We invite you to take part in the marathon “10 good deeds. We invite you to take part in the marathon “10 good deeds” Celebrate Beauty Day

“I am deeply grateful to the Silva Method for its contribution to my soul and the soul of those who need it. I am grateful for your work! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!"

~ Alexey, Ukraine

“I started writing poetry, stories and film scripts”

“Your work is brilliant! I'm delighted! I go to work with a flying gait (I will be 76 in August). I write poetry (4 books), stories and a film script. I play high classical music on the guitar. Thanks for your inspiration!”

~ Radik, Russia

“I work out and get interesting results”

“I am very grateful to you for bringing such joy to people. I am grateful to your entire team for the opportunities that you provide us by truly translating into Russian exclusive materials! And I admire your determination and love for people, despite your youth. I’m happy that I met you personally at the Silva Intensive training in Almaty - I’m doing it and getting interesting results.”

~ Lyudmila, Kazakhstan

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“Thank you so much for your work, for bringing us this useful knowledge and giving everyone the opportunity to find suitable methods for themselves!”

“Shifts happen in life, you’re simply amazed”

“Many thanks for your work, care and kindness. Shifts happen in life, you’re simply amazed at how it all happens unnoticed, but confidently. I am very, very grateful to the moment when an article about the Silva method caught my eye. I can’t find the words of gratitude to express my feelings. I LOVE YOU girls. Committed to the Silva Method"

As part of the days of mercy in the Sverdlovsk region, on November 9, 2017, a volunteer event took place "10,000 good deeds." We also made our modest contribution to this wonderful cause. A few days before the above action, employees of the “Family Center” of the city of Zrechny (with which I have been collaborating for more than two years) asked me to make my proposal on what could be organized for children on the day of the promotion. I decided to organize “Fun competitions” for them with prizes and gifts. To do this, she attracted friends and acquaintances and even her 12-year-old grandchildren Alena and Ilya. Elena Taldykova actively supported me and helped me carry out the planned competitions. Olga Shlyakhova and Marina Kolesnikova bought us sweet prizes. I held charity events for children at a toy store and a stationery store. low-income families our city. Many gladly took part and purchased books, souvenirs and toys so that we could use them in " Happy competitions“It’s very nice and joyful to see people’s responsiveness. Thanks to this, we were able to organize a holiday for children. For the same event, I tied on socks and mittens to give them to the children after the “Fun Competitions”

The day for which we were preparing has arrived - November 9th. Before lunch it was a little gloomy and there was even heavy snow falling, but when we got into the car to go to the event, the bright, bright sun came out, illuminating everything with a joyful light. The children who came to the holiday participated in the competitions with pleasure and joyful excitement. No one stood on the sidelines, everyone received some kind of prize, and more than one. After the competitions, the guys chose mittens and socks for themselves, trying them on. to fit in size. And finally, we gave the children small bags with gifts. It was so joyful to hear from the children thank you for the competitions (they were waiting for us on the porch until we left), that they really liked the holiday and that they would be waiting for us and would be happy to come. if we organize a party next time. And Elena and I came up with the idea of ​​holding a similar event on New Year’s Eve.

Very interesting point It turned out when we were already at home talking over tea. It turns out that Elena Taldykova’s daughter Yulia currently lives and works in Thailand and, as it turned out, there was also a charity day held there on November 9, 2017. The workers of the cafe where Yulia works baked cakes all night. They baked 3,500 cakes for this day! The last two photos are from Thailand. There are multi-colored cakes on the table in the shape of the Sun. In the second photo - on November 9, people are treated to free food. This coincidence is very symbolic, in my opinion.

Soon, on November 28, 2017, we will be celebrating World Charity Day. Everyone can take part in it. I wish everyone Benefits!

Tatyana Zhikhareva

What are good deeds? These are actions that a person did not for his own benefit, but in order to help someone or do something nice. People have composed many proverbs and sayings about good deeds: “Life is given for good deeds,” “A good deed rang like a song,” “A good deed lives for two centuries,” and many others. What good deeds can a child do? Yes, very many!

Sometimes at school, usually in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, in Russian language or literature they are given homework to write a list of good deeds for a day or week. The task is not difficult, but you need to think, and we will help you with this. And mind you, do all the good deeds on the list honestly!

Examples of good deeds: removing a cat from a tree, helping a friend elderly woman carry a bag home, feed a stray animal, put it away trash can a piece of paper thrown by someone, plant flowers in the yard, erase an obscene inscription from the wall, help someone get out of a vehicle (or enter). Be attentive to people. Let someone jump the line (an old man; a mother with a child; someone who is in a hurry...) Always help a mother who is having difficulty getting her stroller down the steps; to the old grandfather who reads the composition of the product and sees nothing. But good deeds are not only those done for the sake of strangers or animals. At home, a child can also do a lot of good deeds.

List of good deeds for the day

  1. Cleaned the floor in the hallway.
  2. Cleaned the hall.
  3. Helped mom wash the dishes.
  4. Watered the flowers.
  5. Took out the trash.
  6. I went to the store for milk.
  7. Helped my grandmother at the dacha.
  8. I took part in a cleanup event with my parents in the yard.
  9. Feed stray cats.
  10. I collected trash on the street wherever I went.

