We choose a carrier for the child - a kangaroo, an ergo backpack, a hipster or a sling. Is an ergonomic backpack suitable for carrying newborns?

Choosing a baby carrier - kangaroo, ergo backpack, hipsit or sling

To make a mother’s life a little more convenient and easier, more and more various child care devices are appearing.

Carrying bags that have come into use have become such an alternative to heavy and clumsy strollers. But if a few years ago the assortment consisted mainly of various “kangaroos”, now slings, ergo backpacks, and hipsits have appeared.

Let's figure out how they all differ from each other.

Kangaroo backpack

In a kangaroo backpack, the little one is positioned with his back to his mother, facing the rest of the world. His legs hang down, and support is provided only by the small base of the backpack, into which the child’s butt rests. It is believed that in this design it increases. Therefore, before reaching six months of age It is highly not recommended to walk with your baby in a kangaroo backpack. Yes and after 6 months time spent in it should not exceed two hours.

In addition to the main disadvantage of the kangaroo - the unphysiological position of the baby, the first models have other imperfections. Their shoulder straps are too narrow. For this reason and due to the lack of a waist strap, mom's shoulders and back will quickly get tired and sore. But fortunately, in expensive backpacks these nuances are taken into account and corrected.

Ergonomic backpack

An ergo backpack could be called an analogue of a “kangaroo”, but this is wrong. Unlike the imperfect design of a kangaroo backpack, the ergo backpack is sewn to provide correct physiological position toddler.

In the ergo backpack, the child is positioned facing the mother. Due to the wide base, the legs are well supported under the knees and hips. Moreover, their widespread breeding is even a preventive measure. The tight back fits the baby's body, drawing him closer to his mother, which removes excess stress from the spine.

The shoulder straps are wide and soft, they can be worn parallel or crossed on the back, then it will be even easier for mom. A wide belt running along the hips takes some of the load off the spine and lumbar region, so your favorite burden seems completely light. All straps and straps are fastened with special fastex, which are complemented by safety mounts. Thus, the baby will not fall out of the backpack.

Ride mom in An ergo backpack can be worn by a toddler from 3-4 months to three years, while kangaroos are designed to weigh up to 9-10 kilograms. It is easy to seat the child not only in front of you, but also behind your back or on. Only there is no “facing the world” position. This is not an accident: there is an opinion that the baby should not be turned away from his mother, he should be able to look at her at any moment and make sure that she is nearby.

Such different slings

Long woven fabrics can surprise those who see them for the first time. It seems inconceivable how these 5-6 meters of fabric can be wrapped around oneself, and even place a child there. But those who have mastered winding scarf slings will say that it is no more difficult than tying shoelaces. Fortunately, manufacturers produce detailed instructions on use, and the Internet is full of competent videos and step-by-step tutorials for beginners.

The sling scarf, like its “brother” with rings or the May Sling, provides the same natural and correct position as an ergo backpack. The fabric in slings is diagonally woven; it does not stretch and allows you to securely hold the child. The material literally hugs the baby.

Although a sling with rings looks simpler than a long scarf, it has some disadvantages. Due to the fact that it passes over only one shoulder, the load is distributed asymmetrically on the mother’s back. It is usually used for newborns and for short walks.

Also in the scarf You can carry your baby from the first month, but first only in a lying position. Older toddlers are planted vertically when they confidently hold their heads up. The May-sling has a simplified design; it is closer to an ergo-backpack; people ride in it children from six months and older.


A hipsit looks more like a small seat on a wide strap that fastens on the belt. It does not have any additional fastenings; the child is simply placed on top, holding it with his hands. It is often chosen by mothers of mischievous children who like to run a lot, but sometimes don’t mind jumping on their arms. For Hipsit is not very suitable for long walking promenades, but it’s suitable for going out onto the site.

The cost of carriers varies greatly. Expensive models from elite manufacturers are of good quality, but you can also find decent options among the cheaper ones. But you need to try on any backpack, adjust it, seat the baby and see if it is comfortable for him and you. It’s a good idea to feel the scarf slings before purchasing, and scrunch them in your hands. Budget models often feel more rigid to the touch and will have to be washed several times first. In many cities there are special showrooms where you can try on several models and consult with a consultant. And some mothers, knowing that slings from well-known manufacturers do not wear out after one owner, even buy them second-hand.

