Rosemary medicinal properties and contraindications essential oil. Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is obtained through steam distillation from the flowers and leaves of the plant. The appearance of the cosmetic product resembles a light liquid consistency of a colorless or yellowish tint with a predominance of a pronounced fresh aroma. Despite a certain amount of bitterness present in the smell of the oil, it carries a rather pleasant charge, filled with comfort and warmth.

Composition and properties

Essential oil consists of the following components:

  • limonene;
  • camphor;
  • paracymene;
  • camphene;
  • pinene;
  • cineola;
  • borneol;
  • linalool;
  • terpineol.

Rosemary oil is actively used in cosmetology, medicine, and cooking. Ether largely has:

  • Antibacterial and antispasmodic properties - with a complete absence of sedative results subsequently. Quickly relieves muscle pain, tension and fatigue.
  • Regenerative effect on oily skin with rashes and redness.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects in the presence of diseases of neuritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. Essential oil in a short time allows you to forget about migraines and relieve fatigue from the eyeball, which occurs with increased stress.
  • With systematic use allows you to get rid of deep scars and scars. There is a gradual resorption of the applied sutures, after which they become completely inconspicuous.
  • Gives softness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Eliminates dandruff from the scalp.
  • Accelerates the growth process hair and perform deep cleaning.
  • Allows you to shrink pores and give an even layer of relief to the skin.
  • Cleanses the skin from any rashes and counteract their new appearance.

How to apply a cosmetic product

Rosemary oil has been used for skin care for a long time. If you have oily skin, experts recommend using a product of the borneol-camphor type. It will greatly improve your appearance, tighten pores and make your skin as soft and smooth as possible.

Pursuing the goal of toning and softening, you should use oil in daily care. To do this, you will need to mix the cream or face mask you are using with 4-5 drops of rosemary.
If there are significant defects on the skin of the face, you should adhere to systematic procedures using oil, which will make it possible to quickly forget about acne, pimples and restore a healthy shade of the skin.

If your facial skin is of a dry type, you should purchase the verbenone type of rosemary, which in a short period of time will increase the tone and elasticity of the skin, normalize the water balance, improve blood circulation and counteract the appearance of age-related wrinkles.

Rosemary oil tones the skin and improves blood circulation, so cosmetologists advise using the plant in the fight against. In addition, the use of such a healing liquid substance can regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the pain threshold with the next onset of women's days.

To relax and minimize the frustrations you experience during the day, you can take a bath with added oil (about 10 drops). If necessary, quick vigor can be acquired through a massage if you add a couple of drops of a medicinal plant to the massage oil.

Representatives of the fair sex very often use a liquid substance to care for their hair.

Rosemary is especially effective in the presence of increased oily scalp. Thanks to systematic procedures, you can quickly relieve inflammation, skin irritation, etc., which will bring you closer to the moment of pride in your long, healthy locks. To strengthen the hair cuticles, just add rosemary oil to an ordinary strengthening mask.

The best recipes with essential oil

Rosemary oil is widely used in comprehensive hair care. Below are recipes that have experimentally shown the maximum effectiveness of the product.

Hair Recipes

A mask that helps strengthen hair and gives natural shine (for dry and normal hair types)

Let's take as a basis:

  • – 45 ml;
  • jojoba oil – 25 ml.

After mixing both liquids, gradually add essential oils of rosemary (4 ml), calamus (3 ml) and birch (2-3 ml). Mix thoroughly and after five minutes apply the resulting medicinal mixture to the root system of the hair and scalp. When applying, use light massage movements. Wrap your hair in a warm towel and hold the mask on for about 60-80 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and regular strengthening shampoo.

A mask that helps restore brittle hair and prevents excessive hair loss

  • macadamia oil – 25 ml;
  • avocado oil – 25 ml;
  • jojoba oil – 25 ml.

After thoroughly mixing the base, add rosemary, ylang-ylang oil (about 4 ml of each), 2 ml of chamomile and 1 ml of birch. Having combined all the ingredients, apply the product to the scalp and hair and wrap your head with a warm towel. Keep the mask on for about 60-80 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Mask that helps get rid of dandruff

Mix 25 ml with rosemary, lavender, cedarwood esters (2 ml each). Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the main composition. After thoroughly mixing the healing mixture, gently rub into the root system of the hair. Keep the mask on for about 70 minutes. Wash off with warm water and anti-dandruff shampoo.

Recipes for skin

Compresses to help get rid of scars and other skin defects

Combine 25 ml of peach liquid ether with 4 ml of rosemary oil product. After thorough mixing, soak the resulting mixture with a regular napkin and apply to the problem area. Hold the compress for about 20-30 minutes. After removal, the skin is cleansed with cool water. The recommended period of use is 3 times a day for 6 weeks.

Tonic that promotesand eliminating blackheads

50 grams of dry rosemary inflorescence should be infused in 400 ml of boiling water for about 2-3 hours. After this, 3 ml of plant ether is stirred in the resulting infusion and, after straining, the tonic liquid is left in a cold room for 4-5 days. After this, the tonic will be ready for use. They should treat clean skin 3 times a day for 5-7 weeks.

Oily skin care product

Combine 3 ml of rosemary ether with 15 ml of milk thistle. Apply to facial skin and hold for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Apply daily morning and evening.

Lotion that has a lifting effect

Main components:

  • 30 g chamomile inflorescences;
  • 10 ml rosemary ether;
  • 12 g peppermint;
  • 20 g;
  • 1 tbsp. white wine.

Mix all the ingredients in a deep container and leave to infuse for 14-16 days. After the allotted time, the liquid should be filtered and treated with a cotton swab every evening before bed. The procedural complex is designed for 30-50 days, depending on the initial condition of the skin.

Enrichment of cosmetics

By adding esters to cosmetic products, you can significantly enrich their composition and increase the level of benefit that the procedures performed will bring.

