The teacher quits. Why do university teachers humiliate and bully students? How can you get rid of prejudice?

For a child, studying at school is not only about gaining knowledge, but also about the experience of socialization in a group of peers and adults - teachers. Relationships between people are very multifaceted, so it is not surprising that a student may encounter negative manifestations from the teacher: pickiness or even hostility.

How to differentiate between prejudice and demandingness

Excessive demands are not always a manifestation of the teacher’s biased attitude

As a rule, parents learn about problems in the relationship between the teacher and their child from the lips of the child. And, of course, he brings his own subjective assessments and emotions into the story, often drawing the line: “She (he) doesn’t love me and is nagging me.” In this situation, it is difficult for moms and dads to figure out whether this state of affairs is an objective reality or the result of the student’s suspiciousness or imagination. In addition, many children perceive the teacher’s demandingness as a manifestation of a biased attitude. Therefore, it is very important for parents to get a correct picture of the existing relationship. To do this:

  • talk with your child more often about topics related to school life - this way it will become clear where the truth is and where the fantasies are;
  • pay attention to the child’s performance in the subject taught by the teacher who is making complaints about your student (if grades have dropped sharply, then work with the child or hire a tutor, then you can draw a conclusion about the objectivity of grading);
  • visit the school, talk to the teachers and the class teacher, but do this not “about”, but as a monitoring of progress (neither the child nor the teachers need to know the real reasons for the visit to the educational institution).

This way you will be able to understand what kind of relationship your student has with teachers and students. And also find out whether the teacher is really biased towards the child, or is simply demanding regarding the quality of knowledge.

How to psychologically adjust a child

Trust is the basis of a relationship with a child

Relationships between people are multifaceted, so it is not surprising that some people like them and others don’t. Interpersonal relationships between teacher and students are no exception. A teacher is a person like everyone else, so he can have likes and dislikes. Some teachers like active, inquisitive students, while others like disciplined quiet ones. Of course, a professional teacher knows how to hide his emotions, but sometimes exceptions happen. In this case, a conflict situation arises with three participants:

  • student;
  • teacher;
  • parents of the student.

The task of the latter is to find a way out of the situation with minimal losses for the emotional health of the emerging personality. Therefore, it is very important to properly set up the child in this particular situation:

  1. Tell your child how much you love him more often - the child should be sure that he is accepted and loved by those closest to him;
  2. Explain that any child, even if he is still small, is also a person, and no one has the right to insult, ridicule or humiliate him;
  3. Analyze the conflict situation with maximum objectivity - regardless of who was wrong, explain to the offspring why such behavior is unacceptable;
  4. Try, together with your child, to outline a strategy for behavior in case the teacher finds fault or allows insults;
  5. Outline a plan for further joint actions (conversation with the teacher, director, moving to another class or school) to resolve the current situation.

How can you get rid of prejudice?

Parents should communicate with teachers regularly

Nagging and prejudice on the part of the teacher, as a rule, do not go away on their own, so parents need to take active measures to resolve the conflict. There are several ways:

  • open conversation with the teacher;
  • conversation with representatives of the administration (director, head teachers);
  • transferring a student to another class or school;
  • public coverage of the problem in the media.

Let's look at each of them. The simplest and most correct way out is to talk to the teacher. Having determined the reasons why the teacher disliked the child, you can find a joint way out of the conflict situation. We’ll dwell on how to properly plan a conversation with a teacher a little later.

If the teacher does not agree to a conversation or does not consider it necessary to change his attitude towards the child, then you should contact the director or head teachers - perhaps they will have more compelling arguments persuading the teacher to reconsider his behavior.

This is interesting! Every year, about 20% of children transfer to other schools due to nagging from teachers.

When the conflict has gone on for too long, and the teacher’s attitude has a negative impact on the psychological and emotional state of the student, it makes sense to transfer the child to another class or school. However, you should not see this method as a panacea for any difficulties - in your child’s life there will be many meetings with inconvenient or conflicting people, so it is not recommended to create greenhouse conditions for him in childhood.

If a teacher not only allows himself to publicly insult, but also uses physical force against a child, and there is confirmation of this, then such flagrant violations of children’s rights should be covered in the media with the involvement of social services and law enforcement agencies.

