Hat with beard. Viking hat Viking hat detailed description of knitting

In anticipation New Year's holidays I would like to please my family and friends with an unusual gift, made with my own hands and having practical application. A Viking hat is the best way to solve this problem - it’s creative, warm, and knitted with your own hands :) This hat will serve a good gift both men and women (and both, regardless of their age), only need to complement the hat with either a beard with a mustache or braids. Instead of traditional horns, the hat can be decorated with small wings - as your imagination dictates :)

  • interesting selection for the site!!!
  • Children's hats, without adult models

To create a Viking hat you will need:

  • Alize Lanagold Plus yarn (51% acrylic, 49% wool, 100 g/140 m) in any shades you like, the yarn consumption for a hat for an adult is a little more than one skein, so it’s better to purchase two at once; the yarn is very warm, the products can be worn outdoors, for children you can make an insulated version, wear it over another hat;
  • Pekhorka yarn “Children's novelty” (100% high-volume acrylic, 50 g/200 m) white for horns, yarn consumption is small;
  • a small amount of padding polyester for filling the horns;
  • hook No. 3 for the hat and hook No. 1.5 for the horns;
  • yarn for the beard (I took the same Alize as for the hat, but in different colors, the beard turns out to be very voluminous, you can take thinner yarn)
  • needle with a blunt end for stitching;
  • buttons to secure the beard (if you are attaching braids, buttons are not needed).

Viking hat, job description

The hat is knitted with simple single crochet stitches; a diagram of the bottom of the hat is attached (it shows exactly 1/4 of the hat).

The initial ring consists of 5 air loops. The bottom of the hat is knitted according to the pattern to the size required (a table of sizes depending on head circumference and age is attached). When the required diameter of the bottom of the hat is reached, rows are knitted without increments to the required depth. The depth of the cap is also indicated in the table:

You can knit a simple hat with only convex front columns as decoration, or you can decorate the edge with a simple ornament. The height of the ornament is approximately 4.5-5 cm, so when knitting it you need to subtract 4.5 cm from the required depth (i.e. finish knitting rows of double crochets 4.5 cm before the required depth of the hat).

The ornament no longer includes convex facial columns and consists of the following rows:
1st row: single crochets behind the front walls of the loops of the previous row
2nd row: double crochets behind the back walls of the loops of the previous row
3rd row: double crochet, alternating with cones (knitting pattern is attached), the number of cones can be any, I make 8 cones)
4th row: double crochets
5th row: single crochets behind the front walls of the loops of the previous row
6th row: single crochets behind the back walls of the loops of the previous row
The end of the ornament is the completion of the hat itself.

For the horns we take white yarn “Children's New” and a hook No. 1.5. The horn has a classic shape, knitted with single crochets according to the following pattern:
1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring
2nd row: 6 sc
3rd row: *1 sc inc* 3 times (9)
4th row: 9 sc
5th row: * 2 sbn * 3 times (12)
Row 6: *3 sc inc* 3 times (15)
7th row: 15 sc
8 row: 5 connecting columns, 10 sc (15)
Row 9: *4 sbn* 3 times (18)
10th row: 6 connecting columns, 12 sc (18)
Row 11: *5 sc inc* 3 times (21)
12th row: 7 connecting columns, 14 sc (21)
Row 13: *6 sc inc* 3 times (24)
14-15 rows: 8 connecting columns, 16 sc (24)
Row 16: *7 sc inc* 3 times (27)
17th row: 9 connecting columns, 18 sc (27)
Row 18: *8 sc inc* 3 times (30)
19 row: 10 connecting columns, 20 sc (30)
Row 20: *9 sc inc* 3 times (33)
21 row: 11 connecting columns, 22 sc (33)
Row 22: *10 sc inc* 3 times (36)
23rd row: 12 connecting columns, 24 sc (36)
Rows 24-30: 36 sc in each row.

We knit two horns.

This pattern of horns is suitable for an adult; for children, you can reduce the pattern (knit not to 36 sc, but to 30 or 33 sc and do fewer repetitions).

Ring holders are required for horns. They are knitted in single crochet stitches, in the same color as the hat. We cast on the required number of air loops depending on the size of the base of the horn stuffed with synthetic padding, and close air loops in a ring, knit 2 rows with single crochets. Then we connect the holders with the horns and sew the finished part to the sides of the hat.
The Viking hat is ready.