To increase the beneficial properties, rosemary ether can be added in the following proportions:

  • moisturizer– 25 drops per 300 g;
  • shampoo– 60 drops per 500 ml;
  • body oil– 15 drops per 300 ml;
  • face mask– 9 drops per 1 procedural portion.


If necessary, the cosmetic product can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. The average cost for an essential product is in the range of 110-150 rubles per 10 ml bottle.

Rosemary extract has been used by mankind for a long time. Its unique properties continue to be widely used.

History of application

The tall Mediterranean shrub rosemary (“sea dew”) with narrow leaves and blue flowers has inspired, nourished and healed people with its powerful, pleasant scent since ancient times. While athletes who shone with muscular strength were crowned with laurel, wise Greek philosophers wore rosemary wreaths, which cleared the mind and improved memory. Since ancient times, the disinfectant and healing properties of rosemary have been known - its twigs protected meat products from spoilage, and smoke sanctified temples.

In the Middle Ages, rosemary incense was used to ward off evil spirits and resist epidemics, and at the end of the Middle Ages, in the 14th century, the famous alchemist Raymond Lull first isolated rosemary essential oil using steam distillation.

Nowadays, this quintessence of “sea dew” is used in medicine and aromatherapy, cosmetology and cooking. The fresh and strong scent of rosemary brings its bright note to the aromatic products of the famous houses Lancome, Guerlain, YvesSaintLaurent, Rochas, NinaRicci, Givenchy.

Plantations of rosemary bushes for industrial production have been planted in France, the Balkans and Tunisia.

Obtaining rosemary extract, its characteristics and combinations with other essential oils

The aromatic “soul” of rosemary is extracted from its leaves and flowering shoots by steam distillation. As a result of this procedure, a colorless or light yellow liquid extract is released from plant materials, which has a strongly pronounced minty-herbal, bitter-spicy odor with light woody and balsamic notes. This bouquet is determined by a specific mixture of aldehyde, ketone, ether, alcohol and terpene components.

Rosemary oil goes well with essential extracts of any citrus fruit, as well as aromatic essences of incense, thyme, cedar, basil, myrtle, ginger, verbena, geranium, peppermint and lemon mint, cinnamon and cloves. Thanks to this, it has found wide application in cosmetology.

The invigorating freshness of rosemary is absolutely incompatible With essential products with a calming effect - how valerian, so lavender.

Basic properties

Steam extract of “sea dew” has a wide range of effects on the human body:

  • relieves pain and spasms, but does not calm, but invigorates;
  • stimulates the activity of the nervous system;
  • normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system;
  • disinfects skin and mucous membranes;
  • leads to normal function of the cardiovascular system;
  • optimizes blood circulation, including cerebral circulation;
  • accelerates the processes of cellular metabolism and regeneration;
  • treats respiratory organs;
  • is a natural antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

Useful properties of oil in cosmetology:

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to its unique valuable properties, rosemary essential extract is successfully used for household, cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. This aromatic natural elixir:

  • heals the scalp, enhances growth
  • smoothes out wrinkles, including quite deep ones;
  • relieves inflammation, dries out acne;
  • relieves headaches, normalizes low and “jumping” blood pressure;
  • helps improve well-being, increases performance;
  • relieves the condition of a runny nose and diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • gives strength to the walls of blood vessels, improves the condition of varicose veins;
  • improves indoor air health;
  • activates intimate life.

However, this natural remedy has the following specific features:

  • Increases skin sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, cosmetic mixtures with rosemary should not be used even 2-3 hours before going outdoors on fine days;
  • The tart extract most often causes a slight burning sensation when applied to the skin. For sensitive skin, the irritation is still too strong.

To ensure your individual tolerance to rosemary oil, apply a drop of the extract to the inside of your wrist. If the inflammatory reaction does not go away within 24 hours, you should stop using this extract as a cosmetic product.


The list of effective mixtures containing rosemary essential oil is extremely wide. A few specific recipes give some idea of ​​the rich potential of this product.

Application in medicine:

  • for nervous exhaustion, baths with ten drops of rosemary essential preparation per 200 liters of water are recommended;
  • for headaches, 25 ml of sunflower oil with 1 ml of essential rosemary extract should be rubbed into the scalp;
  • To heal ulcers and abscesses, apply a warm compress with three drops of rosemary oil for half an hour.


  • Oil mask for oily and problematic skin: apply 10 ml of grape seed oil extract with two drops of rosemary essential extract to cleansed facial skin, remove with a paper napkin after 40 minutes. This remedy is used prophylactically twice a week, and for medicinal purposes - daily.
  • Anti-cellulite massage: every day after a shower, rub a portion of the massage product with 3-4 drops of rosemary into the target areas for 10 minutes. The result becomes noticeable after two weeks.
  • Rejuvenating mask: mix 3-4 drops of rosemary oil with 10 ml of rosehip oil, apply to the face and neck for 45 minutes, then remove the remaining oil mask with a napkin. Apply daily.
  • Rosemary essential oil for hair in an amount of 5 drops is dissolved in 250 ml of mineral water and used for rinsing after washing twice a week for three months. Hair becomes much thicker and healthier.

Application of facial oil:

Use in aromatherapy:

  • To humidify the air and improve the health of the upper respiratory tract, use the following medicinal mixture for the aroma lamp: a drop of essential oils of mountain pine, palmarosa and sage with three drops of rosemary preparation and the same amount of essential lemon extract.
  • For insomnia, the following composition is effective: 3 drops of juniper, two drops each of orange and jasmine with one drop of rosemary.
  • An aromatic mixture of thyme (3 drops), rosemary (2 drops), geranium (2 drops) oils normalizes low blood pressure.


Except in cases of individual intolerance, rosemary essential preparation is contraindicated for:

  • under 7 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • epilepsy and predisposition to seizures;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • inflammatory skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • high blood pressure and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • autoimmune diseases;

It should also be noted that the sea dew extract is completely neutralizes the effect of homeopathic medicines.


