Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge quatrain. Congratulations on Knowledge Day to daughter

Summer is over, which means it’s time to go to school again, but you have one more day when you don’t need to study yet, but it’s time to congratulate your friends and teachers on such a wonderful day - September 1st.

Congratulations to teachers on Knowledge Day!

And again in the gilded poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life...
They are in the destiny of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”
We are all in his most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Always live in your students
And be happy, our captain is a teacher!

Congratulations on the first of September,
Our dear teachers!
The joy of our meeting will turn into a lesson -
Let it be fun today!
On this autumn day we will enter again
To our favorite bright school
May the whole year pass in a good mood!
Make learning easy for children!

We wish you all, dear ones,
Good, decent guys.
Let their eyes be big everywhere
They are watching you with love,
Let a sea of ​​flowers greet you,
Let your soul be open
Returns good for good
Rushing to help in misfortune,
Let the salary be higher
Let there be less worries,
Love and recognition crown
A tangle of everyday roads.

You are a teacher with a capital letter,
With a young and beautiful soul!
How many many years how many winters
You give your soul to the young!
And so the soul for many years
Stays young - that's the secret
Your life.
Let her continue
You will be full of happiness and health!

Congratulations on September 1st for friends

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
Oh, it's quest season
Tricky questions
Yes tests and surveys.
You learn everything zealously,
And don’t be lazy in your studies,
Try to be the first in everything,
Discover your reserves.
Strive for new knowledge
Rise up sharply
Become very smart!

Here comes the breath of autumn,
New calendar sheet.
The day of knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!
You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Then you can find it!
And with any school task
We know you can handle it jokingly.
Rejoice in merry years,
They will fly by quickly!

Here comes the breath of autumn,
New calendar sheet.
The day of knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!
You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Then you can find it!
And with any school task
We know you can handle it jokingly.
Rejoice in merry years,
They will fly by quickly!

Knowledge Day - the beginning of the school year!
And it doesn’t even matter what the weather is,
Today - bouquets and a joyful holiday!
The summer ended in idle wanderings.
Come to your senses and sit down at your desk,
Happy start of school, friends, happy start of school!
I wish you high marks, guys.
Whether you're in first grade or ninth grade!
I wish the year to fly by unnoticed,
And let's celebrate summer with flying colors!

Poems about the First Bell, teachers and school

First of September

At half past nine in the morning
I'm at the school yard.
My sister is with me -
He brought her to study.
And there’s a cheerful buzz around the school,
It's like bees are buzzing there.
And the school has new residents -
First graders are standing.
The guys are standing with the most
Beautiful bouquets
And with dads and moms,
Solemnly dressed.
With brothers and sisters
And with other adults.
I'm standing a little to the side
And I advise my sister:
“Don’t sit down with Borisova,
Don't hang out with Tarasova,
Never write off
Sometimes give me a hint.
Pay attention
For penmanship,
So that from the first day
Be an example for me!”
And now it’s piercing and loud
The bell rings, calling the guys.
And my little sister is going to first grade,
And I'm going to kindergarten.

(M. Bartenev)

Hello school!

Our teacher, school, class
The world of knowledge attracts us all.
In life everything goes in circles -
We are always happy to see each other.
Same school, same class,
Only older every time
We come here again.
Everything is ready for this meeting.
Everyone has to go to school
To find the path to knowledge
Into the world of new discoveries, miracles,
To find out what, where, where.
School - knowledge Temple, Abode.
In it the Teacher is the Inspirer,
Our wizard and idol,
Opening up the world to us.

(V. Tunnikov)

First of September

Warmed by the mild sun,
The forests are still covered with leaves.
First graders have bouquets.
Although the day is sad and cheerful,
Are you sad:
- Goodbye, summer!
And you rejoice:
- Hello, school!

(V. Berestov)

What is school?

What is school?
- How should I answer you?
This is where people rush
In the morning all the children.
What a strange question
If you are already grown up?
If seven, then just right
Get ready for first grade!
- What is school?
- How should I answer you?
This is where you find out
About everything in the world:
About the multiplication table,
About verbs and addition,
About planets and seas,
That the earth is round!
- What is school?
- How should I answer you?
Changes and calls
Buns in the buffet
And notes in the diary,
And the task is on the board.
You will know and understand everything
If you come to school!

(L. Chadova)

Congratulations on the First of September to students

September 1

The red summer has flown by,
Fun and free.
It's time for a great time
Yard and school.
A little rainy
Cold and chilly
But still happy
And very, very friendly.

