The reasons for the upper lip drying out and flaking. Why do lips crack and what to do about it?

Peeling lips is a very unpleasant problem that not only causes discomfort, but also affects your appearance. And this is important for both men and women.

As a rule, the reason lies in simple inattention to oneself, and if this is the case, it is enough to know a few simple ways How to get rid of peeling lips to restore their attractiveness and health.

General description of the problem

Every person has encountered unpleasant sensations on their lips at least once in their life. They forgot to apply balm - and in the cold they became chapped; They didn’t notice that the lipstick didn’t suit the skin very well - and a thin film came off from the top layer.

Dryness can manifest itself with a variety of symptoms, including the formation of crusts, peeling, cracking, redness, a feeling of slight but obsessive itching, and soreness.

Causes of the problem

Problems arise because there are no sweat glands on this part of the body, as well as mechanisms that produce lubrication. Because of this, the skin remains unprotected and susceptible to various external and internal factors. There are quite a few reasons why lips crack, dry, and become very flaky. And it is very important to deal with them in order not only to properly get rid of the problem, but also to prevent its further manifestation.

So, among the possible pathogens the following can be noted:

  • Being in the cold, under strong sun(risk of getting a burn, which is manifested, among other things, by dry mouth, itching and burning) or in a room with dry air for a long time. Regardless of whether the air outside is cold or hot, your lips will become chapped and subsequently dry, peel and crack;
  • Poor-quality lipstick or gloss, as well as long-lasting cosmetics that can overdry delicate skin;
  • A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood provokes cracks;
  • Allergy to cosmetics or any components in its composition;
  • Diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis or pancreatitis;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Allergy to food products, as well as a reaction to too sour, salty or spicy foods;
  • Low immunity and lack of vitamins necessary for its normal functioning;
  • Herpes, diseases arising from a fungus;
  • Toothpaste;
  • The habit of licking lips, biting them, especially outdoors during windy weather;
  • Dehydration;
  • Bad habits such as frequent consumption of strong coffee, nicotine and alcohol, as well as poor sleep and stress. Sometimes it is enough to change something in this regard for the face to remain fresh and healthy.

Reason to see a doctor

In most cases, lips dry, peel and crack for simple reasons - failure to follow hygiene rules, neglect to take care of the delicate skin of the face. However, if a problem appears, it is important to observe the nature of the changes: if, in addition to peeling, bumps with a whitish coating appear, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist. In some cases, a scraping may reveal the presence of an infection - herpes, fungal disease, etc.

Also a reason to consult with a specialist is prolonged but unsuccessful self-medication of chapped skin.

Specific Treatments

If there is no need to go to the doctor to determine what to do if your lips are dry, flaky and cracked, you can cope by simple means, which our grandmothers knew.


Vitamin deficiency is one of the most important reasons for the appearance of peeling, dryness and cracks on the face, as immunity decreases and the body is not able to cope with even its simplest tasks. Therefore, you need to start with this method of treatment, namely by replenishing the lack of vitamins.

Main vitamins normal level which in the body are responsible for the condition of the skin are A, E and B vitamins. If these substances are missing, problems begin: dry skin, the appearance of pimples and blackheads, as well as fatigue.

It is best to use complexes that can be easily found in any pharmacy to compensate for the lack of vitamins. If you are in doubt about the dosage and duration of the course, it is best to consult your doctor. A pharmacist can also give valuable advice, so do not neglect their recommendations.

There are also vitamins A and E in the form of individual capsules. However, in order for the course not to be in vain, it is necessary to maintain it proper nutrition: include orange vegetables high in carotene in your diet, such as bell peppers, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, yolk, liver and, of course, carrots. Vitamin E can also be found in common foods such as peas, eggs, almonds, spinach and soy.

Mask from peeling and cracks

The most best mask for peeling – this is a vitamin oil mixture. To prepare it, purchase an oil solution of one of the two essential vitamins at the pharmacy and apply to the surface of the skin. After fifteen minutes, wipe your lips with a napkin, removing any remaining mask.

No matter how much you would like to get rid of this unpleasant loose skin as quickly as possible, you should never scrub your lips if they have even minor cracks and wounds. But if peeling does not cause you any unpleasant or painful sensations, and there are no signs of disease, you can use a scrub. For prevention, repeat the procedure once or twice a month.

