Five-pointed origami star made of paper. Origami stars and paper stars

Stars have always played an important role in our lives. Stars give light, warmth, show direction. Some are born under a lucky star, some make a wish when the star falls, some worship them, and some simply admire them on dark nights. We are all, in fact, children of the stars, because without them we would not exist... This symbol can be found everywhere on Earth. That is why, and also because it is simply beautiful, we will make stars of happiness out of paper.

For this we need strips of paper and a little time. The size of the strips is 1 cm x 23 cm or other sizes with a similar width to length ratio (1:23). Of course, the width can be greater, for example, if you use A4 paper, then with a strip length of 297 mm, its width can be made 11-12 mm.

To determine the size of the future star, you need to multiply the width of the strip of paper by 1.67.

Here are some ready-made calculations (width | length | star size):

  • 1,0 | 23,0 | 1,67
  • 1,1 | 25,3 | 1,84
  • 1,2 | 27,6 | 2,00
  • 1,5 | 34,5 | 2,50

Making a star

1-4. Bend a strip of paper around your finger and thread the tip of the paper into the resulting loop. We carefully tighten the resulting knot so that we get a neat pentagon.

5. It is advisable that the tip does not extend beyond the pentagon at all, but if this happens, then simply bend it in the opposite direction (step 5). And it’s even easier - cut off the excess)))

6-8. With the free end of the strip we begin to wrap the pentagon in a circle, in total you should wrap it 10 times in this way.

9-11. If the tip remains, you need to bend it (or cut off the excess) and hide it.

12. Here we have a blank star.

13, 14. Holding the workpiece, press the edge of the star with your fingernail, pressing it inward.

We repeat similarly with the remaining faces. Here you need to act especially carefully so as not to spoil the star.

And now our star of happiness is ready!

Today, we will learn how to make beautiful three-dimensional stars out of paper that can beautifully decorate some elements of your home. This simple craft, but even here you need to be extremely careful and attentive. Our instructions will help you make voluminous stars correctly and beautifully!

How to make an origami star?

In order to make a star, we need only one strip of paper, measuring 1.1x29 centimeters. It is better to take colored paper, or cut it out from some fashion magazine, so the star will turn out to be more attractive and beautiful.

Let's get started!

1. We take the prepared strip and make a small loop on one of the edges.

3. Press the knot with your finger so that it is flat. Now let's see if we have an even pentagon, if not, then we redo it.

4. We wrap the remaining tail to the bottom and wrap it around the resulting pentagon.

5. Let's turn our craft over.

6 . We hide the tail inside the pentagon.

7. Now, we begin to wrap our figure with the remaining strip. We wrap it on all sides, and try not to press down the paper too much.

8. We hide the remaining tip of the strip under one of the layers.

9. Now the most important point, the star needs to be made three-dimensional. To do this, gently press with your fingers on each face of the pentagon in turn until you get what we want.

That's all, our volumetric star is ready!

VIDEO. Origami star.

As a rule, the older a person gets, the more nostalgic he begins to remember his childhood years. For many adults today, this time is permeated with Soviet symbols, among which red stars can be noted.

In this master class I will show several options on how to make a star out of paper with your own hands step by step photos. This five-pointed symbol may still be relevant today. For example, a red star is perfect as or for decoration New Year's interior. It is not difficult to make it from paper, focusing on the proposed master classes.

01. DIY voluminous paper star

To create a three-dimensional star, we will need to prepare:

  • red paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue.

First, cut out 5 squares of the same size from red paper.

Our blanks have a side of 9 cm.

After this, you can begin to add each square. First we make a diagonal fold.

Then we unfold the square blank. Fold the right side towards the middle.

A similar fold should be made on the left side.

Now we need to make bends in the upper part of our workpiece. First we bend the right side.

After this, we make a fold on the left side. Our blank took the shape of a rhombus.

Fold it in half.

The top layer needs to be folded to the side.

In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that on the reverse side the vertex of the triangle coincides with the fold line.

Unfold the workpiece slightly.

Smooth the fold lines.

Now we begin to straighten one of the rays of the future star.

Carefully straighten its inner layer.

Now we give the workpiece next view. We have an element consisting of one whole beam and a half.

We need to make 4 more such blanks.

You can start assembling the star, and for this you will need glue. Apply it to one half of the beam.

After that we insert one element into another.

So we connected 2 modules.

We glue the remaining elements together in a similar way. Our volumetric paper star is ready.

02. How to make a star using modular origami technique

Technique modular origami allows you to create three-dimensional figures using the same elements. Our master class presents the step-by-step production of a star from several modules.

To work you will need 10 square sheets of paper. We took red writing sheets.

We start by making one module. For it we need two sheets. First we bend them along two diagonals. Now these same sheets of paper should be bent in transverse directions, but in the other direction.

From one we fold the workpiece in the form of a double square.

From another sheet of paper with pre-designated folds, we fold the workpiece in the form of a double triangle.

Now we insert the triangle inside the square.

We bend the protruding ends from the square inward. First we do this from two opposite sides.

Then we unfold the module blank and bend the protruding corners again. This is how we got one of the modules.

We need to make 4 more such modules for the future star. Let's start connecting the modules. They will be attached to each other due to the corners protruding on the sides.

Two corners of one piece should be inserted under the folds of the other from the inside.

We insert the corners of the other module from the outside under the folds of the adjacent one.

So we continue to connect the individual modules.

We close all 5 elements into a ring.

You can leave the origami star as is, or you can slightly raise its upper part.

03. Volume star made of paper for a postcard

On a white sheet, draw a star stencil, as in the photo, and prepare a sheet of red cardboard.

Cut it out.

Bend the workpiece - all the short strips are bent inward, and the long strips are bent outward. Glue it to the base. This way you can do volumetric star for a postcard for February 23 or May 9.

How to make a five-pointed star out of paper video tutorial

Recently, the origami technique has gained a huge number of fans.

Meanwhile, origami- This ancient art folding different paper figures without the help of glue and scissors, which has its roots in Ancient China.

Today we will try this technique with easy master class, folding strips of paper into a charming star, also called an asterisk of happiness. Probably because these stars are very cute, when you look at a whole scattering of these pot-bellied babies, only positive emotions arise. They can decorate the interior, decorate a gift, even make curtains from stars.

Making such beauty is not at all difficult. Be sure to involve the kids in this fun activity. They will really like it, and it will also develop fine motor skills hands

So, first you need to prepare paper, scissors (a paper cutter), a ruler, a couple of minutes of free time and a good mood).

The paper used is different: regular colored, office, silk, scrapbooking paper, wrapping paper, you can even cut the colored pages of an old magazine, they will also make original stars. There are also special sets on sale with ready-made beautiful stripes for stars.

We cut the paper into strips 29 cm long and 1.1 cm wide. Although other sizes can be used. The width of the stripe determines
the size of our star, and the length should be sufficient to wrap each edge at least 2 times.

Let's start the process:

Making a loop;
- holding the short end, very carefully make a knot;
- tie a knot so that the result is an equilateral pentagon;
- wrap the short ponytail reverse side and turn the workpiece over;
- if the tip is too long and looks beyond the star, then bend it or trim it;
- now we begin to wrap the pentagon with the long end until the paper runs out;
- we hide the remaining tail in a striped pocket;

Our blank is ready, all that remains is to make it voluminous. To do this, take the pentagon with your left hand, and with two fingers of your right hand we grasp each corner of the star and press down the edge, thereby pressing the side of the pentagon in the middle.

That's all, the star of happiness is ready! Have a good mood everyone!

You can see the process of folding a happy star more clearly in the video.

When making origami stars Special attention look at the photo. They will help you better understand the process of creating a star.

Required tools: bilateral colored paper or gift wrapping paper (not too thick), scissors and a good mood.

1. Cut out strips of paper length 26 cm and width 1 cm.

2. Tie it off paper strip knot: first make a loop, and then pass the short tip of the paper down through it (small 1-2).

Make sure that the knot is not too tight and not too loose.

3. Bend the tail of the strip back so that it is not visible from the front side (Fig. 3).

4. Now turn the star over to the other side (Fig. 4) and wind the long tip of the strip around the star, as shown in Fig. 5. The strip itself should lie in the right direction.

Do not bend or squeeze it. You should end up with a pentagon with the sides wrapped several times. Bend the tail and hide it between the bindings of paper (Fig. 6).

5. Give the star some volume. Make a star in the middle of each face small depressions using your fingernail or the blunt side of scissors. Do not press on the star so that it does not lose volume. The size of one star is about 1.5 cm.