Thematic week “Spring, migratory birds”. Planning educational work in the senior group on the topic “the time of year is early spring” Theme of the week: spring has arrived preparatory group

Tatiana Zamyslova
Scheduling in senior group. Theme of the week: “Spring is coming to us”



1. Introductory conversation on the topic “Spring is coming to us with quick steps.”

Goal: systematize children’s knowledge about the seasons, their sequence, and the characteristic signs of spring.

2. Low mobility game “Missing Streams”.

Goal: increasing flexibility and mobility of fingers, coordination of movements of arms and legs.

3. Work in a corner of nature: planting seeds for seedlings

Goal: generalize and clarify students’ ideas about growing plants, develop the ability to distinguish and name the seeds of different vegetables.

Individual and subgroup educational activities

Individual work on physical development with Vanya Sh., Sonya Sh., Artyom T., Denis T.

Goal: exercise students in passing the ball to each other at speed, clarifying the basic movements when performing the exercise.

Individual work with Alisa P., Anya B., Makar S. on developing communication skills with adults and peers “Learning to listen politely.”

Goal: strengthening the skills of cultural behavior when communicating with adults and peers (listen carefully to the interlocutor, do not interrupt or distract him).

Organization of artistic exploration activities of pupils with the help of

organizations thematic exhibition“Spring is red” (photo illustrations of early spring and illustrations of paintings by Russian artists).

Goal: to encourage students to examine the exhibition materials, look for signs of early spring in the illustrations and discuss what they saw with their peers.

Organization of independent duty in the dining room using the problem situation “Dunno mixed up the cutlery.”

Goal: improving work skills, the ability to properly set tables.

1. Familiarization with your surroundings

2. Literacy training


Educational activities in special moments

1. Observation of the drop.

Goal: expanding students’ understanding of phenomena inanimate nature; establishing the relationship between air temperature, illumination of the area, the intensity of ice melting and droplets.

2. Development of labor skills: digging a ditch to drain water from the site.

Goal: familiarization with the purpose of a labor operation, expanding ideas about the work of adults in the spring.

3. Russian folk outdoor game “Mother Spring”

Goal: familiarization with Russian traditions through familiarization with new game, its rules, learning the text, increasing physical activity.

Individual work on the development of basic movements with Sone E., Maxim K., Fedya M. Sports game “Shooting at a target.”

Goal: exercise children in throwing objects at a horizontal target from a distance of 2-2.5 m, improving the functional capabilities of the body.

Organization independent activity

Create conditions for play activities by introducing a game character (the doll Oika, who came for a walk in kindergarten).

Creating conditions for games - experimentation “Where are the leaves hiding?”

in the process of research activities with magnifying glasses.

Goal: improving the ability to independently conduct basic research and draw simple conclusions.


1. Children's reading circle:

story by V.V. Volina “Blue Streams of Spring.”

Goal: development of the ability to understand and analyze the content and form of a work;

retell individual passages of the story.

2. Didactic game“Who hears what?”

Goal: to develop students’ auditory perception, attention, and ability to perform the roles of players, drivers, and presenters.

3. Safety minute “Safety on ice in spring.”

Goal: familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior near reservoirs in the spring, role-playing situations of rescuing drowning people.

Individual work on the formation of sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing with Vika K., Kirill B., Anya B. “Two slams - three stomps”

Goal: strengthening the ability to differentiate similar sounds.

Labor assignments for maintaining order in the group to Nikita D., Kirill K. “Each toy has its own place.”

Goal: strengthening the ability to determine the location of each toy, providing all possible assistance to adults.

Organization of independent activities

Creating conditions for theatrical - artistic activity with the help

theater bi-ba-bo.

Goal: improving the skills of acting on a screen with scenery and playing in an ensemble.

Creating conditions for the outdoor game “A Bear in the Forest!” with the help of a surprise moment (introducing a “Magic bag with a bear mask”)

Goal: improving the ability to independently perform actions according to the text; development of friendly relationships between students.

Interaction with parents

Update of information stands “For you, parents!” and “Advice from Experts” with recommendations for studying the topic of the week and the work plan for the week.

1. Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Spring. Big water."

Goal: development of the ability to understand and feel artistic image nature, the mood reflected by the artist in the landscape, paying attention to the means used by the artist, conveying it in words.

2. Speech game “One-many”

Goal: strengthening the skills of agreeing nouns in the singular and plural.

3. Communication on the topic role-playing game"TV reporter."

Goal: expanding the pupils’ horizons about professions in the film industry, enhancing the vocabulary on the topic.

Didactic game “What time of year?” with Makar S., Vanya Sh.

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the seasons by correlating descriptions of nature in poetry or prose with a specific time of year.

Song creativity with So-nya Yu., Alina O. “Song on A”

Goal: to consolidate the syllable “la” when singing a song to any melody.

Organization of independent activities

Creating conditions for didactic and board-print games by changing games in development centers.

Goal: improving the ability to choose a game based on interests, select partners, a place to play (so as not to disturb other comrades, act in accordance with the rules of the game.

Creating conditions for organizing independent self-care activities using the problem situation “Why do you need to always be clean and tidy”

Goal: improving work processes that provide the opportunity to take care of your clothes and shoes.


1. Bird watching.

Goal: to expand and clarify students’ ideas about changes in the life of birds with the onset of spring; establishing a relationship between the behavior of birds and the arrival of spring (they have become more lively, singing more often and louder)

2. Joint work with children: spreading snow on the site on the sunny side.

Goal: mastering methods of distributing collective work and jointly performing the labor process, when the subject of labor passes from one participant in labor to another to perform actions.

3. Outdoor game “Birds - nests - chicks”.

Goal: developing the ability to be attentive to the teacher’s commands, act quickly in accordance with the command, and navigate in space.

Work on the development of basic movements with Dima K., Sonya Sh., Arina M., Ko-lei M.