Healing oils

To get rid of flaking, you can use simple and affordable oils.

  • Sea buckthorn or rosehip oil is an ideal remedy for healing wounds and softening the skin;
  • Calendula-based oil or ointment, which is a healing and anti-inflammatory agent. To get the desired effect, it is recommended to apply the oil to your lips three to four times a day;
  • Cocoa butter, which has recently gained immense popularity among those who prefer natural cosmetics. It is suitable for lips, face, hair and hands. To stop your lips from drying and flaking, also lubricate your skin with it two to three times a day. And feel free to lick it - this oil is also useful in food;
  • St. John's wort oil;
  • A mixture of bee honey and regular butter.

Aloe juice is also a unique and universal healing agent. You can use a house plant by simply cutting off one of its leaves, or buy the juice at the pharmacy.

If the problem arose due to the use of low-quality cosmetics, it is usually enough to simply get rid of these tubes. If severe peeling does not go away after a while, try using corticosteroid ointment. If that doesn’t help, run to the doctor.

Hello, my dear readers! In this article we will talk about why lips dry out.

We all want to have beautiful, smooth, juicy lips.

So let's talk about caring for them. Various cosmetic defects often appear during the off-season. The delicate skin of the face is especially affected.

But what to do if your lips crack and dry, and jams appear in the corners of your mouth?

Let's look at the advice of experts and with their help we will eliminate all the causes leading to such unpleasant phenomena as dry lips.

From this article you will learn:

Why do lips dry out and how to deal with it correctly?

Main causes of dry lips

Dermatologists identify several factors that cause loss of natural moisture in the lips:

  • Deficiency of vitamins E and A.
  • The lack of such substances has a detrimental effect on the general condition of the epidermis. But why does the skin of the lips react? This area is especially delicate and hypovitaminosis manifests itself most quickly here.
  • Diseases., diseases of the digestive tract, including dysbiosis, weak immunity cause loss of normal humidity. The body's natural balance, metabolism and absorption of valuable vitamins and minerals are disrupted, which inevitably affects the face.
  • The third reason is herpetic and fungal infections . Lips are no less susceptible to such diseases than other parts of the epidermis. If the seizures are accompanied by the formation of a whitish coating or blisters, it is advisable to contact a dermatologist who will develop the correct treatment.
  • Using fluoride toothpastes which can cause dehydration and irritation. If your lips begin to lose moisture after using a new oral cleanser, you should choose another product that does not contain fluoride.
  • Using waterproof cosmetics, promoting the evaporation of moisture and products containing oxybenzone. Makeup artists recommend reading the ingredients of lipsticks and glosses before purchasing them. In addition, it is better to use long-lasting cosmetics when it is really necessary, but not every day.
  • Sudden temperature changes, which is especially important in winter period, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, dry air or wind.
  • Allergic response for care products, food.
  • Dehydration. Improper drinking regimen provokes the development of severe dryness.
  • Bad habits, in particular smoking.
  • Eating too hot food.

The condition of the skin of the lips, like an indicator, shows how healthy the body is. When the first cosmetic defects appear, it is necessary to identify the cause of their occurrence and take appropriate measures.

Proper lip care

To keep your lips soft, tender and sensual, it is advisable to organize systematic care.

So, what to do to stop your lips from drying out:

  • The first principle is to carry out makeup removal correctly

In the evening, the skin is cleansed with a sponge soaked in warm water or a special cosmetic product. The cover should not be rubbed; the impact should be gentle but productive.

  • It is important to massage your lips daily

What is the corner used for? terry towel or a toothbrush. The skin is treated for three minutes with light, unobtrusive circular movements. Such simple manipulations will ensure intense blood flow and, as a result, increase nutrition. After the procedure, you can use a skin care product.

  • Lip protection

Before going outside, your lips should be protected, which can be done with high-quality decorative cosmetics or hygienic lipstick. Watch how I make homemade lipstick

  • Lip scrub

Once a week, daily care should be replenished deep cleansing using a lip scrub. This treatment helps remove dead particles of the epidermis, as a result of which the nutrients penetrate deeper.

Home remedies for dry lips

You can combat moisture loss in various ways.

Below are the most effective techniques suitable for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

I tested them all on myself - such careful care is really beneficial for the lips.

  • Vitamins for lips

Twice a day, mainly in the morning and evening hours, an oil extract of vitamin A or E is applied to cleansed lips.

