Secrets of the game of preference. General rules of preference

Preference is a card game that you can win only through your skills and strategy. The role of chance and luck is minimized. That is why it is called a commercial game, and is not classified as gambling.

Game history

It came from Russia. The first mentions of it date back to the forties of the 19th century. This game shows traces of several old games that were once very popular in European countries.

The game of preference was very popular in the 19th century.

The very name of the game, “preference,” comes from the word preference, which is translated from French as “advantage/preference.” In whist, ombre and other popular commercial games of the time, this word denoted the highest suit, which was given preference during the game.

How to learn to play preference

Unlike many other games, commercial games focus on the player's skills. The role of chance and luck here is minimized. Only with the help of your skill, knowledge and experience can you achieve heights in preference. And you need to start learning any game from the basics.

The game is very similar to , so once you master one, you'll quickly be drawn into the other.

Number of players

This game can be played by two, three or four players at the same time. If the game is played by four people, then the dealer does not take part in the game.

Theoretically, it is possible to play preference with a large number of players, but it is not recommended. After all, with the participation of more than 4 players, the game loses its dynamism, drags on and can be less fun.

But if you suddenly decide to play with five players, then initially two players are removed from the game: the one who deals, and the one waiting for his turn to deal.

Deck of playing cards

Players use a standard 36-card deck, but remove the sixes from it. So that leaves 32 cards (all suits contain eight cards). The seniority of the cards is standard.

Suits also have their own seniority:

To record the suit during trading, only the first letter of the name of the suit is used.

Trump can choose any suit, then all cards of this suit become older than cards of other suits.

The names of the cards are indicated depending on their type. From 7 to 10 indicate simply numbers, and the first letter of the name for the highest cards:

  • Ace (T);
  • King (K);
  • Lady (D);
  • Jack (B).

In general, the designation of cards in trades is quite easy to remember if you are not new to card games.

Bribes in the game

First, the main player is chosen in the game. He must take the first trick and then record his own points.

Evaluate your cards carefully before making a move.

A card is laid out on the table. The rest must either add a card of the same suit, or, if there is none, use a trump card. If you do not have the required suit or trump card, you can use any of your cards.

When everyone has made a move, you need to evaluate the cards laid out - whose one turns out to be the highest (by trump card or seniority), he takes the bribe for himself.

The bribe is taken by the player who fulfills one of the following conditions:

  • laid out the card with the highest value within the suit being played;
  • played a card, but other players could not find cards with the same suit, and there was not a single trump card;
  • acted as a trump when other players used non-trump suits or a trump with a lower value;
  • played the biggest trump card;
  • played a trump card, and the other players responded with cards of the usual suit.

Tricks consist of three or four cards - each player adds one card.

The task of preference players is to take or not take a bribe, depending on their contract.

Types of preference games

There are three types of games in total:

  1. For bribes – you need to indicate the number of bribes you plan to take during the game. At the same time, the trump card for the game is indicated or that the game is no trump.
  2. Minor - in this case you need to try not to take a single bribe.
  3. Passing is the same.

During the game, it is very important to correctly assess your capabilities and correctly choose the draw that will give you the most points.

How to play preference

The best way to learn how to play preference is to play a game. To begin with, you can sit down at the table yourself, fighting against imaginary opponents. This way you won’t have to rush, you will be able to make every decision carefully and understand the nuances.

After this, you can practice with virtual opponents in online games. And then call your friends and teach them how to play preference.

Distribution of seats

First you need to assign seats at the table. To do this, each player draws a card from the shuffled deck. They are evaluated and the one with the lowest denomination chooses his place first.

The Ace is considered the lowest card.

The rest of the players sit next to him in a clockwise direction. They also focus on the lowest card - whoever has the least sits to the right of the first player and so on.

If suddenly two players draw cards with the same value, you need to determine the winner by the mouth of the cards - which one is lower.

If a new player joins in the middle of the game, he sits to the left of the dealing player. When he finishes dealing, a new player will take his place. The average points between the bullet and the mountain are recorded on his account.

Card distribution

First, the dealer is determined. It is chosen according to the same principle as when choosing places. Only in this case you need to focus on the highest card.

Now the dealer must take the deck, shuffle it well, and then place it in front of the player to his right. He must remove the top cards from the deck and move them down. This is done so that none of the players can manipulate the cards for themselves.

Cards must be dealt strictly clockwise, taking into account the order of players. At the same time they give 2 cards to each hand. At the end of the hand, each player must have 10 cards.

It is necessary to count the number of cards. If there is a discrepancy, please report it so everyone has the same number. If at the end of the game it turns out that someone had less than 10, he will receive a penalty - the maximum possible bonus to the points.