Game exercise “Do-bark like me!”

Goal: strengthening the ability to monitor the actions of the driver, accurately copy movements, improving children’s performance of basic movements when walking.

Organization of independent activities

Invite students to conduct an observation “Who left footprints in the snow?”

Goal: development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of observation, helping to expand students’ ideas about those who could leave traces on the site kindergarten(birds, activating speech and enriching children’s vocabulary.

By reading the chants

Mother spring is coming,

Open the gate.

The first of March has arrived

He spent all the children;

And behind it comes April

He opened the window and the door;

And now that May has arrived - Walk as much as you want!

encourage you to play P. and. "Mother Spring"

Goal: to improve students’ ability to independently organize their movements with words.

1. Children's reading circle.

S. Vangeli's story "Snowdrops".

Goal: to introduce an understanding of the figurativeness and expressiveness of the language of literary works, activating figurative expressions in children’s speech.

2. Finger gymnastics"Spring".

Goal: learning the text and movements of a new finger game, development fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

3. Game situation “Reporter”

Goal: developing the ability to build in the imagination images associated with spring phenomena, depict them, answer questions, construct sentences grammatically correctly, and compose creative stories “In the World of Spring.”

Individual drawing work “Tender snowdrops” with Sone Sh., Arina K., Vika K.

Goal: to improve the technique of drawing with pastel while conveying in the drawing the features of the appearance of a plant, developing a sense of shape and color.

Organization of independent activities

Creating conditions for dramatizing the nursery rhyme “Wicketwork” (author T. A. Mavrina) with the help of a surprise moment ( magic box with bright illustrations by T. A. Mavrina and masks for the heroes).

Goal: improving the ability, using means of expression, to convey the characteristic features of the image of animals and birds.

Creating conditions for independent work in a corner of nature using the problem situation “What happened to our plants in a corner of nature.”

Goal: to activate previously acquired knowledge about ways to keep plants clean, to consolidate the ability to choose a method for removing dust from a plant, focusing on the features of its appearance and structure.

Result of the day: conversation with students on the questions: “What interesting things did you learn this day? What do you remember most? What useful things did you do, who did you help? What have you learned? What would you like to do tomorrow?

Purpose: summing up, analyzing the events of the day, adjusting the work plan for the next day taking into account the results of today.

Interaction with parents

Individual pedagogical conversations at the request of parents.

Suggestion for holding a poetry evening: read poems about spring by different poets, discuss the content, look at the illustrations, choose the one you like best and learn it by heart.

1. Breathing exercises “Wind”.

Goal: strengthening the respiratory muscles of the entire respiratory system, providing ventilation of the lungs in all departments.

2. Game - experimentation.

"Fighting Flood"

Goal: developing the ability to analyze, look for ways to solve a problem (drain small puddles on the surface, using materials of various properties ( different paper, gauze, cloth, etc.)

Didactic game “Making rugs” (working with Cuisenaire sticks) with students who arrived early.

Goal: to develop in students quantitative concepts, the ability to relate color and number and, conversely, number and color.

Individual work on mathematical development with Vanya Sh., Arina M., Sasha S.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to compare adjacent numbers and obtain equality by adding or removing objects.

Organization of independent activities

Creating conditions for the fantasy game “Enchanted Painting” by playing out a painting (spring landscape): enchant the painting, enter it, examine it from the inside, and even hide in one of its corners.

Goal: development of creative imagination, coherent speech of pupils, the ability to listen carefully to each other (imagine themselves small and enter the picture, tell what they see, hear or feel while in their corner of the picture, others listen, determine in which part of the picture they are child).

Creating conditions for the director’s play activity “Journey to a Favorite Fairy Tale” by including familiar melodies.

Goal: improving performing skills, the ability to create a fairy tale plot using familiar melodies and control dolls.


1. Weather observation. Goal: developing the ability to analyze weather conditions, highlight characteristic features spring, convey in the story your mood and feelings from the arrival of spring.

2. Outdoor game “Sly Fox”.

Goal: developing the ability of pupils, based on questions, to tell the rules of the game and follow them, improving motor skills (running in all directions).

Work on the development of basic movements with Alisa P., Sasha V., Alena Ch.

Sports exercise “Don’t drop it.”

Goal: exercise students in jumping on two legs, moving forward, with a ball sandwiched between their legs.

Labor assignments for work at the site to Sonya Yu., Denis T.: clearing the bench and table of snow.

Goal: stimulating the manifestation of an understanding of the purpose of work, the ability to work for the common good, encouraging students to provide all possible assistance to an adult - a teacher.

Organization of independent activities

Create conditions for play activities at the request of the pupils - removal of attributes (steering wheels, strollers, hats, tools, etc.)

Goal: developing the ability to independently develop the plot of the game, the ability to negotiate.

Entering attributes for mobile and sports games(ribbons, ropes, hoops, jump ropes, skittles)

Goal: improving the ability to negotiate a game, jointly discussing the rules and the need to comply with them, increasing the independent motor activity of students.

1. Children's reading circle: reading and memorizing the poem by I. Belousov “Spring Guest”.

Goal: developing the ability to emotionally perceive a poem, talking about your impressions, feeling the melodiousness of the poem.

2. Manual labor: "Book Hospital

Goal: to consolidate the ability to sort through books and find books that require repair, prepare everything necessary for performing collective work, cut paper of a certain size;

3. Didactic game


Goal: familiarize students with the main sources and types of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature and methods of safe behavior.

Didactic game “Find out by description” with Alisa P., Nikita D.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to write descriptive stories and recognize an object by description.

Organization of independent activities

Organize play activities: offering the boys a model of the road with a variety of cars and signs traffic, and a parcel for the girls with new furniture for their dollhouse.

Goal: encouraging students to unite in small subgroups and play with toys.

