Interaction between the dow and the traffic police. Entertainment on traffic rules with the participation of a traffic police inspector in the middle group of a kindergarten

COMPARISON IS THE MOTHER OF VIOLENCE... “Look what beautiful girl! “It’s because she’s wearing a dress,” I heard, and “the old yeast fermented” again. Step by step we are driving children into an inferiority complex. Consistently and systematically. It will manifest itself in studies, in friendship, in love. Because that's who we are. We don’t know how to do otherwise and we don’t want to learn. There is no need, we somehow live! Somehow... The position of a person who grew up in constant comparison and evaluation will never be “I live here and now”, “I feel good”, “I feel it like this”, but only - I am worse (better)”, “on me” they didn’t look at it right now,” “I look like a complete idiot,” “my mother finally called me a good fellow,” “I must be hungry,” etc. The trick of the trap is that we ourselves become entangled in our own manipulations. So, in one situation we easily say, “Look how N. studies well,” and in another we do not allow the child to say, “Everyone got C grades on the test, and N. too.” In the second case, we immediately retort: ​​“I’m not interested in others - I have my own son!” Why! Not interested! On the contrary, this is the only thing that interests me now. And lastly, my son's feelings. I'm worse than others! I'm a bad parent! What will happen if everyone finds out... I just myself, as a father, am not able to cope with with your own feelings . And the comparison and evaluation tool is always at hand. But of course! How many years did you study? Comparison corrodes the soul more than violence. It, in a certain sense, is the mother of violence. The difference is that in a situation of violence they put pressure on me, but when I am taught to constantly compare, I begin to put pressure on myself. Always. Moreover, unlike reflection, when a person tries to understand his own desires and motivations, here all we do is suffer. And there is no road to this: flour leads nowhere. After all, even if I learn to fly in order to outdo my friend’s nose, my pleasure will be short, dubious and aggressive. After all, it was not I who learned to fly - it was my friend who taught me. We often observe one of the results of this approach: “I have a new car,” the boy joyfully reports in the morning. “And mine is even better! They'll buy me two! Your car is bad,” - possible answers. At the same time, of course, the normal reaction of a free person is: “Cool car! Happy for you! Let me play! Great!" etc. Don't we really want it that way? Or does our own inferiority complex no longer allow us to even want? Teaching a person to be the best means forever putting him in a difficult situation. Strictly speaking, from that moment on he begins to exist only on the condition that others exist. There are no more joys, sufferings, successes. There are only comparisons, only continuous comparisons. “The boy doesn’t cry!” - And here I am, crying! Can you imagine?! I'm crying! Because it hurts me! I need warmth and help, not comparison! “What a beautiful girl in a skirt,” - But I really like trousers. Do you want to talk to the point? Speak! Let's argue! And the girl has absolutely nothing to do with it. I know, I know in advance the examples that will be given to me: Mozart and others like him. If they were not forced to be better than others, nothing would have come of them... Not true! Firstly, we don’t know what would work and what wouldn’t. And secondly, I don’t know any more unhappy people than others who are “better than others.” “At work we are like in an ice hole, in bed we are like at war” (c). Wonderful result. The need to constantly prove ourselves - to dad, teachers, friends - destroys our children. A person finally loses the right to selfhood. To an independent self. “But I can defeat everyone, but she can’t,” the little boy tells me, pointing to his sister and seeking my approval. Do you think this is his nature? Do you reassure yourself that it was not you who taught him? Just like you! And all of us. Today, the criterion of success is increasingly becoming harmony, the ability to correctly choose what a person likes, the ability to correspond to oneself. Fulfilling your own aspirations is no easier than defeating a mythical enemy (after inventing him, of course). Often hearing yourself and achieving your own goal is much more difficult than simply competing with someone. This serious work requires, first of all, internal freedom. Which appears only subject to the existence of a person’s right to himself. Without conditions and indemnities. Without the neighbor's boy and medal-winning dad. Just like that. Because this right is by nature. Maybe we shouldn't take it away? © Dima Zitser

Olesya Shamanova

On July 3, our country celebrates a holiday - State Safety Inspectorate Day. Road Traffic. In honor of this, at the MBDOU " Kindergarten"Sun" was organized meeting with employees of ORUD-GAI-STSI.

