Childbirth under a contract – does it make sense? Paid childbirth: services of clinics and maternity hospitals. How long is the contract for childbirth concluded?

The choice of maternity hospital today is available to every family, regardless of financial capabilities, thanks to the compulsory health insurance (CHI) system. Modern maternity hospitals differ significantly from each other - in specialization, equipment, living conditions, level of comfort and the possibility of providing additional services. The expectant mother can choose any maternity hospital in her city. In addition, if desired, future parents can take advantage of additional services during their stay in the maternity hospital, providing increased comfort and individual medical care. But such services are provided on a commercial basis under a voluntary health insurance (VHI) contract. Nowadays, “contract births” are possible in almost every maternity hospital. Their price depends on the level of comfort - future parents can choose between different options based on their needs and capabilities. When solving the problem, spend considerable funds from the family budget on "contract" birth or give birth on a “common basis”, future parents try to understand the differences between these options. To help them with this difficult task, we look at the pros and cons of paid births compared to the usual conditions to which everyone is entitled.

Getting to know the staff and life of the maternity hospital

Free childbirth. To ensure that the prospect of hospitalization does not instill fear in a woman, you need to help her learn more about the chosen hospital and its employees in advance. Almost every modern maternity hospital has a website that provides detailed information about equipment, traditions and conditions. Usually the story is illustrated with photographs of all the doctors in the maternity hospital with brief summaries and wards of various departments. Some maternity hospitals offer tours of the departments. This helps expectant mothers decide on the conditions of their stay in the maternity hospital. However, it is impossible to pre-select a specific doctor who will conduct the birth on a “general basis”.
Childbirth under contract. As part of the contract for childbirth, you can get acquainted with the specialists of the maternity hospital and choose in advance the doctor with whom the pregnant woman will establish a trusting relationship. When meeting, the expectant mother and her relatives can ask the doctor in detail about the methods of childbirth, methods of pain relief, and discuss with him the possibility of active behavior during labor, partner childbirth and other necessary manipulations. From the moment the contract is signed, the selected obstetrician-gynecologist will monitor the course of the pregnancy, and at the first signs of labor beginning, he will come to the maternity hospital for individual management of the birth. The expectant mother is given his phone number, which can be used for both urgent communication and consultations.

Hospitalization in maternity hospital

Free childbirth. The expectant mother can truly choose any maternity hospital at her discretion. In order to “go” to the antenatal department in advance (in case of planned hospitalization or complications of pregnancy), you will need a referral to this maternity hospital from the attending physician of the antenatal clinic. If labor has already begun, such a referral will not be needed - the expectant mother just needs to call an ambulance. However, there is one “but”: if at the time of hospitalization the selected hospital is overcrowded, you will not be able to get into it - the ambulance will take the woman giving birth to another maternity hospital.

Childbirth under contract. Provides a guarantee of hospitalization in the selected hospital under certain conditions specified in the contract. This means that the expectant mother is assigned a commercial ward, which will “wait” for her even if the maternity hospital is overcrowded. If there is a contract, the ambulance may refuse to take a woman in labor to a pre-selected maternity hospital only for health reasons, that is, in the case when she requires urgent medical care and there are maternity hospitals closer. Some insurance companies provide their ambulance service to clients for hospitalization.

Prenatal department

Free childbirth. In modern maternity hospitals, wards are designed for 2–4 patients. In addition to beds, they have bedside tables for personal belongings, a wardrobe for outerwear (if the maternity hospital allows prenatal ward patients to walk) and a sink. Facilities - shower and toilet - can be located at the entrance to each ward or in the corridor of the department. Meals include breakfast, lunch and dinner in the department canteen. In some maternity hospitals, food is delivered to the wards. A refrigerator in which you can store food from home is also located in the hallway.

Childbirth under contract. Single or double room of increased comfort with a bathroom, refrigerator, TV, area for relaxation and eating (table, chairs or armchairs, dishes, electric kettle). Sometimes the contract requires a menu that differs from the general hospital menu in the choice of dishes and the number of meals.

