Cheerful congratulations on Medical Worker's Day. Funny short congratulations on Doctor's Day

Congratulations on the day medical worker
(in Russia it is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday in June, in the world - on the first Monday in October)


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We are proud of our doctors
And on this holiday we want to say,
What is even difficult to express in words,
How grateful we all are to them.
We congratulate doctors on Doctor's Day,
The whole people respects them for their work,
We wish everyone good luck and health,
Let medicine move forward!


To all who took the Hippocratic oath,
We want to say a lot of kind words
And wish you a decent salary,
And so that love surrounds you.
So that your patients get better,
May you always be successful,
And let life's beautiful moments
I gave it to you! Happy Doctor's Day to all of you!


On Doctor's Day they celebrate their holiday
And the doctor, and the orderly, and the nurse,
With all my heart, all the people wish you
Health, happiness, joy, goodness.
Let your skill grow over the years,
And I am pleased with the successful result,
Let patients, when parting with you,
You are always sincerely thanked!


We celebrate Doctor's Day today,
It is known that in the world you cannot find
Professions are more useful, nobler.
Good luck on your life's journey,
So that you don’t regret your efforts
For the benefit of those who trust you,
Health, fulfillment of desires,
We wish the doctors success!


You are entrusted with life and health,
This is destined for you,
You, treating your profession with love,
You are fighting a difficult battle with diseases.
We wish you patience, good luck,
And success will certainly come to you,
Let everything in life be solved.


We congratulate you on your holiday today,
Wear your white robe with honor.
We wish you good health,
Let your eyes sparkle with enthusiasm.
Gratitude, love you deserve
Based on the results of your work.
We want patients to be
We are always grateful for your help!


Thank you for being there in difficult times
You try to help everyone,
You are doctors, and for the lives of patients
Sometimes you fight day and night.
There are few professions like this, probably
Where there is absolutely no room for error.
We respect you immensely for your work.
And on this holiday we wish you all happiness!


To all doctors, nurses, orderlies
We wish you high salaries.
And there is no better gift for them on this holiday,
Than the patient's grateful look.
Let everything be great at work,
We wish you prosperity, victories,
Harmony and happiness in personal life,
Good luck to everyone, health, long years!


A wonderful holiday has arrived today,
We congratulate our doctors,
There is no nobler profession of a doctor,
He is always ready to help the sick.
We wish you goodness and love from the bottom of our hearts,
Patience is what you always need,
After all, the Hippocratic oath is unbreakable,
Well, good health to you for many years to come!


Today is an extraordinary holiday,
And on this day we want to say to doctors:
Human life, in general, is priceless,
But we can trust you with it.
We wish you health with all our hearts,
So that everything is safe in the family,
Always be surrounded by love.
Happy Doctor's Day, we congratulate you all!

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Noble, complex, responsible, interesting... one can continue to list the epithets that deserve one of the oldest and most necessary professions - a doctor. However, when a person also calls her beloved, all of the above takes on special meaning. For most doctors, paramedics, ambulance workers, nurses, obstetricians, accepting congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 on June 18, their work has become a way of life. Not one of these people imagines a more important cause than helping a sick child, a woman in labor, an elderly person, or saving the life of a seriously ill person. Congratulating doctors and junior medical staff, their friends, colleagues and relatives give them funny cards with funny pictures, read comic poems, pronounce beautiful words in prose. According to statistics, the total number of health workers increased over the past year by more than 1,100 men and women, reaching 1.3 million people.

Comic congratulations to colleagues on Doctor's Day 2017

Every year, the third week of June is spent preparing for the professional holiday of people of the most peaceful profession. On Sunday, June 18, 2017, Doctor's Day is celebrated. On this day, all healthcare workers will be honored in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, and rehabilitation centers. Colleagues will exchange comic congratulations in verse, wishing their friends well and healthy. In honor of the holiday, concerts will be held in many medical institutions. Their guests will include health workers from departmental hospitals and clinics, their relatives and patients.

Examples of comic congratulations to colleagues on Doctor's Day 2017 in verse

Despite the severity of their work and the tragic stories of patients that doctors and nurses inevitably encounter at some point, doctors never lose their sense of humor. Joking helps them deal with inevitable stress and put things into perspective. On Doctor's Day 2017, June 18, healthcare workers will exchange comic poems and give greeting cards, will give them small gifts.

Happy Doctor's Day - the soul and body of a healer,

Walking proudly under the red cross!

I wish you a happy life

With a satisfied, happy and well-fed face!

