Scenario of the spring holiday “Hello, dear spring!” in senior and preparatory groups. Spring Festival in kindergarten Spring Festival in dou

In this section, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the useful experience of organizing spring holidays. Here you will find a great variety of event scenarios in honor of any of the celebrations of this time of year: from the joyful meeting of spring on Maslenitsa to Happy Easter. You will be amazed at how bright, unconventionally, and fun you can celebrate Bird Day and Cat Day; Palm and Trinity; Nauryz (Novruz); how to organize a bright and memorable spring Health Day in kindergarten. And of course here is a huge number of ready-made solutions for celebrating March 8th!

We spend the spring holidays with invention and imagination - together with MAAM!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Migratory birds. Scenarios of events, entertainment, leisure
  • Carnival. Scenarios for holidays, entertainment, farewell to winter
  • History of writing, Day of Slavic writing and culture, Cyril and Methodius Day, May 24
  • Autism, autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Early childhood autism (ECA)
  • Cosmonautics Day. Scenarios of events, classes. April 12
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 4151.
All sections | Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scenarios

Scenario of the holiday for March 8 “Cafe “Spring” for children of the preparatory and senior groups” Scenario for the holiday March 8"Cafe " Spring"for children of preparatory and senior groups Hod holiday : Music is playing "Old Cafe". The presenter enters Presenter: Dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to a wonderful cafe - « SPRING» . With all our hearts, with all our hearts, we want...

Spring educational and creative project “March 8 - Mother’s Day” Municipal government preschool educational institution Iskitimsky district, Novosibirsk region kindergarten "Teremok" Keramkombinat village Spring educational - creative project"March 8th - mother's holiday" Educator: Tkachenko Elena Alexandrovna 2020 Spring...

Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scenarios - Spring matinees for March 8 in the senior group

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Children run scatteringly into the hall to the music, dancing with the plumes to the song “Mom, I love you.” After the dance, the guys stand in a semicircle. Ved. Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday, a joyful, bright and gentle holiday, a holiday for all our dear women....

A wonderful time of year - spring! How we love this time of awakening not only nature, but also human feelings. And how nice it is that the beginning of spring is associated with wonderful holiday all mothers and grandmothers. The children of our kindergarten were looking forward to this holiday to congratulate their...

IN senior group In our garden, on March 04, 2020, a holiday was held for mothers and grandmothers, and this holiday was hosted by the girl herself - Spring! The holiday opened with a very touching and beautiful dance with balloons-hearts “Mom!” After dancing to beautiful music, Spring appeared in the hall, yes...

Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scenarios - Spring holiday scenario for children of the first junior group 2020 “We were waiting for spring - we were celebrating with a holiday”

Scenario spring holiday for children I junior group 2020 “We were waiting for spring - we were celebrating with a holiday” Goal: To give children pleasure, to create a joyful mood and a positive attitude. Characters: Presenter (adult) Spring (adult) Sun (toy) Cockerel (toy)...

Children enter the hall to the song “Spring” and sit on chairs. No. 1

Look outside the window:

It's filled with light!

Everyone is squinting from the sun.

After all, spring is outside!

The birds are chirping cheerfully, the squirrel has changed its gray coat for a red one, the fox is moving from an old hole to a new one, the bear has gotten up and left the den, the crow is bathing in the first puddle...

What a wonderful time of year - spring.

There are three springs in nature:

Spring of light - March,

Spring of water - April,

Spring of green grass - May.

(3 children come out in costumes of the spring months.) No. 2

March. So that spring comes again,

We need to call her.

April. And we're tired of winter

And she ate all our bread.

May. Winter, winter, go beyond the seas!

Spring, spring, wake up from your sleep!

Guys, get acquainted, these are the spring months. Do you know what their names are?

Children. ………

And they came to us to welcome Spring and invite birds. And the weather today is wonderful for this.

So let's all call Spring, the beauty, together. Let's shout:

Spring, Spring, wake up from your sleep!

(All the children scream. Kikimora Bolotnaya comes in) No. 3


Who called me? Who called me?

We called Spring, not you. Who are you?


I'm Kikimora Bolotnaya. Why do you need spring? I can easily pass for her.

What can you do?

Kikimora (thinks, bends his fingers).

I can scream loudly. Aw! Aw! I can hit pots! Muddy the waters. To lure people into the forest. And steal children. (Approaches one of the children, scares him.)

Uh, no! That won't do! We'll have to drive away this Kikimora.