Maternity ward

Free childbirth. The wards of this department are most often divided into two types - prenatal and delivery rooms. In the prenatal room there can be several patients at the same time (up to 5), whose waters have broken or the first contractions have appeared. In such a room, in addition to beds, there is usually a bathroom and bedside tables for personal belongings. As labor progresses, expectant mothers are taken to maternity wards, each of which is designed for 1–2 women in labor. In this room, the period of pushing, the birth of the baby and the discharge of the placenta, as well as an obstetric examination after childbirth take place. The newborn is examined in the delivery room or taken for the first examination to a specialized separate ward. The expectant mother spends two hours of early postpartum observation on a gurney in the corridor of the maternity unit, near the midwife's station. The newborn is with her or is taken to the children's department.

Childbirth under contract. Provides the patient with a stay in a separate room (individual maternity ward) from the first minutes of labor. This room is designed for one patient and is equipped with everything necessary to manage each stage of childbirth. It has a functional bed with an orthopedic mattress, adjustable main height, headboard and leg heights. These options make it possible to make the forced horizontal position of a woman in labor more comfortable during an obstetric examination, CTG recording and other manipulations. The ward also has an obstetric chair or “Rakhmanov” bed, on which the expectant mother remains during pushing, birth of the baby and placenta. In the boxes of some maternity hospitals, transformable beds are installed - special obstetric functional beds that can be transformed into an obstetric chair for a period of pushing. In this case, the woman in labor does not have to move from a regular bed to a “Rakhmanov bed” at the most crucial moment. Commercial boxes can be equipped with additional devices for comfort during contractions: a fitball, a Swedish wall (convenient wall handrails, ladders, a rope, rings that allow you to take an optimal body position and relax the lower back and abdomen during contractions), a mini-pool, a jacuzzi or a shower cabin (being in the water often significantly facilitates contractions). The newborn is examined in the same box in front of the mother, after which the baby is applied to the breast and left with her.

Postpartum department

Free childbirth. This department can be arranged on the principle of separate or joint stay of mother and baby. When staying separately, postpartum women are in wards for 2–4 people, and newborns are in the children's department. In this case, all procedures for caring for babies are carried out by the maternity hospital staff, and they are brought to mothers for feeding according to a general schedule - 7 times a day with a 3-hour break between daytime feedings and a 6-hour break for night sleep. The rooms have beds, bedside tables, and a sink. But the bathroom can be located in the ward itself or in the corridor of the department. The refrigerator is also located in the hallway. When mother and baby stay together in the room, there are cradles on wheels for newborns and a changing table. Most often, the room also has a bathroom. In this case, the newborn is constantly with the mother, and all medical procedures are carried out directly in the ward. With this option, the mother will care for the newborn herself under the guidance of staff.

Childbirth under contract. It involves the mother staying in a high-comfort room designed for 1–2 patients, with the option of separate or shared stays with the baby. This means that the ward is equipped with everything necessary to care for the baby, but, at the request of the new mother, he can be temporarily taken to the children's department to give her the opportunity to rest after childbirth and gain strength, and then brought back to the ward at the request of the patient , and not according to the general schedule. In addition to the usual furniture, commercial wards have a TV, a kettle, a refrigerator, a comfortable individual bathroom, a locker for the baby’s “dowry”, a bathtub, and baby care products (disposable diapers, wet wipes, oil, powder, etc.). Some contracts offer postpartum women an improved menu with a greater frequency of meals (4-5 instead of the usual 3).

Partner birth

Free childbirth. By law, the husband or other family member can be present at the birth without the maternity hospital charging a fee for it. However, for this law to actually be implemented, a number of conditions must be met. The expectant mother must write a statement in advance addressed to the chief doctor of the maternity hospital with a request for the presence of a specific relative at the birth. Typically, this application requires a set of additional documents: passport details of the partner, certificates of his health, certificate of joint completion of courses in preparation for childbirth. If all the necessary papers are available, the chief physician will attach a resolution to the application with the wording “to allow presence at the birth if there are free boxes.” This means that a partner may not be allowed into the maternity hospital if all individual boxes are occupied at the time of birth. In this case, only a relative can be a partner, and only the one whose passport details are indicated in the application - that is, for example, if he suddenly gets sick, someone else will no longer be able to replace him.

Childbirth under contract. It assumes the possibility of one or even several people being present at the birth, at the request of the expectant mother. Most insurance companies do not focus on the identity of the birth partner - that is, it does not have to be a specific, pre-agreed person. In this case, you also won’t have to write applications in advance and provide a lot of certificates, and the main condition for partner births – an individual maternity ward – is guaranteed by the contract itself.