But no matter how much a carrier costs, it is important to understand its purpose and features. It is better to choose physiologically correct carriers, and if you received a kangaroo backpack as a gift, then you should not neglect the wearing rules so as not to harm the baby.

Hello, our dear readers.

This article will tell you how to carry a baby and what to choose for this. With the advent of various baby carriers, a lot of controversy raises the question of what better sling or ergo backpack.

But is this comparison necessary if each method of carrying children has its own characteristics, each adapts to a certain age and anatomical features of the newborn and mother.

It would be much easier to simply describe the characteristics of each model of carrying a toddler, leaving the choice to mothers who can independently decide what goal they need to achieve.

The main difference between a May sling is that you can use it to carry a newborn from the very first months of life, without waiting for the time when he begins to hold his back or sit.

The May Sling is simply a fabric scarf that is attached to the mother and baby using long straps that cross behind the back of the mother and baby, wrapping around the waist, where it is simply tied with a knot that is convenient for you.

This solution is ideal for newborns only because the structure of the May Sling allows you to reliably support the fragile back of a newborn so that the load on it is minimal. Minimal changes fastenings are made by simply tightening the straps or loosening them.

The disadvantage of the design, according to most mothers, is the excessively long straps, which, if desired, can be used to wipe the entire floor of a clinic or other public place if the need suddenly arises to remove the child.

In addition, tying the straps every time is a little inconvenient, especially when adapting to the May Sling. When the necessary skills and speed are not yet available. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to remove the child without completely untying the structure.


Fastling is much more convenient for fastening and unfastening. The basis of the fastling structure is only strong straps and plastic latches. The more expensive the model, the stronger its design, since the manufacturer does not skimp on materials.

Thus, the child is carried already when the baby begins to sit. Baby's back in this case It is not supported as well as in a May sling, therefore, this option is more for the mother.

Moreover, if the fastling is chosen incorrectly, the little one will quickly get tired of sitting. Consider the size of your baby’s butt and try to ensure that the seat fits him.

The fastling is quick to put on and quick to take off. Once! Please, mother kangaroo. Two! The baby is already in your arms, you can give your back a rest by handing over your beloved child to dad or grandma. Need to reattach? Please! Everything is easy and fast, which is why it is called fast.

However, this design has disadvantages. If you know the construction of trident fasteners, you may have encountered the adjustment of such fasteners. If suddenly you need to send your baby with dad or grandma, and take care of urgent matters yourself, you will have to spend a long time adjusting your fast to someone else’s body, as they say. And then again to your own, well, it’s much easier.

And also, low-quality cheap models of fast cars often have fasteners that are not strong enough; the mother has to constantly insure the little one so that he does not make his first flight to the asphalt.

In general, the design is comfortable enough to carry a baby up to about a year. Later it will be slightly problematic, since the load in the fast goes to my mother’s back. Well, as they say, she is not official.

Ergo backpack

An ergo backpack is similar in structure to a fastling, it also has fasteners, and is also quite comfortable and easy to put on and take off. It also copes well with its main function - it takes the load off the back and transfers the entire weight of the baby to the mother’s hips. And the ergo backpack is very convenient for the little one, since he sits securely in an improvised anatomical “cradle”.

The basis of the ergo backpack design is a wide belt that tightly clasps the mother’s waist and rests on the hips. It is he who takes the entire load from the weight of the baby and allows the mother to move freely with the baby, without fear of evening attacks of back pain.

Otherwise, its design is the same as that of fast.

I can add from myself that I used the ergo backpack with great pleasure. I find it very convenient and practical. My back really rested, and the baby happily looked at the world around her in full confidence that her mother was nearby.

Each mother will decide for herself what to choose from these models, based on whether she wants to place the load on her back or hips.

And yet what is better? If you haven’t solved this issue for yourself from this article, perhaps you should look at the most common convenient baby carrier models, then all questions will disappear by themselves.

Choose: May-sling, fast-sling orergonomic backpack.

Our website has already accumulated a lot of letters when mothers ask: What is better to choose? May or fast? Backpack or fast? What is the difference?

I decided to collect all the differences between these carriers to make it easier for mothers to make their choice. The characteristics described below apply exclusively to slings TM “Guslenok” - some nuances may differ from other manufacturers.

So, let's begin.

Fastening principle.