Kikimora (crying).

Don't want! No need!

Fine. Then we’ll do this: we’ll play a game together, and then we’ll see what to do with you.

(The game “Flies or does not fly” is played.)


Oh, oh! How smart you all are!

(There is a knock on the door, a child postman enters) No. 4

Postman Child

Telegram, telegram!

I'm running straight to you from the post office.

The telegram is urgent

The address is very precise: Barsovo village, Ryabinka kindergarten.

Thank you postman. (He wants to take the telegram, but does not have time, at this time Kikimora snatches the telegram from the postman’s hands.)


But I won’t give you the telegram.

Let's get it here! We will read the telegram and find out who it is from! (Reads.)

To make your life more fun,

To laugh and dance,

We need to call the birds soon

And me, welcome Spring!

I want to invite you

Stay in the clearing,

So that later we remember

How they played with me here,

To find a clearing,

We need to cross the bridge,

And then through the swamp,

And then, who cares,

Step over the handles

Here you will find me.

Good luck, brave friends!

I'm looking forward to seeing you! SPRING-RED


Oops! Spring is no joke! It's time for me to go home. (Runs away.)

As soon as we started talking about spring, spring itself invites us to visit. But to get there, you need to overcome all obstacles. Let's hit the road

(Children pass obstacles, cheerful music sounds.) No. 5

And here is the bridge. (They walk along the bridge.)

And here is a stream that needs to be jumped over (they jump over).

Here are the hummocks, you have to walk over them and not fall, otherwise you will get your feet wet in the swamp.

Here we are. What a beautiful clearing. Where is Spring - red?

Let's call her.

(Spring appears in the clearing.) No. 6

I, Spring - Red

I wake the Earth from sleep.

I fill the kidneys with juice.

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice away from the rivers.

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere - in the field and in the forest,

I bring joy to people.

(Children perform the round dance “Vesnyanka.”) No. 7

The children take their seats.

Hello guys! I am very glad that you responded to my invitation. She came to the clearing to visit me, listen to my stories, play, have fun.

Guys, do you know the signs well? Let's check it out.

Signs of spring: (for children)

1 child.

March will come - drip - and winter will cry.

2nd child.

I saw a starling - know that spring is on the porch.

3 child.

May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

4 child.

April begins with snow and ends with greenery.

5 child.

In April, clear nights end with frosts.

And when I was coming to you, I heard in the forest how wintering birds were talking with migratory birds. Very interesting conversation...

Staging. No. 8

Hello, little bird,

Hello, good titmouse!

Hello, woodpecker, our friend,

Hello, dove and bullfinch!

Tell the birds

Where have you been

Tell the birds

What have you seen?

In hot countries there is a hot summer.

There is no winter, no snow.

Giant elephants roam there,

Monkeys scream all day long.

Lianas curl under the trees,

There are coconuts and bananas.

Did you live well?

Far from home?

Who were you friends with there?

In unfamiliar countries.

We missed the village

Along the ringing stream,

By the birdhouse, by the trees,

Next door - a sparrow.

Would you dance for us?

We have been waiting for you very, very much!

To make it more interesting,

We dance with you together. (A dance of the specialist’s choice is performed.)

I am a titmouse, a small bird.

I am addressing you, friends!

Children, don’t destroy the nests!

Don't touch the bird house!

Don't take eggs from nests,

Take care of us, friends!

(A child sitting in a crowd of children stands up and speaks.)

We won't ruin

Bird nests.

Let the bird songs ring

To the delight of all the guys

How do animals greet spring?

Let's ask them guys to tell us.

(Magpie flies, flying around a circle, stopping in the center.) No. 9

I am a cheerful Magpie, I am a white-sided Magpie!

I heard the news in the forest, I’m carrying it on my tail!

I will tell the whole world that winter is long gone!

(Calls.) Teddy Bear, get up!

(Bear comes out of the house.) No. 10

What happened, Beloboka?

No winter, spring has come!

Without care or worry

The bear was sleeping in his den!

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,

He hears a drip, that's the problem!

He got out and saw - a puddle!

The snow is melting, spring has come!

Hooray! I sucked my paw for six months, and now let’s eat some honey!

(The bear sits on a bench.)

Bunnies! Bunnies!

(Three bunnies run out from behind the Christmas tree.) No. 11

Hares (in chorus):

What happened, Beloboka?

No winter, spring has come!