Visits to mother and baby in the postpartum ward

Free childbirth. Not provided. This is explained simply: not all women are inclined to receive visitors and show them the newborn in the first days after childbirth (for reasons of safety of the newborn’s health, out of superstition, national traditions, or simply a desire to relax after childbirth). In this case, a visit from visitors to one patient may displease others in the same ward.

Childbirth under contract. Possible. At the same time, the contract may stipulate restrictions on the hours and duration of the visit, as well as on the number of visitors simultaneously wishing to enter the ward. Some insurance companies organize family rooms in the postpartum ward, where someone close to the new mother can spend the whole day with her and even stay overnight, helping to care for the baby.

“Contract” childbirth and possible problems

Of course, the paid obstetric care system has its own nuances, which you should also know about in advance. Contract for childbirth does not always include all the options that interest future parents. The lists of services and the duration of the contract in different medical institutions may differ significantly from each other. Therefore, before concluding such an agreement, you need to carefully read its terms and ask the insurance agent in detail about what additional opportunities the selected maternity hospital provides on a contract basis.

For example, a contract for obstetric care does not always imply individual management of childbirth by a specific doctor. Some maternity hospitals offer future parents to enter into a “contract for the duty team.” In fact, this means that the expectant mother will receive medical care before hospitalization, assistance during childbirth and observation in the postpartum period on a general basis, and she will not be able to count on increased attention from the staff. With this type of contract, one of the doctors on the team on duty that day will deliver the baby, and in addition to the “contract” birth, he will have to deal with other women in labor.

There is also this option contract for childbirth, which applies only to obstetric services - that is, the birth itself and three days of postpartum observation. This means that the contract for paid medical services does not include prenatal hospitalization and long-term observation of mother and baby after childbirth. And if a woman has indications for hospitalization in the department of pathology of pregnant women or complications arise after childbirth that require a longer hospital stay, she will be forced to separately pay for this time in excess of the norms specified in the contract, or agree to move to a general ward.

Conditions of stay in paid wards may also vary in terms of comfort within the same maternity hospital. When concluding a contract, it may turn out that the number and even the identity of birth assistants is determined not by the expectant mother herself, but by the rules of the insurance company or maternity hospital.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises when concluding a contract for childbirth, future parents need to carefully read the terms of the proposed contract for paid services. It is best to ask the insurance agent to print out or send by e-mail a standard version of the contract, so that you can then study it in a calm atmosphere, mark all unclear points and discuss them before concluding a contract.

The birth of a baby is one of the most important processes in a woman’s life. Everyone wants everything to go without complications, quickly and correctly. This is precisely why birth contracts are concluded. Let us take a closer look at the aspects of such an important issue.

About the timing and subtleties of concluding a contract

The contract is an agreement between the pregnant woman and the maternity hospital. According to this document, the expectant mother is assigned to the selected maternity hospital for medical care.

As a rule, such contracts are drawn up at the 36th week of pregnancy, when you have an exchange card in hand. A passport is also required to complete the transaction. A woman comes with her husband or relatives to the selected maternity hospital. There she is examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist. It determines the possibility of concluding a contract. After all, sometimes it happens that some expectant mothers, according to indications, need to give birth in a specialized maternity hospital. If the doctor has not diagnosed any abnormalities in the course of pregnancy, then the document itself is signed for paid childbirth. From the moment of signing, the woman is observed by a specialist at the selected medical institution until delivery.

As practice shows, paid childbirth is trusted only by a narrow circle of doctors. But if a woman wants to give birth to a specific obstetrician-gynecologist, then she can stipulate this in the contract. If such a condition is prescribed, the doctor will arrive on the first call. An agreement must be concluded only with an institution that has the right to provide paid services. And to make sure of this, a woman must make sure she has a license or certificate. If there are none, then you should not enter into an agreement with a medical institution. Before signing a legal document, you must carefully read all the clauses of the agreement. As for its cost, it varies depending on the process of childbirth and the presence of complications.

Please note that by concluding a contract directly with the maternity hospital, not through an insurance company, you have certain advantages:

  1. You will know exactly who to file claims with and from whom to demand professional, correct treatment. In this case, the rights of the mother in labor are regulated by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. It provides a choice of the measure of liability applied to the service provider.
  2. Be eligible for tax relief. We are talking about the return of 13% of income tax in accordance with Article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to this document, new mothers can include in the tax deduction amount money spent on diagnostics, consultations with specialists, prenatal hospitalization and childbirth management.