A powerful rosemary concentrate is used in its pure form only to lubricate acne and small areas of damaged skin. In other cases it is used in moderation:

  • for aromatizing the air - from three to five drops per area of ​​15 square meters;
  • in mixtures for inhalation - up to 3 drops per 1-2 liters of heated water;
  • in aromatic pendants – no more than 3 drops;
  • for massage - up to 7 drops per tablespoon of base oil;
  • for baths - up to 7 drops per milk, honey or salt emulsifier. Then the composition is dissolved in half a liter of water and poured into the bath;
  • when rinsing – up to 5 drops per 250 ml of warm water;
  • for compresses - 5-7 drops per liter of warm water;
  • when rubbing - 7 drops per teaspoon of base oil;
  • for applications you will need up to 8 drops per teaspoon of base oil;
  • enrich cosmetics with 2-3 drops of rosemary extract per teaspoon of base cream.

Rosemary oil(English Rosemary oil, Latin Rosmarinus oleum) is an essential product that is made from rosemary shoots. This evergreen shrub grows in western Europe, northern Africa and partly on the Balkan Peninsula. A special method of obtaining oil by water-steam distillation allows you to create the most concentrated liquid and preserve the beneficial properties of the plant. The final product is often added to perfume compositions, used in aromatherapy, as well as for skin and hair care.

Rosemary essential oil

Motherland rosemary essential oil– Mediterranean region. Back in the 14th century, it was used to fight evil spirits, which at that time were considered the main cause of all diseases. After using it, people note a significant improvement in their skin condition, absence of headaches and other positive changes. Now the main producers of the oil are pharmaceutical companies in Tunisia and Spain.

The company has been demonstrating high quality products for 50 years Now Foods . Manufacturers offer rosemary essential oil"Essential Oils, Rosemary" (1 fl oz, 30 ml). The product contains natural undiluted plant oil and is therefore highly concentrated. Its effect is aimed at cleansing the body and improving mood. Aromatherapy with oil is no less useful: it tones and calms the nervous system.

  1. Do not use pure product.
  2. For aromatherapy, mix with base oils: , olive, or.

Rosemary oil: composition

Not every aroma product has such a rich chemical composition as rosemary oil. This provides its beneficial properties and makes it popular among buyers. The oil contains the following components:

  • terpene alcohols and their terpenoid derivatives (α- and β-pinenes, borneol, camphene, camphor, cineole, bornyl acetate and others);
  • , and other B vitamins;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • microelements (, iron,);
  • tannins;
  • bitterness and resin.

It is worth noting that rosemary essential oil consists of 10% water, which makes it very light and fairly fluid in consistency. By consuming it internally, you don’t have to worry about calories: 100 g of the product contains a little more than 300 kcal.

Rosemary oil: properties

Rosemary oil has both pronounced properties and hidden ones, which few people know about. First of all, it affects certain areas of the brain and increases blood circulation, thereby improving memory. This quality is confirmed by many historical sources. It is known that in Greece, students wore rosemary jewelry to increase mental alertness and pass exams, and scientists used it to memorize foreign words.

Other, but no less important properties rosemary essential oil:

  1. It is a natural pain reliever and effectively relieves headaches. But, unlike ready-made medications, it does not cause sleep disturbances, but tones the body.
  2. Capable of killing pathogenic bacteria and preventing their reproduction. This strengthens the body’s defenses, and it begins to fight the infection on its own.
  3. Positively affects the functioning of the digestive system. Namely, it replenishes the deficiency of gastric juice, relieves inflammation of the gastric mucosa and inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues.
  5. Aroma rosemary oil helps to avoid mental disorders such as emotional exhaustion and simply lack of mood.
  6. It briefly increases blood pressure, thereby normalizing blood circulation to all vital organs.
  7. Increases sexual desire.
  8. It has anti-sclerotic properties and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
  9. Relieves cough.

According to chemical indicators, the oil has a yellow tint or no color at all. The smell is pungent and very strong, and after internal use the aftertaste of herbs remains in the mouth. Don't worry if the product becomes viscous and darker over time: this is a natural process during storage.

Rosemary oil: application

They are used in both classical and alternative medicine. Its properties are useful in cosmetic procedures, aromatherapy, and in addition, they have found application in the treatment of problems with internal organs.

Rosemary essential oil used in such cases:

  • inflammation of the skin, dermatological diseases, healing of scars and cicatrices;
  • headaches, acute and chronic pain in the heart muscle and other organs;
  • insomnia, depression (also helps);
  • muscle fatigue;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • tissue damage accompanied by pathological processes (for example, rheumatism);
  • excess cholesterol;
  • lack of potency in men;
  • early toxicosis in pregnant women.

Pleasant smell rosemary oil indispensable in aromatic lamps, baths, and used for therapeutic massages. It acts as a calming agent for the nervous system and also balances the emotional state. A person gets rid of psychological problems and feels more confident.

Rosemary oil: for hair

Rosemary oil often added to shampoos and hair masks. It normalizes the production of sebum, due to which the pores open, the growth of hair follicles accelerates and their quality improves. Other changes you may notice:

  • hair becomes elastic and shiny;
  • their structure is strengthened, so there are significantly fewer lost hairs on the comb;
  • the problem of dandruff is solved;
  • the freshness of the hair is maintained for a long time;
  • damaged hair looks healthy and well-groomed.

WITH rosemary oil You can prepare several effective masks:

  1. To get rid of hair loss, you need to combine it with burdock. If this is not possible, it is replaced with castor oil. The main remedy is a few drops per 1 tbsp. extra oil. Apply the finished mask to your hair and leave for half an hour. Then wash the remains thoroughly with your usual shampoo.
  2. Dry hair will be reduced by a mask made from other ingredients. Mix 2-3 drops rosemary oil, 1 egg yolk and 2.5 tbsp. almond oil Apply the mixture to your head and rinse after 30 minutes.

Rosemary oil: for face

The main area of ​​application of the essential product is cosmetology. Rosemary oil reduces skin oiliness, tightens pores and cleanses them of sebum. Gradually, the top layer of skin smoothes out and becomes elastic. This affects the appearance: the woman looks young, possible skin problems are practically invisible.

