Collar area of ​​the back: ways to get rid of the main problems. Exercises for the collar zone of Anna Kurkurina’s back How to remove the collar zone

Physical exercise and exercise are a necessary condition for good human health in general. It is extremely important to be guided by the opinion of an experienced specialist in the correct selection of such training. Exercises for the collar area from Anna Kurkurina will help get rid of many problems with the cervical vertebrae. Indeed, often, not only pain in the back and neck, but even headaches, are associated precisely with pathological processes in the withers.

Anna Kurkurina is a professional fitness trainer, known not only in our country, but also abroad. She is the author of many popular techniques for developing the back and collar area. The beneficial effects of Anna Kurkurina’s exercises were felt by many of our compatriots and users of the World Wide Web.

Causes of withers

The withers are a very unpleasant neoplasm in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra. This pathology occurs when the connective tissue becomes compacted with deposits of salts and fatty tissue.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of such a neoplasm include:

  • Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle
  • Incorrect posture
  • Lack of proper physical activity on the cervical area
  • Age, after 35 years.

Negative consequences for the body

Withers is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a physical one. This neoplasm mainly affects women after 35 years of age. The appearance of such a “hump” causes a lot of troubles of a psychological nature, in the form of all kinds of complexes and self-doubt.

Also, with the appearance of the withers, unpleasant symptoms arise such as:

  1. Headaches of unknown etiology. Often, doctors find it difficult to find out the cause of headaches. Such pain appears as a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the collar area. As a result, normal blood circulation in the brain is disrupted. To get rid of painful prolapses, you just need to disperse the blood in the collar area with the help of training developed by Anna Kurkurina.
  2. Pain and unpleasant crunching in the neck area. Caused by salt deposition in this area.
  3. Limitation of mobility. Fatty tissue and salts make the area of ​​the neck painful and limit mobility.

Treatment and prevention

To prevent this from happening, due attention should be paid to disease prevention. A set of workouts developed by Anna Kurkurina will help prevent tumors, as well as keep not only the neck area, but also the entire back in proper physical shape.

Features of Anna Kurkurina’s technique

Training for the collar area and back will not take much time. Therefore, such exercises are suitable even for very busy people. Everyone can devote just a few minutes a day to their own health.

The exercises do not require any special material costs. For training you only need dumbbells.

To achieve better results, be sure to use massage in combination with exercises, which an experienced fitness trainer will also tell you about.

If it is not possible to attend Anna’s training directly in the gym, you can do it online.

If time has already passed and the withers have already appeared, do not despair. Gymnastics by Anna Kurkurina will correct this pathology. Her technique was developed not only for preventive purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes. And the result will not keep you waiting after the first training. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from grateful fans.

Glad to meet you! Today you will learn how to get rid of headaches and salt deposits in the area of ​​the upper spine, which is called the collar zone of the back. We offer you massage techniques and exercises for the collar area of ​​the back by Anns Kurkurina.

Famous exercises by Anna Kurkurina for the collar area

With age, almost every woman experiences the deposition of harmful salts on the upper back and the growth of adipose tissue, which causes pain and great inconvenience. People call this tubercle “withers” or.

Why do salt deposits appear? Most likely due to lack of real physical activity.

Reasons for the appearance of compactions in the area of ​​the 7th vertebra:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • age after 35 years;
  • poor posture;
  • poor nutrition

The withers on the neck are the fruits of our laziness

Fitness trainer Anna Kurkurina offers to learn a unique set of exercises that will help get rid of an unsightly hump on the neck. Exercises should be done immediately as soon as you notice compactions in the collar area.

Absolute world champion in powerlifting Anna Kurkurina has helped thousands of women acquire and get rid of withers, which leads to:

  • pain in the neck;
  • headaches;
  • impaired blood flow and, as a result, poor oxygen supply to the brain and spine;
  • limitation of mobility.

Anna's exercises are simple, so they are accessible to everyone.

Buy small dumbbells. If this is not possible, then prepare bottles filled with water or sand.

Perform the complex every day, even if there is no ugly bump. Charging will be a good prevention of salt deposits.