May your patients get better

"Thanks a lot!" they tell you.

Let your colleagues smile at you,

Success and luck are knocking on the door!

May your salary be meager

And you can’t feel it,

But without the Hippocratic oath

You won't be able to live through the day!

I'm rooting for your health,

And you will drive away the disease,

Without looking for peace

And a car of vanity!

But on Doctor's Day at least

Step away from things a little bit

Become carefree and weak,

After all, it's time to relax!

I want to congratulate the doctor

In your face today I am!

And let me not treat myself,

I’ll tell you the whole truth:

We all need you, doctors,

Calm with you, stay healthy.

You should all live well,

To be kinder to patients.

I wish you everything

What a pleasure it is to dream about

May you achieve your goal

And you will have a great time!

Funny congratulations on the professional holiday Doctor's Day 2017 - Cool poems

In 2017, Doctor's Day falls on June 18. The day before, in many cultural centers and in the halls of medical institutions, concerts are held dedicated to representatives of the noblest profession - a doctor. The healthcare workers themselves read funny poems from the stage, addressing them to ambulance workers, obstetricians, nurses, paramedics and doctors of various specialties. Funny congratulations give modern doctors a good mood and set them up only for the positive.

Examples of funny poems - Funny congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017

On the holiday of people who have dedicated themselves to the most noble cause - protecting the health and preserving the lives of others, Doctor's Day 2017, many thousands of healthcare workers will gather in cultural palaces and assembly halls of hospitals and clinics to accept congratulations from colleagues and patients. The heroes of the occasion will be congratulated with funny skits about doctors, funny poems and songs about the life of modern “healers”.

Happy Doctor's Day, health genius!

Let diseases unquestioningly

They take their feet in their hands and walk away,

So that they can’t stand you anymore!

Let the money flow in bags,

Health speaks in verses,

Celebrate your day today

Give all advice to the sick,

Let them walk with their own feet

Not with sticks and crutches,

To do this, help them

Save me from illness soon!

Diagnoses, medications, healing recipes,

And crowds of patients in succession...

This one gets injections, and this one gets two tablets,

And by evening our doctor is not himself.

Therefore, it is useful for doctors today

Relax and forget difficulties.

We wish you grateful and kind patients,

And so that they are easy to treat!

Happy Doctor's Day!

May you have enough will and strength

Treat any patient

No matter how difficult it may be!

Let there be enough hope and faith,

Let there be enough love, warmth,

Put the patient on his feet,

Forget injections and bandages!

I know you are merciful

There is no doubt - Hippocrates

Work with people like you

I was incredibly happy and glad!

Congratulations in funny pictures on Doctor's Day 2017

People have always valued the work of doctors, nurses, obstetricians, paramedics and other medical workers. In order to respect all doctors, back in 1980 the tradition arose in the USSR to celebrate Doctor's Day on the third Sunday in June. As in ancient times, the profession of a doctor remains the most in demand. On June 18, 2017, relatives, friends and colleagues of medical workers will give them greeting cards and funny pictures depicting scenes from the lives of doctors.

Examples of congratulations to medical workers - Postcards with funny pictures

A doctor is a person who deals with human suffering, severe cases of illness, and death. However, it is doctors who have a keen sense of humor and know how to joke at the right time. First of all, they joke about themselves, exchanging greeting cards with funny pictures and poems on Doctor's Day.

Congratulations to colleagues on Doctor's Day 2017 in prose

Doctor's Day is not just one of the professional holidays. Each of us is involved in it: it is doctors who accompany a person throughout his life. At the birth of a baby, the first person to hold him in his arms is the obstetrician. During childhood, a pediatrician monitors how the child grows. With age, every person acquires diseases - people in white coats also help us cope with them. We trust doctors with our lives. On June 18, 2017, medical workers will be awarded thank you letters, and chief doctors and heads of departments will congratulate their colleagues in prose. Many doctors, nurses, and ambulance workers will receive awards and cash bonuses.

Examples of congratulations to colleagues on Doctor’s Day in prose

Traditionally, on Doctor's Day, all workers of medical institutions are gathered in the halls and houses of culture in order to say congratulations to them, to wish them success in their service and simple happiness in their families. Chief doctors and heads of hospitals and clinics will thank their colleagues for their hard work and loyalty to their chosen cause.

Dear colleague, on Medical Worker’s Day, please accept my sincere wishes for happiness, success and prosperity. May you never have to doubt the benefit you bring to people, may your patients always be happy and grateful to you. Happy holiday!