The product has another effect on dry skin:

  • peeling is eliminated;
  • the rough epidermis softens;
  • the feeling of tightness disappears.

Important! IN rosemary oil contains many chemical elements, including calcium. It activates the production of the main protein of strong and elastic skin.

Recipes for masks based on this ether are varied. In addition to the main component and base oil, egg yolk is added to the mixture. The maximum time for using masks is half an hour, so as not to cause irritation. Another way to use it is to add a couple of drops to a rich face cream and smear it on your skin before going to bed. 2-3 drops are enough for a standard jar.

Rosemary oil: for body skin

After use rosemary oil the skin of the body becomes elastic and smooth, because the ether removes fluid from it and relieves swelling. Penetrating into the deep skin, the product helps stimulate blood flow, improves metabolism and, accordingly, the condition of the epidermis. The oil is used separately or added to shower gels, masks and wrap mixtures.

Rosemary oil: for nails

Brittle and peeling nails will no longer be a problem if you regularly give them baths with rosemary oil. To do this you need 1 tsp. sea ​​salt, 2 drops of oil and 300 ml of warm water. The ingredients are mixed in this order, because if it gets directly into the water, the oil will not dissolve, but will float on the surface. Then you need to put your hands in the container and wait 15 minutes. Do the procedure twice a week. Within a month, your nails will noticeably become stronger and look well-groomed.

Rosemary oil: for acne

Problematic skin also requires care, and is a popular remedy for fighting acne and. Since their appearance is associated with damage to the pilosebaceous apparatus of the skin, the oil mixture relieves inflammation and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Before the procedures, the skin is cleansed. The product is applied to acne spots using a cotton swab or disk. This treatment is effective if the causes of acne are known and are not associated with severe pathologies.

People with mixed skin types are more likely to experience this problem. They will be helped by a therapeutic mask based on (2-3 drops), (5 ml) and oil (20 ml). The application procedure is the same as for face masks.

It is worth noting that the oil strengthens the walls of blood vessels. This reduces the risk of developing rosacea. In addition to purulent pimples and swelling, the disease is characterized by the appearance of vascular networks, redness and inflammation of the skin. The oil can be used both to prevent disease and to treat it.

Rosemary oil: for blemishes

After acne treatment, spots and marks often remain on the skin. To eliminate skin defects, you need to use the same recipes as for fighting acne. But there is another useful combination - rosemary oil(3 drops) and green clay (1 tbsp). The mixture is diluted with water, applied to problem areas and washed off after drying. If the skin is dry, then you need to apply moisturizer on top.

Both components cleanse oily skin of dead cells and remove unwanted pigmentation. After using the mask, redness is observed, so it is better to do it before bed so that the skin acquires a natural shade overnight. If the clay is applied pointwise, the effect will be more noticeable, but at first the skin will itch and peel.

Rosemary oil: for cellulite

Anti-cellulite effect rosemary oil most pronounced compared to other esters. With its help, fluid is actively removed from tissues, microcirculation improves, and fat metabolism is normalized, because cellulite is nothing more than stagnation of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer.

At home, you can perform therapeutic massages and rubbing with rosemary oil. You also need to mix it with base oils, as in previous recipes. Massage is carried out 2 times a day. In this case, the liquid is applied to problem areas, either with your hands or with a sponge.

Another way to get rid of cellulite is body wraps. It is necessary to dilute apple cider vinegar with the same amount of water, and then add 2-3 drops of rosemary and mint to the mixture. Rub into the skin, wrap in cling film and warm yourself (put on clothes, lie under a blanket). After an hour, take a shower and apply moisturizer.

Rosemary oil: for scars

It helps with scars and scars on the skin in combination with sesame or rosehip. 1 drop per 1 tsp is enough. one of the base oils. Mix the components and apply for 15 minutes to places where there were wounds and deep marks remained. Users also note a good effect after using masks with green clay.

Rosemary oil: for stretch marks

Ability rosemary oil improve blood circulation is used not only to eliminate cellulite, but also stretch marks. Most women in middle age or after pregnancy face this problem. Thus, it starts the process of cell regeneration and the gradual restoration of healthy skin.

For procedures, mix 3 drops of oil with fatty base oils (almond, jojoba). Their volume is at least 1 tsp. The mixture is rubbed in with massage movements until completely absorbed. Suitable for daily use.

Rosemary oil: in the pharmacy

Rosemary oil sold in pharmacies at a high price. You can pay this amount for an effective product, but there is a risk of purchasing a fake, which means the money will be wasted. Domestic manufacturers also offer their product. However, these are usually not highly concentrated oils, but rather diluted with additional liquids. It is better to buy a quality product from an online pharmacy, the link to which is given below.

Rosemary oil: instructions

The main rule of the instructions for use rosemary oil: Do not use undiluted product externally to avoid burning the skin! It must be mixed with another organic base substance. The choice depends on your skin type: grape seed oil is suitable for oily skin, olive oil is suitable for dry skin. If you have skin problems (acne, rashes), it is useful to mix with thyme oil. Although the choice of fatty oils is wide and can be mixed with any suitable one.

Rosemary oil: how to take

You need to take the concentrated product very carefully. Before the procedures, it is advisable to test the mixture on the inside of the elbow to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions. A burning sensation will appear at first and will go away after a couple of minutes. If after 12 hours no redness appears, the skin is not inflamed, then you can move on to other parts of the body. To avoid sunburn and uneven tanning, do not go out into the open sun earlier than 1 hour after application. rosemary oil on the skin.

Rosemary oil: internally

Internal use rosemary oil relieves spasms and pain, eliminates fatigue and stiffness in muscles. In this case, 1 drop of essential liquid is mixed with 2 drops of vegetable oil. It is advisable to spread the mixture on black bread, or dissolve it in water and drink. But the first option is preferable, which should be carried out twice a day.