Creating conditions for independent labor activity“Car wash” using the problem situation “Dirty cars came from the street.”

Goal: to improve students’ skills to correctly perform appropriate work actions, to include them in the outline of a role-playing game, and to complete the work they have begun.

Result of the day: conversation with students on the questions: “What interesting things did you learn this day? What do you remember most? What useful things did you do, who did you help? What have you learned? What would you like to do tomorrow?

Purpose: summing up, analyzing the events of the day, adjusting the work plan for the next day taking into account the results of today.

Interaction with parents.

A proposal, together with the children, to replenish the album “Seasons” with a spring landscape, photographs, proverbs, sayings, riddles on the theme “Spring”.

1. Game situation “Report from the spring streets.”

Goal: developing the ability, acting as a respondent, to compose short stories on a specific topic (about spring streets, about passers-by, about the weather).

2. Didactic game “Stand up so that...”

Goal: familiarization with the rules of the game, development of the ability to determine in which direction this or that object is located.

Individual work on the application “Buds on a Branch” with Kirill B., Kirill K., Anya B.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to convey a simple plot in appliqué using self-cut parts.

Organization of independent activities

Add people you already know board games to the group and offer it to the students (“Seasons”, “When it happens”, “What comes first, what comes next”).

Goal: to consolidate ideas about spring as a time of year.

Creating conditions for games with natural materials(seeds) by creating a game environment “Task for Cinderella”

Goal: to encourage students, when sorting seeds, to consolidate the ability to compare, recognize and correctly name the seeds of various familiar seeds.


Public transport surveillance (bus)

Goal: expanding the understanding of ground transport, its classification, their significance in human life.

Outdoor game “We are funny guys”

Goal: clarifying the rules of the game, increasing motor activity, developing physical qualities (speed of movement).

Development of basic movements with Lisa Z., Makar S., Arina K., Maxim K.

Sports exercise: “No passers-by can pass here”

Goal: exercise in jumping rope, development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscular system.

Organization of independent activities

Creating a problem situation “My car broke down” - removing attributes (steering wheels, tools, substitute items)

Goal: improving the ability to independently distribute the main roles among themselves, developing the plot of the game.

Scattering snow around the area to ensure it melts faster.

Goal: to consolidate the importance of seasonal work.

1. Didactic game “The morning begins...”.

Goal: clarifying knowledge about the parts of the day, consolidating ideas about the types of activities carried out at different times of the day, introducing students to the implementation of the daily routine.

2. Work on compiling the collection “This magical world paper"

Goal: familiarization with the purpose, history, properties of tracing paper, development of the ability to observe, compare, analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing, combine.

3. Fun game “CINDERELLA” Purpose: familiarization with the rules of the game, stimulation of emotional responsiveness, development of communication skills with adults and peers.

Individual design work with Artyom T., Denis T., Alena Ch. “We design using models.”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to design from building materials using contour diagrams, axonometric drawings (three-dimensional images, highlighting the stages in creating a structure and developing practical skills and spatial concepts.

Organization of independent activities

Create conditions for the role-playing game “Telereporter” by creating a game environment: microphone, video camera, television clapperboard.

Goal: improving the ability to play out various situations, unfolding the plot based on new knowledge and experience.

Musical game “In our garden” (music by N. Gubanova).

Goal: increasing active interest in performing dance movements to music, developing the ability to express one’s mood in dance.

Result of the day: conversation with students on the questions: “What interesting things did you learn this day? What do you remember most? What useful things did you do, who did you help? What have you learned? What would you like to do tomorrow?

Purpose: summing up, analyzing the events of the day, adjusting the work plan for the next day taking into account the results of today.

Interaction with parents

Suggestion to implement with children practical tasks: “Pick up the signs”, “Pick up the actions”, “Yes - no”, “Say the opposite”, “Count”

1. Conversation “Equality of rights of all people.”

Goal: expanding the understanding of the individual differences of people and the equality of their rights, developing the ability to understand others, and showing respect for their feelings.

2. Working with the observation calendar “Growing onions.”

Goal: developing the ability to observe an object (onion) in the center of nature, note changes that have occurred with the object (onion) and display the results of observations in an observation diary.

Analysis of the situation “I do everything myself” with Sonya Sh., Vika K., Dima K.

Goal: to develop in pupils a conscious attitude towards their appearance (carefully examine themselves, assess the condition of their clothes, hairstyles, comment on the results of the examination).

Didactic game (shading) “Magic lines”.

Goal: development of fine motor skills, graphic drawing skills.

Organization of independent activities

Creating conditions for construction game from LEGO using the game situation “Mystery Bag” (guess the details of the construction set by touch and build buildings according to your plan from the guessed parts).

Goal: strengthening the skills of planar modeling and design, improving the ability to play with their buildings in joint gaming activities.


1. Observing the clothes of passersby.

Goal: strengthening the ability to establish connections between seasonal phenomena and clothes, developing the ability to make the right conclusions.

2. Relay games “Draw the sun.”

Goal: clarifying the rules of the game, developing the ability to act in a team, enriching motor experience.

Work on the development of basic movements with Lisa M., Alena Ch., Kirill B.

Game exercise “Jumping rope.”

Goal: strengthening the technique of jumping rope, helping to improve the respiratory system, strengthening the muscular system.

Organization of independent activities

Creating conditions for the game situation “Pathfinders” by creating a game environment “The hare has lost her little bunny.”

Goal: improving the ability to independently develop a game idea, using the method of indirect guidance, developing cognitive activity.

1. Joint work: washing toys.

Goal: to draw attention to the development of methods for distributing collective work and jointly performing the labor process, when the object of labor passes from one participant in labor to another to perform actions (washes - rinses - wipes).

3. Final event on the topic of the week. Evening of poems “Spring is red.”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of works of art about spring signs, to develop children’s artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems about nature in spring.