You need to lay out 2 cards in the middle of the table - this is a buy-in.

  • If there are two players, cards are taken from the middle.
  • If there are four players, take the bottom pair of cards.

You can't look at the buy-in - a penalty of 5 points uphill. You can only look at your remaining cards to assess your capabilities.

Trade (auction) rules

Now the player to the left of the dealer begins trading - he is called the “first hand”. After it, clockwise, “second”, “third”, “fourth” hands.

During betting, each player must declare how many tricks he will take and what trump will be in the game (or it will be no trump).

The auction always starts with 6 tricks. They go from the lowest suit (spade) to the no-trump game. If no one wins, then they move on to betting on 7 tricks, etc.

In preference, you cannot jump over price steps. This way all players get an idea of ​​the strong cards of their opponents.

The betting stops when three players fold or, in other words, refuse to bet. Then the last offer is considered the winning one, and the one who made it is considered the winner.

The one who makes the biggest bet takes the buy-in and tries to collect at least as many bribes as he declared.

Miser It is ordered only on the first lap; it cannot be declared later. The meaning of this request is that the player agrees not to take as few bribes as possible. Ideally, he should not take a single bribe. If such a bid is announced, you can interrupt either with a minuscule amount without a buy-in, or with a nine-player game.

Passing. Possible only if, after the start of bidding, all players have folded. Then the players make bets with the smallest trick value. Whoever has less wins.

Order price

The winning bidder becomes the point guard. He examines his cards, and then puts aside the 2 unnecessary ones - demolition. Other players should not see them.

He has the opportunity to raise the price one last time, but after it has been announced, he no longer has the right to look into the demolition. If he does look, there will be a fine - one bribe.

Playing in the dark

This type of game is only possible with a unanimous decision of the players. This is agreed upon in advance.

Playing in the dark requires experience in preference. Not for beginners.

If the bribe is not taken by the seven, they are assigned a double price. But if suddenly after this a blind pass is again assigned, then the bets are outbid by the eight (the points are counted fourfold).

There may also be a situation with trading “in the dark” - in this case, they interrupt with a regular order, haggling on the price. The winner of the dark game does not show the buy-in.

Important: When playing blind, the price doubles. And so far no one has taken the purchase, you can change the price or declare it a minuscule price. After this, the buy-in is opened, and there will be no double bet.

When playing minuscule in secret, you do not need to show the buy to other players. Whists, in turn, should not show their cards.

Such a bet can only be outbid by a larger one - either a regular ten-fold, or a blind nine-fold.


During such a game, the goal is to take as few bribes as possible, or better yet, none. In this case, there are no trump cards, only the seniority of the cards is observed. The first move is made by the player who took the last bribe.

In a normal game, the first thing to do is open the draw, and the declarer shows all his cards. Opponents can rewrite them if they are afraid of forgetting. After this, the miserist collects the cards and discards 2 of them (without showing them).

The defenders discuss among themselves whether they will show their cards. If yes, then this is done after the player’s first move.

In the case of a misery without a draw, the player must not show his cards and the draw.


When choosing this type of game, the dealer reveals one of the draw cards, and then all players must put a card of the same suit into the draw. If there is no suit, then you need to lay out the smallest card. The one who placed the largest card takes the bribe.

After this, the dealer opens the second card in the draw, and the situation repeats.

Then the turn goes to the player who was the first to pass during the bidding. Then the game continues until all the cards have been played. Then the number of bribes taken for each player is counted.

Cost of bribes:

  • On the first lap - two;
  • On the second, seventh - four;
  • The third and eight are six.

All these points contribute to the mountain score.

Cost of games

It is necessary to take into account that there are many different types of preference, and for each of them the prices for the game are different.

You can write down the prices ordered and received in a bulletin, and there are also rules here:

  • If a player scores so many points during a game that he exceeds the amount that can be written down for it, the points are distributed to other games or written off from opponents.
  • The final score can be determined in whists played.
  • The highest number of points in the game is considered a victory.

Players must decide before the start of the game how the winner will be determined. You can do this by counting the number of games won, or by the largest number of tricks.

How to count points

Beginning preference players often have problems with counting points. This is a very difficult topic for beginners, but it’s quite possible to figure it out.

Scoring table.

Objectives in the game

The most important goal in preference is to get the required number of points as quickly as possible during the game to close the bullet. Its size must be determined before the start of the game in negotiations with other players. Typically this is between 20 and 50.