Similar essences in capsule form are available in any pharmacy chain.

The vitamin mixture is evenly distributed over the skin and left until completely absorbed.

It is especially useful to treat the corners of the lips with this product when jams appear on them.

Multivitamin complexes should be used internally.

  • Lip balms

The use of balms is relevant all year round. They will help restore and protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, frost, and wind.

The product can be used several times throughout the day.

It is advisable to choose those preparations that are enriched with vitamins and oils - their action is aimed at eliminating flaking and maintaining elasticity.

  • Lip masks

The simplest recipes are suitable for restoring the skin of the lips.

To treat deep cracks, sour cream and carrot juice are mixed in equal proportions. The mask is distributed in an even layer and left for 7 minutes.

Removal is carried out with ordinary water. After 7-8 procedures, the skin will stop cracking and will remain beautiful.

IN for preventive purposes you can use a mixture made up of cucumber juice, cottage cheese, sour cream, honey. The substance is used in the standard way and is washed off after 15 minutes.

Softening lip masks are made from grated apple and butter. This composition is effective against severe peeling, the apple helps restore elasticity, the oil provides deep nutrition.

If you scrub before the procedure, it will give maximum effect.

The easiest lip scrub recipe: mix honey and brown sugar.

  • Lip oils

All oils are a valuable source of vitamin E, which intensively restores the skin of the lips.

All products will help achieve deep hydration of thin skin and have a regenerating effect. Wounds and cracks will heal twice as fast.

Interesting video recipe on how to make homemade lip balm

What to do if the presented methods are ineffective?

If the measures taken do not bring the desired result, and your lips still dry out, it is advisable to consult a doctor, which means the problem is already with your health and somewhere deep inside your body.

I think that in this case it is not worth the risk and self-medication.

Take proper care of yourself and be beautiful!!!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


Peeling of lips is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon. In medicine, it is called “cheilitis” and is the appearance of light and dry skin particles on the surface, as well as around the red border of the lips.

In some cases, this condition can progress and manifest itself with other symptoms: pain, burning, redness. Most often you can get rid of it without special labor get rid of it at home, but sometimes it is difficult to do without a medical examination and the help of doctors.

This unpleasant process can manifest itself as an independent condition or as a symptom of certain diseases. Peeling lips affect people regardless of gender, skin color or age for a number of different reasons. It can become not only a cosmetic, but also a medical problem, as it often serves as a sign of trouble in the body.


A variety of factors can lead to the development of cheilitis. These most often include:

  1. Exposure to external conditions (ultraviolet radiation, cold, wind, high humidity).
  2. Allergic manifestations.
  3. Diseases of internal organs (immunodeficiencies, diabetes mellitus, fever, gastrointestinal diseases).
  4. Eczema and psoriasis.
  5. Lichen planus.
  6. Lack of vitamins.
  7. Herpetic infection.
  8. Fungal infection.
  9. Breathing through the mouth.
  10. Constant licking of lips.
  11. Traumatic injuries.
  12. Chemical and thermal burns.
  13. Dehydration.
  14. Using expired or low-quality cosmetics.

As you can see, peeling lips can occur with many diseases, so often the appearance of this symptom should be a reason for a visit to the doctor. In some cases, it is impossible to determine the triggering factors without conducting a full health examination.


The manifestations of cheilitis are varied and often depend on the specific cause that caused it. In addition to peeling, this condition also manifests itself with other clinical signs. These include:

  • dry lips;
  • redness;
  • soreness and itching;
  • deep cracks and jams;
  • rash;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of inflammatory crusts.

These symptoms can be combined with each other or appear separately, which serves as a diagnostic sign in identifying the causes of peeling. If they occur often enough, then this should alert you. It should be remembered that constant chapping or damage to the surface of the lips can become a predisposing factor for the development of cancer.


If you have problems with your lips, consult a dentist, dermatologist, allergist or cosmetologist. To determine the source of the disease, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Frequency of symptoms.
  2. Communication with external influences (cold, wind, sunlight, cosmetics).
  3. Manifestation of symptoms from other organs (thirst, chills, high temperature, nasal congestion, urticaria).
  4. Degree of manifestations.