The principle of fastening gives us an understanding of what and how the child is fastened in the carrier.


pros: Very easy to tie. In addition, when you tie the belt or straps, you can always tighten them as you see fit. Personally, I've always liked this May Sling.

And one more thing: tied straps are always more secure than fastened ones.

Minuses: it is essentially the same - the straps themselves are very long. Hence all the possible disadvantages.

If you are dressing your May Sling on the street or in public place- the strap will somehow touch the floor. It is unpleasant. And if you are still a beginner sling mother, and there are still very few people like you in the city, this may confuse you.

On skinny mothers without outerwear The straps will tie the waist in 2 layers. True, considering the fact that they are linen, there is no particular problem in this. Linen absorbs moisture well and even has a bactericidal effect.

Yes, and one more thing: you won’t be able to quickly remove the May-sling. You'll have to untie all the straps.

Fast sling.

pros: fastening, and most importantly, unfastening the fast sling is very simple! There is no need to untie anything - you pressed the fastex - and the fasteners bounced off on their own and here is your baby.

Short straps and a belt make this carrier compact and lightweight. You will not sweep the floor with these straps.

Hello! Huge selection of slings. But I still want to stop at one thing. Seasons spring-summer-autumn. My daughter is six months old, weight 7800, height 66 cm. Use for household chores, for hiking. Also to have the opportunity to breastfeed. Please advise which sling to choose. Thank you.

2017-05-06 20:20

Administrator's response:
Hello. You can take a Standard backpack. This is any color, comfortable to wear in front, on the hip, behind the back. Quick and easy adjustment. Your task is to choose a color.

Hello. I don’t know which carrier to choose. The baby is large, we are now 4 months old, weigh 8.5 kg, height 68. Please tell me

2017-05-03 08:33

Administrator's response:
Hello. You can choose carriers from this list. The Standard backpack is conditional, since you are already suitable for it in terms of weight and height, but not in terms of age (skills), but with consultation in our group and wearing it correctly, it can also be used.


Good afternoon I really want to start carrying my baby in a sling to free up my hands for household chores. Help me choose. We are 6.5 months old, weight 7200, height 68, girl. We are not sitting by ourselves yet. I plan to wear it both at home and outside. Thank you in advance!

2017-05-02 21:42

Administrator's response:
Hello. For household chores, it is better to carry it on the back, as it is more convenient to cook and wash dishes when the child is behind. In terms of weight, you are a little small for the Standard, but this is a small thing, so I think it’s best to take the Standard. You can wear it until the end (2-3 years)

Good afternoon Thank you so much for your work! I have been using your products since 2010. I am already carrying my third baby in my sling. Please remind us what weight and age parameters of a child allow the baby’s legs to be released when worn in a sling. I only remember the age - 5 months.

Natalia 2017-04-27 13:33

Administrator's response:
Hello. He, no.. what are you talking about)) May-sling has already had its legs out since 2 months. 5 months is the minimum wearing age for classic backpacks.

Hello! I read all your recommendations... but I still couldn’t determine whether the backpack would suit me...
So our parameters: the girl is now 4.5 months old, weight 6.5 kg, height 62 cm. As the weather gets warmer, I want to wear her outside and at home.
I liked the lightweight anti-crisis backpack. Will it suit us? (taking into account the fact that by the time we get the backpack we will have time to grow a little)
For a more “hugging” effect, I wanted to order it from scarf fabric. Or does the type of fabric not play a strong role?
and lastly... did I understand correctly that there are only 4 colors of scarf fabrics?
Thank you

2017-04-20 14:29

Administrator's response:
Hello. The following fit your parameters: May, fast, Comfort backpack and Hybrid backpack. It is advisable to wear anti-crisis from 5 months, so yes, until it comes, until you start to master it... I think it can also be included in this list.
Of course, in backpacks, the hug is achieved not through fabrics, but through grooves and raised seams. But the scarf fabric itself is more flexible and pleasant to the touch. There are only TWO scarf colors. Aqua and Lavender.
There is also some orange scarf-like fabric. Jacquard circles denim has a jacquard weave. but the fabric is very thick. Here it is difficult to compare it with a scarf. it is most likely closer to jeans.

Hello. The child is 3.5 months old, weight 5600, height 54 cm. I want to buy a backpack or fast food. What do you recommend? Is an anti-crisis backpack suitable?