Dear colleague, please accept my congratulations on Medical Worker’s Day. Being a doctor is truly your calling; you help your patients maintain the most priceless things: health and longevity. Be sure that people are always grateful to you and their faces really glow with health and happiness. Keep it up! Happy holiday!

Since childhood, we have all become accustomed to being afraid of doctors. But when we grow up, we rush to the doctors to complain about our cold so that they can write us a sick leave. Happy medical worker's day and more happy patients!

Sincere congratulations on Doctor's Day to a female doctor

Every year, celebrating Doctor's Day, the management of medical institutions notes something new that has appeared in the life of medicine. On this holiday, speaking about new technologies, ideas, developments, they say that without dedicated people, among whom there are many wonderful women doctors, none of the above would have ever appeared. Sincerely congratulating nurses, midwives, doctors on their day, they wish them the best health, patience and endurance.

Examples of sincere congratulations on Doctor’s Day for a female doctor

On the eve of Doctor's Day, people with golden hands will gather in many hospitals and clinics, maternity hospitals and sanatoriums - doctors, midwives, nurses, without whom no society today is unthinkable. Doctor is a calling. Being in the title of “medical worker”, doctors understand all the responsibility placed on their shoulders. Today in Russia most of the doctors are women. Their efforts have already saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients; Thanks to their dedicated work, many patients literally returned from the “other world.” Millions of little Russian citizens appeared with their help. On June 18, doctors will receive the most well-deserved congratulations and well wishes.

You are not the owner of yachts, cottages, dachas,

You are a flower girl, nothing more tender...

You are better: you are a simple Russian doctor,

And there is no one more reliable and needed than you.

Any time of year, day or hour

There is no one more useful than you in this world:

You cut, sew, heal us

From all sorts of ailments and illnesses!

And in this life a glorious anniversary

It's not the orders or medals that concern us...

Our doctor, we ask you: don’t be sick!

We are not doctors and we can hardly cure you!

Profession medical worker

Doesn't know random people.

She gathers responsible, honest

And loyal to their oath.

Stay true to your chosen path,

And may he have wisdom and strength

Live happily, calmly, without anxiety,

And so that your work only brings joy

Glory, glory to the doctors,

Nurses, paramedics,

To all nurses, ophthalmologists,

Obstetricians, prosthetists,

Dentists and ENT specialists,

We sing glory to the whole choir.

Even if someone is healthy,

Life started with doctors!

Their caring hands

Eased mothers' pains,

So that we can be born.

God forbid we catch a cold,

Catch bronchitis or flu -

We'll remember them right away!

Everyone will tell you about them,

Look for beautiful, funny and short congratulations on Medical Worker's Day, then come to me. And again, I will surprise you with a huge selection of poems and wishes in prose, you can also download free pictures and send musical greetings.

Year after year, we celebrate and congratulate everyone who fights for our lives; these people are not employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but workers of medical institutions. The holiday was officially approved back in 1991, although the date is always changing. But to avoid confusion, Doctor's Day is celebrated in Russia on the third Sunday of June.

Of course, on this day, not everyone sits at luxurious tables or dances at a corporate party; some employees, doctors, nurses and other colleagues work as usual. This day is special for them because they are doing their duty.

I invite you, friends, to familiarize yourself with my huge selection of congratulations in poetry and prose for doctors of different categories. Choose your favorite poem or short SMS, download for free and send to your medical friends, doctors and doctors.

Congratulations in prose can be changed, unnecessary words removed, or your wishes added. These are not poems where there is a rhyme, these are wishes in your own words, from the heart. They can be official, short, long and heartfelt, it all depends on who you send the text message to or read.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with several options for congratulations on Doctor’s Day in prose, which you can send to colleagues, a friend or mother.

Happy Medical Worker's Day! I wish your hopes and dreams come true. So that the joy of doing what you love brings inspiration and motivation. So that every working day is a step towards professional growth and development. Be happy, healthy and successful!

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live full lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on Medical Worker’s Day and wish you great success in your noble and much-needed work. I wish you respect and love from colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not grow cold, but always be sympathetic and warm!

Happy Doctor's Day. I wish you a life without injections from loved ones, without heart wounds and soul trauma. Let every day bring smiles of gratitude to patients, pleasant surprises from loved ones, good news and incredible strength to accomplish all your plans.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on this professional holiday – Medical Worker’s Day!