Why sign a contract for childbirth?

The main reason is the peace of mind of the woman in labor, her confidence that she will receive prompt and professional assistance.

In any case, such a document is a guarantee that the specified medical services will be accurately provided. It specifies the rights of the woman in labor, the duties of medical staff and the responsibilities of the parties. Knowing your rights, you have information about what exactly you can demand from a medical institution.

If a woman does not have the opportunity to get to the maternity hospital herself, then the obstetric ambulance will take her to the maternity hospital specified in the contract.

When a woman wants her husband or other relatives to be present at the birth, this is stipulated in the document, and they will be able to visit the new mother after the birth. Such visits are prohibited in free branches.

The agreement provides the woman with more comfortable conditions for her stay in the postpartum ward. This is almost home comfort and coziness in a separate room. Also, after concluding a contract for childbirth, a woman receives telephone numbers that can be called at any time of the day if an urgent consultation is required or labor has begun.

Some pregnant women believe that it is better to give birth by prior verbal agreement with the chosen doctor. But often in practice it turns out that he simply does not pick up the phone at the right time for the woman and, accordingly, does not deliver the baby. It is simply impossible to make claims against him, because a verbal agreement is not a guarantee of receiving qualified medical services. This is rather a question of the responsibility and reliability of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

That’s how we – women – are designed: as soon as we see the long-awaited two lines on the test, we have already calculated the due date, thought about the children’s dowry and are going through name options in our heads. The time has come for pleasant troubles and important decisions, for example, how to give birth - free of charge or under a contract.

Paid childbirth is a service now available both in the capital and in the regions. But if in Moscow, in addition to private maternity hospitals, you can conclude a contract in any state hospital, then in the regions the choice will be much smaller, and the lower the solvency of the residents, the narrower it is.

Price issue

When it comes to prices, there seems to be no limit at all for the top end. At the Lapino Mother and Child Clinical Hospital, one of the most prestigious maternity hospitals in Moscow, the contract price for a natural singleton birth starts from 209 thousand rubles (for a planned caesarean section - from 275 thousand rubles) and reaches almost one million. The average cost of a contract for childbirth in Moscow is 100 thousand rubles. In the regions from 40 thousand rubles and above.

Caring for pregnancy in the capital will cost you an average of 80 thousand rubles for all three trimesters, the lower limit is approximately 50 thousand rubles, but the list of services and studies at this price will be the same as in the antenatal clinic. In the regions, the cost of pregnancy management starts from 30 thousand rubles.

The contract for contract childbirth will spell out everything that you have the right to: this includes medical care, living conditions, and visits.

Maternity hospitals may offer several contract options. Most often, this is a birth with a team on duty or with a personal obstetrician-gynecologist. The “cooler” the medical institution, the more program options it can offer: vertical birth, water birth, birth in a family ward, and not in the birth block, birth with a psychologist.

But it is worth keeping in mind that many maternity hospitals in Moscow, for example, may offer some of these options completely free of charge. Thus, any contract presupposes the possibility of one of the family members, or a personal midwife or doula, being present at the birth; the same has now become available in some maternity hospitals without concluding a contract, but solely at the request of the woman in labor.

There is a nuance: You may also be denied a contract, for example, if the doctor at the preliminary conversation considers that you have diseases that may complicate the course of childbirth. If you have chronic diseases, you may be required to obtain a specialist opinion.

Another possible problem, even if you have entered into a contract, is that you must remember that there are no guarantees that you will give birth in the chosen maternity hospital with the chosen doctor.

It may happen that labor starts earlier or is rapid - and you end up in an ambulance at the nearest maternity hospital. Of course, you will get your money back for a service not provided, but...

Pros and cons of contract childbirth:

+ guarantees and rights specified in the contract;
+ childbirth with a specific doctor;
+ the opportunity to fully discuss the upcoming birth;
+ communication with a doctor 24/7 in the last weeks of pregnancy;
+ ;
+ individual attitude;
+ separate birth block;
+ comfortable living conditions (separate room with bathroom and shower);
+ visits with relatives (sometimes a family ward with shared accommodation)

high cost;
- wasting time and effort choosing a maternity hospital and a doctor;
- sudden absence of the selected doctor due to force majeure;
- possible refusal to conclude a contract.