A set of exercises from the withers

Basic exercises developed by the world champion can be performed at home.

First, you need to stretch your shoulder joints well, since the main load will fall on them. Roll your shoulders back and forth, then make the same rotational movements with your hands.

Main complex

  1. Back straight, arms spread to the sides, palms facing to the sides, fingers stretching upward. We raise our hands up somewhere behind the ears - inhale, and when we lower our hands, we also lower them - exhale, and our hands remain spread to the sides.
  2. We raise our hands, move them behind the ears, so that the area of ​​the elbows touches the ears, without straining the neck. As you exhale, lower your arms. Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. We clasp our hands behind our backs and move them as far back as possible. Do not bend your back. This exercise is aimed at relaxing the spine.
  4. Move your right hand to the side. Touch your right shoulder, then hold your hand behind your head and touch your left shoulder. Slowly at first, holding each position for a couple of seconds, then the pace can be accelerated. Do the same with your left hand.
  5. Pull your arms straight back, shoulder blades together, palms facing up. Let's swing our arms and push our chest forward.
  6. Arms to the sides, elbows bent. As you exhale, in a fast rhythm, touch your shoulders with your fingers. Then we move our hands back and reach the collar area. We touch our shoulders, then lower our arms.

We repeat everything again, from the first exercise.


  1. Next, we place our hands behind our backs and lock them together at the level of the sacrum. Bend over so that your back is parallel to the floor. We bend our backs and raise our straight arms up. This is the “cuckoo” pose.
  2. Let's make a lock behind your back again, relieve the tension.
  3. Spread your arms to the sides. The right arm is held straight, the left is bent at the elbow. We perform rotations with a bent arm so that the shoulder blade begins to move. The movements resemble a wave. After 10 repetitions, change hands.
  4. Place your arms behind your back and squeeze your shoulder blades tightly together. Alternate mixing with relaxation.
  5. Bend your elbows. Raise to shoulder level. Alternately perform “hand diving” behind your back.

After completing the complex, do a back stretching exercise. The benefits of exercise are incredible, as evidenced by reviews from women.

Exercises with dumbbells

To forget about headaches forever, do accessible exercises every day and your problems will go away by themselves, like a lump on the collar area.

Even famous doctors and fitness trainers recognized the incredible effectiveness of Anna Kurkurina’s technique.

Any gymnastics should begin with a warm-up. Within a minute, quickly raise and lower your shoulders, head down.

After warming up, you can move on to exercises:

  1. Take a dumbbell in your hand. Leaning slightly, move your shoulder back and forth. Change shoulder. Keep your body straight and perform the exercise for 2 minutes.
  2. Next, we do a stretch: lower your head, clasp your hands at the back of your head, try to raise your head, holding it with your hands. You will initially feel severe pain in the cervical region. For the first time, 5 approaches of 10 seconds is enough.

These movements were common to the entire collar area; the following will be aimed at removing the withers:

  1. We bend our arms at the elbow, and move the elbow back as far as possible. Make a circular motion with each hand for 1 minute. When finished, you can hang on the horizontal bar. You can sit on the mat, clasp your knees with your hands, touch them with your forehead or chin.
  2. Bend the arm with the dumbbell at the elbow, raise it to shoulder level, and move it back. The shoulders remain motionless, only the elbows work. The shoulder blades are almost brought together.
  3. Stretching. Raise your arms straight up behind your ears. Tilt the body slightly. Move one leg forward to the size of your foot and lean on it. Bend your knees slightly. After 20 seconds, slowly stand up straight and do it with the other leg.

Exercises for the collar area in bed

If your busy schedule does not allow you to devote even 10 minutes to physical therapy, then do a few movements right in bed before or after sleep:

  1. Lie straight, squeeze your shoulder blades so that your chest rises. Keep your shoulder blades squeezed together until your body is so tired and trembling. Do 9-10 minutes. By performing this movement, you improve the condition of the collar area and perfectly pump the muscles of the thoracic region.
  2. Make slow nods, turns and rotations of the head, which is very useful for reducing the withers.
    A slow pace must be gradually increased. The crunch in the spine is not a signal to stop, but on the contrary, continue the movements.