Health is the main wealth, without which a happy and fulfilling life is impossible, so your work will always be in demand and respected! Thousands of people owe you not only their freedom from illness, good health and mood, but also their lives saved!

We wish you the love and attention of your loved ones, success in your work, grateful patients and simple human happiness!

You protect our health, tirelessly save lives and do not spare yourself at work, so let you yourself never have any illnesses, you will have time to rest, and the payment for your work will correspond to the wasted energy. Happy Medical Worker's Day, dear doctors!

There are no simple professions in medicine. You don’t just work with people, you save them, you heal them with deeds, care, and sometimes with a kind word. May everything come true for you! Live long, don’t get sick, because we all need you!

I am pleased to congratulate you today on your professional holiday, Medical Worker Day! After all, every day there are many people under your care who require help, reports the Ros-Registr website. The country is proud of residents like you, who contribute an integral part to the development of our country! May your priceless hands never give up, and may your eyes never know disappointment and grief. After all, you do good every day. Many people are very grateful to you! Happy holiday to you.

At the beginning of summer, when everything around is green, sunny and beautiful, people in white coats celebrate their professional holiday. Dear doctors and nurses, paramedics and obstetricians, laboratory assistants and orderlies, we sincerely and cordially congratulate you on Medical Worker’s Day! Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, patience, kindness and nobility! Good health to you, dear doctors, good mood and success in all your endeavors!

Congratulations on Doctor's Day! On this day, I want all your wishes to come true and your dreams to become reality. May your work bring income and moral satisfaction, may the joy of bright moments and good deeds never be erased from memory!

Friends, today there will be a lot of congratulations in poetry, prose, funny and beautiful for colleagues, a little less pictures. Therefore, I suggest you take a look at my previous article, where the most beautiful pictures for medical workers by category and profession.

You can download them absolutely free, then just send them to the recipient and that’s it.

Who doesn’t like humorous and funny wishes, I think everyone does. This category is just for you, my friends, here you will find short, beautiful cool congratulations in verse to a doctor, nurse and colleagues.

Today we praise doctors,

Let's do a great job on Doctor's Day:

Let's take the temperature

Then we'll go to the procedure.

What will the doctors tell us?

An injection or an enema in the morning?

Ultrasound, or maybe exercise therapy,

Lotions, mouthwash...

We wish our doctors

To receive both here and there,

Not from the bosses of the pendels -

From pretzel patients.

So that you remain without work

And for a century I will not know such care,

How to heal patients

But get it regularly

For those healthy people on the site,

Who wears a mask to get vaccinated?

Who doesn’t shout: “Oh, it hurts!”

And he doesn’t bother you with complaints.

Unlimited money for you,

So that life is beautiful,

May you have a great life

And don’t worry about your health!

On Doctor's Day the river flowers

Let it flow into your hands,

And let the crowd of patients

It will pass you by.

Let your work make you happy,

So that you don't get discouraged,

Press firmly on the gas

On a brand new Ferrari!

You're always on duty

In the battle for health!

Count your happiness

It went around so bad!

Let all the diseases strike

Your spirit, class and strength,

So that life in all its glory,

Bringing joy!

If the flu, cold, tonsils,

The eye can't see, the nose is broken,

Doctor means definitely

He will hurry to our aid.

It will numb and heal,

The one who needs it will write out a prescription.

With our glorious medicine

We will live to be 100 years old.

We congratulate you on Doctor's Day,

And we will say thank you.

Took the Hippocratic oath

And you will be faithful to her all your life!

Dear Doctor Aibolit

He is sitting in his office.

Prescribes pills to everyone,

He never gets bored at the reception.

Issues certificates to people

Pricks, cuts, heals, sews.

And today is a beautiful day,


Well, and our medicine -

Never forget.

Be healthy, don't get sick,

Drink raspberry tea more often!

Be healthy, live richly,

Let your salary allow you everything,

May such work be a joy to you,

Treating people is the most important concern!

We wish you, doctors, healing happiness,

Love, like alcohol, pure and harmless,

Let there be joys without GMOs,

Squirrels and UFOs are not visible!

Happy Doctor's Day, wisest healer!

All you have to do is get a phonendoscope -

And patients jumping from their beds,

Like horses, they start galloping!

And, like cognac, let life intoxicate, in the composition

Having a bouquet of tart-sweet feelings,

And in each joint there is

From happiness let the flying effect!

Prisoner of the white coat!

Let your salary grow

Life will be rich in happiness,

And health - in three girths.