Didactic games for the development of fine motor skills with Sonya Sh., Dima K. “Palm - freeze!”

Goal: development of statistical coordination of finger movements, exercise in holding a pose.

Organization of independent activities

Creating conditions for free productive activity by introducing familiar materials for productive activities

(paper, stencils, pencils, wax crayons, unfinished drawings, coloring books, etc.).

Goal: development of the ability to independently convey characteristic features spring, spring landscape, animal life in the forest

Interaction with parents

Offering options for spending time together: a walk in the spring forest or park.

Execution homework on the topic for the coming week.

CALENDAR - THEMATIC PLANNING: “Spring, spring on the street ....” Goal: To develop children’s knowledge about the signs of spring, signs of spring. MONDAY. Morning 1. Spring chants Objectives: to know various spring ancient chants that people used when turning to the forces of nature; be able to pronounce chants expressively and emotionally. Ay, ay, howl, Howl to spring: March, March The sun is glad; April, April Will open the door; May, May Walk as long as you like! Aw, aw, let's go! 2. Finger gymnastics “Spring has come” 3. Work in nature: Observation of wiping dust from the room. plants. 4. Game “What is missing” Intensify the use of indefinite verbs and complex sentence constructions in speech. 5.Ind. conversation on the development of coherent speech “What I like in spring.” 6. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior on the street. GCD Drawing Theme “Spring” Objectives: - consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs of spring; - consolidate the names of warm and cold colors; - use the skills of working with a stamp; - use the skills of working using the poking method; - consolidate the skill of working in the grattage technique; - strengthen children’s ability to depict pictures of nature, conveying its features; - develop aesthetic perception; - figurative representations, imagination and creativity; - ability to use learned drawing techniques; - cultivate love for the world around us. Material Poster with an inscription depicting Spring; snowflakes with numbers from 1 to 3 in yellow, green and blue colors; silhouette of the sun, easel for the exhibition of final works. trays with paint, paints, corks, cotton swabs, brushes, oilcloths, pieces of scratch paper, wooden sticks - skewers. Preliminary work: Conversation about spring, looking at “spring” landscapes, drawing using the poking method cotton swabs, drawing using the grattage technique. Walk 1. 1. Observation of the weather. Watching the wind. Is there wind or not? Why is he blowing? What wind? (strong, weak, cold, warm) How can you determine the strength of the wind? (flag, hand, scarf, pinwheel) What wind directions do you know? Hood. word: Wind, you are a powerful wind, you drive flocks of clouds, you agitate the blue sea, you blow everywhere in the open air. 2.D/i “Guess by the voice” - develop the ability to listen to others. 3.P/game: “Hunters and Hares” - to train children in throwing and spatial orientation. 4.I/r according to PHYS: walking with wide steps, walking in a snake. 5.Labor. instructions: give the children brooms, sweep the veranda, paths - teach children to work, take care of their work and the work of adults. Evening 2. Reading literature. Continue to teach children to listen to stories; help children correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its characters; help develop a personal relationship to the work. 3. Work according to the instructions of the speech therapist. 4. Ind. design work. "Palace for Spring". Fix the name builds. details and its color. 5. Situational conversation about the rules for serving a festive table. Walk2 1. Observation of the work of the janitor. Develop the ability to see the expediency of work actions. 2.P/i “Crow and Sparrow”. Continue to teach how to act on a signal and navigate in space. 3.Ind. Job. Strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a distance. 4. Situational conversation “How can we help the janitor.” 5. Role-playing games at the request of the children. 6.Experimenting with snow: where snow melts faster in the shade or in the sun. TUESDAY. Morning. 1. Guessing riddles about spring Objectives: know the signs of spring; be able to solve riddles, explaining by what features the object is guessed. Consider illustrations on the topic: “Spring” - enrich children’s knowledge about the features spring nature. Activities in various centers for children's interests 2.D/i “Mirrors”. Development of observation and communication abilities. 3. Securing the seasons, parts of the day. Walk 1. Observing the weather. Name the spring months. Mark the path of the sun. What falls from a pole, tree, building? -Every day, every minute, the day is longer, the night is shorter, Slowly, little by little, we drive winter away. D/i “Guess by the voice” - develop the ability to listen to others. P/game: “Fun competition” - game - relay race with obstacles. I/r according to PHYS: walking with wide strides, walking with a snake. Evening 1. Didactic exercise“Spring months” Objectives: know the names and sequence of the spring months, characteristic features different periods spring; be able to listen carefully to the teacher, identify signs and indicate them in speech. 2. Singing songs learned at the music educational program. 3. Work on caring for plants (spraying, loosening) 4Ex. on speech development. “Make friends with words” (day, spring) 5. Individual work in an isocorner: drawing with wax crayons “ Spring landscape " 6.Work on the instructions of a speech therapist. 7. Conversation about the need to restore order in play areas. 8. Laying out a spring landscape from sticks. Walk 2. 1.Bird watching. Conquer the birds on the site. - Sparrow, what are you waiting for? You don’t peck at bread crumbs. “I noticed the crumbs a long time ago, But I’m afraid of an angry cat” 2.P/i with jumping “Hares in the garden” 3Ind. slave. “Be the most dexterous.” Continue to develop dexterity. Endurance. 4. Situational conversation “Should we feed the birds” TUESDAY. Morning. 1. Compiling a story based on the painting “Children on a Walk.” Exercise children in composing stories based on the picture; develop the ability to coordinate words in a sentence; encourage active use of the simplest types of complex sentences in speech, expand the understanding of the importance of movement and hardening for health. 2.E N.P. “Magic Glasses.” Introduce observation instruments - microscope, telescope, binoculars. Explain why a person needs them. 2.Fix the names of indoor plants. 3. Situational conversation about behavior in public transport. 