Savely Kashnitsky - advice from people who do not age. Gennady Berdyshev described the “disease of contactees” Famous geneticist Gennady Berdyshev: “the meat in my pyramid can even lie without refrigeration for a whole week in the heat!”

part 7
Chapter 16. Exit from fasting and features of the body’s behavior during this period

Coming out of fasting is the period in which the greatest number of failures and negative manifestations occur.

This is due to the new physical and psychological state of the person conducting the course of therapeutic fasting.

Psychological pressure, whether the fasting person wants it or not, is constantly present in the mind during the entire period of fasting. The thought - a little more, a little more, and then... no, no, yes, it pops up in your subconscious. The day is coming when you can open your mouth to eat... A breakdown begins after the first sips of juice or the intake of any, even the most gentle, type of food. You do not yet realize that the new functional work of the entire digestive system is in a different qualitative state. His conscious and subconscious memory remembers the effectiveness of its work in the past, before fasting. Naturally, in addition to the nutritional saturation itself, the patient wants to feel how fully the digestive organs work after a 10-30-day fast... And almost everyone, especially those who do not have sufficient practice or an experienced mentor (doctor, teacher, consultant), fall into under the dictates of the “digestive brain”. A person understands that all the systems of his body are in a new qualitative state, but how they will behave... I want to check this until my body itches, not suspecting that he is dealing with the most powerful, nature-revived “centrifuge”, ready to crush and digest , with an insatiable thirst to split absolutely everything and demand, demand, demand. An inexplicable internal positive stress occurs to you - all thoughts are about only one thing. Realizing that you can’t do more... you’re smart and don’t want to violate the recommended standards perceived by your mind. You remember that recovery is preparation for fasting, and fasting itself, and the period of recovery from it and recovery. It all depends on your psychological preparation and the goal you are pursuing.

Let me give you an example. In 1992, Vladimir Sh. undertook a 30-day fast under my supervision in order to lose weight and cleanse the body. Vladimir is a prize-winner of the Ukrainian hang gliding championships. In preparation for the competition, he decided to lose 12-17 kg. The entire preparation cycle and the LH process itself were successful. Volodya achieved his goal and planned results. There is only a way out of starvation. He was fasting for the first time and had no theoretical or practical experience, although he strictly followed the recommendations. When he came out of fasting on the third day, he felt all the splendor of the results obtained, but he ignored my advice and switched to eating foods that were more varied and quantitatively exceeded the permitted norm. So within 24 hours he brought himself into a state of extreme stress. A small red rash broke out all over the body, the joints of the legs and arms became swollen, a persistent sweet taste appeared in the mouth and general weakness of the whole body appeared. I had to rinse my stomach, cleanse my large intestine with water and urine - again go on a fast for three days and then, following the recommendations, keeping myself under control, come out of hunger.

The process of overcoming hunger is the process of launching the previous mechanisms of external nutrition. A practitioner of LH must learn the following: a gentle exit regime assumes a time of recovery from hunger that is equivalent to the time of hunger or at least half the time of hunger.

However, I should note that after 10 days of LH this rule can be neglected. I eat plant foods in small quantities 5 times a day and find that getting out of hunger after a 1-10 day course does not require a juice diet. Over the course of 20 years, I came out of PH in different ways. I have accumulated a wealth of experience and now I can bring any patient out of PH, any practicing beginner in an ideal regime according to the schedule drawn up for him, the list and dosage of products, biorhythms and his own control over the output.

I also note that the exit can be carried out on any food of plant origin. The main thing is the amount of food. In support of the above, I note that in 1992 I came out of hunger (30 days) on sunflower seeds, and in 1995 on black bread crumbs. When consuming seeds, the yield is easy. A slowly moving, well-moistened with saliva, crushed chain of seeds perfectly deceives the flaring appetite, which the body copes with perfectly, and you, being free of stress, control the feeling of hunger and satiety.

The ideal gentle option is described in all the manuals that are quite accessible today. I rely on carrot juice, carrot and apple pulp with honey, and persimmon.

also that when working with the literature on PH,

this constantly, and not occasionally, you

M^ *e To bring all the necessary products, water /before the LH, during its testing, set your own lifestyle and ""isYA *" BETWEEN LH sessions.

g 0ІЇ Ukraine: ^¦р^day: Used during the day

herbal tea (mint, linden, rosehip tincture) with honey: 1 teaspoon of honey per glass of heirloom water + a circle of lemon.

""* 0^ edu" as an example" exit from 30-40 days /

l day: The same regime, only at lunch one medium-sized persimmon without skin (room temperature)

Viden: Morning: herbal tea or carrot juice. After 2 hours, 1 persimmon, carrot pulp with honey. Lunch: Carrot pulp with apple pulp and honey.

In the evening watching TV, 0.5 cups of sunflower seeds for 2-3 hours. Do not drink the liquid.