Vera Finkova, obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor at the antenatal clinic and maternity hospital, City Clinical Perinatal Center (Omsk):

The main thing is the doctor with whom you give birth. Look for a doctor. Read reviews, go to an open house, talk to a doctor. The advantage of contract childbirth in the relationship between doctor and patient: you go not only for high-quality care, but also for friendly, comfortable communication with a doctor who will reassure you, who can advise you on any call; you will not always find this in a budget maternity hospital.

The main thing in contract childbirth is that from the last weeks of pregnancy until the end of the postpartum period, you are in the same hands. Otherwise, one doctor leads you in consultation, another meets you in the emergency room of the maternity hospital, you give birth with a third, and so on.

There is also a practice that the doctor who managed your pregnancy will give birth with you and observe you for another 40 days after birth. In my opinion, this improves the quality of care. Plus, a woman is legally better protected because there is one specific responsible person.

Free childbirth

By law, you have the right to choose a state maternity hospital. But keep in mind that many institutions refuse to accept patients who are not assigned to them, citing high workload. And one more nuance, here, as in the case of contract childbirth, if it starts unexpectedly, the ambulance will take you to the nearest maternity ward, regardless of your desire.

If for some reason you do not have a birth certificate when entering the maternity hospital, you still do not have the right to refuse help. If the compulsory medical insurance policy or birth certificate was issued in another city, you are required to be accepted and provided with all obstetric services free of charge.

Once in the maternity hospital, you have the right to know about all the manipulations carried out on you. When prescribing any treatment, a doctor must explain on what basis he is doing this. And you may or may not give your consent to this.

You have the right to information about what pills you are given or what injections you are given. You have the right to demand to see the drug packaging, open the system or fill the syringe in front of you. Otherwise, you have the right to refuse to take the medication or injection.

Pros and cons of free childbirth:

+ no fee;

- there is no possibility to choose a doctor;
- attitude like on an assembly line;
- general wards and other conditions;
- impossibility of meetings with relatives and partner births (not everywhere);


Irina Kozlovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor at the Family Planning and Reproduction Center (Moscow):

I strongly recommend concluding a contract for pregnancy and childbirth for only one category of women: those who have had problems with pregnancy in the past or lost a pregnancy, or it was pathological, or something went wrong during childbirth. In this case, it is very important to be in the hands of one specialist and to receive the maximum range of studies possible within the framework of the contract.

Today, an increasing number of Russian women prefer contract childbirth. Our center for expectant mothers offers pregnancy support and paid childbirth under a contract according to the program Natural Childbirth. Many Muscovites prefer to choose a maternity hospital in advance for a successful outcome of pregnancy, and decide on an obstetrician-gynecologist to whom they can entrust such a responsible process. This is understandable, because any mother wants to give birth to a healthy baby without complications.

The expectant mother who has entered into a contract for childbirth is provided with a significant number of advantages and conveniences compared to free childbirth. Maternity hospitals operating under a contract system are distinguished by comfortable living conditions, stay in high-comfort rooms, which have a refrigerator, TV, telephone, and other attributes of home comfort. It is also offered the opportunity to get acquainted with the medical staff in advance and choose the attending physician who will observe the prenatal period and be the first to meet the baby.

It is planned to carry out partner births, when at the important moment of the birth of a baby a close person is present with the woman. The contract form implies the possibility of relatives visiting the woman in labor. The most important benefit that expectant mothers receive is the guarantee of proper attention and adequate measures from the staff. Some maternity hospitals offer the services of a personal midwife.

The nuances of childbirth under a contract

In order for the promised benefits to become a reality, you must be extremely careful when choosing a maternity hospital and concluding a contract. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to entrust the study of the contract to a personal lawyer, so if you decide to choose a maternity hospital yourself, you will have to familiarize yourself with the legal intricacies.

In order for the transaction to be completed without incident, the employees of our center, within the framework of the Natural Childbirth program, are ready to assist our clients in this important step. Over 7 years of work in this segment of services, during pregnancy support activities, we have studied, compared and analyzed the terms of contracts of most Moscow maternity hospitals. We will help you conclude a contract that is beneficial for you directly with the maternity hospital, where all individual wishes will be taken into account.

It is impossible to predict how the birth will go, and in case of any complications in the mother or the baby, it is necessary to find out whether additional measures will have to be paid for separately. For this purpose, you should clearly know what standard list of services a specific contract implies - accordingly, all other activities will be additional services.