Rosemary oil: contraindications

There are several contraindications for use rosemary oil. It is not allowed:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • prone to allergies;
  • people with sensitive skin (for external use);
  • individual intolerance to oil;
  • patients with hypertension, epilepsy, amenorrhea, prone to seizures;
  • for sleep disorders.

Rosemary essential oil is a wonderful gift from nature to man. For a long time, this magical ether was the secret property of magicians and alchemists, and to this day the aroma of rosemary is considered miraculous. Rosemary oil really can do a lot - both in the field of health and in the field of beauty.

The aroma composition of rosemary oil is no less rich than the formulas of precious perfumes. When opening, the “bouquet” of rosemary creates a special atmosphere and mood: the house becomes cozy, solemn and joyful. This is one of the brightest and most mysterious ethers, widely used in aromatherapy and everyday life, in the fields of beauty and health.

Originally from the Middle Ages

The history of the creation of the wonderful ether is known for certain: back in the fourteenth century, it was synthesized by the outstanding Catalan philosopher and alchemist Raymond Lull, who was in search of the elixir of life. But long before that, since ancient times, people endowed the amazing plant rosemary with the most powerful magical properties, considering it sacred and using it in magical rituals.

The Greek name “rosemary” translates as “dew of the sea,” but in nature this shrub prefers to settle not near the surf, but on steep and rocky mountain slopes. Many thousands of years ago, the plant attracted the attention and respect of people with its extraordinary vitality, fabulous aroma and, of course, powerful healing properties.

The raw material for steam distillation, by which essential oil is obtained, are the leaves and twigs of rosemary - an evergreen, abundantly flowering shrub. The plant itself has outstanding medicinal qualities, but the ether obtained from it becomes a real concentrate of benefits. Rosemary greens are distilled during its flowering or immediately after, and to obtain one liter of aromatic oil, approximately a hundredweight of plant material is required.

Fragrant bouquet of benefits

The composition of rosemary oil is rich in various valuable compounds and is unique in many ways. The following substances, present in high concentrations, are decisive for the healing effect of the ether:

  • pinenes - up to 30%;
  • camphene - about 20%;
  • borneol - 15%;
  • cineole - 10%;
  • camphor - 7%;
  • bornyl acetate - 2%.

In addition, rosemary ether contains a large and varied complex of other useful components:

  • vitamins (A, groups B, C, E, K, PP);
  • micro- and macroelements (sodium, zinc, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium);
  • acids (lauric, caprylic, myristic, palmitic);
  • phytosterols;
  • tryptophan;
  • threonine;
  • lysine;
  • valine;
  • limonene;
  • myrcene;
  • dipentene;
  • verbenone

This unique storehouse of valuable substances provides a set of beneficial properties of rosemary oil, which can have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole, debugging and adjusting the functioning of all its organs and systems to normal:

  • stabilizes digestion;
  • rehabilitates the condition of the liver and gall bladder;
  • normalizes blood pressure and cardiovascular activity;
  • improves blood circulation and brain function;
  • stimulates rapid recovery of the nervous system;
  • regulates the sexual and reproductive spheres;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • relieves pain, spasms and inflammation.

Basic properties of rosemary oil - video

Features of application

The biological activity of rosemary ether is extremely high. Therefore, it is quite natural for the body to have special reactions to its use - for example, a slight burning sensation of the skin when used externally or dizziness at the beginning of a bath procedure. You should use this oil not in pure form, but in diluted form, dissolving a few drops of ether in a base oil or other suitable base (water, cream, shampoo, etc.).

For skin

Proper use of rosemary oil will ensure the beauty and freshness of the face at any age and for all skin types - it is only important to choose the right additional components. To improve the formula of your favorite cream, just add one or two drops of ether per 50 grams of cream base. Oil masks for oily skin with areas of inflammation can be done every other day, and for dry skin, procedures can be carried out no more than once a week.

For excessive greasiness of the dermis

Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, tightens enlarged pores.


  • grape seed oil or jojoba - 1 tablespoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3-4 drops.


  1. Spread the mixture evenly over previously cleansed skin.
  2. After 30–40 minutes, pat your face dry with napkins and rinse with warm water.

For blackheads and pimples

An effective medicinal mixture with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties; cleanses and quickly restores metabolic processes in tissues.


  • black cumin or peach oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.


  1. Thoroughly clean and dry the skin.
  2. Shake the oil mixture and immediately apply it with a cotton swab - not all over the skin, but only on the acne areas.
  3. In this way, problem areas can be cauterized two to three times a day.

For age spots and freckles

Significantly lightens any skin pigmentation on the face, including freckles.


  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 4 drops.


  1. Apply when heated to areas of skin pigmentation.
  2. After half an hour, wash off with warm water without soap.


Strengthens blood supply and increases the turgor of aging skin, making it smooth and elastic.


  • flaxseed or olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3-4 drops.


  1. Apply to well cleansed skin.
  2. During the procedure, it is advisable to lie down for half an hour in a relaxed state.
  3. Blot the oil and wash with heated mineral water.

For hydration and nutrition

Nourishing balm for dry and sagging aged skin - stimulates tissue renewal, rejuvenates and smoothes.


  • apricot kernel or almond oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • rosemary ether - 2 drops.


  1. The oil mixture can be applied to the entire face, including the areas around the eyes and lips, as well as to the neck and décolleté.
  2. For best results, drive the composition with your fingertips along the massage lines of the face and neck; do not wash off.

In winter, the mask can be used daily to protect the skin from hypothermia and chapping.

For hair

Rosemary essential oil heals and restores hair from the inside, and does not just give it external shine and gloss - like most cosmetic products. The drug also has a healing effect on the scalp, eliminating dandruff and improving the nutrition of hair follicles. Therapeutic masks should be made no more than once a week.

For hair loss

A powerful remedy for awakening, enhancing nutrition and strengthening “sleeping” hair follicles.


  • liquid honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • castor oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • burdock oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • rosemary ether - 5 drops.


