Retired in. Recalculation of pension after dismissal

According to statistics, there are over 14 million working pensioners in Russia, which is due to the low level of pensions, which is not easy for an ordinary citizen to live on.

Employed pensioners are included in a special category; they always receive smaller payments than unemployed citizens retirement age. And at the same time, the question of completely denying them monthly payments until they leave their jobs is regularly raised.

Will there be a recount? pension payments a pensioner who continues to work after leaving work? Yes, modern legislation guarantees its elderly citizens after their dismissal a full indexation of their pension, the size of which will depend on the period of work before retirement, as well as on pension points, coefficients and insurance contributions.

Today we will talk about how a working citizen’s pension will be indexed, the timing of this procedure and the changes that will affect it in 2019.

Indexing order

In accordance with Russian legislation, every citizen upon reaching retirement age is considered to be working when he is officially employed, that is the employer pays monthly insurance and pension contributions for him.

Let us remember that pensioners in Russia are considered to be women over the age of 55 and men over the age of 60. If a person is over this age, he is considered to be working even if he is not working for anyone else, but:

  • is an individual entrepreneur;
  • conducts legal practice or works as a notary;
  • officially registered his tutoring activities.

The peculiarity of payments to working pensioners is that they do not undergo annual February indexation. However, if a pensioner stops working, his pension will be recalculated for the entire time he had working status. Not only will recalculation be made in relation to annual indexations, but also in relation to all pension points and coefficients depending on the amount of monthly insurance contributions from the employer (on the amount of wages).

In 2019, after dismissal, persons of retirement age do not need to notify the Pension Fund of this fact. Indexation occurs automatically based on the monthly contributions made by the employer. It is the responsibility of the organization to send data about employed and dismissed persons of retirement age.

Each pensioner will receive indexed monthly payments after termination labor activity automatically, no action is required for this.

Indexation terms

The Pension Fund provides a detailed explanation of whether a person’s payments will be changed if he resigns. Until the 10th of every month the employer sends information via electronic communication channels to the Pension Fund about pensioners who worked for him last month.

A person is considered to be working even if he worked only 1 day in the reporting month. If he is not on the list of employees, the Pension Fund will initiate a recalculation procedure.

Full indexation after dismissal now takes a long time, over 3 months.

As an example:

  1. In January, a person quits his job;
  2. In February, the Pension Fund receives a report from his employer stating that in January he was still working (there were insurance contributions);
  3. In March, the Pension Fund already sees that the person is not on the list - which means he has become unemployed;
  4. During April, a decision will be made to re-index his pension and all the necessary calculations will be made;
  5. And only in May a person will receive an increased, fully indexed pension.

This procedure operates in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 385 of December 29, 2015. The undoubted disadvantage of this procedure is that for the months that have passed since the dismissal, during which the information was received by the Pension Fund and processed there, compensation will not be paid.

Despite his actual status as an unemployed pensioner, a person is forced to receive reduced payments for 3-4 months.

Working citizens who have already had a recalculation made after leaving work can be officially employed again, and their pension will not be reduced again (but will not be indexed in the future, during the entire period of work).

Important! If information about the dismissal was not sent to the Pension Fund in due time, then the appropriate punishment will be applied to the employer. However, the pensioner should not expect compensation in this case; this is not provided for by law!

Law changes in 2019

From January 1, 2019, indexation of retirement age for retired citizens will occur immediately, from the 1st day of the month following the month of dismissal.

The re-indexing procedure, as before, will take more than 3 months, but this entire period is fully compensated. Let's look at the example again:

  1. In March 2019, the citizen resigned;
  2. In April, the Pension Fund will receive a report from the employer that the person is still among the organization’s employees;
  3. In May, the Pension Fund will see in the report that the person is no longer working;
  4. In June, payments will be indexed;
  5. And only in July will the citizen be paid an indexed pension, and in addition to it, compensation (the monetary difference between the previous and current amount of payments) for the previous 3 months - April, May, June.

Currently, the State Duma is discussing a draft law on the denial of pension payments to working pensioners whose annual income from work exceeds 1 million rubles. This is due to a lack of funds from the state.

The question of indexing payments to persons who are employed in seasonal part-time jobs and to those who independently declare their income (for example, royalties or patents) remains open. The issue of indexing payments to pensioners engaged in entrepreneurial activities is also not clearly regulated.

There is an unprecedented influx of clients in the city and district departments of the Pension Fund of Mordovia. People who retired at different times come here to have their pension recalculated. Women want the time spent caring for a child/children up to 1.5 years to be counted, and men ask that years of military service be included in the length of service. Everyone goes with the hope that after the recalculation they will receive a slightly larger pension. As a result, the number of requests to pension fund specialists is growing like a snowball. But people are just making appointments, and the queue has already stretched for several months. However, this circumstance only fuels the confidence of pensioners that they are right. For clarification corr. “VS” turned to the head of the department of organization, assignment and recalculation of pensions of the Branch of the Pension Fund for the Republic of Moldova Alfiya Yambaeva.