During the examination and interview of such patients, the doctor can often suspect the cause of peeling lips even without additional examination. However, even in this case, confirmation of the diagnosis is required. For this purpose, blood tests are carried out: general, biochemical, for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, and sugar. For allergies, special skin tests are performed to determine which substances cause an individual reaction.

To determine concomitant diseases, the following instrumental methods are used: ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs and lymph nodes, radiography, endoscopy, tomography. In addition to blood tests, laboratory diagnostics use skin scrapings and cultures of microorganisms from the damaged surface of the lips.


Due to the variety of causes of peeling of the surface of the lips, before prescribing medications, it is necessary to accurately determine the source of the disease, since the success of all measures taken depends on this.

  • To treat cheilitis caused by weather conditions, cosmetics are usually used: lip balms, moisturizing creams. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the habit of biting and licking your lips, due to which chapping occurs more often.
  • If you have an allergy, you first need to identify the substance that causes it. Then antihistamine drugs (Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Cetrin) are prescribed. Successful treatment of this disease primarily depends on limiting contact with allergens and subsequent desensitization (reducing sensitivity to allergy-provoking substances).
  • If peeling lips are associated with insufficient intake of vitamins and microelements from food, it is necessary to adjust the daily diet. To restore health, multivitamin complexes or injections of necessary drugs (most often B vitamins) are prescribed. Sometimes vitamins A and E are applied to damaged areas.
  • For diseases of internal organs, the choice medicines depends on the diagnosis, degree of disease, individual characteristics. Some diseases, such as diabetes, require lifelong medication and a complete change in your usual diet. If the cause of peeling lips is internal diseases, then without appropriate treatment other, more significant symptoms will appear, which may even be life-threatening.
  • For skin pathologies, ointments with glucocorticosteroids (Advantan, Hydrocortisone, Afloderm, Sinaflan) are often prescribed. These substances have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and analgesic effect. They are prescribed for fungal diseases, eczema, psoriasis, and chronic inflammation.
  • Viral diseases, such as herpes, require the administration of antiviral drugs internally (Acyclovir, Famvir, Valtrex, Anaferon) and externally (Zovirax, Panavir, Fenistil Pencivir). These substances suppress the development and spread of the virus within the body and enhance the immune response.
  • For traumatic injuries to the skin of the lips, agents are used that improve tissue regeneration (Dexpanthenol, Actovegin, Solcoseryl, sea buckthorn oil). They are prescribed in the form of creams or gels and are applied directly to the affected areas of the lip several times a day. They also have a good effect on various tissue burns.

You should know that when using any ointments or creams externally on areas of peeling, you should not tear off pieces of skin, as this will cause wounds on the lips. This can cause cracks or infection.

Particular attention should be paid to lip skin care. During the cold season, you need to use protective balms and lipsticks before going outside. In the summer, cosmetic products containing protection against ultraviolet rays are necessary.

During treatment, you need to pay attention to your diet, which should include fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, nuts, greens.

To prevent peeling, you can use a gentle massage of your lips with your finger or a soft toothbrush, and quit the habit of licking or biting them.

Slanko Anna Yurievna

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Hello, in this article we will talk about a very common problem - dry lips. Today you will find answers to the questions: why do lips dry out, what to do if they crack and peel? Lips are business card for every woman. Taking care of them is just as important as taking care of your entire face. Due to the appearance of cracks and peeling, lips lose their attractiveness.

Causes of dry lips

Many people face the problem of dry lips. In fact, the reasons can be varied. Identifying the cause of dryness will help not only eliminate the problem, but also prevent the development of various diseases. Dermatologists have identified several causes of dry lips in women and men, these causes external And internal character.

To begin with, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the external reasons:

  1. One of the common reasons is a sharp temperature change. The skin of the lips has few sebaceous glands, which is why it is very sensitive and thin.
  2. Incorrectly selected cosmetics also affect the condition of the lips. Using long-lasting lipsticks dehydrates your lips. In the warm season, when using sunscreens that contain oxybenzone. This active substance dries out lips in a short time.
  3. Staying for a long time without water dehydrates your lips.
  4. Drinks containing caffeine have a negative effect on our body, but also cause dry lips.
  5. When eating food that is too hot or dry, there is a risk of mechanical and thermal irritation.

Now let’s pay attention to the causes of dry lips in women and men, which relate to the internal nature.

When lips are prone to dryness, and all the reasons described above do not apply, and hydration and nutrition do not help, then we can talk about various disorders in the body.

