Birthday script for a guy. Scenario for the anniversary of a girl (young woman) “A star named ....” 16 year old daughter's birthday party script

First toast for 18 years

I don’t know where I got it, but I used this poem as a toast. It should be read out at the beginning of the holiday, slowly, with logical pauses. Very philosophical tos t for 18 - girl's birthday.

18 – oh, what a date!
May it not be anniversary, may not be round,
This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.
There are two wings behind my back!

That's eight Fridays a week
A time of trial, error and dilemmas.
Beauty and spirit in a healthy body,
This is life without problems for now!

It's time to assert yourself
This is the best time of life.
Happy birthday!
Have the best birthday ever!
And still no fluff, no feather!

I liked that at the end there was a hint about upcoming exams. It turned out that they killed two birds with one stone: they congratulated them on their birthday and

Competition “Who knows the birthday girl better?”

When a child was born in Ancient Greece, he always had a patron from the numerous gods on Olympus. The one whom Apollo patronized was handsome; the one who was patronized by Terpsichore was an excellent dancer; the one whom Athena loved was smart like no one else. But when our birthday girl was born, all the gods of Olympus became her patrons.

What year was this? … . A girl was born, they named her…. Let's find out now who knows the birthday girl best? We answer the questions together:

  1. The city where the birthday girl was born?
  2. Parameters at birth?
  3. What time of day were you born?
  4. What grades did you graduate from school with?
  5. What is her favorite toy?
  6. What about your favorite flower?
  7. Favorite dish?
  8. Favorite activity, hobby?
  9. Favorite drink?
  10. Favorite color?
  11. Favorite childhood song?

Well, who knows his child better than the mother... (a toast to the mother).

Comic fortune telling

Part 1: What does the birthday girl think?

While the guests are drinking and eating, the birthday girl is asked to write 7 lines from different songs (one line from each song). Then the host asks questions, and the birthday girl answers them with lines from the songs (in order). It turns out very funny:

  1. What did the birthday girl think when she was born (insert a line from the 1st song)?
  2. What did you think when you went to school?
  3. What did you think when you graduated from school (or started to graduate from school)?
  4. What were you thinking this morning?
  5. What did you think when you sat down at the table today?
  6. What did you think when you saw the guests?
  7. What will the birthday girl think about tomorrow morning?

Part 2: What do the guests think?

And now we find out what the guests think about the birthday girl. We have prepared in advance cuts from songs that can reflect thoughts and feelings, for example:

  • “A friend won’t leave you in trouble, won’t ask too much...”
  • "And the girl has matured..."
  • “An athlete, a Komsomol member, a beauty...”

Competition "Gifts"

Every year the birthday girl celebrated her birthday and received gifts from family and friends. What gifts did they give her and what did she do with them? We'll find out now. The names of gifts and verbs (what can be done with them) are written on pieces of paper. The notes in each pile are mixed and distributed to the guests (you can let them pull them out).

Gift names:

  • candies, bicycle, doll, pencils, dress, scooter, lollipop, stroller, cosmetics, teddy bear, flowers.


  • eat, try on, play, examine, hide in a closet, paint, roll, break, squeeze, smell, lick.

Each guest and birthday girl pulls 1 note from each pile and reads out what happened. And very funny combinations can turn out:

  • licked the bike, broke pencils, sniffed candy.

Competition "Mothers and Daughters"

(for mother and daughter or for friends)

As a child, the birthday girl loved to play “mother and daughter” with her friends. Let's see if she has forgotten how to dress dolls and babysit them? This competition is for the birthday girl’s friends or for the birthday girl and her mother.

We spent time with my mother. The birthday girl and her mother stood in front of the chair hand in hand. The mother’s right hand and daughter’s left hand were removed (tied with ribbon or simply hidden behind the back). A baby doll was placed on a chair and a suit next to it. The task is to dress the doll with your free hands as quickly and accurately as possible.

Competition "Back to Childhood"

Find the birthday girl’s old hat, cap, bib, solemnly take it out of the bag and feel nostalgic - together remember when she wore this accessory, offer to try it on. And then bring out a stool and ask to stand on it and read a children's poem (for example, something from Agnia Barto). Awesome photos guaranteed :)))

We didn’t hold these competitions (we didn’t have time), but they seem to us very interesting and suitable for celebrating a girl’s birthday, including for 18 years:

Competition for the best fairy tale expert

Another competition from the “Nostalgia for Childhood” series. Riddles are read out and the one who guesses the answer is given a symbolic prize - candy or something else.