List of good deeds for the week

  1. Help mom with general cleaning in the apartment.
  2. Make a bird feeder.
  3. Feed homeless cats.
  4. Give your old toys to children in orphanage.
  5. Help your old neighbor take out the trash.
  6. Wash dirty benches and swings in the yard. (In winter, make a snow slide for kids.)
  7. Plant flowers in the front yard (water, weed).

There may also be small and seemingly unnoticeable at first glance good deeds that can lift someone’s spirits:

  • Make someone laugh
  • Call a friend or relative with whom you have not spoken for a long time
  • Do housework for someone in the family
  • Make a surprise with your own hands (card, bookmark)
  • Write someone a note with kind words
  • Smile at everyone you meet
  • Greet everyone, even strangers
  • Tell your family how much you love them
  • Be kinder to those you don't like very much
  • Offer help to someone who needs it
  • Give someone a compliment

“Kind people are welcome everywhere,” says the proverb. At what age can a child do good deeds? What exactly can he do?

“What is kindness?” - ask your child. It doesn’t matter how old he is, 3 or 15... Each age has its own view of the world and good deeds.
Invite your child to do a good deed, and then ask how he felt after it.
What good deeds can a child do? We offer you universal list good deeds for children.

Lessons of kindness in the family

A child's first teachers are his parents. Family pedagogy does not necessarily mean boring and monotonous lectures and meticulous checking of lessons. Moms and dads should pay more attention to the spiritual and moral education of children. Reading and writing will be taught at school. Work and earn money – at university and at work. But sensitivity, mercy, compassion and simply humanity - only at home. Family is the most important thing social institution education.

"All moral education“Children come down to a good example,” Leo Tolstoy taught. “Live well, or at least try to live so, and as you succeed in living a good life, you will raise your children well.”

What good can a preschooler do?

Even a child who has just learned to walk can learn to do good. Show him how to feed the birds, let him sprinkle a handful of seeds for the pigeons. Teach children to share toys in the yard with other children.
Teach the boy to hold the door when his mother, grandmother or sister comes out - this way, an adult gentleman will automatically always let the ladies go first.
Don’t shoo your daughter away from the kitchen when you’re cooking - very soon she’ll be treating you, tired after a day of work, to a dinner she’s prepared herself.

Teach your child mercy by giving alms to those who ask. Model how to be polite when interacting with other people. Do not pass by those who ask for your help - this is the only way a child will learn what kindness is.
“Giving is much more pleasant than taking” - this truth must be learned by a child who wants to be raised in goodness.

Zhanna, Andrey’s mother, 7 years old: “We never taught the child to specifically do something good. But in our family it is customary to help those who need help. I myself supervise an orphanage, my husband flies as a volunteer to countries affected by natural disasters. But we do this not for show, but because it is a way of life. And I realized that we were living correctly when, at the age of 5, Andrei poured all the money he had saved up for a new ball into a begging mug.”

Children grow - kindness grows!

Children watch their parents do good things. As children grow up, they begin to do good deeds themselves. Do not expect impossible feats from your child. If a five-year-old child brings you a glass of water without your request, this is no less a concern than if an already adult son, without reminders, brought groceries to his elderly parents and accompanied them to clinics.

Young children do good deeds more often intuitively, unconsciously, copying the behavior of adults. How older child, the more conscious his behavior is. And in children by middle school age, when they not only become aware of themselves as individuals, but also express themselves as individuals, all their actions are conscious.

List of good deeds for children in grade 5 and older

What good can a child do consciously?

At home:

  1. Surprise for "fall asleep". On a day off, when you don’t have to rush to work, it’s so nice to wake up to the aroma of coffee and the sound of scrambled eggs in a frying pan! Even a boy can prepare such a surprise for his parents - no special culinary skills are needed, but how nice it is for mom and dad!
  2. Cleaning the room (closet). Putting your room in order is a double good deed if you approach it wisely. Unnecessary, but still good things - books, felt-tip pens, small toys can be taken to the nearest clinic or dentistry and asked to be left for little patients - while their turn is coming, the children can distract themselves by playing and drawing.
  3. Be a good nanny. When there are younger children in the family, the older child can take on part of the care of him. Perhaps the help to the mother will be quite insignificant, but even dressing the baby for a walk is already a good deed.
  4. Tidy up your shoes. How nice it is to walk in clean shoes! A child may well do something nice for mom and dad by tidying up not only his own shoes, but also theirs.
  5. Help neighbors. If elderly neighbors live on the landing, they will be very pleased if someone helps them take out the trash or go to the store for bread.