4. Ind. slave. on drawing. Develop the ability to draw human figures. GCD design “Boat” (origami) tasks: 1. develop the ability to follow oral instructions; 2. teach various techniques for working with paper; 3. introduce children to basic geometric concepts: square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc.; 4. enrich the child’s vocabulary with special terms; 5. create compositions with products made from paper. 6. cultivate interest in paper design; Materials and equipment: paper blanks, work diagram. Logic: 1. Introductory part. I open the buds into green leaves, dress the trees, water the crops. Full of movement, my name is...(spring) 2. Familiarization with the signs of spring. Name the signs of spring. (The sun shines higher and brighter, snow and ice on the rivers melt, streams run, the first flowers appear - lilies of the valley, snowdrops, buds swell on the trees, leaves appear, nature comes to life, insects appear, animals also wake up.) - Do you want me to teach you make boats so that you can set your boats sailing? 4. Demonstration of working methods and explanation. Physical education minute. If a blue river awakens from sleep and runs through the fields, sparkling, then spring has come to us! If the snow has melted everywhere and the grass in the forest is visible and a flock of birds sings to us, it means spring has come to us! If the sun turns our cheeks red, it will become even more pleasant for us - it means spring has come to us! 5. Consolidation, execution of work. And now you will carry out the work according to the scheme. But first, let's remember the stages of work. Let's now complete these steps ourselves. 6. Summary of the lesson: Look at the boats you got. You did a good job, the boats turned out smooth and beautiful. Thank you for your work. Now let's see whose boat will sail? (we lower the boats into a container of water). Walk1. 1. Observation of the work of the janitor. intensify cognitive activity; develop the ability to see the expediency of labor actions; learn to evaluate the results of work. Who trims the trees? What branches does he prune and with what? (With special scissors - pruning shears.) For what purpose do they cut branches from trees and shrubs? (Give shape, free from excess or diseased branches.) Why is the profession called a janitor? 2. Labor activity: Cleaning the branches cut by the janitor to a certain place. Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve goals through joint efforts. 3. Outdoor games “Crow and Sparrow”. Continue to teach children to act on signals and navigate in space. "Run to the flag." teach to perform actions strictly according to the teacher’s signal. 4.Individual work Goal: to consolidate the skills of throwing objects at a distance. Evening: 1.D. ex. “Name the actions that occur in spring” Objectives: know the signs of spring; be able to complete a sentence by naming the appropriate action. Icicles under the sun... Snowdrifts from the sun's heat... (settle). The buds on the trees... (swell, burst). In the spring, birds nest... (build, build). In the spring, the bear comes out of hibernation... In the spring, the birds hatch their chicks... (hatch). In spring, the ice on the river... (melts, breaks). In spring, fruit trees in the gardens... (bloom). In the thawed patches the first flowers... (bloom). In the spring, insects after winter...(come to life). In the spring, people in the fields ... (sow) rye. The first grass emerges from the ground... (breaks through). 2. Ind. work with a subgroup of children on FEMP Goal: Continue to teach children to identify and name the location of an object (left, right, next to, near, between). 3.D/i: “What time of year” Develop the ability to independently find signs of spring, establish cause-and-effect relationships 4.Drawing up a geometric picture “Spring” (drawing of geometric shapes) ENVIRONMENT. Morning. 1. Morning exercises. Articulation gymnastics. Finger gymnastics. 2.D/i on the development of speech “Spring has come to us.” Develop creative imagination. Consolidating ideas about orientation in space. (The location of children in the painting “Spring Fun”) 3. Encourage children to self-assess and evaluate the behavior of their peers during routine moments. 4. Song with movements “Train” Walk 1 Observation of a sparrow. Continue to consolidate, clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about a familiar bird - the sparrow; enrich vocabulary an artistic word about a sparrow; activate attention and memory; teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of spring. A sparrow is splashing in a ditch with melt water, I stood up near a dark alder tree, I look from behind the bare branches. Like a carefree boy, He wants to dive head first... A perky, dashing sparrow - I'm afraid to scare him away. He forgot both hunger and cold, Forgot how the snow was chalk. Today he is glad to see a puddle of sunshine and drops of stingy warmth! What changes have occurred in the life of a sparrow with the arrival of spring? Where do sparrows like to live - in the forest or next to a person? Why Who are sparrows afraid of? What do they eat in the spring? ♦How should people care for birds? 2. Outdoor games “Migration of birds”. Learn to run across the entire court, not stand against the wall, climb into an empty space, giving way to each other; climb down to the end without jumping; develop dexterity, attentiveness.. 3.Ind. work Development of movements. improve your hoop rolling skills in any direction. Evening. 1. Laying snowdrops out of rice. Development of fine motor skills. 2. Game “Describe - we will guess.” 3. . “Quick pencil” Work in notebooks. Hatching. Walk 2... 1. What dangers lurk outside in spring? "(slippery road, falling icicles, rain, wind, puddles, etc. 2.I/r according to physical education: throwing snowballs at a moving target. Labor assignments: invite children to throw snow on flower beds, near tree trunks and bushes. 3 ..Individual work with children to develop forward and backward counting skills. 2. Remind children that they need to help each other, remind them how to politely make requests and thank them. 2. Exercise “Homeless Hare”. while running without bumping into each other. Advise parents “What to read to children on the topic “Spring” by V. Bianchi “March”, E. Baratynsky “Spring, spring” Learn the riddle about spring.

At the beginning of April, the teacher plans his activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, creating conditions for deepening the knowledge of preschoolers about spring, trees, flowers and grasses, and migratory birds. Children spend more time in the countryside in spring, get acquainted with works of art by famous artists about spring nature, and take part in making collective works on the topic. The result of the week is the “Why and Why” quiz, aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge about spring. Detailed Description conversations, educational games, problem situations, as well as spring riddles you will find in the appendix to the plan " Thematic week"Spring, migratory birds».