You should know that without the consent of the patient of the maternity institution, the medical organization has no right to perform any paid services. Even if the woman is subsequently presented with the fact that they have been completed, she may not pay for them, and if they are paid, she may demand a refund of their cost in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The contract must strictly stipulate the length of stay of the mother and child in the hospital. The cost of additional stay must be specified separately in the contract.

All living conditions that are guaranteed to the mother in labor must be clearly stated in the contract, including: the type of room, the presence of household appliances in it, etc.

Natural childbirth is a great choice

In order not to overshadow the wonderful days in anticipation of future motherhood, avoid paperwork, save time and money, entrust all the troubles to our specialists. We will help ensure that your stay in the maternity hospital is remembered for the birth of a small miracle into the world, and not for the indifference or rudeness of the medical staff.

Let your baby be born in comfortable conditions in an atmosphere of goodwill and cordiality! We offer childbirth not in the most expensive, but in the most comfortable conditions, in those maternity hospitals where highly qualified specialists work. If you dream of an ideal contract birth, call tel. +7 (495) 741-80-02 or submit an online application (open 24/7).

When it comes to paid or free childbirth, expectant mothers have many questions. Perhaps the most common of them: which childbirth to choose, paid or free? If I choose to have a contracted birth, what will I pay for? And if there is no money for paid childbirth, is it possible to give birth for free and where to do it?

You can give birth for free

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, every person in our country can receive free medical care, therefore Women in Russia can give birth for free. To do this, you need to choose any state maternity hospital, and it doesn’t matter where the expectant mother lives or is registered: she is required to be admitted in any maternity hospital.

When contractions begin, a woman needs to call a special ambulance number for women in labor, an “03” car with a doctor or midwife will come to her and take her to the nearest maternity hospital that has space (delivery to the maternity hospital is also free for all women in labor).

But we must keep in mind that the ambulance will only take you to the maternity hospital closest to the place of call. If an expectant mother wants to give birth for free in a specific maternity hospital located far from her home, then she will have to get there on her own.

Standard in any maternity hospital

What is included in the free medical care of a standard maternity hospital?

  1. Monitoring a woman and child during and after childbirth.
  2. Place in the room for mother and baby.
  3. Nutrition.
  4. Medical care itself (pain relief, resuscitation measures), diagnostics (ultrasound, laboratory tests, specialist consultations).

By the way, all medical manipulations, medications and examinations during free childbirth will be no different from those during contract childbirth.

Each expectant mother is given a birth certificate at the antenatal clinic. On its basis, the state pays the maternity hospital for obstetric services. This document is needed so that antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and children's clinics are financially interested in every pregnant woman, woman in labor and young mother.

Nuances of free childbirth

The birth will be attended by a team on duty, meaning it is impossible to choose a doctor in advance. Most likely, when giving birth for free, you will have to do without a separate postpartum ward; the toilet and shower are also often shared.

But Now you can take any loved one with you to a free birth. This is guaranteed by paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation.” Moreover, you don’t have to pay any money for partner childbirth. The main thing is that the maternity hospital should have separate birthing boxes, and the partner should undergo simple tests in advance. After studying various reviews about maternity hospitals, you can find one where partner childbirth is practiced.

Birth contract: what's included?

If a woman wants to give birth for a fee (under a contract), then she needs to conclude an agreement with the maternity hospital for a paid birth. Thanks to him you can:

  • In advance choose a maternity hospital and come on a tour to evaluate the equipment, living conditions and atmosphere of the clinic.
  • Maintain pregnancy from the 36th week until birth with a personal doctor and give birth with him. This is very convenient, because a doctor who knows the woman’s pregnancy history and health in advance will be better prepared for various surprises during childbirth. It will also be easier for both the doctor and the expectant mother to establish contact during childbirth. In addition, the doctor will always be in touch, and the expectant mother will be able to call him before giving birth and during the first month after it and consult on issues that interest her.
  • Be in more comfortable living conditions- in a separate postpartum room with its own bathroom, refrigerator and TV.

Childbirth under a contract: how much does it cost?

Typically, the price of a contract for childbirth depends on the level of the maternity hospital, its reputation and the range of services it offers. For example, a cesarean section is more expensive than a natural birth, you will have to pay more money for a two-room postpartum ward, or if dad wants to live permanently with mom in the maternity hospital until discharge (in the so-called family ward).

