mom and dad to prepare her for this, but not to rush. Theoretically, it is already possible to plant children from six months, but since everyone has their own pace of development, for some babies this can happen at five months, others will sit down at seven.

Hurry - you'll hurt the girl

There are many myths regarding why girls should not be planted before 6 months. The most common is the theory that in the case of an early sitting down, the baby will certainly face female problems in the future. Orthopedists and gynecologists have refuted this legend for a long time, medical science claims that this pathology does not depend on when the child began to sit down or when he sat down himself. The bend can occur as a kind of congenital anomaly or be acquired, which is caused by various infectious diseases.

But why it is impossible to plant a child early, in fact, pediatricians tell without secrets and roundabouts. A fragile spine, which is not supported by a developed muscular corset, as a result of an irrational load, bends in an absolutely unnatural way for itself. If a mother does not want her daughter's back to be an arc in the future, it is better not to rush into a sitting position.

Shall we sit?

Frightened by recommendations and warnings, parents often oppose the natural course of events. That is, the matter looks exactly the opposite: the baby is not yet six months old, she is already pulling herself up behind the bars of the crib or the wall of the arena and sitting evenly, like a column. Seeing such a picture, parents put the crumbs on their shoulder blades, try to keep them in this position with jokes and jokes, because they know that when girls are seated at such a young age, this is fraught with health problems.

We hasten to reassure worried parents: if the child is ready to sit, he himself is not what he wants, but brings his desire to life, then so be it. Doctors recommend not to strain the small back too much and try to change the position of the girl, but not laying her down, but stimulating crawling, standing on all fours, followed by rocking. All these exercises help to strengthen the back and spine, contribute to the harmonious and smooth development of the body.

Physiology of a girl up to six months

For six months of her life, the little lady has come a long way. Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, she could only lie on the bed and randomly move her arms and legs. Every month, the parents watched their princess grow stronger, at first she improved, she realized that she could lead not only her parents, but also her limbs.

By turning the baby on her tummy, the mother changes the world of the baby, after a few weeks the girl can keep her head up for several minutes and look at the world around her. It is quite natural that after another couple of weeks she wants to spin herself from one barrel to another, and then roll over on her tummy and back on her back, without waiting for mercy from her parents.

The older the girl becomes, the more intensive her development is. Girls at 6 months old can almost always sit, they have learned to crawl in a plastunsky way, get on all fours. They are happy to play with their favorite toys, take, put or throw them on their own. Parents should in every possible way encourage the movement of their baby, be cunning, laying out objects dear to her heart to the side, then she will have an incentive to crawl and turn. In addition, the list of acceptable physical exercises is significantly expanding. Fitball classes can be connected to swimming and developmental gymnastics.

Required Skills

At this stage, parents are often interested in doctors: what should a girl be able to do at 6 months?

  • A six-month-old child is very active, in order to satisfy the thirst for knowledge, he must be able to turn his head and turn his whole body, sit, roll over, get on all fours, try to crawl, take objects with his hands and put them back.
  • Developing fine motor skills, you can help with this by letting the baby feel objects that are different in texture, temperature, strength and size. It can be educational toys bought in children's stores or made by yourself, it really doesn't matter to kids what to play with, as long as there is variety.
  • Children at 6 months are quite developed intellectually and emotionally. They already know their surroundings, they know how to show grief, joy, anxiety, delight. They have gastronomic preferences, taste preferences are formed.
  • The child can focus on moving objects very well and loves to play with a ball, a car, he likes toys that have something to pull on, there are rotating and moving elements.

So what?

Someone, after reading these lines, will be happy for their baby, someone may be alarmed. What if the baby does not know how to perform certain actions, is he really behind in development? It is not necessary at all - any lag or problems with the statokinetic, physical or psychological state of babies is a question that the doctor must approve or refute.

If, in your opinion, the time has come when it is time to plant girls, and your baby still does not want to please her parents, you should not force her to sit down, it is better to turn to specialists.

A pediatrician can identify primary problems and assess the degree of lagging behind certain norms in a comprehensive manner. It is important to consider the presence of concomitant diseases, whether the child was born full-term, with normal weight and height, or they were insufficient, whether he had problems with muscle tone or other neurological symptoms.

If you forcefully try to seat the child, and do it often and for a long time, problems with the back of the baby cannot be avoided in the future. With a curvature of the spine, not only the musculoskeletal system will suffer (which in itself is very bad), but also the internal organs can develop abnormally due to displacement.

First Steps: Help or Harm?

In the context of this problem, another question regarding such a device as a walker will be relevant: can they be used for girls or not? Definitely not, if the baby is not sitting on her own. And their further use is a matter of developing walking skills.

The manufacturers of this accessory claim that it does not cause harm. A number of pediatricians also do not see a problem in using walkers. The other half of children's doctors, including pediatricians, physiotherapists, and orthopedists, argue that the mechanism for moving babies in walkers has nothing to do with normal walking. Often, babies do not want to learn to walk on their own, because for this you need to learn how to put your foot on the right foot, keep your balance, and sometimes fall.

Of course, even those kids who run in walkers for up to a year or longer will eventually say goodbye to this thing and walk on their own, the question is different: is it worth delaying this moment for the sake of short-term unloading of parents?

Princess Pot

Another great place that kids use as a sort of seat is the potty. Very often, young mothers are attacked with urgent recommendations by highly experienced grandmothers, with all their hearts they advise to teach the child to the potty as early as possible. When will this age come? Child psychologists unanimously claim that the child will understand completely and irrevocably why he needs this item of personal hygiene after a year. Until that time, he can be introduced to the pot, starting with demonstrative plantings (but not earlier than 6 months), which will last just a couple of minutes (no more than five!).

Due to the fact that you can’t sit on such a “throne” for a long time, pediatricians do not recommend purchasing a potty with built-in toys, musical accompaniment, a steering wheel, buttons and other devices. The pot is not a developing or entertaining complex, but just a vessel for urinating.