Let the chamber be empty,

After all, Hippocrates has a holiday:

From dawn to dusk

No syringe, no medicine!

I wish you, doctors, nerves of iron,

Fill out less useless paperwork,

Patients who are not boring, checks that are gentle,

And most importantly - a sparkling eye of happiness!

And so that your salaries are raised quickly,

Give siphon enemas to ministers!

Well, such cool congratulations, I’m sure you liked them.

Of course, on this June day, you should first of all congratulate your colleagues, because this is a comrade who is on the same path with you. If you are not around on a special date, send a beautiful or funny verse to your colleagues.

Happy Doctor's Day, dear colleagues!

And let those bad times pass,

When you have been underestimated in some way.

I wish you that everyone loves you,

Gave joy, roses, compliments

Both on holiday and in ordinary moments.

So that patients are grateful,

You were respected and always appreciated!

Congratulations, colleagues,

Happy our main, glorious day.

Medicine is all about life

We go hand in hand.

I wish you all good health,

So that you don’t have to undergo treatment,

So that everything you dreamed about

It definitely came true.

I wish you joyful moments

More positive things in life

Only grateful patients

What they will say to you is thank you for everything!

Let your salary grow

After all, you are a doctor!

And there will be everything you need in life,

May happiness always await you.

We worked, we "sweated"

So that people don't get sick,

Didn't eat enough, didn't drink enough,

May they be healthy.

And today we are resting,

Let's celebrate the holiday

An exemplary team,

Very friendly and smart.

I want to wish, colleagues,

So that success awaits you,

In personal life and at work

And, of course, true friendship!

Fewer complex patients

More joyful moments

So that illnesses recede,

Never stressed!

Don't mope, don't worry,

Don't swear, but laugh,

Laughter prolongs years

And it adds health!

May money adore you

Hovering side by side, flying,

They reach into my wallet with impudence,

Every day brings a holiday!

Let the authorities respect you

Very appreciative, encouraging,

Don't skimp on surprises

Fulfills all your whims!

But we’re not cut out for it either,

The management will be even:

We will remember your generosity

And we will carry out all orders!

Let, dear colleagues,

The days bring you golden ones

Many good adventures

And have fun!

Happy Medical Worker's Day, dear colleagues,

I congratulate you warmly, from the bottom of my heart!

For a kind heart and golden hands,

Let fragrant flowers surround you!

Appreciatively all the people smile

And they give, with joy, love and warmth,

And all good things are multiplied a hundredfold,

For your sincere sensitivity and kindness!

May all your expectations come true,

Dreams and hopes will come true in good time,

Fate will give you for wisdom and efforts,

Good health and strength in stock!

May luck accompany you in life,

For needed by people, noble work,

And fortitude, skill and inspiration,

Will lead to great happiness and success

Who will lend a helping hand,

At the moment when it's not good

And who gives an injection that doesn’t hurt?

And cuts easily with a scalpel.

Who are we afraid of as children?

When the device buzzes in your mouth,

And we call on the carriage,

03 is jammed into our phone.

He proudly bears the name - medic

And our deepest bow to him,

Today is your day and let's celebrate -

We are together on your and my holiday.

We celebrate this holiday

We are a close-knit team.

Let everyone receive

Prizes instead of "thank you"!

I wish you grateful patients

And bonuses in addition to the salary!

Let your working moments be enjoyable,

Dear colleagues will be nearby.

Be patient and don’t lose your health

And save your nerves for your family.

Get plenty of rest,

Let your heart be warm with love.

Short and funny congratulations on Medical Worker’s Day are very popular, and rightly so, because it’s funny and fun.

Health and patience,

Mood for work

Pleasant communication,

Immense abundance.

Life laughs flirtatiously

Happy Doctor's Day!

You are darning us with a needle,

You lubricate the wounds with iodine,

You endure salaries steadfastly,

Be silent, like partisans.

Thank you, dear ones, for your concern,

For your invaluable work,

For your hard work,

For getting rid of diseases!

Happy Doctor's Day to you!

Good luck and goodness,

Health and success

I wish you.

Congratulations on Doctor's Day,

We wish you success in life,

The salaries are indecently high,

So that everything is always perfect.

Let the mood be on the rise,

Prosperity always reigns in your home,

Hearts are filled with goodness and love

Happy Doctor's Day!

And endless happiness!

With medicine you are on your own

And you are a great doctor!

Let your dreams come true

Life will be wonderful!

You put on a white robe, -

It was a brave act.