Pension recalculation is not beneficial for all women
“We have included child care in the length of service for a long time,” explains Alfiya Yambaeva, “but mainly it was included in determining the right to a pension, while initially only a year and a half was included. With the entry into force of a new law in 2015, we could already include up to 6 years of nursing time in the length of service. This fundamentally began to influence the size of the pension precisely from January 1, 2015, when the pension began to be calculated based on points. For each year of work activity, a certain number of points is awarded; in addition, certain non-insurance periods, including child care, are also calculated in points.
We have a large republic. There are many districts in Mordovia, for example Torbeevo or Atyurievo, where there are many families with five or more children. For child care, 1.8 points are awarded, and the price of a point is now 78 rubles. In principle, recalculation is relevant for such mothers. And everything would be fine if not for some moments. If a woman did not work before the birth of the child (for example, a student or a young woman who did not manage to get a job), we focus on the birth certificate and award points. But most women go to maternity leave and parental leave from work. In this case, when assigning a pension, these years are counted as work, as length of service! In most cases, this is exactly what is beneficial! Especially for women who had good earnings. It turns out that when assigning a pension, the option for calculating it has already been selected. And this option suited everyone, no one had any questions.
We explain to women: if the pension is assigned before January 2015, then the period of child care has already been chosen by them and taken into account as work. But women asked: “Is it more profitable to count these years of child care not as work, but in the form of points?” It is not always possible to say clearly in advance who benefits from this. I can say for sure that there is no point in going for those who have one child, as well as for those who were granted a pension after 2015, since they have already chosen a profitable option. If a person had the maximum coefficient when assigning a pension, there is also no reason to apply about this, even if there are three children.
All other categories can find out whether a pension review is beneficial or not only through a personal appeal. Here I can give statistics for the city - out of 100 applicants, recalculation is beneficial only for 34 pensioners. But the difference in calculations can be as much as 5 rubles!
To clearly understand the situation with recalculation, we will give an example. The woman retired in 2007 at a maximum earnings ratio of 1.2 and continued to work. Even if you have three children, calculating the pension amount taking into account points for children is unprofitable, since when a new pension is assigned, a survival period of 228 months will be applied. Previously, when recalculating insurance premiums, the survival period was reduced annually and could be 120 months.

Preferential pension is a reason to come to the Pension Fund
“As for men,” continues Alfiya Yambaeva, “ military service was always taken into account when assigning a pension, and under the old legislation even at double the rate! Now there are options to take into account this service in a calendar version and according to points. There is no point in asking men to count their military service by points if they receive a simple old-age pension! Everything has already been counted and credited to them!
For men who have a long period of preferential service, that is, those who retired before turning 60, should contact us. There is a whole list of such professions and working conditions. In this case, it is usually beneficial to review the pension. We make sure to make an appointment for these citizens.
Let's take a look here too concrete example. The man has 25 years of experience, including 20 years on List No. 1. In this case, the assessment pension rights will be made based on the preferential length of service as the most profitable option. And only in this case will the pensioner be awarded points for military service.

Features of pension recalculation
- I want to warn pensioners that there is important nuance. Unfortunately, we cannot simply recalculate the pension,” says Alfiya Yambaeva. - Review is possible only through the procedure of refusing to receive a pension, in order to then exercise your right to new pension, but taking into account non-insurance periods. It turns out that a person comes to us several times. But, without knowing all the calculations, a woman cannot say: “I refuse this pension, I will come tomorrow and write a statement, you will include my children in it!” It takes a lot of time to count each person. Customer service specialists cannot do everything within the 15 minutes that we are allotted by law to work with one person. They need to carry out a lot of operations to understand whether it is profitable or unprofitable in each case to make such a review of the pension. I can give several examples where even a woman with three children cannot make such revisions profitable! This is especially true in cases where a woman had high earnings and worked after receiving a pension. And it is beneficial for this woman to consider child care as a period of work, and not as an insured event. In any case, there must be an individual calculation!
Therefore, today the client services of our fund record all requests, transfer them to specialists who calculate pensions, and only after making sure that the revision of the pension will be beneficial for the person, the pensioner is invited to write an application for refusal to receive an insurance pension. After this, you need to write an application for a new pension, taking into account all the changes.
Now 800 people in the city have applied for a pension review! Of course, it would be easier for us ourselves if a person came to us once with an application for recalculation, in this case we either refused if it was unprofitable for the pensioner, or made a recalculation. But all actions are prescribed by law, and we cannot violate them! Everything has been agreed upon with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia. Our specialists, it turns out, do a lot of work in the basket. But we are ready to continue this work, it just takes time. Of our 256 thousand pensioners, 127 thousand are women. We physically cannot serve the entire population at once.
In addition, many pensioners went through valorization, that is, they were recalculated for their Soviet service (before 1991). Separate interest is charged for valorization. And if we take away child care from a grandmother in order to recalculate it into points, then she will have less experience, and it remains to be seen whether this will be beneficial for her in the future. I would like to note once again that in this case the period of work will be excluded from the length of service and replaced by care. Today this may be beneficial, but we do not know what consequences it may lead to in the future.
Once again, each case is individual! Therefore, the customer service cannot immediately tell people who apply who benefits from recalculating their pension.