The end of the game is only possible if all players were able to score the required number of points to close the bullet. The one who has already closed it takes the points earned from the mountain. Another name for this is “writing off the mountain.” Because the additional goal of the game is to collect as little mountain as possible.

In addition, you need to take as many whists as possible with a partner. Sometimes, due to a large number of whists, you can win, even if the big mountain was closed late.

As the game progresses, try to increase the number of opponents to increase your chances of winning.


Usually one person is chosen who will record the results of the game in the pool. The result is immediately written into it, that is, the new ones that have just been scored are added to the previous number of points, and the amount is written down in the bullet.

Numbers are separated by dots. For example,

At the end of the game, points are awarded to the player who ordered the winning points. The more complex the contract, the higher its price:

  • gear – 2;
  • seven - 4;
  • eighth - 6;
  • nine - 8;
  • minuscule or tenfold (totus) - 10 each.

Points are recorded in the “bullet” section.

The winning points for those who whist are recorded in the “whist” section. The points awarded also depend on the complexity of the contract. For each bribe they give:

  • with a six – 2;
  • with seven – 4;
  • with an octagon - 6;
  • with nine - 8.

If a player fails to collect the required number of tricks, he will receive penalty points for each missed trick:

  • with a six – 2;
  • with seven – 4;
  • with an octagon - 6;
  • with nine - 8;
  • totus – 10.

In addition, it is worth awarding penalty points to the player who took a bribe during a game of minuscule.

Summing up

After the game is completed, when all games have filled the bullet, the scorekeeper must tally the results of the game. To do this, you need to use only information from the “mountain”, because everyone has the same “bullet”.

To calculate, you need to add up the indicators of all players from the “mountain” section, and then divide by the number of players. Each player's mountain is subtracted from the resulting amount, then the indicator is multiplied by 10 and the resulting result is entered into the final value opposite the names of the players.

Be careful - some values ​​may come out with a minus sign!

Now we need to compare whists. To obtain the desired value, you need to subtract the smaller from the larger indicator. The resulting result must be written down by both players - the winner with a positive value, and the loser with a negative value.

For example, if player X against Y scored 42 whists, and player Y against X scored 136, you need to subtract the number 42 from 136 (136-42 = 94). As a result, we write Y +94, and X -94.

Go through the indicators of all players. When playing with four players, each player will have three calculations, and when playing with three players, they will have two.

At the end of the count, you need to sum up all the data for each player (take into account the signs!).

Losing players (those with a negative number) must place the lost amount on the table, and the winners (those with positive numbers) take the coins they are owed from the table.

It is much easier to learn to play preference in practice. Play a couple of games with a person who is well versed in the game and can explain all the nuances with specific examples. This will make it easier for you to get the information in your head.

The card game "Preference" originated in the thirties of the 19th century. First of all, it is important to know how to play the game, because luck will hardly help here, despite the fact that the game is for money. Only skill will allow you to reach heights in this game of aristocrats. The name preference comes from the French preference, which means “superiority”.

  1. Deck of playing cards
  2. Bribe in the game
  3. Types of games in preference
  4. Places for players
  5. Correct distribution of cards
  6. Trade (auction)
  7. Order price
  8. Miser
  9. Passing
  10. Cost of games

Deck of playing cards

There are 32 cards in the preference deck, respectively 8 of each suit. The suits are arranged in order of seniority, respectively: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. Each suit has an ace, a king, a queen, a jack, a ten, a nine, an eight, and a seven. Cards are dealt in pairs. At the beginning of the game, the trump suit is assigned; it is considered older than the other suits. For ease of recording, the suits, as well as the names of the cards, have symbols.

  • H stands for worms,
  • B stands for tambourines,
  • T stands for clubs,
  • P stands for peaks.

Card names:

  • T stands for Ace,
  • D stands for lady
  • V stands for valta.

The digital value of the card is written accordingly with a number.

Bribe in the game

The essence of preference is a game with the help of bribes. According to the rules appoint the first one to take the bribe and write down the number of points. Next comes the move, this is the first card placed by the players on the table. If the move was, for example, hearts, then the rest of the players also put down cards of the heart suit. The trump card is laid out only if there is no card of the required suit. If there is no trump card, then you can put any other card. This is usually an average value card. When all the players have placed their cards, the highest of these cards, both in terms of seniority and trump card, takes the resulting trick. In preference, the game is about both taking a bribe and not taking a bribe.

Types of games in preference

In Russian preference, as in other types of preference, games are divided into three types. In the first game (for bribes), you guess the amount you will take, and also order a trump card or, if you wish, play without a trump card. In the second game (minuscule) you need to try not to take bribes at all. Same thing on the third play (passing). There are types of games in which you need to take from six to ten tricks per game. Each player needs to correctly assess the odds and play the game ordered by him. Therefore, when dealing, it is important to be able to choose the draw that will bring the largest number of points in the scenario. The games that each participant must play are called pulka.