How to build a conversation with a teacher correctly

Peaceful conflict resolution is the main goal of a conversation with a teacher

Knowing about the problem in the relationship between a student and a teacher only from a child, it is impossible to form a complete opinion about the reasons for the nagging on the part of the teacher. Therefore, the best solution would be to talk to the teacher. However, you need to prepare for the conversation and conduct it in such a way as not to aggravate the situation. So, going to talk with the teacher:

  1. Try to make an appointment in person, not through the school administration.
  2. Choose the right time. It is best if it is after school, but not at the end of the working day.
  3. It is advisable that the meeting take place face-to-face, but within the walls of the school (the best option is an office; serious conversations in the corridor are taboo).
  4. Try to make it clear to the teacher that you are not going to incriminate or accuse him of anything.
  5. Begin the conversation by stating your desired outcome (“I would like our conversation to lead to positive changes in my relationship with my son/daughter”).
  6. Be sure to stipulate the fact that you recognize some of your child’s shortcomings, and gently guide the conversation towards the recognition that everyone has the right to make a mistake (in case your child is really guilty of something).
  7. Next, you should directly ask the question about the reasons for your child’s dissatisfaction. Perhaps in this way the teacher “takes revenge” for some actions towards him on the part of the student (for example, insult).
  8. Depending on the answer received, the conversation can go in two directions: mutual understanding and recognition on the part of the teacher of his mistakes, or anger due to your attempt to convict the teacher of an unprofessional attitude towards children.
  9. In any case, you need to end the conversation by thanking them for their time.

Depending on what results you can achieve by talking with the teacher, it will be easier to outline a plan for further action.

You will need

  • - self-confidence;
  • - courage;
  • - patience;
  • - excellent knowledge of the subject;
  • - a well-spoken tongue (it doesn’t always help).


When you take an exam at an educational institution, you always participate in some kind of lottery. Even if the teacher is good and you know the subject, you may still get an unsuccessful ticket on which you have almost nothing to say. In this case, you can try to ask for the opportunity to draw another ticket or prepare an answer on a related issue. When the teacher tries to correct you, you need to be very plausibly and sincerely surprised and say that you did not read the ticket carefully, and is it possible to answer this question, because you have already prepared it, and you did not make a mistake on purpose. The success rate is not 100%, but this method can work.

It happens that the teacher deliberately asks you tricky questions, finds fault with little things and behaves very unkindly. Here you should soberly assess your capabilities. If you know the subject perfectly, then it won’t be possible to completely fail you; you will be able to answer at least at an acceptable level, even if not excellent. Otherwise, it is better to immediately think about retaking the test.

It happens that a teacher fails you, clearly counting on a bribe. Unfortunately, this practice is quite common in some universities. If you see that this is clearly heading towards this, and even after retakes and a clear improvement in the level of proficiency in the subject, you cannot even get a satisfactory grade, then contact the dean’s office or department. You have the right to ask another teacher to administer the exam. Sufficiently confident and reasoned behavior, combined with knowledge of the subject, increases the chances of success. It is important that you really can pass this subject, otherwise it will turn out that the teacher is right in not agreeing to take the exam from you.

Think about it: is the teacher really failing you? Could it be that he is simply trying to ask you leading questions in order, on the contrary, to help? It often happens that a student does not know a subject well, but thinks that he is failing. Prepare for all exams to be confident in your knowledge. It is impossible to fail someone who can answer a subject perfectly.

Before you go out to answer a stern teacher, to whom not everyone has been able to pass something before you, try to feel confident in yourself. Walk firmly to the teacher's desk. Start answering with the thought “I know this very well.” Even though the exam is supposed to measure only your knowledge, the nature of people is that they give higher marks to those who are confident. This is human nature, you can’t argue with it. Self-confidence should be manifested not only in the look and facial expression, but also in the posture. Control yourself: no need to nervously fiddle with your pen or other objects or dart your eyes. The pose should be relaxed and open.

Speak slowly and clearly. If you doubt something or are wondering what to answer, then instead of convulsively stuttering, maintain effective pauses or start a phrase with a long, slowly pronounced introduction: “mmm, I think that’s...”. The voice should sound very confident. It's better to practice a little beforehand. Sometimes you can pretend that you know the question, but cannot remember the right word. The teacher sometimes helps you in a completely natural way by finishing the sentence. Your task is to reveal the topic.