  • A tale about a hostel that collapsed from overcrowding. Teremok
  • A tale about the benefits of collective labor in agriculture. turnip
  • A tale about the insecurity of casual dating. Little Red Riding Hood
  • A fairy tale about how you can work in a hostel and get married somewhere else. Snow White
  • A tale with three assassination attempts and one murder. Kolobok
  • A fairy tale that, being an absolute log, you can provide for your parents’ old age well. Pinocchio
  • A folk action film in which two people, brought up in old traditions, were unable to achieve the required result, but the sneaky little one ended up breaking it. Ryaba hen
  • The fairy tale is a vivid advertisement for home fire insurance. Cat's house
  • Fairy tale - training manual for fathers-in-law to check their daughters-in-law. Frog Princess
  • A fairy tale in which the fox stays in civil marriage with a cat. Pan Kotsky
  • A fairy tale with four proposals and only one wedding. Thumbelina
  • People's detective story about the kidnapping of seven minors. Wolf and 7 kids
  • A fairy tale in which a cat arranges the personal life of its owner. Puss in Boots

Competition for the best expert on children's songs

The same thing, only with songs:

  • A song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits. Chunga-changa.
  • A song about a vehicle of heavenly color. Blue carriage.
  • A song about how bad weather conditions cannot ruin a holiday. We will survive this trouble.
  • A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing. I'm lying in the sun.
  • A song about a plant that grew in the wild and was cut down by a peasant. A Christmas tree was born in the forest.
  • A song about how fun it is to march with a group. It's fun to walk together.
  • A song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.

Competition “How to use?”

For the competition you will need several items. Ordinary, but which can be used in unusual ways. We once held such a competition in a small company at a table in a cafe. The competition was a great success.

Example: The presenter takes out a pan. Guests take turns naming how it can be used in addition to its intended purpose: go pick mushrooms with it, hide from the rain, etc. Screwdriver: scratch your back, pick your nose :))) The options can be the most ridiculous and funny, but theoretically possible :)))

Anyone who cannot come up with a use for the item leaves the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.

Birthday in anyone's life girls– this is a kind of milestone, a time to sum up the results of the past year, as well as another opportunity to have fun with your best and closest friends. If you want to give your loved one an unforgettable holiday with a sea of ​​positive emotions, with catchy music, fun until the morning, with incendiary competitions and dizzying dances - arrange a Hawaiian-style party in her honor, which can be easily organized at home.

Birthday for 15, 16, 17, 18 years

Theater director

Let the guys divide into groups of 2-3 people.

Invite them to compose and stage a play in 15-20 minutes, the script of which consists of several well-known lines. For example, such as: “Our Tanya is crying loudly - she dropped a ball into the river ...” or “The mistress abandoned the bunny ...”, etc.

Each group must choose its own type and genre of performance: drama, operetta, clownery, or maybe a detective story.

It will turn out very interesting and funny! You'll see!

Wash the guests

Take two unfortunate guests and two basins of water standing on the table. 4-6 apples are thrown into basins. Players, holding their hands behind their backs, begin to catch apples from the water. Instead of two players, you can form two teams that will “wash” in turns. The first (first team) to catch all the apples wins.

To the fastest one

Signs are written with words: they can be anything, from the names Kolya and Vasya, to the names of the company’s products, if it is corporate party. Players enter the battlefield in twos and begin to fight: they must read what is written on the opponent’s back, but without showing their sign. You can hold rounds among the winners until the “fastest” one is determined. In this case, you need to stock up on inscriptions - after all, new ones are needed for each round.

Mop dance

The guests line up in a circle in the order of man/woman (although this is not too important), the main thing is that there is an odd number of participants. One participant is proudly given a mop with which he must dance, the music is turned on and everyone else is paired up and the dancing begins. After 1-2 minutes, the music turns off for a short time, and the couples must change partners - this must be done quickly, since the person with the mop has thrown it away and is also looking for a partner. The one left without a partner will have to dance with a mop. Against the background of this fate, the difference between the sexes is forgotten even before the music is turned on for the second time.

Outdoor games

To entertain a group of people outdoors, you can play any team sport, but the most fun game is “double football.” Everything is as usual: a goal, a ball, two teams, standard rules... only the players on each team are divided into pairs and tied one leg to the partner’s leg, it is best to also tie the torso. This game does not require goalkeepers; it will be very difficult to score the ball anyway. The game is very fun, but you need to be careful - you will have to fall a lot.