There was a case when a person, without thinking everything through carefully, wrote a refusal of an insurance pension. And when they counted everything for him, it turned out that his pension was even less than it was, by a couple of hundred rubles. But according to the law, he no longer has the right to return to his previous pension! Therefore, before recalculation, you need to carefully weigh everything, calculate it, and only then give the person a recommendation. We cannot invite everyone to write applications to renounce their previous pension; the main thing for us is that the client makes his choice and is satisfied.

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Many working citizens who are approaching retirement age are thinking about continuing to work or retiring. Today the state is trying to stimulate the population to retire later, in return for which it gives great deals citizens, increasing the final amount of payments by both and to it. Thus, the later a person retires, the more it will be in the end. Therefore, today’s retirees have an urgent question: Should I continue working in retirement?

An increase in pension payments also occurs at the expense of the pensioner if, upon retirement, he continues to work. But when working, the citizen receives a pension, since this provision in the legislation has been abolished since 2016.

Continue working or retire?

The majority of the Russian population is asking the question: continue to work or retire? At first glance, postponing retirement is beneficial for a citizen, but upon closer examination, the benefit becomes less obvious.

  • Delayed retirement allows you to increase it by bonus factors.
  • According to statistics, men on average live to be 61 years old, while their pension is set at 65 years old (due to the increase in the retirement age in 2019), so if you delay the appointment, you simply may not live to see it.

However, in the end, according to statistics one third of the total number of pensioners(about 15.2 million people) continue to work, even after becoming eligible for a pension after reaching .

Perhaps such indicators are associated with the small size of the pension, which cannot satisfy all the necessary and desired needs of a citizen.

Calculation of pension upon reaching retirement age

When calculating old age pension, main components and are:

SP st = IPK × 93.00 + 5686.25

  • SP stinsurance pension old age;
  • IPC— the number of points as of the date of payment.

Pensions of working pensioners

As mentioned above, a third of pension recipients continue to work when they are assigned. At the same time, it is worth considering how profitable it is.

  • When simultaneously receiving a pension and working, insurance payments are also sent for the working pensioner by the employer to the Pension Fund and form his pension.
  • For working pensioners, some state privileges do not apply, for example, annual indexation of a fixed payment for them does not apply. However, the state undertakes to restore indexation and establish it again for the citizen, subject to the completion of work activity.

Payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund

Insurance payments to the Pension Fund for a working pensioner are calculated according to general rules, since he is an insured person working under a contract, and the amounts of insurance premiums are reflected on a personal account.

The pension legislation does not provide for any exceptions in the matter of crediting insurance contributions for the salaries of working pensioners.

If the employer is not on the list of payers for whom reduced tariff, which is reflected in articles and 58.1 of the law dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund”, then when calculating insurance payments, the tariffs established by Article 33.1 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ are applied.

The general rate of insurance premiums for an employee is 22%, of which 6% is the joint part (not taken into account when establishing a pension), and 16% is the individual part. Of these:

  • when only an insurance pension is formed, all 16% goes towards it;
  • when forming a funded pension - 10% for insurance and 6% for funded.

Insurance payments to the Pension Fund sent for a working pensioner give him the right to.

Cancellation of indexation of pensions for working pensioners

Increasing the fixed payment to the insurance pension

Also, if you refuse an old-age insurance pension for certain period, according to Appendix 2 to the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, for each year of delay in applying for appointment, a fixed payment increase factor is provided.

Deferment period, years Fixed payment increase factor
up to a year 1
1 1,056
2 1,12
3 1,19
4 1,27
5 1,36
6 1,46
7 1,58
8 1,73
9 1,90
10 2,11

Citizens who have the right to early payment of an old-age insurance pension can apply for an increase in the fixed payment, just like the insurance one.

In 2017, leaders revised reforms for additional payments to pensions for children for non-working pensioners. Each point has its own clarifications. Financial assistance is paid only until the child reaches the age of majority or for the period of his education, but until he reaches 23 years of age.

The legislation says that pensioners need to be only one relative of the child, he must be dependent and considered minor child, reports Each case is unique due to different situations and age restrictions, reports. If your child is studying at the university, then the pension supplement will be 1,500 rubles. If he turns 23 years old or graduates from a university, the payment will not be accrued.