And, with the disease in eternal dispute,

You save us from illness.

On this day and all year round

Glory and honor to you!

I wish you a festive mood,

An addition to your salary.

Medicine day today

We hasten to congratulate you,

Sensitive. kind ones. noble,

Happy holiday to you.

Happy Doctor's Day!

There is a reason to scream -

Vivat, medicine!

Today is your holiday

Big and beautiful!

Sick people are not harmful to you,

Noticeable successes,

We wish you with love

Good health to you!

Doctor's Day! And we congratulate you!

Of course, we wish everyone good health!

Live and work with dignity,

Let everything be calm in medicine!

We wish you bright sun and bright skies,

Success at work, career growth to you,

Realization of cherished desires,

So that everything in life comes easy.

On Medic's Day we wish you prosperity

And respect among colleagues.

Let your efforts be appreciated,

Live happily for a lifetime!

Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you,

I wish you great success!

We will all be healthy, I know -

There are no other options for you.

I wish you always accurate and effective diagnoses medicines, happy smiles from grateful patients, and that you contact your colleagues only with work-related questions.

You can copy the wishes in prose or poetry, the main thing is not to forget to congratulate your medical friends, colleagues, doctor’s mother or doctor’s father on their professional holiday on Sunday.

You to patients instead of “Goodbye”

Say “Be healthy!” with a smile.

For your daily efforts

The whole world congratulates doctors today!

And you will accept our congratulations,

We wish you good health and love,

And so that only the best moments

You could be made happy in life!

Who can't be imagined without a white coat?

Who deserves more wages?

Who is ready to work from night to morning?

Of course, our beloved doctors!

Today is your holiday, doctors of the country!

We really need your experience and knowledge,

We are glad to congratulate you and wish you,

May everything you dream about come true!

On Doctor's Day, let's congratulate you brightly,

There are many successes in life!

To all doctors and nurses,

United by the word “doctor”!

The windows in the rooms are open,

And today there are no patients in them,

Your holiday makes them healthier,

And the flower vases are cramped!

Low bow to you for your efforts,

Good luck to all doctors!

And let universal recognition

The reward itself will be assigned to you!

Health Worker's Day is the most important holiday,

Happy heart medicine to you all!

Honorable work, but hardest work -

Go to the end in the battle against the disease.

Pediatricians on a beautiful day

They celebrate their holiday.

Your work is valuable and worthy -

Anyone can confirm this.

Just let them be healthy

Your patients,

Accept your address

Nowadays it's compliments.

Thank you for your kindness,

Tenderness and care.

May it bring joy only to you

Important work.

You can send these wishes on the day of the medical worker to the pediatrician, chief physician, colleagues and friends.

In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone who is involved in medicine, who helps us overcome diseases, good health and patience. Dear doctors, doctors, dentists, surgeons, neurologists, ENT specialists and nurses, thank you so much for your work.

Friends, I hope I didn’t upset you, and you were able to find beautiful, funny, funny and short poems for your friends, colleagues and bosses for Medical Worker’s Day. On this day, send wishes in prose or beautiful funny postcard, music or video congratulations, express your gratitude.

Media news

Partner news

For many years now, every third Sunday of June in the CIS countries has been celebrating Health Worker Day. Moreover, each medical institution has its own atmosphere. The most sincere and beautiful congratulations Happy Doctor's Day 2017 will be received from their colleagues by women and men working in healthcare. Since this professional holiday always falls on a day off, relatives at home will please the health workers by reading them humorous wishes in poetry or prose and presenting them with postcards with funny pictures.

Comic congratulations to colleagues on Doctor's Day 2017

A doctor is one of the oldest professions in the world, remaining relevant at any time. In hospitals, experienced surgeons, cardiologists, pulmonologists, oncologists and other specialists save lives every day and give joy to patients. Shelters are the most difficult places for doctors, nurses, nannies and aides to work. Sanatorium employees who help patients undergo a rehabilitation course or simply improve their health must show ordinary human attention to everyone. Such hard work always causes stress, so on June 18, 2017, for the Doctor's Day holiday funny congratulations will fit perfectly.

Examples of comic congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 for colleagues

The medical profession is one of the most stressful professions. Every day, medical workers and ambulance staff interact with seriously ill and dying people. Carrying out their professional and human duty, they forget about their troubles in order to alleviate the suffering of patients. Following the Hippocratic oath, modern healers never leave without medical care needing it. On Doctor's Day, June 18, 2017, comic congratulations in verse or prose received from colleagues will help doctors relax a little and just relax.