A pair is selected. The guy is told that he will have to enter the room, take a chair, and pretend that he is going to screw in a light bulb. He is also informed that his partner will interfere with him in every possible way, but he must convince her that this is necessary. The girl is told that her partner is about to hang himself, she must talk him out of it. Participants are launched into the room. The guests are watching.

Dance on newspapers

Take two newspapers. Two couples stand on newspapers, music plays and the couples dance. After a while it folds in half. The dance continues. Etc. You can take the girl in your arms. The couple that lasts the longest wins. The one who flies outside the newspaper loses.

The most modest

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Choose 3-4 in skirts. A rug 1-2 meters long is placed on the floor. Women are asked to walk with their legs wide apart and avoid stepping on it. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat, but blindfolded. Having completed this simple task blindfolded, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the path. The man stands up and declares the one who blushed the most the winner.


Pairs are selected. Each couple is given several inflated balloons. Partners stand facing each other and hold one ball between them. The couple that pops all their balloons the fastest wins.

Fabulous resume

When a person gets a job, he usually writes an autobiography. Imagine what she might look like and write autobiographies on behalf of some famous people. Among these celebrities: Baba Yaga, Carlson, Old Man Hottabych, Baron Munchausen, Koschey the Immortal.

Scenario for birthdays / competitions, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries

The scenario is designed to celebrate a child’s birthday with family and friends. The holiday is held for guests who came to congratulate the baby on his second birth!

If many parents do not celebrate the first birthday due to the child’s young age and his thoughtless behavior, then the second birthday is worth calling guests and having a small feast. Despite the fact that the child will not yet be able to take part in competitions, he as an individual will realize his importance, and will also feel an atmosphere of warmth and care for him.

Birthday script for a girl's 16th birthday - articles


1 toast toast

At 16 you are so beautiful

Fresh breath of spring...

Those who know each other, it’s not in vain

Head over heels in love with you.

Sweet, full of charm,

Kind, slim, light, smart...

And a cup full of desires,

May God give you a full drink

We would give you a miracle,

A wonderful moment of magic

Only a miracle was created before,

The people who gave you birth

A word to mom

General toast of 16 words

Toast of friends

Their main quality is loyalty.

They won't let us go to waste,

They will show sensitivity and tenderness,

They will go with you on reconnaissance.

And everyone has long understood

That it's always more fun with them.

Let life surround you

More reliable friends!

Entertainment part

Dear birthday girl, invite all your friends to go on a trip around the world “Around the World in 16”

years". Let's remember our childhood and line up like a train. Today our charming birthday girl will be a train, and all the guests will be cheerful carriages. So

The festive train “Imeninny” departs from the departure station Detstvo to the arrival station Yunost.

Everyone rides on the locomotive to cheerful music...

1st dance station - color dances, the birthday girl dances in the middle of the circle and participants with ribbons come out to her.

We go from station to station by steam locomotive...

Station 2 - erudite shifters - we divide into 2 teams, I give pipes - beeps to notify that the answer is ready.

Description of fairy tales-reversals:

1. Which fairy tale says that only joint work can save an unprecedented record harvest (turnip)

2. This fairy tale is an instructive story about how one village resident, using magical actions, creates a product from precious metal, but its owners are confident that natural food products are much more important and try to preserve the treasure, which they regret later (Ryaba chicken)

3. Which fairy tale tells about a serial killer with a very gray appearance, who planned to commit the murder of two females of different ages, but the timely intervention of the public helped prevent the tragedy. (Little Red Riding Hood)

4. This fairy tale is a sad story about how the desire to get drunk and neglect of the wise advice of loving relatives leads to the loss of human appearance. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

5. Which fairy tale is similar to an action-packed action movie with a daring escape from the parental home, with three unsuccessful attempts and an insidious murder in the finale, made possible due to a loss of vigilance and a gross violation of safety regulations? (Kolobok)

6. This fairy tale is an irrefutable argument in favor of the fact that courage and ingenuity do not always depend on a person’s height. (Tom Thumb)

7. This story is about how kindness and good attitude towards animals helped a poor orphan cope with all the life difficulties that befell her and get married successfully. (Little Khavroshechka)

8. In what fairy tale do we learn about the treachery of a beautiful and rich woman who, using a special device, tracked down her stepdaughter and poisoned her? The motive for the vile murder turned out to be envy. However, the criminal did not take into account that there is a unique means of resuscitation, which the girl’s groom skillfully used. (The Tale of the Dead Princess and the 7 Knights)