Teaching children safety road movement is one of the main tasks adults: parents, teachers, and also inspectors traffic police. As road accident statistics show, children remain the most vulnerable participants traffic . Of particular importance in solving this problem is the early and proper preparation of our youngest pedestrians.

Carrying out such events is more effective if it is accompanied by practical exercises. Yes, in our kindergarten educational entertainment about the rules was held with the children traffic, in which they took part ORUD-GAI-STSI employees: boss Traffic police ZATO Svobodny, Andriyanov Alexey Nikolaevich, traffic police inspector Olga Egorovna Marchenkova, traffic police inspector Kirill Vyacheslavovich Kryzhanovsky, and Old Woman Shapoklyak, who knew nothing about the rules, came running to visit traffic.

The inspectors spoke about how children should behave in roads, which road signs need to know and what to do to prevent road-transport accident, and the children learned the rules for crossing the roadway and learned what rules apply to passengers in transport. The children answered questions and sorted out road situations involving road layout, guessed riddles, recited poems, and took part in fun competitions. The entertainment turned out to be interesting and very educational!

Getting to know employee department made an indelible impression on the children. And on the street a surprise awaited the children - a real car traffic police. The children listened attentively to the inspector's story about the vehicle's configuration, and each child had the opportunity to turn on the siren and contact the department duty officer by radio. Traffic police ZATO Svobodny, and also sit in the car and feel like a real inspector traffic police. They even tried to record a speed violation with a real device. "Visor"

Such meetings with traffic police officers will teach children how to

act effectively in difficult situations that arise in the road. This in turn will help reduce the number road-transport accidents involving children.

Information prepared: Shamanova O. G., Khromova N. V.

Publications on the topic:

Entertainment “Dunno and the Road ABC” Entertainment “Dunno and the Road ABC” Prepared by: teacher Bezrukova O. V. Petrovskoe - 2015 Presenter.

Fun with parents "Road ABC" Participants: children and their parents. Host: Good evening! We are pleased to welcome you to our family holiday"Road ABC" We all are.

All of us - teachers, parents, educators - are trying to answer the question: "How to ensure safety and healthy image life for our children?" Since one of the main tasks kindergarten is to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of preschool children. Ensuring the safety of children on the road remains a priority problem for society. This is evidenced by targeted programs adopted at both the federal and regional levels.

A child finds himself in various life situations in which he may simply become confused. We, adults, must develop in preschoolers the ability to act adequately and consciously in a given environment, help them master basic street behavior skills, and develop independence and responsibility.

In our institution, issues of ensuring road safety are often discussed at teacher councils, consultations, and seminars. We analyze the work, share experiences, and learn from each other.

It is important to teach young citizens the rules of behavior on the streets and roads as early as possible. It is necessary to introduce the ABCs of traffic before school, then the child begins to become aware of the world around him and is able to remember what adults say and show.

It is at this age that children should receive their first information about the rules of the road.

The organization of work to prevent road accidents plays a major role in solving this problem. The practice of our institution has currently included a program on the basics of children's life safety, aimed at developing in a child the skills of correct behavior in unusual situations on the road - this is the program "Fundamentals of Child Safety preschool age"(Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B.).

In each group, teachers, together with parents, have created “safety corners”, which are constantly updated, because The age composition of the group changes. The material presented in the corners is varied: these are attributes for role-playing games, road layouts, board and printed games that help to better remember and assimilate the ABCs of behavior on the road, etc.

In many ways, the safety of a pedestrian depends on his compliance with the rules of behavior on the street, therefore it is necessary to develop in children knowledge about the rules of road safety through didactic games and exercises, outdoor games, and plot-based activities. role playing games etc.

We develop children's skills for safe behavior on the road both in direct educational activities and in regime moments. In order to make children more interested in traffic rules, we closely cooperate with the Isaklinsky State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

We organized a competition of drawings on asphalt. The children, fascinated, diligently drew a traffic light, the authors best works were awarded sweet prizes.

Also, a competition of children’s drawings “I’m on the road”, “Let drivers and children be friends on the planet”, etc. was held more than once. At parent meetings, traffic police officers presented certificates to the winners.