  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and beat until smooth.
  2. Warm the healing mixture a little in your hands and gradually apply it to your hair, from roots to ends.
  3. Wrap your head in film and a towel over it, keep the mask on for 40–50 minutes, then rinse.

For food

The mask perfectly nourishes, restores strength and shine to dull, weakened hair, giving it a well-groomed appearance.


  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • esters of sandalwood, mint, tea tree and rosemary - 1 teaspoon each.


  1. Prepare a mixture of oils and rub it thoroughly into the scalp.
  2. Without combing the product through your hair, wrap your head to enhance the effect.
  3. After an hour, rinse your hair generously with warm water.

For hydration

The composition has a beneficial effect on hair damaged by frequent dyeing and styling, and over-dried.


  • cocoa and burdock butter - 3 teaspoons each;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.


  1. Combine the ingredients of the mask and heat the oil mixture to about 40 degrees.
  2. Massage into the hair roots using circular movements and rub along their entire length.
  3. Cover with film and wrap in a terry towel.
  4. After three hours, wash off with regular shampoo.

To accelerate growth

The treatment formula is ideal for revitalizing dry hair and activating its follicles.


  • burdock oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • cedar and rosemary esters - 3 drops each.


  1. Beat the yolk of a fresh (preferably homemade) egg with the oil components of the mask.
  2. Rub the composition into the roots of the hair, then distribute along its entire length.
  3. After covering your hair with film and a towel, leave the mask to act for an hour, rinse thoroughly with warm water and mild shampoo.


Regular use gives good results in restoring weak, oily hair and eliminating dandruff.


  • burdock oil - 3 teaspoons;
  • almond oil - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.


  1. Combine all oil components and place the mixture in a water bath.
  2. Rub the mask, heated to a warm state, into the scalp, massaging, and comb along the length of the hair.
  3. After warming your head, keep the mask on for at least an hour, and then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Hair strengthener - video

For nails

Well-groomed hands, beautiful and healthy nails - this result can be achieved through the regular use of rosemary oil, which carefully cares for the nail plates, strengthens them and heals them. Rosemary oil is a reliable assistant in growing long nails. You can use healing ether by combining it with other components in various procedures:

  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • masks.

With sea salt

An excellent preventative procedure - do it as often as possible and your hands will always look great.


  • sea ​​salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • hot water - 0.5 liters;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • esters of rosemary and geranium - 5 drops each.


  1. Treat your nails - file them, push back the periungual ridge.
  2. Prepare a strong saline solution, cool to a comfortable temperature and hold your hands in it for 10 minutes.
  3. Massage the nail plates with any soft brush - for example, a toothbrush.
  4. Dip your nails into the heated oil mixture for another 10 minutes, then dry your hands with paper towels.

With mashed potatoes

Therapeutic compresses with warm mashed potatoes help get rid of cracked and brittle nails.


  • medium size potato - 1 piece;
  • grape seed oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 5 drops.


  1. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, immediately peel and mash them.
  2. Add base and essential oils to the hot puree, mix well and cool the mixture slightly.
  3. Apply a layer of puree to the nail plates, put on rubber or silicone gloves on top.
  4. After 20 minutes, rinse your hands with warm water.

With whey

You can quickly restore velvety, smooth skin on your hands and shiny, strong nails using baths of regular serum.


  • whey - 0.5 liters;
  • lemon and rosemary esters - 3 drops each.


  1. Heat the whey to a temperature of 40 degrees and add ethers.
  2. Do the bath for 20 minutes, then pat your hands dry.

With honey

Homemade nail cream is easy to make and inexpensive - and the effectiveness of such a simple product is very high.


  • strong infusion of herbs (chamomile or sage) – 2 tablespoons;
  • butter (preferably homemade) – 2 tablespoons;
  • natural honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • jojoba or olive oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • esters of rosemary, lemon and geranium - 2-3 drops each.


  1. Melt the butter in a water bath; when it cools down a little, mix with honey - honey cannot be heated above 40 degrees.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients, knead the cream until smooth and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. Rub the product into your nail plates little by little in the morning and evening - of course, there should be no nail polish on your nails.

In folk medicine

Rosemary officinalis fully lives up to its name - the essential oil from this plant has long been widely used in folk medicine as an analgesic, antiseptic, healing and stimulating agent.

Treatment regimens with rosemary oil - table

PurposeTreatment regimens
Intestinal colic and poisoning
  • add one drop of ether to warm tea;
  • drink twice a day an hour after meals.
  • inhalation with rosemary oil (2-3 drops of ether per liter of water);
  • Do the procedures before bed, and upon completion immediately go to bed in a warm bed.
Vegetovascular dystonia
  • every morning, deeply inhale the aroma of ether from the bottle for two to three minutes;
  • Constantly monitor the pressure level - if it increases, stop treatment.
  • rub one drop of ether into the ears, neck and temples;
  • for sensitive skin - dilute with any neutral base oil in a ratio of 1:10.
Joint inflammation
  • mix in equal parts with a carrier oil (olive or jojoba work well);
  • In the evening, rub into sore spots and, after warming, leave to act overnight.
Eczema and dermatitis
  • combine a tablespoon of rosehip oil with eucalyptus and rosemary esters (2 drops each);
  • Rub a small amount of the mixture 5-6 times a day into the affected areas of the skin.
  • prepare and slightly heat a mixture of a teaspoon of milk thistle oil and 4 drops of rosemary ether;
  • Gently rub the product into areas of vascular pathologies twice a day.
  • add 2 drops of rosemary ether to a teaspoon of rosehip oil or cocoa;
  • Rub directly into problem areas of the skin two to three times daily.

Healing recipes with rosemary oil - video

A special use of rosemary ether is its beneficial effect on memory and brain activity. Research has proven that this essential oil significantly increases blood circulation and nutrition of brain cells, thereby improving its functioning by an average of 75 percent. These are unique indicators in the ranking of the benefits of essential oils.