9. This fairy tale is a chilling story about a family tragedy that occurred out of love. First, two brothers kill each other out of jealousy, and then the elderly father himself expresses a desire to marry a young foreign beauty. For this reason, he commits the murder of his patron. But retribution was accomplished - the old man was fully punished. (The Tale of the Golden Cockerel)

3 fairy-tale - we put on a short fairy tale

4 stars - a costumed performance by pop stars dedicated to the birthday girl / parody, I dress up the guests, it goes very well for me at any holiday /

Break for dancing and feasting

5 cowboy station - cowboy pump racing

Station 6 - guess the movie

7th football station - we play football / the boys are football players, we tie the “third leg”, and the girls are on the goal./

Station 8 Game - bring according to the list or team games

9th station is dance-lambada with stops.

We will go through as many stations as we have time, or until the young people get tired of it. From experience work - teenagers love to play.

Last station "Yunost"

You, Valeria, are sixteen

A big door to life has opened.

How difficult it is to part with childhood,

But you can't get it back now.

Let all the good things from childhood

It will be your inheritance.

Let your heart beat with excitement

And sings to youth

Alex the Lion enters /my life-size doll/ - to the song “Little Country” - hands over (or soft toy, as a sign of farewell to childhood, or we will launch a gel balloon “Childhood”, which parents will buy). Then a general dance with the guests “Madagascar”.

Dancing, feast.


May your thoughts always be pure,

And let life be more beautiful than beauty,

Let friends be faithfully faithful,

The breath of spring lives in the soul.

And remember, dear, like two and two, the words:

"Good is omnipotent,

And love is always right!"

Themes, scenarios and competitions for a child’s birthday

Themes, scenarios and competitions for children's birthdays

Every child looks forward to his birthday. Let's prepare a memorable holiday for your child! How to organize a child’s birthday yourself? We offer many birthday party ideas and themes. different ages. Each theme is additionally supplied with: a birthday scenario, birthday competitions, ideas for decorating the room and table, invitations that can be printed.

Check out our roundup of baby shower themes. Here are 12 great ideas, following which you will find scenarios, competitions and much more for a great children's party! Also check out these 6 Great Organizing Tips children's day Birth!

Games and competitions for children's birthday: quiet home games, competitions, competitions with toilet paper(an easy way to organize an evening of fun), activities and competitions, funny games, games with balls and balls, original competitions for teenagers.

Invitations for a child's birthday. We bring to your attention invitations that you can easily make with your own hands. You can print ready-made invitations after deciding on the theme of the holiday.

girl 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 - 9 years, 10 - 11 years, 12 years, 13 - 14 years? What to give to a teenager (15, 16, 17, 18 years old)?

What to give for a birthday boy 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4, 5 and 6 years, 7 years, 8 - 9 years, 10 - 11 years, 12 years, 13 - 14 years? What to give to a teenage boy (15, 16, 17, 18 years old)?

We have information dedicated to the Day Teenager’s birthday: how to celebrate a holiday, where to spend a birthday, what competitions can be held for a teenager’s birthday, a teenager’s birthday in a cafe (a holiday without extra costs).

Download and print congratulation poster- stretching “From Birth” (option for girls and boys).

Script for 16 years

First, the birthday boy greets his guests. During this, Irina Allegrova’s “Happy Birthday” plays. Guests give flowers and gifts to the birthday boy. The host gives each guest a ball, inside of which there is a note with predictions. Guests do not need to be seated at tables yet. Offer everyone champagne.

Leading:“Hello, dear guests! Today we have gathered to congratulate this wonderful man (name) on his birthday. Exactly 16 years ago, parents rejoiced at the appearance of this man. Let’s give them the opportunity to be the first to congratulate their child.”

Parents come up to the microphone and congratulate the birthday boy.

Leading:“Let us raise our glasses to the love of our parents, which they have given to the birthday boy for many years. Let's watch the first dance of his adult life."

The birthday boy dances with his mother (if a guy) or with his dad (if a girl) his first adult dance. Tishinskaya’s song “Song about Mother and Son” (if a guy) or Igor Nikolaev’s “Little Daughter” (if a girl) is playing.

Afterwards the guests are escorted to the table.

Leading:“Our birthday boy knows how to predict the future. And this is what he wishes for you personally.” Guests are invited to pop fortune balls (you can use forks, fingernails, or keys). Notes are left for guests as a souvenir of their 16th birthday.

