Handmade photo gallery. Why handmade is “expensive” Only handmade

Sooner or later in the life of every passionate person, a moment arises when the cost of materials exceeds acceptable barriers, and a real exhibition of dolls, a winter garden of topiary, or a significant warehouse of boxes and panels using the decoupage technique is formed at home. And willy-nilly, thoughts arise about how to make money on your own manic hobby.

Hand-made in Russian

The audience of the post-Soviet countries can hardly be called a grateful consumer: over many years of chasing cheapness, people have forgotten how to value painstaking manual labor. However, a wealthy segment of the population has already emerged, ready to pay for the exclusive. Conquering the hearts of the target audience is not so easy - in some cases, these people have a high sense of beauty, are neat and do not tolerate flaws.

The other side of the coin is competition: hundreds of mothers on maternity leave, pensioners and simply passionate artisans can easily push you into the background with production volumes, ideas, and prices. Therefore, when starting your artisan start-up, you should keep both factors in mind.

Unspoken rules of sales

Many artisans complain that they only manage to make money at exhibitions, while others cannot find even a minute to relax, and they have to sign up for an order a month before the designated date. In the craft industry, the same laws apply as in small business: in order to push aside competitors, you need to have an original offer and the ability to present the product “with your face.”

Photo quality, background and small details play a huge role.

It is not at all necessary to study the art of photography to take high-quality photographs of your own work. You just need to give up evening photo sessions and choose well-lit places and interesting angles. Perhaps simple souvenirs and little things that are in every home will help you beat the work.

Working with personal history

People love stories. Sentimental and humorous, life-like and fantastic. If a work has a name and a story, then there will definitely be a like-minded person who will definitely buy it without hesitation.

We must not forget about people’s craving for the mystical. All kinds of amulets and talismans always quickly find a cozy home.

Respect your client!

And it’s not just about the communication between the seller and the buyer. Many craftswomen are ready to save on everything in order to reduce the cost of work: PVA craquelure, cheap fabrics and flowers from funeral service stores. Such tricks are easily recognized in comparison with high-quality materials from foreign manufacturers.

Don't use other people's work as an example

Firstly, no one has canceled copyright, and you may encounter well-founded claims from the master. Secondly, examples from Internet pages characterize you negatively - if you take someone else’s photo, it means you have nothing to show personally.


Don't be lazy to gain new knowledge on working with your material. If today you successfully sell flowers from foamiran, then tomorrow decoupage of tea houses may be at the top of popularity.

Finally, remember the important factor of your unique selling proposition. Works made under one line quickly become boring to consumers. By using your imagination, you find yourself one step ahead of your competitors.

Handmade items are exclusive goods, not intended for a wide range of people. Meanwhile, many enterprising and purposeful women manage to create a reliable business in the field of their own hobbies.

Masters Fair

Quite a large internet portal. In addition to placing finished products, you can take orders that are freely available. The Order Desk is currently operating in test mode based on the tender principle. Selling your work is quite easy - you need to register and create a store with a detailed description and photographs of your goods. One of the disadvantages of the site is the mandatory payments for placing goods for sale. You can place only 3 products for free, then you need to purchase a club card (monthly payments).

Skafos / Skafos

Skafos.ru is a unique, modern and, most importantly, safe platform for buying and selling handmade goods.

Terms of cooperation on Skafos:
1. Skafos.ru has a money-back guarantee for customers if the product is of poor quality.
2. You receive money only after receiving the parcel and only if there are no claims.
3. The buyer has three days from the date of receipt of the parcel to check the goods and contact Skafos.
4. If the buyer has no complaints (the product corresponds to the photographs on the website, description and without defects), the site transfers the money to the Master minus commissions within three days.
5. The commission is 8% of the cost of the sold Order.
6. There are no restrictions on the quantity of goods displayed.
7. The buyer pays for delivery, the delivery cost is fixed and amounts to 250 rubles; it does not need to be registered when adding a product; it will appear automatically. If you have an expensive and heavy package, the creators recommend that you take this into account when determining the cost of the product.
8. Skafos does not charge money for registration and for placing goods, everything is free. The site only retains a commission from the product sold.


