Wavy fingernails. Wavy fingernails, causes and treatment

Strong nails with a perfectly smooth and shiny surface look great even without a decorative manicure with an exquisite nail design. It is enough to give healthy nails the desired shape and lightly polish their surface with a manicure buff to feel confident at any event. But what if the fingernails become ribbed and why do ugly bumps, depressions, white or black spots sometimes appear on the surface of the nail plates?

Our nails can be called a kind of indicator, with which you can approximately determine the cause of the pathology that caused the formation of ribbed stripes on the surface of the nail plates. These strips can be located both along the nail plates and across. It is very difficult to apply varnish in an even layer on an uneven surface of nails and make trendy manicure. But you can’t consider ribbed fingernails only as an unpleasant cosmetic defect that you can constantly fight with a leveling gel. If the surface of the nails continues to remain bumpy and uneven even after the growth of new plates, then you should definitely visit a doctor so that a specialist can help find out the cause of the pathology.

Even the location of the grooves on the nail plate can indicate the cause of the deformity. If deep strips are located across the plate and have a wavy shape, then it is quite possible that the metabolic process is disturbed in the body or there are problems with the functioning of internal organs. Ribbed stripes along the nail may appear after a tangible matrix injury (bruise, pinched finger) or with a deficiency useful substances in organism. The grooves on the nail plates may differ in size or be almost the same. The deformation is especially pronounced on the thumbs, since the plates are harder and thicker there. Often, with the growth of the nail plate, a single deep depression is formed, the size of which remains unchanged. If the nails on the hands hurt, begin to turn yellow and exfoliate, then there is a high probability of damage to the nail plates and periungual skin by a fungus.


In the photo: nails with ribbed stripes located along or across the plate


In order to permanently get rid of ribbed stripes on the nails, it is important to identify the cause of their appearance and eliminate it. But until this moment, I want to walk with a beautiful manicure and special means for leveling the surface that can be applied to the nails instead of the base layer will help to solve this problem. Established brands include: Mavala Ridge Filler, Zinger Smoothing Base Orly, Ridgefiller Smoothing Primer Basecoat, Smart Enamel.

- in the photo: leveling base for decorative coating


Nutrient deficiency.
negatively affect growth healthy nails factors such as an insufficient amount of fluid in the body, as well as a deficiency of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. In this case, the nail plates become brittle, dull, mottled with weakly expressed longitudinal stripes. The same symptoms are observed with a lack of red blood cells in the blood or with a low hemoglobin content (anemia);

Violations in the work of internal organs.
Deformation, compaction of the nail plate and the formation of transverse grooves may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus. Ribbed nails are formed during inflammatory processes in the intestines, with poor absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, with a violation of the thyroid gland. Longitudinal grooves can be a symptom of beriberi, diseases of the cardiovascular system or respiratory organs;

fungal infection.
The formation of rough breaks and stripes against the background of a darkened nail plate may indicate fungal infection of the nails. Later, others join these symptoms - the appearance of yellowish or brown spots, brittleness and delamination of the nail plates. Thin ribbed stripes may appear on deformed nails after prolonged use of certain medicines(primarily antibiotics). In any case, be sure to consult a dermatologist or a mycologist in order to start treatment on time if mycosis is detected;

Incorrect nail care.
Accidental trauma to the nail fold with manicure tools can lead to infection of the matrix with infection. Pushing back the cuticle with a spatula of a metal pusher or removing keratinized skin with a trimmer, you can injure soft tissues to the point of blood. From the damaged matrix, a nail will grow with uneven ribbed stripes and white spots. You can also severely damage the structure of the nail plate by constantly grinding its surface with nail files with a large abrasive;

Household chemicals.
Serious deformation of the nails can also be caused by active substances that are part of cleaning products or dishwashing detergents. Often, ribbed nails grow back after frequent contact of fingers with chlorinated water, with various descaling additives, with household chemicals for cleaning glasses. Wear rubber gloves to protect your nails and skin while cleaning, dry your hands and apply a special cream to your skin after contact with hard water;

Decorative coating.
You can even damage the structure of the nail plate with high-quality varnish or gel polish if you apply a color coating immediately on natural nails without protecting them with a base layer. Remove cured coating only

Waves on the nail plates occur at any age. In addition to an unpleasant aesthetic appearance, a person’s self-esteem suffers. This is a pronounced problem with which it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice and timely therapy.

By the nails, the doctor will be able to judge the general condition of the body. But it’s not worth falling into despondency with the waviness of the nails. Elimination of the causes and timely treatment will allow the nails to return to their usual appearance and give beauty to the hands.

