Sdusshor tennis. For adults

Lawn tennis (or simply tennis) is a sport that at the dawn of its appearance was very popular among aristocrats (it is known that many French kings played it five centuries ago). Over time, it has become more “democratic” and widespread, and now the audience of those playing tennis and watching tennis competitions numbers in the millions.

Modern tennis tournaments (Roland Garros, Kremlin Cup, etc.) are always events that bring together the best athletes on the planet and connoisseurs of their skills. Among the world's leading tennis players you can meet many of our compatriots. All this also attracts representatives of the younger generation. Both boys and girls living in our city can enroll in specialized sections and tennis clubs.

Tennis is a great way to improve your physical fitness, stay in good shape and feel confident. Thanks to it, many muscle groups develop, the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems improves, the children become more resilient, coordinated, and attentive. This is a great activity for a modern person who values ​​a healthy lifestyle.

What court size is suitable for children?

The International Tennis Association is considering two levels of court for children under ten years of age. The first, also known as the red level, intended for children from 6 to 8 years old, indicates a court size of 11x5.5 m. This is a quarter of a standard adult court. It is logical that it also uses a special small net for young tennis players. Older children play on the orange court: its dimensions are 6.5x18 or 8.23x18 m. It’s not hard to guess why the courts for children are significantly smaller than for adults: on a large court, a child will not have time to move around his half, and is unlikely to be able to make a strong serve so that the ball reaches the opponent's territory.

What you need to know about the sole of tennis shoes

To make the game enjoyable, you need to take into account every little detail - in the case of tennis, even what the sole of the sneakers will be! For its production, a special rubber mixture is used, which is characterized by unique flexibility and wear resistance. The soles of sneakers have different types, depending on what court surface the training or game is taking place on. That is why when choosing shoes you should pay attention to the surface - hard, grass, carpet or dirt. It is worth noting that in the middle of the shoe the sole tapers, and for good reason: this is how the player’s foot is stabilized. To make this part of the sole, urethane rubber is used.

What are children's tennis rackets made from?

Aluminum, graphite or a composite of them can be used to make rackets for children. True, the first option is still more common. The fact is that aluminum is softer than graphite, has less density and therefore the racket is easy and comfortable to hold with a child’s hand. However, it cannot boast the same characteristics as a graphite racquet - power, excellent ball feel, improved control, etc. After the young athlete gains experience and strength, he can work with a composite or all-graphite racket.

1. Russian school of tennis

The school is over 8 years old; classes are held on outdoor and indoor courts in almost all districts of Moscow. Children's groups welcome children from 3 to 14 years old. Cost: from 1,200 rubles/lesson.

2. International Tennis Academy in Khimki

A children's and youth tennis sports school has been opened here. The Academy has six clay courts - three outdoor and three indoor, four locker rooms, a fitness bar, a massage room, and a tennis goods store. Classes can begin from 3 years old (together with parents); There are children's (4-7 years old) and teenage (8-15 years old) groups. Cost: from 2,000 rub./month.

3. European Tennis School Play

The school is taught only by professional athletes whose qualifications are confirmed by the German tennis federation Deutsche Tennis Bund. Classes are held at 14 indoor and outdoor venues in Moscow. The school accepts children from 4-5 years old. Trainings can take place not only in Russian, but also in English, French and German. Cost: from 800 rub./lesson.

4. Children's tennis school "Tenniscountry"

The school accepts children from 3 years old. Classes are held throughout Moscow - 18 courts in total. During children's training, special equipment is used - larger and deflated balls, smaller nets and various targets. Cost: from 2,500 rub./month.

5. Tennis club "Pirogovsky"

The club is located on the shore of the Pirogovskoye reservoir. Club members have at their disposal 7 indoor courts with professional Casali Softplay surfacing. The club has a tennis school for adults and children. Children aged 4-6 years, children and juniors aged 6-18 are invited to classes. Cost: from 2,400 rub./month.

6. Tennis club "Arma" and Stolyarov school

Tennis school under the guidance of Honored Master of Sports Andrei Stolyarov. The school has 5 indoor playgrounds with professional Hard AC Play Cushion surfacing under an 18-meter dome. Children from 5 to 12 and from 12 to 16 years are invited to classes. View children for enrollment in groups takes place in August(from 11.00 to 19.00).

7. Tennis school "Vulcan"

The Vulcan school has been teaching children tennis for 10 years. During this time, they have developed a comprehensive and effective training system for children aged 4 to 14 years. Young tennis players have access to isolated clay courts. Parents can watch the training from the balcony. Cost: from RUB 3,500/month, trial training is free.

8. Children's Sports Palace (DSS)

There are several tennis courts in DDS - you can practice indoors or outdoors. Students of Sports School No. 24 are studying for free, the rates for everyone are also acceptable - from 600 rubles/lesson or 2250 rubles/subscription for 4 classes.

9. Children's sports school "Tennis Park"

Here children from 3 to 16 years old are professionally taught tennis. The school operates under the auspices of the Russian Tennis Federation. Classes take place on 10 indoor courts with professional RuKort Tour coating. Parents can watch training from the recreation area through large windows. Cost: from 400 rub./lesson .

10. Tennis section in Luzhniki

Children aged 6 years and older are invited to attend classes. You can train both in groups and individually. .