Hares (in chorus):

Hooray! It's time for us to change our fur coat!

1st Bunny:

In winter we were white!

2nd Bunny:

And in the summer we will be gray!

3rd Bunny.

The animals in the forest trembled in winter,

There was nowhere for them to go!

Fox! Little fox!

Fox: (running out from behind the Christmas tree): No. 12

What happened, Beloboka?

No winter, spring has come!

So it's time to sing songs!

The animals dance for joy -

There is so much sun in April!

Animals are having fun, imitation movements. No. 13

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom, the animals run away. No. 14

Baba Yaga.

They danced! Now I’ll take the smiles off your faces, you’ll cry! I’ll call the evil Cloud, she’ll show you

(Whistles.) No. 15

Cloud enters smoothly. No. 16

This light is my fierce enemy!

I will send in darkness and gloom!

I don't like to live in the world,

And I won’t let you be friends either!

“Rays” with colored ribbons run out and perform a dance.

At the end of the music, Sunny comes out. No. 17


I am the radiant sun

I bring warmth and light,

I return your smiles

And I give joy to everyone!

The music of Vivaldi "Spring" is playing. The ray children, spinning in a dance, push Baba Yaga and Cloud out of the hall.

The sun is shining and laughing,

And the rain is pouring on the ground!

Rain, rain! Water it!

There will be a loaf of bread!


The sun doesn't frown

He can't take his eyes off you,

Because Sunny

I like it!

Thank you, Sunny!

Guys, we welcomed spring,

They danced and played.

We had fun with the spring,

And she stayed with us!

It’s spring, and the guys want to tell you poems about you, they’ve been waiting for you

Tell me, I'll be happy to listen.

Spring comes gradually:

The snow is silently melting in the fields,

Escape from ice captivity

River waters are secretly prepared.

It's not that cold at night,

And now the starling is flying

To your house on a birch trunk...

Spring has arrived. Winter is over!

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green,

And a stream rings in the fields.

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the evening has become warmer,

So spring has come to us!

Presenter. Musical background. No. 18

Winter is over. Rejoice, spring has come!

The sun woke up first good people smiled.

Streams rang and flowers bloomed.

1 child

We got up early today, we don’t have time to sleep today.

They say the starlings are back! They say spring has come!

2 child

We have been waiting for spring for a long time, and you are wandering somewhere.

Without you, sunny summer will not come.

3 child

A golden ray of sunshine peeked into our kindergarten.

"Very good in spring!" - all the guys say.

Children sing a song about spring “Spring Drops” No. 19

Spring drops

What kind of music can you hear on the street?

It's spring singing again

Bird trills whistled and droplets rang

The whole street is full of bright music

Open the doors wider

Wake up birds, animals

The evil winter has retreated - winter - a - a

We forgot about the cold

We don't need them at all

Cold and silent silence

Winter cold and silent silence

What kind of music do I hear outside the window?

Everything melted away, what was a winter's dream

And the sound of icicles dripped loudly like a spring waterfall

Everything around me started laughing

This music is like spring water

We will never be bored with her

There's a melody everywhere I'll sing along with it

I will remember this music forever

Snowdrop peeked out

In the twilight of the forest,

Little scout

Sent in the spring.

(Flowers run out into the clearing.)

1st Flower.

How much sun, how much light

Spring has brought for everyone!

2nd Flower.

In a clearing near Spring

Flowers are blooming

Unprecedented beauty!

3rd Flower.

Nature wakes up

Washed with dew!

4th Flower.

And, of course, all the animals

Waking up in spring!

And flowers, and flowers,

Fragrant and tender.

Bees, bees, fly

And find your flower.

Dance "Flowers and Bees"

You made me happy, how funny you are, how you can dance, how to sing songs, and what good poems you told. I had fun with you.

It's good to walk in the spring -

And to meet the Red Spring.

Thank you, spring, for inviting us to your clearing. And now it’s time for us to return to our kindergarten.

I look forward to your visit again.

Goodbye Spring. (They say goodbye. The children return to kindergarten.) (Teacher No. 5.)

List of used literature:

1. Kartushina M. Yu. Scenarios of recreational leisure activities for children 5–6 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. – 128 p. (Together with the children.)

2. “Musical Director” No. 8 2011; Publishing house "Education of preschool children"; Editor-in-Chief T.B. Koryabina.