  • Vitamin deficiency. The body reacts especially critically when there are not enough vitamins in the body. As a rule, these are vitamins A, E and C. With a deficiency of vitamins, the upper and inner lip are affected. In addition to dry lips, there is a deterioration in the appearance of skin, nails and hair.
  • Toothpaste. Modern toothpastes, with a high fluoride content, have an aggressive effect on the human body. The use of such pastes is also one of the reasons for dry lips. Change the toothpaste once a month or use 2 types of toothpastes.
  • Bad habits. Bad habits such as smoking have a negative impact on health. Cigarettes upon contact with the oral mucosa cause irritation.
  • With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system, dry lips and ulcers near the mouth may appear.

The most dangerous complication of irritation on the lips is cheilitis. With this disease, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and the lips along the red border suffer greatly. This disease is difficult to cure; it is also accompanied by dyskeratosis and stomatitis.

How to treat dry lips

After establishing the causes of dryness, you need to select a set of measures. Here are general recommendations for treating dryness:

  1. The most important thing is not to lick your lips. Understand that this habit will only make the problem worse.
  2. Maintain drinking regime.
  3. Protect your lips with balm or cream at any time of the year.
  4. It is very important to use high-quality cosmetics. After all, not only the condition of the lips, but also the condition of the skin as a whole depends on this.
  5. It is better to quit smoking. And with the money you save, you can pamper your lips with a new gloss or lipstick.
  6. Review your diet. The diet should include fruits and vegetables. You can take vitamin complexes.
  7. Maintain drinking regime.
  8. Take care of your treasure. Do massages, peelings, masks.
  9. Before going to bed, you can lubricate your lips with vitamin E or vitamin A.
  10. Before going to bed, be sure to wash off your makeup.

Lip massage

For massage we need a soft toothbrush. Before going to bed, soak it in hot water and gently massage your lips. Approximate time massage 3-5 minutes. During massage, dry particles disappear and blood circulation improves. After the massage, the sponges need to be nourished. Use balm or cream. This massage can be done daily.

Another massage option using essential oils. It is best to use oils: sea buckthorn, grape seed, wheat or almond. We do the massage using finger pads and light tapping.

Lip peeling

It is better to carry out this procedure several times a week, no more than 1-2 times. Peeling helps regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. Various products can be used for peeling. At the end of the peeling, be sure to apply Vaseline, a cream with a greasy texture.


Sometimes you need to “feed” your lips with various masks containing honey and aloe juice. To moisturize, they also use a cream with a rich texture, goose fat and vitamin A. I highly recommend cosmetic ice. It is best applied before bed.


The most interesting and varied masks for lip skin care, for home use.

Mask with cream and cottage cheese for nutrition

We will need:

  • 10 g cottage cheese 5% fat
  • 10 ml cream 10-15% or milk

What we do: Mix the ingredients. Apply the finished mixture in a thick layer for 10-15 minutes. After completing the procedure, wash off the mixture with warm water and apply Vaseline or hygienic lipstick to your lips.

Mask with Aloe juice for nutrition and hydration

  • We need: aloe pulp or juice.

What we do: Apply the pulp for 10-15 minutes. The pharmacy sells aloe juice. Apply it to a sponge and apply it to your lips for 10-15 minutes. This mask can be repeated 2-3 times a week.

Fruit mask for hydration

  • We will need: banana, kiwi, apple

What we do: apply the fruit pulp to your lips, press with a napkin and hold for 15 minutes.

Honey mask

  • We will need: a teaspoon of liquid honey, a teaspoon of butter at room temperature.

Method of preparation: mix the products thoroughly. Keep the mixture on your lips for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature and treat with cream or balm.

Apple mask for peeling

  • We will need: a medium-sized apple, milk 2.5% fat 100 ml, 5 grams of any medicinal oil.

What we do: cut the apple into slices, cook in hot milk until soft. Grind the resulting mass in a blender or using a strainer. Cool to room temperature and apply a thick layer to the lips. Leave for 30 minutes, covered with a napkin.

Honey mask for peeling

  • We will need: 20 grams of honey, 20 ml of aloe juice, 20 grams of chicken egg.