Other sports schools and sections in Moscow - in

Tennis is a popular, exciting and prestigious sport. It is not for nothing that more and more parents send their children to sports clubs so that they learn this game from an early age, which, in addition to health benefits, also develops character: perseverance, resistance to stress, and determination. These qualities are necessary for every successful person.

Our children's tennis school in Moscow will be an excellent place for the healthy development of your child and instilling in him the character of a winner.

At what age is it best to start classes?

You can start classes at a children's sports school as early as 4 years old. For kids, training is provided in a playful way for 30-45 minutes. They are aimed at awakening interest in this sport and teaching the basics.

If your goal is not to make your child a professional athlete, age does not matter at all. Training at the tennis school takes place in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, so the child will find it interesting in any case. Our students get great pleasure from playing and interacting with their peers.

How is training carried out?

If you are looking for a coach who will help develop and strengthen your child’s sports skills, then at our children’s tennis school in Moscow you will find just such an approach. The degree and intensity of the load for students is selected depending on the physical data and goals of the lesson. Some parents want their child to become a professional athlete, while others are simply interested in tennis as a useful and exciting game. Therefore, the children's club trainer communicates with fathers and mothers, listens to their wishes and conducts training taking them into account.

What will a child learn at school?

Classes at the tennis club for children bring only benefits to the children:

  • develop endurance;
  • stimulate intellectual activity;
  • increase psychological stability;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve physical fitness;
  • help get rid of excess weight, etc.

During the game, blood circulation and heart function are activated, lung volume increases, breathing deepens, and the stability of the nervous system is trained.

Types of programs at the tennis club for children

We offer children's tennis lessons in Moscow according to different programs: group or individual. Groups consist of 2-4 children of approximately the same age and fitness level. We train both beginners and those who have already trained with other trainers or parents. Even during group classes, our trainers find an approach to each student.

Benefits of going to school

  1. Convenient to get to - our children's sports school is located near the Kolomenskaya metro station.
  2. High-quality court surface - “Deco Turf” based on “Supreme Court” corresponds to the professional surface at world-class tournaments, so that from an early age the child gets used to the conditions in which the pros play.
  3. The school's staff of professionals - the school's trainers - have extensive experience working with children and are highly qualified; they are not only athletes, but also teachers with a subtle understanding of child psychology.
  4. We are open to everyone - everyone can practice children's tennis at our school, regardless of their level of training.
  5. An integrated approach - our program includes not only tennis training, but also general physical training classes.

Cost of services

The price of classes at a children's club depends on the number of students in the group, the number of lessons per week and the schedule convenient for you. You can view the price and rental conditions for tennis courts on the website or check with our administrators by phone or by leaving a request.

What are tennis lessons like for children?

In our tennis school for children, the main principle is an individual approach, even in group lessons. Some people set a goal for their child to become a professional; for others, tennis is simply a useful and extremely interesting activity. Therefore, the degree of load and intensity is determined by the trainer.

All training is carried out in accordance with the “tennis 10s” program implemented by the International Tennis Federation (ITF). You can familiarize yourself with it in detail.

Main features of the program

  • Trainings are conducted in small groups
  • For training with children, smaller rackets and special soft balls are used.
  • During training, additional equipment is actively used, which allows you to develop not only racket handling skills, but also improve physical fitness and develop the motor system, coordination and flexibility.

What will a child get from playing tennis?

By training in the tennis section for children, your child will receive:
  • Health Benefits
    Tennis lessons for children bring enormous benefits to the child's health. Since activity during training is very high, exercises contribute to the development of the entire muscular system, all muscle groups are involved, and correct posture is formed. Not to mention strength and endurance.
  • Benefits for studying
    The competitive style of training not only encourages the child to take active action, but also develops the spirit of competition and the desire to achieve goals. All this creates excellent conditions for character building. Young athletes achieve victories not only in training, but also in the educational process.
  • Communication and new acquaintances
    Expanding a child’s social circle is one of the most important stages of social development. In tennis lessons, children not only learn new movements, but also actively interact. Many students make new friends

At what age is it best to start playing tennis?

The official opinion of the Global Tennis school of tennis for children is that it is best to start playing tennis at the age of 5 years. This age is optimal to begin serious preparation for future competitions.

If your goal is not to raise a professional athlete, then age is not so important, and you can send your child to tennis later, because in addition to sporting victories, children get tremendous pleasure from playing and communicating with peers. Children are taught tennis in a relaxed atmosphere that promotes all-round development.

Do I need to buy special equipment for my child?

To train children, special racket models with a short handle and a large head are used. We took care of all the equipment ourselves - we have rackets of all sizes for any age. However, if a child wants to take up tennis on a regular basis, we recommend buying a personal racket, be sure to consult with a coach.

How many times a week should you exercise?

Undoubtedly, everything depends on the child’s level of preparation and goals. But we recommend training children at least 2 times a week so that the child does not lag behind his peers in skills and does not have to “catch up” with them.

Why do clients choose us?

  • There are more courts in Moscow within walking distance of the metro. All sites have high-quality coverage and various types - summer and winter. Tennis for children in Moscow with Global Tennis is convenient for both parents and children.
  • Staff of professionals. Our trainers are qualified and award-winning specialists with many years of experience, which guarantees a competent approach to building your child’s training. Tennis lessons for children under the supervision of a good coach are the best choice if you are thinking about which section to send your child to.

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