Quite an interesting resource. It contains a lot of interesting information, you can watch master classes, start your own blog. And, of course, sell handmade works


When you think about where to place your goods for sale on the Internet, large online malls such as eBay (www.ebay.com), Etsy (www.etsy.com), and the new project Artfire.com (www.artfire.com) come to mind. com) or our Runet Fair of Masters (www.livemaster.ru). However, there are other places that can become a good platform and attract their clients to you, even if only a few people.


Information from the site http://lencanovst.narod.ru/article002.html

First, let's look at the process of publishing photos step by step. Tip: if you are photographing models of knitted clothes, then in the photo the clothes must be on a person or at least on a mannequin! Clothes do NOT look good on a hanger or on a horizontal surface and do NOT reveal all their beauty! Note: if you are preparing photos of napkins, blankets, curtains, etc., then shoot in the interior - a napkin on the table, putting a book next to it or placing a vase, a curtain on the window, etc. For a knitted item in itself is not interesting to the viewer - it is interesting how it lives, how it decorates the world.

Step 1: First, you need to prepare your photos.

1.1. Prepare the products themselves and accessories (decorative pins, brooches, ribbons, etc.) for them as needed.

1.2. Find a model on whom you will shoot knitted clothes, and a photographer. If you take pictures yourself, then choose/find a camera, preferably a digital one.

1.3. Decide on the location and time of filming. If the photo is taken by a professional photographer, then you can conduct a photo session in his studio. If you shoot yourself, it’s better to choose either shooting outdoors (there may be difficulties with the weather or changing the model’s clothes), or indoors against a neutral background.

1.4. The immediate moment of shooting. Take as many frames as possible from all possible angles (this is where you will appreciate the beauty of a digital camera). The majority of the frame should be allocated to the model itself - do not capture the entire surrounding area, the viewer will be interested not in the surrounding landscape, but in the detailed image of the clothing.

1.5. Photo processing. You (or whoever you entrust this stage to) need to have at least a superficial knowledge of one of the photo processing programs - ACDSee, PhotoShop or others. Leave the originals! Better yet, save them on a CD so as not to lose them in the event of possible computer failures/reconfigurations and other disasters (for example, due to lack of forethought, I lost the source files of the photos twice). Experiment with copies of the originals. Burn the finished copies onto a CD, too.

Next step.

Step 2. Go online

I'll give you some advice right away.

Tip 1. Create a profile file to save addresses, logins and passwords.

Since there are a huge number of sites, forums, mailing lists, etc., and many places offer registration, you need to remember the site address, your login and password for each such source. Advice: get yourself a separate file (Word or Excel - whichever is more convenient for you) in which you will write down all this information (source address, your login and password) - do not hope that you will be able to remember all this or that by checking the “remember me” box ", you don't have to remember the password. What if you forget the address of an interesting site? What if you only get to this forum in a month or two? What if they reinstall something on your computer and all the settings are lost?

Tip 2. Don’t neglect the “Favorites”

You can add frequently visited pages to your web browser's Favorites.

So where can we make ourselves known online and/or find interesting knitting information?

2.1 Forums. A forum is a tool for communication on a website, where topics are open in various sections to which you can write messages. Each message has an author, topic and actual content; you can attach pictures. Messages posted to the forum may be retained indefinitely and may not necessarily be answered on the same day the question was posted.

And many others; There are also communities there in other languages.

"Knitting" and similar handicraft communities on Dairi -

Required: register on the site, then join communities if you wish. Although comments on many diaries can be left anonymously. You can read without registration (without logging in with your login).

Pros: there are many similar knitters here with whom you can exchange information; Comments on a post may be sent to your email.

Cons: Entries are in chronological order rather than in any structural order.

Are there already too many addresses, logins and passwords? But you have created a separate file for recording all this information (you can call it a profile file), and you quickly go to sites from Favorites?

Is it difficult for you to understand all these registrations, terms and concepts of information tools? Well, there’s nothing you can do about it - of course, at first the search for information or registration can be transferred to someone else’s shoulders (relatives, friends), but sooner or later you will have to master it yourself. In fact, there is nothing scary or difficult; the main thing is gradual assimilation and unflagging interest.

2.3 Photo albums - special sites for organizing and viewing photo galleries. You can usually add a title, short description, and viewer comments to your photos.

There are also foreign languages, for example, http://www.flickr.com, but working with them requires knowledge of a foreign language. But even if you figure out how to place your photos, think about your Russian-speaking visitors who may not be able to navigate your folders.