Systematically, my preschoolers and I go on excursions to traffic lights, to intersections, where traffic police officers introduce children to road markings, road signs, etc.

In the process of teaching preschool children the skills of safe behavior on the road, we have our own “zest”. We pay great attention to holding promotions. First of all, they teach children the rules of relationships with adults.

In preparation for the action, the teacher, together with the children, draws up the text of a leaflet with an appeal to adults. For example, a leaflet may contain an appeal to both drivers and pedestrians. Then we, together with the children and traffic police officers, organize the distribution of leaflets, commenting on the appeal. Thus, we form in the child a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous to humans. We carried out the campaigns “Buckle yourself and your child”, “Attention children”, “Mom is waiting for us at home” and others.

A unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way to implement a person-oriented approach to education is the project method, in which we involve not only teachers, students and parents of preschool educational institutions, but also traffic police officers. In practical activities, we were convinced that children in the process of properly organized project activities learn to independently obtain knowledge and find answers to questions posed. Later, when faced with a new problem, they can use their skills to find a solution. The emergence of a problem becomes not a dead end for them, but a way to continue self-development. We hope that, having learned to act in this way in preschool age, our children in later life will be capable of non-standard, creative solutions to assigned problems and will be able to meet the requirements of their contemporary society.

We have implemented the following projects “Everyone should know the rules of the road”, “Educating a cultural pedestrian”, etc.

Together with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, we also organize holidays and entertainment, where children go on exciting journeys and help those who do not yet know the basics of the road. Little pedestrians and passengers learn the basics of the road alphabet through play and creativity. Traffic police officers took part in the entertainment “Red, Yellow, Green”, “Zebra Stripes”, etc.

Thus, the work to develop children’s skills for safe behavior on the road covers all types of activities. The child passes the acquired knowledge through productive activities, and then implements it in games and everyday life outside our institution.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Igrinsky" held a preventive event "Road ABC" in the MBDOU "Igrinsky kindergarten No. 9".

As part of the event, kindergarten students staged a theatrical performance on knowledge of traffic rules. They, together with the traffic police inspector in game form showed the rules for crossing the roadway, and also recalled dangerous situations that often arise on the road. Having made sure that each child remembered the Rules well, the next stage was an exciting competition on the Rules of the Road. Children had to assemble correctly road signs and name them, plot a safe route from home to kindergarten, correctly identify the parts of a bicycle and be able to understand various road situations.

After the exciting competition, the children watched educational cartoons and the inspector told the children about the importance of using reflective elements in the dark and gave everyone a flicker as a gift.

Especially distinguished experts in traffic rules were awarded diplomas and sweet prizes.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate hope that the children have learned that the road is not a place for games and entertainment, and the knowledge collected on this day will help them safely spend the remaining summer holidays.

topics: traffic police

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate carried out preventive measures for minors "Road ABC"

Traffic inspectors from Syktyvkar visited the pupils of kindergarten No. 53 and held an event to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

Taking into account the age of the children, traffic inspectors organized creative activities that develop attention and interest in learning the rules of the road. Yes, students junior groups using an illustration from the cartoon "Smeshariki" on a special form, they drew road signs, a zebra crossing and a traffic light with colored pencils. Older children cut out flicker stickers from reflective paper with adhesive backing.

During the lessons, traffic inspectors reminded preschoolers about the basic rules of behavior on the street, road signs, traffic lights and discussed road traps.

State traffic inspectors are confident that it is necessary to teach traffic rules and instill the habit of following them from an early age.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Komi Republic visited today one of the children's playgrounds in the city of Syktyvkar.

The children played games, solved riddles and answered questions about their knowledge of traffic rules, which were prepared by traffic police officers. The children completed all tasks with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, while showing good knowledge traffic rules. A master class on the production of reflective elements was also organized. The children used stencils to make reflective elements for themselves and stuck them on their bags and outerwear.

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Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Smolensk District at the Ryabinushka Child Development Center conducted a preventive event “Little Pedestrian”

Employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in the Smolensk region, as part of the preventive event “Child Pedestrian”, continue the practice of carrying out preventive measures with children’s children preschool institutions, due to the onset summer period and the more frequent appearance of children in yards and on the streets.