Social and communicative development

The teacher creates conditions for transferring children's knowledge into play, discusses proverbs and sayings with children, which contributes to the social and communicative development of children. An adult attracts children to work in the garden, and through literature forms the foundations of morality.

Cognitive development

In the area cognitive development planned graphic dictations“Tulip”, “Complete the Bird”, watching the educational presentation “Birds of Migratory”, consolidating knowledge about the first spring flowers through the interactive game “Primroses”.

Speech development

In the afternoon, the teacher plans to read and retell works about spring by G. Skrebitsky, V. Bianki. Speech development is promoted by games for the development of phonemic hearing “Find a place for the chip”, “Make a sentence”. Children solve the problem situation “What would happen if ... disappeared from the forest”, participate in the educational game “Radio Broadcast” using the “Know Yourself” technology.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The theme of spring is reflected in creative activity children. Older preschoolers learn to work with fabric, creating spring landscapes, listen to songs about spring, fold paper birds, and figure out how to draw flowers in an unconventional way. All this contributes to artistic and aesthetic development. The teacher continues to work on the morphological board, stimulating the thinking and imagination of children using TRIZ techniques.

Physical development

Older preschoolers learn about the features of the human skeleton and remember the benefits of healthy food. Children repeat the rules of the game “Needle, thread, knot” and organize various relay races. The teacher involves children in active activities while solving problems of physical development.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.The game is a sketch of “What Happened?” Goal: development of imagination in the process of creating original images using facial expressions and pantomime.Graphic dictation “Tulips”. Goal: to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.Conversation about spring. Goal: to activate monologue speech, expand knowledge about spring.Applique with the subgroup “Spring landscape” (lace). Goal: to develop the ability to work with fabric, write a story about your work.Physical exercise at the teacher's discretion. Goal: remember familiar games.
S.r.iga “Cell Phone Store”. Goal: to teach how to transfer knowledge gained in life into the game.Excursion around the garden. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about nature in the spring, to evoke a desire to take care of plants.Exercise “Complete the sentence.” Goal: develop conceptual thinking.Working with scissors. Goal: to develop motor skills, the ability to work with scissors carefully.P.i. "The rooks are flying." Goal: remember the rules of the game, entertain the children. P.i. "Hit the hoop." Purpose: to train children in throwing.
2 p.d.Game situation "Ambulance". Goal: to teach children about first aid for insect bites.Guessing riddles about spring. Goal: develop logical thinking and the ability to solve riddles.Reading the Shors fairy tale “The Light and the Bee” by L. Voronkov. Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from a story.Constructive model activity from paper “Rooks”. Goal: to develop the ability to create collective work.View the presentation "Structure of the skeleton." Goal: to tell children about exercises that strengthen the skeleton.


OOSocial communication development Cognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic aesthetic development Physical development
1 p.d.Exercise “Guess what sign?” Goals: to teach children to distinguish road signs, consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules.View the educational presentation “Birds of Migratory”. Goal: to consolidate the names of migratory birds.Game "Broken Phone". Goal: to develop phonemic hearing.Problem situation “How to draw a flower without a brush.” Goal: show children unconventional ways of drawing flowers.Exercises for the eyes “Flower” (accommodation). Goal: relieve eye strain.
A teacher's story about work in the village in the spring. Goal: to expand the understanding of the work of adults.Woodpecker observation. Goal: to expand knowledge about the appearance features, habits of the bird and its habitat, to form real ideas about the life of the bird.A conversation about epithets. Goal: to develop interest in literature and word creation.Game "Seekers". Goal: expand understanding of the variety of colors and shades in nature.P.i. "Serso." Goal: learn to throw wooden rings onto a cue, develop an eye. P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Purpose: to teach to follow the rules of the game.



TEACHER: Pushilina Lyudmila Viktorovna

Regime moments

Educational areas,

Types of activities

Form of work

1. Conversation with children on the topic: “Spring, signs of spring.”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, enrich knowledge about the characteristics of spring nature; activate children's speech folk proverbs and sayings:

“A lot of snow - a lot of bread”, “Long icicles - away with spring.”

2.D/I “Say it differently.”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to name an object from a picture in different ways, to develop thinking, memory, and attention.

3. Morning exercises.

Complex No. 1.

Communication activities.

Physical development,

motor activity.

Individual work. Conversation with illustrations.

Reading, listening.

Speech situation, games with rules.

1.Physical development

2.Cognitive development (familiarization with the natural world). Holiday "Vesnyanka"

Goal: expand ideas about folk holidays; introduce to spring holiday"Vesnyanka"

Speech, cognitive development.

Discussion, looking at illustrations, reading.

1 Walk

1. Observation of seasonal changes.

Goal: to form concepts about the changing seasons.

2.P/I “Who will remain in the circle?”, “Living labyrinth”.

Goals: develop a sense of balance, agility, speed of movement; train coherence collective action, speed of reaction and ingenuity.

3. Labor activity: clearing snow on the paths.

Goal: to form labor actions.

4.Ind. slave: development of movements.

Goal: practice running at speed, improve the technique of standing long jump.

5. Games with external material.

Goal: development of children’s independence, communication with each other.

Labor activity.

Socially – communication activity.

Observation, research.

Outdoor games.

Independent games.

2nd half of the day

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) “Early Spring”.

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about landscape as a form of painting; learn to independently choose a subject and convey the characteristic signs of spring to the drawing (melting snow, trees without leaves, etc.)

3.S/R "Mail".

Goal: to continue to teach children to use substitute objects in play, to understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

The plot is a role-playing game.

2 Walk

1.Continue observations in nature. Experiment: “Why does snow turn into ice in the palm of your hand?”

Goal: develop logical thinking, establish cause and effect relationships.
2.P/I at the request of the children.
3.Involve parents in pedagogical interaction with the child. Choose a poem, proverbs about spring. Help me remember.