2017-04-18 20:11

Administrator's response:
Hello. Fast is still too early for you... and in general, fast is already an outdated carrier. At your age, you can still either Comfort or Hybrid.
Anti-crisis is possible from 4-5 months, at a price, it is actually the same as a fast sling, but it has a more comfortable belt, a more prominent back and it is possible to additionally install shock absorbers for better knee support for older children.

Hello! I want to buy a sling as a gift for a friend, she will give birth to her second child very soon, the first is 1.5 years old. She watched the video and is leaning towards the scarf, but I just read the article about May-slings. Did I understand correctly that they can be used from birth and do not need to be tied each time (adjusting them once is enough)? Will it be convenient to use a sling when walking with an older child? I have no experience in this, but I want the sling to help

Elena 2017-04-13 15:45

Administrator's response:
Hello. For newborns, a scarf and sling with rings are best. May - only vertical wearing, I do not recommend using it from birth. My sling gets tied every time. And in general... all slings for newborns require mastering. “Adjusted once” is not for newborns, as it is important that everything is tensioned correctly. When walking with your second child, the sling is very comfortable, as the mother’s hands are free. You can lead one by the hand (roll in a stroller, on a bicycle), and the youngest will sleep sweetly on his mother’s chest.

12 August 2013, 19:07

Beginner sling mothers often do not understand these four concepts and get confused.

So which is more convenient? The answer may seem unexpected to some - nothing)

Each option is convenient and suitable in certain situations.

How to choose?

First, let's look at it from a security point of view. carrying small passengers.

Not all of these slings can be used to carry a newborn or a child in the first months of life without potential harm to health. From birth, of these four carriers, only the scarfomai is conditionally suitable - a May-sling, sewn from scarf fabric (for example, double diagonal or jacquard weaving), with wide single-layer shoulder straps.


Why scarfomai? Compared to backpacks, fasts and classic May-slings, the scarfomai has a greater ability to adapt to the child’s size and tightly support the child’s spine. All this is achieved due to the plasticity of the fabric, which moves well diagonally, as well as due to wide single-layer straps, which, to a certain extent, make it possible to pinpoint the back of the sling in those areas where it is necessary. The height and width of the backrest can also be adjusted by tucking and gathering the sling.

Video instructions for scarfomaya:

The classic May-sling, sewn from ordinary fabric, with narrow, padded straps, can only be used when your baby is already holds his head confidently and, lying on his stomach, can raise his upper body, resting his arms.


Why such restrictions? In a May-sling, just like in a scarf-sling, we can reduce the width and height of the back, however, the fabric and the entire structure are much less flexible than those of a scarf-sling and therefore, by tightening the shoulder straps, we often fail to give the child a physiological position; instead, we get a weakly taut shoulder girdle and blurred m-position of the legs, rather reminiscent of the letter “p”. Those. A newborn baby or a baby up to about 3-4 months cannot buy this option.

Let's move on to the fast sling and ergo backpack. There is another aspect with fast slings that is unknown to many. Many people consider a fast sling to be something similar to a may sling, only with clasps. This is fundamentally wrong - fast sling - younger brother ergonomic backpack, and if in a plastic May-sling we can physiologically safely place small child, then we should approach fast slings and backpacks when our child can sit.

Fast sling

Ergo backpack:

A fast sling is an ergo-backpack without a tight belt, i.e. usually less load-bearing. The shoulder straps of a fast sling can also be lightweight, without foam rubber/sintepon inside. However, now there are ergonomic backpacks with such straps, so the line between an ergonomic backpack and a fast sling is blurry, and in any case, all the differences in designs somehow come down to the comfort of the wearer. A CHILD IN A FAST SLING AND IN A BACKPACK IS IN THE SAME CONDITIONS.

Therefore, if you are told that fast is suitable for babies, and ergo is for older children, you are being misled! It is advisable to start using both a fast sling and a backpack when the child can sit. If the back of your fast sling or ergo backpack is not adjustable in width, I strongly recommend that you start using these types of slings no earlier than your baby sits up. If you buy a fast food or a backpack with a non-adjustable backrest for a child who cannot sit yet, TRY IT ON FIRST! If the fast or backpack is too wide for the child, you run the risk of causing your baby’s legs to hyperextend, which is harmful for the child’s hip joints. If the child is not yet large enough and does not fill the volume of a backpack or fast, the support for the child’s spine will be insufficient, which negatively affects the development of the still fragile spine of the child who cannot sit independently.