Depending on who it will be presented to, it needs to be equipped with either a beard or braids.
For braids, we fasten the required number of long threads of the color you like on the sides of the hat from the inside and weave traditional braids.
For a beard, you need to tie a trapezoidal base (the wide part is the top of the beard) and secure the threads to it. Creating a beard is a purely creative process, the size, length and color of the beard, the presence of mustaches and braids in the beard depend only on the imagination of the craftswoman and the wishes of the customer :) I used the same yarn for the beard as for the hat, but in a different color, the beard turned out very voluminous and warm. In order to be able to take it off and put it on, a couple of buttons need to be sewn on the inside of the hat on the sides.
Ours is ready unusual gift. Make yourself and your loved ones happy! Happy New Year everyone! :)


For ages 2 (3) 4 (5) years

You will need

Yarn (70% wool, 30% nylon; 50 g/77 m) - 2 skeins of black, 1 skein of white, gray and dark gray; knitting needles No. 3.5; circular knitting needles No. 3 and 3.5, 40 cm long; stocking needles No. 3 and 3.5; hook No. 4.5.


Pearl pattern

1st row: alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.
2nd row: alternately 1 purl, 1 knit, i.e. knit offset relative to the stitches of the 1st row.

Repeat rows 1 + 2 constantly.

Decrease 1 p.

Knit 2 sts together with a slant to the left = slip 1 st, knit the next stitch and pull the removed loop through the knitted one.

Facial surface

Facial rows - facial loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Knitting density

22 p. x 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch with needles No. 3.5.

Getting the job done


On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 5 stitches and knit with a pearl pattern (1st row = purl row), while starting and ending the row with purl. p.

To expand the earpiece, add 1 stitch on each side in each front row. To do this, knit a trace. way: 1 knit, 1 yarn over, then knit loops according to the pattern, finish the row with 1 yarn over, 1 knit. In the next purl. r. Before knitting, twist the yarn overs once, purl the outer loops.

When there are 23 (25) 27 (29) sts on the needles, finish purl. next to it and break the thread.

Knit the second earpiece in the same way, but do not break the thread at the end, but pick it up at the end. row 6 (7) 8 (9) sts for the back of the cap. On these loops knit with a pearl pattern, then continue the pattern on the loops of the earphone, then cast on 22 (26) 30 (34) sts for the front part of the head, knit the loops of the second earphone and cast on another 6 (7) 8 (9) sts for the back of the head parts of the cap = 80 (90) 100 (110) sts on knitting needles.

Knit 1 p. facial, 1 rub. purl, 1 r. facial

Change the thread to gray and knit 1 p. facial, 2 p. pearl pattern and 5 r. facial

In the next row, knit 2 (3) 4 (5) stitches with a gray thread, * on the next loop with a dark gray thread, make a bump = k1, 1 yarn over, k1, 1 yarn over, k1. = 5 sts on a knitting needle from one st, turn the knitting and purl these 5 sts, turn, knit 5, turn, purl 5, turn, remove 1 st, next. knit stitch and pull the removed stitch through it, knit 1, knit 2 stitches together, pull 2 ​​outer stitches through the middle stitch, knit 8 (9) 10 (11) stitches with gray thread *, repeat from * to *, finish 2 (3) 4 (5) p. with gray thread.

Continue knitting in stockinette stitch with black thread.

After 3.5 (4.5) 5.5 (6.5) cm from the beginning of the stockinette stitch, decrease (if necessary, switch to stocking needles):

1st r. decreases (beginning of row = middle of the back of the head): * knit 2 stitches together. with a slant to the left, knit 6, knit 2 stitches together. with a tilt to the left *, repeat from * to *.

2nd r. decreases: * knit 2 stitches together. with a slant to the left, knit 4, knit 2 stitches together. with a tilt to the left *, repeat from * to *.

Knit 5 rows without decreases.

3rd r. decreases: * knit 2 stitches together. with a slant to the left, knit 2, knit 2 stitches together. with a tilt to the left *, repeat from * to *.

Knit 5 rows without decreases.

4th r. decreases: * K2, knit 2 stitches together. with a tilt to the left *, repeat from * to *.

Knit 5 rows without decreases.

5th r. decreases: knit 2 stitches together. with a slant to the left along the entire row, break the thread, pull it through the remaining loops, pull the loops and fasten the thread.

Headphone strapping

From the front side along the edge of each earphone, cast on loops evenly on circular needles No. 3 with black thread and knit 3 rows in forward and reverse directions. knit stitches, then break the thread and fasten the ends.


For each horn, on needles No. 3.5, cast on 20 (20) 22 (22) sts and knit 3 rows in stockinette stitch. (1st row = purl row).