Required: Register.

Pros: You can upload all your photos, and send friends not megabytes of photos, but simply a link to the address of your album. You can view view statistics. Some sites allow you to block access to photo albums. On some photo sites you can search by keyword, author, etc. For example, on http://photofile.ru, try searching by the name of the albums “knitting”.

Cons: You can’t chat much on photo sites, you won’t leave much information, and there’s no need to - the main goal is to publish photos.

Required: Register (on free sites or buy a domain name). Create a website and place it at the chosen address.

Pros: You are the owner of the site and that says it all.

Cons: Requires at least an advanced level of PC user, although on free sites the site construction is based on completely understandable templates. Or you can order the creation of a website for a fee from professionals, but you will still need a lot of special knowledge if you want your brainchild to be interesting, useful and visited, and not just “on its own, there it is - and that’s okay.”

Of course, such a topic can take up not just a few pages, but entire books, but now we are simply getting acquainted with the possibilities, choosing which of all this variety is most suitable for us.

I hope that in the issues about the Internet for knitters, you found something new and interesting for yourself, were able to post photographs of your work on the vastness of the global network, communicated in forums, made announcements in communities on diaries, perhaps sent photos of your knitted creations to some a website, or maybe even made your own personal page. But you shouldn’t stop there.

And our next step

Step 3. Communicate, communicate, communicate... keep in touch

After all, you not only “showed yourself”, but also “watched people” - you probably met interesting craftswomen-colleagues or found links to interesting sources. Don't lose this valuable information and contacts. Links to sites can not only be saved in your browser favorites, but it is better to duplicate them by writing addresses in a separate file; contacts with knitters can also be saved in a file or mailbox address book. This will make it easier to store and find the information you need. After all, you went online not for a one-time “demonstration”, but for frequent and fruitful communication? So let's communicate and exchange the most valuable thing we have - information :).

Information from the site http://lenchanovst.narod.ru/article002.html

Website I CAN-NADO.http://www.mogu-nado.ru/

You can use your talents on this project. You can just show it, or you can put it up for sale. You can do charity work or find business partners. For now, sales and participation in the site are FREE.
Try your hand! Meet other masters! PM




On Instagram I follow not only friends, but also various designers and hand-makers. And in their comments I often see phrases like: “I want it, but it’s expensive” or “Why is it so expensive?” or something like that.
I've always wondered what these questioners are counting on? That they will now be offered a discount? Or that the seller will be ashamed, scratch his turnip and say: “Damn, something is wrong, I bent. Prices are half!”

A certain percentage of them want to prick the seller with their comment. This is clearly evident from the context and the intonation in which the comment is written. One would, of course, think that one would not understand the intonation in a comment on the Internet, but in fact, no. If it says something like: " Damn, what are your prices here...- then the intonation, in general, is guessed. But, apparently, these commentators do not realize that they managed to inject themselves first of all.

Because what is “expensive”? This is a subjective assessment. This means that you would like this thing for yourself (which means it’s a good thing), but you cannot afford to pay such a price. And this means only one thing: you did not earn your desires. And the seller is not to blame for this.

A thing you don't need cannot be expensive. If you don't need a Ferrari, then it doesn't matter how many millions it costs. And it’s not expensive for you, it’s just his price. So what? You don't need him anyway.
And, unfortunately, not many people understand what prices are made up of. Moreover, the price of handmade designer items. I didn’t understand it before either))

Do you think even simple bracelets made on memory wire are so easy to make? Of course, it seems, just sit there and string beads. But, firstly, not everyone can sit like that and string 7 rows of small beads. Secondly, vision gets tired. Thirdly, one awkward movement, the wire springs and all these beads scatter across the floor. And you have to start all over again.

I'm not even talking about jewelry where these beads are not strung, but sewn on! This is a hell of a job for me. And although I personally am not close to such jewelry, I understand how complex and painstaking work it is.
Often, when I write about designers, I am surprised at how affordable their prices are for their work! In particular, about one bag designer alreadywrote to the magazine and we are waiting for photos from another one. In my opinion, they have amazing bags that are quite inexpensive, considering the natural leather, handmade, and limited edition. But even they have expensive commentators.

And I didn’t ask, but I’m wondering: people who are “dear” don’t care in what form they receive this thing? And in general, would they like this thing if it lay in a trunk filled with a bunch of other things?