Physical development.


Conversation, research.

Outdoor games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is “Spring. Signs of Spring"

Regime moments

Educational areas

Types of activities

Form of work

1. Conversation “Sky in the morning.”

Goal: to teach children to identify the features of the morning sky in spring, talk about them, characterize the colors of the sky, the type of clouds.

2.Riddles about spring.

3. While on duty, remind children about safety rules when distributing hot food.

Goal: to develop cultural and hygienic skills, to consolidate knowledge about safety rules for yourself and others.

4.D/I “Let’s bring back the memory of Spring.”

Goal: know the signs of spring as a season; be able to name and describe the sign of spring; connect the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

5. Morning exercises.

Complex No. 1

Speech, cognitive, social and communicative development.

Social and communicative activities.

Social and communicative development, speech development.

Communication activities.

Physical development,

motor activity.

Conversation with illustrations, observation, reading, listening, games with rules, vocabulary activation.

1. Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

2.Cognitive development (FEMP)

"Comparison by length."

Purpose: to practice measurement using a conventional measure; learn to compare and organize objects along one dimension.

Cognitive, speech development.

Cognitive – research, communication, speech activities.

Conversation, research.

3. Speech development. Retelling of N. Sladkov “The Bear and the Sun”.

Goal: to learn to retell a work without omissions, to preserve the most interesting author’s expressions.

Cognitive, speech, social and communicative development.

Reading X/L, listening, memorizing, retelling.

1 Walk

1. Observation of the spring sky and clouds.

Goals: to draw attention to the beauty of the spring sky; expand children's understanding of the diversity of inanimate nature; develop curiosity and creative perception; cultivate a love for nature.

2. Labor activity: clearing paths from snow.

Goal: to teach how to work together.

3.P/I “Day-night”, “Jump-jump”.

Goals: to train children in agility, running, jumping on two legs, moving forward and backward.

4. Games with external material.

Goal: to develop children's independence.

5. Individual work: “Walk along the log.”

Goal: to exercise skills and maintain stable balance, to improve walking technique.

Cognitive – speech development, social communicative development. Cognitive - research activities.

Physical development, motor activity.

Labor activity.

Social and communicative activities.

Social communicative development, play activity.

Observation, research.

Outdoor games.

Instructions, joint actions.

Independent games.


1.Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths. Breathing exercises. Play massage.

Goal: to protect the lives and improve the health of children.

2.Watching the educational film “Children about spring.”

3.D/I “When this happens.”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to classify objects, enrich vocabulary, develop attention and thinking.

4.Playing noise instruments

Goal: develop hearing and attention.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Conversation, questions and answers, games with rules.

2 Walk

1. Continue observing the weather in the evening, compare it with the morning, note the changes that occurred during the day.

2. Outdoor game “Flies - does not fly”, “Owl and the Birds”.

Goals: develop motor activity, the desire to play in a team, not to be offended, to be careful in games.

3. Inform parents about the creation of the “Spring” folder, get them interested in decorating it with children’s stories, sayings, and drawings.

Social – communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor and play activities.


Outdoor games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is “Spring. Signs of Spring"

Regime moments

Educational areas,

Types of activities

Form of work

1. Conversation “Animal life in spring.”

Goal: to expand and clarify children’s knowledge about changes in the animal world.

2.D/I “Birds, fish, animals.”

Goal: to teach how to choose species concepts.

N: The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word “birds.” Next child must name the bird, but not repeat it, etc.

3. Morning exercises.

Complex No. 1

Speech, cognitive, social commun. developed.,



Physical development,

motor activity.

Individual work.

Conversation with illustrations.

Games with rules.

1.Physical development

(according to the plan of the physical education instructor).

2.Cognitive development (FEMP).

"Comparison by length and width."

Goal: learn to draw equal and unequal segments on checkered paper; compare results; practice measuring straight line segments using cell counting; measure objects with different standards.

Cognitive, speech, communication, development.

Conversation, research, discussion.

3. Cognitive - research activities.
"Evaporation of water."

Purpose: to make children understand that water evaporates and is converted into water vapor.

Cognitive - research, social - communicative, speech activity.

Observation, research, joint action.

1 Walk

1. Observation of the dog.

Objectives: to systematize children’s knowledge about the life of animals in the spring, to teach them to find the reasons for changes in the lives of animals; establish cause-and-effect relationships; develop evidence-based speech; foster a sense of responsibility for those who have been tamed.

2.Labor activity: cleaning the branches cut by the janitor to a certain place.

Goal: to consolidate the skills and abilities to work in a team together.

3.P/I at the request of the children.

Goal: to develop independence, the ability to negotiate, not to quarrel and to play together.

Cognitive speech, social-communal. development, cognitive and research activities.

Labor activity.

Game activity.

Observation, research.

Instructions, joint actions.

Independent games.

2nd half of the day

1. Health-improving exercises after sleep.
Walking along massage paths, play massage, breathing exercises.

Goal: to protect the lives and improve the health of children.

2. Plot-role-playing game “Journey by car to the spring forest.”

Goal: to develop the ability to choose the plot of the game, distribute roles, select the necessary objects and attributes; consolidate children's knowledge about the life of animals and plants; foster friendly relationships between children.

3.P/I at the request of the children.

Goal: to evoke a positive emotional response, joy from success.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

Cognitive, speech development.

Social and communicative development.

Few - outdoor games with text.

Conversation, looking at illustrations, making children's creative products.

The plot is a role-playing game.

Independent games.

2 Walk

1. Continue observations in nature and note the changes that occurred during the day.

Goal: to develop logical thinking and attention.

2.P/I “Shaggy Dog”.

Goal: develop reaction speed, dexterity; consolidate the ability to coordinate game actions with words.

3. Independent play activities for children.

4.Bring information to parents about the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” competition.