Places for players

Start bullet preference from the drawing of places. To do this, all players draw one card from the deck. The one who pulled out the youngest one chooses a place first. The rest are seated clockwise in ascending order of their cards. If two of the drawn cards are the same in value, then the seniority of the suit decides. The Ace is the lowest card of all. If a new player comes, he is given an average score between a bullet and a mountain. The newcomer himself takes a place to the left of the dealer, after which he begins to deal himself.

Correct distribution of cards

In preference there are your own special rules for dealing cards.

The dealer is determined by the seniority of the card, just as in the drawing of places. Cards are always dealt clockwise. The dealer shuffles the deck. When finished, he places it in front of the player on the right, thereby inviting him to remove the deck and rearrange the cards. Having done this, the player returns the deck to the dealer, who begins the deal. If during this the cards are somehow turned over, the deck is shuffled again. The deck is always removed on the table. If the rules for collection and distribution are violated, the process is repeated. If the player to the right of the dealer leaves before the withdrawal, he can be replaced by the player sitting next.

For the number of cards in hand the player is responsible. If the number is not correct, the player receives a penalty at the end of the game. If there were fewer cards than required, the penalty will be the maximum possible plus. In this regard, before starting the game, it is necessary to check the number of cards and report any discrepancies. In this case, the cards can be re-dealt or the missing card can be added. Any losses in the interest of the players are compensated by the dealer. All claims regarding cards being dealt are considered only before the start of the game.

It is prohibited to look into the purchase. This violation will result in a penalty of 5 uphill points. In the case when a player saw the buy-in before the start of the game, he is deprived of the right to participate in the auction, and when playing the pass game, he is assigned the first two tricks, which began with the move from the card of the buy-in known to him. If a player accidentally takes a draw, he shuffles his cards. After which the dealer takes out any two from him. It is forbidden to show your cards to other players and look at others yourself.

Trade (auction)

After the distribution begins trade or auction. The player who makes the largest bet receives a buy-in and begins the game itself. The player to the left of the dealer begins the trade. It is called the first hand. This is followed by the second and third hands.

In trading, participants are required to say how many bribes they can take if they take the buy-in and what trump card they will assign. The auction begins with six bribes. The players say that they will take six cards of each suit, starting with the lowest - spades, but the first stage ends with six without trump cards. If there is no winner, then the auction continues for seven tricks and so on. The player who wins the auction takes the purchase and plays the price he announced or a higher one.

There is a rule in preference: trading proceeds strictly along the price ladder, without jumping over steps. This rule ensures that players have an idea of ​​each other's strong suits. Another rule concerns minuscule amounts. It can only be ordered on the first move. A player who has already started bidding cannot call a minuscule.

Players who are unwilling or unable to continue bidding fold. If after the said request the other players pass, then the winner must begin preference. If everyone has passed, then they play a passing game, that is, everyone tries to take the least number of tricks. Only the winner of the trade can open a buyout. This player takes the buy-in and starts the game.

If the first and second hands make a pass, then the third gets the right pick up the purchase without trading, but at the same time undertakes to take any price other than a meager one. If a player looks at the buy-in before the end of the auction, he loses the right to participate in the trade. If it turns out that damage was caused to other players, then they are entitled to compensation at the expense of the offender. If someone did not have time to place a bet, but the buy-in was opened, then it goes to the person who did not place the bet.

If the buy-in was opened when two players did not place bets, then everyone opens their cards. The players then guess how many prices they could play, after which they write it down by whist to the penalty box. For example: a player could play nine hearts, and another - six diamonds, then the penalty box is credited with 52 whists for nine, plus 7 whists for the difference. If it turns out that a player took the buy-in before the end of the auction, but there was a player who did not participate in it, then the second one has the right to shuffle the cards of the person who took the buy-in, and then draw two from there into the buy-in.

They only play in the dark having previously agreed. In this case, if the bribes are not outbid by the seven, then they go at double the price. But if, after the seven, they again ordered a pass in the dark, then the bets are outbid by the eight, and the points are counted fourfold. The option of trading “once in the dark” is possible. They interrupt with a regular order, after which they negotiate on price. The player who wins blindly does not show the purchase to anyone.