If you have back pain or chest discomfort, follow these steps:

  • Go to the wall, rest your hands.
  • Bend strongly in the back area.
  • Repeat several times.
  • You can perform backbends while holding the back of a chair.

Neck massage techniques

Anna Kurkurina clearly shows how to do a massage, which will only enhance the effect of the exercises. If the withers have become large, then the massage should be done by a specialist. If not, then we break the withers with the help of an assistant at home.

First, lubricate the area to be massaged with cream, medicated ointment or massage oil. Then follow stroking and kneading with hands from top to bottom.

For greater effect, you need to take the jar and move it over the growths until it turns red. This is how we effectively remove salts.

Anna assures all women that if you start doing exercises on time, then you won’t be afraid of any growth. Finally, she advises you to lose those extra pounds and start leading a healthy lifestyle. Exercising it will help you achieve a slim, beautiful body, if you are not lazy.

I join her wishes. Believe me, these simple exercises will relieve you of headaches, spinal pain, and help you gain a slender body. Starting tomorrow morning, everyone will start exercising with a famous fitness trainer!

With the onset of summer, a person of any age really wants to have a good figure and show off the beauty of his body in front of friends and strangers.

In this article we will talk about what problems the collar area of ​​the back can have, or more precisely about the withers in this part of the spine, which is also called the “widow’s hump” or bump.

Poor posture is the main cause of a hump on the back

Unfortunately, such a pathology as stooping is most often characteristic of women. The cervicothoracic spine is often affected. Stooping in this area is manifested by a visual drooping of the shoulder joints and the formation of so-called sloping shoulders. Along with a violation of the anatomical location of the upper shoulder girdle, another pathology appears, which also worries women - this is the withers in the area of ​​​​the transition of the cervical vertebrae to the thoracic vertebrae.

Withers on the collar area of ​​the back

The hump in the collar area of ​​the back is a formation without clear boundaries that rises above the skin level. On palpation it is usually soft, painless and often causes only a cosmetic defect in appearance.

Important. In rare cases, the withers may be painful when pressed and cause discomfort when moving the arms and head. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist, as there is a risk of inflammation of the peripheral nervous system.

If the withers have clear boundaries, practically do not increase in size and are painless on palpation, then most likely it is a lipoma and a surgeon’s consultation is needed to determine further tactics for managing this neoplasm.

Causes of widow's hump:

  1. Poor posture. This point includes a violation of the anatomical structure of the spine, which is accompanied by the formation of cervical hyperlordosis and thoracic hyperkyphosis.
  2. Metabolic disorder, which is accompanied by the deposition of excess fatty tissue in the collar area of ​​the back.
  3. Neoplasms. This is a very rare pathology, which is associated with the location of the tumor in the area of ​​the last cervical and first thoracic vertebrae.
  4. Nutritional obesity. As practice shows, in most cases, women who seek medical help for “withers” in the back are overweight.

Considering that in 95-98% of cases a lump in the neck area is caused by poor posture and excess weight, we can safely say that properly selected physical activity and nutrition can get rid of this problem.

Gymnastics for correcting posture in the cervical spine

When seeking medical help, girls often ask the question “How to remove the withers and how long do you need to work to achieve the desired result?” The answer seems scary, but true - you need to work all your life.

A lump on the back is the result of long-term dysfunction of the back muscles and nutrition, so in one evening or a week of regular training the result will be barely noticeable. You can’t spend your whole life gradually deteriorating your health, and then fix everything in a couple of hours!

So, to eliminate the withers on the back, Anna Kurkurina developed a perfectly effective set of physical exercises that will help correct postural defects in the shortest possible time.

Some tips for beginners:

  1. The training must be done in a thoroughly ventilated area, wearing sportswear.
  2. Before training, a warm-up is necessary (intense walking or jogging in place). Without a warm-up or warm-up of the whole body, the workout will be ineffective and can lead to injury.
  3. During the first weeks of training, you may experience muscle pain after exercise. If there has been no injury, flaccid and aching muscle pain can be associated with sore throat, which is caused by excessive accumulation of lactic acid in muscle fibers due to a deficiency of enzymes that process it. This picture usually occurs when the muscles perform a load to which they are not accustomed. In order for this condition to pass, it is necessary to continue the exercises. If desired, you can reduce their intensity and frequency of repetitions.