3. N. Lukonina, L. Chadova “Holiday in kindergarten for children from 2 to 4 years old”; 5th ed. - M.Iris-press, 2007.

4. “Holidays in kindergarten” Mikhailova M.A., Academy of Development Academy and Co., 1998 (series “Kindergarten: day by day”).

Materials used and Internet resources:

Noise and sound effects:,

music by M. Eremeeva, S. Merzlyakova's-Songs/Spring-drops/

Target: Consolidating and applying acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in speech therapy and music classes, creating a positive emotional mood in children.


Correctional and educational:

  • activate the vocabulary on the topic “Spring”, “Flowers”;
  • strengthen the skills of correct sound pronunciation;
  • consolidate the skills of identifying the first sound in a word, determining the place of a sound in a word;
  • improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words;
  • improve the ability to select words - antonyms;
  • consolidate the formation of the plural of nouns.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop general speech skills: voice, intonation, tempo-rhythmic;
  • develop clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech, the ability to navigate in space;
  • develop a sense of rhythm, singing ability, emotionality and expressiveness;
  • develop memory and attention.

Correctional and educational:

  • to form the emotional-volitional sphere, the ability to act in a team;
  • develop activity, independence, self-confidence;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit in the prepared seats.

Presenter (musical director).
Tell me guys
If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the wind gets warmer,
So, she came to us... (E. Karganova)

Children: Spring!

1st child.
The snow is no longer the same -
He darkened in the field
The ice on the lakes is cracked,
It's like they split it.

2nd child.
The clouds are moving faster
The sky has become higher
The sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.

3rd child.
It's getting darker every day
Stitches and paths
And on the willows with silver
The earrings glow. (S.Ya. Marshak).

4th child.
Spring is coming towards us with quick steps
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible in the fields
That's right, spring has very warm feet. (I. Tokmakova).

Music sounds, Vesna (speech therapist teacher) comes in.

Vesna (teacher-speech therapist).
Hello guys, here I am Vesna!
Walked along the ground with warm steps
I brought the hot, radiant sun
And it walks across the clear sky.
Are you guys happy to see me or not?
I want to hear, children, your answer.
Are you happy to see me, children?

Children. Yes.

Hold hands then.
Let him whirl and sing our spring round dance.

Children with Vesna perform the round dance “Vesnyanka”, Ukrainian national music, arrangement by Polonsky.

The sun is shining brighter and the streams are flowing
Flowers grew in a forest clearing.
And today, children,
Suddenly my house became magical -
Delicate flower - rechtsvetik
Bloomed in my garden.

(The speech therapist shows the children the “flower-speech flower”)

There are many sounds in the world:
The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves,
And there are speech sounds.
We need to know them for sure! (I. Lopukhina)

You learned to speak
Pronounce all sounds
Clearly, loudly, clearly.

This speech flower has prepared tasks for you to test your knowledge.

We tear off a petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."
A petal flew to the sun.
Sunshine, sunshine, shine brighter.
Give us your rays, sunshine!

(The speech therapist shows the children a planar image of the sun, with pictures attached to its rays)

Task 1. “Find the letter.” Pictures in the rays of the sun. You need to highlight the first sound and find the corresponding letter. (Children complete the task.) Figure 1

Figure 1

The sun shone even brighter and icicles started dripping.

Children perform the song “Playful Icicles,” accompanying the singing by playing children’s musical instruments.


The icicles will melt faster if you follow next task flower-sweet flower.

We tear off a petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."

(The speech therapist offers the children a new task)

We know different words:
Grass, propeller, kids...
We can tell them easily
We can play with them.

Task 2. Game “Say the opposite” using painting material. for classes V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko “Antonyms”

The icicles are melting and melting, and we hear their sonorous song.

Children perform the song “Sunny Drops”, music. S. Sosnina, lyrics. And Vakhrusheva, accompanying the singing by playing bells and triangles.

And now it's time for the next petal.
We tear off a petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."
A petal flew to a stream.

(children listen to the sounds of a stream in an audio recording)

The snow is melting, streams are flowing...
Who knows a poem about a stream,
He will read it to us now .

The sun laughs tenderly,
Shines brighter, hotter.
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream.
It is radiant, silvery,
And it sparkles and trembles.
And the other one is just as clean
He runs merrily nearby. (Ya. Kolas)

And we will play with the streams.

A musical exercise-game “Streams-Lakes” is carried out, music. E. Tilicheeva. To music A “Streams” - children with blue ribbons in their hands easily run scattered around the hall, to music B “Lakes” - they make a big circle. The exercise-game is performed several times.