First of all, let's remember what the purpose of learning is. Roughly speaking, the goalteaching is to teach, that is, to form, in our case, students certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

And the teacher is the person who must transfer this knowledge to students. INIn connection with this, he is endowed with a certain power over students, he canuse various methods at your own discretion to achieve a goal, teach students.

His power is further enhanced by the fact that his function control mastering knowledge, skillsand skills are also in his hands. That is, he takes the exam and test,as you know, if you want, you can overwhelm anyone, but if failure to pass the exam or students may be expelled from the university, which of course frightens students andgives weight to the teacher.

Power, as we know, can negatively influence its owner, whichis expressed in abuse of official powers. Because humiliationdignity of students contradicts the principles of pedagogy, but this, toUnfortunately, this happens precisely because the teacher has power and abuses by her. He simply overestimates the power given to him becauseNo one gave him the right to humiliate other people.

What are the ways to solve the problem?

Second: remember what the teacher's goal is to teach, and make the assumption that,mocking, finding fault with you, he abuses his power only for the purposemake you study properly, master the subject, gain knowledge.

Every teacher has ideas about how he should ideally teach.student himself in the process of studying, leading to successful mastery of the subject inin the end. If you behave somehow wrong, in the opinion of the teacher, then he cansignal this with your mockery and nagging. Your businessanalyze your behavior, draw conclusions, change something in it andlook at the result.

How, in the opinion of most teachers, should an ideal teacher guide you? student?

Follow generally accepted rules of polite communication.

Adhere to the course of business communication, observe subordination, respect treat the teacher, do not express your assessment of professional,personal qualities of the teacher, his appearance, etc.

Observe the rules and norms of behavior during training sessions (do not miss classesfor unexcusable reasons, do not be late, do not talk, do not sit inphone, listen to lectures carefully, interestedly, take notes,prepare for practical classes and seminars and actively participate in them,submit work on time, do not cheat on the exam, etc.).

Fulfill the requirements of a specific teacher for students regarding educational process (the teacher usually announces them in the first lesson, oryou can ask students senior students who studied with him, whatrequirements, and what he finds fault with most).

These are, perhaps, the basic rules that a student must follow duringeducational process. You'll probably counter by saying something like, "There's no waysuch ideal students, no one meets these requirements corresponds, and the teacher is picking on me!" You're right. It's just that everyonethe teacher has his own “fad”, his own principles: one scolds the student forthat he is constantly late, the other will not attach much importance to this.Think about what exactly is the subject of your teacher’s mockery: whatyou're constantly on your phone during class and don't listen to him when he explainsnew material or something else? The teacher probably repeated repeatedly what doesn’t suit him, just remember and pay attentionprecisely on the subject of his quibbles. Eliminate what irritates him so thathe had nothing to complain about, but if it didn’t help, he couldn’t bear it anymorestrength, then it is worth considering the option of resorting to extreme measures (complaining abouthim and seek a replacement).

Anyway, good luck to you and successful studies!

Read about how to pass the exam if you don’t know anything, haven’t studied anything, without preparation, by going to.

How to pass exams if you are stupid?

It gets cold, quickly counting:
- Nine!

Student (without thinking):
- Ten.
Teacher with a malicious smile:

- But I took it!

2 years ago

[top of the day] [top of the week] [top of the month] [random joke]

A student passes an exam, but the teacher fails him...
“Okay,” says the teacher, “if you answer this question, then you passed... How many light bulbs are there in this classroom?”
It gets cold, quickly counting:
- Nine!
Teacher, taking a light bulb out of his pocket:
- Wrong! Ten light bulbs. You'll have to retake...
Retake, same situation... Teacher asks the same question...
Student (without thinking):
- Ten.
Teacher with a malicious smile:
- No, that’s wrong, I didn’t take a light bulb today...
A student takes a light bulb out of his pocket:
- But I took it!

A student passes an exam, but the teacher fails him...
“Okay,” says the teacher, “if you answer this question, then you passed... How many light bulbs are there in this classroom?”
It gets cold, quickly counting:
- Nine!
Teacher, taking a light bulb out of his pocket:
- Wrong! Ten light bulbs. You'll have to retake...
Retake, same situation... Teacher asks the same question...
Student (without thinking):
- Ten.
Teacher with a malicious smile:
- No, that’s wrong, I didn’t take a light bulb today...
A student takes a light bulb out of his pocket:
- But I took it!