Exercises for neck lumps that you can do at home:

If you do not have experience in performing physical exercises at home, it is better to do the complex with an instructor. You can use video tutorials, which are now very easy to find on the Internet.

The above exercises have several positive effects on the body:

  1. They develop the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, increase their tone, which has a positive effect on posture.
  2. They improve blood circulation in the vessels, which helps reduce the volume of the lump, making it softer and more pliable for elimination.

Nutrition correction to change posture

Nutrition is a necessary component of human life. Both the quality of life and the state of human health depend on food.

To reduce the hump in the collar area of ​​the back, it is necessary to make some changes to the diet:

  1. Add dairy products to your diet, which contain essential microelements for bones, joints and muscles. This could be kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, milk, etc.
  2. Eliminate yeast bread, alcohol, and processed foods from your diet. These foods can cause metabolic disorders and cause excess subcutaneous fat.
  3. Add the right fats to your diet. Red fish, raw or boiled lard, and vegetable oils contain large amounts of polyunsaturated fats, which help normalize fat metabolism in humans and promote weight loss.

Eliminating the withers with outside help

Cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon will help you quickly remove the “widow’s hump”:

Considering that the withers in the neck area do not form within several days or months, you should not expect quick results from methods of reducing it.

Advice. For greatest effectiveness, it is better to use comprehensive measures that will consist of regular exercise and dietary changes.

Before choosing a method for reducing the hump in the collar area of ​​the back, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination. During the examination, it is necessary to clarify several points:

  1. Exclude neoplasm at the site of the cosmetic defect.
  2. Exclude acute inflammatory process of the peripheral nervous system.
  3. Exclude spinal pathology, in which intense physical activity is contraindicated.

After eliminating all contraindications, you can use non-medical folk recipes for “widow’s hump” with peace of mind.

So, these are all the main points that you need to remember when trying to get rid of the withers in the collar area at home. Watch your health and don't forget to tell your friends and acquaintances on social networks about this article.

A disease characterized by degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the intervertebral disc in the cervical spine.

The disease is typical for people aged 25-40 years. The main reason for the occurrence is a long and systematic stay in the wrong position: working at a computer, driving a car, an uncomfortable bed, etc.

The cervical spine contains blood vessels responsible for supplying blood to the brain.

The main danger is disruption of the oxygen supply to the brain. Osteochondrosis can lead to spasm of the vessels of the cervical spine, in some cases to their compression.

Signs of cervical osteochondrosis include:

  • Tinnitus;
  • Numbness of hands;
  • Darkening in the eyes;
  • Strong surges in pressure.

Regular exercise strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism and improves blood circulation.

Exercise therapy has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and nutritional systems, which leads to a slowdown in the aging process.

Types of exercise therapy


Their main difference is the minimum amplitude of oscillations. With their help, the lateral and neck muscles are strengthened.


These are exercises with varying loads on the cervical spine. They are not recommended during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Dynamic exercises prevent muscle atrophy and have a beneficial effect on the human spine.

Benefits of physical therapy

  • Improved blood supply. Increasing blood supply to tissues and intervertebral discs allows you to achieve rapid positive dynamics.
  • Inhibition of the processes of destruction of intervertebral discs. Therapeutic exercise allows you to restore the physiological curve of the spine and prevent their early regression.
  • Pain reduction. Exercise therapy restores mobility of the cervical spine and relieves pain syndromes.
  • Improving oxygen supply to the brain. Along with the pain, headaches and insomnia will go away, and your performance will increase.
  • Strengthening the cervical-collar area. Exercise therapy prevents muscle atrophy and compression of the nerve vertebrae.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, a well-chosen set of exercises allows not only to completely cure cervical osteochondrosis, but is also a good prevention of the risk of developing other diseases.