Let's take a closer look at the topic wave nails: causes and treatment.

There are many factors that lead to pathology. Wavy fingernails, the main reasons are as follows:

  • traumatism. Improper care or carelessness during a manicure leads to injury to the nail plate. Integrity is broken not only due to impact or pinching, but also when cutting the cuticle, burrs.

Also, damage can be caused by burns, non-compliance with the technique of nail extension, poor-quality gel polishes for care.

  • Infectious lesion. change in integrity and appearance nail plate and fungal infection. At the same time, none cosmetic procedures can't hide defects.

Infection occurs in in public places, while the nails on both the lower extremities and the upper ones are affected. In addition to the ribbed surface of the nail plate, the patient is concerned about itching and burning. Without consulting a dermatologist, prescribing the correct treatment regimen, it is impossible to get rid of the pathology.

  • Hormonal changes. If the thyroid gland fails in the body, then growths and deformations on the nail may develop, as a result: the appearance of a ribbed surface.

The change is observed not only on the hands of a person, but throughout the body as a whole. Diagnosis is possible only with a consultation with an endocrinologist. Hormonal failure can be determined not only by nails, but also by rashes on the face, brittleness and hair loss, with an unreasonable change in weight, swelling.

  • Hypovitaminosis. The lack of iron in the body is the most common cause of ribbing of the nail plate. Only a specialist can determine the disease by taking blood. However, do not assume that only iron causes pathology. The lack of other groups of vitamins and microelements also adversely affects.

Vitamins of group E affect the appearance, add strength and hydration to the nail.

With a sufficient content of vitamins in the body, the nails become healthy and strong, they do not exfoliate and do not break.

Only a specialist can determine the lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body by taking tests.

Calcium is the main element of the nail, a deficiency in the body causes pathologies plates.
  • Stress. Stressful situations, depression negatively affect the work and functioning of the organs and tissues of the body. Unfortunately, the stressful situation does not bypass the nails.
Important! If the nails on the hands are wavy, what kind of disease is in question, only a doctor can accurately determine.


Specialists can classify uneven nails into several types:

  • Rough look. At the same time, the grooves attract the attention of others. First of all, the diagnosis is aimed at identifying the cause that caused the deformation of the nail. Longitudinal grooves not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but also indicate a health hazard.

The only moment when the ribbed nail plate does not cause concern and harm to the body is old age. Since there have been significant changes throughout the body. If longitudinal lines appear on the nails at a young age, then this is the first reason why you will have to see a doctor.

Why is the nail on the thumb wavy, the doctor will say. Moreover, the disease cannot be hidden with nail polish.
Since it lies unevenly, it does not look aesthetically pleasing and ugly.

  • Waves. Waves on the nails indicate the malfunctioning and functioning of body systems. If the wavy nail plate causes - complete rejection of meat. Vegetarians are people who have waves on their nails.

If transverse waves on the nails and peeling was added, this indicates the presence of a fungal infection. Do not panic, the fungus is perfectly treated, a simple consultation with a specialist and simple manipulations will help to cope with the pathology.

  • Bumpy look. Along with irregularities, bumps may appear on the nail plates. They just don't show up. And, if tubercles are noted, you will have to urgently contact your doctor for advice and treatment. The main reason for the development of tubercles is the lack of minerals and vitamins, hormonal failure.

Wavy nails on thumbs often arise due to improper cosmetic services, non-compliance with the rules of hand care.


First of all, you need to figure out Why do nails get wavy on the fingers. Without excluding the cause that caused the pathology, it is impossible to cope with waves and bumps on the nail plates. The patient will have to contact a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment regimen. why do fingernails get wavy


Therapy for the pathology of the nail plates involves the use of pharmacological agents

However, not all patients are in a hurry to resort to drug therapy, which will adversely affect the spread of irregularities.

During therapy, you must be presentpreparations that contain calcium, vitamins of group B.

These include: Nicotinic acid, Retinol, Chitin and others. Also, the doctor may prescribe vitamins A and E, which strengthen the nail plate, creates resistance to environmental influences.