In order to avoid traffic accidents involving minor road users, as well as to once again remind young pedestrians how to properly cross the roadway, what “road traps” are, and why pedestrians need reflective elements on their clothing, the traffic police inspector conducted a lesson with preschool pupils.

During the event, preschool children repeated road signs, rules for crossing the roadway, took part in a traffic rules quiz, guessed riddles, and took part in outdoor games. The event turned out to be bright and memorable. The guys repeated such concepts as “road”, “pedestrian crossing”, “traffic light”, and analyzed various situations in which children who violate traffic rules may find themselves.

The entertainment program "Road Kaleidoscope" was held in a kindergarten in Kholmsk

Kholmsk, together with teachers of the kindergarten "Romashka" held entertainment program according to the traffic rules "Road Kaleidoscope".

At the event, children played in a playful way accompanied by music, participated in various competitions, assembled traffic lights on a magnetic board, drove an imaginary car among obstacles, dressed up as traffic police inspectors, and assembled road signs from puzzles. The most active participants recited poems, sang songs about road signs and solved riddles. To consolidate the acquired knowledge, traffic police officers asked preschoolers questions about the basic rules of behavior for pedestrians and cyclists on the roads, receiving only correct answers from them.

A real surprise for the boys and girls were gifts from state traffic inspectors - reflective badges.

At the end of the event, the children shared their impressions with the police, told their road stories and asked questions to the traffic inspectors.

Employees of the Shipping State Traffic Inspectorate carried out a preventive measure together with the bailiff service

In order to increase the efficiency of implementing the function of compulsory execution of judicial acts, the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ryazan Region and representatives of the bailiff service of the Ryazan Region continue to carry out joint preventive measures.

The activities are aimed at identifying debtors in enforcement proceedings among vehicle drivers.

Organizing such events is a good reminder for debtors. The main goal is to ensure the principle of inevitability of punishment. The fine for violating the traffic rules must be paid.

The State Traffic Inspectorate of the region informs that you can find out about unpaid fines on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as on the State Services portal.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Dorogobuzh region organized a preventive event called “Children’s safety is our concern”

A preventive event under this name was held at the “Lastochka” summer health camp in the village of V-Dneprovsky. During which, police officers reminded the campers about the importance of following traffic rules and told them what to do in a given situation in order to avoid becoming involved in an accident. Special attention employees of the traffic police department paid attention to the rules for crossing the roadway and the mandatory use of reflective elements, the rules for wearing them and the principle of operation. The children, in turn, demonstrated their knowledge of traffic rules and spoke about the situations they witnessed.

Kimry schoolchildren and State Traffic Inspectorate employees held the “Safe Gadget” event

The 21st century is the century of high technology and all kinds of gadgets; it is difficult to imagine a person without a mobile phone, tablet and other electronic devices. People who are carried away by gadgets become distracted and sometimes completely forget about basic safety rules. Use mobile phone driving a moving car, or when a pedestrian crosses the roadway - often becomes the cause of traffic accidents.

July 25, 2017 by the State Traffic Inspectorate of the city of Kimry together with the education department of the city. The purpose of this event is to remind road users of the dangers of using electronic devices while moving around the city, to develop in citizens the skills of safe use of mobile devices when crossing the roadway and while driving a car .

Children attending summer camp Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3, Kimry.

Then the inspector invited the children to draw new road signs and contact drivers, preparing special leaflets for them. On them, children depicted crossed out cell phones and headphones, thereby calling on everyone to drive carefully and responsibly, as well as to move safely along the streets and courtyards.

During the event, children handed out leaflets to drivers and pedestrians urging them to stop in a safe place to answer a call or text, not to be distracted by gadgets, to be more careful, and not to endanger their lives and the lives of other road users.

In the city of Chusovoy, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate organized a special raid event "Road Web"

The purpose of the event is to identify drivers in a state of alcoholic intoxication, violation of the transportation of passengers, identification of “tinted” cars and other gross violations of traffic rules.

During the raid, 95 vehicles were checked.