16 years is an excellent age - it seems like you’re not quite an adult yet, but you’re no longer a child. And how can a girl spend such a birthday? A birthday script for a 16-year-old girl will help you organize a stunning holiday, and your girlfriends will bite their elbows because they didn’t have such a bright and colorful birthday.

We propose to carry out the entire scenario for the birthday of a 16-year-old girl in this format - games and competitions. And you yourself decide when to dance and when to sit down at the table to refresh yourself. So, let's begin.

At the age of 16, many are already accomplished people, personalities and celebrities. Do you want your daughter to feel like a real celebrity? Then we suggest this: call your daughter’s friends a day or two in advance, but in secret from the birthday girl, and tell them what they all need to do. And this is what they need to do: they must gather everything quietly near the birthday girl’s apartment and each one must have a card. When everyone has gathered, they begin to knock and drum on the door and shout: open, we want to see you, we love you, and so on. Shout what fans usually shout. When the birthday girl opens the door, everyone stretches out their hands to her with cards and shouts: this is for you, take this from me. Congratulations! And so on. Afterwards, all the guests enter the room, where they congratulate their friend on the holiday.
First, you need to make sure that the guests get comfortable at the holiday and become “one of our own.” Therefore, we propose to conduct a question-answer style game. First, one takes out a question - reads it out, and then the answer - and also reads it out.

Examples of questions:

1. What do you think about the birthday girl?
2. Do you think the birthday girl got the hairstyle right?
3. Were you very upset when you found out that you are older than the birthday girl?
4. Do you consider the birthday girl your friend?
5. Have you come to eat and drink?
6. So as not to be thought of as a glutton, will you eat little and then secretly take the leftovers home?
7. If everything is perfect, will you ruin the cake?
8. Will you add alcohol to everyone’s juice so that adults don’t notice?
9. When choosing a gift for the birthday girl, did you think about the money you spent or about how much she would like it?
10. Are you happy about the birthday girl’s happiness?

Example answers:

1. Should I say this out loud?
2. Not particularly, but this is a matter of taste.
3. I laugh in your face!
4. Wow, what a question!
5. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t do such a thing!
6. I always do this!
7. Yes, yes, this is my deepest dream!
8. Exactly the opposite.
9. Do I really look like this?
10. A little bit.

Afterwards, all young girlfriends are invited to guess modern and not so modern songs. But this will not be so easy to do, because these are upside-down songs. That is, a line of the song is read out in reverse, and the guests guess the name of the song. Examples below.

Examples of shifter songs:
Everything is always the same, no different from each other!
Girls are different, black, white, red!

Another example:
Summer, heat, no houses visible.
Winter, cold, lonely houses.

And one more example:
I will forever forget this winter.
Never forget this summer again.

And let's give another example:
It’s such a blessing that a sad holiday happens many, many times.
Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year!

So you can turn any songs into reverse songs, and let them guess.
For the next competition, all girls need to wash off the lipstick on their lips. The girls are divided into pairs and the lights are turned off so that it is dark. The girls' task is to paint each other's lips in pairs. And to make things serious, whoever can paint it evenly and beautifully wins a prize.
Playing with the ball, believe it or not, style. Only here the birthday girl throws the ball to the guests one by one and says the name of the decoration or item for decoration, and the one who caught the ball must throw it back within three seconds, while naming the part of the body for which it is intended.

Lipny - mouth
Ring - finger
Earrings - ears
Shampoo - hair
Mascara - eyelashes
Nail polish – nails
Hair dye - hair
And so on. Until you get bored or run out of words.

At the end of the holiday it is taken out birthday cake. You can do it like this:
All girls are given a piece of paper on which is written an oath called “no dieting”! The girls read the oath together, loud and clear.

I solemnly swear to everyone present,
Eat cake until I choke!
I'll eat my piece quickly,
And I’ll cut the second one myself!
I'll say no to diet today
And if I break my oath, I will punish myself.
My punishment will be severe,
I’ll eat three more kilograms of cake!

After the vow, everyone, without exception, eats cake.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Eh, where are my 16 years? Wonderful age. A little contradictory, with a touch of youthful maximalism, but so rich and bright that any of us remembers it with a slight touch of nostalgia. Today I have prepared for you an interesting selection of ideas and tips on how a girl can celebrate her 16th birthday.

This is a kind of threshold when adolescence ends with all its difficulties and the happy time of youth begins. Therefore, I propose to fill the 16th birthday bright emotions, surprises so that it will be remembered for a long time.

How can a girl celebrate her 16th birthday?

The family should discuss the format for celebrating the 16th birthday together with the child. He already has the right to decide who to invite and where to celebrate.