(A. Usachev)

First of September

September with a maple palm,
In the crimson painting he knocks.
We will meet again at school,
The bell will ring for the first time.
First-graders will sit at their desks,
Will enter the world of knowledge in new class.
Hairstyles, white shirts...
You guys couldn't be more dressed up!
Over the summer we became more and more mature,
They look with excitement at New Year.
Well, good luck, friends, be brave!
The highest score awaits you with hope!

(E. Kravchenko)

First grader

On the first day of autumn,
Joyful, cheerful,
In a cheerful mood
You'll run to school.
You'll see me after summer
There are frizzy friends there,
And in everyone's bouquets
Festive asters.
You'll be there until May
You are now working hard.
We wish you
Good to study!
Very dear to mom
Every little step you take
Bring fives
More for her, my friend!

(N. Ivanova)

First of September

I woke up early this morning
I immediately looked at my briefcase.
There are notebooks and books in it,
And a notebook with a square.
I went to bed like a simple boy,
And I woke up as a schoolboy.

(A. Deshin)

Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly

On the road, girls, on the road, boys!
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly.
Wonderful meetings and good books
There will be steps on it.
Along this ladder you will soon be able
Reach inaccessible sea depths,
Go underground, climb mountains.
And even reach the moon.
There will be steep steps on the stairs,
But the cherished route has been precisely verified,
To make you friends with an amazing miracle,
Which is called Knowledge.

(K. Ibryaev)

First graders

The road to knowledge is a difficult path,
Full of fun and adventure.
You, first-grader, don’t forget
That you are not recognized, but you are a genius!
You have control over everything around you,
A little bit of work, a little bit of patience -
And everything you can learn
Suddenly it will turn into achievements.
We also wish you magic
In your notebooks and albums,
Fun, happiness, mischief
At parties, at school, at home.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge

The day has come. Calls, ring!
Begin the school year,
A year of dreams and discoveries,
A sad year and a magical year!
How the familiar class shines!
Everything seems to be familiar, simple,
Only every school month
Raises many questions.
We wish you to leave with honor
From difficult trials,
Lots of good news
May good luck be with you!
Desires come true
And there are many good friends,
And in the vast sea of ​​knowledge
Find your way!

(I. Aseeva)

First grader

So you have become a first grader!
Put on a new uniform.
Let it be a holiday for everyone,
This is the first day of school.
Autumn smiled cheerfully:
Good journey, students!
In the yard she hung
Leaves of bright flags.
You will take a briefcase with notebooks
And you will enter a spacious classroom.
You are with the school rules
Get to know each other now.
Will you be friends with the problem solver?
You will read a lot of books.
Before you were just a boy
And now you are a student!
And be proud of this title
You can with good reason!

Poems Happy Knowledge Day

On the first day of early autumn

It's like it's the first time:
Congratulations on Knowledge Day -
Friends again, girlfriends, class!
You, schoolboy, must study
After rest start
So, to distinguish yourself again -
Only get "A's"!
Knowledge Day is a holiday of books,
Flowers, friends, smiles, light!
Study diligently, student -
This is the most important thing today!

(I. Mukhin, V. Boyarinov)

Day of Knowledge

Today is a great day for the guys.
In the morning there is only fun and laughter,
After all, everyone wants to study after the summer:
We are all drawn here, to school.
Knowledge Day is a wonderful date. Hooray!
Ring the bell, hurry up,
So that a crowd of children rush into classes,
Through the openings of wide doors.
According to teachers, in three months we
We miss you, we just don’t have the strength.
Knowledge Day calls to young minds
To complete our twenty-first century.
Today bouquets are full of flowers everywhere
And tears of joy shine.
Today my eyes sparkle with admiration
For boys and girls.
Long live the first September lesson!
It's time to sit down at your desk.
Steps onto this threshold with a smile -
Long live the school! Hooray!

(B. Polyakov)

Land of Wonders and Knowledge

The bell is ringing again in the land of wonder and knowledge,
Drawing everyone to their desks in the school class,
To reveal the secrets, secrets of the universe,
Inspiring us again and enlightening us.
In a marvelous waltz he quietly spins and dances,
Spreading out a colorful carpet of foliage for us.
Every day we are more and more enchanted
Autumn has come into its own again.
And, like birds drawn to warm countries,
The children flocked back to the school classroom,
Competing in the glorious all-around knowledge,
Conquering all obstacles every time.
The granite of science awaits us ahead,
But we are not afraid of all obstacles.
To answer, we raise our hands up.
Knowledge is more valuable than all rewards.