Task 3. “Collect pebbles.” What unusual streams flow here - Sound streams. There are pebbles along the streams, pictures on the pebbles. You girls need to collect those pebbles where the pictures with the sound F are at the beginning of the words. And for you, boys, where are the pictures with the sound Z in the middle. (Children complete the task) Well done, guys! Streams are running and babbling. Do you hear someone buzzing? Who is this? (children's answers: beetles, bees, bumblebees). This is how nature came to life around us. Read poems about her.

1st child.
The grass is green, the sun is shining
A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter
Shout out hello to us from the road quickly.
I'll give you grains, and you sing a song.
What she brought with her from distant countries. (A. Pleshcheev)

2nd child.
The swallow rushed from behind the white sea,
She sat down and sang: like February, don’t be angry,
How are you, March, don’t frown,
Be it snow or rain -
Everything smells like spring. (A. Maikov)

3rd child.
Hey spring! Hey spring!
How red you are.
The snow is thinning before our eyes,
The breeze takes off
Rays dance in puddles
The stream is babbling more cheerfully
And they fly to all ends
Vocal starlings.
And on the willows by the river
Buds are like lights.
They blink at us boldly
Everything around began to sing!

Children perform the song “Spring Polechka”, music. Olifirova, accompanying the singing with movements and gestures (the movements were developed by the music director).

And now we will find out next task flower-sweet flower.
Tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."

The word is encrypted here, you will guess it and find out the task of the petal.

Task 4. “Read the word.” Children are presented with a series of pictures. Based on the first sounds of the names of the pictures, children make words from the letters: “RIDDLES” and “PROBERDS.” Figure 2

Figure 2

Children of group A ask riddles to children of group B.

  1. Gingerbread man on a plate h golden, ruddy side.
    And the blue plate has no end in sight. (sky and sun)
  2. One pours, another drinks, the third grows. (rain, earth, grass)
  3. The black, agile one shouts CRACK, the enemy to the worms. (rook)
  4. In the thawed patch, a forest light burns in the spring.
    The light is timid, like a white snowflake. (snowdrop)
  5. Not an animal, not a bird hiding under the snow.
    Spring will come, run, sing. (stream)

Children of group B tell proverbs.

  1. Spring - light up the snow, sparkle the ravines.
  2. A spring day feeds the year.
  3. April with water, May with grass.
  4. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.
  5. I saw a rook - welcome spring.
  6. In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.
  7. Rook - spring bird
  8. Spring is red and hungry.
  9. If it rains in May, there will be rye.
  10. April, April - drops are ringing in the yard.

April, April,
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.
Ants come out after the winter cold.
A bear makes its way through the dead wood
The birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop blossomed. (S.Ya. Marshak)

I have a surprise for you guys. A whole basket of flowers.
What kind of flowers are these, do you know?

(Children name flowers)

You sort out the flowers,
Start dancing with them.

Children of group B perform “Dance with Snowdrops”, music. P.I. Tchaikovsky (“Snowdrop”) (movements developed by the music director).

1st child.
The snow has melted and the sun has risen up
The narcissist boldly reaches out.
He is so gentle, so good.
Looks so much like a star.

2nd child.
Early, sunny times
On thawed patches in spring
Decorate with tubercles
Mother and stepmother flowers.
In bright yellow scarves
Yes, in green socks.

3rd child.
Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley was born on a May day
And the forest protects him.
It seems to me that he is assed -
It will ring quietly.
And this ringing will be heard by the meadow and the birds and the flowers.
Let's listen, maybe you and I will hear. (E. Serova)

And what kind last task Did you prepare a little flower for us?
Tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."

Guys, what first spring flowers do you know? (Children's answers).

Task 5. “Place flowers in vases.” Planar pictures are cut out of paper: vases and spring flowers. There are syllabic patterns on the vases. Children need to “put” the flowers in the appropriate vases, dividing the word names of the flowers into syllables.

Flowers: snowdrops, violet, forget-me-not, lily of the valley, dandelion, daffodil, tulip. Figure 3.

Figure 3

The spring wind came and collected my river flower

(Shows the children a fake flower).

Thank you guys for the games and songs
I want to give you an interesting flower.
Take it as a thank you
And find a treat in it.

(Spring gives a magical flower to children, it contains candy treats)

You keep this flower and speak beautifully!
Now it's time to say goodbye.
See you. See you later, friends!