After all, what does the price consist of? Of course, firstly, this is the cost of materials. Then it is the time and work of the master. And this includes packaging, beautiful presentation, photo sessions with models, and simply beautiful photographs. After all, all this is also not taken from the closet. The photographer needs to be paid, the model needs to be paid, the studio needs to be rented. Or buy a good camera, buy a photo cube, and other gadgets.

Plus time for processing photos, writing texts, adding all this to stores. Here, too, you either pay freelancers for their work or waste your time. But in any case, these are costs that the sold item must then cover with its price.

And here’s the question: what would you rather receive? A beautiful thing in a beautiful package with a beautiful presentation or “something” from sale “all for 10 rubles”? If the thing is in disarray, then why do you even come to stores that are dear to you? Go to the collapse and enjoy shopping.

Another aspect is the so-called wholesale. For some reason, not everyone understands that wholesale in factory production and in manual work are two different things. And even in handmade work, it’s one thing when you buy 10 pieces of already ready-made things at once - then yes, you can ask for a discount. And it’s a completely different matter when you ask for 10 pieces of something to be made to order for you personally and for this you also ask for a discount!

Handmade work only becomes more expensive due to volume. This is when you bought a machine for a factory for a million, you divide its price by the products produced. And then, of course, if you produced one thing with it, its value will be a million. And if there are a million things, then 1 ruble. And then, of course, it’s cheaper in bulk.

But handmade to order is a completely different story! Manual labor only becomes more expensive in quantity)) Because it’s one thing when a master creates from inspiration and does what and as much as he wants. And it’s a completely different matter when he needs to sew 10 identical skirts by Wednesday. First of all, it's boring. And, secondly, these are his hands, his vision, his time, and the amount of work does not make it any cheaper.

I present to you a selection - “Handmade photo gallery”. Here you can see the works of famous artists and craftsmen of various techniques: from wool felting to hand-forged steel.

The culture of any nation clearly and very clearly manifests itself in folk crafts. Quite a lot of crafts and needlework have survived to this day, which are not only valuable for folk art in general, but also cultural value in general.

Handmade - what is it?

Basically, when it comes to needlework, any person imagines a woman doing this work. After all, sewing, knitting, weaving and embroidery are primarily activities for women. However, if you have imagination and strength for creativity, almost anyone can do this.

Every product that is made by hand has value for a person. Those who become the owner of the product receive a certain attachment, primarily not material, but emotional.

Even bread, as is often said, tastes better when it is prepared by hand, rather than using mechanical instruments. The same is true with needlework; For many, handicrafts are not only a way to distract themselves or waste time, but also a way to earn money.

Handmade souvenirs - embroidered, molded or painted - are successfully sold in shops of the same name and for tourists or art connoisseurs they have their own value. Some people are interested in seeing the reflection of mythology in intricate embroidery or paintings on pottery, some love the history of a particular people, and others simply liked the souvenir.

Modern needlework and handmade souvenirs in general are often called “handmade”, or translated into Russian as “made by hand”.

Borrowing foreign words for the modern designation of some crafts is a common practice, but this can confuse or even frighten some novice needlewomen; It’s much easier to say “patchwork” than “patchwork”, even if the second is shorter, but in the first case it is more understandable to most.

An excellent example of a somewhat extinct craft is blacksmithing. Of course, there are still blacksmiths of the tenth or more generations, but there are extremely few of them, and there is no particular need for blacksmithing in modern times - life has become more measured, armor and armor in the present time are needed only for decoration rather than protection.

Like blacksmithing, pottery, jewelry and carpentry have also existed since ancient times. One of the literally brilliant crafts is jewelry; Jewelry artists' main mission is to make it look beautiful and have artistic value, while most of them work with soul, and the end result is beautiful jewelry.

One example of an artist-jeweler is Carl Gustavovich Fabergé, his famous Faberge eggs. Among her contemporaries, Alexandra Tenzo clearly shows herself, in whose products eastern and northern flavors are intertwined, coupled with great-power chic, which perfectly characterizes the beauty of the country.

Modern craft cannot escape carpentry and carpentry. Without hesitation, we can say that both of these crafts are handicrafts, but with the use of auxiliary tools (such as saws, hammers, planers, etc.). Mostly men do this, since not every woman can physically saw, chop and plan wood; carpentry and joinery are in perfect harmony with subsequent painting and wood carving.