(V. Tunnikov)

Day of Knowledge

Tearing off the calendar sheet
I'll wave after the summer.
Autumn morning in September
I'll hurry to school.
Hello Knowledge Day!
The doors are all open for children.
Today is a holiday! Celebrate!
Flowers, flowers in the crowd...
Friends, teacher, cute class,
We are a year older.
Who is the first, who is the last time
In the line at the line.
The bell rang! Good luck!
Let mothers not be sad
Turn to the steps of knowledge
Your own guys.
Day one in bright September
For everyone it’s a milestone.
Openings await us everywhere.
Good luck! Victory! Hope!

Dear daughter, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. May this school year bring you many interesting events, new discoveries, strong knowledge, fun hobbies and educational activities. We wish you to maintain your optimism, desire for dreams, cheerfulness, perseverance and good mood throughout the year.

Our dear girl! Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year. We wish that the learning process is always easy for you, and that in addition to new knowledge, it brings a lot of positivity and pleasure. We wish you to be able to realize yourself properly, show all your talents and achieve your cherished heights. We will always be proud to have such a smart and wonderful daughter. Happy Knowledge Day!

Our dear and beloved daughter, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. Our gold, we wish you easy studying without obstacles and disappointments, cheerful and good health, a cheerful mood and good friends, the implementation of your plans and achievement of high success.

Daughter, sweet, nice,
Happy Knowledge Day, dear you,
We wish you well in your studies,
Be the first in everything and always!

We wish you to conquer the horizons,
And so that you are always lucky in everything,
We are very, very proud of you
Let it be easy educational whole year!

Happy Knowledge Day, dear daughter. We wish you success and have a good year, exciting learning. Let knowledge make your life brighter, let your horizons and inner world expand every day. We wish you to be a diligent student and a wonderful girl who knows how to dream.

Congratulations, our clever girl, on Knowledge Day! We wish you well in your studies. It is worthy to prove yourself in the new academic year. Receive only credits and good grades. Never back down, never give in to difficulties. Always strive forward and you will be able to conquer the highest goals.

Are you going to school again today?
Dear daughter.
May the year be successful
Ours is golden.

This is the first day of autumn
May it bring you good luck.
Let it be in your studies
You, girl, are lucky.

Happy Knowledge Day, dear daughter,
We congratulate you today,
Great success and good luck
We wish you from our hearts.

Study hard, with interest,
Go along the glorious road,
Let victories await, dear,
There are big ones ahead of you.

Let our clever girl be diligent,
Let her have time everywhere:
Study, walk, relax and work,
And even play with your girlfriend.

Happy Knowledge Day to you, dear daughter,
We want to congratulate you and wish you,
So that your school year becomes light and bright,
So that you can easily obtain knowledge.

Daughter, we congratulate you
Happy first of September to you,
We want to be an excellent student,
Believe, dear, in yourself.

Make it easy and interesting
Everyday school days go on,
Curious discoveries
Definitely let them carry it.


Congratulations on September 1st!
May the Lord bless you.
Will give you such abilities
So that you can conquer any goals!
Study the world of science with love,
And remember my words with a smile!
Happy holiday!©

Let this day be remembered by you,
Like the brightest, most memorable of the year,
Let success be welcomed everywhere,
Anxiety and misfortune are taken away.
Always be healthy and cheerful,
Walk the road of knowledge with pride,
Forget about laziness forever.
Well, good morning. Have a nice trip!©

Day of Knowledge is a holiday of beauty,
Flowers, smiles, inspiration.
Keep it in your heart forever,
You are these bright moments!
May the school year be for you
He will be happy and successful.
Let him bring a lot of knowledge,
And it will be bright and wonderful!©

The bell rings and joy flows,
Among smiles and flowers.
May happiness smile on you
You will hear a lot of warm words.
You have been given a start into the world of bright knowledge,
Conquer the heights of happiness
And let there be no reason
Just be sad for a minute!©

Happy Knowledge Day, I congratulate you
Have a wonderful September!
I wish you great success.
Let them be with you everywhere:
Perseverance in work and study,
Inspired enthusiasm, passion,
A world of joy and hobbies,
May you become the best of the best!©

On this bright day of September 1st,
When the flowers around you are burning with fire,
All the kids of our big planet
We congratulate you with love on the Day of Knowledge!
Today you get all the best in the world!
Today you are the top of the universe!
Raise your children in warmth and peace,
Learn, develop, create!©