To enhance the effect, the doctor prescribes external antimicrobial drugs. For example, Miconazole ointment.

vitamin therapy

In addition to pharmacological pharmaceutical products, the patient is shown vitamin therapy, a balanced diet. Nutritionists fully recommend eliminate or minimize flour and fatty foods. It also shows the intake of vitamins that are contained in food:

  1. B vitamins help relieve inflammation, accelerate the healing process of tissues. Contained in blackcurrant, olives and so on.
  2. Iron performs the function of storing and transporting oxygen in tissues. Contained in poultry meat, zucchini, berries.
  3. Fluorine and vitamin C help not only the nail plate, but also teeth, bones, and hair. Vitamin C helps protect the cell from destruction and strengthens immune system. Contained in citrus fruits, nuts, tomatoes, chicken eggs and so on.
  4. Selenium eliminates flaking and brittle nails, adding a natural shine. Contained in onions, oatmeal, buckwheat and other foods.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes are widely used to help hands, restore beauty.
The most effective and common recipes.

Smooth beautiful nails look aesthetically pleasing and attract attention. But what if they become ribbed and spoil not only the appearance, but also any manicure? You can find out why the nails deformed and began to exfoliate, whether this is only a cosmetic problem and how to cure the disease, by comparing various causes and examining a specialist.

The unevenness of the nail plate can appear not only as a result of injuries or incorrect manicure, but also be a symptom of malfunctions in the internal processes of the body. Also, nails can become ribbed due to the addition of a fungus, which is not only unpleasant, but also takes a long time to heal. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are most at risk. Conventionally, the causes of problems are divided into 2 types: internal and external.

Internal culprits:

  • deficiency of useful vitamins and minerals;
  • violation of proper metabolism;
  • hormonal disruptions and surges;
  • stress and nervous shocks;
  • malnutrition;
  • mycoses;
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • general diseases.

External reasons:

  • waviness of the nail plates due to injury;
  • improper extension and use of false nails;
  • incorrect cutting of the cuticle during processing;
  • exposure to harsh chemicals.

These are just the main culprits for uneven and ribbed nails; in a global sense, the human body can have such an individual reaction to any external or internal manifestations. Children and teenagers can acquire the problem of uneven nails due to rapid growth without additional comorbidities. Elderly people often complain of wavy thumbnails as a result of hormonal changes with aging. Only a doctor will help to identify the causes and prescribe competent treatment.

Prevention of bumpy and wavy fingernails

It is possible to prevent problems with the nail plate without therapy in at least half of the cases. Finding out why the nails become ribbed on the hands, and treatment is not necessary if measures are taken to prevent this disease. The first rule is to care for the nail plates and prevent negative effects on them. Do not allow the appearance of external causes, under the influence of which an uneven surface of the nails is formed:

  • do not touch directly household chemicals, work with gloves that will protect your nails from harmful substances and irregularities;
  • if your plate is thinned, then extensions and some types of manicure should be discarded so as not to provoke the development of the disease;
  • try to limit the mechanical impact on the nails, including caring for them and the cuticle;
  • to prevent wavy nails, include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and minerals: sour-milk, fruits and vegetables, oils and seafood. Treats containing gelatin, such as marmalade or jelly, will be very useful. Some of the most common causes of wavy nails are lack of sleep and smoking. The latter makes the plates yellowish, thin and brittle, they require treatment. A healthy lifestyle will help prevent ribbed fingernails.

Wavy Nail Care

So that the problems of uneven bumpy nails do not concern you, you need to take care of your hands. If the causes of unevenness are not symptoms of internal spectrum diseases and do not require specific treatment, then it is enough to follow simple rules for care.

1. Protect your hands from exposure to aggressive external environment: frost, scorching sun, wind. Do not neglect wearing gloves and mittens, thus covering not only the skin, but also the nails on the hands.

2. Use protective creams no later than an hour before going outside. When applying them to the skin, spread a thin layer on the nails so that they also receive nutrition.

3. Responsible for manicure. The treatment of wavy nails should be gentle, so you should especially take care of choosing a nail file:

  • give preference to glass, metal files destroy nails and spoil the structure;
  • choose the direction of movement of the nail file and stick to it, you can’t use it in the back and forth mode, this contributes to the brittleness and crumbling of the plate, the appearance of ribbed nails;
  • never file your nails in a steamed state, they must be dry.

4. Carefully handle the cuticle, pushing its edge with a stick, and get rid of the burrs with the help of tweezers, so as not to treat wounds later, especially on the nails on the thumbs. Before the procedure, do not forget to apply a moisturizer.

5. Before applying varnish, use a protective base to cover the nail: it will strengthen the structure of the ribbed nail plate and allow you not to update the manicure longer.