Doctor's Day! Doctor's Day
Came to us today!
All Doctors! All Doctors!
We wish you happiness!

We wish you good mood,
Good luck and love,
Mutual understanding
With loved ones on the way!

We also wish you
Rest more often
And, which is quite natural,
Help all people.

My wise advice to all patients:
We are urgently canceling the disease!
A banquet awaits all doctors today,
We congratulate them on the holiday.

Let the nurses wear shorter skirts,
The proctologist bought a suit,
The mental hospital walks until late at night,
The Ministry of Health got all drunk today!

Doctor, nurse, nurse, sister -
Our dear doctors
Be healthy both you and your family.
And let the sick respect them.

Today, on a wonderful day,
Lovely on Doctor's Day
I want to congratulate you
And I want to wish you lovingly:

So that the days of life are bright,
Didn't have to give enemas
To heal patients
He gave them hope in life.

Funny congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 - Funny poems

On June 18, 2017, the country will celebrate Medic Day. Today everyone wants to live a long, active life. To achieve this, healthcare workers work almost seven days a week. That is why it is better to congratulate them in a fun way by organizing not only festive table, but also having come up with a cool one for the healers of our time entertainment program, including funny poems and ditties.

Examples of funny poems for Medic's Day 2017 - Cool congratulations

People trust health workers with their health and life. This requires doctors to have deep knowledge of the art of medicine. Of course, Doctor's Day 2017 is a holiday not only for doctors, but also for nurses, paramedics, and junior staff who treat their chosen work with all their hearts. However, despite the seriousness of this profession, doctors are people with a wonderful sense of humor. It is jokes that help them relieve stress - the constant companion of every caring doctor. Congratulating healthcare workers on June 18, read them funny poems.

I'm ready to argue with anyone
It's bad to live without doctors.
But hardly anyone will be found
And suddenly he starts arguing with me.
After all, everyone knows that medicine
There is a vaccine for all diseases,
There is no profession more needed
How to treat sick people!
Dear doctors!
It's time to congratulate you,
After all, Doctor's Day has come,
And we put you all on a pedestal,
Today we raise together
We wish you love, health,
More joy, smiles,
And work without errors!

From a phonendoscope
I'll post my heart
I'll cut with a scalpel
A whole bouquet of roses
From sterile bandages
I'll make a ring
I'll smooth it with a spatula
A lock of your hair.
Happy holiday,
Being a doctor is a calling.
I sincerely wish
So that you don't get sick.
I wish you good luck
Happiness wishes
I'll whisper quietly
Directly into the otoscope.

Who will lend a helping hand,
At the moment when it's not good
And who gives an injection that doesn’t hurt?
And cuts easily with a scalpel.
Who are we afraid of as children?
When the device buzzes in your mouth,
And we call on the carriage,
03 is jammed into our phone.
He proudly bears the name - medic
And our deepest bow to him,
Today is your day and let's celebrate -
We are together on your and my holiday.

Congratulations on Doctor's Day in postcards with funny pictures

On Doctor's Day, healthcare workers feel especially important and needed. They are proud of their knowledge, achievements, and successes. On June 18, 2017, we will express our deep gratitude to them, thanking each of them for their mercy and sensitivity. Doctors, nurses, orderlies, paramedics can be presented with greeting cards and cool thematic pictures.

Examples of congratulations for Doctor's Day - Postcards with funny pictures

Through hard daily work, healthcare workers protect our lives and health. Patients who want to congratulate their beloved doctors and nurses, all those who care about them, helping them get better, can give postcards with funny pictures to the medical staff of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers. Doctors will cherish such wonderful congratulations received on Doctor’s Day for the rest of their lives.

Congratulations on Doctor's Day to colleagues in prose

On June 18, 2017, on Doctor's Day, chief doctors of hospitals and clinics and other medical institutions will certainly congratulate all colleagues on the holiday. Someone will do this a little earlier, remembering that the holiday is celebrated on a weekend. Other medical workers on duty that day will rejoice at the warm words in the workplace. Doctors will thank their colleagues for their daily work and support, their sensitive hearts, skillful hands. They wish all their doctor friends good health, understanding of loved ones, love, and success in their careers.