There were also offenders, so while on duty, traffic inspectors brought 13 drivers to administrative responsibility, of which: one driver was intoxicated and did not have the right to drive a vehicle, 4 drivers did not use seat belts, 3 drivers drove cars from the windows of which they had unacceptable light transmittance (tinting).

The law enforcement officers themselves believe that these preventive raids make it possible to identify drivers who flagrantly violate traffic rules and help prevent accidents in the area.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Lazo District held the event “Holidays WITHOUT Danger!”

Holidays. But it is still very noisy, since in each of them there are school workers. health camps. There are specialized teams of Young Traffic Inspectors operating in 10 schools in the district. In them, schoolchildren not only receive a lot of exciting and educational information from their leaders and traffic police inspectors, but also share this information with children from other school associations. Propaganda teams show funny scenes about careless pedestrians, drivers, solve crossword puzzles, problems about traffic situations.

Choirs No. 1 and 2 held big events at the end of the shift. The first school held a mass action “Appeal to the Driver”, in which the entire camp participated, which was more than 80 people. For this purpose, the guys produced leaflets - reminders for drivers with information on accidents in the area involving minors, and most importantly a large poster, which was placed on the main square of the village of Khor.

At another school, between the sports camp "Icarus" and the school camp, a quiz game "Traffic lights have no holidays" was held. The game took place in two stages. The questions were not easy, but the children, despite their age, answered them correctly. I am glad that all children, without exception, know that the presence of reflectors makes their journey safer.

But for this it was necessary to go from point A to point B without violating the traffic rules.

Just like that, time flew by unnoticed in the game, and the guys once again repeated the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Kalininsky District held a quiz on traffic rules in kindergarten

On July 25, 2017, as part of the preventive event “Attention Children,” employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Kalininsky District held a quiz “Experts of Traffic Rules” in the Chupriyanovsky kindergarten of the Kalininsky District. The goals of this event are to consolidate the names of road signs; remember how to cross the road; develop memory and thinking; broaden students’ horizons about traffic rules.

During the quiz, the children had to talk about the Rules of the Road. At the second stage, the kids collected puzzles - road signs. After which the kids guessed riddles and colored the traffic lights according to the situation.

Carrying out such events helps children consolidate their knowledge

Scenario. Entertainment-performance with the participation of the Traffic Police Inspector “Visiting the Traffic Light”

Target: Formation of safe behavior skills on city streets. To consolidate children's basic knowledge about traffic rules, traffic signals, pedestrian crossings and roadways. Foster a sense of responsible and careful behavior on the city streets.
1. Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the roads.
2. Develop intellectual functions: thinking, memory, spatial orientation.
3. Cultivate children's interest in accumulating knowledge of traffic rules and a conscious attitude towards their safety.
Dronova Elena Vasilievna, Educator, MBDOU DS “Kolobok”

This entertainment is intended for teachers and preschool children
Children enter the hall to the cheerful music “Green Light”. On the screen is slide 1 “Road ABC”

Ved: Guys, we live in a big, beautiful city with green, wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks move along them. Buses and trolleybuses are coming. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are such clear rules for cars and for pedestrians.
On the street - not in the room
Remember that, guys!
It is not easy to cross from one side of the street to the other.
Who helps us with this?
Children: Traffic light.
Ved: That's right, I invite you to visit him.
Slide No. 2 “traffic light”
(The song “If the traffic light turns green” is played. The traffic light enters)

Traffic light - Hello, children! I'm very glad to see you.
There is an owner - Traffic Light!
It’s not in vain that it burns over you
Multi-colored lights.
How many signals do I have?
Children - three.
Traffic lights - name them. (Children call) What does the red signal mean?
Child in a red turtleneck
- Even though you have no patience
Wait: red light!
If the light turns red,
So it's dangerous to move!
Traffic light - What about yellow?
Child in a yellow turtleneck
- Yellow light on the way
Get ready to go!
Yellow light - warning,
Wait for the signal to move!
Traffic light - Is it green?
Child in a green turtleneck
- Green light ahead

Now - move on!
Green light says:
Come on, the path is open!
The traffic light praises the children.
(The presenter suggests playing the game “Traffic Light.” All the children play, standing near the chairs. The presenter raises a green flag, the children slowly begin to stomp their feet, as if they were walking. When the yellow flag is raised, the children clap their hands. When the flag is red, silence.)
Traffic light: Well done. You know my signals, but do you know how to cross the road? Where should you cross the road? (children's answers) And I know one boy, Kolya, who knew no barriers and was very happy to pass in front of a moving car.
(The noise of rustling tires and clanging brakes is heard. A boy comes out with a crutch, bandaged.)