What we do: Mix honey, juice and eggs, apply in several layers and leave for about twenty minutes. The mask can be used several times a day

The child's lips are dry

In children, lips primarily crack in the middle of the upper or lower lips and in the corners of the lips. Due to the absence of sebaceous glands, moisture evaporates from the surface of the lips most quickly. As a result, lips dry out and crack. As a rule, the main cause of dry lips in children is their bad habit- licking lips. But this is not the only reason. Just like in adults, the reasons can be internal and external. The main thing is to identify it in time and start “fighting”.

Prevention of dry lips in children

To moisturize, use special creams. In the cold season, the child’s lips should be treated with lip balm, Vaseline or a special cream. This will protect your baby's delicate skin.

Children's multivitamins will help compensate for the lack of vitamins.

The child's diet should include fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities. It is also very important to maintain a drinking regime, especially during illness.

When the very first signs of dry lips appear, you need to immediately determine the cause and begin treatment.

Pamper your lips every day proper care. After all, it’s not difficult, and it doesn’t take much time.

Be healthy and beautiful.

Professional advice from doctors and the causes of dry lips.

There are plenty of reasons why lips dry and crack, and it is difficult to accurately determine the negative factor. This mainly occurs due to decreased immunity and insufficient drinking, or under the influence of the harmful effects of climatic conditions. At the same time, women prefer to hide the emerging defect with lip gloss or hygienic lipstick, instead of eliminating the root cause of the problem. But in this matter, it is important to understand the causes of chapped lips, and not to fight external symptoms. We will help you identify all the possible culprits for the deterioration of your lips and tell you how to get rid of this cosmetic problem.

Why lips dry out - reasons for men and women

Dried crusts on the lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth, blood and severe psychological discomfort are a problem probably familiar to every woman. The reason for the unsatisfactory appearance of lips can be anything - new lipstick, smoking, yesterday's tan, windy weather and banal dehydration. This list can be continued indefinitely, because each case is individual. So let's look at the most common reasons why lips dry out.

Dry and cracked lips due to weather influences

If you have chapped lips, the first thing to consider is the weather, especially during the off-season. The deterioration of the lips can be caused by:

  • Strong wind. Air masses increase the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the lips, causing them to become rough and dry. In addition, lips can become chapped in the wind, especially if you drank something outside or just like to lick your lips. In this case, in addition to dryness, redness of the skin around the lips and deep, often bleeding, cracks will appear.
  • Dry air. It can have a detrimental effect on lips both in hot summer and winter. The drier the air, the more intensely your lips will lose moisture and, accordingly, dry out. Lips are also exposed to the same effect in an apartment with central heating, where air humidity often drops below 20%. Therefore, it is important to monitor the level of humidity in the house and use a special humidifier in time.
  • Direct sunlight. This is another reason why the skin on your lips dries out intensely. The scorching sun leads to evaporation of moisture and negatively affects the condition of the lips, exposing them to harmful UV rays. Therefore, in summer you should not neglect lipsticks with a high SPF factor.
  • Freezing. At low air temperatures, lips dry out, lose elasticity and become inflamed. Often there is the appearance of hard crusts on the skin of the lips, which bleed when torn off. This occurs as a result of the rapid release of moisture from the lips, which does not have time to completely dissipate and creates even worse conditions for the skin.

Advice! You can determine why your lips are constantly dry through regular observation. If after a walk in windy or hot weather you notice that your lips and cheeks have become rough, then this defect is caused by bad weather. The secret is that your cheeks are just as sensitive to the weather as your lips.

Dry and cracked lips due to bad habits

If the damage to the skin of your lips has nothing to do with the weather, and they constantly dry out, even if you don’t go outside, then you need to reconsider all your bad habits.

Here are a few harmless, at first glance, habits that cause dry lips in women and men:

  • Licking. The urge to lick your lip may occur due to a feeling of dryness on the lip surface, which often appears from thirst or after eating too salty food. After licking your lips, moisture will begin to be lost even more and dryness will increase. With repeated licking, the situation will constantly worsen.
  • Biting. You can understand that the cause of damage to the labial surface is your habit, you can: appearance: when biting you constantly injure only one lip, so it dries or upper lip, or lower. In this case, double damage is caused to the lips. Firstly, when biting, the lips are moistened with saliva, and what happens next is what we have just looked at. And, secondly, microcracks appear on the lips as a result of damage by teeth. Abrasions open the door to fungi, coccal microbes, viruses, including herpes, which delay the healing process of wounds.
  • Piercing. Decorating your lips with different rings is, of course, beautiful, but due to the risk of chronic dryness and dark cracks on your lips, it’s not worth it. A small amount of saliva regularly enters through the hole, which causes roughness of the labial skin. In addition, if the jewelry is large and has an uneven surface, there is always a risk of damage to the skin of the lip. Minor abrasions will not be noticeable, but the consequences will not be long in coming.
  • Lack of nasal breathing. Regardless of the reasons why you breathe through your mouth, your lips will regularly crack and your skin will peel and peel. In this case, you will not only have dry lips, but also your tongue, and you will also constantly suffer from a lack of oxygen.
  • Smoking. With constant contact with cigarette paper, the lips partially give up their moisture to it. As a result, lips are cracked, tight, and unkempt. Smoking outside in windy weather further aggravates lip damage.
  • Insufficient water intake. The condition of the skin directly depends on the amount of water in the body. If you don’t drink enough liquids (first courses, compotes, soda don’t count), correct this.
  • Addiction to hot spices. People who eat spicy foods every day have very dry lips. To correct the situation, you don’t have to give up your favorite foods, just don’t forget to rinse your lips with water after eating.
  • Constantly pinching your lips with your hands. What could be dangerous here, you ask? Hands are an inexhaustible source of microbes, and if you have small wounds on your lips or your immunity has decreased slightly, long-lasting cracks and dryness are guaranteed.

The effect of vitamin deficiency on dry lips

If your lips dry and peel, the cause may be hidden behind elementary hypovitaminosis. The culprit for “sick” lips may be a deficiency of the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A - this compound is responsible for the regeneration of the skin. If the vitamin is deficient, even small cracks in the lips will not heal, causing loss of moisture, which will cause chapped lips.
  • Vitamin C is a vitamin that regulates immunity. With its deficiency, an immunodeficiency condition develops, which often causes the lips to become very dry.
  • B vitamins. A lack of such vitamins is accompanied by rough lips, dull hair, and brittle nail plates.

Dry and cracked lips - internal diseases

In medical practice, when making many diagnoses, the condition of a person’s skin is taken into account. It is considered a kind of health indicator. The skin on the face is no exception, and if your lips dry out, the cause of the disease may be hidden inside the body.

Lips that constantly crack and dry out for no apparent reason may indicate the following health problems:

  • Allergic diseases. Dryness can be caused by direct contact of the lips with an allergen, e.g. cosmetic product, lipstick, toothpaste, low-quality toothbrush. A food allergen can also cause dryness, which has a bad effect on the entire body, but then dryness will be not only on the lips, but also on the cheeks, knees, and elbows.
  • Diabetes mellitus. If your mouth and lips are constantly dry, you are thirsty, your skin is itchy, and the number of urinations per day has increased, you need to rule out this endocrine disorder.
  • Herpetic infection. Herpes comes in several varieties, and most of them can cause inflammation on the lips. This virus, once in the blood, remains in the body forever. Only holds him back immune system, and if a failure occurs, the virus begins to “attack”. The appearance of a dry crust, small bubbles, cracks, and wet wounds indicates a possible activation of viral infection. The diagnosis can be confirmed using a blood test to determine antibodies to herpes.
  • Dental diseases. Lips often dry out due to carious teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth can affect the lips and the skin around them. With the rapid proliferation of harmful bacteria against the background of poor immunity, the lips become very dry, often followed by rupture and the release of ichor. You can kill bacteria by treating oral caries.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Pancreatic dysfunction, gastritis and cholelithiasis can also cause increased dry lips.

Why lips dry out - causes of pathology in children

In children, especially preschool age, excessive dryness of lips occurs due to insufficient hand hygiene. Lips are affected by all sorts of bacteria that enter the labial surface as a result of:

  1. Licking various objects. Babies constantly put everything in their mouth, thus exploring the world.
  2. Finger sucking is a common reason why a child's lips become dry. While in the mouth, the finger causes copious amounts of saliva to be released, which leads to dry lips. This habit often persists even among school-aged children.
  3. Lip contact with unwashed hands. Children's playgrounds, animals, and dust serve as sources of pathogenic flora. While playing, children unknowingly touch their lips with dirty hands, causing inflammation.
  4. Fungal infection. If you notice that a child refuses food and has sores in his mouth and dry lips, this disease is called stomatitis. It is caused by fungi and can affect the entire mouth, including the lips.
  5. Diathesis. Children are very prone to allergic manifestations. Any new product, powder, or toy can cause another relapse, which is manifested by dryness and peeling of the cheeks and lips.

