Various techniques for swaddling a newborn baby. How to swaddle a newborn correctly so as not to harm his health How to swaddle a newborn baby for the first time at home

Most maternity hospitals adhere to the practice of classic swaddling of a newborn. Upon returning from the maternity hospital, the young mother is surrounded by advisers. Some show how to swaddle a baby, others talk about modern techniques that do not recommend using the “grandmother’s” method. A young mother is faced with the question: should she swaddle her baby or should she not even teach it?

There is no definite answer, so it is worthwhile to thoroughly understand all the arguments.

Even while waiting for the baby to arrive, pregnant women watch mothers and their babies to gain some experience. Mothers see that babies in diapers sleep better in the stroller and are less capricious. It seems that they are quite comfortable: they are in a safe position, they do not bother themselves with their hands and impulsive movements in their sleep. But how to master the types of swaddling of a newborn, how to do it correctly?

It is during this period that you need to master the swaddling technique, learn on a large “newborn” doll. It’s good if you have an experienced relative or friend who will wrap the baby in a diaper in the first month of life. It is useful to observe the baby’s reaction and the mother’s algorithm of actions. If these actions are skillful, then it is comfortable for the child in the “pocket” of the diaper to breathe and move his arms and legs.

But you can also notice that after a few months the child, who was swaddled, tries to free himself from the “captivity” of the fabric. Then another question arises: “Until what age should children be swaddled?”

On women's forums, where mothers exchange experiences, different opinions are expressed, but everyone agrees on one thing - it is recommended not to swaddle very tightly only in the first months of a newborn's life, and then, depending on the baby's reaction and actions.

Questions that interest young mothers

  • Which diapers to choose?

Definitely made from natural fabrics. In winter - a warm flannel jacket (or its analogues), in summer - linen or cotton (hygroscopic materials). There are also Velcro diapers or changing envelopes for newborns: they are very convenient, especially when there is no experience.

  • How many times a day should you swaddle your baby?

No one has counted, but little children are turned around for bathing and changing clothes, massage and simple exercises. Some people only swaddle during stroller walks and at night (bedtime).

  • There is an opinion that tight swaddling can correct crooked legs, is this true?

Observations were made, and modern doctors did not find confirmation of this theory. Incorrect swaddling technique can cause damage to developing hip joints, and the legs gradually straighten out on their own.

  • How to secure the edges of diapers: can you use ties, elastic bands, safety pins and Velcro?

Children grow quickly, and the size for which all these fasteners are designed becomes small: the elastic band squeezes, the Velcro has to be adjusted weekly, and the pin can come undone and prick the baby without the mother noticing. When swaddling is done correctly, the corners or ends are folded over the fold.

  • Is it safe to leave a swaddled baby unattended for a short time?

You should not leave your baby unattended on a smooth surface without edges. An active baby is able to move to the edge of the changing table and fall while the mother is distracted by something or walks away for a minute.

  • What to do if your baby doesn’t like being in diapers?

Some mothers notice that children do not like being wrapped in cloth. They are probably wrapped too tightly and this is making it difficult for the baby to breathe, swallow and make sounds. You don’t have to swaddle if there is an alternative - comfortable envelopes and vests with closed fingers, so that a slightly older baby does not scratch himself with his hands. However, in the first weeks after birth, it is better to wrap up, even with your head, to maintain body temperature.

In most cases, newborns are comfortable in swaddles, it is warming, soothing and relaxing, provided they are swaddled correctly.

The air environment where a newborn finds itself after birth differs from the comfort of the mother’s womb. Comfortable swaddling partially compensates for this feeling of security. But this time quickly passes, and when the baby needs freedom of movement, the need for diapers disappears. As a rule, this period ends with a standard deadline breastfeeding- up to six months.

Main types of swaddling of babies

  • Simple swaddling, when the baby is wrapped up to the neck and a cap or cap is put on his head.
  • Full swaddling in a tight way with the head. The baby is wrapped entirely in a piece of fabric or a special envelope, and a kind of hood is formed around the head from the edge of the diaper. This is done before feeding, when the baby is going to be immediately put to sleep. This method also calms an overexcited child.
  • Loose waist swaddling: The swaddle wraps around the legs and lower torso for greater freedom of movement. The baby's arms and chest are in vests, without swaddling. It is important to learn how to swaddle him in such a way as to ensure sufficient freedom, but so that the diaper does not fall off, since children can “unwrap” themselves with their legs.

Each variety has its own advantages, so the methods are used according to the situation, at different infancy ages. A few decades ago, ideas about swaddling were slightly different - children were wrapped more tightly. Today, the view on this issue is being revised, but the algorithm of basic actions remains unchanged.

Factors against swaddling

  • It is difficult to control a baby's thermoregulation: warm diapers can overheat him, causing heat rash. It is important to constantly monitor whether the baby is sweating; it is necessary to have enough vests and wide diapers for a change.
  • Tight swaddling compresses the chest, interferes with free breathing, can slow down the baby's development and provoke some defects. Therefore, after 2 months you should abandon this method.
  • Kids themselves choose a comfortable position for sleeping or waking. Most often they lie on their tummy, and in diapers it is difficult for them to roll over into a comfortable position or move their arms and legs. The baby may be capricious only for this reason, and the mother tries to swaddle him tighter again, feed him, or look for another reason for dissatisfaction.

How and where to learn to swaddle a newborn?

You can sew diapers yourself from cotton fabric or buy them in a specialized store for mothers and babies. There are many places where you can get hands-on experience swaddling your newborn before birth.

  • This is taught directly at courses for young mothers; they can be attended with the future father, to make it easier to get involved in the role of a father.
  • You can learn how to swaddle directly in the maternity hospital, where women in labor are shown how to do it correctly.
  • Relatives willingly share their experience of swaddling babies. The mother of a woman in labor may forget a little, as they did in her time. It is better to contact those who have given birth recently.
  • Today, few people would think of going to the library to get specialized literature. But specialized books on caring for a baby in the first year of life can be invaluable advisers. Such literature is also available for free sale.
  • When there is no other source of information other than the Internet, and there is nowhere else to get practical experience, it is worth stocking up on a large doll and diapers by watching a video on the topic “types of swaddling a newborn”

What is important to know about the types of swaddling?

The closed method is very simple, when the child is prepared for a walk or feeding. You will need a cap (cap), a vest and a diaper (rectangular or square). Further according to the scheme:

  • Put on the vest and straighten it on the back to eliminate wrinkles. Put on the cap, its strings are tucked under the wrapped fabric.
  • Spread the diaper on a table or other convenient, clean surface, and place the baby in a diaper or diaper in the middle.
  • Wrap the edge of the diaper (right or left) under the baby's flank on the opposite side so that it lies awkwardly under the back.
  • Wrap the other half of the diaper in the same way.
  • Place the bottom and secure it at the back.

If something is not clear, see the diagram in the figure.

  1. The open method is similar to the previous one, but we do not swaddle the baby’s arms, but only wrap the diaper under the chest over the belly. The vest should have sewn-up sleeves so that he cannot scratch himself. The hat should be light unless it involves walking in cold weather. It is better to secure the vest with a diaper. The diapers should be slightly below the armpits so as not to cause discomfort. When you wrap the legs, make sure they are loose enough.

If you have a baby, then after all the procedures the very first action is swaddling the newborn baby. No matter how fashionable slogans are today that a child must be free in his movements, no one has canceled swaddling. It is very important to provide the baby with a sense of protection. Let's try to figure out whether it is necessary to swaddle infant, and how to do it correctly so that the baby is warm and comfortable.

Closed method

If you don’t know how to wrap your baby in a swaddle for a walk or when feeding, then take into account closed swaddling method. For it you will need:

  • cap;
  • rectangular diaper;
  • vest

Then proceed according to the instructions.

This is not a complicated scheme at all, although difficulties may arise when securing the diaper behind the newborn. You need to make sure that it is not very convex, otherwise the fold will begin to put pressure on the spine.

Public method

In order to swaddle a baby correctly in an open diaper, you will need the skill of closed swaddling. This method is especially useful in the evenings if you decide to give your baby's hands a rest.

If the child is still very tiny (up to one month), then the vest must have closed sleeves so that the baby does not accidentally scratch himself. At an older age, this method will be the main one. The hat will no longer be needed, since this is done for spending time at home.

The open method is practiced when the child has already grown a little, but it is still too early to release him completely, or if he has a problem with the joints of the pelvis or legs.

Tight swaddling

To swaddle your baby tightly, you will need dexterity and skills practiced on the doll. Previously, this option was welcomed by pediatricians and used by midwives in all maternity hospitals. All the children looked the same like pillars and could not move their legs or arms.

Today, doctors are increasingly speaking out against this method, talking about the harm this method causes to health:

And yet, after tight swaddling, babies often calm down and begin to fall asleep not only much faster, but also much more soundly. We tell you how to do a tight swaddling.

The peculiarity of this method is the fact that when any edge weakens from active actions child or does not lock in place, the entire structure will fall apart. But, as already mentioned, this option is rarely used today.

Wide wrap

If you need to swaddle your baby's legs loosely, leaving everything else outside the canvas, then the wide method is used.

Its main advantage is that the baby takes the “frog” pose, which is comfortable for him. He will be able to bend and straighten his arms. In some cases, this method is used for medical reasons if a pathology such as hip dysplasia has been established.

Wide swaddling infants- this is a fairly popular option. It is recommended by pediatricians because it does not limit motor activity child and creates enough free space for him.

With your head

In the first few days of life it is necessary swaddle the baby's head, in order to protect the still fragile fontanel and prevent accidental injuries. The swaddling technique is similar to the closed method.

In order to swaddle your baby's head, you need to practice first. In this case, it is important to ensure that the diaper does not cover the baby’s eyes. After 1-2 weeks, you can switch to a closed swaddling method.


You can swaddle your baby in an envelope-shaped blanket. As a rule, this method is used for walks in winter. You will need two clothes - thin and thick (warm).

If the warm (top) blanket is dressed up, you will get a pretty nice swaddling blanket for walking - comfortable and warm.

All of the methods described above require endless patience and certain skills, since it is not always possible to wrap a squirming baby in a diaper. Some useful recommendations and tips will be able to help you cope with various subtleties during swaddling.

It is necessary to study the requirements for fabric.

A person who sees a newborn baby usually has an instinctive desire to wrap it in something soft. Most mothers do this. They learn how to swaddle a baby, and the diaper becomes trueassistant in the first year of life. And sometimes it is more important for mothers to provide the baby with the opportunity to move without restrictions from the very first seconds of life, leaving the baby without diapers. What is better - swaddling a newborn or freedom? How to swaddle correctly and is it worth doing it at all? How to solve the baby changing issue? Let's try to figure it out.

The secrets of an ordinary diaper or why and how to swaddle a newborn?

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, a newborn really needs to be warmed up, to help him understand the boundaries of his body, so that he felt relaxed and protected , as in the womb. Most babies need gentle adaptation to the new conditions of their existence. You need to get used to such a stunning change in external circumstances gradually. And wonderful helpers in this, first of all, are mother’s skillful hands, the warmth of her body. The mother can take the newborn and warm him by holding him to her stomach or chest. Provide healing skin-to-skin contact . Then you won't need a diaper.
But to modern young mothers Lack of confidence in handling newborns . Often the first newborn a woman sees is her own baby. In the first minutes and days, theoretical training helps little. All subtleties are learned in practice. This is where “grandmother’s” diapers come in handy. A swaddled baby is easier to hold and easier to carry. And babies very often calm down and sleep soundly in diapers. There is an opinion that babies under 40 days old do not need clothes at all, only diapers. And this makes a certain sense. After all, a mother without experience should put it on crying baby bodysuit and sliders are much more complex than just wrap him in a diaper .

Pros of swaddling:

  • babies feel calmer in a diaper
  • swaddled babies sleep longer and sounder
  • saving on newborn clothes
  • diapers will later come in handy in life with a child

INIt’s important not to go too far : do not swaddle tightly and do not keep your baby in diapers all the time. Tight swaddling, especially with straightening the legs and arms, is definitely harmful (see the tab with WHO recommendations). The diaper should create a soft, comfortable shell, inside which The baby can move his arms and legs freely . The baby should be able to pull out a hand, or two at once, or even get out of the diapers when he grows up a little. In this sense, stretchy knitted diapers are convenient. And it’s easier for an inexperienced mother to swaddle in them. In general, it would be ideal if someone showed the new mother all the intricacies of swaddling and taught how to swaddle correctly. Watch the fragment video tutorial “Caring for a newborn” at the bottom of the page, which shows the so-called wide swaddle with loose legs.

Difficulties of swaddling:

  • There is a risk of overheating if you wrap your baby too warmly.

So what should you do - swaddle or not??

Universal rule for parents "Focus on your own child" helps in this matter too. There are days when the child falls asleep just fine as is, and sometimes the baby cannot fall asleep until he feels “like in his tummy.” Be flexible and look at the child. If you notice that the baby is getting out of the diapers, it means that he does not need them now. Some babies grow out of swaddling with arms quite quickly, but the wide free space swaddling your feet calms them down and helps you sleep better for some time. There is a method of swaddling “under the arms”, just for such cases. Or you can replace swaddling with a cute sleeping bag, for example.
There are children who are clearly protesting against diapers from the day of birth. In this case, there is no need to insist. You just need to do it more often, giving it an intrauterine position. Take a closer look at your baby, listen to his wishes.


No swaddling


  • many babies feel calmer in a diaper
  • sleep longer and sounder
  • a swaddled baby is easier to hold in the arms of a young mother and father
  • You can save money on newborn clothes
  • Diapers will come in handy later in life with a child
  • baby moves more
  • hardening
  • you can save on diapers
  • no need to learn to swaddle


  • you need to practice to swaddle quickly and deftly
  • there is a possibility of overheating the child
  • the baby can jump up during sleep and wake himself up with the movement of his arms and legs
  • baby may be more anxious in the first months

WHO recommends the use free swaddling method: the baby is wrapped in a swaddle or blanket so that inside he can freely move his arms and legs, or only the legs are swaddled freely.

At the same time, the WHO emphasizes that Not all babies need swaddling. Most in need of swaddling:

  • restless and easily excitable children who often startle and wake up during sleep;
  • premature babies (in this case, loose swaddling helps stabilize physiological functions and development of the neuromuscular system);
  • children with brain damage.

Tight swaddling, when the baby’s legs and arms are straightened and pressed tightly to the body, and then fixed with a diaper, according to WHO, leads to dysplasia, impaired blood circulation, and delayed development of neuromuscular coordination. In addition, the risk of overheating increases significantly.

What you need for swaddling

    Thin calico or knitted diapers, about 20pcs. Size 110x110 cm

This is a basic diaper. It is thin, breathable, and it is difficult to overheat a baby in it. In hot weather, the baby can be swaddled naked in a thin diaper, and when it is cooler - in a vest. We recommend this one newborn diaper size, because it is convenient for changing and will last longer. You will most likely be given smaller diapers at the maternity hospital.

    Flannel diapers (flannelette)20 pcs. Size 100x100 cm

These diapers will come in handy for the first weeks. The baby is wrapped in a flannel diaper over a thin cotton or knitted one. The result is a tight, good package that is comfortable for a newborn and comfortable for a young mother to carry. Moreover, this additional insulation, which some children need to fall asleep easier. Gradually, as the baby grows, the need to swaddle in flannel diapers disappears. But they will last for a long time comfortable bedding and sheets for all occasions: a stroller, a crib, a doctor’s appointment, and so on.

    "Lazy" diapers, diapers with fasteners, envelopesand the like.

These modern inventions and devices are designed to make life easier for mothers who doesn't know how to swaddle child. They may be useful and convenient, but they are definitely not essential items. Grandma's good old diapers work just as well, but are incomparably cheaper. A changing bag can be convenient for walks and trips in a car seat, just make sure it has slots for seat belts.

    Changing place

A baby changing table with many shelves or even a whole chest of drawers for changing is, of course, very convenient, especially for handling a newborn in the first couple of weeks. But if space in the apartment is limited, you can easily do without these pieces of furniture. You don’t even need to buy a changing board or a changing mattress with sides. It is also convenient to swaddle a baby on an adult wide bed or a crib with the side removed. Breathable natural waterproof beds will help protect beds from getting wet. Somewhere nearby, at arm's length, it would be nice to place shelves for all sorts of needs: diaper cream, cotton pads, a supply of diapers and diapers. Watch the video at the bottom of the page to see how this can be done. This arrangement of a changing area has many advantages:

  • more free space in the room,
  • no need to buy furniture that will only be needed for a short period of time
  • it is safer than a tall baby changing chest or changing table.

Attention! Never leave your baby alone on the baby changing table, even for a second. When you reach for the diaper, use your other hand hold the baby. If you cannot reach something, take the baby in your arms. Even if the baby does not roll over or crawl, there is still a danger that he falls off the changing table.

Swaddling technology - how it's done step by step

There are many ways to swaddle a baby. We offer you the simplest, most convenient, safe and time-tested. You were probably swaddled the same way when you were a newborn baby

  1. Place the baby across the sheet along the long side, in the middle.
  2. Take the top left corner of the diaper and place it under your baby's right armpit.
  3. Take the upper right corner and place it behind the baby's back on the left side.
  4. Take both lower corners of the diaper in both hands, slightly pull them towards you and straighten them.
  5. Throw the bottom edge of the diaper over the baby's arms, wrap it loosely around the baby and secure it to the back, tucking a corner under the edge of the diaper.

You need to swaddle freely, but secure the diaper more securely. We should get a cocoon, inside which the baby moves his arms and legs, without the structure falling apart. Practice and you will succeed!

Boil and iron diapers? Well, no way

Good news: you don't have to boil and iron mountains of diapers every day. Of course, wash and iron all the baby’s dowry in in preparation for childbirth not forbidden. This meditative and useful activity contributes to the formation and puts mom in the right mood. But after the baby is born, you can forget about ironing with a clear conscience if you have automatic washing machine with a 90* washing program and a convenient clothes dryer. On a truly convenient dryer, you can hang diapers evenly even with one hand, while holding the baby with the other hand or in a sling.
Most likely, you will not need to wash diapers at high temperatures often. For normal everyday washing, a program of 75*C is sufficient. An extra rinse won't hurt either. Boiling (or washing at 90) and ironing diapers on both sides can be useful in case of serious dermatitis or intestinal and other infections.

Changing FAQ

How to swaddle a baby correctly?

There are quite a few ways of swaddling; you can watch master classes on YouTube, try several and choose the most convenient one. The main thing is not to swaddle tightly, do not immobilize the baby, swaddle so that the baby has the ability to move inside and get out of the diaper when he needs to.

What to wear under a diaper?

Depends on the situation and temperature. If the baby is newborn and the house is warm, then you can swaddle it over a thin vest or nothing at all. If you need a diaper to put you to sleep a grown up baby, swaddle over pajamas. If the baby sleeps while walking in a stroller, swaddle him with a blanket over warm clothes. And so on.

Is the baby hot under the diaper?

The baby may be hot regardless of swaddling. To mom need to be controlled this moment, feel the baby’s neck, see if he is sweaty, if his face is red. Overheating in newborns is considered by pediatricians to be a greater danger than cold, so do not overdo it when wrapping your child.

How to swaddle in hot weather?

In hot weather, you can swaddle a thin diaper directly on your naked body. A thin diaper will even help protect your baby from overheating and harmful effects. sun rays. Just check often to see if your baby is hot. This rule applies regardless of whether you swaddle your baby or not.

Until what age should a baby be swaddled?

You will see for yourself until how many months swaddle your baby. Some babies say goodbye to the diaper earlier, some later. There's nothing wrong if baby up to one year old will fall asleep slightly swaddled. Even older children can be playfully wrapped in a blanket or sheet to calm them down before bed.

How to wean yourself from swaddling?

Normally, there is no need to wean your baby off swaddling. The child will outgrow this need, like many other infant needs: rocking, sucking, etc. You certainly won’t have to swaddle your son before the army. If you want to stop swaddling as early as possible, we recommend that by 3 months you switch to swaddling under your arms, put you to sleep in a sling without a diaper, and alternate between being put to sleep with a diaper and without a diaper.

How to combine swaddling with planting?

Swaddling goes well with. It is definitely more convenient to disembark from diapers than from onesies, bodysuits and rompers. When dropping your baby off, you just need to free his butt from the diaper and hold him over a basin or sink, and then wrap him back. In order not to get too wet in case of an accident, you need to put a gauze diaper between the baby’s legs and use natural

How many diapers do you need?

Usually 20 thin and 20 flannel diapers are enough. You can divide this quantity by size and buy 10 diapers of each type, smaller in size 90x100 and larger in size 110x110. In the first days it will become clear whether you need to buy more diapers and How many. Newborn diaper Boys need more than older boys than girls (they pee more often).

Should I swaddle my baby at night?

If you practice co-sleeping, especially if your baby sleeps in your arm (side-lying breastfeeding position), then swaddling at night is not necessary. But if the mother needs to put the baby to sleep at night, and still do something around the house, then the diaper will help the baby sleep soundly and longer.

Why swaddle during the day?

It depends on age. The newborn is swaddled so that he adapted better to a new life, was less nervous and developed better. An older baby can be swaddled to soothe him and put him to sleep.

Features of swaddling for dysplasia?

For dysplasia, wide swaddling is used, when several diapers are placed between the baby’s legs. This is done to ensure that the baby’s legs are separated as much as possible. Your doctor will tell you how to do this correctly. Healthy children This type of swaddling is not necessary, even as a preventive measure. But we can recommend it to all babies without exception: the baby’s legs in a sling are spread wide apart, which promotes the healthy development of the hip joints.

So, let's summarize. Swaddling is ancient way of caring for a child, it certainly contains deep wisdom that will also be useful to modern parents. Not all babies need swaddling, but for many of them it will bring peace and sound sleep. Now you know how to properly swaddle a newborn, and why to do it. Try it! If you notice beneficial influence, practice loose swaddling as long as your baby needs it. The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a child can only be given by you. Listen to your child, turn on maternal intuition and let the baby grow up healthy and happy!

When we talk about newborns, the image of a cute little bag carefully wrapped in a diaper immediately appears in our heads. Indeed, until quite recently, it was customary to swaddle babies in a set of a diaper and a blanket, or only in a diaper.

How justified this is in our time, when a lot of cute clothes for little ones have appeared, we will discuss below. However, to this day, many mothers and nurses in the maternity hospital are accustomed to wrapping a newborn “the old fashioned way.”

What are the benefits of swaddling for babies and parents?

During your stay in mother's womb The baby is accustomed to limited space, and therefore at first may experience discomfort from the new freedom of movement, and swaddling will help him adapt gradually.

In addition, as practice shows, babies in diapers often fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully than in diapers.

With sufficient skill, parents can change their baby's diapers to clean ones much faster and easier than changing blouses and pants. However, the use of a diaper in infancy, helps mom and dad save a lot on diapers, which, you see, is a weighty argument in our time.

What is it like?

If our great-grandmothers made do with one type of swaddling - now it is called tight - using a swaddle for this, then modern children are swaddled in different ways: freely, selectively (leaving arms or legs free) and even in a special orthopedic way.

Tight (classic, soldier, column)

Tight swaddling is now used quite rarely; the child needs to be left a little freedom. However, the basic principle remains the same - the diaper completely covers both the baby’s arms and legs. This method is called simple or classic swaddling.


Depending on the mother's need or desire, the baby can be swaddled freely, leaving room for the legs to move, or even leaving the arms free.

With your head

You can swaddle the baby completely, with his head. If the room where the child is is cool, this can be very convenient. Especially if the baby is not very good at putting on a hat.

We offer an algorithm of actions that will help you swaddle your newborn easily and, most importantly, correctly.

What is needed for swaddling?

  1. Diapers (in hot weather, one thin diaper is enough; in cool weather, a warm, soft flannel diaper is also placed under a thin diaper).
  2. Pampers or disposable diaper.
  3. Any product you choose that you use to treat your baby’s skin under the diaper (oil, cream or powder).
  4. Convenient place for changing.

Is a changing table required?

It is convenient to swaddle your baby on a special changing table. As a rule, it is simply a flat table with a shelf for storing care products.

This table, of course, is very convenient because it has sides to protect the baby, and also allows the mother not to bend over the child too much, easing the load on her back.

However, its presence is not at all necessary. It is quite possible to swaddle your baby both on the bed and on the sofa.

  • An important point when swaddling is to ensure that the baby’s neck and chest are not pulled too tightly.
  • Never leave a swaddled baby on your stomach, as this can lead to suffocation.
  • You should not wrap your baby in a diaper after 3 months, let him move more. If desired, you can leave swaddling only for nighttime sleep.

And most importantly: never leave your child on the sofa or table unattended! If you need to leave for something, be sure to transfer the baby to his crib. Better once again play it safe rather than risk it!

How to prepare your baby before swaddling?

You can wrap your baby in a diaper only after following standard hygiene procedures:

  1. The child needs to be washed and dried thoroughly.
  2. Before wrapping the baby in diapers, put on a diaper or gauze diaper.
  3. Having carefully blotted the skin, treat it under the diaper with oil, baby cream or talcum powder to prevent diaper rash from forming.

How to make a diaper from gauze?

In order to save money when swaddling a baby, you can use gauze diapers rather than ready-made disposable diapers. How to build it is clearly demonstrated by the following diagram in pictures:

How to properly disinfect diapers?

After washing, it is highly advisable to iron diapers for a newborn on both sides with a hot iron. If possible, it is better to use a steamer. Then the fabric will not only be disinfected, but will also become softer.

If you don’t have such a device, you can simply spray water on the fabric while ironing.

Let's get down to business: step-by-step instructions

Previously, even kindergarten children, playing at being daughters and mothers, deftly wrapped dolls in rags, copying their mother’s movements. If you didn’t swaddle toys as a child or are not sure that you know how to do it correctly, we will try to tell and show everything.

Full swaddling

  1. Spread the diaper horizontally on a flat surface. We wrap the top part a little.
  2. We put the baby on the diaper in the middle. One handle can be wrapped in the folded part of the diaper. We fold one part of the diaper onto the opposite side of the baby, tucking the edge slightly under the side. The edge of the diaper goes behind the baby's back.
  3. Now we take the second part of the diaper and also fold it under the opposite side of the child.
  4. Now the top of the baby is completely covered, including the hangers.
  5. We bend the lower part of the diaper forward, covering the baby’s legs. We straighten the diaper and wrap its ends under the top edge of the lapel.

For a better understanding, we offer instructions in pictures:

This method of swaddling is shown in as much detail as possible in the following video clip (video from the maternity hospital):


The principle of loose swaddling is the same as tight swaddling. The only difference: it is performed without strong tension on the diaper, as a result, the baby’s legs and arms remain practically free. In addition, you can swaddle only the baby’s arms or just the baby’s legs in this way.

All actions are performed in the same way as with full swaddling - first one edge is folded, then the other, and finally the lower part is raised and wrapped under the armpits.

Swaddling without handles

If desired, the child can be swaddled only the lower part of the body. In this case, they put a vest or blouse on him, and place him on a diaper not at the level of the neck and shoulders, but at the level of the armpits.

With your head

The algorithm for swaddling a baby's head is as follows:

  1. The baby is placed diagonally on a diaper or blanket, so that one of the corners is above the baby's head.
  2. The corner is wrapped around the head, imitating a hat or cap.
  3. Take turns wrapping one side, the bottom corner, and the other side, as in classic swaddling.

This method is demonstrated in even more detail in the following video:

Wide swaddling: why and how?

Wide swaddling is a means of preventing and even treating congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip, if it is diagnosed in early dates. In newborn babies, the femoral head easily falls into place if the legs are in the correct position.

When treating congenital dislocation of the hip, special panties are used during swaddling or a folded diaper is simply placed between the legs.

This is done to ensure that the legs are constantly in a spread position. The instructions for wide swaddling are quite simple - the main thing is to leave the baby’s legs in a free position.

The essence of this type of swaddling is that the baby is wrapped in a swaddle only halfway and in the usual physiological position - with legs bent and spread apart. That is, the diaper in the hip area is not tightened tightly, but remains in a loose position.

The sequence of wide swaddling is the same as direct swaddling:

  1. The child is placed on a diaper, one edge is bent to the opposite side diagonally, fixing it under the handle.
  2. Fold the second side of the diaper, leaving the lower part wide and free.
  3. The lower part of the diaper is lifted and wrapped around the child’s waist, making sure that the legs are in a completely free position.

Pros and cons of swaddling babies

Curvature of the legs: fact or fiction?

The idea of ​​our ancestors that using tight swaddling can provide a child with slender, even legs is currently untenable. Therefore, pediatricians strongly do not recommend swaddling the baby in this way.

Tight swaddling negatively affects the physiological and emotional development child, as a result causing problems in the respiratory and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract and being one of the causes of rickets.

Simple anxiety or central nervous system problems?

Swaddling “with arms” can provide significant assistance to the baby and parents when going to bed. Indeed, sometimes it happens that children cannot fall asleep, since the chaotic waving of their hands frightens them and wakes them up.

However, sometimes these problems may hide malfunctions. nervous system child, so it is better not only to swaddle the child to sleep, but also to consult a doctor with the corresponding question.

Simplicity and savings or muscle tone?

As we have already said, after practicing a couple of times, you can swaddle your baby very quickly and deftly. So in some cases this is the simplest and quick way dress the child. In addition, let's not forget about saving. Indeed, for the first couple of months the baby is quite comfortable in diapers.

On the other hand, by dressing the baby in pants and a blouse, parents provide him with maximum freedom to move. And we know that any movement improves muscle development and tone.

And, in the end, all these baby clothes are so beautiful! Maybe you shouldn't deny yourself pleasure? By the way, perhaps in this way parents from the very early age instill good taste in children?

Whether you swaddle your child or dress him in pants and blouses from birth is up to you, the parents, to decide. The main thing is that both you and the baby feel comfortable and comfortable.

When a newborn is born, parents try to properly care for it. In the first months, many mothers decide to swaddle their babies. To avoid problems, you need to do it correctly.

Preparation for the procedure

Types of swaddling of newborn babies:

  • tight;
  • free;
  • wide.

It is advisable to purchase a special changing table.

If you do not have this opportunity, swaddle your newborn baby on a flat surface, for example, using a table. Prepare everything you might need in advance:

  • clean, ironed diapers;
  • vests, rompers;
  • diapers;
  • baby wipes;
  • powder, oil, cream.

If the house is cool enough, turn on the heater when you get ready to take care of your dirty baby.

Try to quickly swaddle the baby so that he does not freeze. Always keep an eye on it as it may fall.

Find out which ones you need to take - read about the most popular and effective ones!

How to take the famous drug for children Espumisan Baby? Find out whether this remedy really helps get rid of bloating and colic in babies.

NAS formula for newborns - the composition, manufacturer and types of formulas for the little ones are described in the following material:.

How long does it take to swaddle a baby?

Doctors say that baby needs to be swaddled for at least the first month of life.. Otherwise, he will wake himself up by moving his arms and legs and have trouble sleeping.

If you refuse to use diapers during the day, use them at night. Then the sleep will be stronger, the baby will wake up cheerful and calm.

When the baby grows up, you can wrap him up, leaving his arms free. For the first 2-3 months of life, a swaddled baby feels comfortable.

As he gets older, he will begin to move more actively, so swaddling should be loose. At the age of three months you can completely abandon this, if you feel that the moment is right.

Once you reach 5 months of age, you must stop using this method., otherwise it will lead to delayed physical development.

There is no need to think that the baby will freeze in his sleep. You can cover him with a blanket, dress him up in a warm suit.

Whether or not to swaddle a newborn, how to learn how to do it correctly so that the baby is comfortable, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the following video:

Using diapers is beneficial for newborns. Babies sleep better at night. Correct swaddling in the first months of life will help the baby gradually get used to a new, interesting, exciting world. When the child begins to consciously move his arms and legs and begins to actively develop, this practice will no longer be needed.