Goal: to create a desire to take part in the competition with your child.

Social – communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor and play activities.


Outdoor games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is “Spring. Signs of Spring"

Regime moments

Educational areas

Types of activities

Form of work

1. Conversation “What is a spring flood.”

Goal: to introduce children to the phenomenon of spring floods. Explain what it is. Expand children's knowledge about spring floods and the rules of behavior on spring ice.

2.Reading the poem by N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.”

3. Lesson based on interests.

Goal: to educate and develop independence, the ability to play together.

4. Morning exercises.

Complex No. 1.

Speech, cognitive,

social commun. developed.,

communication activity.

Cognitive development,

Reading lit.

Independent play activity.

Physical development,

motor activity.

Conversation with illustrations.

Reading, discussion, problem solving.

Outdoor games with rules.

1.Cognitive development (learning to read and write).
Sound B and B'.

Goal: to develop children’s ability to distinguish between consonants and vowels. Introduce the sounds B and B'. Learn to determine the location of sounds in words, form syllables with given sounds.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (music).

According to the music director's plan.

Cognitive, speech development, social and communicative development.

Communicative and speech activities.

Explanation, conversation.

3.Artistic and aesthetic development (Applique).

"Symmetrical cutting"

Goal: learn to cut out several symmetrical objects from paper folded like an accordion and in half; develop visual control over hand movements and coordination of movements. Reinforce knowledge of the colors of the spectrum and their sequence.

Speech, social - communicative, artistic - aesthetic development.

Social – communicative, productive activities.

Conversation, explanation, demonstration.

1 Walk

1. Observation of melting snow and ice.

Objectives: generalize ideas about typical spring phenomena in nature; learn to analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships in nature; continue to enrich children’s knowledge about the properties of water (compare the size of icicles in the morning and during an evening walk, conclude that during the day the icicles became much shorter, the sun warmed them and they melted all day.

2.P/I “Make a figure.”

Goal: to develop imagination and coordination of movements.

3.Individual work “Don’t touch me.”

Goal: practice walking like a snake between pins, improve balance.

4.Free play activity.

At the request of the children.

Cognitive, speech, social and communicative development.

Physical development, motor activity.

Game activity.

Observation, research.

An outdoor game with rules.

Independent games.

2nd half of the day

1.Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.
Walking along massage paths, play massage, breathing exercises.

Goal: to protect the lives and improve the health of children.

2.Reading fiction F. Tyutchev “Spring”.

Goal: to continue to introduce works of fiction about spring. To develop the ability to communicate with adults and peers based on the content of what they read.

3.D/I “Choose what you need.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about nature, develop thinking and cognitive activity.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

Cognitive, speech development.

Reading X/L.

Social and communicative development.

Communication activities.

Reading, conversation, discussion.

2 walk

1.Continue observation in nature, note the changes that occurred during the day.

Goal: to develop attention and thinking.

2.P/N “Don’t get caught.”

Goal: develop agility, speed, play together, following the rules of the game, improve jumping on two legs.

3..Independent play activity.

Goal: to develop independence, communication skills with peers.

Social – communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor and play activities.


Outdoor games with text.

Independent games.

The theme of the week is “Spring. Signs of Spring"

Regime moments

Educational areas

Types of activities

Form of work

1. Conversation “Why is the flower cramped?”

Purpose: examining indoor plants with children, showing large plant in a small pot, lead to the conclusion that the roots are crowded and that the flower needs to be replanted.

2.Work at the Nature Center.

Goal: to continue to teach children to independently determine the need for watering plants, to cultivate a desire to care for plants.

3. Board and printed games: “Dominoes”, “Seasons”, “Lego”.

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the seasons and the ability to follow the rules of the game.

4. Gymnastics

Complex No. 1

Speech, cognitive, social commun. developed., communicative activity.

Speech development, reading fiction.

Labor activity.

Social and communicative development, speech development.

Communication activities.

Physical development,

motor activity.


Situational conversation.


Games with rules.

1. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

"Green Kingdom".

Goal: learn to paint familiar objects (grass, trees, flowers, clouds, etc.); learn to harmoniously arrange a plot on a sheet of paper, develop a sense of composition, and cultivate an aesthetic perception of the world around us.

2. Physical development on the street.

According to the plan of the physical education instructor.

Artistic and aesthetic cognition, social-com. development, Productive, commun. cognizant activity.

Conversation, research, production of children's creativity products. Exhibition of drawings.

1 Walk

1.Looking at buds on trees.

Goals: continue to learn to notice changes in appearance trees depending on the time of year; consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature; identify the causes of changes; strengthen the ability to see beauty native nature; continue to teach children to describe plants.

2. Labor activity: collecting small garbage.

Goal: to develop labor skills

3.P/I “Who is faster.”

Goal: practice running, develop speed.

4.Individual work: jumping up from a place.

Goal: develop jumping ability, combine strength with speed.

5.Free play activities at the request of children.

Cognitive speech, social-communal. development.

Cognitive – research, communication activities.

Labor activity.

Physical development, motor activity.

Observation, research.

Instructions, joint actions.

Games with rules, independent games.

2nd half of the day

1.Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.
Walking along massage paths, play massage, breathing exercises.

Goal: to protect the lives and improve the health of children.

2. Entertainment "Spring".

Goal: to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about spring phenomena through music, poetry, outdoor and educational games, to evoke positive emotions and an emotional response.

Physical development, social and communicative development.

Speech, cognitive, artistic. esthete. development.

Communicative, motor, play activities.

Guessing riddles.

Games and game situations.

Word games.

2 Walk

1. Continue observing in nature what has changed during the day.

2.P/I at the request of the children.

3.Independent play activity.

Social – communicative activity, speech activity, cognitive activity.

Physical development.

Motor and play activities.


Outdoor games with text.

Independent games.