At school:

  1. Out of turn duty. It's so simple - come to class before everyone else, ventilate the room, wet a cloth, prepare chalk. Also, remove the chairs from the desks and water the flowers if necessary. There is no need to do this for the sake of the teacher’s favor - it’s so nice to start the school day in a clean classroom!
  2. Charge class good mood . You can put a box filled with compliment notes by the door in the classroom. You can write them on paper different colors– pink notes for girls (“the most beautiful”, “the most smiling”, “the most stylish”, etc.) and blue ones for boys (“the strongest”, “the smartest”, “the most athletic”, etc. .). So, everyone, upon entering the class, can take their compliment: positive mood at the beginning of the school day, everything is provided!
  3. Become a mass entertainer. During the big break, you can arrange games and mini-competitions for 1st grade students, for example. This way the break will be useful, because students primary school They are still very tired in class, and they need an active break to throw out all the energy that they didn’t have an outlet for in class.
  4. Be a mentor. You can offer your help in completing homework children junior classes. Previously class teacher For kids, you can find out which children need to “pull up”, which children’s parents are too busy to help with homework (teachers are usually always aware of the home situation of their students). The time for “extension” can be discussed with the school administration so that there are no misunderstandings. Adequate head teachers and directors usually welcome such an initiative with joy.
  5. Help with the wardrobe. During shift change, you can offer your help to the cloakroom attendant. At this time there is usually a very long queue at the locker room - some have just arrived, others are leaving.

In the yard and outdoors:

  1. Organize a party for the kids. You can organize a party for the kids on the playground in the yard. The child can involve his friends in the organization. Decorating the site with balloons and flags, holding fun competitions with purely symbolic prizes is not difficult. But the child will show organizational skills, and in the eyes of the kids and their mothers, the child will become a real magician.
  2. Keep the yard clean. It’s not at all difficult to put away trash left by someone in a trash can, sweep up autumn leaves on the porch, or water tree seedlings and flowers planted in the spring. Or you can go further - paint the benches, sift the sand in the sandbox, wash the children's slide and stairs... A clean yard is not only the merit of the janitor! And looking at the child’s initiative, adults can also help in landscaping the yard.
  3. Play “Take a wish on the road.” In the morning, sleep-deprived neighbors can smile at the sight of a funny notice on the front door with a text like “To everyone who is sad, make a wish,” where below, instead of addresses and telephone numbers, wishes will be written: “ Have a good day!”, “bon voyage!”, “have a fun journey!”, “smiles everywhere!” etc. And let no one know that the author of the ad is a child from their building: good deeds can be done anonymously.
  4. Help homeless animals. Are there homeless animals near your house? You can show kindness to them too. Of course, not every parent will be delighted if a shelter is created at home, but perhaps it will be possible to shelter an animal in an apartment for a few days. During this time, you need to post advertisements with photographs of the “tail” and an offer to give it to kind hands. In many cities there are groups that help animals abandoned on the street; you can place the animal in one of the foster care centers, supervising it and continuing the search for a new owner.
  5. Help nature. Even remove someone else's trash after a picnic, catch a bottle thrown by someone from a lake, put out a forgotten fire, put a chick that has fallen from the nest in native nest– There are many ways you can help nature!

On the street and on the road:

  1. Be a guide. Yes, moving old ladies across the road is a good deed that is still relevant today.
  2. You can also ride while standing. Giving up seats on public transport to elderly people, pregnant women, mothers with children is not just a good deed, but instilling such feelings as respect and sympathy.
  3. Donate your pocket money to a good cause. Adding a few coins to an old lady when it turns out at the store checkout that she doesn’t have enough for milk is a good deed.
  4. Leave a book as a gift. During a long trip on an electric train or train, when you are passing the time reading a book, you can leave the book you read at the end of the journey in its place, putting a note in it: “I hope with this book your journey will be just as fast. Bon voyage!”
  5. Give a turn. Walking down the street and noticing a long line, for example, at the circus box office, you can take a place behind the last person standing. And then, when there are only one or two people left before the cash register window, you can “donate” your turn to the last person in it.

How to manage to do good?

In order not to forget to do important things, it is convenient to keep a “To do” sheet. What is it? A “To do” sheet or list is a plate to be filled out when performing tasks planned in advance for a certain time period. You can make a list for the day, week or month. What does such a list provide?

  • There is no need to keep everything in your head - after all, a lot may be forgotten.
  • This is how self-discipline is formed. The most important things can be highlighted with a marker - and they will not get lost in the general list.
  • The next person on the list gets real pleasure by crossing out what he has done - it’s so clearly visible that he managed to do something good.

It is advisable to always carry the list with you. It is very convenient if a child has such an application on his phone.

Georgy, father of many children: “Our children together make a list of what they plan to do together for the benefit of someone. The list hangs on the refrigerator. There are items from “do the dishes all week” to “get together and buy a gift for so-and-so.” Within a week, almost all the items on the list are crossed off, and there are at least 10 of them.”

However, the list of good deeds that a child can do is just a formality. It is much more important that the child does things following not a list, but the dictates of his soul.

Should you praise your child for good deeds?

Undoubtedly, the child should feel that good deeds are right. But it is better to praise not the act itself, but the child’s character. Instead of saying: “How well you did it!”, it would be more effective: “You’re great, you’re very kind!” Thus, generosity is formed in a child as a character trait if actions become a reflection of morality.