Baths for the prevention of wavy fingernails

The ribbing creates discomfort and forces women to hide their nails both under a thick layer of varnish and under extensions. A bright colored coating of the nail plate will not help in the treatment of the disease, but will only highlight defects, and tips will interfere with the growth of normal healthy nails. Cover them during the period of therapy can only be colorless or matte varnish. Special baths will strengthen the nails well:

1. Oil. They are useful for preventing irregularities, preventing the occurrence of wavy nails. Fill the bowl with one of the following compositions: olive or castor oil, oil tea tree and jojoba with a few drops of lemon juice and frankincense. Heat in a water bath until warm. Hold the nails in the bath for 10 minutes, then wipe with a dry cloth and spread with cream. It is recommended to use the product 2 times a week.

2. Salt. A solution of several teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water will help strengthen the nail plate and prevent its deformation. Dip your fingertips into it and hold for 5-7 minutes, then rinse under the tap and wipe. Salt must be handled with care, so do such baths no more than 2 times a week.

3. Iodine. in addition to simply covering uneven nails with iodine, you can put a few drops in corn oil and hold your nails there for 10 minutes. Such a bath will strengthen the plate and give the hands a healthy look.

Treatment of ribbed nails

Ribbing will be avoided if you always take care of your nails, and not just when the first signs appear. If you treat the disease at home, then this is no different from prevention, except for the more frequent use of baths and creams. If you do everything for the benefit of nails, and the disease does not recede, you need to see a doctor. First of all, go through an examination with a therapist who will give advice on how to straighten bumpy nails, and in the absence of any, refer you to a dermatologist.

A visit to a dermatologist is mandatory when treating problem nails, since the cause sometimes lies in fungal pathologies that only a specialist diagnoses. To determine the type of fungus and prescribe treatment, you need to take tests. The disease can manifest itself with beriberi and be seasonal. In this case, taking vitamins will help. Nails respond best to such beneficial substances:

  • vitamins of groups B, E, D, C, K, PP;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • inulin;
  • selenium.

There are whole complexes that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the plates and help get rid of the ribbing of nails without special efforts. And proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins, will enhance the effect of any treatment.

To understand why nails grow in waves, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Perhaps it is worth changing the manicure master, or maybe the nails do not have enough nutrition, then simple homemade masks will help.

Why do nails grow in waves?

Nails can become ribbed due to the use of low-quality and poorly sharpened manicure tools. If the master, along with the cuticle, accidentally cut off the upper layers of the nail plate, after regrowth, small pits and tubercles will appear on it.

The cause of the appearance of waves on the nails (wavy dystrophy) can also be:

  • Fungal disease. Additional symptoms - itching, swelling, decreased sensitivity of the fingers;
  • mechanical injury;
  • Oncology;
  • eating disorder;
  • Hormonal disbalance.

If you are sure that the transverse waves on the nails did not appear due to poor-quality manicure, it makes sense to be examined by a dermatologist. The doctor will assess the condition of your nail plates and prescribe treatment.

How to straighten nails that have gone in waves

If the nail has suffered from a fungal disease, you need to take hormonal and antihistamines, use ointments and creams. Strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, and very soon you will grow new smooth and beautiful nails.

At home, you can try to deal with the external manifestations of the waviness of the nails. To improve the appearance of the nail plates, regularly perform the following procedures:

  • Before applying colored varnish, coat your nails with a base coat with a healing effect.
  • Give preference to European unedged or Japanese manicure. Use the services of only professional craftsmen who have extensive experience and relevant education.
  • Additionally, take vitamins for health and strengthening nails. Such drugs can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription.
  • 2-3 times a week, do warm strengthening baths for the nail plates. In a small container, mix 250 ml of water, 1 tbsp. l sea salt and 2 drops essential oil orange. Soak your nails in this liquid for 20-30 minutes, and then pat your hands dry with a dry cloth.

If you often work in the garden, do house cleaning, use special protective gloves for hands. Ignoring this rule can lead to the fact that your nails become wavy, and the skin of your hands - dry and rough.

Refuse acrylic build-up, as this material spoils the structure of the nail plate very much. After removing such artificial overlays, the nails will be in a deplorable state.

It is unpleasant to find in yourself an external modification of the texture of the nail. Why does corrugation or irregularities appear on it? Few people ask this question, but in vain. After all a change in the texture of the nail plate appears not without reason. What to do, how to reverse this and restore smoothness and health? Let's talk about the main causes and ways to treat shear waves on the nails.

Older people who have vertical grooves on the nail plate (raised lines run from the cuticle to the base) have no reason to worry. This age anomaly, it becomes noticeable over the years. But the plate in the horizontal corrugation is worth attention. The side view of the nail noticeably gives out waves, take a closer look, the profile will show you depressions and hollows.