It should be taken into account that when playing dark, the price doubles. While no one has taken the buyout when playing blind, you can change the price, in addition, you can declare a minuscule price. But at the same time, the buy-in is opened, and the double bet disappears. There is a minuscule amount in the dark. With it, they take the purchase without showing it to anyone, that is, they catch a minuscule amount in the dark. Such a game can only be interrupted by a nine-fold bet dark or a ten-fold bright.

Order price

After the end of the trade, the winner takes the buy-in. After that, he puts aside two unnecessary cards without showing them to other players, after which he begins to play. This player is called the point guard. He has the right to increase the price he plans to play. If for some reason a player interrupts the game or the number of his cards is not equal to ten, then he is punished with a remise, that is, a fine, minus two for the announced game.

After ordering, demolition prices do not change. And after the first move they don’t watch it. Violation of this rule is punishable by one bribe. Even if the player played as much as he ordered, he is considered a fine - without one. If more is taken than necessary, the fine is one less. If the player refuses to buy, then a penalty in the form of a specified number of points uphill is possible.

If a player is given a bribe in the buy-in, then he is immediately given a bonus as for a bribe in his own game.


Player, winner of the trade, starts the game. If desired, he can say that he wants a game higher than the one ordered, after which he begins to take bribes with or without a trump card. If the game is ordered for a meager amount, then the player who ordered it, in fact, gives an obligation not to take a single bribe. The player who wins the trade for a measly amount reveals the buy-in cards, after which any two cards are removed, but they are not shown to anyone. If the move belongs to the player, then he must make this move before the opponents show their cards. But if the defenders move, they open their cards even before the first move.

With a minuscule number of trump cards, there are no trump cards, but the seniority of the cards is respected, and the turn goes to the player who last took the trick. When playing minuscule, you are allowed to write down the layout, but in other games this is prohibited.


Passing is played with three passes. With her you need try to take bribes as little as possible. Before the start of the pass, all participants decide where it will be recorded - uphill or whist. Each trick in all types of preference is valued at a certain number of points up the mountain. So, if for some reason the player did not take a single trick, then one trick is credited to him. The player who took the smallest number of tricks writes down the agreed number of whists to the remaining players.

If the player did not take a single trick, then he gets one point. When the game ends, the same number of tricks is deducted from all players. When passing, there are no trump cards, and if there is no suit, players can carry any card. If there are four players playing the passer game, then the game begins with the opening of the first draw card, and the card with the highest suit takes the trick. The second move is made from the buy-in. The third move is made by the player to the left of the dealer. In classic preference, passing is played so that players can earn a certain number of bombs.

Cost of games

Different types of preference have different prices for games.

The prices ordered and taken during the game are recorded in the bullet. However, entries must follow certain scoring rules. If during a game players score more points than can be recorded for it, then the remaining points will be recorded in other games or written off from other whists. In general, the final score of the game is determined in the whists played. The largest amount of whists collected by a player in preference is a victory.

These are the fundamental rules of the famous game of preference. It should also be noted that to determine the winner You can use either the number of passes won, or the number of tricks on all passers. After all, the difference is calculated in whists. At the end of the preference, the points are always recalculated into a monetary equivalent. After all, preference is usually played for money. This game, in fact, was created specifically for playing for money. After all, without real risk, preference is not preference.


The game of preference provides several options. So, this card game can be played by two or four people, and the game can be played for bribes, passes or minuscule. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the game by carefully reading them in specialized literature or on any of the information resources on the Internet. Practice by playing “your” game on behalf of two or four players, and to do this, perform a number of the following actions.

Identify the bullet. This is the number until which one of the players will continue to play. As a rule, this is the number 20. Take a deck of 32 cards. When playing preference, cards from 7 to Ace are used. Please note that each of the suits has its own hierarchy. So, the suit of spades is first, clubs are second, diamonds are third and hearts are fourth, respectively.

Take a piece of paper and mark it as required by the rules. This is a bullet that is used by each of the participants. It is in the bullet area that the players’ points are recorded, which are subsequently necessary for calculation. Shuffle the deck of cards and deal them in pairs (two cards each time) to each of the imaginary players and to yourself. Cards are dealt clockwise in order of priority until the total number of cards for each player reaches ten.

Place 2 cards in the middle. This will be a buy-in. At the same time, it is important to know that if two people are playing, neither the last nor the first pair of cards is put into the draw, but if four people decide to fight in preference, the two bottom cards go into the draw. Turn over the cards of yours and the imaginary players and analyze the situation.

Place bets for yourself and the players you claim to be playing for. At this stage in a real game, after each of the players evaluates their cards, bargaining occurs. The auction is carried out clockwise from one player to another. The first player to bet is the one sitting next to the dealer. Trading begins in accordance with the rules from the minimum game, that is, from 6 spades. After the first bet, each player names his own, which should take higher. If the player does not bet, he passes. After this, the game begins, according to which bribes and, accordingly, points will be counted.