In some maternity hospitals there is a contract where both medical care and living conditions are paid, but in others you can give birth with a team on duty and only pay for a separate postpartum ward. As a rule, contracts in modern maternity hospitals are always more expensive than in older clinics. The price of the contract increases if a perinatal psychologist, a personal midwife is present at the birth, or if the baby and mother are cared for in the postpartum department by their own nurse.

Where to give birth: to pay or not?

Whether or not to pay for childbirth is decided by each family based on its capabilities and preferences. What to focus on when deciding whether you need paid childbirth or not, and which contract is better to choose:

  • Understand what is important to you: only medical care or also domestic comfort. It’s easy for some to get ready for a free birth with an unfamiliar doctor and to lie in a two-, three- or four-bed ward, but for others this is completely unacceptable.
  • Be guided only by your own opinion- to do this, go to the maternity hospital and look at its conditions with your own eyes. And be sure to talk to your doctor, tell him about your wishes and ask any questions that concern you.
  • In advance study sample contracts and compare terms, which are offered by different maternity hospitals and insurance companies.

Comment on the article "Childbirth: free and under contract. What is the difference"

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Childbirth: free and under contract. What's the difference? I gave birth in maternity hospital No. 16 under the “partner birth” program (they have this program for free) by agreement with the doctor (but as a result there was a different doctor, because I ended up on the weekend).

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During my first birth, I arrived without a contract during labor, gave birth for free, and of course “thanked” the duty team with an envelope. As I am already puzzled by this question, on the one hand I agree that the price tag for the contract is such that, in principle, paying more is...

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We had partner births under a contract. There were a lot of things I didn’t like in the contract itself, did they change the institution... Childbirth: free and under a contract. Childbirth under a contract: how much does it cost? Usually the price of a contract for childbirth depends on the level of the maternity hospital, its...

I plan to give birth under a contract, in order to give birth with my husband and have better living conditions. But as far as I understand, the doctor and midwife receive almost nothing from contract births. How to get them interested? Offer money right there during the birth?

Or I sign a contract with the team on duty. What is the fundamental difference? Well, when with a specific doctor for a very good price. a large amount is understandable Childbirth: free and under contract. What's the difference? Some maternity hospitals have a contract where both medical care and...

LCDs, maternity hospitals, courses, honey. centers. Pregnancy and childbirth. Well done your doctor, human approach. No one warned me about the difference between an agreement and a contract. She chose the contract herself and did not regret it. Childbirth: free and under contract. What's the difference?

In short, in fact, in maternity hospital No. 25, the only difference is the degree of repair of the maternity block and wards. Both the first and second time I was completely satisfied with both the doctor and the team. Childbirth: free and under contract. What's the difference? Birth contract: what's included?

He offers a contract for childbirth worth 90.7 thousand rubles, and also advises on the programs of the Apogee and Medcom insurance companies. You can start throwing slippers at me, but I sincerely believe that this approach is “better to personally negotiate with the doctor” = "after me there might be a flood."

In my opinion, many people do not really understand what a birth contract is and what it guarantees. You cannot buy love, sympathy, understanding, emotional support and a good attitude from a doctor for any money in any maternity hospital, either through an acquaintance or a contract.

Childbirth under a contract is an opportunity to choose the maternity hospital you want. Is this the only plus? Thanks in advance for your answers. My first birth was under contract. When I gave birth and lay there, I was happy. My husband was present at the birth, the rooms were double, there was a new shower...

Free childbirth is a lottery. You can get to a good doctor, or you can... The contract, as a rule, guarantees only good living conditions, the exceptions are good maternity hospitals with a high rating, where the treatment is the same for both paid and free ones.

Childbirth: free and under contract. What's the difference? Nowadays, more and more expectant mothers are choosing contract births. This option differs from giving birth in a free maternity hospital; you have no formal grounds, since the contract itself is not legally concluded, and...

Yes, Nin, ideally, free births should be handled normally - albeit without luxury, without single rooms with a shower and air conditioning... Please tell us what is the difference in the contract for childbirth concluded directly with the RD or through an insurance company? Interesting situation.

Childbirth: free and under contract. What's the difference? And if there is no money for paid childbirth, is it possible to give birth for free and where can this be done? This option differs from childbirth in a free maternity hospital in more comfortable conditions, and from a personal agreement with someone from...