Often, the corrugated plate on the nails is cosmetic in nature, which is the result of improper, rough trimming of the cuticle by negligent manicurists. But this is not always the case. Consider the most important reasons for this phenomenon:

Mycosis fungus

Development of nail fungus

Half of the cases of wavy dystrophy - bacterial fungus. When you experience some discomfort: swollen hands, insensitive fingers and painful itching, you need to visit a specialist.

Symptoms indicate a dangerous infection that is risky for health and does not require monitoring processes. Diagnosis may be obvious on examination by a dermatologist and after a scraping test. There is no universal approach to killing bacteria, they are responsive to one drug and completely resistant to another.

- functional disorder of the body (hormonal, cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive failure).

- mechanical injury;

- congenital anomaly;

- psoriasis, lichen planus;

- cancer.


Eliminating the cause of wavy nails with the help of laboratory tests, the patient's history, information about his activities And lifestyle, dermatologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Functional failure, require doctors of a narrow profile. In the case of psoriasis, depriving and other bacteria with infections, therapy is delayed for a long time, you need to be prepared for this.

You will definitely be interested to know what is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Medicines and ointments for fungal infections

Lacquer against toenail fungus Oflomil - one of the most effective drugs

The main medical remedies that help normalize the growth of the nail plate and rid it of the fungus include:

- glucocorticosteroids (hormonal drugs);

- vitamins and microelements that regenerate the tissue of the nail plate (A, B, C, D, P, E; calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc in tablets, injections and diet);

- antihistamine drugs (tablets Suprastin, Tavegil and Dimedrol);

- from traditional ointments (tar, salicylic);

- prednisolone ointments, hydrocortisone are used at the beginning of treatment;

- non-halogenated ointments: Flucinar, Advantan, Dermazolone, Oxycort;

- Psorkutan or Calcipotriol cream (not a hormonal drug, it is used for a long time).


To speed up the process of nail regrowth, you must follow some measures:

- regularly strengthen nails using salt baths;

- use cuticle oil, this nourishes and moisturizes the nail plate (continuous use of it eliminates wave-like grooves, eventually they disappear forever).

In order for nails to grow healthy and not bother you, it is important to know How not to get infected.

The answer is simple - to adhere to the rules of hygiene, from time to time to carry out preventive measures to cleanse the nails and develop proper resistance to disease in the form of the use of a full complex of vitamins for the growth of nails and hair.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, people almost never face problems of an infectious nature. To be absolutely healthy, it is important not only to have the purity of internal organs (to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins), but also to carry out prevention from diseases that infect a person from the outside. A healthy body is resistant to the attacks of viruses and bacteria. A robust life support system provides daily protection against environmental aggression.

An important priority for healthy lifestyle life is nutrition, sleep, exercise, outdoor activities. These factors are beneficial to metabolism and longevity. A smooth plate will grow, replace the nails with waves, and the causes and treatment and their tedious search will cease to bother. Following the recommendations after a while gives a positive result.

What does abnormal nail growth indicate?

When the nail plates grow incorrectly (exfoliate, grow in waves), it is necessary to determine the causes and begin treatment. As a rule, nails and hair are the first to make it clear that a person has serious health problems.

If we take into account delamination pattern , as vertical and horizontal stripes and grooves appear on the nails, as well as a shade of blue or poor (slow) growth, then according to these manifestations, an experienced doctor will definitely find the cause and indicate that the patient has a particular disease.

It is the incorrect growth of nails that may indicate any deviations from the norm.

Of course, traditional medicine is quite strong, but it's up to you to take risks or not.

Poor condition of the nails (for example, when nails grow in waves) is not a reason for self-treatment, not a reason for self-selection folk remedies without having any experience.

It would be best to contact a more competent specialist with suspicions of a problem.

However, it is still possible to consider the possible causes of improper nail growth.

What do changes in the nail plates tell us?

Structure of the nail

Consider the main causes and symptoms of abnormal nail growth.

Vertical stripes indicate that you most likely have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If a bluish tint appears on the nails, the nails themselves begin to exfoliate, this is nothing but heart problems.

Nail plates with white stripes, grooves and a bumpy structure may indicate the presence of diabetes. They may also indicate metabolic disorders.

Horizontal stripes indicate probable infectious diseases.

If the nails grow reluctantly and at the same time are concave down, this may be the cause of iron deficiency anemia.

It's important to understand!

Before you self-medicate, you need to contact the clinic for advice. Only a timely examination will help to exclude possible diseases and the specialist will competently advise you, focusing on the examination.