The game can be of three types - a game of bribes, passes or minuscule. The calculation of tricks in the future depends on the type of game. Play for yourself and your imaginary opponents, making alternate moves in accordance with the rules of the game. Count the number of points scored by all players as provided for by the rules of the game and write down these numbers on a piece of paper.

Play a few more times to finally understand the rules of preference and play without peeking at them. Switch to playing with a computer or virtual opponents. This will also be a kind of training, because when playing on the computer, as well as with imaginary opponents, you always have the opportunity to peek at the rules of the game or take advantage of someone’s hint. Try preference, having become completely familiar with the game.

Please note

Preference has become one of the most popular games in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. “Painting a bullet” was loved by many famous and outstanding poets, writers and politicians. Now preference is no less popular, and is more widespread not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. More and more fans and connoisseurs of this card game prefer to play it on the Internet.

Useful advice

By downloading and installing the Preference game on your computer, you can set up all game moments exactly with the usual rules by which they play in your company. As a result, playing a computer preference simulator will be no different from a real game with friends. The main advantages of the computer version of preference include the ability to stop the game at any time and return to it after a while, opening an unfinished bullet.

Card game preference, undoubtedly, the game is smart and exciting, interesting with a wide variety of techniques and not too tiring. It takes less time to study than a screw. But still, to be able to play preference well, you need skill and a lot of experience. But it will come with time. First you need to learn rules of the game preference and understand them well.

Preference rules They allow games with different numbers of players: two, three, four and five. The best and most faithful four-player game. In this game the chances are equal for all players and the weakest player risks very little.

1) For preference, a deck of 32 cards is used, the same deck of cards(short) as in picket. The order of the cards is as follows: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven. What's up rules of the game of preference, in relation to other card games is not at all unusual

2) The order of the suits is: spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts.

3) The entire deck of cards is dealt to three people, with the fourth pair of cards set aside for redemption.

4) B preference rules It is clearly stated that two cards must be dealt.

5) Delivery is made in the usual manner, one by one. Places are selected according to maps.

6) There are no trump cards on the showdown; everyone plays in the suit that, in his opinion, is profitable and possible for correct play.

7) After the cards are dealt, the person sitting to the left of the dealer is the first to assign the game, announcing spades, the second can buy clubs, the third can buy diamonds, or, if he has the suit of clubs, on which he intended to play, he can say: “I’m holding” (i.e. . “And I add to the clubs”), After him it is the turn to speak to the first player who announces the diamonds; if the third held clubs, or says: “I hold diamonds,” if the third held clubs or says: “I hold diamonds,” if the third said: “Diamonds.” The next one announces hearts, then the third one again has the floor. If the latter does not have a game higher than hearts, i.e., no trump or seven, then he says: “Pass,” otherwise he raises higher, i.e., nominates no trumps. After him, the first player announces seven spades, etc. the game goes up in the same order until two players pass and give the buy to the third. Trading can go up to ten without trump cards, and the game should be raised in strict order of suits.

8) Once the passer no longer has the right to trade the buy-in in this game.

9) A player who bought for seven does not have the right to play simple, and a player who bought for eight is not allowed to play seven. Actually, according to rules of the game of preference It is not allowed to play for less than what you bought. If a player was given a purchase by seven diamonds, then he cannot play seven spades or clubs, but must already play eight in these suits. In diamonds, hearts and without trump cards, he has the right to play seven. The same is done for all purchases; the seniority of suits is strictly observed.

10) The one who took the buy-in must show it to the players. He does not show the two cards he discards instead of buying them to anyone, and no one has the right to look at them.

11) Each player must have ten cards in their hands.

12) Until the end of the deal, no player should touch his cards, much less look at them, so that there are no claims from the players in the event of a deal.

13) The neighbor on the right side removes the deck of cards. The first exit always belongs to the one sitting to the left of the deliverer, the subsequent exits belong to the one who received the bribe.

14) Cards are mulliganed: if during the deal a card is accidentally revealed; if one of the players has more cards in his hands, and the other has fewer; if the deal was made out of order and this error was noticed in time, i.e. no one has looked at their cards yet.

15) In a game with four players, the dealer should not look at the buy-in in order to avoid any misunderstandings, and also should not look at his neighbor’s cards, much less advise him, even if he asked him to do so. But few people adhere to this rule in preference, because it is boring to sit through an entire game inactive, but fair criticism can be made to those who violate it.