Why do lips dry and crack during pregnancy?

During gestation, women may experience dry lips in the first weeks of pregnancy due to toxicosis. The lips react sharply to the vomit and the bile and hydrochloric acid present in it. But such a defect on the lips can also occur at the end of pregnancy. A large belly with a baby prevents a woman from breathing and walking freely, so she often inhales air through her mouth. And this is one of the reasons for dry lips. But there are other factors that cause dry and rough lips.

Why do lips still dry out? This is the reason for women in the following position:

  1. Acute vitamin deficiency as a result of toxicosis and decreased appetite.
  2. Dehydration, especially if a woman is advised to limit the amount of fluid against the background of developing gestosis.
  3. Gestational diabetes mellitus.
  4. Iron deficiency anemia.
  5. Reduced immune status.

Dry lips - what to do at home

Dry lips are accompanied by the formation of crusts, superficial cracks, wounds in the corners of the mouth and signs of inflammation - redness, swelling, itching, soreness. These symptoms can be relieved with some home remedies.

Important! If, in addition to dryness, you have severe bleeding cracks and a white coating on your lips, this may indicate a bacterial infection. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor and have a scraping followed by a bacteriological examination.

If the corners of the lips dry out, the lip surface peels and cracks, the following masks, balms and oils will help:

  • Sour cream mask with aloe. Moisturize dry lips and protect them from harmful factors external environment This mask will help: 1 tsp. fat sour cream, 2 drops of any vegetable oil and 0.5 tsp. aloe juice The prepared mixture is applied to the lips and the skin area around them for 30-40 minutes. The procedure can be performed an unlimited number of times.
  • Masks with vegetable oils. Daily moisturizing of the skin with different oils will help restore damaged lip skin. Suitable oils include sea buckthorn, grape seed, jojoba, and almond oil. You can also use a liquid solution of tocopherol (Vit. E). You need to treat the entire surface of your lips with oils, without missing a single area.
  • Honey mask. If the condition of the lips is extremely severe, when the skin is completely cracked, blood often oozes and there is pain when moving the lips, you need to moisturize your lips as much as possible. Melt 20 g lard(be sure to heat it for 15 minutes on fire), then add 10 g of honey to it. Lubricate your lips until the wounds heal.
  • Wax lip balm. Mix two parts wax and one part each cocoa butter, sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice, almond oil. Combine and heat the ingredients in a water bath, then let them harden. Use balm instead of chapstick.
  • Aloe. This perennial will help heal lip cracks. Cut an aloe leaf lengthwise and lubricate your lips several times a day.

Dry lips - treatment with medications

It is better to get rid of dry lips, which is accompanied by the proliferation of bacteria, with the help of pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Calendula-based ointment ensures rapid cell regeneration, kills harmful microbes, moisturizes, and relieves itching. You need to lubricate your lips several times a day.
  • Cocoa butter - perfectly removes crusts and cracks, moisturizes and relieves the feeling of dryness and soreness on the lips. Can be used all day as needed.
  • Levomikol is an effective antiseptic in the form of an ointment. Completely destroys bacteria and is indicated for deep cracks with signs of infection. You need to treat your lips twice a day, preventing the drug from getting inside. It doesn't matter, it dries lower lip or upper, the main thing is to completely disinfect all lips from infections.
  • Panthenol is a regenerating agent. It is used for various skin burns, but in case of dry lips it has also shown high effectiveness. You can also use Rescuer ointment with the same success.
  • Syntomycin ointment is a great help for “sticking” in the corners of the mouth.
  • Miramistin is a liquid antiseptic. You need to irrigate injured sponges twice a day.
  • Aevit is a vitamin preparation in gelatin capsules. You need to crush the capsule and lubricate your lips. The product contains vitamin A and E.
  • Acyclovir is an antiviral gel that is used to treat dry lips caused by herpes.

If all these methods did not help you forget about dry, painful lips once and for all, it is better to go to the doctor to accurately determine the cause of this pathology and get rid of it.

Video “Why are your lips dry”