  • When doing exercise therapy, you should listen to your body. During a period of severe exacerbation of osteochondrosis, you should limit yourself to only light gymnastics.
  • The set of exercises must be agreed upon with your doctor. Some exercises are contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases, oncology or acute infections. It is advisable to undergo a complete examination before treatment.
  • You shouldn’t do all the exercises in 1 approach.. It is advisable to develop your own individual development plan and supplement it with exercises.
  • Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis should not exceed 30 minutes. It is ideal to do the exercises 2 times a day for 15 minutes.
  • To achieve maximum effect, you need to practice cervical massage.
  • In the first days, you should perform the simplest exercises, gradually increasing their complexity.
  • Before exercise therapy classes, the cervical area is warmed up.
  • To eliminate the disease, exercise therapy should be carried out regularly.

If severe pain or numbness in parts of the body occurs, exercise therapy should be stopped immediately.

A set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

From a sitting or standing position

  1. Slowly turning the head to the right and left. The rhythm of exercise is constantly increasing. It is recommended to make 15 turns in each direction.
  2. Hands are located along the body. As you inhale, your head drops down, your chin touching your chest. As you exhale, the head returns to its original position. This exercise must be repeated about 10 times. It prevents muscle atrophy and increases the flexibility of the spine.
  3. Tilt your head and touch her shoulders. The exercise should be repeated 10 times. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to touch your shoulders with your ears.
  4. Raise your shoulders without bending your elbows. Stay in the starting position for up to 10 seconds. Then lower your shoulders. Repeat these steps 10 times. Recommended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer.
  5. Retracting the head as you inhale and extending it as you exhale. During periods of exacerbation of pain, this exercise should be abandoned.

From the supine position

  1. Place a pillow under your head and try to press hard on it. During the exercise, the muscles of the cervical spine and head are involved.
  2. Extend your arms along your body. Raise your head a little and rotate it in different directions. The number of turns in each direction must be at least 10.
  3. Raise your head and touch your chin to your chest. The exercise is aimed at improving the mobility of the intervertebral discs.
  4. Pull your knees to your chest and try to touch them with your chin. Repeat the exercise 7 times.
  5. Extend your arms and turn your body left and right. In this case, the head should be turned in the direction opposite to the body.

From the prone position

  1. Raise your chin a little and rotate your head in different directions. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  2. Raise your head and hold it for up to several minutes.
  3. Raise your head, shoulders and neck alternately. Hold the body in the new state for several seconds.


  • Sit up straight at the table. Place your elbow on the table surface. Press your ear to your palm and tilt your head. Try to counteract it with your hand. Repeat the exercise several times. It is aimed at strengthening the lateral walls of the cervical spine.
  • Sit at the table and place your elbow on it. Place your forehead on your palm and press your head on it for 10 minutes.
  • Interlock your fingers and place them on the back of your head. Press on the back of your head with clasped fingers.
  • Performing hangs on the horizontal bar. Under the influence of weight, the vertebrae are stretched. The exercise is aimed at correcting spinal deformation and normalizing blood supply.

Article on the topic: "Anna Kurkurina: collar area of ​​the back withers. gymnastics, exercises, exercises" from professionals.

Video exercises for the collar area

A sedentary lifestyle affects the entire body, but most of all – on our collar area of ​​the back, where unnecessary baggage from salts and fat deposits accumulates. Even fitness enthusiasts are aware of these unpleasant manifestations, because strength training rarely targets this particular area.

The collar area needs our attention, and Anna Kurkurina knows this well, inviting her fans and followers to do the exercises for the withers presented in this video. Fun, with witty remarks and a lot of useful recommendations on how to remove the withers, she conducts a training session together with the audience and those who decide to take care of themselves on the other side of the screen.

Another workout by Kurkurina is dedicated to the collar zone, for which you will need dumbbells:

The neck and upper back area will thank you for the training, and after the first lessons you will feel the effectiveness of the method of a fitness trainer known throughout the country and beyond. One has only to disperse the blood in the muscles where it needs it, and you will forget about headaches and salt deposits.

The peculiarity of these trainings is that it is advisable to conduct them daily. A few minutes a day to forget about the withers - agree, it’s worth it!