16) No one has the right to look at the buy before the person who bought it, otherwise the culprit puts the hedge in the suit announced by the person who bought it and is deprived of the right to whist in this game.

17) In negotiations, the turn is strictly observed so as not to deceive anyone and not to confuse the game, both yours and your partners.

18) During negotiations, each player is obliged to finish his suits to the end, if he has already started to bargain, and not stop halfway, because such an incorrect announcement of his suit misleads his partner, whom he, in the event of a mutual whist, can completely involuntarily bring under the heald.

Basic rules of the game of preference

Deck of cards for playing preference

The preference deck consists of 32 cards. There are 4 suits of 8 cards each - from Ace to Seven. Seniority of suits in ascending order: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts.
The seniority of cards in suit is ascending: seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace.
One of the suits can be designated as a trump card, then any trump card is higher than any non-trump card. In the trump suit, the seniority of the cards is preserved.

Rules for bribes and turn order in preference

The first card placed on the table is called a move. Each player must play one card per turn. Cards are laid out according to the following rules:
On a move, the player must place a card of the move suit. If there are no cards of the move suit in the hand, the player must put a trump card. If there is no trump card, you can play any card.
The bribe is taken by the player who owns the highest card in this bribe, taking into account the trump cards. In preference, the rights to make the first bid during trading and the first move in the game are transferred from player to player. The player who has the right to make the first move and make the first bid in trading is called the “first hand”. The next player is the “second hand” and the last player is the “third hand”.

Types of games in preference

There are three groups of games in preference - games of bribes, minuscule and passing. In games for bribes, the player undertakes to take at least the number of bribes stated by him when trading. The game can be played with or without a trump card. The goal of the other players is to prevent him from doing this - that is, in turn, to take as many tricks as possible (if possible).

By declaring a minuscule amount, the player undertakes not to take a single bribe. Other players, on the contrary, try to force him to take bribes. In passing games, each player tries to take as few tricks as possible.

Possible orders of games in preference

Games for bribes and minuscule are ranked as follows: the minimum number of bribes that can be ordered is 6, the maximum is 10. The sequence of contracts in trading in ascending order of seniority is shown in the table.

For example, a contract means that the player undertakes to take at least 6 tricks with a trump card in clubs. You can play without trump (B/C), such a game is older than trump with the same number of tricks.

Recording in preference

The point of playing preference is to evaluate your cards, order and play the most profitable contract. The results of games in preference are recorded in bullet, mountain and whist. For playing a contract, the player receives bullet points. For an ordered and unplayed contract, the player receives a fine. Players opposing the player write whists against him for every trick they take, and if they do not take the required number of tricks, they receive a fine.
The game protocol for recording bullets, mountains and whists is also called bullet.

Varieties of preference, differing in the cost of games and passes, distribution of whists between players, and trading features, are called conventions. The most common conventions are Leningradka, Sochinka and Rostov.


Each hand is played by three players. 10 cards are dealt. The two remaining cards are called the draw, and their contents are unknown to anyone until the end of the trade.

The purpose of trading is to obtain the right to buy and order the most profitable contract for yourself.

The preference trading process is as follows. Each player, in turn, clockwise, can make a request to play or refuse to play. When applying for a game, he must clearly indicate the type of game, and when refusing to play, he must declare “pass”. The player who saved does not take part in further trading. In turn, you can only make one application. The minimum order is six tricks, with a pike in trumps - i.e. "6 spades". The next player can order, in accordance with the seniority of the games in the table, only the higher game, that is, “6 clubs”. The subsequent order can only be “6 diamonds”, etc. If the player does not want to bargain further, he can, in turn, declare “pass”. The last player who did not pass, who participated in the trade and made the highest bid, receives the right to buy and order a contract.
If all three players pass, a passing game is played - a game in which everyone tries to take as few tricks as possible.

Order a game

After the end of the trade, the buy-in is opened for everyone to see and given to the player who won the right to order the game. The player takes a buy-in and discards any two cards. After that, he must order the game. You can order any game no younger than the one on which the trade stopped. There is one exception - minuscule. You can only order a miniscule immediately. That is, you cannot first say “six of spades”, and then, on the next round of trading, say “minuscule”. If the player has taken a buy-in, then it is mandatory to order the game, even if it is obviously impossible to win.