In the next right row, start decreasing: knit 1, knit 2 stitches together, knit a row in stockinette stitch until the last 3 stitches, knit 2 stitches together. with a tilt to the left, 1 person.

Next, perform 3 p. in stockinette stitch, in the next knit stitch. r. decrease in the middle of the row: knit until 2 stitches remain until the middle of the row, knit these 2 stitches together. with a slant to the left, knit the next 2 stitches together and finish the row with knit stitches.

Knit 3 more rows. knit, perform the next row with decreases in the middle.

Next, knit 1 r. facial stitch. And then perform the last row with decreases: knit 1, knit 2 sts together, knit 2 sts together. with a slant to the left, knit 2 sts together, knit 2 sts together. with a tilt to the left, finish knit 1.

Then knit another 1 r. and break the thread, leaving the end for making a seam.

Pull the thread through the remaining loops and use the same thread to sew the edges of the horn, while slightly pulling the seam together to give the part a curved shape.

Fill the horns with filler and sew them to the hat, as shown in the photo.


In the middle of the earpiece, crochet 1 half-column and a chain of 40-60 chain stitches. (the number of VPs chosen depends on whether the ties will be tied or will serve only as a decorative element). Chain of v.p. tie in the opposite direction next to the connection. Art.

Perform the second tie in the same way.

Photo: Burda magazine. Creation №2/2013

What I was looking for, how I attacked this masterpiece of knitting art, is no longer important.

What’s important is that my husband, seeing this photo, immediately demanded that he knit the same thing as a gift for his brother: “Let him go fishing in it.”

And if you are going to take a Tour to Spain, then such a hat is unlikely to be useful to you. Spain is certainly a country of contrasts, but the temperature there does not drop below zero even in winter. A favorite holiday destination for tourists is the Mediterranean, famous for its wonderful weather at any time of the year.

Well, nothing can be done, we don’t live in Spain, I started knitting. However, I knitted the hat quickly.

The main difficulty was tying this beard: what pattern to use? How to knit: crochet or knitting? how many loops should I cast on?... etc. etc.

After consulting with girls on various handicraft forums, I decided on a tactic and got to work...

For such a hat, you should take bulky yarn - it looks more impressive. In general, I combined two threads - bulky acrylic and thinner pure wool. The hook or knitting needles must match the thickness of the yarn, i.e. be 1-1.5 mm thicker.

You can knit a hat in any way convenient for you. I knitted with rib knitting needles from crossed 1x1 loops.

beard I decided to crochet and started from the top: cast on 65 vp. As a pattern, I took the following alternation of loops: 1st row – dc, 2nd row, dc, dc 2n, 3rd row – repeat from 1st row.

In the second row you need to leave room for the mouth - for me it was 21 loops. To do this, I knitted the outer 22 loops with a pattern, then 21 ch, skipped 21 loops of the previous row, and knitted the remaining 22 loops with a pattern to the end of the row. We knit 4 rows in a straight line.

In the 5th row we knit 3 loops together on the sides: 7,8,9 – 13,14,15 – 54,55,56 – 60,61,62

In the 9th row we knit from the first and last loops, from 24, 29 and 36 loops, 3 loops each

In the 11th row we knit 3 loops from the first and last loop, and 10,11,12 - 30,31,32 - 33,34,35 - 52,53,54 3 together

In the 13th row we knit from 12 and 52 loops 3 loops each, and 24,25,26 - 30,31,332 - 36,37, 38 we knit 3 together

In the 15th row we knit 25,26,27 - 35,36,37 3 together. Total bottom row - 61 loops.

If you decide to knit a beard, I can suggest a “Corn” pattern suitable for this:

Row 1 - k1, purl 1 (wrong side),

2 row - 1 knit, nak., 1 p.remove,

3rd row-nac., loop with nac. remove, 1 person,

4th row - k1, knit a loop with two yarn overs together. pet.

5 row. the pattern is repeated from row 1


I scored 25 v.p.

1st row – In the first and last loop I knitted 6 dc, then we knit in a straight line, from 6 and 19 loops we knit 3 dc, 12,13,14 we knit together

We knit the next row on the other side of the VP chain. – senior biological sciences

We sew the mustache to the beard above the hole for the mouth.


On the left side I sewed the beard to the hat, and on the right side I made a Velcro fastener so that the beard could be fastened and unfastened.

Perhaps the mustache could have been made smaller, but my husband approved and asked to leave it that way.