For each of us, home is a haven where we want to return, spend warm evenings with our family and take a break from everyday problems. Modern household appliances, new furniture, electronics make living in the house comfortable and convenient.

But how can you make your home cozy? How to create comfort with your own hands in your own home?

And here handmade crafts made from natural materials, patchwork, crafts made from wool, paper, ceramics, glass, etc. will become indispensable.

All of them will become a unique and exquisite decoration of your home. A completely new direction is. Think about what type of needlework you are passionate about, look around and use your imagination.

Hand forged and welded steel

Author's cast paper, embossed photo

Chamotte, glazes, enamels

Handmade is now more valuable than ever. Everyone understands perfectly well that factory production will never reach such a level. And therefore, handmade products as a business are profitable. But even here there are subtleties and pitfalls. Let's deal with them.

Business “Handmade Products” - where to start?

To begin with, you need to decide on the form of work. Handmade products are made to order or for sale. Both types of work are different. The advantages of working to order are that you do not waste time and money. You complete the order, knowing in advance that it will be paid soon. When making products for sale, you don’t think about deadlines and work in a relaxed manner.

Where to look for buyers?

Before looking for a buyer, determine your target audience (target audience). Let's say you make children's clothing. Your buyer could be the child's mother or father, or maybe grandparents, or family friends. But most often it will be the mother who buys the clothes. Therefore, your target audience is not everyone, but only mothers. It’s not worth wasting energy and money on the rest, these are just a few.

Once you have decided on your target audience, look for ways to contact them. We're talking about advertising. Come up with advertising places that most of your target audience can see. Since it is not relevant for a business selling handmade products to use expensive promotion methods, use social networks, forums, and message boards.

How not to burn out?

Most often, this business is preferred by girls, because for them the choice here is huge: you can sew, knit, sculpt, burn, draw and much more. And any of these types of business starts with a simple home hobby.

And when making crafts exists at an amateur level, you don’t think about costs, unplanned expenses and maneuvering between cost and final price. You just do what you like. As soon as handmade products move from the category of crafts to goods, then the process itself must become different.

  1. Contrary to expectations. For those who make custom products, you will have to prepare for the fact that the amount of creativity in your work will lose all meaning. After all, each of your customers will have their own vision, their own desire and their own requirements. Therefore, it is important not to go too far and not do things your own way. The more subtly you hear and understand the customer, the more satisfied he will be. It doesn’t matter whether you think the final product is beautiful or not. It is important that the customer wanted to get exactly this.
  1. Don't skimp on improving your skills. In the handicraft business, your greatest asset is your skills. And if they don't improve, they only get worse. Proven fact. So don't skimp on training in your field: improve your production skills, learn how to sell, learn the latest ways to stimulate sales and interact with the client.
  1. Expense accounting. Now that your products are bringing you profit, it is important to learn how to count. Record all your expenses for the materials you use for production. Don’t forget about even the smallest expenses, because sometimes several of them together add up to a significant amount. Costs must be taken into account both after the overall purchase and after the order is made. This way you can find out how much of what you spent on making one thing.
  1. Reasonable savings. Reducing costs (time and money) without compromising the quality of the product is the task of any company. The closer you are to this point, the more profit one unit of goods sold brings. For example, foam balls are often used in topiary making. You need to buy them or make them yourself. In the first case it is money, in the second it is time. Instead of foam, you can use crumpled paper wrapped with tape. The surface will still be covered with decor, and the quality of the product will not deteriorate. Same with everything else.
  1. Customer analysis. The better you know your buyer, the more productive your sales will be. Analyze demand, divide your consumers into groups based on characteristic characteristics. Later, think about how to increase sales within this group.
  1. Demand analysis. For those who produce products for sale, it is important to be able to predict demand. For example, knitted sweaters will not be relevant in the summer, and on the eve of the holidays you will have to produce a double quota of souvenir products.
  1. Time spent. Not only the cost of the product must pay off. Your work, your time and effort should also pay off. Therefore, set a decent price for your product. But don’t forget that everyone wants to buy cheaper. Therefore, analyze competitors' prices. If you don't have a compelling advantage, relatively high prices will ruin your business.