Game of bribes

The player who participated in the trade and took the buy-in is obliged to order a game not lower than the one that the trade reached. For example, if you traded until the 7th of spades, then you can no longer order six games. The game is scheduled after demolition.
By ordering a game, the player undertakes to take a certain number of bribes. If the player does not collect the required number of tricks, he is given a fine. The amount of the fine depends on the amount of bribes not collected. The shortfall in bribes is called remiz.
If the player takes the stated number of tricks, an entry is made into the bullet in the amount determined for this game.
If the player took more tricks than required for the ordered game - for example, he ordered 6 tricks, but took 7 - the record still goes in accordance with the ordered game.
The game of bribes is played if she is jealous. This means that at least one of the opponents in the game declared “whist” and, thus, accepted the obligation to take a certain number of tricks. If all players say “pass”, then the game is considered played, and the corresponding entries are made in the bullet.


After the contract has been ordered, the remaining players must decide whether they undertake to take the number of bribes assigned to them in this game or not. If a player undertakes to take a certain number of tricks, he declares “wist”; if not, he declares “pass”.

You can whist - play a contract - in the dark or in the light. If both players are whisting, then the whist is always in the dark. If one player whistles and the other passes, then the whistling player chooses the type of whist - bright or dark. If whist is chosen as a light whist, then the cards of both the passing and the whistling player are laid out on the table, and the whist disposes of both his own cards and the cards of the one who passed.
If the player has the right to make the first move, then the players must agree before the start of the game at what point to open the cards - before the first move or after the player’s first move.

Responsibility when whistling

If the game is envious, then the defender is responsible for taking a certain number of tricks (see table). The passer does not bear such responsibility.
For each bribe, the whist writes a certain number of points (wists) for the player.
If both opponents of the player whist, then, if there is a shortfall in tricks (remise), in addition to whists for actual bribes, the player who missed the bribes writes a penalty up the mountain.
In eights, nines and totuses (ten games), the player who whistled second is responsible for the shortfall in tricks (by agreement, responsibility can be divided between the whistlers).
If the player did not collect enough bribes, then those who whist, in addition to whists for actual bribes, receive a consolidation - a bonus for tricking the player.
The size of the consolidation, its distribution between players, the number of points per bribe - depends on the preference conventions.
If the player sitting clockwise behind the player says “pass,” then the next one can say “half a whistle.” This means that without playing he agrees to half the whist norm, and the game is considered played. For the six game "half whist" - 2 tricks, for the seven game - 1 trick. After the partner has said “half a whist,” the passing partner has the right to return the whist by saying “whist.” If there are four players, the fourth player can also return the whist. If one player said “pass”, the other said “half a whistle”, the first said “pass” again - the fourth player has the right to look at the cards of one of the two players and return the whist. If the whist is returned, then the partner who left half a whist loses the right to whist and must say “pass.”
On the eight and nine, the second player cannot leave before half a whistle. The fourth player can whistle on the cards of only one of the players who passed.


Mizer is a game when the player undertakes not to take a single bribe.
Mizer can be ordered only if the player in the current hand has not made a single application before.
In trading, the minuscule is interrupted by a nine-fold (or, by agreement, a ten-fold game).
Mizer is played without trump cards, all other rules of tricks (the highest card takes, the suit must be put on the suit, if there is no suit, you can put any card, the player who took the last trick goes) are preserved.

Passing, or passes

A pass is played if all three players declare a “pass”. Passing is a game in which all players try to take as few tricks as possible.
There are no trump cards in the passing game.
The game begins with one card at a time being opened in succession.
When playing with three players, the trick card only indicates the suit, and the trick belongs to the player who put the highest card.
When playing with four players, the buy card belongs to the fourth player. Therefore, if this card takes a bribe, then this bribe is considered to be the giver and is recorded in the mountain on a general basis.
In the Rostov variety of preference, buy-in cards are not opened.
Different preference conventions have their own characteristics of the game and recording of the passing results.
In addition, players can agree before the start of the game on the following features:
progressive passing - the cost of the trick increases if several passing passes are played in a row. The types of progression (arithmetic, geometric) and the limit of the progression are also discussed in advance.

Exit from the passer - what play is played interrupts the passer. The output can be six (any six game played), seven and eight.

Cost of games

Each game corresponds to a certain number of points, which the player writes down either in the bullet if he successfully played the game, or in the mountain if he did not take the required number of tricks. For each trick during whisting, the player writes whists. If the player who was whisting did not get enough tricks, then he writes both whists and a fine uphill at the same time. When remitting the player, the whistling player writes a consolidation - a bonus for baiting the player. The size of the premium for bait, the distribution of whists, their size, and the cost of games vary depending on the type (convention) of preference. The result of all the records for each game is the balance of whists won and lost, which is its value.

Code of Preference

Here are only the basic rules of Russian preference. The rules are fully set out in the Preference Code.