Spring leaves to the music. The presenter thanks everyone for their attention and invites them to tea.

Children and guests leave the hall to cheerful music.

Literature used:

  1. S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina Music and movement: (Exercises, games and dances for children 5-6-7 years old) M.: Education, 1983.
  2. V.P. Lapkovskaya, N.P. Volodkova Speech entertainment in kindergarten: a collection of scenarios for children 5-7 years old. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009
  3. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko"Antonyms". Picture teaching material for classes and play activity with children of senior preschool and school age. M.: Gnom i D, 2009
  4. O.V. Gavrilova The use of speech therapy holidays and evening entertainment in correctional work with children. Logo fairy tale “Tsvetik-rechetsvetik”. Article from the website “Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Open Lesson””:

The arrival of spring is always perceived as a long-awaited and significant event, worthy of being specially celebrated. We offer one of possible options on how you can celebrate the arrival of spring in 2020 in a kindergarten or primary school.

Scenario of the Spring Festival for children

It may begin with a speech by presenters who read poetry:

- The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be clothed with leaves.

- Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter.
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again.

- Look outside the window:
It is filled with light.
Everyone is squinting from the sun,
After all, spring is outside!

Scenario for celebrating the Arrival of Spring for children

Then, the presenters invite the children to call Spring-Red together.
- Let's say: “Spring, Spring, wake up from your sleep!”

The children call her and she appears in the hall.
- I am Spring-Red,
I wake the earth from sleep,
I fill my kidneys with juice,
I grow flowers in the meadows,
I drive ice from the rivers,
I make sunrise early.
Everywhere, in the field and in the forest,
I bring joy to people.

What kind of music can you hear on the street?
It's spring singing again.
Bird trills whistled,
And the drops rang,
The whole street is full of bright music.

Open doors wider.
Wake up birds, animals:
The evil winter has retreated.
We forgot about the cold,
We don't need them at all
Cold and silent silence
Winter cold and silent silence.

Then the action of the Festival of the Arrival of Spring will continue with the children talking about weather signs indicating the onset of this time of year:

  • I saw a starling - know that spring is on the porch.
  • In April, clear nights end with frosts.
  • May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

Spring supports the guys:
-Many signs are associated with birds. So, if the ducks arriving from the winter hut are well-fed, spring promises to be cold and protracted. A woodpecker that starts knocking loudly in March also predicts a long spring.

After this, the presenters address the children:
– In spring, birds return from warmer climes. These are starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows and others. Birds should not be offended, because they bring great benefits to the forest.

Then the presenters ask:
- Guys, how else will we know that spring has come?

Children read poems about spring:

If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green,
And a stream rings in the fields
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the evening has become warmer,
So spring has come to us!

Spring invites kids to have fun:
- Come, honest people!
Get into a round dance.
To make it more fun
Call your friends.

The presenters also invite the children to join the general dance:
- Stomp - stomp, clap - clap,
Jump and jump, jump and jump.
Leg - one, leg - two!
This is how kids dance.
Sat down - stood up, sat down - stood up
And not at all tired.

By this day, you can organize an exhibition of children’s drawings and crafts dedicated to spring, and after the dance program, sum up its results and award the winners.

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. In the hall, near the decorated wall, there is a Birch Tree, next to her is a Snow Woman. The roles are played by parents.


The snow lies like the sea,

All the roads are covered with snow,

I'll freeze - woe, woe! —

The sun would rise clear!

Snow woman.

The birch tree's cry is not serious,

Make some noise, frosty storm!


Hands, shoulders get cold,

A blizzard swirls in the field,

The distance is white.

Snow woman.

Are you afraid of the severe cold?

Well, I'm afraid of heat.

The Sun appears, Birch Tree stretches her twig-like hands towards him. The snow woman squints and turns away.


Whose call do I hear to

I melted with a ray

These white snowdrifts?

Isn't this your white lump?

Snow woman.

What to do? I don't know.

The expensive fur coat is melting.

I'm suffocating, I'm speechless.

She became weak, old...

Sun. It's time for you to leave.

A Cloud appears, circles to the music and covers the Sun.


I'm in the silver snow

I can hide the sun.

I will sow the whole earth with snow,

Let the cold wind blow.

“Exercise with Ribbons” by T. Lomova is performed.


I am a warm spring ray

I'm not afraid of snow clouds.