Often a problem requires a complex solution. Therefore, in the second video, Kurkurina talks about massaging the withers area.

Physical exercise and exercise are a necessary condition for good human health in general. It is extremely important to be guided by the opinion of an experienced specialist in the correct selection of such training. Exercises for the collar area from Anna Kurkurina will help get rid of many problems with the cervical vertebrae. Indeed, often, not only pain in the back and neck, but even headaches, are associated precisely with pathological processes in the withers.

Anna Kurkurina is a professional fitness trainer, known not only in our country, but also abroad. She is the author of many popular techniques for developing the back and collar area. The beneficial effects of Anna Kurkurina’s exercises were felt by many of our compatriots and users of the World Wide Web.

Causes of withers

The withers are a very unpleasant neoplasm in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra. This pathology occurs when the connective tissue becomes compacted with deposits of salts and fatty tissue.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of such a neoplasm include:

  • Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle
  • Incorrect posture
  • Lack of proper physical activity on the cervical area
  • Age, after 35 years.

Negative consequences for the body

Withers is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a physical one. This neoplasm mainly affects women after 35 years of age. The appearance of such a “hump” causes a lot of troubles of a psychological nature, in the form of all kinds of complexes and self-doubt.

Also, with the appearance of the withers, unpleasant symptoms arise such as:

  1. Headaches of unknown etiology. Often, doctors find it difficult to find out the cause of headaches. Such pain appears as a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the collar area. As a result, normal blood circulation in the brain is disrupted. To get rid of painful prolapses, you just need to disperse the blood in the collar area with the help of training developed by Anna Kurkurina.
  2. Pain and unpleasant crunching in the neck area. Caused by salt deposition in this area.
  3. Limitation of mobility. Fatty tissue and salts make the area of ​​the neck painful and limit mobility.

Treatment and prevention

To prevent this from happening, due attention should be paid to disease prevention. A set of workouts developed by Anna Kurkurina will help prevent tumors, as well as keep not only the neck area, but also the entire back in proper physical shape.

Features of Anna Kurkurina’s technique

Training for the collar area and back will not take much time. Therefore, such exercises are suitable even for very busy people. Everyone can devote just a few minutes a day to their own health.

The exercises do not require any special material costs. For training you only need dumbbells.

To achieve better results, be sure to use massage in combination with exercises, which an experienced fitness trainer will also tell you about.

If it is not possible to attend Anna’s training directly in the gym, you can do it online.

If time has already passed and the withers have already appeared, do not despair. Gymnastics by Anna Kurkurina will correct this pathology. Her technique was developed not only for preventive purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes. And the result will not keep you waiting after the first training. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from grateful fans.


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Gymnastics for the collar area and back withers Link to main publication

Hi all. Withers on the neck - why is it dangerous, and how to get rid of it? To solve this problem, there are special exercises and folk recipes. Read to the end and you can choose the right exercises and recipes for yourself.

Let's move more!

The reasons for the appearance of withers on the neck are primarily a sedentary lifestyle, excessive muscle tension, and incorrect posture. For the time being, it does not make itself felt, so people do not pay attention to it. Most often, the scruff appears in women who have crossed the 35-40 year mark.

But when numbness appears in the neck and arms, dizziness begins, pain appears more and more often, the neck crunches when turning the head, the person begins to think about how to remove this tubercle.

Just don’t follow absurd advice, such as rolling with a rolling pin, placing jars, or doing a strong massage. By following these “recommendations”, you can move your discs, thereby greatly harming your health.

The advice is not devoid of logic - do not drag on the burden of the past, that is, you need to forgive all grievances and get rid of a depressive state.

The simplest complex

The simplest exercises will help you get rid of the withers. Start doing them today, without delay, even if you have a hernia in this part of the neck.

Here is the simplest complex:

  1. “Yes, yes, yes.” Nod your head as if you are saying “Yes.”
  2. "No, no, no." Move your head as if you are denying something.
  3. "Ay-ay-ay." You need to move your head as if you are not happy with something and say: “Ay-ay-ay, what are you doing...”