If you can’t decide how to combine a celebration with all your relatives, friends and children - best option divide it. The first part is a solemn celebration with the family. The second part is the birthday boy celebrating with his peers.

Take charge of the financial side of the issue, and let the teenager come up with the idea of ​​organizing the holiday.

If it is not possible to separate the adults and the birthday girl’s friends, then it is better to move the celebration to a cafe by ordering a host. Beautiful script fun competitions and surprises will create a real festive party atmosphere.

To make the birthday girl remember this day, organize several surprises for her together with friends or presenters (fireworks, flash mob, band performance, etc.)

If your budget does not allow you to go to a cafe or restaurant, you can have an interesting birthday party at home. Think about decorating the room (balloons, flowers, paper pompoms).

Prepare interesting scenario with competitions and prizes for guests, order beautiful cake and ask a friend to help you organize the reception, so you will have time to enjoy the holiday with your child.

Be sure to order professional photography and videography if the format of the event allows. It is better not to trust memorable photographs to amateurs or relatives, otherwise it will be a shame to receive blurry, indistinct photographs later.

If you decide to organize a holiday outdoors, be sure to warn all guests in advance about the dress code. The menu should be simple, and the dishes should be suitable for a picnic (kebabs, canapés, sandwiches, pizza, etc.). More greens, vegetables, fruits and drinks. Consider bright disposable tableware, tablecloths and create a decorative area for a photo shoot.

Guests will enjoy taking pictures with the birthday girl, dressing in funny costumes and wearing bright accessories. The photos will turn out bright and extraordinary.

TOP 5 bright ideas for organizing an unusual birthday

Of course, it all depends on the season and budget, but I tried to pick out some interesting ideas for you to make this 16th birthday unforgettable.

  1. Paintball game. A sports tournament can be held both between friends and peers, and between all guests. Adults versus children. Believe me, guests will be delighted with fun game. The advantage of such a sporting event is that it can be organized both in spring and in snowy winter.
  2. Fun quest. Nowadays there are many agencies that organize fun, exciting quests in which both children and adults can take part. After interesting game, you can order a holiday in a pizzeria, where you can already hold the ceremonial part with toasts, gifts and congratulations.
  3. Picnic. This option is certainly suitable for spring and summer birthday girls, allowing you to arrange active games, competitions and barbecues in nature.
  4. Bowling center. In the entertainment center you can arrange an entertainment program, organizing a sports tournament, or order pizza, sushi, and drinks for young guests.
  5. Water park. Great idea for winter day birth. You can go to an indoor water park, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of sultry heat and fun slides. Many centers have their own cafes and restaurants, so you will have the opportunity to try a festive menu after water games.

What should you pay attention to?

Every girl dreams of feeling like a real princess on this day.

It is during this period that teenagers begin to develop complexes; they consider themselves ugly, overweight or, conversely, thin. Therefore, try and pay due attention to her appearance. You can let your daughter feel like she has grown up and take her to a beauty salon the day before.

Think about your outfit. Discuss the style in advance if you order from the studio.

What to give a girl on her 16th birthday?

Gifts from parents

Of course, gifts should first of all be meaningful and memorable.

  • Jewelry (earrings, ring, bracelets)
  • Electronic gadgets (laptop, tablet, smartphone, e-reader, camera).
  • Expensive watch. Despite the fact that you want your daughter to admire her gift for a long time, you should still take into account the young age of the birthday girl and choose fashionable models.
  • Bag or backpack
  • Voucher
  • Pet. Many people dream of having a pet, but are used to hearing a categorical “No” from their parents. This is a great occasion to give a long-awaited four-legged friend.

Gifts from friends

  • Wallet
  • Perfumery
  • Cosmetics
  • External hard drive for storing photos
  • Certificate for beauty salon
  • Accessories
  • Bijouterie
  • Paid photo session

Fashionistas who want to be in trend and closely follow the latest trends in the fashion industry will love stylish and unusual glasses.

We design in the best possible way

Even if you bought the most long-awaited latest model smartphone or purchased a trip to the Caribbean Islands, this does not exempt you from a beautiful gift design.

Create an emotional mood with a gift. Make the birthday girl look for him around the apartment, answering funny questions tricky questions, hide it in the most unexpected place, or simply pack it brightly and unconventionally, then the congratulations process will be fun and unusual.

Subscribe to the blog so you don't miss new tips. In turn, I promise to please, surprise you and offer only the most interesting ideas for holidays and bright events of your life)))

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva