Proper upbringing of a child up to a year according to Komarovsky. Steps in the development of thinking in children of the first year of life. Child development up to a year. Komarovsky newborn

It is necessary to start raising a child when it lies across the bed. The old axiom is somewhat improved today. Indeed, many parents begin communication and the educational process with love in the womb. What do moms and dads need to know about raising babies up to a year old? What trends can be adopted from Japanese and Russian Orthodox traditions? What does Yevgeny Komarovsky advise about this? We are armed with useful information.

Care and upbringing of a child by months: psychology

Conventionally, this period can be divided into 4 stages. The first - up to three months - is characterized by the appearance of the so-called revitalization complex. This is the reaction of the baby to the mother, other relatives. The child smiles in response to their appearance, moves his arms, brightens up. And for parents, such a reaction is the result of daily communication, care, love and care.

Up to three months, parents should teach the baby a little time to entertain themselves on their own, show signs of discontent when the need for a diaper change, respond to appeal, sounds. To do this, you need to play with the baby, talk a lot, sing songs to him. Everything that mom does needs to be commented on. Thus, already from the newborn, the baby's passive vocabulary begins to form, the inclinations of communication, which will manifest themselves as the first children's cooing.

The second period of development lasts up to six months. It is at this time that active sensory, visual, emotional development crumbs. Psychologists recommend that babies turn on pleasant light music, lullabies - this will help develop babble. It is necessary to acquaint the child with the richness of the surrounding world, drawing attention to different sounds and naming them: water murmurs, a cat meows, a dog barks. And the child, imitating his mother, will make his attempts to repeat what his parents said. It is imitation that is the basis development of a six-month crumbs. At this stage, adults must satisfy the curiosity of the child, who is getting to know his body. Mom or dad should call and show where his arms, legs, eyes, nose are. These organs must be shown on yourself.

An increase in the period of wakefulness allows the mother to pay more attention to the baby and activities with him. The love and joy that adults give him become the foundation of his moral education.

The third educational period lasts up to 9 months. The child begins to noticeably grow up, experiencing interest in everything around, showing curiosity. Since the baby already knows how to crawl and even walk a little, it is necessary to stimulate his desire to move around the house, without forgetting about safety. Praise your child more often. Start potty training by sitting down after sleeping and feeding. accustom to regime moments. Waking up in the morning, you have to go with your mother to wash. This develops a hygiene habit. The child should watch how the mother makes the bed, removes toys, focusing on order and cleanliness in the room. Putting on a bib before feeding is another obligatory moment in cultivating accuracy and culture of eating.

Parents should explain and comment on each action, especially with regard to toys and movements with them. The ball rolls, the spinning top spins, the doll sings - all this mother must repeat several times a day with a smile on her face, causing positive emotions in the baby. At this age, the child is introduced to the word "no". It is always necessary to talk with the baby gently, quietly and kindly. At the same time, it is not necessary to lisp, distorting the pronunciation of words.

The fourth period lasts up to 12 months. Full-fledged upbringing means close communication with the baby, the unity of mother and child.

It should stimulate cognitive activity, reinforce the ability to walk independently, instill skills in handling objects, showing how to do it.

It is necessary to educate by personal example, instilling a kind attitude towards animals, relatives, and other children. It is necessary to praise the child for trying to take a spoon in his hands, to eat and drink on his own, for the correct actions with toys, to fix the word “no”. The ban must sound categorical.

Psychologists emphasize that at this age the first fears appear in the baby, for example, the fear of strangers. It is important to instill in children a friendly attitude towards all people and never scare anyone.

Also, the end of the first year is marked by the first psychological crisis of growing up. Boys and girls show disobedience, repeat actions forbidden by their parents. But this is not harmful, but the usual desire to know the world with perseverance, stubbornness, repetition. In such cases, it is best for parents to switch the attention of the crumbs and not allow them to be capricious and cry.

Methods of raising children from birth to a year in Japan

The unity of mother and baby is the basic principle of raising Japanese babies under the age of one year. All worries about him lie solely on the shoulders of the woman, she is obliged not to let the baby cry, she always sleeps next to him. Thus, up to a year, the baby remains part of the body of his mother. She constantly wears it in her arms or behind her back. For this special Women's jackets with a section for babies.

Until the age of five, a child in Japan is considered an emperor. This means that he can do everything. The wishes of the crumbs are not disputed. The mother does not assert her authority over the child. She can only sound warnings about what is dangerous, painful, dirty, bad. If the baby fell, hit, burned, then his mother asks for forgiveness. Dad in the educational process of this period can take part only on a day off.

Much attention is paid to early development and education in the country. A reference point in this regard is Ibuki's book "After three it's too late." This is a classic of Japanese pedagogy. The main thesis of the book is that the foundation of the human personality is laid when the crumbs have a high susceptibility. It must be developed by stimulating a natural interest in the new, by laying the foundations at an early age. strong personality. All this rests on the shoulders of the mother, who daily satisfies all physical needs, provides the baby with warmth, comfort, and close physical contact.

Raising children up to a year: Orthodoxy

An infant up to a year old gets acquainted with the sacraments of baptism, chrismation, and communion. At special services, churching and naming of the baby takes place. It is the church in Christianity that is the protection of a small child, his blessing for life in the spiritual world. After the churching procedure, the mother should commune the baby as often as possible, which is a strengthening of his physical strength. Joint attendance at the Liturgy is an obligatory element of spiritual education. So God's grace descends not a child, his meekness, obedience, the habit of attending church with early age. In its formation lies the role of Christian parents. They introduce God into the lives of children and dedicate their children to him.

The Gospel describes the moment when Christ was indignant that his disciples did not let mothers with their children come to him. He explained that the kingdom of God belongs to children. And the one who does not accept it as a child will not enter into it. God's love for the little ones was manifested in the fact that Jesus embraced and blessed them. He laid his hands on them. That is, love was expressed in the usual physical touch.

It is this - the physical contact of parents with crumbs up to a year - that is sometimes very lacking in families. Priests explain that children are in great need of bodily contact with their mother. But for some mothers, they are just a matter of care for up to a year. Such mothers underestimate the role of communication, expression of love, emotions in relation to their child.

Warmth, calmness, fellowship, affection should come from the mother, who, together with the father, is obliged in infancy to accustom the child to the sacraments of the Church. Of course, the parents themselves must live according to the Law of God, being the first authority and role model for children.

Development and upbringing of a child up to a year: Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician always emphasizes that happy child is a healthy child. Therefore, the basis of education should be the physical health of the crumbs.

Evgeny Olegovich emphasizes that from the moment a girl or boy appears in the house, he should be surrounded by an atmosphere of love and warmth. That is, psychological well-being in the family, warm relationships between dad and mom just create the ideal basis for raising a baby. In such a family, there is no dispute about who will go for a walk with the baby.

The pediatrician is sure that ensuring the mental well-being of the mother is the main task of the father of the child.

As for the care and frequent illnesses of children under one year old, Mr. Komarovsky is sure that even the best pediatrician will not make a child healthy. This is the task of parents who should not wrap, overfeed, pamper him. Parents frequently ill children pediatrician advises to get a dog, as she will force adults to walk with her and the baby twice a day. Fresh air, hardening, airing the room, observing the regime are the foundations of raising a healthy baby.

At the same time, it is important not to "go too far" and not to make the center of the Universe out of the crumbs. The family should be such a center, that is, the unity of the father, mother, and their child.

Especially for -Diana Rudenko

Many parents treat their child responsibly, starting to educate him from birth. The phrase “raising children up to the first year of life” sounds a little strange. What can be instilled in a baby when he was just born and does not understand anything? It turns out that it is possible, because the first year of life is important for the crumbs. At this time, the rudiments of character, future behavior are formed, hygiene standards are instilled.

Physical education for toddlers

In order for the child's body to grow and develop normally, it is necessary from birth to accustom him to hardening and massage. In the morning, wiping the baby's face with a damp cotton pad, you need to leave him naked on the changing table for a few minutes. Using some massage techniques at this time.

The kids love this kind of thing. And putting the baby on the tummy will help him get rid of excess accumulated gases.

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Psychology of raising a child up to a year

The first month is the most difficult in life, both for the baby and for his parents. For almost forty weeks, the baby was inside his mother in a special aquatic environment, did not make an effort to breathe, ate through the placenta all day and night. Having been born, he finds himself in a completely different contrasting environment. He is learning to breathe, he feels a different temperature, the round-the-clock food is over. He's scared. Here the survival instinct is triggered, like all living beings, he begins to cry loudly to attract attention to himself, asks for salvation.

What to do when the baby is crying?

If there is a first child in the family, then the newly-made parents are in a panic for some time, because they cannot understand what is happening with the baby, how to help him, what does he want? But after a couple of weeks, an observant mother can easily understand by the crying of a newborn whether he wants to eat, write or poop. In the parental environment, the question is being discussed whether or not to appease the crying of the crumbs.

How to teach a child to be independent?

Often mom wonders how to tear the baby off the chest and sleep separately from him.

  • The traditional system of education for independence calls for the early separation of the baby from the parents. He must sleep alone in the crib, be alone in the room, entertain himself. It is believed that in this way he will become independent faster, he will be able to easily do without his parents. Of course, with this approach, it is convenient for moms and dads, but the child's psyche suffers from this. When not in childhood give him all the parental tenderness and love.
  • Modern parents say that you need to spend as much time with your baby as possible. Sleep with him, hold him in your arms, wear him in a sling. Do not be afraid that a child who is used to sleeping with his mother, at the age of 2-3 years, will not want to fall asleep separately.

In everything, it is important to know a certain measure. In the first months, when the baby feels uncomfortable in a new environment, you can allow him to sleep with his parents. So he will fall asleep better and faster and his rest will last for a long time. When he reaches the age of three months, it is better to transfer the sleeping baby to his crib. At this age, his sleep becomes strong, it is already difficult to wake him up.

Psychologists have noticed that a baby who is constantly with his mother grows up self-confident. And so that he does not become a "sissy", you need to do everything with him, and not instead of him. Learn to make decisions on your own.

Methods of parenting

How is a child's personality formed? Do his parents educate him by their own example or resort to different methods? It is unlikely that our ancestors thought about any methods. Be that as it may, psychologists, educators and ordinary parents around the world are developing their own unique methods for shaping the child's personality.

There are a large number of methods of education, some of them are suitable for children up to a year.

It is up to them to decide what method of education to choose for parents. The main thing is to be more close to the baby, talk to him.

Upbringing up to a year according to Komarovsky

Evgeny Komarovsky is a well-known Russian pediatrician; in his lectures on raising children, he pays great attention to a healthy psycho-emotional sphere in the family. If a child grows up in a calm environment, does not hear loud screams, rude abusive words, sees good relationships between parents, then he will grow up a psychologically healthy and adequate person.

If the family often quarrel, talk rudely and loudly, parents drink or fight, then the child will soon begin to show negative sides character. It is not surprising that such children suffer from neuroses, developmental disabilities, and deviant behavior.

In addition to the psychological climate in the family, a healthy atmosphere is also important. Frequent airing of the room, tempering procedures only strengthen the health of the baby. No need to wrap him in a hundred clothes in autumn or winter. No need to stuff him with breasts or a mixture, if he wants to, he will eat.

It is important to follow the regime. A two-hour daytime sleep is necessary for the baby, it strengthens his nervous system. At night, you need to go to bed at the same time.

When a baby learns to speak, it is important to have a conversation with him in a normal language, and not in a childish one. So he will start talking much earlier. Girls need more care, boys need more trust.

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How to grow healthy child, Dr. Komarovsky knows for sure. Listen to the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, because they are time-tested. The child gradually begins to identify himself as a little man. First of all, this is expressed in the fact that he begins to "feel" himself separately from his mother. Before that - her arms, legs - are perceived as an extension of his own body. A "fright" complex appears, that is, the child is afraid of strangers, cries in the absence of a familiar face. In parallel with this, models of relationships with close people are being formed, which, subsequently, are difficult to remake. The person who at that time was closest to the child, and with whom the child was most comfortable, becomes the closest to him for a long time.

How to raise a healthy child, he knows for sure. correct raising a child up to a year according to Komarovsky listen to the doctor's advice, because they are time-tested.

Parents are to blame

Never and under no circumstances, Komarovsky advises, should a child be forced to eat. Feed the child not when he is slightly hungry, but when he demands food, “when he screams:“ Mom, I will eat you! ”And do not interrupt your appetite with snacks!

And it is very important to limit the amount of sweets and sweet soda. Also, do not abuse overseas products.

Instead of cakes and sweets, it is better to offer the child honey, dried fruits. The best drinks for kids mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, fruit teas at room temperature.

We dress, play and walk along Komarovsky

Clothing should be enough and at least at the same time. Remember that a sweaty child is more likely to get sick than a cold one. The child should not have more clothes than the parents. And you need to gradually reduce the amount of clothes.

The ideal vacation, especially for those who are often ill, is summer in the countryside.

Plus - hardening, games in the sand. In this case, the baby is dressed only in panties, barefoot.

And one more piece of advice from Komarovsky: "A dirty naked child who jumps from water to sand, begs for food, breathes fresh air and does not come into contact with many people, restores immunity damaged by city life in 3-4 weeks."

Hardening according to Dr. Komarovsky

Closer to nature

One of the central postulates of Komarovsky’s methodology “a newborn child does not need hardening” is based on the fact that nature made the human body adaptable and allowed it to develop.
Pediatrician Komarovsky recommends not to suppress natural mechanisms by creating a greenhouse microclimate for the newborn, but to allow the body to develop its adaptive abilities. Of course, this does not mean that the newly born should be thrown into the hole, but the pediatrician recommends at least not to avoid the contrasting temperatures found in nature, for example, to walk in any weather. He advises to doubt that parents correctly understand what is needed for a newborn.

To make the child's lifestyle close to natural conditions is the main goal of parents who want to raise a healthy baby. However, it is quite difficult to achieve it. Modern life is subject to completely different principles than 100 years ago: most of the time people spend in a sedentary state. Moms walking with babies either have a limited route, or generally sit on a bench while the child sleeps or plays in the sandbox. And the lifestyle of children is fully consistent with the parent.

Teaching an active lifestyle

Dr. Komarovsky proposes to radically change the usual daily routine. In his opinion, in order to restore the natural defenses of the body over time, it is enough to increase the motor activity of the whole, put on the optimal amount of clothes for the little one and feed him only when he is hungry.
It is necessary to accustom babies of the first year of life to movement both by their own example and with the help of daily activities. If parents lead a sedentary lifestyle, then it will be almost impossible to introduce the little one to an active pastime. While a dad doing a morning run and pouring cold water on himself can easily make his child healthy.

Baby nutrition

Dr. Komarovsky advises young mothers not to force, while 90% of parents believe that feeding a child (especially if he does not want to) is their most important duty, they are firmly convinced that their children, if they are not reminded, will simply forget to eat.
With babies eating breast milk, this situation rarely arises, everything is more or less on schedule, but when switching to adult food, children sometimes begin to act up and refuse to eat. According to the doctor, there is nothing strange in this, because the energy costs of a stationary lifestyle are quite small. Another thing is when a child is active, he explores the world, plays, crawls, such children usually have an excellent appetite.

Dr. Komarovsky does not guarantee that a hardened baby will stop getting sick with childhood infectious diseases. However, he is convinced that the child will endure them much easier and recover faster.

Road to the pot. E. O. Komarovsky

Observing the child, comparing it with other children, communicating with friends, girlfriends, normal loving parents constantly looking for evidence of the fact that "ours is not worse than others." And that is why the life of normal loving parents consists of a huge number of experiences.
Problems and reasons for unrest gradually replace each other. Will it hold its head? Will the teeth come out? Will it close? When will he finally sit down, get up, crawl, walk? Is he really going to push the spoon away? Will he really not speak - after all, it has already been a year, and besides “mom” and “give”, no meaningful sounds are observed?
The fundamental feature of our way of life is the constant discussion of exciting problems not only in the circle, but also bringing them (problems) to the public in the process of communicating with friends, girlfriends, neighbors and colleagues.
As soon as at some birthday party you proudly declare that, they say, “our Petya went on his own at 10 months old,” a more “successful” parent will certainly be found among those present, whose Vasya went at 9.5. A detailed study of the issue will certainly lead to an expansion of the list of discussed relatives and acquaintances. The main result of the evening will be the undoubted statement of Aunt Klava's neighbor that her great-nephew Arturchik walked independently at 8 months old.
Left alone with yourself, you will involuntarily be surprised at the transformation of your own thoughts. Within an hour, your most beloved, most talented and most developed boy, Petya, transformed from an object of unshakable parental pride into the most ordinary and completely unremarkable child. Whether business Arthurchik!
The next morning, having calmed down, you will understand that the eight-month-old nephew of Aunt Klava walked on his own, mainly under himself ...
And this is the subject of a separate discussion.
The theme of “walking by yourself”, which we came to “by a simple logical path”, stands apart in the whole spectrum of children's problems.

* * *
The ability to defecate independently, without the help of relatives, is such an obvious attribute of “adulthood” that the desire to quickly see your child proudly sitting on the potty and no less proudly pulling on completely dry shorts after that becomes simply unbearable.
Fuel to the fire will be added again by street information. It will not be difficult to find out about the outstanding achievements of the young mother Oksana from the third entrance: her daughter has been urinating on the “piss-piss” command since she was three months old. It is unlikely that you will be informed that Oksana pronounces the phrase “piss-piss” for 30-40 minutes in a row, but the job is done. A seed of doubt sunk into the vulnerable parental soul. And, taking off a heavy morning diaper from a dry and cheerful Petya, you will firmly decide: stop being small!
From this moment, your child's journey to the potty (a variant of the toilet) will begin. But, setting off on a journey, it should be clearly understood: the baby himself will not soon come to the intended goal. You should definitely be near him. Are you ready for this journey?
So let's sit down and think before the road.
And, first of all, here's what.
How many children do you know who went to school without being able to relieve themselves?
The answer is unequivocal - a little, or more precisely, you don’t know. At least when it comes to a child who went to a regular high school.
You must be firmly aware that if a child does not have a severe congenital or acquired pathology, then sooner or later he will learn to control his needs and become a full member of society.
But what does the phrase “sooner or later” mean in this context?
Early, when - in half a year or in a year? Too late, is it when - at three years old or at four?
And there is no unequivocal answer here and cannot be.
For everything is determined, at least it should be determined, precisely by your personal ideas about timeliness and expediency. I emphasize once again - personally yours!
Not by the opinion of the great-grandmother, who unequivocally declares that all her five children, from the age of one, wiped their own ass and were not spoiled by harmful and useless diapers;
Not by the statements of the persistent neighbor Oksana, who calculated that over the past six months she managed to save an amount equal to 20 packs of washing powder on diapers;
Not the categorical statements of major "specialists" that diapers are harmful and "you should be ashamed and in general it's time to go."
You must clearly define the immutable rule: this is your child, it is you who spend money on his clothes and diapers, it is you who should or should not like something in your child. When and how your child will relieve himself is an internal affair of your family.
There is an obvious exception to this rule. The processes of satisfying physiological needs are an internal affair of your family only on the condition that this does not affect the existence of other families. The situation in which a child urinates under the door of the neighbors is not normal. But the mentioned exception only confirms the general rule.
So you've decided it's really time.
The first thing you should know is that you don't need to know anything at all. If you have never read the rules of potty training, if you have never opened books with wise instructions, if without theory you immediately decided to become a practitioner, success will certainly come to you. Yes, there will be problems, disappointments in yourself and in the child, a few scandals and tantrums, but the end result is predetermined.
It is possible to limit the number of practical failures and misunderstandings with the help of timely received theoretical information.
This is what we will probably do.

* * *
From the moment of birth - and this is an obvious fact - the processes of urination and defecation are not controlled by the child. That is, these processes are subject to unconditioned reflexes - actions that do not require the participation of the cerebral cortex. The elementary task of potty training, translated into clever terminology, is to make the unconditioned reflex given by nature conditional - to subordinate it to the will of a particular young individual.
The success of retraining is determined by three factors:

The state (development) of the organs directly involved in the processes of urination and defecation: bladder, urethra, rectum, abdominal muscles, sphincters of the rectum and bladder (sphincter is a special circular muscle that compresses a hollow organ or closes the exit from it ).
The state (development) of the nervous system, primarily the cerebral cortex.
The intensity of external influences or, more simply, the pedagogical activity of relatives.

The three listed components are closely interconnected, but already at this stage it is possible to make a very significant findings, which, however, are quite obvious:
The sooner you start the process of potty training, the more effort it will require from you.
Potty training is more successful, painless and easier, the higher the level of physiological development of the child.
Practical experience confirms the above: the road to the potty is full of tears, children's cries, labor and disappointments, but only when you set off too early.
Very many patient and active parents manage to achieve excellent results already in the first year of life. Quite often, proud statements are made that a child at 10, 9, 8, even at 7 months, empties the bladder on the “pee-pee” command, and walks mostly only after “ah”. And there is absolutely nothing surprising in this. It is not difficult to achieve the appearance of a conditioned reflex by repeated beeping and aakan, only this reflex is not quite what we need.
Why? Yes, because this is the connection between the process of emptying the bladder and the sound "wee-wee." And if this sound is pronounced often and for a long time, and if they still do not unhook until you urinate, then this connection will be established sooner or later.
But the chain should be different: not “wee-wee” - filling the bladder - urination, but filling the bladder - a pot - urination. That is, the physiological process (filling the bubble), and not the sound stimulus (“pee-pee”), should become the motive for the potty.
The payoff for early success comes in the second year of life. Allegedly, a capable and developed child, sitting from the age of 9 months, suddenly, for some "incomprehensible" reasons, stops doing this, and actively fights for his freedom with anxious relatives. And the considerations are very understandable - the time is coming for the formation of that very normal, natural control over secretions, which we have already talked about. Bladder empty, and here they climb with their "wee-wee" ...
No matter how “amazing success” you achieve, but up to 1.5 years, these successes will be temporary, and episodes of misses will be frequent. And this must be treated very philosophically. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that you can save a certain amount of diapers and introduce your child to such an interesting thing as a potty. But this acquaintance, at least from the point of view of medical science, will be superficial, and the skills developed are not stable.
However, the timing of the formation of reflexes is individual, conscious communication with the potty can take place even at the age of one, but the situation when up to 3 years “well, nothing works out” is also not at all uncommon.
Therein lies a serious problem. Concerned about what is not working, parents try to actively influence the process. Possible impacts certainly include elements of violence - to force you to sit down, not to let you get up, to punish for a puddle in the corridor. The consequence is tantrums, the child's antipathy to the process in general, to the potty and relatives in particular.
From here important rule: If it doesn't work, wait. Close the topic for 1-2 months, return to the diapers familiar to the whole family, do not unnecessarily disturb your and your child's psyche.
There are physiological norms established by specialists.

The natural transition to control over secretions begins after a year and actively “ripens” during the second year of life.
Average age the development of more or less stable "potted" skills ranges from 22 to 30 months.
Persistent conditioned reflexes are formed by the age of three.

All of the above is a theory that precedes subsequent practical recommendations. But before moving on to specific advice, I would like to emphasize once again: attempts to potty train a child under the age of one year can only lead to saving diapers (which is important), but these attempts have nothing to do with the formation of conscious control over excretory functions.
Thus, the recommended time for potty training a child varies over a fairly wide age range - from 1 year to 3 years.
In order for the process to go as smoothly as possible, you should know some signs that indicate the mental and physiological readiness of the child's body to learn toilet science.
These signs include:

the establishment of a more or less stable mode of defecation;
the ability to keep diapers dry for more than 1.5-2 hours;
knowledge of body parts and names of garments;
knowledge or understanding of the words "pissed" and "pooped";
demonstration of negative emotions as a result of being in dirty (wet) diapers;
the desire (ability) to undress independently;
the desire (ability) to independently enter and leave the toilet.

And, finally, the most reliable sign: the ability in any way - with a word, antics, specific sounds, gestures - to convey the word “I want” to parents.

* * *
So, all preconditions are present. Desire to eat. Begin.
1. In addition to the readiness of the child, there must be the readiness of adults. Obviously, at the stage of transition from a diaper to a potty, the time spent on direct communication with the baby increases markedly. It is impossible to develop toilet skills only on Sundays or only on those days when an official visit from the grandmother is expected.
2. A child, like any adult, is prone to mood swings. Early toilet training is best done when all family members are healthy and cheerful.
3. The best time is summer. Easier to get rid of clothes, fewer items to be washed in case of a slip. And yes, it dries much faster.
4. Get acquainted with the pot. We offer it to the child when the probability of the "process" is maximum - after sleep, after eating, when they understood from their behavior - it's time.
5. In case of success - very, very praise. In case of failure, we try our best not to be upset, and if we are upset, we do not show grief.
6. We fix attention not only on the pot itself, but also on the actions that immediately precede communication with the pot and parting with it: how to get the pot, how to open it, how to take off the panties, how to put on the panties, how and where to pour the contents from the pot, how wash the pot, how to close the pot and put it back. The implementation of all of the above easily turns into interesting game. It is wonderful if, after each successful action, parents do not skimp on praise - the whole process in this case is accompanied by positive emotions, and this is perhaps the main thing at the transitional stage.
7. We gradually organize meetings with the potty not only when it is time for the child, but when the daily routine requires it. For example, without fail we sit down before going to bed, before a walk.
8. You should not part with diapers completely and irrevocably. They are quite useful for traveling in transport, at night, for a walk in the cool season, at first and during daytime sleep. But every time when we woke up dry and quickly sat down on the potty, we pay attention to what good fellows we are, and in confirmation of this obvious fact, we demonstrate a dry diaper.
9. The shape of the pot, its color and the number of "bells and whistles" (musical accompaniment, unscrewing parts, painted eyes and protruding ears) are of no fundamental importance. It is important, however, that the pot is not perceived as a toy, but as an object of a very specific purpose. And in this regard, you should not encourage just playing with the potty. “This is a chair. They sit on it" - and, by analogy, - "This is a pot, they pee and poop on it." It is desirable, however, that the pot be made of environmentally friendly plastic, be comfortable - the dimensions correspond to the priest, and not be cold. The presence of a back (a pot in the form of a chair) does not hurt at all.
10. Unprincipled: a potty or a toilet (assuming a special child seat). Here's how you feel more comfortable. Considering that, especially at first, the process can be delayed, the potty is more convenient, since it is more pleasant to communicate in a room than in a cramped toilet space. Combining a potty with a toilet is a perfectly acceptable option, especially for boys. A special stool in the toilet, and to urinate from it is just a pleasure and a conscious introduction to the world of adults. And if dad finds time to show how it's done...

* * *
Final observation from practice.
Honestly, in my two decades of working as a pediatrician, I have never encountered a situation where the parents of a normal four-year-old child go to the doctor about the fact that the child does not know how to use the potty.
But the sobbing of a mother whose two-year-old son pees in his pants is a fairly typical phenomenon. At the same time, the main reason for disappointment is not the fact that we wet our pants, but the fact that everyone else has been going to the potty for a long time.
- And why did you get the idea that everyone else is walking?
- That's what they say!
On this occasion, I recall a wonderful anecdote about how pensioner Ivan Ivanovich complains to a sex therapist: “Neighbor Petr Petrovich, like me, 70, he says that he can 3 times, but I can’t at all!” And the doctor advises: "So you say" ... I hope the analogy is clear.

Steps in the development of thinking in children of the first year of life

Here the child raised his head for the first time to see where his mother was going, then he made the first movement towards the toy, a little later he said the first word to indicate what he wants. All these are the first manifestations of the child's conscious activity, which is determined by his thinking.

According to the definition of A. V. Brushlinsky, thinking is always the search for and discovery of an essentially new (here it means that the new discovered in the process of thinking is such in relation only to the previous stages of thinking and in general to the whole life of a given individual, and not to all mankind). Already Small child, as he develops elementary types of mental activity, he begins to discover something new. For example, he thinks about the device of this or that toy, tries to understand some relationships between people, masters more and more complex skills and abilities.

At the time when the child develops, various genes begin to turn on sequentially, which determine the direction of the further development of his central nervous system (Anokhin K.V., 2000), and according to this sequence, the development of the baby can be divided into different periods, "steps" of development .

The beginning of each new "step" can be defined as the emergence of a new informational "dimension" in the child's knowledge of the world (touch, vision), or a qualitative increase in the amount of information received (crawling, speech understanding). Each "step" denotes a period of work on a new sensation and its active use. Already known facts are supplemented with new properties (he already knows his mother, but now he also sees her). And the cognition of new objects goes with the use of all available knowledge.

So, steps:

1. Newborn (first two to three weeks).
Through tactile sensations, the child feels the world. At this stage, "physical" images are formed in him. The image is based on impressions of sensation obtained with the help of hearing, touch and smell).

2. Two-three weeks.
The child begins to see. At this time, he begins to feel the relationship between the presence loved one(mother approached) and his subsequent emotional state. He realizes what his reaction will cause a corresponding reaction in his mother, and uses it.

3. The child begins to move in the direction he needs (three to six months).
Each time, with the development of some new movement, the child explores the world around him more actively. Thanks to this, his egocentrism decreases (he is still the center of the world for himself, but already on the verge of understanding that if he needs something, then in order to achieve the goal he needs to make some movements (crawl)).

4. Five to seven months.
The child gradually begins to identify himself as a little man. First of all, this is expressed in the fact that he begins to "feel" himself separately from his mother. Before that - her arms, legs - are perceived as an extension of his own body. A "fright" complex appears, that is, the child is afraid of strangers, cries in the absence of a familiar face. In parallel with this, models of relationships with close people are being formed, which, subsequently, are difficult to remake. The person who at that time was closest to the child, and with whom the child was most comfortable, becomes the closest to him for a long time (thus imprinting is carried out).
After a while there is a moment when the child can say "no". This is the next stage of his identification as a little man.
Until this age, it is not necessary to load the child with factual knowledge. Even with great efforts, the effect of this is small. Moreover, this is harmful, because all the efforts of the child at this time are directed to the development of his sense organs, and these "lessons" can help him, having underdeveloped his sense organs, jump to the material being presented. It is better to stimulate him in various ways (show bright pictures, toys, iron him with different (in texture) fabrics, turn on beautiful music, talk to him). These methods are described in more detail in the book by S. Lupan, which you can always find on the net.

5. Stage of "prediction" (eight to twelve months)
Long before the first time a baby utters the right word, his brain will be preparing for it by planning a billion actions and developing concepts. Damaziou suggested that speech can be viewed as a three-component system: the formation of words, the representation of concepts, and intermediate processes that play the role of intermediaries between the first two components.

6. At the age of eight to twelve months, before the child begins to speak, interconnections are fixed in his brain:
subject - word (name)
action - word
All of these connections are emotional. And when they are fully formed, the rudiments of abstract thinking begin to form.

However, there are deviations: some children with defects in conceptual systems nevertheless learn to read and write. This is due to the fact that the maturation of speech processes does not always go in parallel with the formation of concepts).
There is an alternation of discoveries in the field of physical activity and in the field of word formation. It lies in the fact that while the child is mastering some new movement (p. 3), development in the field of word formation (p. 5) slows down for a while. Then a perfect discovery gives a new impetus to the development of conceptual connections.

Child development up to a year

Birth marks the completion of the nine-month period of waiting for the child, the development of the child in the womb and the transition of the baby to an independent existence. The first year of life is one of the most important for the physical and mental development of the crumbs. He will have to make a huge leap in development: from the first cry and involuntary movements to independent walking. The development of a child up to a year is incredibly intense, it triples its weight and grows by 20-25 cm. From a constantly sleeping crumb, it transforms into a person who knows the world around him with genuine interest. During the development of a child up to a year, every month for a baby is a long and significant period, during which he masters more and more new skills. The development of a child up to a year is a two-way process. Good physical activity entails normal mental development, at the same time, good mental development determines the harmonious development of the baby's motor functions. In the first year of life, physiological processes are regulated at the reflex level. If something goes wrong, then the child immediately informs the parents about it in the most accessible way for him - by crying. At the same time, the motor and mental development of a child up to a year is very much dependent on his environment. If the baby is not given attention, there is no contact with the mother, there is not enough communication with adults - the mental development of the crumbs slows down. If his movements are limited for a long time, this may lead to a lag and in physical development. Let's take a closer look at how a child develops by month.

0-3 months. During this period, the baby learns to keep his head straight, to follow moving bright objects. He begins to recognize the adults caring for him, smiles at them, hums. He begins to hold toys in his hands, look for the source of loud sounds. By the end of this period, the innate reflexes of newborns gradually fade away.

3-6 months. The kid confidently masters the technique of flipping from back to stomach and vice versa. He already grabs the toys purposefully and puts everything in his mouth. He can already laugh out loud and pronounce individual syllables. By the age of six months, the baby masters independent sitting, gradually begins to crawl. With the support of an adult, he stands confidently on his feet, babbles something in his own language.

6-9 months. The kid already sits well, gets up on his own, actively masters crawling, and by the end of the period he can already walk independently, holding on to objects or the hand of an adult. He understands speech better and is already able to respond to requests for “on” or “give”. Everything is getting better fine motor skills, and the child can pick up small objects with the thumb and forefinger (tweezer grip). Likes to tear paper, scatter toys. During this period, speech is actively developing, and parents can hear the first words: “mom” and “dad”, some children can already name animals.

9-12 months. By the year, as a rule, the child is already taking his first independent steps. He already recognizes and shows various objects, uses toys for their intended purpose. During this period, everything causes an increased interest of the baby. Any object, color spot, hole - the child will not miss anything, he becomes interested in the contents of all cabinets and shelves, and now he can already get to them. The kid can happily tear off the wallpaper or climb into the socket with his fingers. He is especially fascinated by pressing buttons. Speech develops more and more, the baby's vocabulary is enriched with new words.

The development and upbringing of a child up to a year is not only an exciting process, but also a responsible one. It is during this period that the main cognitive processes are formed, the development of the child is rapidly improving by months. And it is very important for parents to support their baby, create comfortable conditions for his harmonious development and at the same time not overlook possible problems, because during this period the baby's body has incredible compensatory capabilities. We are expecting a child for a long nine months, and it is very important not to waste this time, but to properly prepare for the birth of a new life.

Is it necessary to speak with a child in a "childish" language?

Before discussing exactly how to talk to a child, I would like to recall the very need to talk to him.

Until now, many believe that it is pointless and even stupid to talk to a child until he understands nothing. Meanwhile, you have no reason to believe that he does not understand you. If he does not know the exact meaning of the words addressed to him, he understands their general meaning thanks to non-verbal means of communication - intonation, facial expressions, tone of voice. Even if he does not understand anything, you still need to talk to him - just so that he learns to understand speech.

The ability for language is innate in all human beings. The child will not have problems with the development of speech if from early childhood he hears the words addressed to him - the corresponding situations, filled with meaning, tender and diverse. If a child does not take part in the process of verbal communication from an early age, his innate ability to speak will not be properly developed. Moreover, the purity and correctness of a child's speech is directly dependent on the language environment in which the child grows up. It is the ability to speak that distinguishes a person from an animal. By talking with a child, you thereby respect the person in him and integrate him into human society.

What conclusions can be drawn from this?

1. The child simply needs to be talked to and listened to, to babble with him and practice the production of sounds. At this stage, it is important to be able to speak with him in his language.

2. But it is equally important that the child hears normal "adult" speech. Otherwise, how can he learn to speak? No need to rain down on him a stream of incomprehensible words, uttering long monologues in front of him, so that he could not insert a word into them. When talking with a child, you need to address him directly, talk about the things that make up his life.

So is it necessary to speak with a child in a "childish" language?

It's up to you: speak in a way that feels more natural to you. The position of the child in this matter is not predetermined by anything: whether you say “cat” or “kitty”, “it hurts” or “bobo”, he will understand you equally well in both cases. It will use the words you use.

It makes no sense to teach a child “wrong” words if sooner or later he will have to replace them with the right ones anyway. So why not use the right ones in the first place? Most likely, he will use the words of a normal language - of course, avoiding abstruse words and incomprehensible turns.

The main thing is to always speak with the child (and not the child) sincerely, so that he understands what is being said and that he is interested in listening to you. Do not hesitate - he will definitely understand you.

Emotions and social behavior. The child reacts to loud sounds and bright lights. Able to briefly focus on the seen face.

2 months
Motility. The child has learned to turn his head in different directions.
Statics. Can hold head upright for several minutes.
sensory responses. Can focus on a moving object. Focuses on sound.
Speech. Frequent short buzzing.
Emotions and social behavior. Knows how to smile and focus on the face, even if the person is moving.

3 months
Motility. Unconditioned reflexes begin to disappear. The tone is normalized. The child reaches for.
Statics. Holds his head well.
sensory responses. Actively reacts to sound stimuli and bright objects, a concentrated and active reaction appears.
Speech. Frequent and prolonged humming. Syllabic chains appear.
Emotions and social behavior. Smiling at strangers. Responds to emotional communication.

4 months
Motility. Purposeful movements appear. Can turn from back to side. Takes toys.
Statics. Recognize loved ones. Examines the toy in his hand.
sensory responses. Actively reacts to sound stimuli and bright objects.
Speech. Lip consonants "m", "b" and joyful exclamations appear.
Emotions and social behavior. Laughs loudly in response to an emotional appeal.

5 months
Motility. Rolls over from back to stomach. Reaching and touching toys
Statics. Stands with support, leaning on the fingertips
sensory responses. Begins to distinguish between friends and strangers. With interest, everything pulls into the mouth.
Speech. Rhythmic syllable chains appear.
Emotions and social behavior. She rejoices in communication with another child, takes a toy from him. Responds to intonation.

6 months
Motility. Actively flips. Purposefully takes a toy that can shift from hand to hand.
Statics. On the stomach, it rests completely on outstretched arms. Starts to sit up.
sensory responses. Reacts to the appearance of loved ones. Follows a toy that has fallen.
Speech. Improved speaking skills. The child connects syllables, changes the strength and pitch of the sound
Emotions and social behavior. Asking for hands.

7 months
Motility. Lying on your back, playing with your feet.
Statics. Sits with a straight back. When supported in an upright position, springy legs.
sensory responses. Tries to get the toy by changing the position of the body.
Speech. Improved speaking skills.
Emotions and social behavior. Included in the game, requires the attention of the mother.

8 months
Motility. Takes a toy in each hand.
Statics. Crawls on his stomach, moving his hands forward. Can lie down, sit down, stand up independently.
sensory responses. Can nod his head "yes", "no", show gestures "okay" and "goodbye".
Speech. Babbling. He pronounces the syllables "ba", "ma", "yes" well.
Emotions and social behavior. Actively communicates, observes other children.

9 months
Motility. Plays alone with different toys. Specially throws off objects.
Statics. Swings, standing on hands and knees. With the support of the hands stands.
sensory responses. Responds to simple questions.
Speech. Clearly doubles syllables.
Emotions and social behavior. Easily makes contact. Repeats the actions of other children.

10 months
Motility. Lots of targeted moves. Can fold a pyramid, put toys in place, close boxes. Masters the "tweezer" grip: takes small items with thumb and forefinger.
Statics. Actively crawls, can independently stand to hold on to any object. Can walk with one hand support.
sensory responses. Mimics the movements of adults.
Speech. The first words appear. Enters into a dialogue, repeating known syllables.
Emotions and social behavior. Emotionally reacts with a variety of movements, facial expressions. Responding to new things. Plays with children.

11 months
Motility. Improved "tweezer" grip.
Statics. The child is actively crawling. It stands without support. Takes two steps forward with the support of two hands.
sensory responses. Fulfills simple requests. He understands "possible", "impossible".
Speech. Speech becomes more difficult. The child uses simplified versions of the words "lyalya", "tsyatsya".
Emotions and social behavior. Begins to treat children discriminatingly. Rejoicing at their arrival. Waving goodbye. The first friends appear.

12 months
Motility. An hour or more can play with toys.
Statics. Walks leaning on furniture or on its own.
sensory responses. Fulfills more complex requests. The number of reactions to the environment increases.
Speech. Lexicon 8 to 12 words.
Emotions and social behavior. Likes to play with children. Looking for hidden toys. Hugs upon request. Expect praise from loved ones.
The listed norms are the international standard for the development of young children and are applied in all countries of the world.

Some parents are guided by a special development calendar, but given the peculiarity of each baby, it is impossible to say with accuracy what changes a mother can notice in a particular period of his life. As everyone's favorite pediatrician says, the main task of a baby up to 4 months old should be sleep and nutrition, so parents must create all the conditions for their child to have the right daily routine.

Dr. Komarovsky always reminds those parents who carefully study the calendar of development of children in the first year of life that it was created only so that young parents have an idea and the opportunity to get acquainted with general information, both on reaching a child after birth and up to 1 year. But if the baby is a little behind the calendar development, this does not mean at all that the crumbs have any problems. All children are special, so if the neighbor's boy went to nine months, and your baby is only 11 months old, there is nothing to worry about. The doctor believes that some steps in the development of the baby are provided for by nature itself, and other achievements of the crumbs are determined individually by the child himself, so you should not worry about the fact that the baby does not always fit into the norms of the calendar. Each child learns the main stages of development in his own way.

What difficulties await parents in the first 12 months?

Immediately after the birth of a child, new parents have a lot to learn. They must realize and accept full responsibility for the child, create all conditions for his healthy growth and development. Everyday duties, first failures, anxieties and worries, joy and fatigue, these are the moments that all moms and dads face. In order to properly care for a child, learn to recognize the needs of the baby, you need to know the generally accepted indicators and norms of the first year of life. Perhaps one of the main points after the appearance of a baby in the family is his nutrition. If a woman is breastfeeding, there are no particular problems, but in cases where for some reason breast-feeding impossible, it is very important to choose the right mixture for the newborn, on which both the well-being of the child and his sleep will depend. Basically, up to 3 months, the baby only sleeps and eats, while feeding should be done every 3 hours. No less important in the first days and months after discharge from the hospital is the care of the umbilical wound, as well as regular and daily bathing before bedtime.

Immediately after birth, the child begins to develop a number of reflexes that help him adapt to a new life. advice on proper care for a child, parents can receive both from the district pediatrician and from the patronage nurse, who regularly visits the baby at home.

From the moment of birth, the child gradually begins to explore the world. Parents notice how he fixes his eyes, begins to distinguish his mother from other family members, often smiles. Komarovsky believes that the first 12 months the child is fast and comprehensive development. During this period, the baby's brain function improves, the brain is fully formed. nervous system. Starting from 5 - 6 months, the baby becomes more active, he tries to sit, crawl on his own, and by the end of the year he takes his first steps, understands speech, and publishes his first words.

A newborn child has a close relationship with the mother, which is born even in the period of intrauterine development. The needs of the baby, as well as his skills, change every month, or even day, therefore, in pediatrics, the first year of life is usually considered quarterly or monthly.

First month

It is generally accepted that the first month from birth is the most difficult for parents. Despite the fact that the child sleeps more, parents need to get used to new responsibilities. At 1 month, the baby's movements are still poorly coordinated, while he can already squeeze his fingers, actively move his legs and arms. The child's food is three hours, and parents should also take care of the umbilical wound, treat it with brilliant green or other antiseptic. To bathe a baby, pediatricians recommend using light decoctions of herbs, and the water itself for hygiene procedures should be boiled and have a temperature of at least 35 degrees. By the end of the first month of life, the child is able to fix his gaze on bright toys or person's face, reacts to loud noises.

At 1 month after birth, the newborn develops reflexes, a grasping, sucking reflex, as well as a support, walking, crawling reflex, which will be useful to him in the future. Newborns sleep most of the day and night, and wake up only when they feel hungry or if something bothers them. Starting from this period, the baby often has colic, which appears as a result of the fact that the digestive system does not produce all the enzymes. Colic is not an intestinal disease, but still parents will have to buy special drops: Hilak or Espumizan, which will help the intestines better digest breast milk or formula.

Second month

In the second month, the newborn becomes more active, better manages the arms and legs, brings his fists to his mouth, smiles often. During this period, parents are already accustomed to the regimen, they are well aware of the displeasure and desires of the child. A two-month-old baby reacts to bright objects. Parents do not need to be scared when they notice that the baby squints a little with his eyes. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the eyes and face are not yet fully developed. little man able to distinguish the face of the mother, listens to certain sounds, often smiles. The interval between meals in the 2nd month can be increased to 3.5 hours. If the child is on artificial feeding, the number of meals per day can be reduced to 6 times.

third month

In the third month of a child's life, his musculoskeletal system and nervous system are improving. The child can fully straighten the legs, lying on his stomach, raise his head. Parents need to be extremely careful with the handling of the baby, because his bones are still too fragile, and tight swaddling or improper fit can cause deformation of the bones. During this period, the child himself reaches for toys, distinguishes mother's voice well, often smiles and shows his character. For example, if the mother of the poet lullaby stops, he may cry, and when the singing continues, he calms down again.

There are 3 months in the development calendar, children sleep much less, eat on demand, but not more than 5-6 times a day. During this period, the baby is very interested in his body, he can play with his hands, “google”, often smiles, which brings imperceptible joy to his parents.

fourth month

At the 4th month of life, pronounced changes occur in the development of the child, he can stay awake for more than 2 hours, constantly requires the attention of parents. The baby can roll over from his back to his stomach or vice versa, distinguishes tastes, hears the sounds around him well. During this period, the child becomes very interesting, his facial features take on a clearer look, body movements are clear and collected. During this period, the baby distinguishes smells, nails and hair grow more actively. The child's eyes move more coordinated and synchronously, the squint disappears, which was present at 2 months. If you bring a mirror to the face of a child, he can look at his image in it and even smile to himself. Also, the child begins to make the first clear sounds, constantly attracts and requires the attention of adults.

Fifth month

The fifth month from birth is one of the main periods, since it is at this time that parents should carefully consider what their child can do. At this stage, the child should be able to independently roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa, confidently hold various objects in his hand, distinguish between native people from strangers. A five-month-old child should be able to pick up a toy that has fallen near him. In some children, the first teeth appear during this period, there is increased salivation. Against the background of teething, the child may be capricious, there is a risk of fever. At this age, the baby is more flexible, so parents should not leave him unattended on the couch, in a stroller or changing table, as he may roll to the floor and get injured.

sixth month

The calendar of the 6th month of development says that the baby during this period should independently roll over, sit down, pick up fallen objects, sit and crawl. Parents during this period have the opportunity to hear the syllables "ma", "ba", "pa" for the first time. Starting from this age, adults should take care that only safe objects surround the child, since he is interested in everything around him. Starting from the age of 6 months, the mother introduces complementary foods. The crumb menu is becoming more diverse.

seventh month

A child in the 7th month of life often publishes simple words- “give”, “mom”, “dad”, repeats the sounds around him. Most children at this age sit confidently, crawl, can slide off the sofa to the floor. The kid loves to explore the objects around him and taste everything, and when he gets the desired thing, he begins to rejoice. In almost all babies, the first upper two teeth appear on the 7th month. In some children, teeth may erupt much earlier or later.

eighth month

At the 8th month, the baby should sit confidently, push off the floor with his feet, begin to take his first steps, holding on to furniture or the hands of an adult. At this stage, parents can prepare for the appearance of the first bumps and bruises. The child's speech is clearer, he understands the mother's prohibitions well, although he does not always obey. At this age, the child can eat soft foods.

ninth month

The child development calendar assures that a baby at 9 months old can independently climb into a chair, open boxes and examine their contents. A child of this age understands well some of the words of his mother, while always striving to repeat them. Some children eat to take their first steps, crawl very quickly. If a child at 9 months does not stand firmly on his legs, but at the same time repels them while lying or sitting, it's okay, maybe it's too early for him.

tenth month

At ten months, the baby can freely move around the room crawling or on all fours, often smiles, pleases parents with new words, often tries to copy adults. At this age, the child is more interested in small and bright objects that he will definitely pull into his mouth. Some children at this stage of growth begin to take their first steps without outside help.

Eleventh month

A child at 11 months understands well what adults are talking about, he knows how to distinguish the mood of his mother. The kid skillfully copies voices, speaks a lot, although speech is not always clear to others, while her mother understands it well. During this period, the child is able to independently and confidently crawl out of bed, plays with toys. At 11 months, doctors recommend that parents buy bright and educational toys: cubes, construction kit. At 11 months, a child should not be bottle fed or addicted to a nipple, parents should teach him how to use a spoon, plate and mug. Some babies have more than 6 teeth at 11 months, while others are just starting to come in.

twelfth month

When a child is 12 months old, he should be able to do a lot. By this time, many children are already well and firmly on their feet, move independently. If the child is not yet walking by this period, parents should not worry. Many children take their first steps after a year. A one-year-old baby can already speak in short applications, he understands his mother and her mood well. During this period, children like to listen to their mother, look at colorful pictures. Parents must pay Special attention their kids, they can buy educational games. Adults need to be extremely careful, because during this period the child can pick up various objects on the street, taste them. Dr. Komarovsky recommends that parents from the age of 1 speak with a child in a simple literary language, without lisping. This will help him pronounce words correctly in the future. Adults must remember that one year old baby often copies parents, like a “sponge” absorbs all words, reacts to a cry, so adults should in some cases be careful in their statements and not set a bad example for a small family member.

Parents should remember that the first year of a child's life is the most important period, since it is during 12 months that the character, skills and habits of the baby are formed. Adults should make every effort to ensure that the baby develops correctly, give him as much attention as possible, constantly give tenderness, love and affection.

Features of the first year of a child's life

In the first 12 months of a baby's life, a baby learns to crawl, sit, talk, smile and walk. Parents always rejoice at any achievement of the baby, give him maximum attention so that he grows and develops in good conditions. Many parents study various literature on the development of the baby, follow the development calendar and are very worried when their baby does not have time for the indicators that are written in the books. Dr. Komarovsky repeatedly states that such calendars are intended only for parents to have an imagination about the development of the baby. He always says that there are no identical children, and if the child is slightly behind in the book, there should be no reason for excitement. If, nevertheless, parents are worried about something in the development of their child, you should not torment yourself with doubts, do not look for an answer on the Internet, it is better to seek advice from a local pediatrician who has been leading the child from birth.

The birth of a child is an absolute miracle of nature, which loving parents always look forward to. As a rule, during pregnancy, each of them tries to read as much literature as possible regarding the care of the newborn and his upbringing. And since it concerns the most precious thing in this life, the child, then the study of all issues must be approached responsibly and scrupulously.

Where to begin

And you need to start with the arrangement of the children's room and bed. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a newborn baby needs a bright, well-ventilated room. Of course, we are not talking about constantly open windows in the room when the baby is sleeping there. Even in the warm season, while airing the child should be taken out of the room. And airing must be arranged every time before going to bed.

Of the necessary furniture in the nursery, there should be a bed and a changing table. Naturally, furniture must meet all safety requirements and be environmentally friendly. The mattress in the crib should be chosen special, for newborns. As a filler in a pillow, mattress and blanket, avoid the presence of down and feathers, which can provoke allergies in a child. Bedding should also be made from natural fabrics without poisonous bright colors.

Komarovsky video: Your newborn


Organization of the regimen for the newborn

As Dr. Komarovsky says, at first the newborn only eats and sleeps.

These are the two most important activities of his life for the next few months. It was said above how the baby’s sleeping place should be organized, and as for nutrition, you need to know some features.