Fifth retake.
- Soooo. You didn’t say that, you don’t know that, you made a mistake there. What should we do with you?
- Regret.
- Poor thing, I didn’t pass again...

Exam at the liquor and vodka department.
A student comes in, the teacher pours him a drink and asks what it is. The student tries and answers: “This is Cahors, aged 20, collected there and there, etc.” The teacher was surprised: “And this?”
- And this is cognac, aged for so many years, etc.
- And here it is then.
- And this is vodka and all that.
The teacher simply takes the record book in shock and opens it: “Ugh, they came from the Polytechnic again to get a hangover.”

Automatic credit

Another test. The teacher was kind and gave it automatically, on the condition that the student attended the lectures.
My friend Masha, of course, hasn’t been to any of them, but she pretends that she’s taken the course.
The teacher invites you to the table:
- Fill out the record book, I’ll sign it.
Masha sees the teacher for the first time in her life, she doesn’t know her last name, but she’s not at a loss:
- How is your last name spelled correctly, so that I don’t make a mistake?
Teacher with a grin:
- Ivanov I...

Exam. Obviously
overexcited student
- How about scratching your hand?
- Scratch it if it helps...

There is an exam at the medical school. A student comes in.
The professor asks a question:

The student responded:
- Hee hee!
- Come and retake it next time!
Another student comes in, the professor asks the same question:
- What rises in 5 seconds?
Student, blushing:
- Hee hee!
- Leave the audience before I give you two!
The student comes in next and the professor asks him the same question.
The student, without hesitation:
- Pressure.
Professor, with delight:
- Well done! I give you five! And tell those two that “Hee-hee” rises in 7 seconds!

On the exam. Students are sitting in the classroom, waiting for the teacher who will take the exam, and are worried. The teacher comes in and closes the door tightly.
Opens the window. Turns to students:
- Guess what I did? Don't know?
- We don’t know...
- He let the freebie in! Let's take notes.
The students leave completely dumbfounded... The next day another group has an exam. People, naturally, drank vodka all night and did not prepare...
The teacher comes in. Opens the window. Turns around.
- Guess what I did?
Students joyfully:
- They let in a freebie!!!
The teacher, smiling slyly:
- No, guys, I released a freebie.

On the exam. Students are sitting in the classroom, waiting for the teacher who will take the exam, and are worried. The teacher comes in and closes the door tightly. Opens the window. Turns to the students: - Guess what I did? Don't know? Students: - We don’t know... - He let in a freebie! Let's take notes. The students leave completely dumbfounded... The next day another group has an exam. The people, naturally, drank vodka all night and did not prepare... The teacher comes in. Opens the window. Turns around. - Guess what I did? The students joyfully: - They let us in for a freebie!!! The teacher, smiling slyly: - No, guys, the freebie just flew away...

The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is holding an exam in literary translation.
The teacher gives the student a phrase to translate into English. The phrase is as follows:
"Oh, my bast shoes, four frills,
I want to spend the night at home, I want to go to Yegorka’s.”
The student translates it into English as best he can. The teacher is freaking out.
And he gives the next student this English phrase into Russian to translate. The student translates it as follows:
“The shoes shine with unbearable varnish.
I have nowhere to run. Everything is decided.
Nowadays, peaceful sleep is no longer a varnish for me at home,
I’m destined to spend the night with George today!”

A student in the cafeteria sits down to eat next to the teacher.
(P.) rep:
-Where are you sitting? The goose is no friend to the pig!
-Well then I flew.
P. was offended. He thinks: it’s okay, you bastard, I’ll fail you in the exam!
The exam has come: the student passes with a 5.
P.: -And here’s a question for you to fill up: you walk and see 2 bags - one with gold, the other with intelligence. Which one will you take?
S.: Of course with gold!
P.: I would take it wisely!
S.: -Well, who is missing something!!!
P. got mad and wrote in his record book: asshole!
The student leaves and returns a few minutes later:
-You signed and signed, but didn’t give a grade!

My phone fell into my brother’s hands, he renamed himself “My Tsar”, during the class the teacher took the phone from me, literally a few minutes later my brother called, the teacher picks up the phone and says: “Your Majesty, a slave in the class, call back later.”