Spring day will come soon,

No matter how powerful you are, snowstorm.

The ringing song is heard,

Spring is coming to us!

The song “Winter has passed” by N. Metlov plays.


True, beautiful songs

Distant sounds can be heard.

Cloud. What should we do? I'm terribly afraid!

We can't escape Spring!

Sun. Guys, help me warm the earth more, melt the snow, open the buds of the birch tree. Here are some bright ones for you sunbeams, let's have fun dancing with them.

Dance “Sun Rays” (music of the teacher’s choice).

Snow woman. Oh, it's hot! No urine at all!

Cloud. Do you want to leave me?

Sun. It's hot, it's time for you to go!

Snow woman. Oh, I'll melt! I'm running away!

He runs away and loses his carrot nose.

Cloud (runs after her).

Hey old lady, wait a minute!

Grab your carrot nose!


The ringing earrings shine,

There are no snowstorms anymore.

There is a thin birch tree

And sends greetings to the sun!

Leading. Children, all the guests have gathered at our holiday, but there is still no Spring. Apparently, a cloud led her astray. Let's sing a song, Spring will hear our voices and find its way.

The song “The Sun Smiles” by Tilicheeva plays. Spring enters - the teacher plays the role - spinning in a waltz.


I open my buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is...

Children. Spring!


Spring has come

And looks with blue eyes,

Laughs with a ringing laughter to the young

And now it’s flowing

Over forests and over meadows

Emerald smoke...


Let's take a look into the spring forest,

There, in the thicket, miracles await us.

Cheerful hubbub, chirping, singing...

Dance “Bird House” by D. Kabalevsky - a dramatization of the song. Reading poems about birds.

Game "Occupy the House".

There are hoops laid out on the floor, each with 2 child birds. When the music ends, you need to occupy the hoop house. Each time 1-2 hoops are removed. Whichever “bird” doesn’t get a house flies further (returns to its chair) to look for a house.

Spring. Birds and animals rejoice in the warmth and sun. Everyone welcomes spring in their own way. Nature is blooming. The first flowers appear Listen to the riddle.

He appeared before everyone else

When there was still snow in the forest,

Bluish, delicate.

And it was named...

Children. Snowdrop!

Spring. Right. What other flowers do you know? (Children's answers.) Look at my bouquet. Dance with flowers.


Flowers live well

The sun is laughing at them from the sky,

Let's have fun with them

It's fun to dance around.

Dance "Waltz of the Flowers", music by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Game "Collect a flower".


Spring has come, freckles,

Cheerful guest,

Watery, windy,

Herbal, sunny...


Rain on the window -

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Grass at the threshold -

Zhuh! Zhuh! Zhuh!

A stream in the ditches -

Zhur! Zhur! Zhur!..


The days have become fine,

Here we are, you know, we’ve made it

Until spring, until freckles,

Until the cheerful guest!


Spring has come, freckles,

Cheerful guest

Congratulate all the children

Happy birth of spring.


Be strong and healthy,

Cheerful and cheerful

Grow big up to the sky,

Never be sad about anything.


And I congratulate you too,

I'll play with you.

It was not in vain that you stood in the circle,

Let's play together "Shine Clear!"

Game "Burn, Burn Clear!"


I, field birch,

I congratulate all the guys.

And as a keepsake for all of you

I'll hand out handkerchiefs.

The round dance “There was a birch tree in the field” is performed, b. n. m.


I will not forget you, children,

You have a lot of fun.

I offer this as a farewell

Everyone should start dancing together.

The dance “Russian Dance” is performed according to the Spring show.


It's time for me to hit the road

There are a lot of worries.

I'm giving you a treat

And I say goodbye to you.

Spring treats guests with pastries and sweets. Leaves.


We will remember for a long time

This holiday day.

And for spring treats

The group prepared

Tea for you!

At the request of the teacher, you can include reading poems about spring.

ATTRIBUTES: ribbons, orange mugs, bird hats, hoops (15 pieces), flowers for the game “Collect a flower,” a handkerchief for the game, handkerchiefs as a gift for birthday people, balloons, treats.

1) Birch - white dress embroidered with black stripes;

2) Cloud - a black cape embroidered with snowflakes;

3) Snow woman - costume, bucket, nose - carrot;

4) Sunny - yellow cape, beret;

5) Ray - child - yellow overalls, ray hat;

6) Spring - blue dress, blue cape, a bouquet of flowers in her hair.