Video instructions for the ergo backpack:

So, if you buy a backpack or fast sling with a non-adjustable back and without trying it on (for example, via the Internet), your child should already be able to sit independently.

In what cases is it possible to carry a child in a fastener or sling from the age of confidently holding the head and shoulder girdle (the child rises, resting his arms on the surface)? When a backpack or fast fits the child perfectly in size - the back is not wide, the child completely fills the volume of the backpack or fast (as a rule, this is either a large child, or a non-standard small backpack or fast sling).


Scarfomai - can be used from birth

May-sling - the child confidently holds his head and back

Fast sling and ergo backpack - the child confidently holds his head and back ( ! if the carrier is the perfect size for the child!), but better from the age of independent sitting.

Those. The more complex the structure of the carrier, the less it adapts to the child, the more it ADJUSTS the child to itself.

What is more convenient for a parent?

At the beginning I must clarify that this is extremely individual question and depends primarily on you personally and your characteristics.

There are general points, which, however, should not be considered the ultimate truth.

For example, an ergonomic backpack removes a significant part of the load from our back and distributes it to the hips due to the tight bandage belt. Those. As a rule, it is more load-bearing and convenient to use with heavier children. BUT! If you have a strong, trained back and problem legs, a fast sling is better for you, because... there, almost the entire load goes on the back, the light belt takes on only a small part.

It distributes the load well over the back of the person wearing the scarf - the wide straps made of scarf fabric are straightened across the mother's back and we get almost the same effect as from a scarf - the heaviest of all types of carriers.

May-sling - for medium-sized and middle-aged children. You can't carry the little ones in it, and it can be hard for the big ones.

If you need the coolest option, use a scarf or fast sling with unpadded straps.

There are a lot of such moments, so it is better to measure before buying, if possible. What may be suitable for your friends will not necessarily be convenient for you.

Happy babywearing everyone!

Angry comments from opponents of slings will be deleted, so don’t bother writing them

How to choose the right sling based on such criteria as material? To do this, you first need to decide for what time of year you need a sling. Of course, in the summer it is better to give preference to light ones. natural fabrics, for example, linen, silk or cotton. In winter, knitted and woolen multi-layer slings are at your service, which will give your child additional warmth. When choosing a sling, you need to take into account the age of the child. A sling for newborns must be soft. Slings made of cotton, bamboo, and knitted slings are great for babies.

Even if we understand the advantage of a sling, choosing the right one is often impossible. Such a variety of models is simply dizzying. Well, let's try to figure out what's what.

Ring sling

Why is it worth paying attention to? It is convenient due to the fact that two rings are sewn into the material, thanks to which the sling can be fixed as convenient for you. Such a sling will be useful for those mothers who have just discovered this wonderful thing. This model also has a minus: children weighing over 8 kg will be difficult to carry. Due to the fact that the load is on one shoulder, you will have to alternate them.


This model is conveniently fixed to the body using special belt straps. Thanks to this, the load from the weight of the child is distributed over the entire back of the mother, and does not fall on one shoulder, as in previous model. Negative sides This includes the inability to adjust the straps and difficulty placing the child in a horizontal position.

Sling scarf

This model is convenient because you can tie the sling in any manner you like. In any position of this sling, the load from the weight of the child will again fall on the entire back, and not on one of the shoulders. The downside is that this sling takes a long time to put on. And you won’t be able to get the child out of it without disturbing him if he’s sleeping.

Sling pocket

Quite a popular model, which is a pocket into which a child can fit compactly. It is convenient because the baby can easily fit into it and can just as easily be removed without getting tangled in the fabric. But the load will fall on one shoulder, so you will have to often move the sling from side to side.

Aqua sling

You will need this model if you want to accustom your child to water from a young age. Indeed, such a sling allows you to swim together in the pool, for example. It is usually made of waterproof fabric that does not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through.

We've sorted out the recommended models. Are there any that are better not to pay attention to? You need to avoid the so-called kangaroo backpacks. Despite the seemingly practical idea, most often such backpacks do not meet the standards at all. They negatively affect the baby’s health, as they cannot offer a position that is comfortable for the child. It may be convenient for parents to carry their child in such a backpack, but it is not so convenient for the child to be in it, especially for a long time.