There is an exam in progress. The student comes out to answer with a small piece of paper on which a couple of short sentences are written. Teacher:
- Where is your answer?
- In my head.
- What is this? - nods at the piece of paper.
- But this didn’t fit.

There is an economics exam in progress. A nice girl talks about Adam Smith without ever mentioning him by name. After listening to her carefully, the teacher asks:
- What was Smith's name?
The answer was embarrassed silence.
- Well, don't worry. “Remember what the first man’s name was,” the teacher prompts.
- VALERA! - the girl answers quietly, blushing.

Lecture on philosophy. The teacher talks about the difference between matter and consciousness:
Consciousness has no extension. We cannot think at 15 cm. And we cannot think at 2 kg!
Student: And it’s easy to figure out half a liter...

During the lecture, the teacher sees that the student is not writing anything and asks:
- Why don’t you write?
- I record on a tape recorder.
- Yes? And then will you let me listen to it during the exam?

Exam at the Agricultural Academy. The student answers perfectly, and then he is asked the question:
- Tell me, is it possible to abort a cow?
The student clutches his stomach:
- Oh, professor, I urgently need to go out! It grabbed me a lot!
- Well, come out.
A student jumps out of the classroom and runs into the toilet. Another student stands there and calmly, slowly, knocks down a joint. The first student asks him:
- Listen, do you know if a cow can have an abortion?
The second student calmly, slowly lights a cigarette, takes a drag, and exhales the smoke:
- M-yes-ah, man, you got it...

A student draws a circle on the board, and it turns out perfectly even, as if he had drawn it with a compass.
The teacher asks him:
- Where did you learn to draw circles like that?
- And in the army I worked a meat grinder for two years.

At a lecture on linear algebra. The teacher writes something on the board. On the last desk, students play cards. One of them covered something wrong and the second told the whole audience:
-Are you completely crazy?!
- Calmly! I'll explain everything now.

The teacher fails... What should I do?

Almost every university, college and technical school student is familiar with the expression “the teacher failed”, but it will be difficult to understand who is actually right and who is to blame, because few people can look at whether the student or the teacher has their own reasons for considering themselves right to be honest. And yet, the fact that the teacher failed the exam exists, and there are reasons for this that are logical or do not meet the teaching requirements.

Everything is clear when the student understands the reason for the failure: he did not learn well, he copied in an open form. But when the student seems to be ready and he knows and understands the subject, why is the failure happening, what to do about it?

Of course, there are “unscrupulous” teachers who want the student to receive a monetary reward for taking a test; he cannot say this openly, and so a “failure” occurs. And then the student decides for himself - to meet him and pay, or to contact the dean’s office and prove that the fact of the “failure” is also the reason. There is another reason for the failure - the student annoyed the teacher - he was rude, was not attentive enough when talking with the teacher, did not say hello. And there are also groundless “blockages” - you just don’t like the student - he doesn’t dress like that, he doesn’t speak like that, he doesn’t behave like that, and no matter how much you bend, everything is not right and everything is not right.

But regardless of the reasons for the failure - the test was not received, the exam was failed - what to do? Many will advise you to contact the dean’s office, write a complaint and, if possible, ask for a replacement teacher. What to do if the measures taken did not help - but only angered the teacher? Of course, you can go write complaints again, but first you need to stock up on solid evidence of the teacher’s bias; you can’t prove anything with empty hands.

How about reaching an agreement with the teacher - come up and ask questions about why this is happening, what you need to do, how to behave. The issue with monetary rewards is more complicated - here you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, you need to write an application to the dean’s office and hand over the sum of money in front of witnesses, or it is better to identify those who were also offered credit. And yet, you should not blame only the teacher for the “blockage”; the reason for the “blockage” must first be looked for in yourself: defiant and rude behavior, an attempt to write off as insolent, inappropriate attire, unpleasant and groundless statements towards the teacher, unsuccessful jokes and pranks. And if you haven’t found anything and are sure that you know the subject by heart, go to the dean’s office.

The main thing that a student should know is that if you consider your “failure” to be unfair, then contact the dean’s office as many times as you consider necessary and necessary, get the test or exam retaken in front of a wider audience of teachers. You need to defend your interests, the main thing is that this is done correctly and in compliance with all university regulations.