I hasten to congratulate you, young friend,
Happy day of knowledge, kindness, warmth and light!
Flowers, smiles and mentors around,
The school planet is embraced with goodness.
Take it with you to your future life
Advice from our wise teachers,
Take knowledge with joy,
May your path be bright!©

Knowledge Day is a wonderful date,
Flowers and smiles all around.
We're so glad today, guys.
See friends and girlfriends.
Hear the crystal bell,
Step into the world of knowledge with enthusiasm,
Reveal secrets and mysteries to everyone,
To be a little sad, though.
It’s common to walk through the corridor,
Give your friends a firm handshake.
May everything be “excellent” for you,
Learn to get straight A's, guys!©

Happy Knowledge Day, September 1st,
I congratulate you
Success, joy, warmth,
I wish you with all my heart.
Open the door to the world of knowledge
Decisively and boldly!
Believe in yourself today
And be skilled in everything!


The leaves rustle, the pages of books,
Bows are everywhere, satchels are everywhere.
And everyone new student
Ready to become a messenger of science.

It doesn't matter whether you are old or young -
Please accept my congratulations!
May the day of knowledge be glad to us -
Let us honor him without delay!

After all, we are without the wisdom of centuries
We won’t turn on the light, we won’t say a word.
Science is life without shackles
We will overcome the darkness of centuries again!

"Beautiful congratulations Happy Knowledge Day"

Friends, how I missed you,
Camp will not replace you in the summer,
Today Knowledge Day has brought us all together,
There is no friendlier class in the world!

In honor it is beautiful, our union,
Like the one at the Poet's Lyceum,
And again together we carry our load,
A load of knowledge - and there is nothing more expensive than it!

The fun time flew by quickly -
Sea, mountains, dacha, summer heat.
The new school year has arrived again:
We need to gather people back to school again!

The autumn day will give smiles and flowers,
And joyful meetings, and new dreams.
The bell will solemnly seat everyone at their desks,
So that everyone can learn a lot in life!

"Wishes for the Day of Knowledge"

You came to the schoolyard for the first time,
Today, first-graders have become important,
Hope, you are the path to eternity for the country,
Today you just have to try!

We wish you to study only with “five”,
May you be lucky in everything, children,
All the books are interesting to read,
To take over the planet!

"Best congratulations Happy Knowledge Day"

Congratulations on the start of your studies,
On Knowledge Day, come into class with a smile!
Boys, girls - everyone is happy with each other,
Grades and tests are all ahead.

On Knowledge Day, the teacher will not give you an assignment,
He will ask you to tell you about summer,
And the first day of school is almost non-educational,
It's just there to congratulate everyone!

My beloved niece,
Well, how can I not admire you!
Pretty first-grader
I can't help but admire you!

Be smart and don't be timid
May the school give you a lot of happiness!
And wonderful friends
And endless participation!

"New congratulations on Knowledge Day"

Congratulations to you guys
On this holiday of knowledge!
I want to wish you success
And great effort!

I want you to study
Only excellent
To behave with friends
Simple and tactful!

Good teachers for you,
Kind and pleasant,
Laconic explanations
And always understandable!

Congratulations guys
Happy first of September!
I want to wish you good luck
On this holiday, me!

According to the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, September 1 has played the role of the holiday of knowledge since 1984. On this day, the educational process begins not only for schoolchildren, but also for students - for them this holiday is also of no small importance. But for schoolchildren, of course, this day becomes especially exciting. An ocean of luxurious flowers, a sea of ​​white bows, streams of exciting tears... Parents who send their children to a new unknown world are worried, teachers who will have to look after the new class as class teacher or teaching a new generation of first-graders, “almost graduates” experience excitement... But also those students for whom the upcoming school year does not promise any special changes, they are also worried - some are happy about meeting their classmates, others are setting themselves up for serious work that will be a contribution to a bright future. And, of course, congratulations on Knowledge Day are heard on this day from all sides.

We are pleased to offer you the assistance of our wonderful, versatile collection in anticipation of this day. It combines congratulations on Knowledge Day with a broad focus - they can be addressed to both teachers and students. You can address beautiful, bright, joyful, kind congratulations, tinged with trembling excitement, to your loved ones - those who work at school and those who go there for knowledge. Thanks to congratulations, this amazing, bright and memorable day will become more emotionally rich, joyful and fill your life with inspiration. On this solemn day, not only congratulations are heard, but also poems and songs about school, and hearts are filled with a feeling of newness - especially, of course, this applies to those for whom the first school bell becomes the beginning of a life full of miracles and interesting discoveries.