Examples of congratulations from colleagues on Doctor’s Day - Wishes in prose

On Doctor's Day, fellow doctors and nurses receive the best congratulations in prose from the management of medical and preventive institutions. The media often talks about the great achievements of individual cardiologists and plastic surgeons, but the doctors we turn to several times a year often remain in the shadows, and this is unfair. Their work is no less important. Colleagues of employees of clinics and sanatoriums, who themselves have chosen not to quiet life, but daily hard work in the name of preserving the health of patients.

Happy Doctor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude from people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live full lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on Medical Worker’s Day and wish you great success in your noble and much-needed work. I wish you respect and love from colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not grow cold, but always be sympathetic and warm!

Dear medical workers! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the health that you give to others. On this day we wish you joy, happiness, great love and a piece of that great health that you generously give to us. On this holiday, let your families see your smile and sincere pleasure from the national recognition of your merits.

Best congratulations on Doctor's Day to a female doctor

On June 18, 2017, Russia celebrates Doctor's Day. Traditionally, this holiday for people in white coats is not only a reason to escape from everyday worries, but also a milestone at which they sum up some results and make plans for the future. There are a huge number of women working as doctors and nurses in the domestic healthcare system. For them, their favorite chosen activity is hard work, because they combine it with household responsibilities, motherhood, and caring for their spouse and children. On this day, relatives and friends should support them by congratulating each doctor and nurse with the best, warm words coming from the heart.

Examples of the best congratulations to a woman on Doctor’s Day

According to tradition, the day before professional holiday healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, and orderlies gather around a table set up in a cafe or at the home of one of their colleagues. Every woman doctor is congratulated in a special way on Doctor’s Day. IN kind words best wishes from colleagues and relatives there are words of gratitude for their kind heart, which contains care for both patients and each family member.

My health is a little off, I cry...
Who will help? Only a doctor!..
Here we declare a toast without poses:
Doctors, lovingly, we congratulate you!
This is what Hippocrates taught you:
To be smart and bright a hundred times,
Young, pure through the centuries, as before -
Heal us from troubles and adversity
And give the keys to the sick
To our immortality in hope!!!

You are not the owner of yachts, cottages, dachas,
You are a flower girl, nothing more tender...
You are better: you are a simple Russian doctor,
And there is no one more reliable and needed than you.
Any time of year, day or hour
There is no one more useful than you in this world:
You cut, sew, heal us
From all sorts of ailments and illnesses!
And in this life a glorious anniversary
It's not the orders or medals that concern us...
Our doctor, we ask you: don’t be sick!
We are not doctors and we can hardly cure you!

To treat, to save - what could be more important?
More humanely, whose work will be?
Whose hands can be stronger and more gentle?
Who are they asking and calling for help?
The doctor gives us good hope,
He collects faith bit by bit.
Takes risks, risking himself first,
And he fulfills his duty to the end.
We wish you what the fight is for,
Good health and patience to you in this difficult task!
Never know wrong decisions,
Choosing your own path in a moment of doubt!

Congratulations on Doctor's Day to a man

Doctor is a profession from God. These people not only treat, but also save lives. The work of male orderlies is no less important - they help doctors cope with difficult physical work and are always the first to come to the rescue. On June 18, 2017, hundreds of thousands of congratulations will be received by paramedics working in the Ambulance Service, surgeons, urologists, proctologists, rehabilitation specialists and doctors of all other specialties, and SES employees. On this day, the warmest heartfelt wishes will be addressed to people in white coats.

Examples of congratulations to a man on Doctor's Day

“Thank you, doctor!” - these are the words with which most congratulations from paramedics and men working as doctors and orderlies begin on Doctor’s Day. Doctors have cast their lot in with the best of the noblest professions. In medical practice, knowledge of the highest quality and education are always required. However, a good doctor always needs selflessness, humanity, and mercy. It is for these qualities that our doctors are valued by their patients, friends, relatives and colleagues.

There is no nobler occupation
How to restore people's health.
And I congratulate you today
With special love.
You save people's lives
And I want to wish you,
May your guardian angel take care of you
And he didn’t let you get discouraged.
I wish you big salaries
And even more patience,
So that the white doctor's coat
You wore it without regret!

My friend, I hasten to congratulate you on Doctor’s Day,
And I wish you, of course, not to get sick,
And glorify the medical worker,
But you won’t get burned in the coals at work...

You warm with an even bright light,
May the ward be happy as soon as you enter!
Heal and don’t forget to console,
Be true to the honest Hippocratic oath!

Cool congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 on June 18 will be received by women and men doctors, nurses, and orderlies. Colleagues will wish them professional success in prose, and friends will hand them postcards with pictures and comic poems.