With the constant use of this miraculous product, “dormant” areas of the brain are restored and new ones are actively used, the number of neural connections increases - the quality of life improves! This is relevant both for older people, whose brain functions decline with age, and for children, for whom it is important to learn to concentrate in a dense flow of information.

Just inhale the aroma of rosemary ether for three minutes every morning - this will ensure high brain performance, vigor and excellent mood for the whole day.

Effect on memory and brain activity - video


The first and main rule of aromatherapy is: choose for yourself only the ether whose aroma you really like. There is hardly a person who would not like the wonderful aroma of rosemary.

The easiest way to use the properties of this essential oil is in an aroma lamp. Just 5–7 drops dissolved in water will create an invigorating and very pleasant atmosphere in your living or working space, allowing you to instantly reject all negativity and fully concentrate on constructive tasks. Efficiency will noticeably increase, depression and headaches will disappear, and sleep will normalize.

Wear a special pendant with rosemary oil on your chest - it will become a real amulet not only against bad mood, but also against all kinds of infections. the volatile ether of rosemary will create a protective cloud around you, into which illnesses and other unpleasant problems will not have access.

The magical aroma of rosemary - video


The components of rosemary essential oil are too active, and if used incorrectly, the product can cause harm, rather than benefit, to the body. Therefore, rosemary ether should be used with caution, after consulting a doctor and taking into account certain contraindications. It is better to refrain from any use of this essential oil in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under seven years of age;
  • for hypertension and epilepsy;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the product.

To avoid burns and irritation of the dermis, do not apply undiluted oil to dry or hypersensitive skin. You should also not use rosemary ether immediately before going out into direct sunlight - at least an hour and a half should pass from the moment it is applied to the skin.

Although much of this research is just beginning, it supports some traditional uses of the oil and explores possible new uses.

Here are 13 potential benefits and uses of rosemary essential oil.

1. May improve brain function

In Ancient Greece and Rome, rosemary was believed to improve memory ().

Research shows that inhaling rosemary oil helps prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, an organic compound important for thinking, concentration and memory (,).

When 20 young people were given math problems in a small room where rosemary essential oil was diffused, their thinking speed and correctness of answers increased in direct proportion to the length of time the rosemary essential oils diffused.

Additionally, the levels of certain rosemary compounds in their blood also increased, suggesting that rosemary may be entering your body through inhalation of its vapors ().

Likewise, nursing students who inhaled rosemary oil esters while taking a test reported increased alertness and improved perception of information compared to inhaling lavender oil esters or no essential oil at all ().

Other research suggests that inhaling vapors from rosemary oil and other essential oils may improve brain function in older adults with dementia, including Alzheimer's disease ().

Keep in mind that more research is needed.


Inhaling rosemary oil esters can help you focus and remember information. It may also help your memory as you age, but more research is needed.

2. Stimulates hair growth

One of the most common types of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness, although it can also affect women ().

Rosemary essential oil treats androgenetic alopecia by preventing the byproduct of testosterone from affecting your hair follicles, which is the cause of this condition ().

When men with androgenetic alopecia massage diluted rosemary oil into their scalp twice daily for six months, they experienced the same increase in hair thickness as those who used Minoxidil, a traditionally used hair regrowth treatment.

Additionally, those who used rosemary oil reported less scalp itching compared to minoxidil, suggesting rosemary may be more tolerable ().

Other research suggests that rosemary oil may combat patchy hair loss (alopecia areata), which affects up to half of the population under the age of 21 and about 20% of people over 40 ().

Among alopecia sufferers who massaged rosemary essential oil into their scalp for seven months, 44% experienced an improvement, compared to only 15% in the control group who used neutral jojoba and grapeseed oils ().


Rosemary essential oil may combat certain types of hair loss, including male pattern baldness and alopecia areata.

3. May Help Relieve Pain

In folk medicine, rosemary is used as a pain reliever ().

In a two-week study, stroke survivors with shoulder pain who received 20 minutes of acupressure twice daily using a rosemary oil mixture experienced a 30% reduction in pain. Those who received acupressure only had a 15% reduction in pain ().

Additionally, an animal study found that rosemary oil was slightly more effective in relieving pain than paracetamol, a common over-the-counter pain reliever ().


Rosemary essential oil is known in folk medicine as an analgesic. Preliminary research supports its benefits in relieving pain and suggests it may be more effective than paracetamol.

4. Repels some insects

To deter pests that might bite you or damage your garden, consider rosemary oil as a natural alternative to chemical treatments.

When the rosemary oil-based pesticide EcoTrol was sprayed on greenhouse tomato plants, it reduced the spider mite population by 52% without harming the plants ().

Rosemary also helps repel certain blood-sucking insects that can spread harmful viruses and bacteria.

When the effectiveness of rosemary oil was evaluated in comparison with 11 other essential oils, it showed the longest lasting repellent effect on yellow fever mosquitoes, which spread the Zika virus. A solution of 12.5% ​​rosemary oil repelled 100% of mosquitoes within 90 minutes (,).

Additionally, a spray containing 10% rosemary essential oil was as effective in controlling the spread of black-legged ticks (which cause Lyme disease) as the chemical insecticide Bifenthrin ().


Rosemary oil is used in natural pesticides to kill certain insects. In addition, the oil helps repel certain blood-sucking insects such as mosquitoes and ticks.

5. May relieve stress

Many factors can cause stress, including taking exams. Inhaling rosemary oil esters may help reduce anxiety during exams.

When nursing students inhaled rosemary essential oil vapor from an inhaler before and during exams, their heart rates decreased by about 9%, while students who did not use the oil experienced no significant changes ().

Since an increase in heart rate reflects short-term stress and anxiety, it can be concluded that rosemary oil can naturally reduce stress ().

Additionally, when 22 young adults exhaled rosemary oil vapor for 5 minutes, their saliva contained 23% less of the stress hormone cortisol compared to a control group ().

Elevated cortisol levels can suppress your immune system, contribute to insomnia, and cause mood swings, among other potential problems ().