Boy: It hurts me. Unbearable. Oh, my head is cracking and my back is aching. Once I went to the store and, to the sound of rustling tires, ran across the road. The car is on me! And trouble happened...
Reb. 1(with a sign “Pedestrian crossing”)
Everyone knows stripes
Children know, adults know
Leads to the other side -
Pedestrian crossing!
Slide No. 3 “Pedestrian crossing”
Traffic light - And if there is no crossing or traffic light, how will you cross?
Reb.2 Striped track
Leads across the street
We need to be very careful here
you need to make a transition:
Don't rush, but first thing
Look left, look right: There are no cars - we walk boldly!
There is a car - stop and wait!
Boy: Now I will be careful, watch the street and only cross the road where it is allowed! (says goodbye, leaves)
Traffic light: I want to ask about the sign, the sign is drawn like this: A black bus on a white square, what does it mean, tell me guys?
Slide No. 4 “Bus stop”
Reb.3(with a "Bus Stop" sign)
There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger!
Ved. -What do they call those who travel on the bus? (answer: passengers)
And when people walk, what are they called? (Answer: pedestrians)
Slide No. 5 “City Street”
(Illustrative material is used with a view of one of the city streets, the presenter names the components of the street - sidewalk. Roadway, curb, dividing strip and explains the meaning of each word).
Ved: So, who knows where pedestrians should walk? (children's answers). Why can’t you walk on the roadway? (children’s answers). That’s right, there are cars driving on the roadway that can hit a pedestrian. Therefore, you cannot walk on it. Let's stand together, hold hands and imagine that we are going for a walk in the city.
(an improvisation game “We are leaving the yard” is played. Children repeat the movements after the teacher) We are leaving the yard
Feet stomp stomp, stomp
But before the road - stop!
Everybody's walking down the sidewalk
On the right side in pairs
We are looking, looking. Where is it? Here!
Pedestrian crossing!
We don’t go onto the curb,
There is no place for pedestrians here.
Transition with traffic lights:
Red will light up soon.
The eyes are waiting for the green light,
There is no other way!
And three times - One. Two, Three:
Look left, look right!
There are no cars like
Let's move quickly.
Walk quickly, don't run,
Strictly at right angles!

Traffic light:
On the street of our car. Cars.
Tiny cars. The cars are big.
Cars hurry, trucks snort.
They are in a hurry, rushing, as if they were alive.
Guys, what cars do you know? (Children's answers)
(The presenter suggests playing the game “Colored Cars”. The children stand on the edge of the hall, they are “cars”. Each has their own colored circle. The teacher stands on the other side. When he raises a flag of any color, children with an identical color circle, run around the hall and buzz. When the flag is removed, the “cars” return to the garage.) The game is played to a cheerful song.
Traffic light - On duty at any time
A clever guard is on duty,
He controls everyone at once
Who is in front of him on the pavement?

He is the boss on the road.
He's important. As a director.
And looks with a stern gaze,
At all...Traffic inspector!
Slide No. 6 “Traffic inspector”
Ved. Guys, another guest came to visit us today - this is the Traffic Inspector. (The Traffic Inspector is given the floor. He initiates the children into Young Assistant Traffic Inspectors, presents the children with memorable UID badges. Sounds funny song“Go my friend on the path of goodness”
Slide No. 7 Icon “U.I.D.”

Ved: We now have, friends, young inspectors!
They are traffic assistants without exception!
Well, now, Y.I.D. squad, stand together in a row!
Our detachment issues a warning to everyone -
Learn all the traffic rules together!
May there be no more troubles
Sadness and anxiety
Let the green light burn
On your way!
(At the end we say goodbye to the Traffic Light and the Traffic Inspector)