Most importantly, perform these exercises with a small amplitude. There is no need to shake your head too much; movements should be smooth and barely noticeable. When the neck gets used to this amplitude, you can gradually increase it. The session consists of 30 repetitions of each movement daily. This complex must be done throughout your life.

Swimming will help with scruff enlargement. Perhaps this is the sport that is indicated for people with spinal problems. After 6 months of regular exercise, you will see positive results.

Advice from a respected doctor

Dr. Bubnovsky assures all women that removing the widow’s hump is possible if you take this goal seriously. His exercises are aimed at removing the withers without surgery.

To fight the scruff of the neck, you need to actively work with your arms and shoulders. It is these exercises that will help remove fat in the cervical region. These are movements of the shoulder joints in different directions in the amount of 20-25 movements with each shoulder.

  • Swing straight arms forward and backward.
  • Swimming crawl at tempo.
  • Swimming on your back with wide swings of your arms back.
  • Take an expander, stand with your feet in the middle, and pull it up by the handles with your hands through the sides. Don't slow down.

Sergey Bubnovsky advises breaking down fat with active movements.

Strength exercises improve blood flow, which means nutrition of all tissues and organs. Plus, a massage after each session can break up the fat deposits that form in the scruff of the neck. Two or three weeks and no withers!


After you have warmed up your body in a warm bath, perform a light massage of the collar area.

  1. Lubricate your hands with ointment, the recipe for which is written below.
  2. Place your palms on the nape of the neck, stroke it from top to bottom 7-10 times, but not too hard.
  3. Using your fingertips, perform precise rubbing movements from the back of your head to your shoulders. If you feel pain points on your forearms, work them with light pressure.
  4. Using circular movements, knead the entire back of the neck, alternately with your right and left hands. Move from the back of your head down.
  5. Squeeze the skin with your entire palm, knead the entire neck, especially the withers. The movements go from the back of the head down.
  6. Use your entire palm to squeeze the skin on your neck and forearm.
  7. Use stroking and soothing movements.

Traditional medicine against the “widow’s mound”

A folk remedy, as always, will help cope with this problem, the main thing is regularity.

  1. Add 20 drops of propolis tincture to a third of a cup of castor oil. Mix well. Rub into your neck several times a day. This composition is good for self-massage.
  2. Take 3 tbsp. l. milk, honey, 3 bay leaves and 1 onion. Chop the bay leaf, grate the onion, mix everything. Place the resulting mass on the fabric. Apply the compress to the tubercle for 30 minutes.
  3. Make a very effective ointment: buy heparin and troxevasin ointments at the pharmacy, mix, rub into the problem area daily.
  4. Honey compress: take a quarter cup of vodka and honey, stir well. Rub the mound with this mixture every day and immediately wrap yourself in a warm scarf.
  5. Make a cake from medicinal clay and wrap it in cotton cloth. Apply to the scruff of the neck and leave for 1 hour.
  6. Mash fresh leaves of golden mustache and apply to the back of your neck.
  7. Mix 1 raw egg with 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, add one-third cup of turpentine and 6% table vinegar. Apply the resulting product to the scruff of the neck, leave for half an hour, and rinse with warm water.

Removing the “widow's mound” with Anna Kurkurina

Anna Kurkurina helps women have fun parting with the fat that has formed at the site of the 7th cervical vertebra.

The collar area really needs attention, so Anna invites everyone to do a series of simple exercises. Fun, with a lot of useful recommendations, she conducts training together with the gym and those who have decided to get rid of the unsightly lump on the neck forever.

Train with a fitness trainer and you will forget about headaches, various migraines and discomfort in the neck.

Training with Anna will help you work out the collar area, shoulder joints and arm joints well. Do this complex daily, for 5 minutes or more, depending on how long you can stand it. Many women will find excuses that there is no time! Eat, even when standing at the stove, don’t waste precious time! In a month, the withers on your neck will disappear from you forever!

Dear women, I am sure that you are interested in all the recommendations of famous people who are trying to help us get rid of the withers on our necks, become healthier and more mobile. Turn on the video and practice!

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