Inhaling the vapors of rosemary oil can reduce stress levels in situations such as taking an exam. Rosemary may reduce levels of cortisol, a hormone that can have harmful effects on the body.

6. May improve blood circulation

Poor circulation is a common problem. You may notice this most in your arms and legs.

If you often have cold fingers and toes (even in the warm season or in a warm room), it is worth remembering rosemary essential oil.

In one study, a woman with Raynaud's disease (a blood circulation disorder) massaged her hands with rosemary oil, finding that it helped warm her fingers more than neutral oil. These effects were confirmed by thermal imaging ().

If you have Raynaud's disease, the blood vessels in your fingers and toes narrow when you are cold or stressed, causing them to change color and become cold.

Rosemary essential oil can help dilate blood vessels, thereby allowing your blood to reach your fingers and toes, warming them and restoring their natural color ().

More research is needed to confirm these effects, but you can try using this remedy without breaking the bank.


If your fingers or toes often feel cold, massage with rosemary oil can help warm them up. It may help with conditions such as Raynaud's disease, but more research is needed.

7. Can help you get rid of drowsiness

Rosemary essential oil is commonly used in folk medicine to reduce mental stress and fatigue ().

When 20 healthy young adults inhaled rosemary oil esters, they reported feeling about 30% clearer in their minds and experiencing about 25% less sleepiness compared to a control group ().

This increase in alertness corresponded with changes in brain waves and increases in heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure ().

Applying diluted rosemary oil to your skin can provide similar benefits as it can reach your brain through this.

In one study, applying diluted rosemary oil to the skin made 35 healthy people feel significantly more alert, alert, energetic and cheerful after 20 minutes, which did not occur in the control group using placebo oils ().

However, more research in this area is needed to confirm these results.


Several small studies suggest that rosemary oil may improve attention, alertness, energy levels, and mood. However, more research needs to be done on this topic.

8. May Reduce Joint Inflammation

Preliminary evidence suggests that rosemary oil may help reduce tissue inflammation that can lead to joint swelling, pain, and stiffness (,).

It may cause this effect by stopping white blood cells from migrating into damaged tissue to release inflammatory chemicals ().

When people with rheumatoid arthritis received 15-minute knee massage sessions using a rosemary oil mixture three times a week for two weeks, they experienced a 50% reduction in inflammatory knee pain, compared to a 12% reduction in those who did not use this is oil ().

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which your body's immune system attacks its own tissues, such as the knees and other joints, damaging the connective tissue of the joints and causing inflammation.

More research is needed on the effects of rosemary on inflammation.


Topical application of diluted rosemary oil may help reduce inflammation in injuries and rheumatoid arthritis. However, more research is needed to confirm this.

9-13. Other uses

Scientists are studying several other uses of rosemary oil, but there is a lack of human research.

Test tube studies are not equivalent to human studies that test essential oils through vapor inhalation or topical application.

Additionally, in some animal studies, rosemary oil was administered orally, but this is not recommended. Essential oils should not be taken internally.

However, rosemary oil may be helpful in the following cases:

  • Cancer: Rosemary essential oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may fight cancer cells, according to researchers who studied its effectiveness in test tubes ( , , ).
  • Liver Health and Digestion: Animal studies show that rosemary oil can stimulate bile secretion, which is important in fat digestion, and activate your own antioxidant defense mechanisms to protect your liver (, ,).
  • Food poisoning: Rosemary oil may help inhibit the growth of certain strains of bacteria that cause food poisoning. This requires the use of precise, very small quantities of edible oil. Do not experiment with this at home ( , , ).
  • Side effects of antibiotics: Rosemary and other essential oils may increase the effectiveness of some antibiotics. This may allow the dose of these drugs to be reduced, which may reduce their side effects ( , , ).
  • Antibiotic resistance: Rosemary and other essential oils can weaken the cell walls of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, not only damaging them, but also allowing the antibiotics to work more effectively ( , , ).


Potential future uses of rosemary essential oil include preventing cancer and food poisoning, and supporting liver and digestive health. However, studies of these effects have not been conducted in humans.

Uses of rosemary essential oil

Rosemary oil can be inhaled (oil esters) or applied to the skin. It is very concentrated so you only need to use a few drops at a time. The small bottles it comes in have plastic droppers to make it easier to get the right amount of drops.

Although some manufacturers claim that rosemary oil is safe to take internally, there is no scientific evidence to support this—especially in the long term. Essential oils should never be taken internally.

Inhalation of essential oils (inhalation)

The easiest way to inhale rosemary oil vapor is to open the bottle, bring it to your nose and inhale. Alternatively, you can place a few drops on a cloth and hold it close to your face.

Many people use an essential oil diffuser, which diffuses the esters into the surrounding air.

In general, avoid placing the diffuser near infants or small children, as it is difficult to know the amount of esters they are inhaling.

External use

Rosemary essential oil and other essential oils are easily absorbed into the bloodstream when applied to the skin.

Once diluted, apply the oil to your feet or the body part you are targeting, such as a sore muscle. Then rub the oil into your skin. This improves blood circulation and oil absorption ().

Avoid applying rosemary oil and other essential oils to damaged skin or near sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Generally, contraindications to using rosemary oil include pregnancy, epilepsy, or high blood pressure. Rosemary essential oil may worsen the condition in the last two cases (,,).


You can inhale the vapor from rosemary essential oil or apply it to your skin. A diffuser can help distribute the esters of this oil throughout the room. If you are going to use rosemary oil topically, dilute it with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil to avoid skin irritation.

Let's sum it up

  • Rosemary essential oil has long been popular in folk medicine, and scientific research is now confirming some of its beneficial properties.
  • While much of this research is preliminary, researchers note that this essential oil may improve your health by improving mental focus and memory, fighting hair loss, relieving pain and inflammation, repelling certain insects, and reducing stress.
  • If you want to try rosemary essential oil, simply inhale the vapors or apply it diluted with a carrier oil externally. Remember that the oil is very concentrated, so you only need a few drops at a time.