All charges are divided into 2 groups: federal and regional subgroup. You need to ask which organization you are going to receive payment from. The authorities have created a new system for issuing each pension, but if you compare the supplements to the pensions of other countries, then ours are very meager compared to them. As a rule, pension fund employees are responsible for calculating all payments.

The first, main group of payments includes:

  • — for an insurance pension;
  • - to receive social payments;
  • - for retirees from military units and those involved in professional sports.

Pension supplements - monthly payments or one-time compensation - can be received by a citizen only under certain conditions.

In 2015, a list of groups of pensioners was compiled who will be pleased with the accrued and paid additional payment. There is even a special government decision on additional material assistance for war children.

  • . A combined amount is paid, formed from an annual fixed bonus and an increased coefficient;
  • pensioners who have crossed the 80-year age limit. Additional payment in the amount of one fixed pension;
  • additional payment for disabled people. The calculation is made as a percentage relative to the group assigned by doctors;
  • additional payment for an existing dependent in the care of a pensioner. In this case, a percentage system is also established, but the payment varies depending on the number of people supported by a retired citizen. This also includes additional assistance for children if they are dependents;
  • former workers who worked in the Far North. Naturally, they have the right to all the above allowances, and to the “northern” one, which is calculated on the basis of length of service. Women and men must have a total of 25 calendar years of experience. Then the additional payment is due for 15 years in the amount of 0.5 percent of the fixed payment, for 10 years - 30 percent;
  • payments to citizens living in the Far North are increased by the local coefficient;
  • surcharge for a minor citizen who does not have parents. For children, it is also equal in amount to one fixed pension;
  • a new allowance for agricultural workers, which is equal to 25 percent of the fixed established amount.

Recalculation of pensions is due only to those women who retired legally before 2015. In order to make the necessary recalculation, you need to come to the branch Pension Fund Russia at your place of residence and fill out the relevant documents presented on the organization’s website.

One child receives an increase of 1.8 points. A mother who has given birth and raised two children will receive an additional 3.6 points towards her pension. For three children they can add 5.4 points.

The maximum that can be included in the pension period is only six years. It is not necessary to choose the pension option based on the new recalculation. If this option does not suit the pensioner, she can return the old one.

Meanwhile, it became known that working pensioners were promised an increase in pensions by 222 rubles. The increase in pension will be made in August 2017 and will be only the amount stated above, not a ruble more.

True, pensioners are already saying that after retirement it is completely pointless for them to work legally.

She retired in 2012. I have two children. I heard in the media that retired women with children have the right to recalculate their pension, which will take into account the period of child care. How profitable is this?

Indeed, women pensioners with children can increase the size of their pension if a recalculation is carried out, in which the period of child care will be taken into account in pension points. We are talking about women who retired before 2015. For those who retired starting from January 1, 2015, a profitable option was already chosen when assigning a pension. Until 2015, these periods were included in a woman’s length of service; now they can be taken into account in the form of pension points (in this case, the periods replaced by points will be excluded from calculating the insurance period). For each calendar year of child care, the following is assigned: for the first child 1.8 points; for the second child 3.6 points; for the third child 5.4 points. Such periods can be taken into account in points for no more than six years in total.

It should be borne in mind that recalculation may not provide an increase in pension for all women with children. For example, those who retired before reaching retirement age (i.e., those who received a preferential pension) as a result of replacing length of service with points may lose the right to early retirement. The recalculation will definitely be beneficial for a woman whose period coincided with her studies and was not previously included in the length of service when calculating her pension. An additional payment to the pension is most likely in the case of recalculation at a low salary, when the salary ratio is significantly less than 1.2. It is unlikely that the recalculation will bring an increase to women who have given birth to one child. However, this is possible under certain conditions.

Each case is purely individual and requires contacting the Pension Fund office at your place of residence and further work by a specialist with the materials of the pension case. The pension supplement may amount to 3 rubles for some, and 200 rubles or more for others. As practice shows, the maximum increase in pension as a result of recalculation does not exceed 1,600 rubles. It is quite likely that the recalculation will result in a reduction in the pension amount. True, this option is not critical for the pensioner - if the recalculation turns out to be negative, a refusal decision is made and the pension amount does not change.

To carry out the recalculation, it is necessary to provide to the Pension Fund of Russia office at the place of residence a passport, birth certificates of children with a note on the issue of a passport to them. If there is no such mark, you can submit, along with the birth certificate, any other document that indirectly confirms the child’s achievement of one and a half years, for example, a child’s education certificate, or a passport.

An application for pension recalculation can also be submitted at the multifunctional center (MFC).

There is no time limit for submitting an application for recalculation. In case of a positive result, recalculation is carried out from the first day of the month following the month of its submission.